tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN October 21, 2018 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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baneful. to be standing by the flag not feeling shameful, racist or partial. forever. ♪ the u.s. president apparently now skeptical of saudi a rain na's official explanation about the death of journalist jamal khashoggi. that story ahead. also, president trump says the u.s. will scrap the 30-year-old arms control treaty with russia. mr. trump sass moscow has not been respecting the cold war agreement for many years. and later this hour, a desperate situation playing out on the boarder between guatemala and mexico. hundreds of people hoping to make it to the united states. we will take you inside. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world.
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we're coming to you live from atlanta. i'm natalie adams. >> and i'm george howell from cnn world headquarters. "newsroom" starts right now. at 4:00 a.m. on the u.s. east coast we start with breaking news here in the united states. in south carolina reports of party goers injured when a floor collapsed at an apartment complex. on the map you see here happened just a few hours ago in clemson. again, at an apartment complex near clemson university. property management said party goers were dancing together. that's when part of the floor opened up and fell into the basement. we do want to warn you, the video that you're about to see is disturbing to say the very least. it shows the moment the floor collapsed beneath dozes of people. take a look. >> this is the video as it
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happened right there. >> right. there's no audio. this is from social media, but you can see the people falling through the hole as the floor opens up. we are hearing that 30 people were injured but none of the injuries are known to be life threatening. they have been hospitalized with broken bones as you can imagine. we'll continue to follow this breaking news story and bring you breaking news. mystery surrounding the death of a washington post journalist. the u.s. president now openly casting doubt on the narrative from saudi arabia about how jamal khashoggi died. you'll remember the saudis initially died any knowledge of his disappearance on october 2nd but then their story evolved. >> now after almost three weeks the kingdom has admitted khashoggi died violently after he entered the saudi consulate in istanbul. donald trump told the washington post saturday, quote, obviously there's been deception and there's been lies.
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>> still, mr. trump stopped short of blaming the saudi crown prince for khashoggi's death. he told the newspaper, quote, nobody has told me he's responsible. nobody's told me he's not responsible. we haven't reached that point. >> still what remains what became of khashoggi's body. they say the body was handed over to a local collaborator. >> that source said the saudis don't know what happened to it afterward but president trump seems to think the mystery will eventually be solved. listen. >> no, we don't. nobody seems to know. somebody knows, but nobody of the various investigation groups at this moment know, but we'll find out. it's a concern. we'd like to find out where it is and what happened and i think we're -- we're inching our way there. >> our team in the region, cnn's sam kiley joins us from the saudi capital riyadh and nick
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roberts is in istanbul. first from you, sam, president trump said we're inching our way towards that. have the saudis say why they don't have more information on khashog khashoggi's body? >> reporter: no, they haven't. they are sticking very publicly, at least rather in public, to the official line which is that there's an investigation going on, 18 people have been detai d detained. in addition five people, two of them, very, very close to the crown prince have been dismissed from their posts and there was, indeed, a killing but that it was accidental during a fight inside the consulate and the whereabouts of the body is unknown. now we do have sources saying that repeatedly to various media outlets privately that this body, the remains were handed over to a quote, unquote collaborator on the ground. now this would be an incredibly simple mystery to solve if the saudis were to cooperate with
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the turks and hand over the name of the collaborator. that might be difficult because they might be in the pay of the saudis. it further indicates that there was planning perhaps ahead of this whole process. you don't line up a collaborator that's prepared to dispose of a dead body by calling a local act. you do it because you have foreplanning and also considerable loyalty and probably wads of cash to underwrite it. so it's a very problematic issue indeed and a very non-credible line that the saudis have come up with. there is a sense here now in riyadh that there is a moment in history that has come that's actually allowing, interestingly, natalie, a degree of latitude for journalists to start speaking. they have been trotting out the party line. the official lines coming from the saudis has always been that this was an invention of the
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qatar ri propaganda machine and the muslim brotherhood were behind a whole pack of lies mps now we get interesting developments. here in the arab news, natalie, we have none other than the editor in chief. there's a whole page devoted to the life of mr. khashoggi and of, indeed, his photograph dominates the front page. he's described as a pay the tr wonderful journalist. to mr. khashoggi, he repeatedly declared his love for the kingdom and his people even though he disagreed with some of the practices of the current saudi leader shn, he remained loyal. a very pointed remark where clearly the media are feeling more comfortable to break cover and if not say exactly what they feel, send signals to the saudi establishment that they are angry about what they see as the
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unlawful killing of a patriot, not a dissident, natalie. >> very interesting. thank you for sharing that from the newspaper, sam. let's go to nic now in turkey. nic, interesting development that people are speaking out about khashoggi. how different was turkey's version of what happened to him to what we're hearing from saudi arabia as far as the whereabouts of the body? >> reporter: well, certainly in saudi allowing people to speak out about jamal khashoggi in those terms as a patriot is certainly a positive way for the leadership to bring the narrative back to saudi arabia, if you will. in essence get ahead of the story. you know, there are many people in saudi arabia who see crown prince bin salman as someone who has been a force for positive change in the country. of course, these events have
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cast an entirely different light on his leadership at the moment, but many people fervently believe that he has a capacity to do that and that recognizing jamal khashoggi as a patriot would certainly be a road open to the leadership in saudi arabia to, again, sort of regain the narrative, regain the confidence on this particular issue. in terms of jamal khashoggi's body, there are -- there doesn't seem to be any new leads from turkish investigators and as sam was very accurately saying there, that if there was this full cooperation and collaboration between turkish and saudi authorities, then one would expect jamal khashoggi's body to be found fairly quickly. that doesn't seem to be happening. of course, once his body is discovered, you know, forensic pathologists will be able to do their detailed forensic work and be able to develop an accurate picture of what precisely
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happened to him. of course, the longer it goes before his body can be discovered, the harder that becomes for those forensic experts to do that so you would ultimately end up with the evidence of jamal khashoggi's body and the forensics of his death and if it's correct what officials say his dismemberment could tell us, investigators, about the level of skill that went into disposing his body, which would be a narrative in and of itself and how that would match up against recordings the turkish officials claim to have and also how that would match up against the lines we hear coming from saudi officials leaking about the investigation so far. so clearly jamal khashoggi's body not just important for his family and friends to mourn him, but be very important for investigators to establish precisely or more precisely how he actually died, natalie. >> absolutely. i hope we get more answers in the coming days.
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nic robertson in turkey and sam kiley in riyadh. thank you both. let's talk more about this with steven erlinger live from brussels, belgium. the u.s. president initially seemed to accept the saudi explanation as credible. now according to the washington post he has expressed some skepticism though still defending that nation as a vital u.s. ally. threading the needle here, can the president have it both ways moving forward? >> well, trump likes that, and it is important. saudi arabia is important. his whole policy depends on saudi arabia and his reputation of his son-in-law jared depends a bit on mohamed bin salman because jared put a lot of debt on nbs, tried to get further
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palestinian understanding to line up with the arab and iran. there's a lot at stake here. so trump is trying to be careful. he says he hasn't heard about any intelligence or any body. cnn has heard them but it's probably just as twhael trump doesn't hear them because i think that would make things very, very difficult. >> one of the biggest questions remaining in this whole mystery is where is khashoggi's body. the saudi explanation provides no information that a source close to the saudi royal palace is saying, the saudis don't know where it is. how key is this question for -- >> well, i don't think it's very key actually myself because it's quite clear that, you know, even the saudis admit that they killed him inside this consulate. the turks say he was chopped up. presumably he was chopped up.
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where his body actually is i think is more important for the family. what i found intriguing -- >> excuse me if you don't mind. respectfully interrupting. >> of course. >> we heard from nic robertson moments ago, if they were able to recover the body, wouldn't that give them a better understanding? just curious. >> it would, of course, in terms of the larger importance of the event. it's important for any kind of criminal case, but i doubt the saudis would extradite anybody. so i think it's interesting, it's important, but it doesn't change the geopolitical importance of what's happened or the damage done to mohamed bin salman's reputation. i mean, what struck me from your report from riyadh was the saudi newspaper praise of khashoggi. that would indicate to me that there's a struggle going on inside the royal family and
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there are people critical of mohamed bin salman. now his father has supported him so far, but i think this is a game that still needs to be played out. >> and to your point obviously, you know, this would be very important for the family to have the body recovered to understand where it is. >> sorry, also for his fiance and who is also distraught. it's a horrible thing to wait outside the consulate and nothing comes out and then find that the man she was meant to marry had been chopped to pieces. pretty hard. >> just horrifying. yeah. the other question that i posed to you this day, steven, the crown prince claims to have known nothing about this despite what any saudi expert might indicate, you know, that nothing really happens in that nation without his knowledge.
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can the crown prince survive all of the questions and continued scrutiny out of this narrative that has come out of riyadh? >> i think a lot of that depends on his father and on the rest of the family because his father elevated him to be crown prince. there have been other crown princes who have been pushed aside by the same king and there are people in the family who, you know, look at mohamed bin salman perhaps the way some people in the united states look at jared kushner, as someone a little too young, a little too inexperienced. in mohamed bin salman's case shown a degree of recklessness. didn't know for sure what was going on. i suspect this was -- i have no way of knowing, this was the case, let's arrest him but talk to him but bring him back to saudi arabia. let's harass him and clearly i think that went wrong. now, you know, fp it turns out
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that he was killed as soon as he walked into the consulate, that's really a different question, too. so i just don't see how mohamed bin salman escapes, you know, general responsibility though they would clearly blame it on underlings who went too far. >> steven erlinger live from us in brussels, belgium. thank you. >> thanks. one of the key moments in the cold war was the signing of the inf treaty back in 1987 which greatly reduced the number of missiles that the u.s. and russia had. >> but u.s. president donald trump says russia isn't holding up its end of the deal. he says russia is, in fact, developing missiles the treaty prohibits. that puts the u.s. at a disadvantage because china is developing them with no such restrictions. listen. >> russia has violated the agreement. they've been violating it for
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many years and i don't know why president obama didn't negotiate or pull out and we're not going to let them violate a nuclear agreement and go out and do weapons and we're not allowed to. we're the ones that have stayed in the agreement and we've honored the agreement but russia has not unfortunately honored the agreement so we're going to terminate the agreement. >> that is the view from president trump. let's go to our fred pleitgen joining us live from moscow. this treaty signed in 1987. it has been around a good time though. has there been reaction from the russians? >> reporter: well, there certainly has. you know, i think we've heard rumblings over the past few days by the national security advisor john bolt continue coming here to moscow. he's probably in the air now flying out here that perhaps the u.s. was going to tell the russians that they were going to pull out of the treaty. president trump saying we heard just a couple of seconds ago a lot of very senior russian
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politicians have come out very early on a sunday morning and expressed their dismay at all of this. we have a flurry of people who have commented. i want to read you part of what the head of the federation council's chair said. this is a nuclear power, one of the two participants in one of the fundamental agreements in the field of strategic stability unilaterally destroys it f. this really happens, the consequences will be truly catastrophic. you have a mix from the russians going from extremes. some say, look, they want further information whether this pullout is final or whether it does sort of leave some sort of room for negotiations. one of the interesting things we've been hearing coming out of the russian leadership for the past couple of months is they've been saying they don't necessarily believe this treaty is in their best interests but of course they have been saying they wanted to stay in this treaty. it is somewhat of a pillar of
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trying to provide nuclear arms control in this very important theater being of course the rest of russia and the rest of europe as well, natalie. >> i was going to ask you how important this treaty has been towards stability in europe. >> reporter: well, look, i think one of the things that we've heard is that it has provided for the fact that a lot of nuclear weapons were destroyed. one of the reasons it's so important to european countries and russia as well is these intermediate missiles are very, very dangerous because they allow very little time if they are, god forbid ever launched, to try to get into shelters. they don't fly very long. they are short to intermediate ranged missiles. this treaty in itself eliminates missiles with a range of 500 to 5,500 kilometers. the u.s. and russia destroyed some 2700 missiles after that
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deal was put in place and it was signed in 1987 obviously between mika'il gorbachev and ronald regan. there were some rumblings and they don't think it's in their interests anymore. one of the things you said, the u.s. on the one hand is saying that it believes that the russians were in violation of the treaty since 2014. the obama administration, the trump administration subsequently have been saying that, but the other key thing that we heard is that the u.s. believes that it puts it at a disadvantage vis-a-vis china which is obviously not part of this deal and therefore could develop any weapons it wants. the u.s. is saying they want to do it as well. >> that's an important element to explore. thank you, fred pleitgen in mosc moscow. still ahead, thousands of families, men, women, children, migrants on a caravan to the united states have turned back but many still desperate trying to head north. we have an update ahead. also ahead, here hurricane
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update now on a story we've been following from central america. 2,000 people have now left the migrant caravan headed for the u.s. they're on their way back to honduras. that according to the honduran foreign ministry. the country's president is promising to offer jobs and other types of aide to those who have come back. >> here's the thing, there are still hundreds of men, women and children continuing a very desperate journey north. take a look at the scene here on this bridge at guatemala at the border with mexico. at least 640 people crossed the border and registered for asylum in mexico, still more trying to get through. the u.s. president though has threatened to cut aide and threatened to send troops to the u.s. border with mexico if they fail to stop the surge. >> our patrick otman is there. here's his report.
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>> reporter: some crossed into mexico through guatemala by boat. others waited or swam just barely. for thousands of migrants, mostly hondurans, said they were fleeing poverty and violence. many are looking to reunite with loved ones. brian pedrillis came across the river in boat a week after being deported where he left behind a wife and daughter. >> what do you need to get back? >> my daughter. that's the first thing. you know, i didn't have my dad when i was a kid, you know, at all and i don't want the same for her. >> reporter: on friday mexican police stopped the estimated 4,000 strong caravan of migrants dead in their tracks on a bridge that joins mexico and guatemala. the bridge became a holding cell. one without bathrooms or water or mercy from the brutal sun with a crush of migrants waiting to see if they would be allowed
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to pass. finally people like this woman with her three children couldn't take it anymore. the truth is, we're all going to jump in the river, she says, and keep going forward. mexican police watched as the migrants took to the river, but this time didn't try to stop them. >> so this is what desperation has driven these people to. they were not able to cross the bridge so now they've come across on rafts, heavily loaded, some with small kids carrying all they have in their back and now they're going to get off here finally in the mexican side and continue the journey north to the united states. >> maria fled the violence of honduras eight years ago. she's come to the river to see if her son will cross here. he was in the caravan and his cell phone died a day ago. now she can't reach him. i'm worried because he told me to wait for him by the river, she says. till he comes, i will stay here. after a week traveling many of these migrants are out of money
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and hope is fading, but they say they have no choice but to continue on. patrick almond, cnn, on the mexico/guatemala border. we will continue to track their progress and that story. the u.s. president makes a surprise announcement just days before the u.s. mid term elections. it appears he may be looking for some voting insurance. also -- >> it's discriminating and disenfranchising to our people to not allow them to vote and it's discouraging on top of that. >> one of the highest races is in south dakota. we'll explain. stay with us. place, the xfinity xfi gateway.
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following the breaking news this hour. in the united states, a floor collapsed at an apartment complex in south carolina. we're getting more video to show us what happened. welcome back, i'm natalie allen. >> and i'm george howell. this happening in the u.s. state of south carolina. we understand dozens of people have been injured, again, near clemson, south carolina. clemson university. police say 30 people were taken to the hospital. again, it happened at an apartment complex. you see the video there at the scene near clemson university. getting this video in here. property management says party goers were dancing together, that's when part of the floor opened up and people fell into the basement. we just got in new video we want to show you. want to give you a warning here, this video is disturbing to watch. you hear -- you see what
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happened the moment this floor collapsed. watch. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> that's so horrifying. looks like something from a movie scene but it's very real. they were having so much fun and then out went the floor from underneath them. none of the injuries we are told are known to be life threatening, so that is very positive news, but there have been reports that several people have broken bones. we'll continue to follow it, bring you any new information as we get it. >> that's right. another story we're following, the u.s. mid term elections just 16 days away, and president trump says he'll have a brand-new tax cut before then. >> he says the tax cut will be for the middle class, but beyond
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that the details are scarce. >> we are looking at putting in a very major tax cut for middle income people, and if we do that it will be sometime just prior i would say to november. a major tax cut. we are going to be putting in and are studying very deeply right now, around the clock, a major tax cut for middle income people. not for business at all, for middle income people. i would say sometime around the first of november, maybe a little before then. >> well, there's one reason why it will be tough to get that tax cut done in that time frame. congress is in recess until after the mid term vote. and his last tax cut took months to get through congress so we'll continue to watch this. apart from the united states in florida, people in florida there grappling with the aftermath of hurricane michael, but the mid term elections less than two weeks away. >> the storm's devastating
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impact has prompted republican governor rick scott who's in a tight senate race to extend early voting in hard hit counties. some in florida are worried about how they'll get to the polls. >> reporter: when hurricane michael ravaged through the florida panhandle, it left tens of thousands of people picking up the pieces, trying to recover and now there is this added worry with the mid-term elections because some of the polling places were completely wiped out, which means that some of the residents in these areas don't know where their polling locations are. now here is what's at stake. there is a very tight governor's race, and then there is a senate race that could tilt the balance of power in the u.s. senate. the candidates here, democrat bill nelson and republican rick scott. now scott is also the governor of this state which means that
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he actually has the power to ease voting for residents here, and that's a power that he exercised on thursday. he signed an executive order that allows in part additional and alternative voting sites, an extension of early voting and the relocation and consolidation of polling places. but here's the reality on the ground. in counties like jackson, for example, 78% of the households there still don't have power. cell service is patchy. communications are completely down in other areas, which makes it very difficult for residents to pick up the phone and call their election officials and get information. so what a lot of these people are having to do is go online, getting information from their respective counties and learning about how they're going to vote. so from going to these websites i can tell you that these counties have created what
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they're calling mega voting centers for residents to go vote and also a lot of the voting is actually happening by mail. but here's why it matters. on any given year florida's elections are won by razor thin margins so you add on top of that the challenges of hurricane michael and it leaves the state balancing election integrity and voting opportunity. rosa flores, cnn, miami. >> far from the state of florida, north dakota is also in the spotlight as mid terms get closer. it's home to one of the most closely watched senate races this year. >> that's right. voting rights activists there say a new voter i.d. law is making it harder, even impossible, they say, for many native americans to cast their ballots. cnn's senior investigative correspondent drew griffin gives us a closer look.
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>> reporter: on the standing rock reservation in north dakota terry voted for years with an i.d. for address. in fact, he didn't know his street address, he knew his post office box and that was enough until now. >> i have no idea why they want a physical address. the post office box always worked. >> reporter: a north dakota law passed last year and upheld by the supreme court last week demands voters in this state d demands they have a physical address. the law is seen to have one purpose, keep native americans from voting. >> it is a very complicated problem because we don't -- some reservations they don't have street addresses. majority of them don't have house numbers so -- but what they have been utilizing is a p.o. box. >> margaret landon says just weeks before november's election
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some native americans, her husband included, are scrambling to get new i.d.s just to vote. >> i.d. >> okay. >> nooels landon had no idea what his street address was. he had to call his county emergency coordinator to find out. >> 3 first avenue east is what they told me on the phone. >> the process did take just minutes and he now has a tribal i.d. he will be able to vote. >> did it cost anything? >> no fee. >> reporter: that's not the point, says wife margaret. >> it's discriminating and disenfranchising to our people to not allow them to vote and it's discouraging on top of that. >> it's not designed to disenfranchise anybody. >> reporter: al jaeger is north dakota's secretary of state. he's trying to implement the new law which he says is designed to protect the integrity of the vote and what could be simpler than to merely present an i.d. that says who you are and where you live.
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>> pretty simple process. others seem to be, you know, making it a lot more than it is. it's pretty simple. >> reporter: others seem to be saying that you're trying to disenfranchise native american votes, right? >> well, we're not. we want every qualified person in the state of north dakota to be able to vote. >> reporter: the backdrop for the push to get this voter i.d. law in north dakota began shortly after democrat heidi heitkamp narrowly won her election for u.s. senate in 2012. she won by less than 3,000 votes with the backing of native americans who tend to vote democratic. there is a much bigger story going on here. laws across the u.s. are being passed to make it harder, not easier, to vote. since the 2016 election, according to the brennan center for justice at new york university, nine states with republican state legislatures have passed laws restricting the vote. georgia, a law requiring an exact match of voter
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registration information has placed 53,000, mostly african-american voters, on a pending list. in arkansas a new photo i.d. requirement goes into effect this election and in indiana the state's use of a nationwide cross-check system to purge voter roles was ruled a violation of the national voter registration act. why so many laws? take a guess. >> there are many places like california the same person votes many times. you probably heard about that. they always like to say, that's a conspiracy theory. not a conspiracy theory, folks. millions and millions of people. >> reporter: actually, it is a conspiracy theory. there is no evidence, none, that massive voter fraud is taking place anywhere in the united states. north dakota included. so, mr. secretary, was there, is there a large problem with illegal voting in this state? >> well, one thing we can't prove one way or the other.
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in the past we have -- i cannot prosecute some of the past. we have referred situations and they haven't been prosecuted. now we had, you know, a case -- >> reporter: but, i mean, how many -- >> well, just a handful. >> reporter: they say these voter fraud laws have little to do with fighting actual voter fraud. >> instead seeing the laws that make it harder for the people who are poor, traditionally disenfranchised, minority groups and folks who generally have a hard time participating in elections and this is another barrier for them. >> reporter: now they fear thousands of north dakotans will not be able to vote. while cnn can't find any evidence to back that up, the same activists say the real effect could discourage voters from showing up with or without proper i.d. drew griffin, cnn, fort yates, north dakota. >> that is an incredibly
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in afghanistan voting continues in that nation's parliamentary elections. >> an estimated 3 million people managed to cast ballots saturday but staffing and technical issues means many others didn't in this very important election. so many people. >> that's right. around 400 polling stations are scheduled to open sunday. saturday's voting was marred by violence. at least 28 people were killed across the country. let's talk about it now live in afghanistan. our journalist is on the ground there.
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thank you for your time today, ali. violence has always been a big threat, a big concern for people going to the polls. now we understand dozens of people have been killed. tell us more about what happened saturday. >> reporter: so basically what happened saturday is people stood up to the taliban threat to come out and vote. we saw that 3 million people did vote, but the biggest issue was logistical problems. we saw that people went to polling centers that weren't open. we saw people went to polling centers where there weren't ballot papers or ballot boxes where there weren't election commission staff and this is why today we just found out from the election commission that it's not 400 polling stations that they're reopening, it's 250, just 250 across 22 provinces. we have to remember that yesterday's election was for 32 of the 34 provinces so that means a vast majority of the provinces had issues because of
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logistics. >> you're saying not 400 polling stations, rather, 250. >> it just came out. right. right. the i.e., c. said it's 250, 251 across 22 provinces. >> thank you again for that update. we'll keep in touch with you on that as well. look, given the violence, given the technical challenges around voting at 9 polling centers, is there a sense that these factors did keep a large number of people from voting? people who decided, look, i'm going to stay home and stay safe? >> reporter: a lot of people didn't come out to vote for various reasons, right? that the registration process was difficult. it also posed security risks. people didn't necessarily believe that the leaders would change, that they would bring a positive change, but the fact that 3 million people did come out despite all of that still says a lot. it's more than was expected at the time. >> live for us in kabul, afghanistan. thank you for the update and reporting.
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we'll keep in touch with you. again, voting so important. we talked about voting here in the united states, efforts around voter suppression. you look at nations in afghanistan, natalie, people risking their lives to go to the polls. >> they so desperately want things to change. we had a report 24 hours trying to get people in the united states to vote they're not engaged. also wake up to this, we are tracking not one but two tropical storms and there are fears one might turn towards the united states. right now you see they're off the western coast of mexico. derek van dam will have the latest on that for us as we continue here. charmin ultra soft!
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a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! all right. here in the united states a lot of you waking up looking at those lotto tickets. did you win? well, look, this is a big one. there are no big winners in saturday night's powerball so the jackpot just got even bigger. players were hoping to score a $476 million jackpot but the numbers just didn't add up. >> there is a silver lining if you still want to be super, super mega megari rich.
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wednesday the jackpot will be more. winners will take home $620 million. nobody won the mega millions jackpot friday. that's now worth $1.6 billion. we are following tropical storms along mexico's west coast. no matter how much money you have, just get away from there. >> storms. >> derek van dam is there. >> so the latest information from the national hurricane center coming in from cnn, tropical storm willa has now strengthened rapidly intensifying. that is classified by increasing 35 miles per hour in less than 24 hours. so that's a term we use, rapid intensification. it's now a hurricane. it's expected to become a major hurricane before slamming the coast of mexico. where it goes from there, listen up. i'll give you all the details. check out the graphics behind me. we have a lot to cover. the eastern pacific is starting to light up in terms of tropical
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activity. we have tropical storm vincent and will a. this is the storm we're worried about. satellite becoming more localized. 80-mile-an-hour winds that was 60 miles an hour 20 minutes ago. we get to 5:00 a.m. eastern standard time update from the national hurricane center. this is the latest information we can give you. just as this recurves to the north and east, look at that, it goes from a category one to a category three to a category 4. perhaps winds over 140 miles per hour before starting to temporarily weaken before reaching the main land of mexico and then moving inland it becomes a tropical disturbance but then produces a significant amount of rain in the flood stricken central parts of texas. upper 80s. that is just jet fuel for hurricanes to form, to deepen, to strengthen. that's exactly what we've seen with willa.
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let's talk about tropical storm vincent. not as impressive on satellite imagery. nonetheless, these two storms working together to create an abundant amount of moisture. if you have holiday plans, maybe you want to second guess that one and take advantage of that travel insurance, right? you want to delay your flights and delay your travel plans because it will definitely be washed out. the potential for flooding reaches across that region. thanks for watching this morning. if you get the potential, we have a chance for an impressive meteor shower from tonight into tomorrow, 9 p.m. until 2:00 a.m. look in the northwestern sky in the southern hemisphere. look for or rion's belt. you'll see 15 to 20 meteors per hour at its peek intensity. this is from some of the
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fragments of leftover space debris from hailie's comet. this passes by the earth everything 75 years. every once in a while we start to go through that orbit and we get this beautiful light up in our skies. >> walk out in the building. >> get away from the city lights. very important. sorry. >> derek, thank you. >> okay. prince harry in australia has opened up the invictus games. >> the setting was spectacular as you can see right there. sydney's opera house. he created this for ailing and wounded veterans. he called this competition a symbol of strength. more than 500 service members from 18 countries are taking part. the duke of sussex and his pregnant wife meghan are on their first royal tour abroad which also includes visits to new zealand and figi. >> they attended a reception inside the opera house. the duchess skipped another
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