tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN November 4, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PST
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this is "gps," the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria coming to you live from new york. >> today on the show, amidst anxiety and anger, discord and distrust, americans will vote on tuesday. the president himself is not up for re-election, but the vote is a referendum on his rule. >> a vote for morrissey is a vote for me. a vote for david is a vote for me. >> and a vote for steve is a vote for me.
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>> which way will it go? i have a great panel to talk about it. >> also, brazil just elected a man who some have compared to donald trump. angela merkel announced she will step aside in germany as right-wing populism has gained ground there. we'll take a look at the state of democracy around the world. >> but first, here's my take. it is commonplace to hear and read about president trump's takeover of the republican party. and suddenly, there's lots of evidence that the gop is animated these days by an unquestioning devotion to trump and whatever his ideas may be at any moment, but the problem for republicans is they're now becoming the party not of donald trump but of joseph mccarthy. consider the most recent example. trump has scared much of the country about a small group of central americans fleeing poverty and violence who are
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hoping to come to the u.s. border and apliel for asylum. it's reasonable to oppose letting them in, but republicans have not been content to oppose granting asylum. they have invented conspiracies about who is behind this group of impoverished migrants. two weeks ago, one of the most prominent members of fox news which is now the republican party, suggested that more than 100 isis fighters have been caught trying to use this caravan. trump, a devoted viewer of fox, pounced on the claim, declaring unknown middle easterners have joined the caravan. matt gaetz asked whether george soros was funding this movement. none of these claims has an iota of truth to it, but they're repeated and re-enforced across the country. the notion that soros is the dark mastermind behind all these movements is now deeply lodged in the republican party. so much so that senior party leaders like california's representative kevin mccarthy
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and iowa senator charles grassley repeat it almost reflexively. representative steve king of iowa has accused soros of backing a grand scheme to systematically introduce foreigners in order to replace americans by which he means whites, with somebody else's babies. the slurs against soros are revealing. let's remember, george soros is one of the most successful capitalists in history, whose foundation has spent over $14 billion to date, much of it to support anti-communist and human rights groups first in eastern europe and then around the world. he's funded various liberal ideas as well, for sure, from prison reform to the legalization of marijuana. many of which are actually now in the mainstream. so why the focus on him? he's not the only big funder of liberal causes and candidates. soros is the perfect bogeyman for conspiracy theorists. he's rich, powerful, grew up
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abroad, and has a foreign accent. plus, he is jewish. many republicans now speak openly and often of the dangers of globalists, but for some reason, these globalists all tend to be jewish financiers. lloyd blankfein, janet yellen, george sorosoros, gary cohn. one can only conclude elements of the republican party are either clueless about anti-semitism or actively encouraging it. america has a history of paranoid politics infused with the belief there is some hidden conspiracy to betray the public, but these used to be peripheral, voiced by marginal figures. when they seem to be growing, as with the john birch society in the 1960s, william f. buckley publicly denounced them. today, senior republicans emulate them. president trump has given a ringing endorsement to alex jones, the country's most
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influential and extreme conspiracy theorist. trump said in a 2015 interview with jones, your reputation is amazing. i will not let you down. the republican party has many good people and good ideas. but none of them matter while it houses and feeds fantasies, conspiracies, and paranoia tinged with racism, bigotry, and anti-semitism. republicans are now squarely the party of joe mccarthy, and until that cancer is excised, it should not be entrusted with power. >> for more, go to and read my "washington post" column this week. let's get started. let's go to today's political panel. katrina vanden heuvel is the editor and publisher of "the nation." anthony scaramucci was briefly
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the communications director at the trump white house. he's the author of a new book "trump, the blue collar president." and james fallows is a national correspondent for "the atlantic." he and his wife debra are the co-authors of a terrific book, "our town's 100,000 mile journey into the heart of america." jim, let me start with you. if you were to look at the state of america, the statistics, economy is doing very, very well. consumer confidence is very high. unemployment is down. things like crime are down. illegal immigration is way down. and yet donald trump is running not on a morning in america campaign but an evening in america campaign. some might say midnight in america campaign. why do you think that is? >> it's a fundamental question, and of course, we're all operating behind a veil of ignorance. three days from now, we'll say oh, this was a huge mistake, like pete wilson in california and running his anti-immigrant
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campaign or else another strategic insight that trump had that nobody else saw coming but i think there are two things we can say now. number one, emphasize how different this is from the way any past president has behaved that usually they have taken any opportunity to use positive economic news as the thing to bring everybody together. people who didn't support him. you can think of ronald reagan running for re-election. people who didn't support him the first time could be with him. bill clinton often chafed in 2000 that al gore didn't run on the peace and prosperity message. he thought he would have been elected then. first, this is really unusual. second, it's out of sync with what we saw in most of the country where people basically feel better about the direction of their lives than this dark tone suggests. it's interesting that the places where you have the strongest anti-immigrant fear are places without immigrants. where the refugees aren't, places like steve king's district. >> anthony, trump has approached a base-only strategy from the
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start, and one of the things people try to understand about this is where does this come from? why does he -- he plays on people's fears more than their hopes. it seemed to work very well for him in the primaries. i think he alone figured out on that whole republican ticket that, you know, the people didn't want to hear a version of the reagan formula. they wanted to hear about mexicans, about chinese people, about muslims. has it become instinct for him now? >> well, i would frame it a little differently. what the president was basically saying about the illegal immigration is by stopping illegal immigration, you take the slack out of the labor market, and that effectively happened in both the african-american and hispanic american labor statistics. they're the lowest in recorded history. and it's a base strategy, fareed, because he's trying to get the participation up. he recognizes, as most presidents do, he's the leader now. and the opposition is going to be way more angry, and they're going to come out and vote more aggressively.
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so a lot of other presidents took more of a rose garden strategy as it related to going out on the campaign. but he's decided not to do that. he's barnstorming the nation, and he's making the bet, and it's a low-risk bet for him, fareed, because if he makes the bet and he wins. people will say he's a genius three days from now. if he doesn't win, he'll just say, you know what. president obama got, using his own words, shellacked in 2010, lost 63 seats. i'm going to likely lose 35. he'll call it a win and reframe it. so in his mind, don't think he has any risk in the strategy. >> so who is going to turn out more? we see these early turnout numbers and turnout is up. do you think it's the democrats or the trump republicans? >> as we were talking about, in texas and georgia, you're seeing a 500% increase in young voters which suggests an enthusiasm for democratic candidates. people who are studying the mobilization and the activism on the ground at the grassroots say they haven't seen anything like this since 2012.
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it's all about turnout. so i think that's very important. i take hope thinking of what james said, from a resurgence of progressive energy and candidates across this country, from omaha to detroit, from brooklyn to amish county in pennsylvania. in that, you see a new generation seeking change and not just resistance but wanting to shape the future. you see women mobilized as never before. they came out of the women's march the largest political protest in u.s. history not just to march but to run for something. >> but let me ask you, "the washington post" has a new poll out that says the generic ballot has been cut almost from 15 points to 11 or even i think 8. almost in half. and they attribute it to the fact that trump has been able to nationalize the election about immigration, an issue that doesn't play well for democrats. are democrats taking the bait and letting the election be defined by immigration?
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>> no, look at the closing arguments. i mean, trump is closing with fear, loathing, and bigotry. democrats are closing with affordable health care and pre-existing conditions. and pointing to governors and to congresspeople who voted 20 times to repeal the aca. so i think what you're seeing is democrats need an aspirational message moving forward. about how you invest in the working people of this country for economic growth. and how you show that government is on the side, on the side of people. but i'm excited that i think we're witnessing a sea change. i'm cautious about tuesday because we need to be cautious. but i think the house goes back. but more important in some ways, as important, look at the state houses. look at the governorships, and let us hope that the barriers to democratic participation, the ferociously well funded suppression of the vote, doesn't demean our country. it is not a right/left issue. >> james, give me 30 or 40 seconds.
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>> so first, i agree with katrina. the way this is being waged district by district is largely on health care, economic issues, and to recognizing the immigration fury, but they're not taking the bait in that way. the other turnout point, i agree also, it's crucial that not even how many people go to the polls on tuesday but how many people have entered the process. especially young people, veterans, women, people of different races, and so i think we have seen that before. in 1974, with the watergate boom, 1994 with newt gingrich. in 2010 with the tea party. this could be another such wave and that turnout. >> i know we have to get to anthony and we will right after this. i'm going to ask how trump would react if there was a democratic house of representatives.
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we are back with katrina vanden heuvel, anthony scaramucci and james fallows. anthony, let's pause for a minute. conventional wisdom is right, the democrats take the house, they don't take the senate. how does trump react in a situation like this? the strategy you describe, the base-only strategy, might work well. it might even bring turnout up, but for governing, it's a harder strategy. >> a harder strategy, so he'll take two choices. he'll either build a bridge to the democrats, try to cut something on immigration and infrastructure. or build a wedge with the democrats and get leaned in there, will it be more political disfunction going into the 2020 re-election campaign. i think his instincts would be to build a bridge to them. because at the end of the day, the president's always said this on the campaign trail and in private. that there are deals to get done. if he could cut a deal on immigration -- he's going to finish the trade deal with china. i predict that happens by the end of january.
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he'll have a trade deal done with canada and mexico. he'll work on something with europe. if he can cut an immigration deal going into the 2020 re-election campaign, that will be fabulous for him. he won't say he lost because he'll look at the historical context. >> he never says he lost. let me ask you this. you watched him and you have known him for a long time. people don't realize that. do you think he operates from instinct or analysis? when he does this thing of i'm going to go for the cultural issues, not the economic issues. is it the feel or the analysis? >> arguably the best instincts i have seen politically, but he's also analyzing things. people do not give him enough credit for his analytical capability because they want to two-dimensionalize him, but he's also looking at the data, and that's why he's saying i need to get voter participation up. so i'm going to go after my base and tell them this is an election about me personally and
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i'm going to barnstorm the nation. he is like what the nfl calls a game changing player. okay, the other president said you know what. rose garden strategy, a couple campaigns. he's acting like it's the 2016 election. whether you like that about him or not, i give hem credit for that level of energy and the robust style. >> what are you seeing on the democratic side? >> let me say on trump, it's not just about trump. it's about trumpism and the forces of trumpism, as you spoke in your powerful opening introduction. we have seen this before. there are enablers in the republican party. the republican party has been hijacked. it's now the party of trump. trump has not reached out his hand to the democrats. i think they need to take back the house and show that they're on the side of people. not vindictive hearings but hearings to lay out affirmative aspirational ideas that they can act on when they fully take back power. >> don't go after trump too hard? >> accountability is key, exposing corruption that hurts you, not just corruption for the sake of going after trump. it will be interesting because
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the congressional caucus will have about 90 members. 13 committee chairs, 37 subcommittee chairs. they can do a lot to lay out an agenda that is forward looking. >> should they start an impeachment process? >> where i sit at the nation, there are different views. we have different views, as do many on the progressive left. >> the surest way to drive up his support. >> i believe in accountability, but i think you have to build out impeachment. i'm for laying down markers to show the democrats, progressives stand with people in the country, and trump never drained the swamp, and the swamp is now filled with even more alligators. so there's a lot of work to be done. i would say to young people who have entered this as jim said, so eloquently, have been mobilized for the first time, you're not going to win everything, but you have to stay in. it's going to be a long struggle. persevere. persistence. >> the millennial stuff is really fascinating. if you look at people 40 to 60, roughly 65, they're about 50/50 democrat/republican.
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19 to 40, they're 58/34 democrat to republican. >> why do we have voter suppression? >> product of the educational system. >> i don't know, brainwashing didn't work. they tried it in the soviet union. whatever you may think about american campuses people react against -- >> i think they see -- >> let me ask jim to talk about a previous wave election because you had a very interesting point about what you notice about previous midterm waves. >> so there have been big midterm waves. 1974, the democrats won huge gains. gary hart came in then after watergate. democrats again won big gains in 2006, when nancy pelosi became speaker. republicans' big waves were in '94 against bill clinton and 2010 against barack obama. the interesting thing is the democratic waves were after some scandal or disaster. after watergate, after the iraq war. the republican waves were after a democratic president accomplished something.
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after bill clinton got his budget deal through and failed with his health care plan, and after obama got through obamacare. those were sort of the motivating things. this just is a lot about the two parties and on form, that would suggest the democrats are more motivated this time. we'll see. >> we have to leave it there. thank you. terrific panel, and very civ civilized airing of disagreements. i want to close out the panel by saying one word to my american viewers. vote. while it may be a few more words. if you're over 18, please do exercise your rights and vote. i know many people think it's pointless, that your vote doesn't matter, but of course, if we build a culture of abstention and indifference, fewer and fewer people will vote, other than fanatics. do you really want our politics to get more like that? so just make it a habit and vote. we will be back. checkout is at four. enjoy your ride. (bicycle bell sound) ♪ ♪ explore more with a guaranteed 4pm checkout at over 1,000 fine hotels and resorts.
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the far right bolsonaro is anything but politically correct. he's been called racist, misogynist and homophobic. he's talked of global and authoritarian rule. a day later, angela merkel announced she would not seek re-election when her term is up. that means europe's most powerful nation is likely to make a move, perhaps to the edges of politics, likely to the right. the worldwide antiestablishment wave is growing ever larger, ever stronger. joining me to discuss is david miliband and the president and ceo of the international rescue committee. david, you were the kind of smart centrist -- >> you say i represented the establishment? >> it was clinton politics. has that just been swept away by this? because you look at mexico, and there you have a left-wing populist who gets elected. in brazil, a right-wing populist gets elected. >> two things explain the move to the extreme in both countries.
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one, you have to talk about the corruption that really tainted both the former governments in which both of the two candidates you mentioned ran on. secondly, we're in an age of economic extremes, and economic extremes do produce political extremes. even if you're not a pure economic determinist, you can see the kind of strains put on societies across, not just the western world, but across the world by economic inequalities are really fueling some of this quote/unquote antiestablishment drive. >> what do you think explains the success of the two places where kind of center left candidate has done well? canada and france. what lesson do you draw from that? >> a couple things that are really important. first of all, never underestimate the candidate matters. the prime minister trudeau, president macron, the candidate really matters. secondly, and very, very importantly, i think both of those candidates ran as representatives of the new kind of future for their countries. they wanted to break with the past. they weren't saying continuity. >> they were also kind of
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outside the establishment themselves. >> they were change candidates. they both represented change. macron in his own party ending the political system. prime minister trudeau, from prime minister harper's austere and dour view of canada's view of the future. the thing that is important is they manage said the very difficult cultural and social issues in a skillful way in both countries, they showed they wanted an open, engaged, modern, if you like, view of canada and france, but they were clear that they weren't going to be a pushover. they weren't a soft touch. that's been important in both cases. >> both tough on immigration, for example, interestingly. >> prime minister trudeau ran he would admit 30,000 refugees into canada and was building on a historical role canada has played as a moral leader as well, but it would be seriously and properly done. >> merkel, how should we read angela merkel? a some level, she said she's going to leave in 2021.
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nobody thought she would run at that point. she was going to retire anyway. >> this was always going to be her last term. i think there are two things. i feel torn about this. on the one hand, she's clearly modernized germany in a remarkable way. a country far more at ease with itself in the modern world than it was 15 years ago. on the other hand, despite her profound commitment to the european union, europe is at risk today. i would say she hasn't been enough of a reformer in europe. she's really been very, very cautious in the way she's developed her european agenda. president macron's ideas are now a little stalled, and the danger of the next couple years i don't think is there will be a shift in extreme, but at a time where europe needs change, it stalled. that's the big challenge for all of the pretenders her throne. >> i want to talk about yemen, you were just there. i want to show viewers a disturbing picture. warning, this is a 7-year-old, amal, suffering greatly from malnutrition. this picture was her. she died on thursday.
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and her death has become a symbol of yemen's tragedy. the image was published last week in "the new york times." today, the times magazine has a cover story on yemen by robert worth. it's really worth reading. the single best article on yemen i have read. absolutely brilliant. david, you were just back from there. it is the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. i think one of the things his article points out is a lot of people in yemen blame the united states. they look at saudi arabia's war in yemen. they think it has been -- it was announced in washington by the saudi ambassador. the weapons are provided by the united states. training, intelligence. >> people have to understand that picture is not an isolated example. the reason it was right to publish it is according to u.n., there are 14 million people on the verge of famine. it's a humanitarian emergency and a political emergency.
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i drove by the unoccupied capital to the war zone, and we got within 45 kilometers. every checkpoint we went through, there were 11-year-old child soldiers recruited by the houthis, and what were they chanting? death to america. that is the reality that on the ground this is seen as america's war. it's not just producing humanitarian catastrophe, the politics are terrible. it's notionally a war waged to push back the iranians. the iranians are stronger than they were four years ago. a war notionally be waged against al qaeda and isis. they're thriving in the chaos. the absolute imperative for humanitarian reasons as well as geopolitical reasons is what the cease-fire call that mike pompeo, secretary pompeo issued earlier this week to be followed through. i can tell from people on the ground, there's been more fighting since secretary pompeo's announcement, not less, as people try to take advantage, essentially, the saudi-led coalition try to take advantage of the 13-day time span he set. >> do you have, briefly, do you
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have any hope that things are going to change because the saudis are a little more under pressure, because of all of the -- >> it's in america's power to change this. the u.n. security council needs to meet immediately. britain, which is notionally the pen holder at the security council, needs to get its pen out and start writing. the french need to come in as well, and the security council needs to issue a call to codify mike pompeo's call for a cease-fair into a set of demands and opening of the ports, the airport, the payment of the salaries to doctors and nurses because children like the one you showed are not getting treated because of the war, but also because doctors and nurses are not getting paid. >> but do you have any hope this is going to happen? >> there's a chink of light with the public american recognition that the war strategy is failing. and it's now time -- we're in a hole, they have got to stop digging and we have to dig the people of yemen out of this terrible situation. >> david, always a pleasure having you on. >> thank you.
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next on "gps," many of us in the first world love to curse our cell phones. they're too addictive. they cause us to miss out on real life, but in parts of the developing world, they have become game changers. that story with one particular country when we come back. making my dreams a reality takes more than just investment advice. from insurance to savings to retirement, it takes someone with experience and knowledge who can help me build a complete plan. brian, my certified financial planner™ professional, is committed to working in my best interest. i call it my "comfortable future plan," and it's all possible with a cfp® professional. find your certified financial planner™ professional at the new lincoln mkc.mix. connecting the world inside, with the world outside.
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those super computers in our pockets, otherwise known as cell phones. and the social media apps that are on them. but in the developing world, cell phones and internet access can represent something entirely different. tools that can bring about progress for the economy and society, particularly where the government has failed. nowhere is this more clear than in india where people are coming online fast. in 2000, india had just 20 million internet users. last year, it had 462 million internet users and climbing. by 2025, the pool of indian internet users is projected to grow to more than 850 million. why is this happening? well, most of these users are coming to the internet via smartphones which are extremely cheap in india, as is data. how could this phenomena change the country and the world? here to tell us is a former "gps" senior producer who is now the manager editor of foreign
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policy and the author of the new book "india connected." so ravi, first the breadth of the scale of the shift is extraordinary. i mean, some of the statistics i have seen say two years ago, india was 150th in cellular band width consumption in the world. now it's number one, higher than china, higher than the united states. why is that? >> well, it's all because of the smartphone. so if you look at india, say 10, 15 years ago, the only way to get online would be to have a pc and a land line, which is how americans were getting online in those days. but only 2% of indians had pcs in the year 1999. so if you look at that trajectory, indians were never going to get online in a mass way if it was only for computers or wireless. but the evolution that we have seen in america is a revolution in india. that's because of cheap smartphones that are reaching hundreds of millions of people. that's getting them online, and fareed, it's more than just a phone. this is their first camera,
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their first alarm clock, their first video device. all of that in one device. and that's why it is as powerful as it is. >> and in many ways, a lot of things the smartphone will do will allow india to leapfrog over old models, western models, american models, right? for example, indians will actually essentially skip the laptop and go directly to the phone as the computer, as the portal to the internet. >> exactly. so indians weren't really using credit cards, for example. now they don't need to because so many of them are taking their business and shopping online and they're using apps, the equivalent of a paypal or venmo, for example. india has a company, they're able to use those things for transactions in ways helping them to leapfrog and arrive in the digital economy. again, the reason why this is as exceptional as it is is india is still a very poor country, still mostly rural, still a place that has 300 million illiterate
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people who can now speak to their phone and the phone can speak back. they can watch videos. these are all things that are revolutionary and only happening because of a smartphone revolution. >> there's one other element to india that is unusual which is that the government has created really the first biometric i.d. system so every indian has a biometric i.d. this random computer generated series of digits. what it means is a banker in india was telling me, the online banking system in india is faster than anywhere else in the world. he can set up an account in three minutes flat in india. >> yeah, and that's because so this digital i.d. system, the biometric system, it is often connected to bank accounts. and it allows people to have a form of identification that they didn't have before. that essentially says i am me. and it allows it to then connect to various other services in a way that is really remarkable. the indian model could end up
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being a different model where the internet and data is more of a public good that is controlled or managed by the government in ways of connecting people through something like that. >> you talk in the book which is terrific about some of the downsides, some of the cautions, but i think for our purposes, it's really worth focusing on this extraordinary opportunity that this technology has given, as you say, to a very poor country. ravi, pleasure to have you on. next on "gps," the founder of linkedin, reid hoffman, on the american midterm elections. he also talks about the race to start the next facebook or google in silicon valley. earn 4% cash back on dining and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what's in your wallet? ♪ like a big pizza pie, ♪ that's amore.
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can respond if you call 9-1-1. vote yes on 11. gavin newsom has lived the rich made him powerful. but he's done nothing to help us. every day i work harder. rent, food, and gas prices climb. poverty, homelessness-- gavin admits it. we created-- it happened on our watch. what you see out there on the streets and sidewalk happened on our watch. now he says he'll have courage, for a change, but gavin's had his chance for eight years, and he never lifted a finger. it's time for someone new. john cox, governor.
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proposition 11 "proposition 11 is a vote to protect patient safety." it ensures the closest ambulance remains on-call during paid breaks "so that they can respond immediately when needed." vote yes on 11. my next guest reid hoffman is one of the most successful tech entrepreneurs in history. he's a co-founder of linkedin.
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he was an early investor in facebook, an executive at paypal, on the board of airbnb and microsoft and much more. today, he's a generous philanthropist. according to forbes, he fell off their 400 list because he gave away too much of his money to charity. one of the things he funds is a liberal causes here in america. i wanted to talk to him about his politics and his new book "blitzscaling." reid hoffman, pleasure to have you on. >> it's great to be on. >> let me ask you about politics. you have been pretty active and you say lot of people who are in business share some of your dismay with what trump stands for and what he's doing, but they don't want to say anything. why? >> well, i think the classic thing is, hey, it's business. i got responsibility to shareholders. i have a responsibility to customers and all that, but i actually think that i have this phrase. spider-man ethics. with power comes responsibility. i think personally that it's part of having business leaders,
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you need to speak up about the future you can see for all of us and you need to have your voice be heard. i have leaned in to politics, unlike ever i have done before, because i think we're so dangerous, the path we're on, and we need to correct. >> what do you say to people who point out that the trump administration is presiding over record unemployment levels, in other words, record lows. growth seems strong. what are you complaining about? >> so i think there's at least two things. one is i think obama and the previous administration did a lot of good things. so i think there's a tailwind from that. but i also think that people are underfactoring the amount of stimulus and just debt that's going into propping this up. so they're using subsidies to try to block the impacts of tariffs and other kinds of things. i think we're taking a loan against the future that we need to be very cautious about.
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you've probably looked very carefully at the polls. what's your sense of what's going to happen in the mid-terms? >> i think we are going to have a very strong showing in both the house and the senate. we have a high probability, but people need to get out and vote. i have been putting a lot of energy into talkinging ing tto friends saying go vote democrat in the mid-terms. >> the basic premises of this new book of yours. the idea seems to be that in order to manage dizzying growth, do everything possible to get to scale as fast as they can, even ignore what the customers want, even deal with a certain shoddiness in the product. that sounds very different from what a lot of businesses will
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say, which is the customer always comes first. explain. >> in this growingly connected world, more often, growing in a degree, there are markets that we call glen gary glen ross markets. the first to scale is what really matters. the first to scale is the company, the product, the service that establishes the ecosystem, whether it's facebook or google or air b and b or linked in. the set of techniques are counter intuitive. ignore your customer and let fires burn and tolerate bad management. i don't know what your customer acquisition cost or your long-term value or customer is, but scale as fast as possible. >> let me ask you about two people who seem to follow your advice. mark zuckerberg's motto is move
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fast and break things. uber seemed to try to move as fast as he could to get greater and greater market share. one succeeded spectacularly and the other not so much. why? >> they both succeeded and built interesting companies, mark zuckerberg realized he needed to change his game. created diversified and strong executive culture where all of the executive teams were building in a much more formal business practice and evolving the organization that the products and services went. mark zuckerberg and the exec team and upgrading as he went learned that. travis misstepped on some of it. he didn't learn now we are logistics infrastructure and we need to be working with government and infrastructure. we needed too be upgrading our work such that i am handing more
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and more responsibilities to an executive layer and that's part of the reasons why there were change. >> it seems that there are two places where your advice can be most successfully utilized. the united states and china. if you have an idea in either of those countries, you can go to massive scale fast. europe is still a collection of countries and it's not a surprise to me when you look at the 20 top technology companies, 11 are american and nine of chinese. china follows it more than america. when i look at china, people just a desperate search to get bigger. the products are not that great. they are moving really fast and breaking a lot of things. >> 100%. in our book, we called china the land of blitz scaling. there are a bunch of things we
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can do because they have a huge workforce and they multitask and have a bunch of capital and invention of industries. there are a lot of things that i and we have learned from china. i think also silicon valley said how do we do this in a single threaded way? when we have a limited workforce. it's possible to do in more places than just china and silicon valley. china is definitely one of the ones that i and we learned from. >> pleasure to have you on as always. >> always great to be here. >> we will be back. blal
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blal. between 2013 and 2017, the u.s. was the stob on exporter accounting for 34% of global arms exports. what country was the world's biggest arms importer over that five-year period? egypt, saudi arabia, china, or india? stay tuned and we will tell you the correct answer. my book of the week is kirk andan andersen's fantasyland. the way that fantasy eclipsed fact in politics and culture. if you want to understand why, read this essential book. the answer to my challenge this week is d, india was the world's largest importer between 2013 and 2017 according to a report by the stockholm research institute. saudi arabia was the second largest globally and was the
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larger importer of american weapons. u.s. arms sales increased by a stunning 448% in this five-year period compared to the previous five years. thanks for being part of my program. i will see you next week. >> hello, everyone. thank you so much for joining me this sunday. i'm fredricka whitfield in washington, d.c. with less than 48 hours until voting day in washington, d.c., we are seeing a frantic push from president trump and rivals. two days before polls open, an investigation in georgia. the office of secretary of state brian kemp, also the republican candidate for governor is accusing the democratic party of hacking into the voting system in an attempt to expose its
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