tv Wolf CNN October 26, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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way what law enforcement has done, particularly today. >> excellent point you made. the difference between twitter trump and teleprompter trump. the arrest of a suspect and more details from the justice department. thank you for being with us. please stay with us. our breaking news coverage continues right now with wolf blitzer. hello, i'm wolf blitzer. we have breaking news this hour. the arrest of a person in connection with 12 suspicious packages addressed to critics of president trump. police in south florida not far from miami taking one person into custody and seizing a vehicle that could have been used in this attack. the word of an arrest coming a little while after the discovery of two more packages. one at a mail sorting facility in new york city addressed to the former director of national intelligence, james clapper and addressed to cnn.
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another in florida addressed to the new jersey office of the democratic senator, cory booker. randi kay is in plantation, florida where they are following late breaking developments. tell us what we know about the suspect. >> well, wolf, we can tell you that the suspect was a customer here at the auto zone just in front of me here. that's where he was arrested. he lived in the hollywood, florida, area. aventura, florida is about a half hour or so from here. i'm sure you can see all these media gathered around me. what's going on is in this car is a group of fbi agents who have been inside the auto zone over here for about the last hour, going through the files and taking pictures. this is where the arrest was made of the suspect, where he was taken into custody and the vehicle as well. the media followed the fbi
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agents outside. they were inside taking pictures of the auto zone and going through the files in the computer. clearly if this man was a customer here, they might have been looking for what he purchased here and maybe some of that could be connected to the pipe bombs sent around the country. we were here earlier when the vehicle was taken away and the blue tarp was covered over it. it had pictures of donald trump on it and mike pence on it. it had the word cnn min on it as well. it was taken to a facility where it will be looked at for possible traces of evidence and envelopes and purchases here at the auto zone. it has been a very busy morningment. t we had trouble getting into this area, but now that we have been in, we have been watching these fbi agents who are now
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sitting in their car trying to figure out how to get out of there. they were inside, very busy, looking at all of these files and all of this information. it looks as though the fbi is clearing out. the state police cleared out of the area. there is more media an anything else here in plantation, florida. >> the van with all the stickers on the side windows of the van. tell us where it was taken and some of our viewers can make out some of the stickers including one supportive sticker and lots of president trump and vice president pence, but also if you look at the bottom left hand corner, a sticker saying cnn sucks. >> absolutely. there was quite a bit of a display on that van. likely it's why they covered it up with the blue tarp. they probably consider much of that evidence. there were pictures of donald trump and mike pence and the cnn
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sucks which is interesting, given who the pipe bombs were directed to if the van is related as clearly the fbi and investigators believe. if it sticks with the tone of who these pipes were directed to and who they were support from, even. debbie wassermann schultz with the name swelled wrong here in florida. the former dnc chair. it's interesting to see what was on that van. they believe they have the right person. they have been working on this and zeroing in on florida since yesterday, we understand. they made the arrest this morning here at the auto zone along with the van. wolf some. >> randi, this is a development unfolding even as we speak. what investigators need to know first and foremost, are there more packages on the way. what do we know about that? >> reporter: that's what is unclear. we don't know if this man is cooperating with investigators. he was taken into custody
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earlier this morning. we don't know if he was taken without incident. we don't know if he said anything when he was taken into custody or how long they had been tracking him. if they were tracking him for days or even just the last 24 hours. there goes the fbi with their evidence pulling away from the auto zone here. that's one of the questions they will be asking this guy if there were more packages on the way. that is the utmost importance here in this case. whether or not he will tell them, wolf, is something that remains to be seen. it's unclear from our point of view if there are more packages in the mail. >> randi kay, i know you are working your sources. joining us now is evan perez who has been doing a lot of reporting on this and art roderick also joins us. you tell us about this individual. what do we know? >> cesar sayoc and the last
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address we have for him is in aventura, florida. that's a suburb north of miami. the location that randi is at is an auto zone parking lot where he was arrested. to the west of there, the miami field office or the fbi is a few miles west of that location. all that area was the focus of the last 24, 36 hours of law enforcement. they had a pretty good idea yesterday that the facility in opa locka was the nexus of this. some packages were identified as being processed in that location. that was a huge breakthrough for the investigation simply because it helped narrow down the location of where they were searching. the places where they were shipped from. that was a huge breakthrough for the investigators. another clue is he made
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mistakes. you have 12 packages and a 13th is being investigated in sacramento addressed to kamala harris. we are not sure if it's related, but at least 12 have been examined or are being examined by forensic experts at the fbi. he made mistakes and they were able to retrieve dna from at least one. that really was another big clue for the investigators. once you have that, overnight and this morning, the investigators had a change in tone. you could sense that they really believed they were about to get this guy. this morning they were on him. they were up on his cell phones to keep track and make sure they could do this safely. one of the things they didn't want to do was arrest him in his home. if he had additional explosives,
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that's something to be concerned about. they made this arrest away from where he lived. over the last 24, 36 hours, they have been working the fbi and the atf and the postal inspection service, all of them were working to make sure they found this man and the big key breakthroughs happened over the last 24 hours or so. the focus there in opa locka, florida. the packages went through and the dna that they were able to retrieve from at least one of the packages. wolf? >> very excellent law enforcement going on. walk us through the process that led law enforcement to cesar sayoc who has a pretty significant criminal background. >> he does. it goes back to at least 2002. when this process all started, we have been talking about it for a couple of days.
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the key was -- we had 10 device. that's the key. 10 of the devices, unless you are in a high end scientific lab, it's almost impossible not to leave something behind. we always say in law enforcement, when you enter a room and you commit a crime, you always leave something behind. in this case it was dna and possible fingerprints. in this case he worked at auto zone. were the parts coming from auto zone or out of his work area? this is going to be the real investigation that starts now. we were in the manhunt phase. now we are in the investigative phase. they have to put together evidence to complete the prosecution. that's what we are doing. >> do we have information on whether he acted alone or there were other accomplices? evan is work his sources. have you any indication of that? they are wokking to see who he
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was in touch with. >> this might be one individual because all the devices were packaged similar. they don't think there were other accomplices. did he have social media or gaming devices? that will be the key. they have the van in custody and is there evidence in the van. what's going on in his apartment or home? >> i assume they have gone through his social media and taken a look at that. i wonder if they were listening to his phone conversations over the past couple of days. >> because of the threat to life, i'm sure they had those things in place. they were doing surveillance for at least 24 hours before this. >> he advertised political views on the van. you look at all the stickers. the support for president trump and vice president pence, also the hatred of drain the swamp and a burch nch of pictures of
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democrats and the cnn sucks poster. if you look at the others, you can see the things that he was posting on that van. it was well-known where his personal views. >> when you work a case like this and probably a day or so ago, day ago, everything started falling into place once they started targeting this individual. they had the van under surveillance and the stickers, this falls into the type of profile of individual we are looking for. so things started falling into place. they kept him under surveillance and got everything they needed from court to get the search warrant and made the arrest. >> that aey took the van carefu. there could be a lot of evidence to the van and that's why they took it to a secure facility. >> exactly. they had the canine come through
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to make sure there was no explosive materials in there. they packed it up and took it off and right now going through it with a fine tooth comb. >> i want to bring in a california congresswoman, jackie spear who is a number of the intelligence committee. listen to what the president said last hour. >> we must never allow political violence to take root in america. cannot let it happen. i'm committed to doing everything in my power as president to stop it. >> what's your reaction, congresswoman? >> total hypocrisy. he spends most of his time at his rallies throwing verbal bombs at all the people that receive these bombs in the mail. even in that particular statement he made, he would not refer to them as bombs. he referred to them as packages
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or devices. he is truly unable to unify this country because unless he is scripted, he is always taking pot shots at people because he really has an antisocial behavior that has worked for him for most of his where he can attack people and cower. the american people recognize his pattern now and i think will start tuning him out. i would like to say thank god the fbi was there to do its job. the president spent much of the last two years attacking the fbi. a borage of attacks. they do their job every day. he doesn't like it when they investigate him, but in this case they investigated and found the bomb maker. >> he did say in his remarks terrorizing events that are
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despicable and have noplace in our society. he called it a terrorizing event. earlier he sent out a tweet before they apprehended this suspect. republicans are doing so well in the polls and now this "bomb stuff." that was 10 a few hours before and all of a sudden they arrest this individual and he is calling it these terrorizing effects that are despicable and have noplace in our society. what do you think of the contrast? >> that shows everyone that you can't believe what he says from one moment to the next. he flips. it's so disastrous to have a president who is not on an even keel and does not unify the country. i don't believe a word he says
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when he said he would unify us. at his next rally, he is going to take hot shots at someone who has criticized him. the fact that every one of these recipients or persons who he was threatened by or made caustic comments about him or who were former opponents of his would suggest to me that he telegraphs very well to those that want to do harm to people. >> he said these were terrorizing effects that were despicable and you look at the targets. two former presidents of the united states. a former vice president of the united states and former attorney general and director of national intelligence. members of the senate and the house of representatives. he doesn't mention them, but says high ranking individuals and doesn't mention cnn by name, just says a media organization.
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he said these are terrorizing events. he hasn't made any phone calls to even speak to the former presidents. what do you make of that? >> for suggests that he's a phony. it's always been about him. it will always be about him. he doesn't have an empathetic cell in his body and he doesn't act presidential or reach out to those who were the subjects of this harm had those bombs detonated. >> as the president correctly said, these were terrorizing events. whether the bombs went off or didn't, they terrorized and created a lot of fear in so many individuals. not just the high profile people who were targeted, but you think of all the workers in mailrooms, postal service employees, secret service employees. this could have been a real, real disaster. jackie spear, thank you very much for joining us.
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>> thank you, wolf. >> renee is getting new information. what are you picking up? >> our team here has been digging into the background of cesar sayoc, 56 years old, arrested for these mailed pipe bombs. we are learning he does have a criminal history. he has a string of arrests dating back to the early 1990s. i want to highlight one that jumps out. in 2002 arrest by miami police for an offense described in online records and i'm quoting, "threat to bomb and threaten to discharge disruptive device." the online record dos not provide much detail as far as the case goes, but those words clearly listed there. we see a total of eight arrest offenses in his online records. this is all according to the florida department of law enforcement records. everything from grand theft,
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battery, fraud, drug possession, as well as multiple probation violations. it is clear at least authorities in the south florida area are very familiar with this man because he does have quite an extensive criminal history here. again, the most notable from what we are seeing in a 2002 arrest by miami police where they described the offense as a threat to bomb. wolf? >> very important information, renee. thank you very much. i know you are continuing to work your sourcesas well. you think about how they found this individual. look at the criminal background. clearly law enforcement has his fingerprints and they know about him. if on the packages there was a fingerprint in the package or outside, it clearly could have led to his arrest. >> absolutely. they could have had his dna on file and that could lead to his
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arrest. i found the same records they are talking about here. i saw the 2002 threat to bomb arrest. obviously that's major red flag here and falls into place with this type of person's psychology. when you put this extensive history together with what you are looking at and the fbi has a lot more information regarding his background and years of criminal history. it kind of all falls into place for us that wow, this is more than likely the guy. the big question is now, was he associating with anybody and was anybody helping him? >> what fits into his profile? we don't know a lot. does it look like an individual with this criminal background clearly with his strong political views and you see them advertised on that van. he makes no secret of that. does that look like someone
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working with accomplices or acting alone? >> i have to agree with the profilers on this. it looks like this individual is working alone. what i mean, we might find out he is working with somebody and maybe not. what has he been saying to other people and associates at work? what is he saying to his family and friends in florida. they have to put all of this together and that's what the fbi is doing right now. >> evan perez is getting more information. what are you learning? >> one of the big things here for investigators because we have been working this case was finding that dna on at least one of the packages. they were able to use it including the fact that they were able to identify that these packages originated in florida. at least some of them, they could find the postal service
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and inspection was able to find that they came from this general area. and then they do all their other police work. some of our other guests can talk to this. one of the things they do and have done this in other cases was to see if the cell phone was in the area. that's near where some of these were sent. that's with the fbi and the postal inspection service. over the last 24 or 36 hours. the 90 was able to send people down to the miami area to focus on this. they were sure they were going to be able to get him. now we expect in the next hour
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we hear from the attorney general and we have the election coming up. the political targets that were the focus of this serial bomber. and i think we will hear from the attorney general the importance of the case and the work the officers have been doing over the last 12 to 36 hours in trying to find this man. >> we salute the local law enforcement and they have done an amazing job with a very, very speedy arrest. thank you very much. i want to bring in joe right now. a former fbi auditor and postal inspector as well. are you surprised that it happened as quickly as it did? >> yes, i am. very surprised. >> tell us why.
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>> normally it takes a while to do the investigation to get all the facts together. there had to be this guy that appears to be sloppy and left evidence behind on the packages. >> as a result they could find him and arrest him. from your experience, joe, a package originating from a local post office in florida headed to say the time-warner center in new york city. how many people would come into contact with that package? i ask because i want to know how many people potentially could be in danger. >> it would be the collections drive to come down to the general mail facility and sort it to the post office and be a truck driver that would take it up there and come off the truck and go to the post office and be sorted again by the letter
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carrier and then delivered. you are looking at all the people around the work stations. >> this is a pretty dangerous operation when you think about it. at least 12 of these suspectedh. they were looking into another package that was delivered on to sacramento, california. there are a lot of people whose lives could be in danger. yes, they do. they go through training to look for the packages, but the thing that the public has to remember is it's nice to have a lifeguard, but better to know how to swim. we want the public to be aware of what to look for on these
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packages. a lot of times if something is sent, it is not are inially caught at the post office. with automation, there is a little -- not a lot of human contact anymore. people have to handle the packages, but to be sorted with items like that, it's been by automation. we want to make the public aware of what to look for and a lot of times, we would get the call after the package has been delivered. >> what advice -- a lot of people are watching. what advice do you have? what should we be looking for? >> you should look for a package that has excessive postage on it. no return address. misspellings in the addressee or return address, if there is a return address. no post mark on the package. things like that. >> when you say no post mark,
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tell us why that is significant. don't they always put a most mark? >> i hate to use the word always. it should have a post mark if it's gone through the post office. >> sometimes it doesn't? >> yes. not everything is perfect. >> i think that is good advice for individuals out there. the advice you just shared. be suspicious, especially with misspelled words or a weird return address and it looks like it's written in weird ways with misspellings. all of those are significant clues. >> yes. and if you go to the u.s. postal service website and look up poster 84, it has everything you need to know to look for suspicious mail. >> thank you so much. very useful information. we will of course get back to you as well. we are following the major
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breaking news right now. much more on the suspect. much more on the van and the vehicle. we have new information coming in. we'll be right back. hi, my name is sam davis and i'm going to tell you about exciting plans available to anyone with medicare. many plans provide broad coverage and still may save you money on monthly premiums and prescription drugs. these are affordable, all-in-one plans that help pay for doctor visits, hospital stays and emergency care. but they also include prescription drug
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you are getting more information on this suspect. what else are you learning? >> a couple of tidbits of information. the suspect, once police learned of him and realized he could be the man they have been looking for, they used a cell phone to track him and used a cell phone to help and pinpoint his whereabouts and tying him to some of the locations that they have been interested in in south florida. we are told that dna was used and forensic evidence was used to tie him to the devices. you can see here quite quickly that law enforcement gathered a lot of information on the suspect. his whereabouts and where he has been. his connections to south florida. really key elements that have built this case that have allowed prosecutors to file charges against him. he is quite an interesting guy, but we don't know much about
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him. he's a huge social media presence. plenty of video and facebook account and other social media accounts that law enforcement have been poring through. he has a criminal history and in his 50s. there is a lot that law enforcement knows that they are gathering and putting together as to motive and his mind set and things that may have caused him to do what he was doing and all of this hopefully we will learn more when the court documents get unseal and we can read through them and see exactly what law enforcement knows and how they put it together. as we know, this 2:30 press conference. >> i suspect we will learn a lot about this individual in the coming hours. thank you very much. several of the suspicious packages ended up in new york. that includes a package stopped
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by investigators in a mail sorting facility. that package addressed to both the former director of intelligence, james clapper, and to cnn, a few miles from the government center. andrew cuomo, give us your reaction. i assume you have been full low briefed on the arrest of the suspect. >> well thanks and good to be with you again, wolf. the good news is the law enforcement agencies did a fantastic job and spoke to the president the day before yesterday and we discussed that conversation. he said that he was going to tell the fbi to do everything they could. the fbi has done a phenomenal job and a joint terrorism task force had all sorts of resources and did a good job.
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no job about that and they coordinated with state and local. assuming that this person is what we believe he represents himself to be, a sole operator and it's not part of a more sophisticated group, from my point of view, that's bad news. in new york, we are afraid of terrorism and the worst case are these individual lone wolves who can download from the internet and find out how to build a and can really create terror. that may very well be the case with this person. this nation, this state, there are many eccentric personalities. let's put it that way. when you have the heat and the vitriol that is now in our political system, you have an almost uncontrollable situation
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where you could ignite any one of these personalities at any given time. you can't police all these different eccentric personalities. we are going to really need to talk about systemic reforms. a microlevel. we have to do a better job of screening the mail. the u.s. postal service, we will be working on it here in this state, but also we have to stop generating the hate in our political system, otherwise this will happen again and again and again and we can't sustain it. >> if you look at this suspect's van, you see all the stickers on the windows throughout the van. there was a lot of hatred displayed and a lot of support for president trump and vice president pence, but a lot of hatred. drain the swamp and cnn sucks. a lot of pictures of individuals who were targeted with these
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suspecte suspected bombs. there could be more packages coming out and that played out today. one addressed to cory booker, the senator from new jersey and another to james clapper, the former director of national intelligence and another to cnn. do you believe there may be other packages in transit that have not yet been discovered? >> i have no direct knowledge, but if i had to wager, i would say yes. i don't believe just because you caught him now it means that all the packages were not in transit. the good news is, none of them have exploded. i don't believe they were ever fake bombs. i think that was more political rhetoric. he may not have been a sophisticated bomb maker, but these were dangerous devices. everybody says that. i wouldn't be at ought surprised if other packages arrive.
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i wouldn't be at all surprised if it was just this person. when you look at that van and you look at the poster on the van, it's almost a poster that would be done for the movie that we have been talking about for the past week and the past months. this is a polarized country. this is an overheated political discussion. the president markets. he markets anger and violence and vulgarity and there is an audience that is buying it. it's not going to stop until either the president and the other leader who is spread it decide to stop spreading or the american people agree to stop buying. if the american people stop buying, the president will stop
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selling. i think it's time where we start to say to the american people, look at what we went through for a week. look at all the time and all the money and the energy spent. we can't sustain this. it's not the way it's supposed to be. even with political differences and political violence, we always had differences. that's what make this is country this country. never to this level. you excite the eccentric personalities. with all due respect to the person who has been arrested, but you excite the people to violen violence. that has to stop. thanks very much for joininguts. >> we are getting new details about how the suspect will be prosecute and new information on his cell phone. stand by. we will take a quick break and be right back. alright, i brought in ensure max protein...
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california are checking on a package that they believe matches the characteristics of the others we have seen. this one was addressed to tom steyer, a wealthy fund-raiser on the democratic side, funding a lot of anti-trump ads on television and a lot of political donations to people who are critics of the president. tom steyer is who this package was addressed to. they are investigating at this hour to make sure it's safe, first of all, and to see whether or not it is similar and whether it's the same type of package and then provide it to the fbi to investigate. earlier today they had identified another package in california and sacramento addressed to senator kamala harris. a similar package that is part of this investigation at this point. it really goes to show you what shimon has been talking about.
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the fear as they bring this guy in and arrest him, one of the key things is to find out how many more of these things are out there and make sure everything is rendered safe before someone gets hurt. obviously that's the big concern at this point. at this hour, they are still checking on this one package that has been intercepted in burlingame, california that was addressed to tom steyer. >> someone who spent millions of dollars in opposing president trump, including ads recommending his impeachment. we heard the governor say he suspects there are more packages out there as well. we just discovered this. thanks very much. i want to bring in drew griffin outside the field office in miramar, florida, where the suspect and his van are believe to be held right now. what are you learning? >> reporter: the van for sure and we believe the suspect is being questioned here right now. he has an extensive criminal
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record in the state of florida, including threats to bomb. he was arrested in 2002 by the miami police department. threatened to discharge a destructive device. for that he received a year's probation. there are multiple other arrests. grand theft, battery, drug probation. this was why it was so easy when they had the packages to find this guy's name. those fingerprints would have been in a system for law enforcement to peruse and able to track him down as we understand, beliepossibly throus cell phone. this may have been a nomadic kind of a person. he registered for the first time to vote in 2016 and registered as a republican. we are outside this miramar fbi facility where we believe the
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suspect is being held and questioned by the fbi, wolf? >> i'm a little surprised if he registered to vote with that criminal back ground, did he have felony convictions? if you have a felony conviction, it's not that easy to supposedly register to vote. >> reporter: that is a ballot issue on the florida ballot. there are ways you can get back on, even if you are a convicted felon. because these records are somewhat old, we don't have the adjudication. that bomb threat ended up being a one year in probation. although arrested, he may have pled down. that could explain why he was able to register to vote in the state of florida. >> if you look at the stickers, you see his political orie orientati orientation. we are also learning more about who exactly will be handling
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this high profile, sensitive case. we are learning more about that this part of the story. tell us what you can. >> we are learning according to sources who spoke to me and shimon that the u.s. attorney's office for the southern district of new york in manhattan where a lot of these were sent will be leading the prosecution in this case. the terrorism unit has been, wooingwo i working alongside the attorney appointed by president trump. we are expecting to be at the press conference in under an hour at the announcement of the charges. we are expected to learn what they are charging the suspect with and additional details should be in that complain. >> we will watch it and of course have live coverage of that news conference coming up. thank you very much. i . i want to bring in the
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commissioner, thanks for joining us. this looks to be a rather quick arrest in this case. what do you suspect could have led authorities so quickly to arrest this individual? >> well, first, it was a national priority, full court press. clearly they found fingerprints or dna. dna is dispositive. it's something that's going to identify the individual. there's something called codis, i'm sure they used that to find this individual. >> terrific law enforcement work. they've taken away what looks to be his van. we've seen the stickers on the side of the windios. what sort of evidence will they be looking for specifically inside that van? >> they'll look for pieces of explosives, the wiring, the tape, anything that connects him to that bomb or the purchase of
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any of that material. when they find it, it will all be put into evidence along with the forensic evidence that they currently have. >> as you know, the new york city police department has its own intelligence unit, especially after 9/11. it's had a lot of opportunities and roles over the years in preventing terrorist attacks. what do you think the role of intelligence was in this particular case in. >> i think it was huge. we have al gogorithms. they probably were putting in florida, south florida, bomb, convictions, new york related and it all probably came together with the forensic evidence and that's how this
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found this guy. i am not surprised that they found him so quickly. >> really. well, they did terrific work and we're grateful to all the federal and local authorities involved. howard safir, we're grateful for you over the years. we've learned of more packages sent to top democrats. we're getting new information about the suspect's cell phone. we'll take a quick break and be right back. harry's meeting clients...
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hi. i'm misha. and my favorite bar is crunch. ♪ delicious 100% real chocolate embracing the lightness of crispy rice. crunch. the chocolate bar all americans love. former atf explosives investigator. anthony, tell us a little more about your reaction when you heard of this arrest. well, i'm not completely surprised. we had a wealth of information to use from 12 devices now. but the dna, the fingerprints, the guy was leading us right back to him with all of these devices.
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>> and his political orientation, clearly that must have been a clue as well, i suspect. >> well, it's a clue to the motive as of right now, with the stickers on the van. and the fact that the van was apprehended at the auto store is not a surprise either because he was likely there to buy the wire, the heavy gauge wire, something you can buy at that store. investigators had a bunch of brown bags that was their evidence bags and what they were putting in those bags appear to be receipts. so they must have him purchasing items. >> they probably have a lot of evidence already, and i suspect a lot more is on the way. anthony, thanks so much for joining us. i want to get some political fallout from what is unfolding right now, our plolitical
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analysts join us. gloria borger, the president said these are despicable events. >> he did not use those words before today. then he had a rally inside the white house and when people started chanting, you know, "cnn sucks," whatever, "fake news," their words, not mine, and "lock her up," he didn't say, no, no, we have to stop that, we can't. he let it go on. >> he seemed to be smiling actually. >> and on his twitter this morning about 10:00 before we knew any of this news, he put "bomb" in quotation marks and seemed to be offensed thwffende stories of the terrorism were overtaking the messages he
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wanted to talk about for the election. >> twitter has not been striking the same tone as his, but he hasn't been doing that because it seems like he's being himself again, which is he does things correctly when his advisers have gotten into his ear enough that he's able to read those sorts of comments but he still has a lot of -- his natural state of being is to pick the political fight and do not worry about the greater consequences of thanksgiving. th -- things. this is a particularly egregious time to do that but this is typical trump. >> i think he has a sense that this is interrupting his
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political -- he's been heading to the forefront, promising a new health care plan, promising to lower prescription drug, throwing anything against the wall that will stick, and this sort of was like a human speed bump from him and he like it. it was very clear from the tweet today and he read what he read off the prompt aer. i believe the true donald trump is what we read off the tweets -- >> let me read that tweet. "the republicans are doing so good at the polls, the momentum and now the bomb stuff, very unfortunate what is going on, republicans go out and vote." >> this is not a sort of get out the vote sort of messaging moment but he really has. it's impossible to ignore the fact that there's something political going on here, whether there is somebody -- the person they arrested that seems he has
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affiliations with the republican party or affiliations with the republican party or someone to look like that's the case, clearly the president has sensitized to the politics more than anything else. >> clearly huge breaking news unfolding right now. guys, thanks very much. i'll be back 5 p.m. eastern in the "situation room." our breaking news coverage continues right now. this is cnn breaking news. >> hi, everyone, i'm brooke baldwin. you're watching cnn. here's the breaking news for you on this incredibly busy friday afternoon. this is the man now in custody in connection with the series of expected explosive packages isn't to two former presidents and a number of other top officials. federal investigators arrested cesar sayoc today in south florida. he have
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