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tv   Cuomo Primetime  CNN  October 26, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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pelosi. can you imagine? speaker of the house, nancy pelosi? i don't think so. >> president of the united states after calling for peace and love and harmony. s the news continues. hand it over to chris. chris? >> thank you. i am chris cuomo. welcome to "prime time." the bombs were not a hoax. not fake. they were real, improvised devices that might have hurt people. so says the head of the fbi picked by donald trump. the democrats did not do this. a rabid trump fan allegedly did, tashl targeting those who trump told him and the legion of fans those
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are the people worthy of his heat. a trump supporter who showed up at maga rallies. say it twice, it's doubly true. he went around in a rolling trump propaganda machine. we will tell you about the man in custody on your screen right now and the amazing police work that tracked him down. but the big challenge remains, how do we get bet center we have a couple examples of the wrong way. you hear that? that is the sound of patriots of the fox not apologizing for the fake bomb ds they were pedaling since the bombs showed up. it was never true and they knew it. and the president knows it was one of his fans who targeted the people who said were the enmir and worthy of the worst, the president stood before another crowd and wait until you hear what he said and did not say. it's friday night.
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time to fight the good fight. let's get after it. ♪ >> we learned a lot today. like i said, the bombs are real. listen. >> we're still analyzing the devices in the laboratory. they are not hoax devices. >> whey do i keep saying and it playing it if i made the point? so many had been lying about it and the danger is real and is still on going. >> today's arrest doesn't mean we're all out of the woods. there may be other packages in transit now. >> all right, so anything you hear, maybe it's a false flag or just a left to distract, it's all bs. dismiss it. that is trump's own fbi director and he couldn't be more clear. all the nonsense about fake this and fake that and conservatives don't do this thing? enough. somebody could have been killed. nobody's playing games, not the fbi, not the secret service, not
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the countless first respond erps who did what they do so often and bust their hump to keep team safe. the suspect, a trump fan. would the president man up and own what he said and what he has done and how it affected this misguided trump fan? >> did it bother you at all? >> not at all. there is no blame. there is no anything. if you look at what happened to steve scalice, that is supporter of a different party. i think i have been toned done, if you want to know the truth. ky tone it up. the media has been extremely unfair to me. but with all of that being said, we're winning. i like that. >> who is winning this environment? think about it. somebody sends bombs after feeding what you put out at your rallies and tweets, that's winning? this is the loser who did it,
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the guy in custody, cesar sayok. and he was feeding on the hate fuel from trump and his approximaproxies. >> the fbi wnt say that. they will not say it was exploy sif. >> all the dumb people on television to boost their cable news ratings as they do. cnn blamed trump for inciting an serial bomber. >> and some how the disasteredly acts were provoked by the commander in chief. >> we keep hearing it and it's spreading and rush limbaugh, saying the fan, it's too perfect. must be fake.
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listen to this noise. >> the thing to notice there are three total windows in the van. there is it no way anybody could see in or out. look how evenly proportioned every sticker is. look, nothing is off line. there isn't any overlap. this screams notice me! this would be the face! >> he is screaming notice me. he should be defaced for what he says. silly, the side windows of the van are covered. the guy looks out the front window when he drives, rush. get behind the wheel more often, if he is guilty, he alone will pay the price. and there are plenty of people like him. those who believe that disagreeing is not enough. the other side must be the enemy. any critic is bad, evil, if that sounds like trump, that's because it's what he does most of the time and he seems to get
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that it's a problem the least. like when he suggested the devices were con strived to detract and called the attacks "bomb" stuff. the irony, he complains about the media putting him in the worst light. but one of his fans put him in the worst light of all. now, the president is not responsible for the crimes. he didn't do it. he didn't direct the man to do it. but, he has to own some responsibility for the flammable dialogue that he puts out that people like this may be feeding off. all our leader musts must. but he is the biggest. will team trump own the reality? time to test.
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>> as president trump took to the stage in north carolina, he was first heard urging unity and civility. but it didn't take long. >> in all sincerity, the media's constant, unfair coverage, deep hostility and negative attacks, you know that, only serve to drive people apart and to under mine healthy debate. >> so a guy who was at rallies just like that one sends bombs
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to people like me, and he blames us for the dynamic and nothing for himself. what does team trump have to say about this one? corey lieuendo youski has a lessive for the president. joins us to discuss. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> i appreciate it. see if pe can agree on some things. according to the fbi, not a hoax, not a democrat stunt. something that needed to be taken seriously and was what it appeared to be. agree? >> 100% agree. >> do you believe that as part of moving forward, the people who called it a hoax, the democrats, fake bombs, fake news, should they correct the record and should they back off in orderer to send us in a better course? >> yeah, look, chris, i think that anybody who didn't think that this was a serious event should rethink that. anybody who thought that this
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was politically okay to do is disgusting. i think that we should as a country unite that so our elected officials, whether current or past, should have an opportunity to have a safe environment that are in every single day and everyone i know of is united in one thing. if this is at perpetrator that the fbi has found, we need to make sure it never happens again and i praise the law enforcement for their work in this incident. >> and you know a very difficult to stop in advance and top to track. but the atmosphere they exist can be controlled and that is what i want to talk about. the reasoning i asked about calling it a hoax, assuming it wasn't what it appeared to be, the president did that. in a tweet. he said republicans were doing so well in early voting and now this bomb stuff happens. and the momentum greatly slows, news, not talking, politics, very unfortunate what is going on. he made it sound like this is a
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contrivence. do you think he should say i was wrong to say that? >> the think the president from the the get go, the first bomb, said he was going use the full weight of the federal government to find -- >> he was assuming it was a lefty plan, a contrivance? >> i don't know about that. we have problems on both sides of the aisle who think that violence is a solution when it's not. i think of the individual who shot steve s skrrks alice and the goal was to kill people on the baseball field. >> you mentioned what happened with scalice, terrible, national tragedy. i don't get the app tles to apps
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comparison for the responsibility of a tone. that man was a bernie sanders reporter, he said. but he never told people, the lawmakers, the republicans, they are the enemy. they are bad people, i don't like them. they are no good. bernie sanders never talks about that about republicans but the president talks like that about us and his opponents. do you think that is something he should stop? >> what i think is on both sides of the aisle, whether it's eric holder or hillary clinton or other people on the left, maxine waters, we need to point down before someone gets hurt. steve scalice almost lost his life over this. we have seen many people receiving the bombs that didn't go off. and we are also seen it on the right. we have seen donald trump jr.'s wife be exposed. we have seen eric trump be exposed. there is no place -- this has to tone down. we have an election in under a
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week and a half and we need to unite the country. whether the republicans or democrats wins the house is a secondary issue. what is more important that is people to go to sleep knowing they are safe and sound in the world. and this deranged person to continue to perpetrate, we are doing ourselves and a country disservice. >> the president has said that america must be unified. he said nothing about what he would do to make that happen. shouldn't he? >> of course. >> but he hasn't. >> this is the president whose primary job is to keep citizens safe regardless of preliminary affiliation. >> maybe he should stop saying the media is the enemy and you are right to an angry and hostile to them. >> i do think we have to remember this individual who is accused of the crime and arrested for it is a man living in his car. he was thrown out of his mother's house. hes is a lengthy record of arrests in the past.
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>> so did the man who shot steve scalice. except, guys pick the facts on these things. you think it should be seen as an equal thing. but the people who shot up people with a trump van, now he is damaged and we have to look at it that way. >> i don't know if they found the perpetrator who send a white powder to vanessa trump and ended up with white powder on his face. >> and the media on the right said the bombs, they didn't go off. it's a very big deal. but it's okay for vanessa trump saying abject fear. had to be on drugs for two weeks. it doesn't mean shoe wasn't afraid and the right in the media, they trashed cnn and the targets of the bomb saying they are not real explosives, don't
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be a snowflake. what a double standard. >> i don't agree with any of that to be fair. anybody who is perpetuating the violence is okay. and we can disagree on a lot of things but the one thing you and i can agree on, violence has no place in this society. there is no cause to violence. you and i can agree on that. i think all americans can agree on that, except the lunatics that want to be accountable. >> 100%. i test you, maybe you like it, maybe you don't. but we sblooef part as people who are amicable. the president has a lot more responsibility than you and i do. and there is one of them. the powestful leadmost powerful. he will did say today, i have toned down if you want to know the truth. i can really tune it up.
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the morning after the bomb arrived at cnn, he blamed us for and it said the negativity is our problem. tonight at the rally in charlotte, they were chanting "cnn sucks" and they were ripped up by one of the organizers. don't you think that trump should say, stop doing that? >> i am concerned about the rhetoric that comes up and cnn has a large mike phone as well. >> not the president. >> it's a worldwide media organization, a massive reach around the world and to go out and accuse not only the president but the press secretary of the white house they had something to do -- >> no, they don't understand the power of their words, corey, and they should. because a guy sent a bomb to his office because he believes in the president and what the president says. >> with the election right around the corner, i think everybody is amped up.
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democrats feel they want to take back the house. republicans are fighting to keep the house. and clearly over the top rhetoric we have seen and it's individuals like this person who want to take it to the next step, which is completely unacceptable. we need to unite the country. when barack obama was elected, i didn't vote for him. but wanted him to be successful. what we need to do, we need to get back to a place where republicans and democrats can put aside politics and work together on issues they can agree on. but more importantly to have a civil tone so that when you disagree, it's in a professional manner and you can fints tish t day and move on it. and we have lost it. >> 100%. the tone starts at the top. see what happens next. corey lewendowski, thank you. >> thank you. >> was i surprised in yeah. and however the last statement,
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this is me taking and that's the limitation. that's the limitation. the president says none of that. and if the president mean what is he says and he prepares lip service, doesn't he need to say how he would help do that? doesn't he need to lead that initiative? isn't that what presidents do? that sounds like a provocative premise for a great debate next. i get so much in return. join our family of home instead caregivers and help make a world of difference. home instead senior care. apply today. home instead senior care. and butch.aura. and tank. and tiny. and this is laura's mobile dog grooming palace. laura can clean up a retriever that rolled in foxtails, but she's not much on "articles of organization." articles of what? so, she turned to legalzoom. they helped me out. she means we helped with her llc, trademark, and a lot of other legal stuff that's a part of running a business.
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nationwide sentiments of uniany occasi unification, and we can ask ourselves, what did the president do in this moment? what is he saying now? and more importantly, why? let's get after that in the great debate. we have jennifer granholm and niger innis. thanks for being here on a friday night. the president said we must unify, this is no good. was that enough for you, jennifer granholm? >> if he had stopped there, it would have been amazing and great. although, he did look like he was reading a script from a hos stage video. but after he did that, unfortunately, i had went right back to it. so it's not -- it's a teleprompter versus rally trump and it's rally trump that is feeding the division we have seen. it's such a low bar, chris.
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it's such a low bar for him to jump over. he would get so many people who would be giving him a second look at the election if he were to say, you know, everybody has to take a breath including myself. i am going to dial it back. we should be unified. not just at the teleprompter, when he is in the rally. he doesn't do that and it's so easy to lead in the the right way and instead, he is chosen to lead in a didivisive why. >> niger, he said, no, he's a good man. i disagree with him on things but he is a good man. trump had several moments do that since this bombing. i disagree with these people. and if you think you are supporting me hating them, you are not and you are doing a disservice to the country. that is all he had to say.
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won't say it. why? >> look, the president is a street fighter. >> no, he doesn't. >> that is the method -- >> he grew up with money -- he grew up getting anything he wants. >> no, i'm talking rhetorically. he and that attitude is what led him to win the nomination, to win the presidency against all odds and to have a smashingly successful presidency. >> no terms of the people? >> and so-called civility has gotten s in the past. you mentioned john mccain and god rest his soul in heaven. he was a decent man but what did he get him in 2008? a real time story calling him an adulterer. and mitt romney's civility got him called a tax cheat by harry reid who was never called on it
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been it media, and asked about it, he said, it worked, didn't it? and these are the things -- >> wait, you don't believe civility in politics? >> no, actually, chris, you know i come from a civil rights tradition. >> i know. >> that believes in nonviolent protest and civility. >> that wasn't a cheap shot. >> my father f you took a shot at him, he would take a shot at you. >> that is not the metric with the president. he takes shots because he doesn't like what you do. not because you took a shot at him. not like someone said in the media, i'm not stupid and he says, i'm not stupid. we say you are wrong when you say that you are created the good economy and he says that is fake news. that is not the same thing as being a counterpuncher. it's being a cheap shot. >> in addition to that, can i just jump in? >> go ahead, jennifer granholm. >> i just really, disturbing
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what you are saying, niger, because what you are saying is that it's only threw this that the republicans can win. and through the fist. and that is just so not what unifies this country. all of the other previous republican presidents, no one has been as utterly devisive than him. he is on utterly partisan that he only wants to be president for half or less, a third of america. >> a question for you, jennifer. a question for you. where are the democrats filling the void on this? i know they are not in power. you beat me down on this before. i understand the leverage. but i don't hear the democrats and their leaders and those who want to be their leaders jumping into the void here about what this means. >> are you kidding? everybody is saying it today! we have to unify. this is -- >> what are they going to do to
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unify us. what are they going to do? >> well, when you say what are they going to do -- >> what are they going to do. >> they will get elected. >> how will they make it better? >> well, so, what democrats need to do is continue to reach across the aisle. yes, the ones who are in power, the ones who are going to be in power. you see all of the democrats who are running for office now, the vast majority of them are not attacking trump. they are talking about the things that people, democrats and republicans care about in their districts. it has to be focused on that. but this president, unfortunately, i wish he wanted all of us to come together. i wish he reached out to people like -- who think they like i do and say i'm president for all of us. the democrats running in states that are purple states are saying we all have to come together. i'm not just a leader for the democrats. i'm a leader for my district. i'm a leader for my state.
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democrats or republicans. this president had never said that. he has never reached across the aisle. >> we have -- we must be in alternative universes, because i recall former attorney general eric holder, saying you kick republicans when they go low. >> right, and then michelle obama came back and said that's not right. >> the former secretary of state, former first lady, first nominee of the democratic party -- >> fortunater first lady said no. >> there will be no -- there will be no civility until democrats regain power. >> say you're right. your own fact, why don't you ever call that out about the president? call him a counterpuncher? >> i have done it, i have not only done it, i have done it on your show and say that the president was wrong.
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>> don't you think he should have said -- >> his personality and persona. >> it's like you are excusing it that way. that is just who he is. he can't be any better. he's the president. >> here is what is unfair. a patriotic american can't go out and have a dinner without being harassed. sarah sanders cannot go to the restaurant and someone says that should you leave a restaurant. >> and somebody sent a bomb to where i work. it's problems on both sides. >> there is a difference of a crazy man sending faulty bombs and the crazy man who almost skilled scalice and the same people going into a restaurant, the owner of the restaurant went to sarah sanders and felt
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righteous to say, you have to leave because i disagree with your boss. >> i hear, you niger, jennifer, last point. >> i am just saying, niger, can you and i end this conversation agreeing that it's important for leadership and especially the leader who has the biggest microphone to bring people together, to unify and to not be divisive, and all leaders should be taking down the temperature and making america more safe rather than less safe. can we agree on that? >> i agree -- >> no? >> that the president of the united states -- >> let him answer. >> no, just kidding. >> should be concerned about the sayty s safety of the american people and i applaud the justice department and the fbi for
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catching this lunatic that will spend 50 years with a guy named buba. >> and he was trump's choice for the fbi, christopher ray who said not a hoax, not a false flag. not done by democrats. not done to deter in the midterms. it was a trump supporter. all you out there saying differently, a lot of silence from you tonight on the apologetic side. jennifer, niger, thank you for giving me your friday night. >> you bet. >> thank you. >> still a lot to come. what we do know is that one of the 14 packages that went sent went to james clapper, a cnn family, addressed to the building we are in right now. that one was found today. the former intel chief on what it's like to be targeted and how he got out of the mess. tball ga, so let's promote our fall travel deal on like this. touchdown. earn a free night when you stay just twice this fall.
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first, it continues to pay paramedics while we're on break. second, it ensures the closest ambulance can respond if you call 9-1-1. vote yes on 11.
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proposition 11 "proposition 11 is a vote to protect patient safety." it ensures the closest ambulance remains on-call during paid breaks "so that they can respond immediately when needed." vote yes on 11. these bombs are not hoax devices. those words ringing loud and clear from fbi corrector christopher ray today. at the suspect accused of sending a dozen bombs across the country was apprehended. and terror spread across the country by his hands.
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former presidents, congressional leaders and joining us now is another person who got a package. one addressed to him. james clapper. so that makes 14 explosive devices. the authorities say there may be more. keep an eye out for that. it is good to see you. i am glad that the package wound up being irrelevant to your continued existence. >> yeah, so am i. >> you have to give me a sense on this, jim, you have been through a lot in your life. when you heard that you were one of the people that this guy had eyes on, what did it mean to new. >> well, first of all, it wasn't a big surprise. to me, chris, i find of figured that this guy send out enough -- i hope that's a friend -- >> i hope so too.
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>> continue. >> fireworks or something. when john brenon got one, i figured if he -- if the perpetrator sent out enough, i probably got one too. i have to confess that i turned on the tv this morning, cnn of course, and i see a pipe bomb with my name on it, it was a little disconcerting. >> look, in the intelligence business, you deal with propaganda, and political r rhetoric. what is your chance, what needs to change and who needs to make changes in order for political discourse to become more about decency than disruption? >> well, i think a lot of people have to think about, you know, the current situation, what they as individuals need to do about it. and at the individual level this
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is something that i saw during the 2016 election campaign with what the russians were doing particularly their manipulation of voter opinion because of their very broad gauge and sophisticated use of social media. so one thing i wish individuals would do is not to accept everything they see, hear or read on the internet. so at the individual level. as far as overall discourse in this country, yeah, everyone needs to tone done the rhetoric. supporters and critics of president trump. but the leadership for that can only come from one place. and that is the white house, the oval office. the president of the united states occupies the most powerful pulpit in this country, and in world.
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and he can first set the tone. and others will follow suit. and so far, he's been shawl i say uneven in doing that. >> uneven? one of the guys i used to work with, you told me that the reason the russians and controls parrot a lot of the tough that trump says, it's not like they like trump. it's that it's effective. and negative propaganda and calls out the memamerican cultu it's effective to those type of attacks and isn't that why trump does it? trump does it and the reason trump doesn't say it's wrong or he doesn't say it's going to change, he thinks it works for him and that is what he cares about. >> well, it does. he almost grovels in enjoys amplifying the polarization and
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divisiveness in the country and they can exploit a weakness in our country and we are so polarized and divisiveness and that serves their purpose under mining our fundamental government. so the complimentary relationship, maybe not intentional. between the president's rhetoric, the rhetoric that he exhibits at rallies and by the way, i much prefer teleprompter trump than rally trump as jennifer granholm mentioned. but people need to be aware of it and the sensitive to it. and regardless to your station in life, people need to think
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about the toned down rhetoric. >> james clapper, glad you're okay. i hope you have a great weekend. >> thank you, chris. thanks for having me. >> all right. i want to bring in someone else who was once threatened by this bombing suspect in custody. he is one of my close friends. the big star here at cnn. his story next. let's say it in a really low voice. carl? lowest price, guaranteed. just stick with badda book. badda boom. book now at ♪ (electronic dance music)♪ ♪
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what did it mean to new. >> i didn't know about it, chris, and that was -- it was done, not within the last couple weeks. but it's been out there. it makes me wonder who is monitoring these things? am i in more immediate danger than i realized? all of us. it's sad. surprisingly, it's not a shock anymore. you go on social media. you see it. so i just -- someone should be out monitoring those things and people start putting posts online like that, i think it's incoup incumbent of -- it said that don lemon and april ryan are next. what happen does it mean next? >> and most people are speaking that way, they are foolish,
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hyperbolic. key board warriors. but this guy, he said it before. he said vircious things. he is the guy who sent the bombs. >> he is there front and center at the rallies. >> yeah, holding up the signs. >> holding up the signs and the folks at rally saw him and i imagine encouraged him and that behavior and those signs. and let me be honest with you -- i haven't been to -- since he has taken office, i haven't been at the rally. but the at convention, and i had never been inside one. you see them selling that paraphernalia with the most -- saying the most vile things about hillary clinton. the ugliest racist images of
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barack obama and democrats and on cnn as well. so it's -- the trump folks have to take responsibility for that. they probably won't. i'm not 40eholding by breath. but they should. i should say they should take responsibility for that. the worst among them. i'm not talking about all of them. they go to the rallies and they cheer, lock her up. they chant lock her up. cnn sucks. it's the most vile, disgusting base behavior that i don't understand why anyone would want to be involved or within ten miles of it. i don't want to be -- it's gross. i would never want to be in the middle of that. but getting back to the platform, twitter. these things have been posted on twitter. i have a young lady coming on. he threatened her. sayok. she reported it to twitter. they said it didn't meet their
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guidelines and they let it go and kept the twitter feed. >> that is an important perspective. tonight, they have so start stepping up. they got a free ride too long. thing on thing they put the full energy into monitoring is how they make fun off the accounts. and something that is happening with the but they can't monitor people and making sure they're checking themselves in terms of how they deal with decency and community standards. they know they can do better. >> can you ask you something? >> of course you can. >> listen, do you worry? are you concerned? i'm always looking over my shoulder now. do you worry about -- >> nope. >> hmm. >> i do it with a clear conscience. whatever is going to happen, happens. i live with the belief that there's very little that i can control about what other people decide to do. but i'll tell you what. i'm often impressed by your bravery. you're an outspoken guy. you're a black guy. you're a gay guy, and you speak truth to power, and there's so many people out there who want
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to come out after you just because of what you represent to them without knowing anything about you. >> i know. thank you for that. it's just funny hearing that come out of your mouth. i'm like, you don't say, chris. >> in case you didn't know, don, you're black and gay. i don't know why you decided that you had to be both. >> i know. better-looking and smarter than you, though. but i appreciate that sentiment. yes, but you know what? because of everything that i've had to deal with, i'm just as american as everyone else. >> maybe more. >> yes, and maybe more. if you want to say that, you can say that. i won't say that. i'll take the maybe more. >> look at your tie. >> i know. it's red, white, and blue. listen, many of my family members have served this country. my ancestors didn't want to come over, but they came over. and i think i did a pretty good job, right, of making something of myself. i think i did okay. but, yeah, and i'm the only one who looks like me in this whole territory that we have right now, in this game.
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>> as soon as you go to your looks, i cut you off. >> i have to step up in this moment, and that's why i'm not afraid. that's it. >> you're a brave man. >> i'll see you at the top of the hour. they've been wrapping up for ten minutes. >> i know. truth to power! all right. so the president, does he care about what we're talking about? i know people are quick to say no, but i want to look at it objectively. i want to make a case about opportunities that he's had, what he's had to confront about this situation, and what he's done. that's the way to analyze it. and then i got a couple of obvious points that i think need to be made, next. (door bell rings) it's open! hey. this is amazing. with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay? even when i was there,
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so now we know the bombs were real, but how do we stop the next guy like this if we don't address the toxic atmosphere that has to bear some responsibility for the extreme behavior that's out there? first leaders on the left, fill the void. if the party in power wants to play mute or continue the hate parade, show you can be better. and you in the gop, if you want to step up, do it. call out trump for what he says. show you can work with the other side. and as for leadership from the top, prayers continue to go unanswered. first came the easy question for the president. would he own that it was one of his fans and dissuade others from doing the same? turns out not such an easy question. >> i heard he was a person that
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preferred me over others. >> preferred you over others? you were his one and only love, mr. president. here he is at the rallies. here's his twitter feed. his family and co-workers say he was all about trumpy toxic positions. here's the van. and if there were any question as to whether trump were ducking the obvious here, listen to this. [ inaudible question ] >> i did not. i did not see my face on the van. >> did you see the van? how could you miss this? show a picture. and this. i'll keep saying it. and this. he's all over the van. he is the van. the only way he could miss himself is if he looked at the van with his eyes closed. so it's crystal clear that the president has certainly closed his eyes to the reality of what he's doing and what it means to others. more proof. here's his response about the bombs that targeted the same people that he does.
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>> there's no blame. there's no anything. if you look at what happened to steve scalise, that was from a supporter of a different party. if you look at what happened numerous of these incidents, they were support eaers of othe. >> point by point, there is blame. the toxic talk feeds the fire of guys like this bomber. less of that, less of this. let's look at scalise. with the bombings, you want the guy who did it dismissed as a wac wacko, so there should be no tie to you. but the man who shot scalise should be tied to bernie sanders even though that shooter sizes up very similarly to a deranged up. trump does not size up well against bernie in this situation. bernie never told his supporters to treat opponents as the enemy and it was okay to see them as bad people and evil and constantly blaming them the way the president does. and the best proof came just tonight. after the arrest of one of his
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base and his saying that america must unify and that he had taken down his tone, he had not a world about his role in all of this. not a word about what he would do to help unify. and as for taking down his tone -- >> the media has a major role to play whether they want to or not. [ audience booing ] >> bashes us, sas nothing about himself. they chant "cnn sucks," he says nothing. just after -- just the same way as after the saudis killed the journalist, trump says, oh, it's wrong to do that. then he praises that guy, gianforte, as his guy, bragging about how he body slammed a journalist. now tonight he said we need to stop the negative rhetoric and that he's taking it down. then he pauses to listen to the
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nasty cnn chant. he says nothing except to blame us. and why? because we expose the false and hateful rhetoric that he spews too often, and that will never stop. so a few obvious points. trump won't change. why? he wants praise, and the crowd roars when they hear him say this. but, mr. president, what does it tell you that you can't get even half the country behind you despite a robust economy? maybe if you can show people that you can be better for them, you may do better with them. thanks for watching. "cnn tonight with don lemon" starts right now. >> i'm glad you said that. he's not going to change, and i think we should probably stop looking to him to be some sort of moral authority or the barometer to morality. it's just not part of who he is. you remember how the former president at the white house correspondents' dinner, he had sort of his obama interpreter. >> yeah. >> so maybe we should look to former presidents f


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