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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  January 6, 2019 4:00am-5:01am PST

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>> the kid is 6'4" and looks could kill. he is has a beautiful head of hair and has his own twitter page, would you believe it or not? victor, that is not you or me, buddy. >> no. those days are long gun. >> the trash talk from those guys apparently have no limits. hair is not off limits. coy, thank you so much. >> reporter: you're welcome. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news! >> 7:00 on this saturday. so grateful to have with us. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. the breaking news this morning is out of the houston area. a suspect has been charged in the murder of 7-year-old jazmine barnes. her family has been waiting for some movement on this case. investigators say more suspects could be charged. >> cnn correspondent kaylee hartung is outside of the sheriff's deputies the sheriff's department there in houston. we understand a tip helped lead them to this suspect. is that correct? >> reporter: that is right.
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over the past week, we heard authorities begging the public for any help and any information they could offer in the search for this killer and now we know a tip led them to take eric black jr., a 20-year-old man, into custody. they say they did that without incident in east harris county. that is the area where the shooting took place. and in the course of questioning, this man admitted to taking part in the shooting. authorities are not specifying what role he played. they have not explicitly said that he was the gunman. they say they are continuing to pursue evidence that could lead to others being charged here. but the headline in houston for a community that has been gripped by fear the last week, is that eric black jr. is in custody and charged with capital murder. in a statement from sheriff ed gonzalez here in harris county, he said the following.
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the key there our work is not finished. this is an evolving story and we will be here with you with the latest as we learn more. there is a press conference scheduled for 3:00 p.m. eastern time this afternoon with the harris county sheriff's department where we hope to learn more. >> so many answers still out there. hopefully, we will get some this afternoon. kaylee hartung, thank you very much so much. >> can't imagine the relief for the jazmine's family. lee, what are you hearing about this suspect? >> i heard late last night they
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had made an arrest and they had charged the suspect that they arrested with capital murder for the murder of jazmine barnes. this is welcome news to the family. we have no reason to believe that it was not but [ inaudible ] heard anything up to this point. at least four independent witnesses [ inaudible ] have identified the suspect as a -- white male. >> we are going to take a minute. i'm sorry. the skype we are working on with you is just not -- it's not working. we can't understand what you're saying so take a minute and get out on the phone and we will be back in a minute. let's go to a break and be back and reestablish our connection with lee and be back in a moment. your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small
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attorney s. lee merritt. is on the phone with us. an arrest in houston of a person who has admitted to be involved in the death of jazmine barnes. lee, have you been in contact with the family to get their reaction to this arrest overnight? >> yes. [ inaudible ]. >> lee, go ahead. have you been in touch with the family? >> yes. through my office. >> was there any reaction from them that you could share? >> the family was surprised but they were grateful that an arrest had been made.
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this is something that happened over a week ago, so it was a great deal of anxiety behind anyone would be identified because to the extent that the arrest is reliable, we have no reason to believe that it is not. we look forward to getting some more answers in the coming days. >> sure. what do you know -- again, i'm revisiting a question we asked but we could not understand your answer due to the connection. what do you know about the person they have in custody and what happens from this point on in the investigation? >> my understanding after speaking with the sheriff that they have two persons in custody. we expect that they both will be charg charged. to date, only one of the two suspects has been charged with capital murder. eric black. the other man, from my understanding, some 20-year-old,
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mistakenly identified -- was riding in the car of some of the people that they were targeting and so the case was mistaken identity. they opened a bioon a car and later they had targeted the wrong people. >> all right. we know that there will be a news conference at 3:00 p.m. eastern today. hopefully, getting more answers from investigators. our kaylee hartung is there. s. lee merritt, thank you for spending a a couple of minutes bus. >> sure. thank you. let's move into the political arena here. in a few hours, the president is going to camp david to meet with senior white house official about border security. >> in washington another shutdown meeting is planned this afternoon between white house officials and congressional leadership staffers. yesterday's meeting was another round of demands. little was accomplished.
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very little progress. >> now, as the shutdown gets closer to becoming the third longest in history, a white house official says the president may decide to declare a national emergency to get border wall funding. live from the white house now. white house reporter sarah westwood. they are saying that he may be more inclined now, as he sees these meetings not being very fruitful or productive, to go ahead and declare a national emergency. has the president, do we know, given any time line as to how long he is willing to wait before he tries to do that? >> reporter: well, the president has said he is willing to leave the government partially shuttered for weeks, months, even years if he doesn't get funding for his border wall. but a senior white house official does tell cnn that the president is inclined to use that national emergency declaration over border security to try to get funding for the wall if he is not able to do it legislatively. the source telling cnn that
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perhaps that could be way out for the president from these contentious talks. emerging yesterday from the meeting on the white house lawn led by vice president mike pence and other congressional leaders, there wasn't a lot of progress. both sides appear no closer to a agreement to reopen the government. aides asked for a justification for the $5.6 billion demand in wall funding and supposed to come last night or early this morning ahead of another expected meeting. now incoming acting chief of staff/budget director mick mulvaney said he got the sense from that meeting that democratic aides did not want to make progress yesterday. he claimed they were simply there to stall. here is what he told cnn's jake tapper. >> we recognize that it is important.
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we didn't make much progress in the meeting which was surprising to me. i thought we had come in to talk about terms that we could agree on. they were actually, in my mind there there to stall and we did not not make much progress. >> reporter: there are low expectations heading into a meeting today between white house officials and staffer for congressional leaders because as you know, the white house has not been exactly cleared always about what exactly it wants, for example, the president had signaled that he would be willing to back off that $5 billion demands, perhaps a lower sum in some kind of deal. then he went back and enfrenched behind the $5 billion dollar and try to muddy the waters around what constitute a wall, a see-through barrier or steel slats could fulfill his 2016 campaign promise and democrats are dug in behind their refusal to fund any barrier at the border so the stalemate could insist and president trump heads later today for camp david for a senior staff retreat so he won't
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be attending the border walk talks today. >> thank you, sarah. joining us is errol louis and political anchor for spectrum news. welcome back. >> good morning. >> the report from the white house there was not much progress made. if the president is not moving off 5. 6 and democrats are not moving not a dollar for a wall, the only progress, tell me if you see this a different way, is a surrender from the other side. there is no middle ground here, is there? >> the flip side of a surrender, victor, is the scenario i think is most likely which is that at some point one or the other side, most likely the white house will simply declare a victor, even though nothing has changed and move ahead. there is not any easy way out of the stalemate as you suggest. somebody is going to blink. somebody is going to give in at some point. if part of making it all in, though, involves nobody acknowledging who has given in, then somebody can declare victory and we open the
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government back up. >> reporter: can the president declare victory without really clear and explicit expression legislatively, a fall, a fence, a barririer or something more? >> the president declared victory after he lost seats in the white house. it's not beyond donald trump's expense to led into gold or vice versa. what we will find, i think, the question is whether or not trump's base will accept that he put up a hard enough fight. so one number to look at, for example, is will this now become, will this eventually become, could this eventually become the longest shutdown in u.s. history? at that point, i think the president can declare victory saying, look. i push this further than anybody imagined and further than anybody thought i should and i did the very best i could. he can say that in about six
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days from now, after which, again, the hope is that the government will reopen and people can get back to work. keep in mind, victor, while the d.c. area always gets a lot of attention, if you adjust for population, the places most hard hit as a percentage of the work force a lot of federal workers are furloughed or set aside right now ur, you're talking ab alaska and red states and as much as they like him to fight the battle over the wall be would also like to get paid and not see their local economies be damaged by it. >> let's talk about the reporting the president is inclined to have a national imagine and build the wall through the military. a source telling cnn that this qo, quote, provide a way out of the, closed quote, of the stalemate.
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there would be a swarm of legal challenges, obviously. >> the idea of declaring a emergency and moving forward quickly by using the department of defense to get this stuff done, which agency in the department of defense? most likely i think the army corps of engineers. anybody who knows how that agency works they do not move quickly. we are talking about studies and multiple opportunities for congress to step in and say, oh, no you don't. there will be no funding for this. there will be no side journeys to the wall that we have explicitly refused to fund. yes, it will end up in court and end up in congressional appropriations hearings and it will end up essentially not working. the president's lawyers, i'm sure, have walked him through this and so on some level, it's a reasonable attempt to get what you want, but it's really just kicking the can down the road. eventually, they have to deal with congress and arrive at some agreement to fund something as
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big as a border wall. >> reconcile this with republican orthodox congressional territorial nature the president would say we couldn't solve this through the legislative process so i'm just going do it myself through the national emergencies act. >> congress has somewhat cooperated on this, frankly. to the extent we have seen any litigation around this it's the original i.d. act that congress passed in 2005 and it allows e the -- saying you, the federal government, are not allowed to simply sweep aside local regulations. the courts has found the federal government can do that and gives
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an expedited appeal process. the federal government has a strong hand here. it's just, again, once you are talking about something like a wall, you've got to get the funding in place and that is where congress always has the last word. >> yeah, and one element of the news conference there in the rose garden on friday in which the president was asked about eminent domain and was challenged on that, that most republicans don't like the idea of eminent domain but the president will not take as long going through the courts. >> the eminent domain you're allowed to excel the sale of the land and calling it a tag a legal term. the reality you have to pay full market price so you're back to congress, the power of the purse is critical in this case. that is the thing that the white house has not figured out a way to get around. >> errol louis, good to have
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you. >> thank you. >> be sure to watch "state of the union" with jake tapper. on the show is mick mulvaney and representative adam schiff and alabama senator doug jones at 9:00 a.m. a.m. easteeastern on senator elizabeth warren is hitting the iowa campaign trail. she faced some tough questions yesterday. one voter confronted her regarding her decision to troy to prove her claims of native american an restry. political reporter peter binard is with us now. you wrote the following.
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what do you mean by that? >> if you look at the kind of major female political politicians of our time, hillary clinton, nancy pelosi, elizabeth warren, what you see is that consistently, they have significantly higher disapproval ratings than kind of according male figures. elizabeth warren has higher disapprove rating than bernie sanders and joe biden. hillary clinton had the same with like john contrary or al gore. nancy pelosi significantly more unpopular than chuck schumer or harry reid. what i argue is if you look at academic research studies that show that, unfortunately, people tend to respond much more negatively to women when they express ambition than towards men. >> you're saying the challenge for women, in general, it's not specifically for warren? >> yes. that is exactly right. it's not that we shouldn't cover
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all of the specific issues with elizabeth warren, but we make a mistake if we think that her highest approval ratings are necessarily connected to specific things she has done. a lot of it, i think, is something that would be faced by any woman who was seeking the presidency, especially any feminist woman. >> the presidency. but let's look what happened the last few months. you have 15 women who have ascended into positions of power in washington and 127 women in the house of representatives today as opposed to 110 just last year. do you think that things are changing in that regard? why would elizabeth warren's gender be a challenging factor? >> i think changing a bit but i think different when you run to the simply one member of the house or one member of the senate, compared when you run to the president of the united states or speaker of the house. what check research shows and this is an uncomfortable subject. >> it is, because i'm sitting here would it be the same for
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amy clobachar? >> yes. i think women who have traditional views about gender tend to express in studies is a discomfort with women in positions of power over men. and that is what the presidency represents and what the speaker of the house represents. and that is why i think that when you ascend for those higher jobs, you tend to find a greater gender of blowback. >> let's talk about this too. back in october, i want to play what president trump had to say about what he hopes happens in the democratic nomination process coming up. listen to this. >> i hope she is running for president because i think she would be very easy. i hope that she is running. i do not think she would be difficult at all. she will destroy the country. she will make our country into venezuela. with that said i don't want to
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say bad things about her because i hope she is one of the people that gets through the process. it's going to be a long process for the democrats. >> so president trump, obviously, is talking there about elizabeth warren and how he hopes she gets into the race. is there a hesitation about a woman running at all? or is there a hesitation in the democratic party even about a woman running against trump? >> i don't think it has particularly -- what we know that trump goes after women, particularly aggressive and often sexist and vial ways. the fact he is focusing on this pocahontas slur against elizabeth warren far more than he has attacked bernie sanders. i think that is typically of the way in which women who run for national office tend to get more attacked than men do. that is not to say elizabeth warren couldn't win the nomination and beat donald trump. i think perhaps she could but i think we have to, as journalists and as political commentators,
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we have to be aware of the ways in which political conversations about women in politics are different than they are about men and more -- and that women face particularly challenges, even in this era in which we have more women in congress. >> what is the answer? because you are going to want to have a nominee who fights back against much of the rhetoric from the president. >> right. the answer is gl eain evaluatin donald trump speaks about women and elizabeth warren is gender plays a role and not pretend this is all specifically about elizabeth warren. it's to recognize that we still, as a country, have kind of presumptions that favor men when we this i about like the presidency and to be more self-conscious about that. >> but you do see that that thought is changing? it's just not changing enough to make a difference? is that what you believe?
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>> it's changing but very deep seeded. look what happened to hillary clinton. her net favorable rating was 20 points lower than any democratic nominee since 1980. was she really more that authentic or dishonest or liberal than all of those other democrats? i don't think so. i think the point is there are still significantly amount of gender bias when you talk about the position of the president of the united states and i think we need to talk about it openly. >> is certainly makes you sit back and think where your intentions are, where you're coming from and what you're tig about this. peter beinart, thank you for this interesting conversation. police have arrested and charged a man who admitted he was part of the shooting in houston of jazmine barnes. we have a live update next from texas.
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just edging toward 7:30 on this sunday more than. good morning to you. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. the harris county sheriff's department has arrested and charged eric black jr. with capital murder. he was arrested on a tip and admitted later taking part in the shooting of jazmine barnes. >> investigators are still gathering evidence that could possibly lead to other suspects. the sheriff's department is hold ago press conference at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon. for more details in that investigation. cnn correspondent kaylee
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hartung is outside the harris county sheriff's department. can you give us more details? >> reporter: a short time ago, ache black, jr., appeared in court here in harris county and during that hearing, it was explained that, yes, this was a case of mistaken identity on his part. believed someone else to be in that vehicle that jazmine barn a barnes and her mother and sisters were in. we expect to learn more about this case of mistaken identity in this press conference that will be held later this afternoon. authorities telling us that they were able to find black by way of a tip that came in to them. they say that they were able to take him into custody without incident and in the course of questioning, he began to talk and he admitted to taking part in this shooting that took
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jazmine barnes life. they are continuing to pursue evidence that leads to others charge. most importantly this morning eric black is in custody and he appears to be speaking in great detail to authorities in the matter of this murder that has really captivated the nation. now, authorities also say, you know, that their strong belief that jazmine barnes and her family innocent victim and it's corroborated by the account that black is giving. it was late last night when we first got word from the harris county sheriff's department that they said this investigation was taking on a new direction and then came the news of this arrest. now, earlier this morning, you all spoke with lee merritt, legal counsel for the barnes family and the family was grateful that an arrest was made but surprised.
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the surprise in part can be explained because this composite sketch is this was a white man that the family described to the friendsic art field. the man taken into custody is, in fact, a black man. there are so many more questions than we have answers at this time. this story continuing to develop and the key here, again, that there is quite high likelihood that others will be charged in this case. >> kaylee hartung, we appreciate the update. thank you so much. there is no end in sight for the government shutdown now pushing into its 16th day. soon, the the president will be headed to camp david for a tree treat. the president says he will join the staff about the border wall
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dispute. cnn has been told the president is to go that far if the overfunding border talks respond. let's talk with maria. >> good to be with you. >> let's start with the general question and i'll start with you, maria. is this, what is happening at the southern border, a national emergency? >> absolutely not. it is a trump created temper tantrum that is focused on his political talking point to asuede ha asuade his base. it is not the way trump is trying to pull all of our eyes over and this is a lie coming
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from this president focused on just giving his space what he thinks they want, which is a border wall. it is not. it is completely unnecessary. it is not focused on facts what soever and this is something that democrats are holding strong because they want real border security, not just a political talking point from this president. >> madison, same question. >> i do think we have an emergency on the southern border and i believe this because we look at the drug crisis and we look at the opioid epidemic. i'm from the state of ohio and one of the top five states affected by the opioid epidemic. we when we look at the border we saw last year 10,000 pounds of methamphetami methamphetamine. this is where we have parts of the unsecured border and more of that has come across. in ohio, 4800 people died in
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2017 the eighth year in a row that number has risen and 75% of those deaths are due to fentanyl. as far as i'm concerned, congress has neglected its job to protect the people of this country for far too long. >> the problem with those numbers is that the majority of the drugs that are coming over the border are coming in ports of entry, not over the -- border wall. >> no that's not true. >> let her finish. >> those numbers have been adjusted. >> absolutely not! the majority -- >> respond and i'll let you respond. >> the majority of the illegal drug trafficking takes place through legal ports of entry. that is a fact. the majority of the terrorists that have come into the country have actually come in through the northern border. there is is an infinite small number of human trafficking that actually comes across illegally
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through the borders. so a border, a physical infrastructure, a 2,000-mile physical infrastructure which is what this president is focused on is ridiculous, unnecessary, and the majority of the american people understand that it is not something that taxpayers should pay for, especially when trump said that mexico would pay for it. >> madison, respond and i'll get to another question. >> sure. you know, i wish that i could say you were correct on those numbers but you are not. i've adjusted those numbers. you look at the numbers coming through the port of entry, notwithstanding the numbers i've already given you, 275,000 pounds of cocaine at the port of entry. 67,000 pounds of methamphetamine. 2300 -- of fentanyl enough to knock out our entire population. those are not the numbers i gave you. the numbers before 332 pounds of fentanyl has already retracted from the number i just gave you! 332 pounds of fentanyl could
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knock out a fourth of our population! >> lets move to reopening the government. there are two bills that have been passed by the new democratic house, madison. one that deals specifically with homeland security and funding for the wall to ge tt the department to february to continue negotiations. another bill, hr21, put them up on the screen. on and on. what is the argument for not passing the legislation that does not deal directly with homeland security or with the wall? why are all of these departments closed? this is not a situation where there is just one piece of legislation so you have to hold everyone up. these departments can be reopened. why not -- why shouldn't mitch mcconnell bring that to the floor and why shouldn't the president sign it? >> you know, the president has
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not said he will not sign that. the president -- >> the president has said he will not sign it and mcconnell has said that he is not going to bring anything to the floor until there is a deal on the wall. >> nothing has been brought to the president's desk he said he will not sign regarding what you just said. the president has said -- repeatedly he is committed to making sure -- >> he said he wouldn't sign it. >> that he has committed -- that he is committed to making sure we secure our southern border and what the american people want and this is what he was elected on in 2016 because congress -- >> i understand but it has nothing to do with the epa! it has nothing with the smithsonian. the president has said he will not sign the legislation to reopen the government until he gets 5.6 billion dollars. >> he will reopen the government when he is given the 5.6 billion! all of those departments will be reopened. keep that in mind 75% of the
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government is fully funded. >> how that does argument resonate with the 800,000 people not getting paid? >> i spoke to many people who support him and not getting paid right now. people saying i'm a government worker and not getting paid but i understand what is going on and i respect the safety and security of this country and the future of our nation is at stake! >> maria? >> victor, sadly, trump supporters are focused on ridiculous talking points that are not based on facts and have completely a zero focus on what the 800,000 people federal workers who are not getting paid are going through. i was a government worker in 1996 during that government shutdown. i was not getting paid. luckily, i was young and my parents helped me out. there are so many people that do not have that kind of help who were living before even when they were getting paid paycheck-to-paycheck. this president is holding 800,000 federal workers hostage for his inane unnecessary wall
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and what is even more ridiculous and actually ironic the people are not getting paid is immigration agents and tsa agents and secret service agents and people keeping our countries and our border safe. it's ridiculous when the president says he cared about border security when he is not paying the people to do their job. >> let talk about what democrats should agree to. is there any physical barrier, any additional physical barrier that you think democrats should agree to that should be part of a deal for border security? >> democrats have always been open and amenable and have actually voted for smart border security investments and, in fact, the obama administration has been the one that has made many of those historic
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investments that have actually made our border the southern border the safest it has ever been. >> physical barrier? >> yes. that includes physical barriers, victor. they would absolutely be amenable to, in fact, doing more physical border barrier. this president is focused on real security border investment. >> when nancy pelosi says there will be no wall, is it the word wall she is caught up on? because you're saying that democrats will support additional physical barrier. she is saying no wall. right? the president says -- >> i didn't. >> the president says physical barrier. >> here is the problem. what president trump is focused on and what he has promised his base is a 2,000 mile physical border wall, physical infrastructure. he has said so many times during his border -- or during his rallies, which should be border rallies, essentially, that it will be a big beautiful wall
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with big bold gates. >> he is asking 5. billion i think everybody knows won't build a fraction of that, right? >> right. >> democrats are okay with some barrier, can democrats get over the word "wall"? >> democrats have already given him 1.6 billion of his wall. so that tells you right there, victor, absolutely, democrats would be willing to do border, a physical border infrastructure. it's right there in the money. 1.6 billion. what democrats don't want to do is to continue to waste taxpayer money on a ridiculous political talking point when this president doesn't even understand what our -- what the issue is at the border and what our real challenge are. >> this is not a political talking point. >> we have to wrap it here. >> it's a reality. >> give me 15 seconds and i have to go. >> coming across the southern border. this is a reality.
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this is not a talking point. five years ago democrats voted to double the length of the fencing on our southern border. they voted for 40 billion dollars in border security. >> absolutely. >> and -- >> that tells you that democrats are the ones who are focused on border security. >> is not -- is not enough. >> not a ridiculous political talking point. >> this is lives at stake! >> thank you both. >> thanks. take a break.
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el chapo as he is known faces cartel leader. flashing a smile at chapo and referring to him as his compatriot and revealed more about the workings of the cartel. the 43-year-old revealed how the criminal empire headed jointly by his father and el chapo paid millions of dollars to corrupt mexican officials in their heyday. he said he his father reported to a general. he testified he believed there was a campaign by the u.s. and mexico to make el chapo, quote, bigger he was in order to bring him down. an argument made by the defense at the start of the trial. he is not the only one agreeing to testify for the government. the jury has heard from a parade of former associates taking the stand, hoping for leaner sentences in drug trafficking cases of their own. jurors have also been shown
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evidence, including old photos of el chapo, his flashy diamond encrusted pistol in his waistband. the made for tv testimony is attracting a steady stream of spectators. mendoza has spent four days watching the courtroom drama. >> as the trial goes on, it unveils the corruption in mexico and how bad mexico was hit and how much money was laundered. >> reporter: fascination, coupled with curiosity is dr drawing these new yorkers. >> i'm surveyfascinated how he a tunnel to get out of mexico. >> it's weird. someone you watch things about and read things about but he is just a dude. >> just a regular person. >> reporter: court is back in session next week. the trial is expected to last in february.
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more stories of bribes and bloodshed are likely to be told. never before scene pictures from the moon. china has landed a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. we will ask our space expert what this could mean. .
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china has just taken a huge step forward in its space program. the u22. i think that's what it is. >> it is. >> it's landed on the far side of the moon. for the first time we're getting to see what it looks like. >> the spacecraft faces an awful long to do list, observing whether plants will grow in low gravity, exploring weather water or other resources lie at the moon's polls. we had to bring in leroy chow because he is the man with all
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of the information. leroy, good to see you today. how excited are you to hear about all of this, and what does it mean? >> this is a very exciting mission for a number of reasons. this is the first time anyone has sent a probe to the far side of the moon. it's not just a probe. it's also a rover. a rover that came off. we've seen the pictures of the tracks. very interesting scientific mission. they'll be doing some radio astronomy. ground-penetrating radar to send to the interior structure of the moon and also these wonderful photographs and as you indicated, there's some plant experiments on board as well to see how they do and even more amazing is the way they were able to communicate and control this spacecraft is through a relay satellite that is put into a halo orbit which is technologically, or operationally a somewhat challenging. and from a political standpoint, this is a big statement that china is capable of doing these first missions as well.
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they have put the rest of us basically on notice that they are catching up rapidly. >> nasa administrator tweeted this. congratulations to china's team for what appears to be a successful landing on the far side of the moon. this is a first for humanity and an impressive accomplishment. what else is china planning for its space program? >> china has already launched crews into space. in 2003, china became only the third nation able to launch astronauts into space. since then, they have shown a steady increase in capability doing evas or space walks, having two small space labs. and starting in another couple of years they'll begin construction on their own space station, and they intend to have international partners cooperating in scientific research and also in flying other astronauts from europe, from russia, japan, all other nations that want to cooperate with them.
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they've also announced plans to land astronauts on the moon some time in the 2030s. it's a very steady, very logical and measured intentional progress. >> maybe we'll find peace in space. >> maybe. maybe somewhere. >> leroy chow, always good to have you here. thank you. >> thank you. we'll be right back. your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small
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