tv Election Night in America CNN November 6, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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representatives winning new power to take on the president of the united states. this is a very significant defeat for mr. trump. historic accomplishment for the democrats even though some house races remain undecided cnn can now make this projection with a very high degree of confidence based on statistical models that track races that democrats already have won. and analyzed races where they're leading significantly right now. again, cnn can now project that democrats will win the majority in the u.s. house of representatives. jake, this is a huge win for the democrats, a huge setback for the president and for the republicans. >> it is. and this is going to be a big problem for president trump going forward. if he thinks that the media is annoying, wait till he meets a democratic house that has subpoena power and actually has the legal ability to force them to turn over documents. we're going to look like nothing compared to that. he is going to find an
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opposition that he has never really encountered before. >> and we should talk about the historic nature of what probably will ham which is the first female speaker of the house in history, in u.s. history is now poised to take the gavel again. >> to be the second female speaker of the house. >> the first and a half. i don't know. but she's going to have a fight on her hands but she's competent. and she was also confident that they would take back the house and here we are. she knows how to count votes. if she knows nothing else, so this is a moment we should mark when it comes to that. and speaking of nancy pelosi you talked about all the things democrats have said they are going to do with their newfound power in the majority, one of the things is try to get donald trump's tax returns. >> let me bring in manu raju, at democratic headquarters. they must it be feeling pretty good. >> reporter: they are feeling good. this crowd buzzing with
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excitement. just called getting the cnn projection. the crowd is getting exing sited. there are democratic members, chairmen of key committees can planning what they do in a house majority. i spoke to two of those chairmen earlier today, one elijah cummings, it the house oversight chairman who told me them plan to use their committee aggressively including to looking into whether or not president trump violated the clouds of the constitution that prohibits federal officials from receiving gifts from foreign governments. he told me they may seek president trump's tax returns as part of their investigation. i also spoke to jerry nadler who will be the chairman of the house judiciary complete. any said there's a range of issues they're going to look into, family separation, gun state of l state of laws. at the said trump is going to learn nobody is above the law,
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both him and cummings say they plan to hold the trump administration accountable which they believe the republicans did not do which is why you will see a have an gressive push by these committees to do what the republicans did not do when they had power here. we'll see this all play out in the coming weeks here, jake and wolf. >> all right. manu raju at democratic headquarters apparently watching cnn on delay. >> nancy pelosi will be speaking over there fairly soon. anderson, let's get back to you. >> all right, wolf. thanks very much. back with the panel. van jones, i don't know how many hours ago you said this was heart breaking. where is your heart now. >> restored. it is the end of one-party rule in the united states, thank god and the beginning of a new democratic party, younger, browner, cooler, more women, more veterans. can be win in michigan, can win in pennsylvania and ohio. we have the first muslim women,
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first native american women, the first black woman from massachusetts it, first latina from texas. it may not be a blue wave. it's a rainbow wave. something happening out there and i'm happy about it. >> can't deal with your mood swings. >> it's been a roller coaster. >> control is control of the house. that's what it is. elijah cummings is going to control oversight just said a few minutes ago told like to see donald trump's tax returns which he will see. and there will be all kinds of questions and oversight about how decisions were made that we don't know the answer to right now. and i know, rick and david, you're saying, let them have it because you remember newt gingrich overreaching in 1994. >> you believe the democrats will overreach? >> they're already. >> how are they already doing it? >>ing. > tax returns, just insane. >> let the senator talk. >> why would she want to do
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that? >> look, republicans are feeling good tonight. look, i understand we lost the house. but the five -- probably the five biggest governor races we'll win four and we're probably going to hold -- scott walker who is a zombie. you cannot kill scott walker. you can't do it. it looks like he's going to survive. that is a huge, huge win. number one. the senate races we'll pick up three, four, maybe even five. >> we knew that. >> no, we didn't know that. the fact that we have done this well in spite of what is seen like this wave is a real testament to the president of the united states. >> most importantly, all the big emotional races have gone in favor of republicans. all the big emotions. beto. >> that's what he was reacting to earlier. >> all the big emotional races that sucked the oxygen out of this race. >> andrew going down hurt mize heart, andruw gillum going down hurts my heart.
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he's a great person. seeing stacy's struggle hurts. seeing bait toe get stopped hurts. all that stuff hurts but mathematically we had a wave. you got a popular vote and a takeover. you guys look, you've gotten away with a bunch for two years. i know you think it's going to be great. now donald trump gets a foil. a subpoena is not a foyle. >> you think this was a wave? >> mathematically, listen, we had because of the gerrymandering, we had to get -- we had to win by more than 10% to do what we just did. you look at the popular vote, it's a wave. the numbers, it's a wave. >> governor? >> he everybody knew, everybody knew that it was a hugely difficult map for the democrats in the senate. so i know that trump would claim that. >> the media didn't know the. >> let me finish. in the house, however, if we get to the numbers that cnn may be
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projecting, that is a wave on the house side. and can i just say, so much of that wave of being propelled by women. the women so far who have flipped more than half of the seats are women. so. >> that is true. we should take a step back though and it really does reinforce kind confident notion of the divisions within our country because what you've seen is, the suburban areas becoming a hub for democrats and the thing that happened tonight that was sort of unexpected was that in those next ring districts that included suburbs and some rural areas, reggie exurban areas, some of the races in virginia like the 7th in virginia, there are a couple of races in illinois like this, democrats won races that frankly, weren't considered prime opportunities for them. so but there's no doubt that the suburbs have shifted from a
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republican base to a democratic base. >> all those things i think are true and can be true but i think you can also look at the results tonight if you're president trump and you can say, my political instincts are generally still pretty good. i still know how to get my people out. and i still know how to pull it out in the places where i need to. i think the dynamics in the suburbs are clear. they're very clear. republicans are having a really hard time. democrat did have a wave in terms of the number of seats they needed in order to do that, but president trump's candidates, some of them unlikely like ron desantis pulled it out in some of these places. president trump was saying to his advisers i know how to get my people energized and get them out. and in politics, we all know you -- there is no moral victory. if you win by one point, you win. >> and republican governors in wisconsin, ohio and florida are
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extremely important in 2020. >> florida's no just random state. he still feels he has political acumen. that is pretty critical. i want top underscore david's point about the suburbs with some numbers and jennifer's point about women. it's not just female candidates that have driven this. he's the female voters that have driven this, as well. the divide here among women who made up 52% of the electorate, they went for the democrats by 20 points. 59-39. that is just huge. the suburbs, four years ago when the republicans had a really good night, they won the suburbs by 12 points. it was an even draw between the parties in the suburbs. independent voters have completely bailed on the president. he won them by four points. i think we forget that all the time because we talk so much about his base. he won them two years ago by four points. losing them by 12 points tonight, the republican party
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is. so oh we've talked for weeks leading up to the election, be there were two different universes on the ballot today. the battle in the senate taking place in trump country and the battle for the house is this restructuring of the great american sword, and the suburban independent voters have issued their vefrd on the first half of the trump's first term. >> david axelrod, as someone who worked in the obama white house, explain to viewers the impact of democrats taking control of the house if they are going to, as senator santorum says, play a hand too much and start all sorts of investigations. what kind of an impact, what -- sarah sanders tonight said it was a good night for the president. >> there was enough for him to grab on to as abby said, the senate races that were won in florida being a big prize. he canning feel good about that. he shouldn't feel good. i know rick and i have had a discussion about this before.
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he may feel good tonight about losing the house and losing it by a fairly significant number. he's not going to feel good about it down the line because i can tell you from being in the white house, and watching the party, your party lose the house and lose the congress, it really changes life in the white house because you're constantly under scrutiny it, subpoenas fly. and it, you know, you have to play defense in a way that you didn't have to play defense before. so he thinks of this all as kind of a reality show and he can position himself versus the democrats and hope for overreach and so on. but some of those things are going to turn up matters that are deeply deeply troubling for him. >> i would counter that in saying this, that the president has been under scrutiny like no other president in the history of our country for the past two years. you say it's a different kind of scrutiny. >> it's a scrutiny with a
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subpoena. >> mueller has the subpoena power. >> it's a scrutiny he can fight back on a lot more fairly and not cause the kind of disaffection in the american public by fighting back. it is traditional for a president to fight the other party in the congress. it is not traditional and it is alieniated a lot of voters for him to fight who he's been fighting for past two years. who is that? it the media. that's who's been putting scrutiny on him. now tech turn his attention away from the media, are not that heal not call fake news. i'm not saying that. but he will now focus his attention on an area that is less problematic electorally for him. that's an advantage for him. it is a huge advantage. >> something backing what the democrats are going to do mean stuff to donald trump and donald trump will make hay of it. you know what democrats will also do? i hope and pray we will also start talking about the reason people went out there and fought for this dad gumd victory. people were pounding on doors in
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all those states where we won and last not just because we're mad at donald trump. this economy is not working well for everybody. people can't see doctors can or can't go to college. the rents are going up. people have real problems. if democrats want to be worthy of what just happened, we've got to be able to -- listen, make donald trump and the republicans in the senate say no to a bunch of stuff that people need and then we'll. >> political sense, just from a political sense, a lot of these victories that are being won are being won in places that are in the center. right? with a lot of independent support. those candidates will have to battle right away, day one to, keep those seats. they're going to want to say, we brought home something. >> bred and butter. >> something. >> i tell you -- >> i'm sorry is, gloria. the question is whether the president would you know, he's not really moored by ideological considerations. >> right. >> and there is an opportunity
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for him to turn around and say, you know what? i'm going to cut some deals with these guys. whether he'll do it, whether he'll do it on terms that democrats can accept, whether that will alienate his base although his base seems to be willing to follow him anyway. >> there's another opportunity. >> you know, one of the reasons bill clinton survived when he lost control of the house was that he had this amazing ability toil compartmentalize everything. he could fight for his policy and he wouldn't have been talking about the witch hunt, he wasn't talking about whitewater, whatever else it was. i don't think donald trump has that ability. he doesn't compartmentalize. everything goes from here to twitter. and i think he's going to get involved in making the democrats the enemy which may work for him to a certain degree but some of the questions they'll be asking on policy, for example, why did you roll back, why do you want to roll back pre-existing conditions on the affordable
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care act. >> he's campaigned he would never do that his lawyer said otherwise. >> right. they can make some legitimate arguments policy wise and he'll be punching back at them in every which way. and he just doesn't have the ability to do up with thing at a time. >> here's what donald trump will do. i agree with david. he is not ideological. on immigration, on a whole host of issues. donald trump will go out there and put deals on the table if he's smart and i think he has. >> he'll put deals on the table in front of democrats and there's no way they will accept that because they can't. >> the republicans in the senate? >> immigration back on the table. >> not allow the democrats to compromise with this president. that's what he's going to run against. >> rather than focus on a future we can't predict because we're not good at predicting stuff, what does this say for the democratic party in terms of divisions in the democratic -- tonight's elections mean for the democratic party? >> let's not forget that even
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though andrew gillum wasn't able to make history and stacey abrams, jared polis did make history as the first gay governor until colorado. that's a big deal. a lot of things are positive. here's when's ds happen. there was a test that i think the a wing of the party was trying to run. and it was the idea that you could run a bold populist unabashedly progressive multicultural, mult racial candidacy and win. that was the thesis of and drew gillum and stacey abrams, of a ben jealous in maryland. jordan in iowa and beto in texas. all five so far failed. that is a big development. that's a sobering development. is it not possible to run those kind of races and win? >> the counter argument, there's
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cortes in new york. so those are smaller areas. >> on the other hand, the other experiment that we ran which was strong women, veterans, et cetera that paid off. some moderate, some not. that paid off better. now the reality is, donnelly and other moderates also went down. >> we've got more projections. back to wolf. >>. >> that's right. a bunch of projections that cnn can make at this point. in michigan, gretchen whitmer winses that race defeating schuette. this is a pickup for democrats in michigan. in california, cnn can project the winner there is gavin newsom defeating john cox in that race. also in hawaii, cnn predicts the winner is david ige.
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he is the incumbent. he holds on to his job in hawaii. another projection that cnn can make will go to republicans now in ohio, this is a big, big win for republicans. cnn projects the winner of that race is mike dewine defeat diagnose richard cordray, donald trump went to that state in the waning days. in arizona, the winner there is doug ducey defeating david garcia. another projection cnn can make in maryland, the incumbent larry hogan, cnn projects going on for a second term defeating the former naacp president ben jealous. in nebraska, the incumbent pete rickets holding on to his job defeat koog bob krist. now more projections in vermont, cnn projecting phil scott hanging on to his job defeating christine halquist. wyoming cnn predicts the winner
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that have governor as race is mark gordon defeating mary fromme in that red state. back to wolf and jake at this point. >> thanks very much. lots happening right now. the governors races, the senate, it's going to be in the republican majority, the house will be in democratic majority. divided government will continue. >> let's look at the map here of the governors offices. we're still waiting to hear. there's significant oneses we should point out. the projection, we didn't have a chance to talk about it. the idea ron desantis will can the next governor of florida winning over andrew gillum is quite significant. the fact that mike dewine will be the next governor of ohio, keeping that state in the republican hands is quite significant. why do i say it's going to be significant? because of the 2000 presidential election. president trump and the democrats will be competing heavily for the states and the
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fact is that there will be trump supporters in the capitol, in. the governor's offices of both of them. that's quite significant when it comes to the governor's offices. we're waiting to hear from still a few others. >> and look, i mean, remember the context of this. the governors' mentions were a place where republicans had made a lot of gains over the past several years. and this election democrats were hoping to chip away at it big-time. they did in some cases but these two examples an that you just put up there are big heart breaks for democrats. obviously the biggest is florida because they were really hoping that andrew gillum would make history as the first african-american governor there and that his sort of brand of campaigning, the happy warrior wore rule the day. and it didn't. and in ohio, for the reason you just said, it's obviously such a key state on a presidential level at least has been. it's been more republican
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recently. also because they thought they had a strong democratic candidate there who didn't making it. >> let's look at the results coming in some of the gubernatorial contests. in iowa right now, you can see fred hubbell is slightly ahead of rim reynolds, the incumbent republican by about 17,000 votes. wisconsin right now, you see tony evers slightly ahead of the incumbent republican governor scott walker ahead by about 14,700 votes. very, very close race there. in georgia, let's take a look at georgia. you see brian kemp, the republican is he significantly ahead over says i abrams, the democratic candidate for governor of georgia by about 250,000 votes. that's pretty significant with 90% of the votes in. >> i have to say, i am struck once again as i was two years ago and maybe i should stop being struck by this, i'm struck at how wrong the polling was in so many of these places. obviously, there were polls that showed andrew gillum winning the
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governor's office in florida. there were polls suggesting that it was neck and neck in georgia between stacey abrams and jeff kemp, and we were -- it looked to several people like mike dewine was not going to win tonight, ohio governor. once again, i don't want to be mean to my friends who work in the polling industry and i understand the margin of error is something in journalism and the public don't emphasize enough. once again, it is does seem like there are some republican votes that people are not able to pick up. >> that's the key. >> right. they're always polling wrong. >> that's the key. that the what i'm sure you're hearing from republicans tonight as i am. once again, they're crowing rightly so, not the house, but in the senate and in some of these governors races we've called for republicans, republicans have outperformed the polls. the thing they also have in common is the president. the president has gone in to a
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lot of these place and campaigned and the vice president for the republicans. we'll analyze this later. the question is whether that hidden vote is connected to the president in some of these races. >> it's absolutely a possibility especially in trump states, ohio, georgia, florida, if he was able to rally the base, i don't know if that's it or the pollsters don't know how to measure the trump support out there. it's entirely possible that there's a whole level of voter that doesn't wanton tell pollsters they're supporting president trump, doesn't respect pollsters or they're not able to reach them. >> nancy pelosi is getting ready to speak in washington. we'll have coverage of that as we go overto john king. nancy pelosi strongly predicted the republicans would lose the majority in the house of representatives. guess what, she was right. >> now she has a very difficult challenge as she speaks tonight to try to convince account new
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house democratic majority she should lead it. many new members said outright they won't vote for her or are skeptical of that. the challenge is how how can she make the case, we needed 23, we got to the 30 plus because of my fund-raising. very important the message she sends tonight not only to the house democrats whose votes she wants but also to the country and president trump about the climate. jake's been talking about the oversight, investigations. some of the liberals coming in will want impeachment. this is misleading in the sense 204 republicans are leading in their districts. 192 democrats are leading. we know as we go west the democrats will pick up the races. these are your flips. leading so far. 36 democrats ahead in republican held districts. the democrats have a chance to keep building especially as we start counting as we go west. from another perspective, turn this off, uncalled pickups at the moment.
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still 148 democrats in the races with are where we have votes leading in districts currently held bibi republicans. we know democrats will take the majority. the question is, is their final victory, 30, are 35, can they get to 40. in the big debate about the wave, that's the mixed signal america is sending. hillary clinton wins the popular vote, donald trump wins the presidency. house majority, democrats will take the house majority, republicans may add to the senate majority. if you look just at the house, number one, from coast to coast, democrats are making gains. that's the argument nancy pelosi will make, if you go back, let's look at the house. look at all this red. this is where we began the night. look at all this red in here. where we are now, let me take this off. you're starting to see blue in places that were red. the democrats will say we're rebuilding as a national party when it comes to the house. there's no question republicans still dominate out here. democrats are putting some blue
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in places red for a long time. the question is how high can they go. the uncalled we're still waiting in california. we don't know what's going to happen out here. some of these races here, you see look at the districts here. this one in minnesota, can you knock off another republican incumbent here in minnesota? this has been the quirky state. republicans have led in some democratic districts did tonight while the democrats are doing well. is this one going to hold up? montana only at 32%? the lead has gone down a little bit. the republican was favored in this race. them you start going to the west. let's see which district this is. in washington, d. state. when you see them, especially as it starts to populate, democrats and republicans leading on the west coast, let's remember we'll be very early results. democrats are still leading. another potential pickup here. they've already had some in
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texas. another republican candidate. hager is the candidate for the democrats. democrats some gains in texas. in an election where you talk about republicans picking up senate seats, democrats picking up the house, where the democrats are picking them up is interesting. georgia is another example. of the two seats we were watching here, we're at 84% right here. the democrat carolyn bore dole ahead of the republican incumbent. still at 4%. this is a district on the watch list earlier. karen handle who won the special election is on path it looks like to hold her seat in congress right now. if you're looking at it, what you're seeing here are the races we have not call yet where democrats have an opportunity to pick up. you're saying hey wait a minute, there's more in virginia, more in virginia, yes, there are. how high can the democrats go? we've been watching this one all night. the democrats starting to stretch that lead out. another potential opportunity in new jersey. let's move up here.
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leonard lance, a moderate republican losing. we're at 95% right now. one of the things you will see as you're watching this map, i'm going to come back to this and blank this out for a second. just want to show you, these are the top suburban districts in the united states of america. let's overlap that with flips. hold this up here. bring this up here. watch the suburban seats. that is what's happening when it comes to the house. democrats are flipping suburban republican seats. >> dana has projections in the senate. >> that's right, wolf. four projections, four democratic women going back to the u.s. senate. let's start with california, cnn it can projectnage dianne feinstein will go back for another term in the "uss senate. now let's go to hawaii. mace i hirono will also cnn can project go on for another term in the muss senate. minnesota, this is a special election, tin nap smith was
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appointed and now now will fill out the rest of al franken's temple. washington state, maria cantwell. cnn can project will get another term, as well. now let's look at where things stand, sorry, let's go to mississippi. this is a special election. this will go to a runoff because the rules are in mississippi if nobody gets 50.1%, then they're not going to win it outright. there will be a special election november 27th. what the balance of power is right now, 4 democrats right now, 50 republicans. they've had two pickups so far this evening. eight seats remain. >> now i want to go to some of the other races that are still outstanding some of the important battlegrounds at this hour. arizona, look how close arizona is. this is an open republican seat. martha mcsally is hoping to keep it in gop hands ahead by a
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little more than 13,000 votes. sir sten sin ma is trying to snatch it and make this a rare democratic pickup for today. now let's go on to missouri. this is big-time trump country. josh hauly, the republican challenge ser ahead, 54.8%. claire mccaskill is trailing in a big, big way, 42.2%. % of the vote in there. this could be a pickup for the republicans, as well. same goes for florida. look at how the tight this is. rick scott, the republican challenger is ahead though. 50.4%. the incumbent bill nelson is trying to go for a fourth term in the u.s. senate. he is trailing rick scott in this race in florida. 99% of the vote in. montana, let's look at this. this is another one of those states that is trump country. the democrat jon tester is the incumbent trying to keep it in democratic hands.
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right now, is he ahead of his republican challenger matt rosen dale with 29% of the vote in. i want to head over to anderson and the panel. >> thanks very much. still in that will monmontana r votes to be counted. >> i covered the test tore race. he's very popular. matt rosen dale was a real estate developer from maryland. >> the president really went after him. >> four times he went to the that the state. there was up with reason payback for ronny jackson. >> trump wanted the white house fis to be head of the veterans administration. >> jackson is still under investigation but the president thought he was a great guy although he did admit at this rally, maybe he wasn't qualified but he was a good guy and should have gotten through. >> it will be interesting to see whether or not the president making this about that one issue will actually end up saning jon tester. every time he went to montana he
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would say i'm only here because of what the jon tester did to my candidate. not because i'm here tore rally for the person actually running. so that could have been maybe a mistake on the president's part not being authenticing. > john geeian forte is now running behind. the president also said i saw he body slammed that reporter, that's my kind of guy. i don't think that was helpful. >> it's truth about montana it has a history despite the fact it went for trump by 20 points has a history of electing democratic senators. 50 of the last 53 senators from montana have been democrats. >> it's got a democratic governor. >> and exactly. >> what are your thoughts on this issue of polling? we touched on it a little bit before. i mean, there were races as of yesterday polls were showing neck and neck. >> this is an ongoing problem. if you talk to pollsters they're having a hard time adjust
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together change in the way people communicate and reaching people. when people have land lines it was easy. many poll pollsters are experimenting with doing more of it online and variations on that. i think this is going to prompt another round of soul searching about whether and how you can poll accurately because a lot of these races that were blowouts tonight or apparently blowouts tonight polled as tough races. >> why bother at this point? if you can just throw a dart at a board and say as close as all these polls were. they were completely off. >> what would you do with your time if you capitol look through all those "new york times" instant polls. >> but for the candidates, as well, it seems like their polls are often off, as well. >> everybody's off. >> one thing diagnose prove to be true which was this sense that for suburban women, there was a disquiet there. that does seem to have translated. maybe not in the same number but
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direction. >> something abouting that i think is important which is that there was this view, you guys are doing, as well economically. you should go along with the nonsense. it turns out for some people, some things are more important than money. economy going up while society is coming apart is actually a problem and there are people who will vote even against their economic interests for the country. >> can i make one small point. there's something called a margin of error. >> that's huge. >> these races in florida, they actually fell within the margin you have error. it's some of these other races that were predicted to be close races. >> georgia doesn't look to be in the margin of error. >> i will say this. just again, if you look at polling, i think it is best to look at the aggra gait gatt of polling. we will r we can do individual races. a president below 50% or hanging out in the low 40s suffers big losses for his party in the house, that seems to have held
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up here. if you just look at a lot of forecasting out there, our guy included which looks at all the. >> nancy pelosi is on the stage and i think she's going to be speaking. let's listen. >> how you doing? i'm going to ask mile colleagues to join us here. [ shouts of speaker, speaker ] >> thank you all. thank you all very much. thank you all very much. let me salute our chair of the democratic national committee chairman perez for all the successes tonight. where did he go? where did he go? and also, want to salute the
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chair of the democratic congressional campaign committee, respect we proud of ben. and i want to acknowledge my two grandsons thomas and paul. as they wave to their other cousins and bella in california who is still campaigning up till the last minute in california. because it's all about the children. i want to before i thank all of you more fully thank my colleagues and acknowledge their leadership and their presence here. our distinguished whipfry maryland, steny hoyer. the assistant leader mr. clyburn of south carolina. also let's assume they're all distinguished. bobby scott of virginia.
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and ed chu of california, t.k. butterfield of north carolina. barbara lee of california. henry of texas. karen bass of california. don buyer of virginia. and brendon boyle of pennsylvania. we all join in thanking all of you. many of you are our vips. our real vips, our volunteers in politics. women and men hope have mobilized in historic numbers who saw what you you this congress was doing and refused
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to stand still. every call you made, every door you knocked, every conversation you had made the difference between winning and losing inning this election. thanks to you, we owned the ground. thanks to you, thanks to you tomorrow will be a new day in america. remember this feeling, know the power to win. and almost all the congratulations to those that dynamic diverse incredible candidates who have taken back the house for the american people. let us salute all of our candidates. all of our candidates. today is more than about democrats and republicans. it's be restoring the constitution's checks and balances to the trump administration.
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it's about stopping the gop and mitch mcconnell's assaults on medicare, medicaid, the affordable care act and the health care of 130 million americans. living with pre-existing medical conditions. let's hear it more for pre-existing medical conditions. it's about the ending wealthy special interest free rein over washington but more than anything, it's about what a new democratic majority will mean in the lives of hard working americans. be that's what it's about. democrats pledge a congress that, would for the people, for the people. lower the cost of health care by lowering the cost of prescription drugs. raise workers' raises with strong economic growth by rebuilding the infrastructure of america. clean up corruption to make washington work for all
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americans. we will take real very, very strong legislative action to legislate to negotiate down the price control of prescription drugs that is burdening seniors and families across america. we will deliver a transformational investment in america's infrastructure to create more good paying jobs, rebuilding our roads, bridges, schools, water systems -- broadband networks and schools and lossing and beyond. we will drain the swamp of dark money in our elections. because when we do, be americans have greaterer confidence in everything their congress, would on from health care to taxes to guns to clean air, clean water, for our children, when they know that the people's interests will prevail, not the dark special interests. in stark contrast to the gop congress, a democratic congress
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will be led with transparency and openness. so that the public can see what's happening and how it affects them and that they can weigh in with the members of congress and with the president of the united states. we will have accountability and we will strive for bipartisanship. the fairness on all sides. we have a responsibility to find our common ground where we can, stand our ground where we can't, but we must try. we have a market -- a bipartisan marketplace of ideas that make our democracy strong. a democratic congress will work for solutions that bring us together because we have all had enough of division. the american people want peace. they want results. they want us to work for positive results for their
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lives. our founders believed in a principle that they knew must guide our nation. first in our declaration, they promised life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness but they gave us guidance, e pluribus unum from many one, the founders could never have imagined how vast our country would become, how many we would be, how different we would be from each other. but they knew weep had to be one. unity. unity for our country. and that today, the american people have spoken to restore that vision. with this new democratic majority we'll honor it the vision of our founders for a country having a legitimate debate, but remembering that we are one country. we'll honor the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform and their families who have made us the land of the free and the home of the brave.
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to build a better future worthy of their sacrifice. and we must honor and respect the aspirations of our children. elections are about the future and what we do for our children's future. so thank you all for making the future better for all of america's children. god bless you. god bless america. thank you all very much. thank you. >> we have nancy pelosi with some very tired grandkids. >> i was going to say, we will this discussion during the breaking about president obama going out and campaigning and all these big races that had he. and everywhere he went he lost. president trump went out and they all kind of can are coming home. at the end of the day, you kind of look at that. the celebrity factor? it's a big deal. >> you think that's a tweet
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we'll hear from president trump. >> yeah, exactly. just to point out for viewers i know there's a redistricting taking place. there's a big loss. the clinton first term big loss. obama bigger loss. so this 308 or 58 seats is relatively pretty small. >> i first of all, i love obama and hope he goes out more. but listen, we had a popular performance bigger than the tea party. the tea party 6.8% in terms of your margin. we had 9% apparently tonight. the reason is, you gerrymandered the map so bad even when we have a 9 percent victory we can't get all the seats. >> in pennsylvania, the only place where you had an impartial judge to. >> im. >> they're democrats, elected by democrats. >> talk big picture for viewers
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just kind of joining how do you see tonight and what this means moving forward? >>en, the president of the united states receive aid report card on his first two years in office. and one of the houses of congress went the other way. in a pretty dramatic fashion. so there is a rebuke here of the president. and there is evidence that the president maintains his unique ability to you bring out voters in parts of the country that are very supportive of him which is why they're adding sees to their total in the senate. ity would not sit back though and just say split democrats the won the house and republicans won the senate because donald trump is going to wake up in a whole new world dealing with an opposition party house that is not been part of the story the last two years and he's going to be dealing with that democratic house because he has sent independent and suburban voters across the country fleeing from what was part of his coalition in 2016.
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that is -- so the one thing i think about with the trump presidency, i always ask every day for the last two years, am i seeing him do anything to try to broaden his coalition from what it was on election day, 2016. in his style and tone, he has not shown a desire or an ability toy broaden his coalition. and so if i'm donald trump's political advisers looking at the night and preparing for 2020, my first thought is how are we going to get those independent veerntz some of those suburbanites back into the fold we lost tonight. >> i think that's a very difficult task. what happened tonight shows you the different terrain that donald trump is red states, rural america versus the terrain in the house which is growing. okay? these are suburban, mooed rat, well educated -- white voters who now comprise what, 50, 60% of the democratic party. the democratic party is not the
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blue collar party anymore. the democratic party is it what i was just talking about. and that has changed except for minorities. except for minorities. i think you know, you see the country being split. and you see donald trump saying okay, i'm with them. i'm going to stick with my folks in those other states but if you want to win another presidential, you can't defer the inevitable. >> you don't have to win 50 states. you have to win enough to win the electoral college. the dynamic tomorrow is as much about the democrats as it is about the republicans. i think tomorrow morning, donald trump wakes up with the republican party that is more behold beholden to him than they were yesterday. the people who couldn't run on him lost and the people home are left need him more than ever before. i think the republican party is going to more and more tomorrow and the day after become more like trump. they're going to be running with this president in 2020. and that's going to totally change the die nam in i can.
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>> do you think the party is more energized tomorrow morning than they were today? >> i guarantee they are. >> that's true on the democratic side, as well. >> i agree with what david said. i just -- you can't win playing base politics. he drew an inside straight in 20 2016. it's going to be hard to win re-election if he just plays base politics. >> the democrats are certainly celebrating that i major victory retaking control confident house. we have a lot more ahead. we'll take a short break on election night in america. we ha. we'll take a short break on election night in america. house. we have a lot more ahead. we'll take a short break on election night in america. ♪ ♪ ♪
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democrats take control of the u.s. house of representatives. republicans keep control of the u.s. senate. we're watching all of these races very closely. a mixed bag for the democrats and republicans tonight. but there's been some more surprises. let's take a look at some of them. oklahoma 5. >> you look at the national map, democrats have gone ahead in races leading. we know they're going to win the majority. the question is how high can you go? they have 217. they're leading in 35. every election, wolf, there's one or two where you scratch your head and you say huh? let's go to central oklahoma. right here the 5th congressional district. steve russell, 100% of the vote in. kendra horn winning. a democrat winning in the middle of oklahoma.
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i'm texting republicans saying what happened? they say i don't know. i don't know. i don't know. that's what they're saying. this used to be jim lankford's seat. he became the senator in oklahoma. you go back to 2016 steve russell wins his seat with 57% of the vote. go back to 2014, republican year, steve russell wins his seat. 60% of the vote. let's fast-forward here, in a year where republicans can't afford to have any giveaways because every giveaway increases the democratic majority, republicans are scratching their head today saying why did one of their incumbents in what should be a safe republican district where there was a race for governor, it was more competitive maybe than -- democrats are losing. they lost the race for governor. but you did have the race for governor. this is oklahoma city. little bit of an african-american population here, more of a democratic base than anywhere else in oklahoma, but this is a safe republican seat. and you have a republican incumbent on a night when the big question is how much higher from 23 can democrats go? this is a gimme. so remember when joe crowley, the democratic member of the democratic leadership, lost his primary in new york, people said
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he wasn't paying attention, he wasn't going home, wasn't doing the math, wasn't doing the work, that's the conversation about republican incumbent steve russell tonight. as you look for democrat pickups and you look all across the country, yes, the democrats are picking up seats from coast to coast. one place we did not expect to see one is right there in the middle of oklahoma. but there it is. and guess what? if you're nancy pelosi you're seeing how high you can go you're happy. can you hold that seat in two years? we'll see. but we've got it now for two years. see how it goes. >> wisconsin governor's race looks like a surprise developing. >> switch over to the governor's race. scott walker, the ultimate survivor when it comes to governor of wisconsin, did not do well as the 2016 presidential candidate. but tony evers ahead 14,000 votes. 82% reporting. again, scott walker's been counted out before. so we'll count the final votes, but we'll go through and take a look. these gray areas where you don't see votes, very small rural counties, likely to go republican, but i went through these a little bit earlier during one of the conversations. 1% of the state population, maybe 2% of the state population in these counties that are left
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out. so where are you looking? you want to come down here. milwaukee county. 17% state population. democrat has to do well here. here's the question. scott walker has survived tough close races before. tony evers getting 65% to 33%. let's go back in time. mary burke the democrat won here with 63%. so tony evers outperforming a little bit there. let's come back down here. move to the college town of madison. tony evers 75%. 93% of the vote in. big democratic base. college town. college suburb. go back in time and & look. again overperforming mary burke quite sifrntly here. you come back to the map, come back out to 2018 and you're looking at this map. can scott walker pull it out at 82%? that's a pretty good lead. he's the ultimate survivor. we're going to watch this. but this would be a major upset. you talk about how happy the republicans are to hold ohio with mike dewine. this would be an upset in one of the states the president likes to hand out his maps about michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin. at the end of the night tonight if this holds up michigan,
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pennsylvania, and wisconsin will have democratic governors. >> interesting. what about arizona? the senate race right now. >> let's switch over to the senate map. let's head west. let's bring it up and see what we've got. 9,000 votes. 49 to 48.5. 57% of the vote in. let's watch this out. it's a competitive race in arizona. that in and of itself is an anomaly in the sense that jeff flake won easy when he last ran. john mccain had some interesting primaries but he won when he was in the race. so what are you looking at? maricopa county this is your big democratic base. 60% of the population. look how close they're running. look how close they're running. you have phoenix and the suburbs. then you get out here it gets more rural, gets more republican. very close there. move out to this part of the state here. 61% for kyrsten sinema. this is going to be back and forth. but advantage to mcsally as you start to look at it. this was jeff flake's seat. let's go back 2012. jeff flake wins 49-46. it was a closer race than i
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thought it was if you go back in time. you watch where the blue is. see the red here. as we watch this play out tonight, again maricopa county, jeff flake barely won it six years ago. come up here the democrat barely winning it right now. this is where most of your votes are in the state. kyrsten sinema can keep her lead there. we'll see if she can keep it otherwise as we go. we know republicans will keep control of the senate. the question is do they grow? democrats really want to flip this and flip nevada to keep the republican party in the senate a bit more tempered. so we'll keep counting here. that's very close. >> let's walk over. you've got? projections projections in the senate. what's going on? >> wolf, in the senate we can -- in the senate we can project that republican challenger josh hawley will go on to be the next senator of missouri. he is 38 years old. he'll be the youngest senator.
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and he is beating the democratic incumbent claire mccaskill who i was out in missouri she was saying she's going to do it again, she's going to beat the odds. but she didn't. instead she called josh hawley and conceded a short while ago. that's a big win for republicans, a big win for the president, who campaigned hard there. let's go now to michigan. debbie stabenow, cnn can project she's going to go on to win another term. democrat debbie stabenow is keeping michigan in democratic hands. so let's look at what all this means for the balance of power as we speak right now. democrats have 43 seats. republicans 51 seats. three pickups. three gop pickups so far this evening. six seats remaining. wolf and jake. >> let's take a look at the six seats that are remaining on my computer here. right now we see that democrats have managed to hold on to west virginia and new jersey. you see them on the left side of the screen. on the right side of the screen tennessee stayed republican.
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texas stayed republican. democrats have lost missouri, north dakota and indiana. one might observe also, by the way, that all three of these senate democrats voted against brett kavanaugh for the supreme court. we still don't know what's going to happen with jon tester in montana. but that does perhaps say something about democrats in republican states or in trump-winning states. so right now republicans have -- they've won control of the senate. so now the question is how big is the margin going to be? let's give -- let's say that the current vote totals hold up and republicans win florida. let's say the current vote totals hold up and republicans win arizona. let's give mississippi special election that's probably going to happen in a runoff. look at that. 54 votes and i'm still not even factoring in what could happen in nevada or montana. i mean, republicans are having a very, very good night in the senate. >> mitch mcconnell is watching right now probably and smiling
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from ear to ear. because he worked incredibly hard alongside with the president. and that's a storyline that is quite different from the way the president worked or didn't work with the house republican leaders, particularly the current speaker of the house paul ryan. worked very hard to get the right candidates in there. josh hawley is a perfect example. he's currently the attorney general. he won only two years ago. he made a pledge not to run for anything else until his term was up. until he was convinced by mitch mcconnell and the president, republicans in washington, please run because they thought he was their best bet to take the seat. and they were right. >> yeah. good recruiting but also nothing succeeds like having a good map. and the fact is democrats were fated with a horrible map. they had a whole bunch of trump seats -- trump states where they had democratic senators that they had to hold on to. they were playing defense all night. and you know -- >> you
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