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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  November 22, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PST

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escalating as we go along. we will try to one up one another and try to get in each other's heads. this is the start of it. >> you can watch it on bleacher report tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 eastern. thank you so much for joining me on this thanksgiving. i hope everyone enjoys the day. inside politics starts right now. >> welcome to a special holiday edition of inside politics. thanks for sharing your day with us. today the president turning a morning conference calls with troops into a marathon speech against the courts. the president touted a military mission that invited legal and operational scrutiny and likened the mission against the taliban
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and isis to repel a migrant caravan winding towards the southern border. >> keep them away from our shores and we are doing the strong borders. you probably see the news of what's happening. large numbers of people and we have no idea who they are. in many cases they are not good people. they are bad people. but large numbers of people are forming at our border and don't have to ask you. you want to make sure we know who he are lead letting in. we are not letting in anybody. so you're right. you are doing it over there and we are doing it over here. >> the president also said that the old broken wall is a very powerful border wrapped with barbed wire and thanks to the troops deployed near mexico and congress needs to give him more wall money and suggested he needed to shut down the
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government if he doesn't get it. the president took the occasion a time to give thanks to those who choose to wear the uniform to attack the courts he sees as around impediment to his agenda. >> we get a lot of bad court decisions from the ninth circuit which has become a big thorn in our side. it's a terrible thing when judges take over when they tell you ho you to protect the border. it's a shame. it's a disgrace, frankly. essentially they are legislating. >> cnn is near mar a lago traveling with the president. happy thanksgiving, jeff and thanks for being here. was that part of the script? what we heard from the president this morning, was that what the white house expected going in? >> good day and happy thanksgiving to you. that was not part of the script going in, but there was a script going in. this was the president who was just doing a routine phone
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conversation with members of the armed services and it went off the rails because he politicized it and talked about things he has been talking about for the last several days. you said putting specific service members on the spot. i was struck by something else. the fact that the president again contradicted his own intelligence community, the cia and said yes, they may have certain feelings on the brute murder of the "washington post" journalist, jamal khashoggi, but they had not come to a conclusion. that's not true. they have come to at least an initial conclusion that the saudi crown prince had knowledge of the murder in advance. the president said he believes that the saudi crown prince feels just as badly as anyone about this and the world may be to blame for this. when you parse those sentences
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and unpack them a bit, extraordinary statement from the president to disagree with his intel community. during a long unplugged moment from mar a lago. >> joining us to share the reporting and insights, we have katherine lucy and bloomberg and ron brownstein with the atlan c atlantic. really? first of all, happy thanksgiving. in this phone call, an extraordinary and unexpected message for the troops there. very much it did turn into a political stump speech in many ways. >> this is not like the normal way that presidents spend thanksgiving addressing troops, but we have seen threats of this since the beginning of the trump administration. his first full day in office he want to the cia memorial wall to diminish the press and the
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critics and taking an election victory lap. this is kind of a mid-term 2.0 version of the same thing. we have seen him since the election test every major institution in america. the media is old news. the executive authority, congress, the courts. the supreme court court and the military. the ninth circuit court as well. we will play harsh words for the ninth circuit. >> chief justice john roberts has been speaking a little bit about it. i think we have a lot of respect for him. i like him and i respect him, but i think we have to use common sense. everybody knows the ninth circuit is totally out of control. what they are doing and saying and the opinions are very unfair to law enforcement and unfair to our military and unfair most importantly to the people of our country.
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i'm keeping them safe. >> at some point he suggested that he's going to ask congress to change the court system because he's so unhappy with it. >> to margaret's point, this call is extraordinary and predictable. it is everything we have come to expect from the president. this fight that he picked with the supreme court justice roberts and the courts is something on his mind now and we heard for him for days. this is not a new thing. when you see him wake up with something on his mind, the idea to keep going in public is pretty standard. he has picked fights with the judiciary since he was a candidate. this is not a new place for him to go in terms of combat. >> but usually the chief justice does not weigh in. >> that are is no
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that is notable. >> the other common theme is about immigration. this was a key to his victory and his message in 2016 when he ran. here he is again talking about the southern border. >> if we find that it's uncontrollable, josh, if we find that it gets to a level where we are going to lose control or people start getting hurt, we will close entry into the country for a period of time until we get it under control. the whole border. we will have a border or we will not. when they lose control on the mexico side, we close the border. >> you hear the president threatening to shut down the border. i think at some point he said they had shut down the border and he talked about possibly shutting down overboarder funding. what did you make of the comments? >> it was a multicourse meal for the president this morning on many subjects.
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the headline of his performance was full steam ahead. nothing changed both in the tone and the substance of the message. we are now heading towards republicans losing 40 seats in the house with 4% unemployment. the most they lost since watergate in any congressional election. they lost in the places that for doing the best in the economy because of a backlash in the ways president trump approached the job. the way he talks about racially tinged issues and roles of women. voter who is usually vote republican in white collar suburbs. he signalled nothing is going to change. it will continue to systemat systematically attack institutions that he believes can limit or constrain his power. he will continue along the same polarizing messages on issues like immigration and is going to continue to move forward as if
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this did not occur. i have to wonder, the republicans that hear left in swing districts or looking at the 2020 map like cory gardner or tom tillis or david purdue in georgia, they got a clear signal that the president is steaming down the same trap that produced the result that they just got a few weeks ago. >> the president did seem incredibly relaxed. he could have almost sat there the whole morning and taken questions. he seemed to be eager in terms of talking to reporters about these topics. >> he definitely did and that was one of the reasons of his surroundings. noplace he loves to show off more than mar a lago. having a small group of reporters, he would have been happy having a full on press conference there most of the day. he is obviously having thanksgiving dinner later right now. we are told he just arrived at the trump international golf course here in west palm beach.
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he has a clear schedule. ron makes a smart point. there is no lessons learned or a do-over going forward. it is full steam ahead, but with many different equations. the first is the make up of congress. the president is about to enter into a new political order in washington. you do not get the sense that he knows what is coming or know what is to expect, but he is trying to make that immigration argument again by wrapping the judiciary into it. i was struck that he is saying that judges on the appellate and federal bench are making military lives unsafe, making law enforcement unsafe. the president sent down the military officials to the border. the president is drawing in the judiciary more than he has before. one thing he has not done is
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near the halftime mark of his presidency, he never tried to create a congressional solution or a law, if you will. the president can certainly do and persuade both sides to get an immigration law or a fix in the works. republicans have controlled both chambers of congress. that is going to change entirely. he knows the limitations and you don't get the sense that there is any strategy here that will change how he is operating for what will be a new world order in washington. >> the strategy seems to in some way be the fight. i'm sure when the new congress comes in, it's only going to get harder if he wants to pass immigration reform. up next, president trump insists it's a cruel, cruel world and said it's a bad idea to upset our allies no matter what they do.
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president trump is taking yet another opportunity today to side with the saudi government and to reject a cia assessment regarding the murder of journalist, jamal khashoggi. >> nobody has concluded. i don't know if anyone is going to be able to conclude that the crown prince did it. i will say this. i don't know. i don't know. whether he did or whether he didn't, he denies it veamentially. his father, the king denies it veamentially. the cia doesn't say they did it. they point out certain things and that can conclude maybe he did or maybe he didn't. >> sources said the ci, a said with high confidence that the crown prince did order the murder. publicly the president may be making the case that the u.s.
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needs the saudis and it's important to maintain the relationship no matter what happened at the consulate in turkey. the former congressman in pennsylvania said president trump is missing an important part of the story. >> the saudis have to be held to account and everybody knows it. for the president to dismiss all that is -- it's a tough world and we need the saudis, but they need us more and we are bargaining from a position of strength as far as i'm concerned. >> the president very much doubling down on being on team saudi and rejecting the cia's assessment. >> he seems to be using the fact that there is some wiggle room here and the cia is not going to get out a report saying this is assessment to say there is give here. he is facing serious push back
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within his own party and not from consistent critics like bob corker, but rand paul and lindsey graham and both of whom are close to the president and talked to the president a lot and they are expressing a lot of concern that the u.s. is not being tougher on this. >> one of the things you hear is it's a cruel, cruel world. he understands that. here he was with the theme. >> you take a look all over the world. let's not deal with anybody. i will say very strongly that it's a very important ally. if we go by a certain standard, we won't have allies with almost any country. maybe the world should be held accountable. the world is a very, very vicious place. >> on thanksgiving, talking about the cruel, cruel world. what's the calculation there? >> it is a cruel world and since
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world war 2 it has been the u.s.'s job to modulate by using basically the threat of military action and financial leverage and all of the leverages of power to moderate behavior. the u.s. has various rings of allies like the uk and the western allies and israel to some extent. the audis are an important partner in the region on some things like intelligence sharing. part of the reason why the u.s. staked out positions and tries to weigh these things from china to middle eastern powers. it's because it's a cruel world. why on thanksgiving? because he has the podium and he's at mar a lago and he wants to show he's driving the decisions and he puts all his
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eggs no the saudi basket with how to deal with iran and the region. it's in his interest to show that he made the right strategic call. >> we heard from the saudi foreign minster echoing the president's take on what happened. >> what we have heard is the president say the cia report is not what they say it is. if the government wants to make that available, i'm sure the courts will be pleased to receive it. they look at how the issue came about and how the operation was launched. the people who part of the operation and what they did. they had nothing to do with the conference. >> this is what worries a lot of foreign policy observers and the fact that the president seems to be giving license of this cruelty in saudi arabia.
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>> what's different is there is talk of criticism on a variety of matters. the voices i am struck by are on capitol hill. the senator is one of the most loyal senators and one of the closest people to the president. he is talking in an extraordinarily blunt term about how saudi arabia, the kingdom and the crown prince need the u.s. much more than the reverse. the president cast this as an economic argument. never mind that he overstated the number of arms deals that have happened or are even to be contracted here. i think the question going forward is what does it mean. will they hold the white house
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to account or allow it to slide? we are going to get a window into the president's relationship in dealing with it next week at the g-20 in argentina. the crown prince is going to be there and the president will be there. this will be an opportunity for the president to embrace the saudi crown prince here. this is a view of the president in putting this strictly in economic terms that are not even accurate that are vacating the moral authority. we will see how it plays out. there are repercussions in the longer term about these fights with the intel community. it's potentially dangerous for this president. >> thanks for that. president trump talked to overseas troops at length on this thanksgiving day. when is he going to visit them? before we go to break, a moment to remember, a true american hero. ray chavez. until his passing, he was the
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oldest survivor on the attack on pearl harbor at 106. he lived in california and was a navy quarter master who the japanese attacked. he gained prominence attending memorial services and commemorations and met with president trump in the oval office ahead of memorial day. in a recent cnn interview, he said he thought about pearl harbor and his navy years every single day. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ hi. this is peggy. (vo) you do more than rescue pets when you share the love. you build families. get a new subaru, like the all new forester,
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♪ i'm captain melanie nelson from min strom, minnesota. hi to my family and friends back home. happy thanksgiving. i hope i'm home for the next holiday, guys. take care. >> with thousands of american service members deployed to war zones this thanksgiving, there are growing questions over why president trump has not yet visited troops in a combat zone. he points to his busy schedule, but presidential visits to war zones are a long and bipartisan tradition. president bush visited on thanksgiving day in november
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2003 and afghanistan twice during his presidency. move on to president obama. he visited iraq in april 2009 and also had four visits during his tenure to afghanistan and interestingly enough, if you look at other administration officials, visits to afghanistan top officials had visited afghanistan. vice president pence and secretary of defense mattis and secretary of state pompeo. if you look at iraq, more officials as well visiting that war zone, including jared kushner, the president's son-in-law. he did spend thanksgiving morning on a conference call where he wished them a happy thanksgiving and talked up the economy and hinted he might be making a trip in the near future. >> while you're away from your families and loved ones, i hope you will take solace in knowing the american families that you hold so close to your heart, we
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are all doing well. the nation is doing better than economically. we are the hot nation of the world and it's nice to know you are fighting for snag is doing well and that's our country. i will see you back when you are in the united states or maybe i will see you over there. you never know what's going to happen. >> cnn military analyst retired analyst, this is a president who talks about how much he has done for the military and how much he has done for veterans. why hasn't he visited the troops in a war zone some. >> it's difficult to know that. some people think he is concerned about security and some say he is not a fan of the missions. he argued to get out and he doesn't want to be associated with the missions. regardless, he's the commander in chief. regardless, they are yours now to command and lead.
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you have an obligation to show the troops what you are doing. >> there are security concerns and this is what secretary mattis said about possible visits. the president, the commander in chief decides where he needs to go. there are times i don't want him in certain locations to be frank with you, for security. don't worry about that. there is places i have been very straight forward. i don't want him toll go at certain times. that's obviously a security situation, but he could also visit the troops on the southern border. this is his mission in a lot of ways. something he feels is important to guard against the invasion that he calls coming up on the southern border. he could go there. >> this is apples and oranges. one is do you go to a place where there is a war and talk to the people who have been supporting the u.s. mission.
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the other is, do you go to a venue that is ground zero for your domestic political argument and your base, a place where you are in a controversial fashion utilizing the u.s. military. that kind of a visit is all about something completely different in any case. >> if you look at the troops that are deployed, they don't necessarily think about the troops in the way we should. southern border 5900. syria has 2,000. we know that the president has talked about the troops on the southern border being able to use lethal force at this point. you have the pentagon saying nothing changed with his mission. >> yeah, the president sought to use the southern border and the military that has been sent down to make this security argument on the border which is an
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argument he continues to make as a key pitch to his base and voters that u.s. security and immigration is a real threat. you saw him escalate the argument and takes it off a little bit since then with mueller and other things, but you saw him continue to talk about it and it's been a been argument in 2020 as well. >> we see him test the message to the terrorists. a big departure on standard u.s. policy. the president is testing a message to test the institutions to see what the response will be. >> it speaks to politicizing the military he faced during the mid-term campaign. he was using the troops. >> this was general dunford on that very thing. troops and politics. >> we do have a very strong nonpartisan, a political ethos
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in the u.s. military and i view my responsibilities as being the steward of that ethos. i'm very proud of our men and women during a contentious political period that the institution remained a political and nonpartisan. >> we did see the president today give what was essentially a political speech to troops. >> it was completely inappropriate. all he needed to say is thanks and your families and i support your mission and i will continue to support it. he found a way to inject judicial court decisions and trade deals he finds unfair. not a good place to put the troops. they are not an extension of the maga crowd and an arm of the party. it's an a political institution that defends and supports the constitution. that's where it should have stayed. >> the call today for some
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people might be an argument for why the president shouldn't. >> it very much is. part of me was happy he didn't go to arlington on veterans day. he can't be around us without politicizing the event. part of me doesn't want to see him go to the war zones. yes, it's an obligation, but he will end up politicizing it and the mission. that's completely inappropriate. >> we will keep an eye on that and a parting shot at the house judiciary. subpoenas for former fbi james comey and former ag, loretta lynch. with no aerosols and no heavy perfumes. so you can spray and stay. febreze one.
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topping our political radar, james comey and former attorney general loretta lynch got thanksgiving eve subpoenas. house republicans are requesting private depositions for fbi actions in the 2016 presidential campaign. comey tweeted he is happy to answer questions, but will fight a closed door appearance because "i have seen enough of their selective leaking and distort n distortion. let's have a hearing and invite everyone to see." president trump said his thanksgiving holiday is a working holiday. he didn't say who might be leaving the cabinet or who would be visiting for interviews, but everyone who leaves the trump administration has come out
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really well. the revolt against nancy pelosi seems to be losing steam with another democrat from the anti-pelosi camp planning to support her bid for house speaker. a new york congressman brian higgins, one of 16 democrats opposing pelosi said he changed his mind. >> there will be a new speaker sooner rather than later, but the reality is you can't oppose somebody without an alternative candidate. there is no alternative candidate. if you want to run for speaker, stand up and announce your candidacy and advance the argument as to why people should support you. there is nobody to do that right now. i'm going to go g to you for the subpoenas. is this something we will see them coming before congress? what's your sense of this and
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why is it happen something. >> they are going to fight it and run out the clock on the republicans. we will see if they can. this is very revealing and it goes along with the sweet from chuck grassley, reproaching john roberts and the promises to investigate the same issues. it is a sign that despite this election, republicans in congress are doubling down on locking arms around president trump even though they talked about 90% of the voters said they disapproved of trump voted democratic. the highest share of presidential disapprovers since 1982, but yet all of these signals are the republicans will be in the same mode going forward as trump is in the same mode going forward. >> if you are president trump, this idea of bringing comey and lynch before congress sounds like a good idea. >> no doubt about it. we know the president's view of james comey.
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he tried to get his own justice department to investigate the actions of james comey. we also know that the firingcom. the president would like nothing more than that. time is running out and the clock is running out. republicans and house members have a few more pebbles of sand in the hour glass or whatever metaphor you want to use. we know that the house of representatives hardly is working all 31 days of december. i think the idea of this ever happening behind closed doors is likely not to happen, but that doesn't mean the senate will not pick up the baton where they left off in the new year here, but the white house would love to see that and see if it ever happens. i think they would fight it and this could end up in court. >> a quick programming note for
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our viewers. once you are done enjoying thanksgiving dinner, make sure to watch the big 18-hole showdown tomorrow after the only places to see the bleacher report live at pay per view at 3:00 p.m. eastern. we'll be right back. probably k, i've been looking all over for our big idaho potato truck. it's out there somewhere reminding folks about heart healthy idaho potatoes and making contributions to local charities. so this year, i've built myself a secret weapon. there it is let's get 'em boy! awe man. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
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president barack obama having fun there with david axelrod. his interview reflects the mood among democrats. they have a lot to be thankful for with the blue waive that took control of the house.
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the president shared what he thinks would be key to his party winning back the white house. >> what i often times am looking for first and foremost is that you seem to mean it. when you are at risk and you taking that position may lead you to use this race that you have invested so much in. that's the test i want to see somebody pass. >> and ron, you got a great column on cnn and here's in part what you write in that column. trump faced pointed erosion from a wide range in michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania. those three states s they not
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only faced surging opposition from white women and notable attrition for white women critical to his success there last time. what does it mean for 2020? >> you look at 2018, democrats saw a lot of opportunities emerge in the sunbelt in arizona which they won the senate seat in georgia and texas. it's clear from the results that the straightest path, the shortest road back to the white house for the democrats sure looks like the three rust belt states that president trump dislodged from the blue wall, michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania. all three democrats not only electioned a governor and a senator, but if you look at the exit poll data which we were able to analyze, you see significant e lotion for trump among these key groups. not only does he have the highest disapproval among college white women, but between
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46 and 48% of the non-college white women said they disapprove of his perfo fohis performance. these results are a red light on the dashboard for republicans realizing that those states were critical in making him president. >> here is tom steyer with an ad he might run in 2020. we'll see. >> i grew up believing the point of our country was to be free. the promise that everyone could make a good life for themselves. but overtime, i saw big corporations buy our democracy. we need to turn this around. we need to redefine what it means to be free in the 21st century. to make sure we all have the same chance to earn our fair share of america's prosperity. >> the billionaire against a
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billionaire in 2020. >> someplace possible with the new american politics. tom steyer is interesting in the proposition and given the amount of resources wouldn't exactly call him a fire brand. a lot of people thinks he wants a feisty person to take on the personality. people who are openly considering michael bloomberg is looking to make the decision by early next year and invested heavily in the mid-terms around $110 million he put into races. you also have a lot of younger democrats in the senate and elsewhere looking good. cory booker has been spending i'm in iowa and kamala harris. a big story out of the mid-terms, they spoke about the upper midwest and one of the issues is depending on what wing of the democratic party or what pitch you have is a choose your
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own adventure. you can pull any argument out of this. the young progressive, look at these races and a more boring guy in these races. >> a lot of folk out there. we'll be right back. >> i'm wishing my friends and family a happy thanksgiving. thank you for holding the family together and my daughter for being a wonderful girl and thank you for grandma for helping out with the family. i love you and i will see you soon. bye-bye. ♪ the greatest wish of all... is one that brings us together. the lincoln wish list event is here. sign and drive off in a new lincoln
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bathrooms and those hard to reach places. you and braava jet from irobot. better together. in california, local businesses are hosting thanksgiving for those affected by the camp fire. they provide meals and comfort as the area gets ready for heavy rains and mudslides. nick is live from chico. tell us what's happening there right now. >> it's not a particularly happy thanksgiving here, but these guys are doing their best to make it so. we are in the parking lot outside the college here in chico where we have guy fieri and they and an army of chef volunteers are making dinner for 15,000 people. this turkey has been smoking for hours now. 14,000 homes were destroyed by the fire. there is a lot of hurt and pain
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and a lot of people will not be in their homes for thanksgiving. they are serving these meals at three places around this area and delivering meals to shelters to try to bring thanksgiving cheer. the fire itself is now about 90% contained. the flames are no longer an issue. heavy rains and more rain scheduled for tonight into friday and into saturday morning. high winds. the winds account knock down trees and the rains could cause mudslides and flows and that could get in the way of the ongoing hunt for human remains. 83 people confirmed dead. some places had evacuation orders lift and people going in and seeing what's left of their home. in the town of paradise where 27,000 people used to live is off limits as searchers still comb through the mud and the ash, looking for remains of people. more than 500 people apparently
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unaccounted for. they will not all be dead, but the death toll right now is 83 and that could still rise. >> nick watt, thank you for that report and thanks for joining us on inside politics it. brianna keilar starts right now. pa . >> i'm brianna keilar. it is thanksgiving, but that doesn't keep the president from escalating his war of words. what you tweet will be held against you argues robert mueller. the top general in afghanistan is carrying an assault rifle. hear why it's so rare. in the final weeks and power, house republicans slapping subpoenas on james comey and loretta lynch. we start with a message from t


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