tv New Day Saturday CNN November 24, 2018 3:00am-4:00am PST
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yeah. bring your phone. switch your carrier. save hundreds a year with xfinity mobile. call, click or visit a store today. a u.s. government report on climate change contains dire warnings. >> it is frightening, and it screams serious action has to be taken now. former vice president and environmentalist al gore said the president may try to hide the truth, but his own scientists and experts have made it as stark and clear as possible. another controversial figure possibly ready to flip and help robert mueller investigate the trump campaign. >> this idea that jerry corsi could implicate me, there's no evidence. >> roger stone's personal motto is admit nothing, deny anything,
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launch counterattack. >> he could end up providing a critical missing link between russian hackers and wikileaks and the trump campaign. good morning, so glad to have you with us here on a saturday morning. i'm christi paul, and -- >> i'm martin savidge in for victor blackwell. great to be with you. great to be with all of you. >> president trump is spending the long holiday weekend at his estate in south florida, grappling with the real hate democrats are soon going to have control of the house of representatives. the president continues to push his legislative agenda, calling on congress to strike a bipartisan deal on border security. >> democrats have set their own agenda. on their to-do list, investigating saudi arabia and looking into the president's financial ties to the kingdom. meanwhile, a new government report details the devastating effect of unchecked climate change, warning of premature deaths and extreme economic
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consequences if global warming is not addressed. we want to begin with the dire warning about the effects of climate change in america. renee marsh outlines stark realities laid out in this report. >> reporter: if you weren't paying attention to the climate change issue, this report could change that. it is frightening, and it screams serious action has to be taken now. it is the work of federal agencies and the scientific community. the report makes it clear that we are already experiencing the dangerous effects of climate change. it states that wildfire season is long now but will only get longer, burning six times more forest area per year by the year 2050. more people will be exposed to ticks to carry lyme disease that transmit viruses such as zika, west nile. higher temperatures will kill more people. it specifically looks at the midwest.
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the midwest is predicted to have the largest increase in extreme temperature. according to the report, it will see an additional 2,000 premature deaths per year by the year 2090. oh, and the cost. that's going to be a big one, as well. the cost of climate change, according to the report, could range runs of billions of dollars annually. by mid century, it says it is very likely that the architect will be nearly free of sea ice in late summer. we should point out this was a congressionally mandated report released by the trump administration the day after the thanksgiving holiday when people were distracted and families are shopping. and the release time really sparking controversy and speculation that it is being buried on a day when few people will be paying attention. the report also came one day after the president tweeted, and i'm quoting, "brutal and extended cold blast could shatter all records. whatever happened to global
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warming?" that tweet illustrates trump's continuous skepticism when it comes to climate change. and it directly contradicts the findings in this government report. the tweet illustrates the president's lack of understanding on the issue. as we know, climate change is best exemplified by the consistent rise in temperatures year after year, not extreme weather over a one-day period. renee marsh, cnn, washington. >> thank you. the president just this week open lead mocked the idea of climate change as americans faced the coldest thanksgiving in nearly a century. >> the scientists behind the study didn't just look at climate shifts over one day or one year. allison chinchar joins us. they looked at the long-term trends? >> yes, and they broke it down by region. that was the point of this report was to explain the impacts to the united states. and furthermore, breaking it down by region so people could understand how it is going to impact me and where i live.
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so take, for example, out to the west. they really took a look at the impacts from wildfires. you know, california, for example, typically used today a wildfire season. that really doesn't exist anymore. they can now get fires pretty much any month out of the areas. for areas of the southern united states, you're going to notice more extreme weather events, hurricanes, tornadoes, or flooding events will be on the increase and become more frequent. one thing to note is that every single region is expected to experience extreme temperature swings. yes, that includes, you know, big heat waves, but it also will include cold snaps even like the one that we had on thanksgiving day for areas of the northeast. that is going to become the new norm. that's what this report is saying for these particular regions. you have to understand it's not just for the united states. when we talk about the increase of heat, it really is on a global scale. again, take a look at this -- this shows that increase of
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global temperatures really at an exponential rate when you talk about since the industrial revolution and on. again, when this report breaks down the regions, it also tries to provide solutions to the problems, not just talking about the problem. take, for example, the area of the southern u.s. where flooding is going to be the big issue. the planning commission was created to address the increased flood risks. or, say, out west where wildfires are the main concern. federal forests have developed adaptation strategies to help with those risks. in the midwest where we talked about probably one of the most at-risk areas of the united states for agriculture, iowa state's use of prairie strips on the farms is meant to help reduce crop loss. this is important, guys, because two specific statistics in this report talk about agriculture losses in the future. for example, midwestern farms are expected to produce less than 75% of the corn that they
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produce now. that same region could lose more than 25% of their soybean yields in the future. >> my goodness. >> thank you very much. we'll be talk about this throughout the morning. on the flip side of this, in paris, measures taken to encourage more environmentally friendly policies have not always been embraced. these are pictures that we're showing now where there are protests over rising fuel costs in paris. people there are opposed to taxes on diesel and on gas that president emmanuel macron enacted alongsides incentives to buy green or electric vehicles. thursday the french interior said that two people had died in the unrest. implementing any measure to combat climate change is going to be difficult. want to get analysis on the release of this report that we are seeing here. cnn's senior white house correspondent jeff zeleny as
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well as errol lewis, spectator for cnn news. how do people sitting at home reconcile what they're hearing from this report and the direct opposite that they're hearing from our president? >> that is one of the biggest issues, i think, of this report. you did not see the president, president trump, talk about this report. you did not see anyone release this from the press room or the white house which would elevate this. the president was golfing yesterday while the report was being released by his administration. it is at odds with what he talked about, with what his policies have been. take a listen to what the president has said about climate change and why that could complicate all of this. >> the united states will withdraw from the paris climate accord. i was elected to represent the
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citizens of pittsburgh, not paris. i don't think it's a hoax. i think there's probably a difference. but i don't know that it's manmade. i will say this -- i don't want to give trillions and trillions of dollars, i don't want to lose millions and millions of jobs, i don't want to be put at a disadvantage. i have a strong opinion. i want great climate. >> reporter: again, this was a congressionally mandated report that the trump administration was required to release. but they did have control of the timing of when it was released and the reality this being released on the friday after thanksgiving right before a long holiday weekend certainly was not designed to shine a spotlight on it. we heard the president talk about so many things in south florida as he spends his thanksgiving weekend, but climate change is not on that list. >> no doubt about it. so errol, to you, politically what is the consequence for the
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president? >> look, politically, the president has made clear where he's coming from on this, right. he releases it in the middle of a news hole and goes to play golf. he's literally playing games when we should be talking about serious long-term planning. to that extent, i guess he's focused on 2020 and his re-election. he's been doing campaign rallies just about every other week for several months. so this is somebody who is focused on the very, very short term and his own interests rather than the long term and the national interests. so this kicks it down to the governors, the mayors, the regional commissions, the counties, and of course every voter, every viewer now watching this. we're going to figure out what we're going to do. i think americans are pretty much used to this. when it comes to your retirement planning, when it comes to saving for college, when it comes to -- i live in a 100-year-old house that i hope to leave to my son at some point, you know, we're used to thinking about the long term, it's just we're doing it without
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guidance from washington. >> so jeff, i want to switch gears a little bit. we're also when we talk about planning, we're in the last days of gop control of the house. it is going to be different for president trump once january rolls around. adam schiff vowing to investigate the president and the saudi-trump financial ties if there are any to be had there. what do you think the president is in for come january when we have that switchup? >> that is such a good point. the president is about a month and a few days away from a new order in washington. and the president got a taste of that just yesterday when he again was on the golf course here in florida. when adam schiff, the incoming chairman of the house intelligence committee, said that he and his committee plan to investigate the -- if there
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is any link between the u.s. government and the trumps and the saudi kingdom in terms. finances, other matters. they want to drill down into why the president continues to embrace saudi arabia as opposed to call them out over what the cia has concluded was a direct role in the death of "washington post" columnist jamal khashoggi. so what the president is going to say is a different washington. a check on the white house for the first time. behind the scenes they are preparing in terms of lawyers. the white house counsel's office, preparing for investigations. the democrats can also overreach here. some democrats talking impeachment, but that's been tamped down by leadership. there will be oversight hearings, there will be investigations. so that will be something that is much different than anything the trump administration has dealt with during their first two years in office.
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>> no doubt about it. as jeff said, talking about the investigation into a saudi-trump relationship, the democrats have wanted to see president trump's tax returns since the campaign in 2016. is this their way of trying to get there? >> well, i think they can't do what was just described without getting that kind of information. if it's not the tax returns themselves, it would certainly be within their power and -- and relevant to the inquiry to get into contracts, business dealings, arrangements, shell corporations, flows of cash. the easiest way to do it in many cases is to get the tax return. keep in mind, this is a president who has a very opaque financial life. you know, the individual tax return might not tell you as much as trying to understand the enormous range of the hundreds of limited liability corporations and other corporate structures that are part of the trump organization. >> all errol, always appreciate
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your perspectives. thank you very much, gentlemen. ahead, the last letter and american missionary left behind before he was killed on a remote island off india. we'll tell you what it said. also, two of golf's all-time greats taking their rivalry to a new level. right? >> certainly did. it was billed as "the match." tiger woods and phil mickelson with $9 million on the line. it took 22 holes to decide it. all the thrilling action is just ahead.
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new developments in the russia investigation. roger stone's associate jerome corsi said that he is in plea negotiations with special counsel robert mueller's team. corsi could face a number of charges ranging from perjury to okay obstruction of justice in regards -- perjury to obstruction of justice in regards to his relationship with julian assange and roger stone. corsi said he expects to be indicted for giving false information to the special
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counsel or one of the other grand jury. during a radio interview, roger stone was on the defense and said that there is no wayincrim result of this deal. >> this idea that jerry corsi could implicate me, there's simply no evidence whatsoever that would show that i knew about the source or the content of any alleged a although stolen emails -- allegedly stolen emails or allegedly hacked emails that were published by wikileaks. just not so. >> back with me to discuss this is cnn political commentator errol lewis. good to see you. >> good morning, martin. >> so it appears that we have another indictment that is looming here. so what does this mean for the investigation, and does roger stone, should he be as confident as he seems to sound? >> i think jerome corsi and roger stone have a great deal to worry about. both men have basically suggested that they expect to be indicted. there's a reason for that which is in both cases they've tried to maintain a kind of too cute
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by half arm's length distance that they claim from the president and the campaign in 2016 that no serious observer would really believe. they acted as if they were, oh, i'm not really part of the campaign, but i do talk with a candidate from time to time. okay, fine. you talk with the candidate from time to time. you seem to have this amazing knowledge about a lot of the things that came up that clearly suggests that you were a go between or you were either in cahoots with, in league with, or aware of a lot of shady things that were going on that are the subject of this probe. and if they compounded the problem by lying to mueller, byby lying to investigators, that's a crime. i think they're both in a world. trouble. there's a certainly delicious irony to it, of course, because both roger stone and jerome corsi benefited and for years gleefully spread this birther lie -- >> right --
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>> -- that was part of how donald trump came into politics. so, you know, you tell these lies all the time, when are you facing the possibility of prosecution to say, oh, now i'm telling the truth, well, you know, tell it to the grand jury. we'll see what's what. >> i know we ask this a lot, but it's worth asking again -- does this give us an indication that this probe is going to be ending any time soon? >> i think, you know, the tea leaves are very hard to read because the prosecutor's office has been really inscrutable, airtight. you don't get a lot of leaks. in this case, you know, it's jerome corsi himself saying i expect certain things to happen. the mueller team never says anything. i think we are going to get to the truth. and the probably we should keep in mind is not going to be the end of the process, it's ape marker. once the information is provided, either to the justice department and/or to congress,
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will there be another rounds of things that happen. if we think back to watergate, it was a special prosecutor in can democrat with, not -- tandem with, not close coordination, but independent probe by congress as well as the special prosecutor enabled the public to arrive at the truth. that's what i would expect in this case, as well. >> all right. we'll wait for that to happen. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you, martin. the former director of the cia and national security agency michael hayden suffered a stroke this week. a family said he was at home when it happened and he, quote, is receiving expert medical care for which they are grateful. cia director gina pahaspel offed wishes for speedy recover. he served during the george w. bush and obama administrations and retired in 2009. coming up, an american missionary's last letter shows how he feared for his life before going to a remote island
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critical injuries after a powerful explosion ripped his home to pieces. it happened friday in st. paul, minnesota. the explosion which you see there also damaged multiple homes and buildings in the area. neighbors say they were shaken by the blast. >> just watching tv, playing video games. and it was a loud explosion. it shook the house like somebody kicked the house. >> her brother was sleeping and woke him up out of bed. >> authorities believe a natural gas leak may be to blame for the explosio explosion. a fire that's raged around paradise, california, for more than two weeks now is 95% contained this morning. this is according to state officials. and today searchers are going to be looking for the 475 people still unaccounted for in that area. we know 84 people have died in the camp fire. that's the deadliest in california history. >> and thousands of fire evacuees still can't go home as
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officials say that areas of paradise are still not safe. that isn't stopping the paradise "post" newspaper from doing everything it can to document the town's historic destruction. cnn's ryan young has that for us. this is the press room -- >> reporter: at the "enterprise record" in california, this is not the typical rush to meet the deadline. you are trying to make sure the paper's out there y.? >> it's like the one small contribution we can make to make things normal for the community. it's -- the paper still lives. it's kind of a symbolic, important message to send to the community that not everything's lost. >> reporter: david little and rick silva are not only covering the area's biggest story, but they are trying to record the historic destruction for a community that's no longer there. for safety reasons, most of the residents of paradise haven't had a chance to see what's left
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of their homes. >> there's nothing else. i don't think they know how little is left until nay get up there. seems like a complete removal of the town of what it once was. >> reporter: rain has helped firefighters get more control of the devastating camp fire now some 95% contained. the historic fire has destroyed nearly 14,000 homes, and now the "paradise post" may be one of the few things that binds this community. >> the printed newspaper has such staying pouwer. we all know that years from now people will look back at these print editions as a history book for what happened during the fire. >> it's the voice of the community. has been since 1947. we need to continue that. we don't know where to start. 15,000 homes almost have burned. 90% of the city is burned. and how do you start? why do you start? just, you know, i guess the answer is one, you help one person at a time. >> reporter: some residents are already planning on rebuilding,
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promising not to leave their homes behind. >> mainly a retirement community. i'm not sure it's going to be that same kind of community. we'll see. paradise has been a community that's can-do, has always found a way to get back on its feet. it will again. it may be a different group getting back on its feet. >> reporter: ryan young, paradise, california. we have details of a letter an american missionsary wrote before -- missionary wrote before he was killed on a restricted remote island off of india. john chau gave the letter to fishermen before he left their boat for the last time. if it shows he -- it shows he knew of the dangers. >> he thought, i think it's worth it to declare jesus to these people. please do not be angry at them or god if i get killed. it's believed that chau was killed during his mission trip to the island. paolo sandoval with the details for us. >> reporter: this is one of the
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oldest and most isolated tribes in the world, and authorities say they're responsible for last week's killing of american missionary john allen chau. this archived footage from survival international provides some of the few existing images of the tribe known as the sintinalese, they live in isolation. according to officials, chau illegally paid fishermen to take him to the isolated island hoping to convert the tribe to christianity. authorities believe he first canoed to shore on november 16th, deliberately disregarding an established perimeter around the island. according to entries left and share with the "washington post," the 26 wrote, "i holle d hollered, moo i name y name is love you, and jesus loves you." he was shot with an arrow. the next day he made a second
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attempt but never returned. the fishermen he hired later said they saw the body baueried on the beach by -- buried on the beach by tribe members. his last entry read, "i think it's worthwhile to declare geez us to these people. god, i don't want to die." in 2016, sthe same tribe killed two poachers illegally fishing near the island. it's believed the natives' decision to remain isolated should be respected. >> they've made it clear they don't want contact. somebody comes, they have no idea what he's coming for and why. you know, i think it's far more self-defense than it is murder. >> reporter: on social media, chau's family wrote their salon loved god, life, helping these in need, and had nothing but love for the people. we forgive those reportedly responsible for his death, they wrote. all they can do to wait is to find out when or if their son's body will be recovered. paolo sandoval, cnn, new york.
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in other news, many black friday shoppers got the deals they were searching for this holiday season. but could president trump's trade war change that in year? more coming up. -- change that next year? more coming up. i landed. i saw my leg did not look right. i was just finishing a ride. i felt this awful pain in my chest. i had a pe blood clot in my lung. i was scared. i had a dvt blood clot. having one really puts you in danger of having another. my doctor and i chose xarelto®. xarelto®. to help keep me protected.
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black friday sales are expected to hit $23 billion this year. up nearly 10% from last year. the long lines were a little shorter this year with more shoppers tapping their phones instead of tackling people for deals. >> understandable. alison kosik reports the president's trade war could soon make deep discounts we're seeing a little less enticing. >> reporter: black friday, a holiday unto itself.
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[ cheers ] >> oh, my god! >> reporter: shopping scenes like this seen as baked into thanksgiving tradition as turkey. cherish this footage. it may soon be replaced with more screen scenes. more than 50% of black friday shopping traffic this year is expected to be from smart phones where typical retail holiday hours don't exist. in fact, $3.7 billion worth of online purchases already happened on thanksgiving day. more than double that, $7.7 billion, is expected to be spent on cyber monday. fear not, door buster deals got their name for a reason, and in-store promotions are drawing shoppers, too. >> you see the bricks and mortar retailers are doing a buy on line, pick up in store, or buy in store, deliver at home. they're using digital strategies to serve customers they want to be served. >> reporter: what should you stock up on? if you want to save money now,
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analysts say anything made in china. >> we're in a dispute with china. we put $250 billion worth of tariffs on china. [ cheers ] at 25%. >> reporter: since china's retaliatory tariffs went into effect in september, some 5,700 items from the nation have been subject to a 10% increase including handbags, perfumes, wallets, and coats. experts expect american consumers won't feel the consequences until next year. but tariffs may increase in the meantime. president trump is set to discuss trade with china's president next week at the g-20 summit. >> if we see more tariffs in january, that's where the rubber hits the road. you will see prices go up. >> reporter: bottom line -- pick up your phone or make your way to the mall. now may be the best black friday for a while. >> the economy is very strong. customer as well as a great deal
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of confidence about the season. the weather patterns are good. i don't know what's the positive of a perfect storm. this is it. >> reporter: one thing's for sure. it's been a busy black friday. and a lot of people are going to get a lot of really cool gifts. alison kosik, cnn, new jersey. >> thank you. and you know, here's something maybe people didn't think about -- for shoppers in california, these black friday deals, they can be godsends for some of them because they're helping them replace what they lost in those fires. and apparently there are stores that are trying to we sent the deal a little for them. >> good for them. or affiliate kobr found quite a few evacuees from the devastating camp fire in those crowds. >> reporter: as shoppers descended upon the roseville galleria, we spotted lily higby looking for discount in her pajamas. it wasn't because she was waiting in a black friday line all night -- >> i'm from the camp fire in paradise. so i'm just trying to like get some deals. >> reporter: she wasn't the only evacuee here. >> have seen a lot of our
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customers affected by the camp fire. >> reporter: camille roach is a manager at macy's where they're giving away so-called disaster assistance vouchers. >> which ranges from 10% to 30% back for those that were affected by the fire. >> sure, yeah. we'll do that for sure. definitely. >> reporter: rebecca collins decided to spend the day shopping for a family that lost everything in paradise. they are staying with her through the holidays so she thought she'd help them restock their closets. >> they just came with the clothes on their back, and that's it. >> reporter: black friday may not be for everyone on thanksgiving, but with deals so good, it's a chance for some to give back and an attempt for others to get life back to normal. did you see anything good? >> yeah. i saw a lot of stuff at apple. >> hope that they're all feeling a little bit better after this thanksgiving, getting -- finding normalcy somehow. on black friday, there was plenty of green in las vegas.
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talking about the pair of golf icons, of course, going head to head, and it was for big money, vince. >> big money. >> yeah. >> tiger woods and phil mickelson, a heavy weight pay per view bought, one that needed extra holes to decide a $9 million payout. you finished preparing him for college. in 24 hours, you'll send him off thinking you've done everything for his well being. but meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. while meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b. meningitis b strikes quickly. be quick to talk to your teen's doctor about a meningitis b vaccine. be quick to talk to your teen's doctor wwoo!! wait, what?! everyone's excited about the chevy vehicles at the chevy black friday sales event. i can get used to this. wooow! and you will be too when you get 0% financing on our award-winning chevy cars, trucks, and suvs.
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have to use my best golf voice. it was a showdown for the ages. tiger woods and phil mickelson playing for $9 million. >> the man with the golden voice. i always say. this match-up -- did it live up to the hype? >> reporter: it had its moments. you want to call the whole thing? >> no. >> reporter: it had its moments. it was entertaining. two legends of the game, 19
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major championships between them. neck and neck until the end. phil mickelson getting best of his rival. the winner-take-all, pay per view-event, and phil needing birdie on the opening hole was a side bet. it didn't happen meaning the money goes to tiger's handpicked charity. >> that hurts the pocket. >> broke tiger's heart. this was a tight back and forth affair. key moment late in the round, at 17, tiger from off the green and vintage woods as he holes this to match his all square going to the last. after woods graciously conceded milkies son's putt at the -- michkelso mickelson's putt tractor-trailer at the last -- putt at the last hole. with nightfalling, he captured the win and the $9 million prize. >> to be able to have just a little bit of -- of smack talk, you know, for the coming years means a lot to me because i
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don't have much on him. he always drops the big picture, the trump card. of to a day like today, i never thought we'd go to the extra hole. my heart take take much more. >> it meant a lot to phil. he not only takes home a truckful of cash but an italian belt buckle for the trophy. maybe that didn't go as planned. >> is it big enough for my waist? no. >> you thought you were going to win. >> you didn't is through do that to yourself. -- you didn't have to do that to yourself. >> that's it right there. not cool, guys. >> is this a perfect way for this day to end? >> it really is. it really is. >> tiger said no -- i didn't warsh win. >> he get the last laugh. >> he was expected, tiger was expected to win this. >> phil really trained for this. he went and practiced really hard. you know, what -- match play,
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one match, anything could happen. >> absolutely. i just thought yesterday they were talking about the odds and people were betting on tiger. right. but tiger -- the belt would have fit him, i think. 30-inch waist. >> that's what i think. somebody predicted the outcome, and didn't go that way. >> didn't quite go that way. >> maybe mickelson will give it to him for christmas as a parting -- >> no. >> thank you. >> thank you. amanda boxte dsboxtell was athlete, dancer, avid skier, that changed. she turned her pain into purpose. meet this year's top-ten cnn hero, one of them. >> 26 years ago i went skiing. and i remember i somersaulted, i landed on my back. and i knew in that instant that i was paralyzed. i was determined to show that i wasn't going to give up so
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easily. i was in inspired to create -- i was inspired to create a program that could gift mobility to anyone that has a neurological impairment. >> amanda's nonprofit, bridging bionics, has provided free or low-cost therapy sessions is on more than 60 people g. to, vote for her or any of your favorite top-ten heroes now at thank you for doing so. a hurricane obliterated the town, but people there still have found reasons to be thankful. we visit mexico beach, florida, right after the break. at humana, we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy. and part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan. humana can help. with original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office
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pictures now coming in from californ california. >> oh, my god! [ screams ] >> a ferry carrying 53 crashed into a dock in san francisco yesterday. officials say two people on board suffered minor injuries. >> both the ferry and the dock were damaged. you could hear it there. authorities are investigating the cause. it's been more than a month since hurricane michael nearly wiped mexico beach, florida, off the map. there were so many who couldn't have thanksgiving at home because they didn't have a home there anymore. >> they found that despite the hardship, people in mexico beach are thankful this holiday season. thanks in part to a couple of men who took it upon themselves to make every day like thanksgivi thanksgiving. >> there was a building here, i promise. it was called killer seafood. >> it's been more than a month since the hurricane obliterated mexico beach. >> here you would be inside -- >> reporter: as michael and
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scott "today in new york" what used to be the restaurant, it's obvious the pain is fresh. >> an open kitchen where everybody could see what was going on. >> killer seafood, a town favorite for years, is gone. hal summers was general manager. he's lost his job and his home. both could have wallowed in self-pity and left town. instead they decided to help the only way they could -- they cooked. in a church parking lot amidst the roar of generators and smoke of a grill, they gallon feeding first responders and residents three times a day. >> chicken tomatoes, tocorn, of course -- >> reporter: seven days a week for free. they call it camp happy tummies. fueled by donations it provides a hot meal in a dark time. >> this is my planning menu.
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>> this is your menu on parchment paper? over weeks this has come to moon much more than a meal. >> it's a safe place to cry and let your feelings out. >> everybody has a feeling that they're all together and we're in this together. >> reporter: they have prayed at the tables, mourned the dead, even held a wedding reception. hal and michael baked the wedding cake. a place where folks temporarily escape what lies outside. crews are cleaning up, and power, sewage, and water are making a comeback. there is still one staggering figure. at least 75% of the homes in mexico beach have been destro d destroyed. camp happy tummies is closing. most of the first responders are gone, and food is easier to find. is there a reason to be thankful
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in mexico beach? >> definitely. >> absolutely. >> even with all of the destruction and all that's been lost? >> even, even, even. >> we're still here. >> we have our lives. we can rebuild. it's just going to take time. >> a month after the hurricane, people have stopped looking for reasons to be sad. instead, they're finding reasons to rejoice. >> there you go. yeah. >> to be grateful. >> a beautiful place, and it will come back. >> it's still paradise. >> and instead of looking back, they're looking forward. in mexico beach, they've come to learn that every day is thanks gi giving day. >> thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> it is amazing the goodwill that people have shown there in that community despite losing justice about everything they have. they -- losing just about
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everything they have. they have this attitude, we're all in this together, we will rebuild. it's going to take time, but they believe their community is as great as it ever was. >> it's meaningful to others to see that healing and rebuilding together. that matters. that's going to be interesting to see what they are capable of doing and we're sending our best to them certainly. >> it will. a u.s. government report on climate change contains dire warnings. >> it is frightening and screams serious action has to be taken now. >> former vice president and environmental lift al gore said the president may try to hide the truth but his scientists and experts have made it as stark and clear as possible. another controversial figure possibly ready to flip and help robert mueller investigate the trump campaign. >> this yes that jerry corsi could implicate me, there's no evidence. >> roger stone's perso
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