tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN October 22, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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president trump, if he turns these people into that symbol of fright and is trying to con nature middle eastern terror and immigration, and a double racist sandwich. >> thanks so much, if you find some of those unknown middle easterners, let us know. to our viewers, thanks for watching. erin burnett out front starts right now. don't let the facts get in the way. president trump doubling down, suggesting middle easterners are in the kacaravan crowd. john bolton telling the russians there's no evidence their interference had any effect on the 2016 election. and the saudi foreign minister in a war of words with rand paul. let's go out front.
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doubling down on a lie. president trump trying to stoke fear and repeating without evidence that there are unknown middle easterners making their way north to the u.s. mexico border. we should go find it. >> take your camera, go into the middle you're going to find ms-13, middle easterners, you're going to find everything. >> sadly, it looks like mexico's police and military are unable to stop the caravan heading to the southern border of the united states. criminals and unknown middle easterners are mixed in. our reporters are with cameras in the middle of the kacaravan, they called the president's campaign unfounded. in fiscal year 18 the government apprehended 3,000 special interest aliens from countries such as bangladesh, pakistan, nigeria and somalia.
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first of all, that's important, and it's important for us to know. but that's not a statement about the caravan. second, those countries that i mentioned are not middle eastern, they're south asia and african. the u.s. government has apprehended 17,000 criminals illegally entering the u.s. part of the debate we should be having. that debate should be based in fact. none of that proves there are criminals or middle easterners in this caravan. >> i will seal off the border before they come into this country. and i'll bring out our military. not our reserves, i'll bring out our military. >> sealing off the border, bringing in the military. the pentagon says it's not been called by the president to bring the military to the border. the caravan is making their way
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to a town 1100 miles from the border. is the president trying to bring immigration loopholes. or is this about ginning up republican voter enthusiasm by depicting the caravan as an immediate threat. as the president has done since the first day of his presidential campaign. >> they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crimes, they're rapists. her plan will import generations of terrorism, extremism and radicalism into your schools and throughout your communities. and the democrats open border policies have also allowed ms hich 13 to break into our country and drugs to pour into our streets. >> the murder rate in our country is the highest it's been in 47 years, right? did you know that? crime is rising. people are scared. >> by the way, the murder rate is not the highest it's been in
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47 years. jeff zeleny is live where president trump is about to campaign for senator ted cruz. has the white house offered any evidence to back up the president's claim of unknown middle easterners in the kacar n caravan. >> the president has just arrived here, he has not expounded on that, but we expect him to do that at the rally. sarah sanders told reporters a short time ago, there is absolutely evidence of this, but she went on to give no evidence at all. no specific yesterdayible evidence of their being middle eastern women inside these caravans. what this is about, i'm told, talking to a variety of people. this is simply, look at the timing. coming 15 days before the midterm elections. the president has been increasing this rhetoric against immigrants, he's been talking about the borders more and more. it hasn't been breaking through. this is one way the president is trying to breakthrough.
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it's something we saw in 2016, he was using immigration as an issue to scare some voters in the eyes of critics. that is what explains the timing of all this. as nor the president himself, he's not given any evidence at all to the fact that there are middle easterners in his view inside these caravans here. the politics of this is interesting. he is campaigning for ted cruz as you said, here in houston tonight. not all republicans are comfortable with this language. the reason why politically speaking at least, that the voters that they are trying to reach are some of those suburban voters who are not nearly as tough on immigration as the president. we'll see if president trump talks about it in any more detail tonight. or if he simply keeps talking about his scare tactic, i think it's likely there will be a ladder, as of now, the white house has given no evidence at all to what the president said. jake? >> jeff zeleny, thanks. we have ben ferguson and joan
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walsh. we also have with us mark preston, senior political analyst. ben, let me start with you, there isn't any proof that middle easterners are in this crowd of the caravan, why make the claim? >> i think it's a bigger point the president is trying to make. we don't know all the people in this kacaravan. all the people are not people looking for asiylum and doing good things p.m. we know in this country, every day the government stopped 10 people a day in 2017 that were on terrorist lists or connected to terrorism. >> that's not -- i'm sorry to interrupt. that's not necessarily at the mexico border. >> right. >> anyone coming into the united states. >> the easiest area to come into this country illegally, and we've seen it from al qaeda, if there's ways to get into america, one of the easiest ways to do it is not on a plane. the president is going back to things that worked well for him in the election. we need to secure the border. the fact that you have 10,000 or
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8,000 or 11,000 people that can make it to the u.s. and we cannot technically stop. if they touch a u.s. official, they have one finger or one toe on our soil. we're not going to just take them, they will come across and we will release them into the population. >> the caravan is moving on foot, they're hundreds of miles from the borders. the president is telling americans to be scared of this. it's the democrats fault. every time you see a caravan or people illegally coming into our country, think of and blame the democrats. this could work, don't you think in terms of ginning up republican voter enthusiasm. >> it could work. the number one issue republicans list in terms of their voting in the midterms is immigration, they shouldn't stop us from saying this is a kacaravan of lies.
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not only the middle easterners mixing in, that's a lie. but this notion that the democrats have anything to do with the caravan. they don't, the notion that they're coming, these migrants are coming to commit voter fraud. we don't have a voter fraud problem in this country. we have a voter suppression problem. republicans have searched and searched. the bush administration did a five year study of voter fraud, they found 120 cases of voter fraud, they were likely felons. >> it's an issue of letting people into this country who did not come here the right or appropriate way. >> when you have someone who's able to break into your country. there's potential for that person to have voter fraud. >> there's been no proof. >> they're advocating for immigrants to be able to register to vote. we've seen where they've been able to register to vote. >> the numbers are tiny. >> you don't think it's going to
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grow? >> right now, the president is getting ready to take the stage at a rally for senator ted cruz. here's how the two of them interacted during the republican primary presidential campaign. >> donald, you're a sniv elling coward and leave heidi alone. >> his father was with lee harvey oswald prior to oswald being shot. >> the man cannot tell the truth, but he combines it with being a narcissist. >> lyin' ted cruz, lies, oh, he lies. >> that was then. here's how he spoke about ted cruz earlier today. >> what is he now? >> beautiful ted, i call him texas ted. >> texas ted. >> it just goes to show you that politics isn't necessarily based on loyalty or friendship. it's based upon expediency and
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situational awareness, and ted cruz is very aware that he needs the backing of donald trump specifically in texas, he does -- beto o'rourke came out of nowhere to give ted cruz a challenge. the fact that you have the president of the united states going into ruby red texas when republicans are trying to pick up seats in indiana, of wfr. holden, tennessee. >> i'm not shocked by cruz and trump getting together. remember, barack obama ran radio ads that aired, hillary clinton cannot be trusted with foreign policy. then he made her the secretary of state on foreign policy. he also said hillary clinton -- >> foreign policy is not -- >> he also said, she will say anything to get elected. i'm barack obama, vote for me. the idea that somehow this is shocking, that two republicans come together. they all do it. >> this is worse, though --
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>> she never accused barack obama's father of being part of the kennedy assassination. can we just agree on that? >> i understand. when you say someone has terrible foreign policy and then you make them secretary of state, there's hypocrisy everywhere. and you move over it and get on. >> i've seen the interaction of donald trump jr. it got nasty. it was clear it was done with. the election was over, they were going to work together. donald trump and ted cruz talk often. they talk policy a lot. they've become very close over the last several years, once the election was over, those two men said -- and ted cruz said i'm going to work with you on the things that matter in my state. >> this is all part of the emass cue lace of the gop by donald trump. you may not like the metaphor, but he goes in and makes republicans submit to him and they do. >> there is a game of submission
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going on, to have said things about his wife the way he did. to have said things about his father. and now to proudly be going into houston to save the day for ted cruz, has to be a humiliating feeling. >> ted cruz asked for it. >> it's not -- >> they were very specific when they wanted him in here. >> humiliating to have to ask. >> he's not saving the day. >> that's just not true. ted cruz was doing just fine. >> he's using him to gin up the base. >> of course. he's popular. >> using time that could probably be better used in other -- >> i think it's a message. the white house has been pretty smart about where they've sent the president. i think they realize tonight, you get a lot of good media coverage when you have ted cruz and donald trump on stage at a massive crowd. this is a good optics, weaks before the election. >> there's a stadium with 100,000 seats. >> i need a little fact check on that. >> again, coming from there, if you think donald trump's not
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insanely popular in texas. i think if they would have -- they get bigger and bigger and bigger in texas. they could have filled the stadium if they wanted to go bigger and bigger quicker. the reason why they didn't, when you do a venue, and you're doing it from a state perspective. you go and get 100,000 and 90 show up. they didn't fill the stadium. any politician, hillary clinton did it during her whole campaign. >> i agree. absolutely, they all do that. the kennedys did it, i'm just saying, he lies about his crowds all the time. >> i can tell you, there was 100,000 people that were more than happy to show up tonight. they were thrilled -- >> ben, joan, mark, thank you. out front next, john bolton telling the russians that their interference didn't have an effect on the 2000 election. how did he come to that conclusion? the saudis call out rand paul for saying the crown prince was responsible for khashoggi's
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death. senator paul will respond right here. the montana senate race, does it all come down to trump getting his revenge on john tester? stay with us. if you're waiting patiently for a liver transplant, it could cost you your life. it's time to get out of line with upmc. at upmc, living-donor transplants put you first. so you don't die waiting. upmc does more living-donor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. find out more and get out of line today.
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did not have an effect on the election. speaking to our radio station in moscow, to the point i made to russian colleagues today, i didn't think whatever they had done in terms of meddling in the 2016 election, that they had any eknecht on it, what they have had is to sow enormous distrust of russia. out front now, chris van holland of maryland. what's your reaction to ambassador bolton, no effect on the election? >> well, jake, ambassador bolton doesn't know what he's talking about. our intelligence agencies unanimously confirmed a couple things. the russians interfered in our election, they interfered for hillary clinton and they could not evaluate what kind of impact it ultimately had on our election. for john bolton to speculate it was minimal, first of all is dead wrong, and second he should not be in moscow downplaying the significance and seriousness with which we take russian
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interference in our elections. especially when we're just about two weeks out, right now from 2018 midterms. >> when it happened, and ambassador bolton was a pundit on fox. and not a member of the administration, when it happened, he said it was essentially an act of war by russia on the united states. he seems to be downplaying it. >> it was a total violation of our sovereignty, it undermines our democracy, and if ambassador bolton were serious about trying to stop it. he and the administration would have supported bipartisan legislation that we introduced called the deter act. which would have carried strong penalties. instead the administration did not support that.
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they were not serious about doing something to the threat to our democracy. >> i want to ask you in addition about you sitting on the budget committee. and remarks president trump made today about tax cuts, take a listen. >> you said you wanted tax cuts by november 1st -- >> no, we're going to be passing, we're putting in a resolution, sometime in the next week or week and a half, two weeks. >> a resolution where. >> we're going to put in, we're giving a middle income tax reduction of about 10%, we're doing it now, for middle income people. this is not for business, this is for middle. that's on top of the tax decrease that we've already -- >> are you signing an executive order for that? >> no, no, no, i'm going through congress. we won't have time to do the vote. we'll do the vote after the election. >> they're going to put in a bill and do the vote after the electi election.
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10% for middle income. presumably the white house has reached out to you, what can you tell us about these new tax cuts? >> well, we haven't had a word as you heard, the president didn't realize congress was not in session. democrats have always supported targeted middle class tax cuts. to hear the president now say he wants a middle class tax cut is a huge admission that the tax cut they just did which was $200 trillion went primarily to big corporations, ceo's and millionaires and now he wants a doover, as he travels around the country, he realized that middle class and working folks aren't benefiting from that tax cut. they promised there would be $4,000 in increasing in everybody's wages. instead they spent the money on
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stock buy backs. >> presumably this is something you could get behind, though? >> we'd like to provide tax relief to middle class and working americans, and pay for it by increasing the tax rates they just cut on millionaires and folks like donald trump. the results of their tax cut was to increase the debt $2 trillion. now the republican leader is coming around and saying, what, they want to cut medicare, cut social security and cut medicaid. let's not run up a $2 trillion debt by giving tax breaks to the wealthy. let's target them forward the middle class, that's something that everybody could get behind. that would be an admission by trump and the republicans that the tax cut they just did was $2 trillion to our kids and grandkids credit card for very
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rich people and big corporations. we should not be doing that. >> i want to ask you, before you go, you're chairman of the democrat democratic senate oriole campaign. we're 15 days away from election day. it looks like the democratic party is facing more head wind. the president's job approval rating is up to 47%. that's the highest mark of his time in office. i believe it's higher than where obama was at this time in the midterms. are you concerned that republicans may lose seats in the senate? >> no, i'm not concerned. and welcome back from the debate last night in florida. we have a big senate race there. bill nelson, i'm confident bill nelson is going to beat rick scott. rick scott is spending gobs more money, rick scott has also been a bad governor. and we're seeing that reflected in what folks are telling us in
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florida. we've always said that democrats in the senate have a very difficult political map. we have 26 senate seats we're defending, that being said, we see the energy on the democratic side big turnouts and the reality is, even if states that trump won, when you ask folks what they want. they want senators who are going to stand up for their state, that they're going to be independent. and by the way, they do not like what they're hearing from republicans who are talking about taking away protections for people with pre-existing health conditions. republicans voted to take that away. other republican senate candidates are on lawsuits like the texas lawsuit that would take those protections away from folks. that is a top of mind issue for voters around the country. >> appreciate your time, sir. >> thanks, jake. the saudis say the death of a journalist was an accident. why did they bring a body double
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to wear the journalist's clothes. new details for roger stone and what did stone share with the trump campaign 1234 stay with us. ♪ my love has come along, applebee's new neighborhood pastas. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. applebee's new neighborhood pastas. havi is not always easy. plaque psoriasis it's a long-distance journey, and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record
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saw? >> this as cnn obtained video that shows a body double leaving the consulate the day that khashoggi disappeared. the man seemingly wearing khashoggi's clothes, glasses and even a fake beard. cla ris is a ward is out front. if this was an accident, why would they have a body double with a fake beard? >> that's exactly the question, jake, and it appears that the saudis would prefer to frame this, as this was a hastily improvised unilateral decision taken by a rogue band of operatives after they killed jamal khashoggi. that doesn't make any sense. the first question you have to ask. why was this body double part of this. he is 57 years old, he did not fit the profile of the rest of the operatives who are a decade younger.
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he arrived here at 11:03 in the morning, wearing a plaid shirt and jeans, he emerged roughly three hours later, after jamal khashoggi had been killed, through the back exit, wearing the dead journalists clothes, his glasses. he was also wearing a fake beard. if this was improvised, why did he have a fake beard with him. he went to one of the busiest, most crowded tourist areas. went into a bathroom, changed back into his original clothes, later on seen dumping the plastic bag in a dumpster, before going back to his hotel. heading to the airport. turkish officials telling us this screams to them that this was premeditated. they believe it was premeditated murder, and tomorrow we're expected to hear from president erdogan of turkey, he's going to reveal the full naked truth. a lot of people wanting to know
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exactly what that will be. >> carissa ward in istanbul, thank you so much. out front now, rand paul, he sits on the senate foreign relations committee. senator, always good to see you, you said you're certainty crown prince was involved in and directed the murder of jamal khashoggi. now you see this video of a body double in his clothes, wearing a fake beard on the same day he was killed. what's your reaction? >> a little too many coincidences to think this was an accidental death. you send a forensic pathologist with a bone saw in case you might have a fist fight where you have to dismember somebody. also having a body double. i think that shows this was planned. nothing over in happens that's not directed from above. you don't act without orders. it's stretching the credulity.
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>> now, you were attacked for implicating the crown prince, here's what he had to say. >> i find it surprising that someone 6,000 miles away can be certain about an event that happened 6,000 miles away with no access to intelligence or information. this is a judgment call on the fact of senator rand paul. >> what's your response toed saudi foreign minister? >> i think he's got a lot of gaul to lech touche the united states of presumption of innocence. the saudis have 3,000 people being held without trial, these are political prisoners, they have nearly 1,000 of these prisoners have been there for more than three years. they recently in the last year or so, killed a shiite sheik, they're holding his nephew who's supposed to be in prison for life for attending a protest
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rally. the saudis shouldn't be lecturing anybody about the presumption of innocence. >> you're calling for the u.s. to suspend arms sales to saudi arab arabia. president trump said he's opposed to that. he mentioned your name while discussing the arms sales to the saudis, take a listen. >> i don't want to lose all of that investment that's being made -- i don't want to lose a million jobs. i don't want to lose $110 billion from potential investors. it's really $450 billion in you include other than military. that's very important. >> he agrees with you on a lot of things, but he doesn't want to lose all these hundreds of billions of dollars in arms deals and the like. how are you going to convince the president to get on board with this. and that you're right and he's wrong wrong? >> well, as you know, the president and i get along pretty well, i take him at his word, i try to say, i have a different
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perspective. my perspective is that the saudis and authoritarian governments see strength. they won't respect you if you don't. i think if the president capitulates to them, he won't be seen as a strong leader. i don't think that jobs or arms sales should be seen as a jobs program. i think our military arms are uniquely owned by the taxpayer. we develop planes only because the government wants it nor our national defense. most of the arms are sold to our government. i don't think we should be -- if that were true, we would sell arms to china, to russia. it's about whether those countries share our vision, and whether those arms actually enhance our national security. in the case of saudi arabia, i think they've done a lot of things that are increasing the risk of war. >> one of the interesting things about the president's pitch on the jobs issue, is that he
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changes the number of american jobs impacted to the arms sales with saudi arabia. it increases almost every time he talks about it. this is president trump starting in march until recently. >> we're talking about over 40,000 jobs in the united states. it's $110 billion i believe it's the largest order ever made. it's 450,000 jobs. 500,000 jobs. i would prefer we don't use as retribution cancelling $110 billion worth of work, which means 600,000 jobs. i think it's over 1 million jobs, that's not helpful for us to cancel an order like that. >> from 40,000 jobs to a million jobs, what's your response? >> i think it's notoriously hard
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to estimate jobs. i wouldn't do it for one job, saudi arabia is the largest state sponsor of radical islam, violent jihad. they fund tens of thousands of people teaching this hatred of christianity, and judaism. i think saudi arabia has been a big part of the problem we've dealt with with worldwide terrorism for decades now. i think what they're doing in yemen is atrocious. the blockade of food. and so no, i don't think we should be supporting them. i think by supporting the saudis in the war in yemen, it's more likely al qaeda will grow stronger in yemen and that chaos many terrorism grows and feeds on chaos. it did it in libya, syria, did it in iraq, i fear that yemen, the more chaos, the more terrorism there will ultimately be. >> senator rand paul of
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kentucky, always good to see you. thanks so much. new details about robert mueller's focus on roger stone. and what it's revealing about mueller's investigation. plus, our race of the day, and this one is personal to the president. >> i can never forget what john tester did to a man that's of the highest quality. gan to appe. what started with one job spread all around. because each job in energy creates many more in this town. because when you want to create an entirely new feeling, the difference between excellence and mastery, is all the difference in the world. introducing the all-new lexus es. a product of mastery. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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we're learning more tonight about robert mueller's probe into robert stone. investigators are looking into whether oar not stone shared information he received from wiki leaks with the president's election campaign. sara murray is out front. what are you learning? >> we know that investigators are doing what you pointed out. they are trying to figure out wraej roger stone shared information that he believed was coming from wiki leaks with then candidate donald trump during the election. prosecutors now have audio in which he was talking about this during the 2016 campaign 37 they also have a number of communications after these document dumps came from wikileaks. i should get credit from candidate trump for henning coordinate with wikileaks. both roger stone and his foreign denied he ever provided anything to donald trump or other members of the campaign.
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and stone said, i had nothing to provide. >> who are the people being looked at as intermediaries of stones? >> stone spent a lot time saying he was in contact with assange in 2015. actually i had an intermediary. but investigators are looking at the notion he may have had multiple intermediaries. they've also questioned a conspiracy theorist and right wing journalist about his contacts with wikileaks as well as roger stone, trying to probe whether it's possible korscy is a back channel. he told us a couple months ago when he was first interviewed that korscy had not had any contact with wikileaks or julian assange roger stone for the record has not heard from mueller's team. it's all of his associates who are being called in and rounded
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up. >> sara murray, thanks so much. former new jersey attorney general ann milligram. do you think this means mueller is still focusing on conspiracy? >> absolutely. there's no question in my mind that there's still an open investigation into the question of whether the trump campaign conspired with the russian government to influence the election and to get dirt on hillary clinton. >> if stone, and we don't know if this happened. if stone provided information from wikileaks, is that enough for conspiracy? >> it depends what he knew when he knew it, and what he did with that. >> the questions the mueller team would be asking, did he know about the leaks before they were released? >> did he in anyway coordinate with wikileaks. there's an e-mail asking for
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dirt on clinton. was he trying to control what came out and when it came out. that would potentially mean he would be charged criminally. >> potentially. >> if appears mueller -- it appears, appears, we don't know. mueller doesn't have enough to charge stone. it was possible he could be charged. the government would be doing it without evidence. if you were stone's lawyer, would you tell him he should be worried? >> i think he should be worried. even just based on what's publicly known. he's made wildly inconsistent statements. i've been in contact with assange. then he walked that back. then he said, randy credico, then i said it wasn't him. he testified in front of the house intelligence committee, could be prosecuted for lying to them. at a minimum, he's made inconsistent statements. what we don't know is what these
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recordings are and what other communications he has with the campaign. i don't think it's done. >> i can't wait to find out. this is a mystery. up next, president trump seeking revenge on the campaign frail. it's our race of the day. jeanne moos on the couple that campaigns together. >> i call him junior mints. d) ♪♪ explore more with a guaranteed 4pm checkout at over 1,000 fine hotels and resorts. it's another way we've got your back. the platinum card from american express. don't live life without it. hi. i'm misha. and my favorite bar is crunch. ♪ delicious 100% real chocolate embracing the lightness of crispy rice. crunch. the chocolate bar all americans love.
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this is our era. this is america's energy era. nextera energy tonight a race that's personal for president trump. the president has been in montana three times since july, and his number one target there, democratic senator, john tester. trump blames tester for derailing his nominee to lead the department of veterans affairs, ronnie jackson. >> reporter: donald trump jetted into big sky country and he was on the hunt. >> john tester led the democratic mob in order to destroy the reputation of a great man. admiral ronnie jackson. >> reporter: he opposed tester to run the administration. >> he hands out prescriptions
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like candy. >> jackson with drew, tester is running for re-election, and trump has tightly embraced his opponent matt rosendale. and rosendale hugs him right back. >> i will stand in strong support of president trump, because the work that he's doing really is making america great again man >> the race is up for grabs because montanans pride themselves on their voting independence. nick ringsack is a lifelong republican that supports trump. he also supports tester in a state with the second highest per capita veteran's population in the country. >> john was working for veterans before he was even sworn in. >> do you think there are a lot of people who will split their ticket? >> i do. montana has a history of splitting tickets. we have a democratic governor, republican attorney general, one democratic senator, one
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republican senator. >> reporter: donald trump won the state by 20 points. tester walks a fine line and he points out how many of his bills the president has signed. he's been here three times. his son has been here. he tweeted about you and dr. ronnie jackson. is he doing pay back here? what do you think this is all about? >> no, what i think it's about is him loving montana. >> reporter: tester is montana born and bred. a third generation dirt farmer who still works the land on weekends. he's now asking for a third term. rosendale who made a fortune in maryland real estate moved to montana in 2002, became a state senator and is now the state auditor but tester says rosendale is not montana enough. >> he's an east coast developer that bought a ranch and claims to be a rancher but has no cows. >> montana will never fall for
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montana's bull. >> he was elected. that proves he has to be montanan. >> not on the issues. not on who controls public lands, health care or veterans benefits to name a few. >> if he runs on his record, he's going to get clobbered so he has to do something different. >> so rosendale is charging that tester is a d.c. liberal out of touch with montana. >> when he does show up tester's like all the other liberals. >> we need to send president trump some conservative reinforcements. >> reporter: but unlike trump who lately is a chatty media seeking missile, rosendale drives away from his own trump rally right past reporters. >> we've got to get going. >> reporter: and into the night. >> gloria, so interesting because this is all about how much trump resents how tester treated dr. ronnie jackson, but just the other day trump allowed that maybe jackson wasn't qualified. >> i know. he did this at the rally in
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missoula we were at and i heard it and, you know, he said -- he didn't really want it. he might not have been qualified, but he was a doctor at a high level. that's the exact -- so here he is taking on john tester for opposing him and then coming out and saying, well, maybe -- maybe he shouldn't have gotten it anyway. so it was sort of remarkable to me because he is taking on tester on that very note. >> for him to go to montana three times. >> not easy. >> really tough to get there and there are so many races that could use president trump going there. >> right. >> to go to montana three times? >> right. john tester always has a close race. montana's purple but -- so the president wants to make the difference here and rosendale, as you can see, is -- you know, he struggles on the stump a little bit. trump wants to be for him. >> gloria borger, thank you so much. coming up when love and
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♪ let's fly, let's fly away ♪ ♪ east bound and down (performed by jerry reed) ♪ east bound and down, loaded up and truckin' ♪ ♪ we're gonna do what they say can't be done ♪ ♪ we've got a long way to go and a short time to get there ♪ ♪ i'm east bound, just watch ol' bandit run ♪ ♪ whatever party you've got going in the back, we've got the business up front. ♪ [clang] ♪ like a big pizza pie, ♪ that's amore. ♪ when the world seems... ♪ applebee's new neighborhood pastas. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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donald trump jr. and his new girlfriend romancing each other and republican voters. here's jeanne moos. >> reporter: isn't it romantic? not their whirlwind romance, the whirlwind campaigning that donald trump jr. and his girlfriend, kimberly guilfoyle, are doing. muttering sweet nothings. >> and how about my boyfriend? yeah! >> reporter: taking turns. >> can someone come up here, take the mike for a few minutes? i don't like following kimberly. she does not make this easy. >> reporter: these two are hot and heavy. >> he's savage, isn't he? >> reporter: hot and heavy into politics crisscrossing the country stumping for republicans. they became an item after don jr.'s wife vanessa filed for divorce. i've known kimberly for a long
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time. know each other a little better. she was bandying about her bandage after hurting her hand playing dodge ball on a trampoline with their kids. she posted from montana recently, recovering after hand surgery. so looking forward to the next trip so i can teach don how to shoot and fish. but mainly they've been fishing for mid term votes. these two even sound like you know who? >> wow. >> wow. >> reporter: kimberly has even belted out trump like nicknames, joe manchin. >> swampy joe, swampy joe. >> reporter: they do interstrus together. they introduce each other. >> no salsa dancing? come on. >> reporter: they listen to each other speak. drop flirty little nuggets, pet names. >> that don jr., i call him junior mints. >> reporter: with a newly minted hashtag don and kimberly #don
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berly. >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> thanks for joining us. ac 360 starts now. good evening. senior u67enior u.s. counter of tells us no evidence isis is trying to get into the border. no evidence. no evidence of terrorist infiltration in the migrant caravan now making its way through mexico. zero, none. now we're saying it at the top of the broadcast and we'll keep coming back to it because simple facts matter and the quiet truth bears repeating. with just two weeks to go until mid term elections president trump was in texas tonight has chosen to fill the public arena with the exact opposite of a quiet truth or simple facts and he's doing it in a way that seems designed to scare
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