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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  November 19, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PST

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comcast business. beyond fast. welcome to inside politics. i'm john king. thank you for sharing your day with us. president trump suggests his written answers are his final answers, dismissing the idea of a face-to-face sit down might still be necessary. the florida recount is over and there are a few house races to count. one last big mid-term fight. a mississippi run off where the republican should run, but the candidate is shaky. the commander in chief. retired admiral said the president's attack by the media and free speech are dangerous. the president fires back. >> retired admiral navy s.e.a.l.
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37 years and former head of special operations. >> hillary clinton fan. >> special operations -- >> excuse me. hillary clinton backer and obama backer and frankly -- >> he's a navy s.e.a.l. >> wouldn't it be nice if we got osama bin laden a lot sooner than that? >> back to that drama in a moment, but we begin with an important legal drama for the president and most curious words by one of his closest aides. the deadline to submit his written answers to robert mueller. the president said he finished them last week and they will be handed over this week. we know he was angry about some of the questions. robert muelle takes a dim view for those who lied to him. he reserves the right to come back and ask for a face-to-face meeting on some issues. the president said the written answers are likely his final act
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of cooperation. >> i think we wasted enough time on this witch hunt. the answer is probably. we're finished. >> the president's witch hunt refrain has been a constant. absolutely no collusion is another. this morning, listen closely to the president's counsellor who seems to add a collusion qualifier. >> 33 people are reading the paper have either been interviewed or asked for information and complied and that includes the president of the united states. he said there was no russia collusion. i assure you there wasn't. if other people were doing shenanigans and didn't have enough faith that he could get the job done on his own, which he did, he and governor pence did to get elected. >> with me this monday to share the reporting and insights,
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kaitlan collins and julie hirschfeld davis. i want to start with kellyanne conway who seems to be saying other people might have been up to shenanigans. why qualify the no collusion? >> no collusion at the highest levels is something interesting for her to say. i don't think we heard her say anything like that. we have seen the goal post shift from no can tact with russian officials and we learned that several official his contact with russians and then it moved to no collusion and then it's no collusion with donald trump himself. that is an interesting remark. i don't know if that was intentional or she is covering up for something. that is an interesting remark. we have seen the president's frustration growing and he thinks submitting the answers which they say they will do any day now is going to mark the end of this investigation. that's not clear. the special counsel has not given a timeline for what the end of this is going to be.
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it's not clear that submitting these questions will be the end. they have no work left to do. they have been in a year of negotiations already. >> to me that was that she is just winging it or protecting herself or is this because we know the president was frustrated by the specificity. is it in looking at the questions, they realize maybe we have a president. maybe it's beneath the president, but we have a problem. >> for sure they have been able to glean something in terms of what bob mueller is looking at. i also think it remains true that they don't know the full scope of everything he is looking at. while they may feel confident that the president's answers don't implicate him at all, they may know that there are people in the campaign having contacts that could have taken to their logical conclusion been a problem. maybe bob mueller would call
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collusion. the beginnings of an argument that we may hear more of depending on what the report says where they try to wall off the president from whatever might have gone on. he was the candidate and he didn't know about things and didn't have visibility to everything going on in the campaign and if bob mueller has something he seized upon that he is going to call collusion or coordination with the russians that was conspiracy, they want to make sure they are insulating donald trump from the very get go from any of that. >> people who have spoken to bob mueller said he knows more about the campaign than people inside the campaign. he talked about don mcgahn for more than 30 hours and michael cohen and a number of different people who are part of the campaign and flipped a number of people including the campaign manager to talk about cooperating with the special counsel and talk about what happened during the campaign. it's possible that they had specific questions for the president based on the things he learned over the last year and a
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half of investigating and that may get under the president's skin. >> they know so much more than we know about what mueller knows. >> we don't know very much. i agree with you. i don't know if she meant what she said and if she meant to open it up. >> she's pretty smart. she knows what she's doing. >> this was a big change in tone and details of what went on. i think that they are -- this is a classic moving the goal post. now all of a sudden it's like well, people in the campaign were operating and think your point is a good one. people in the campaign at the time department knidn't know wh on in the campaign. it was not an organized or sophisticated campaign and there was a lot going on. it's starting to look like we will find out. >> he thinks this is coming soon and whether it's robert mueller,
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that they are gunning for his son. if robert mueller wants to do anything or the southern district wants to do anything, they come to the acting attorney general. democratic senators are suing saying they find it unconstitutional. matthew whitaker is the acting attorney general of the united states. listen to the president in this interview with chris wallace saying this will be fine. >> if whitaker decides in any way to limit or curtail the mueller investigation, are you okay with this? >> it's going to be up to him. i think he is very well aware politically. he is astute politically. he's a very smart person. a very respected person. he's going to do what's right. >> how do you read that in the age of trump. he's going to make the call. he's smart, he's astute and he will do the right thing or do you view through the history of what this president put on the record. donald trump appointed him and bypassed the process of elevating rod rosenstein and the
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president made crystal clear that in his view, the attorney general is supposed to be loyal and what is right when it comes to the mueller investigation? >> he is putting matt whitaker in the position where he is smart and astute and i will not get involve and overrule anything he does here. if matt whitaker tries to limit the probe and faces criticism and backlash and consequences for that, he said i left it up to him and i didn't have anything to do with this. he is letting the ball be in matthew whitaker's court and that is bad for him in the end. another thing he said is he didn't know about the criticism of the probe before he tabbed him to be the acting attorney general. we know from sources that's not the case. that caught president trump's attention and how he noticed matt whitaker in the first place. the president was well aware in the special couple. he said his criticism was
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founded, he believed. he agrees with him. he does believe that matt whitaker is correct. >> imagine you are the president's lawyers and the president casually lies in an interview with chris wallace. he flat out lies s.matt whitaker was criticizing robert mueller? imagine you are the lawyers and looking at the written answers and say how do we check all this out? another sign of the president's anxiety is the democrats are about to take over the house. adam schiff said he wants to go back and retrace. he thinks the investigation under the republicans was a voek and sa joke. the president retweeted i don't believe it was a typo, he put two ts net of two fs at the end of adam schiff's name. he said this about matthew
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whitaker. >> he was chosen for the purpose of interfering with the mueller investigation. he auditioned by going on and saying he could hobble the investigation. ethically he should have nothing to do with the investigation. he needs to know if he takes any action to curb what mr. mueller does, we will expose it. >> again, i guess we are used to this, but the president of the united states, the president of the united states, take his party out for a minute, referring to a sitting member of congress, a ranking member about to be a chairman with two ts for the two fs in congressman schiff's name. that in and of itself is below the surface. we understand he has anxiety about the questions of what it mueller going to do. he understands how much his world is about to change. >> this president likes to have a foe, a foil, somebody to go up against.
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the fact that he is resurrecting this little adam schiff nickname and going a step forward and putting two ts at the end of his name, he understands that he is going to be grappling and going back and forth with adam schiff and his committee as he does become the chairman as we expect he will. there will be many moments where he will want to call him out. whatever they may be uncovering and whoever they may be subpoenaing within the administration is going to be something that can be damaging to him and he is on attack mode. i wouldn't say that this mangling of his name is any worse than we have seen the president do in terms of insu insulting adam schiff publicly. it's not like adam schiff was going to treat him differently. there is clearly a back and forth between the president and the intelligence committee and we are seeing the battle lines being drawn in a much more stark way by the president. >> i think the president gets it. i still don't think he gets how
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much his life is about to change. this is going to be a change in the way he operates in washington. that is still sinking in. the democrats obviously have no trust whatsoever in the attorney general. they are really going to push on that. there is republicans in this senate who are nervous about this, too. they don't like this set up. it puts more pressure on them to pass this legislation. senator mcconnell is fighting it off. the juvenile nickname thing. i'm afraid to try to say the congressman's name because i'm worried i'm going to say it. >> he puts it in your head. >> i'm going to refrain. >> it's an excellent point. we are at the beginning of an interesting week and takes us into an interesting couple of months. the president relishes combat even with someone who wore the uniform. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely.
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new evidence the president loves a fight, even if the opponent is a decorated military man. >> mcraven, retired admiral, navy s.e.a.l., 37 years, former head of special operations -- >> hillary clinton fan. >> special operations -- >> excuse me. hillary clinton fan. >> he led the operations that took down saddam hussein and killed osama bin laden said that your sentiment is the greatest threat to democracy. >> okay. he's a hillary clinton backer and an obama backer. frankly. >> he's a navy s.e.a.l. >> wouldn't it be nice if we got osama bin laden a lot sooner than that. >> the president answered his long running criticism. that the president's attacks on the news media are a threat to democracy. >> he said i did not back hillary clinton and i am a fan
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of president obama and president bush both of whom i worked for. i admire all presidents regardless of their political party who uphold the political process. >> a man who served his country with great distinction for a length of time. the president likes fights. what's to be gained here? >> nothing. what is the risk for me and what bothers me about this spat is it's going to cement in the minds of trump voter that is the idea that the military is an extension of the white house and we are a political institution when we are not. everybody has a right to the first amendment and freedom of speech, but when you have former generals that are jumping into the political fray, it further reinforces that. for many of the american people. >> the admiral has been a critic for sometime. he said he is not a hillary person. this is what he wrote in the
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"washington post" in august. through your actions you embarrassed us in the eyes of our children. humiliated us and divided us as a nation. if you think your carthy era tactics will suppress the voice of crist simple, you are sadly mistaken. it will continue until you are the leader we prayed you would be. he is not being shy about airing his differences here. >> this reminded me of the spat we saw the president have with the intelligence community. we was revoking clearances. the intelligence community would hold their fire and not criticize a sirtting president. john brennan and others used to serve in the community before president trump took office, but they felt that they had to speak out against what they thought was out of line behavior. i think we are seeing the same from admiral mcraven.
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that is difference, but what is striking is to hear a sitting president talk this way about someone who served so honorably in the military and carried out and supervised the raid to take out osama bin laden, which i think everyone would agree was an incredible feat. something that the president of the united states, the sitting president is now saying somehow was not sufficient or not done soon enough. it's striking to hear him criticize tactics on something like that that all americans believe was a great success. >> the president does not have it in has reservoir to say i disagree, but this man is an american hero. i don't want to pick a fight with him. what the president didn't do said a clinton and obama backer shows personal scorn. he didn't say he was wrong. he didn't challenge the premises about free speech.
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>> he was taking on military members and veterans and attacking them verbally. senator john mccain, the president had a long running spat with him. and the defense secretary he was a democrat and the president is casting members of the seen as a member of the blue or the red team. the president managed to politicize things that are normally not political from sports to entertainment and also done the same with the military. that's the direct he will continue to go. >> you start to see a lot of republicans are nervous when they look at how badly they got beat and how unpopular this president is. it's a fact. when they spoke back down, what are they going do, this is senator marco rubio on the receiving end of this when he was a candidate for president.
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i don't know if admiral mcraven shares my views or not, few americans risked more than he has with the freedoms we enjoy. his career exemplified honor and excellence and i am grateful for his service. that's a longer, polite, smart way of saying mr. president, you are wrong. >> this aggravates people on capitol hill. they don't want the president fighting with people they have deep respect for and the public has deep respect for. the president has a high attitude about the military. he knew more than the generals he said and learned from watching on tv. it's always been sort of this he should have the upper hand in these debates. go back to julie's point and talk about the yet that the government sat there while osama bin laden was hiding out in pakistan is outrageous when you consider the context and the times that were going on there.
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i think people listen to that and go, you know, you need to pull back. >> i don't for a second question that everybody in uniform would do their job, but when the commander in chief does this given the respect he has, when the president doesn't go to the military cemetery in france because he doesn't want to get in the motorcade or go out in the rain, what effect does it have? >> a negative effect on morale inside the ranks when you don't see the commander in chief make the effort like on veteran's day. i was not so bothered by france because i don't think he was well served by the staff with respect to the first cemetery visit. i was disappointed in one way by not going to arlington on monday. >> it's a 10-minute drive. >> there was a part of me that was okay with it. whenever he gets around the troops and the military and the veterans, he makes it a partisan issue. i would have hated to see that
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more on veterans day than him not going. >> interesting. >> let's not forget about the troops down at the border. there is a lot of question of whether that is a political use of the military that had a lot more attention before the election than after. >> one last point on mcraven. clearly proper respect for what admiral mcraven did is warranted, but i don't think we want to live in a country where former general skms s and admire beyond criticism by the president or anybody else in power. >> not at all, but it was the how. he has every right to respond. the mid-term campaign is not over yet. one more vote. mississippi in the special election. republicans should win, but will they? when we were dating, we used to get excited about things like concert tickets or a new snowboard. matt: whoo! whoo! jen: but that all changed when we bought a house. matt: voilà! jen: matt started turning into his dad. matt: mm. that's some good mulch.
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comcast business. beyond fast. welcome back. the mid-term election is almost over. over the weekend, florida recount ended. rick scott will take that seat. a pick up for the republicans. republicans picked up seats in indiana and missouri and a seat in north dakota. democrats picked up nevada and arizona. a special election here in mississippi. here's what played out on mid-term election day.
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mike espy the diagremocrat and because nobody got 50 plus, the republican is ahead in the polls. republicans are a little bit nervous about this race. mike espy served in the clinton administration. a lot of firepower coming in including kamala harris coming in. mike espy saying i appreciate the national help, but trying to reassure mississippi voters, i am not a liberal. >> mississippi is not california and mississippi is not massachusetts. kamala knows that. i'm lucky enough and blessed to be part of the senate. we may not always vote alike and she knows that and i know that as well. the common core values we believe in. >> it's a fascinating race. on paper, republicans should win this. if you look at senator smith on election day, the president is going for two rallies.
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i talked to republicans and the private polling shows her up about five points. that's not what republicans should have in mississippi. >> certainly not. >> democrats are looking at alabama and they pulled them off and they were able to pull together the coalition plus we had a large number of voters and a number of republican who is crossed over because the republican candidate was seen as toxic. cindy hide smith made statements that turned off a number of vote voters, talking about being willing to attend a public hanging that was made in just, but it turned off a large number of voters and democrats see it as an opportunity to capitalize on that and sneak in with an election where you are able to motivate your base where the voter electorate is african-american and if they are able to motivate that base, have them pull off cross over voters. >> the idea that public hanging
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should be said in just, we can put that on the list of hitler jokes. just no. we have done this. can we do it again? i don't know. if you look at the exit poll, the person was invested in that one as well. the see roy moore, the republican. younger voters turned out and african-americans turned out and voted for the democratic candidate. that's why you see the stars is of the party going in to help. mike espy saying thank you, but let me be clear, i know folks are more conservative here than in california. >> i don't know that mississippi was an example because it was a bad candidate in that race, but doug jones still won by a margin smaller than the number of write in votes. even with someone being accused of molesting teenagers, that was a sensitive race. we are seeing similar circumstances here. obviously not accusations of
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what roy moore was facing, but she did make the comments and it's a sensitive race and time in america to make a comment like that. he could be the first black senator for the state since the civil war. that's a big deal. so many things are at stake here. those remarks are really getting such backlash that they wouldn't always in mississippi. her campaign is trying to turn it around and trying to take the donald trump approach of you can't even have a sense of humor in america anymore. that's the defense. it's a question of whether that will appeal to the same voters that voted for president trump who said they don't want to live in a politically correct nation. that's a big factor that it comes down to. >> i feel that i'm all for a sense of humor, but not about public hangings or whether young people should vote. here's all the proof you need. they are putting money into the race as well. new money going in that features the candidate.
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nope. it features the president. >> i approved this message. >> if democrats get control, they will raise your taxes, flood your streets with criminal aliens, weaken our military, outlaw private health insurance and replace freedom with socialism. >> they don't trust her to get to the finish line. they think they need the president. >> they're do. it's a risk for both of them. we heard president trump try to spin the election results in the last week or 10 days from the mid-terms and say he was not on the ballot and it was not his fault. the republicans did better, which is not actually true. there is no mistaking the result. that play that featured him front and center worked and if she loses, that's not enough. what we see them doing is trying to double down on a strategy that worked for them on the senate side in the cycle which
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is to say you use the anti-immigration message and doubled down on the divicive rhetoric, talking about socialism and the like and that will drive up the turn out among the conservative race you need. they were right. the democrats are really banking on the fact that their base is just as ginned up and turn out just as much and backlash against that. that's the big risk here. >> these races are always problematic with turn out. right after a holiday and it will slip some people's mind. if you want to motivate african-american turn out, there is no better way than to talk about public hangings in in isz miss. those remarks were out of bounds and she made other remarks about suppressing the vote. she is not an incumbent having run down there and if they manage to lose senate seats in alabama and mississippi in one year, there needs to be intro
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topping our political radar, arizona's governor is being asked by hour houses to name martha mcsal tow fill the rest of the late senator john mccain's term. john kyle was leaving after the lame duck session. she just lost a race with the other senator seat, but they
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told doug deucy mcsally is the best choice to finish the term. the dust settling in florida and the election won't be back 2020. brea bre brenda snipes is retiring. ron desantis will be the next governor and succeed rick scott who won the senate race against the incumbent, bill nelson. republicans giving credit to president trump. >> he did two big rallies in florida down the stretch, in southwest florida and in northwest florida. if you look at the turn out we were able to generate, a lot of his voters he was able to activate and bring them out. >> ei'm appreciative of the president. i look forward to getting good things done for our state.
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>> to california now where the wildfire death toll stands at 80, including 77 from the camp fire that destroyed more than 10,000 homes. president trump toured the devastation over the weekend accompanied by federal and state officials, including jerry brown. the president said the disaster has not changed his view that forest management is the main culprit. governor brown said that ignores science. >> in fact, i have read specifically peer reviewed scientific articles that say that the amount of land burnt in california over the last 15 years has doubled because of climate change. >> did you make that case to president trump? >> i certainly raised it, but i didn't feel that that was where we needed to go. we need the money. >> up next, president trump will soon have a report on his desk about who is responsible for the death of the journalist, jamal khashoggi. the question is, will he accept
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welcome back. the jamal khashoggi murder poses a major test for the president this week. his critics are worried he is refusing to face the truth. the president said jamal khashoggi's murder should never have happened and he will get a definitive report this week, likely on tuesday, tomorrow. he continues to decide with the saudi crown prince on the question of responsibility. >> he told me he had nothing to do with it. i would say that maybe five times. >> what if he is lying. do you just live with him because you need him? >> will anybody really know? >> that interview aired sunday, yesterday, but taped on friday. on saturday the president deflected report that is the cia concluded that the crown prince
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ordered the killing. the president said that conclusion is premature. >> the cia assessed that he was behind it. >> they're haven't assessed anything yet. that wassy a premature report. in the meantime we are doing things to people that we know for a fact were involved. we are being very tough on a lot of people. >> critics see a presidential effort to give the crown prince a pass despite the evidence. this is from the brookings institution saying that he is showing that they are desperate. he is staring at the fact that they will not be able to deny mo hammel bin salman's culpability. when you see him in that laying out that even if the cia comes to me and said here's the proof. he may say i have doubt. >> this is what you are seeing. the president is going to sort
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of play out this idea of plausibility deniability. we know from the past that this president is not shy about disputing the conclusions of his intelligence community. if they conclude something he doesn't agree with, he will say he doesn't agree. we heard about this horrible recording that the turkish intelligence services have shared widely with the united states services and the president said in that interview over the weekend that he didn't want to listen to it. what probably is not on that tape is the voice of mbs saying please kill this man. absent that, it's possible we will continue to hear the president say we can't be sure he was involved. we can't be sure he carried this out. >> he said the crown prince told me five times as recently as the other day. this is fascinating about how republicans act with senator lindsey graham, usually a tough
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defender of this president said come on, you cannot believe this man. >> if you know anything about saudi arabia and anything about mbs, the fact that he didn't know about it is impossible for me to believe. they are an important ally, but when it comes to the crown pince, he is irrational, unhinged, and i think he has done a lot of damage to the relationship between the united states and saudi arabia and i have no intention of working with him ever again. >> so if the president tries to stick to this, i don't have conclusive proof, therefore we will sanction these guys over here and move ahead with the relationship. it's going to get blow back. >> even the republicans publicly disagreed with the president. lindsey graham is close with trump and he calls for them to take harsher measures. rand paul is doing similar. if we think this report is going to change anything for president trump, we are kidding ourselves.
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he keeps citing denials and in that interview when he said will we ever really know? that tells you everything you need to know if even if the report said he ordered this, it doesn't seem as if president trump will take it seriously and that's not new. he has been signalling that for weeks now. i don't think anything is going to change. for president trump to say that, it seems he is going to accept that. >> the russia situation, the intelligence community had a high assessment that russia did medal multiple times, the cia and intelligence community got it wrong before and they got us into the iraq war. whether it was russia or china or a 400 pound man in new jersey. we have seen him do this where if it's not convenient for him, he casts aside the conclusions of the community and it's likely that could happen again as well. >> it will be interesting with a new democratic house and with
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lindsey graham in the senate, republicans areblinking. the president hints there might be high profile exits from his administration, but who?
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your acceptance is guaranteed,
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. president trump is hinting at a major staff shake-up and along the way dropping hints about his disappointments. on the list is kirstjen nielsen. when asked if secretary nielsen
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will keep her job -- >> there is a chance for everybody. you leave, you make a name and go. the people that have left have done very well from my white house. i like her very much and i respect her very much. i would like her to be much tougher on the border. much tougher, period. >> much tougher, period. hard to miss that hint. if you did miss that hint on the secretary, the president tweeting about the caravan in tijuana. the u.s. is ill-prepared for this invasion. who is he talking about there? >> he has troops down there so he dispatched there. obviously her head is on the chopping block and she is going to go. i presume they want to wait until they get this money situation straightened out with how much is going to come
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through the o proep riratiappro the message is clear. >> he's the boss and he goes off to mar a lago tomorrow and he will ruminate about it. that's kirstjen nielsen. her mentor is john kelly. this is your boss talking about should you stay or should you go. >> we get along well. there certain things i love what he does and certain things that i don't like that he does. that report his strength. it's not that he -- he works so hard and he's doing an excellent job in many ways. there are a couple of things that are not his strength. it's not his fault. it's not his strength. >> such as? >> i haven't thought about john. john is going to want to move on. john will move on. >> john will move on. apparently the president is -- >> i saw that all the time, by the way. >> the president said that
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mr. kelly would be on until 2020 and now he is reneging on that a little bit. when he said certain things are not his strength, the president is not happy that john kelly doesn't seem to have the instinct that is the president feels he needs in order to get through 2020. we saw what happened in the mid-terms and we worry about what happened in 2020. we hear the president talk about potential replacement for john kelly and people who have political instincts and a background and the president said it's not his strength. >> is it wrong where he said i don't like firing people? >> he tries to make the criticism sound that. you can see how he is torn. he was a marine and you see the president speaking about him in that way. make no mistake. he complains about john kelly and it's a day to day thing whether or not he is going to last or leave. >> again, to that question of
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how do republicans react, the guy is an eczema rene. we will watch this play out. hope to see you back here this time tomorrow. brianna keilar starts now. have a great day. i'm live from the washington headquarters and under way right now, the president claims that the man he just put in charge of robert mueller was not a fan of robert mueller and democrats sue. pressure mounts as the cia comes to a chilling conclusion. an attack on a military man and why he is insulting the admiral who led the take down of osama bin laden. the list of people still unaccounted for sgroe grows lond the urgent search to find them. a


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