tv New Day Sunday CNN January 13, 2019 4:00am-5:00am PST
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why not release the conversation that you had with president putin in helsinki? >> we had a great conversation. we were talking about israel and securing israel and lots of other things. i'm not keeping anything under wraps. i couldn't care less. >> the fbi was so concerned what things the president did and said that they started looking into seriously whether or not he was working for the russians. >> i think the most insulting thing i have ever been asked. you will see there was no collusion. there was no obstruction. there was no anything. how did a little girl end up getting away and escaping from her captor? >> this is like a miracle. everybody around the world, i think it's happening. >> i just wish we could do something for her right away, but, you know, it's going to take time. >> announcer: this is "new day weekend" with victor blackwell
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and christi paul. happy new day to you. the new report says the president of the united states working to conceal what happens in private meetings with russian president vladimir putin. >> according to "the washington post," even high ranking members of his own administration are kept in the dark. "the post" reports it has happened five times in two years. >> in at least one case, he even went so far, they say, as to take notes away from his interpreter, telling him not to talk about what happened, which means no detailed record, classified or the, of what was said in these meetings. here is what the president said when he was asked if he was a secret agent. >> i think it's the most insulting thing i've ever been asked. i think it's the most insulting article i've ever had written. and if you read the article, you'd see that they found absolutely nothing. >> the question here why not
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just say no? the president did not say that. according to the report, administration officials are trying to find out what happened in the meetings they go to to track the kremlin's response. greg, thanks for being with us. first here, i want you to consider the president's response to your reporting, in part, in which he says anybody could have listened to the meeting, that meeting is up for grabs. is he talking about the 2017 meeting in hamburg and how do you receive, that it could have been recorded and that is okay? >> i'm not quite sure what he is saying, anybody could have listened. in fact, people on his staff who wanted to be present to listen to that meeting who were not allowed to. both in hamburg and helsinki. and, i mean, these are meetings he is having with the russian president in secure locations,
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swept for intelligence, you know, for bugs and other things. there really is no meaningful prospect if they are doing their jobs right that these were recorded by foreign intelligence services. >> i was reading the president's allies were defending the preside president. we know the white house has been plagued with leaks since the president took office. most white houses are to some degree. but fair concern or is there a way around this? >> i mean, it has been a concern from the outset for this president and, you know, part of it, i think, stems from him, right? he has shown a lot of distain for people who work for him. he lash out at almost everybody who leaves. he doesn't engender much loyalty among his aides because they all know that they could be dismissed with an insulting tweet on any given day. so, i mean, i think that is a factor in why there has been so much leaking in this white
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house, but it's also because there has been so much really eye opening or eyebrow raising behavior easement but not a fair enough argument to make for not having people in these meetings and documenting it as it should be? >> not at all. as the story says, this is unlike anything we have seen from many modern president. if you go back to clinton, obama, george w. bush, george h.w. bush, ronald reagan their meeting with russian counterparts involved aides taking detailed notes. you can go through the clinton archive and read almost verbatim reports of his meetings with other presidents. >> i want to take a step back. greg, there is really a surreal imagine to think of the
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president of the united states calling over his interpreter and saying, "hand me your notes and don't tell anybody about what you heard here." the president says that his meetings with putin are not unlike his meetings with abe of japan and other presidents. is there any indication he is as territorial over notes and read-outs from those meetings as he is about the putin meetings? >> no, i don't think that is the case. i mean, i think that staff have better access and tend to get better read-outs from his interactions with macron and other leaders around the world. truver came into office trying to have this cultivator of a relationship with putin that was puzzling and disconcerting, even to senior officials who work for him inside the white house. and as the story said, i mean, he has gone to extraordinary lengths to try to protect or conceal his conversations with the russian leader.
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>> greg miller, fascinating story there in "the washington post." thanks so much for spending some time with us this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you, greg. for the reaction to this latest report from the white house, cnn white house report sarah westwood is with us now. certainly the white house has something to say about this this morning, sarah? >> reporter: that's correct. president trump and the white house are pushing back aggressively against this "the washington post" report with white house press secretary sarah sanders calling this outrageously inaccurate, her words after "the washington post" reporting suggesting there are no detailed messages between five meetings with president trump and president putin including one instance one instance interpreter's notes were confiscated. president trump weighed in last night claiming his conversations with putin are no different than any conversations with other world leaders. here is what he had to say about it on fox news.
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>> i'm not keeping anything under wraps. i couldn't care less. i met with every leader, just about. individually. i meet with modi. in japan, i meet with abe and all of them. anybody could have listened to that meeting. that meeting is open for grabs. >> reporter: this reporting underscores the skepticism has surrounded president trump's positioning toward russia since the beginning of his presidency. he has been criticized what critics say is a preferenceal term on russia. >> sarah westwood, appreciate it. thank you. let's set the table here of the times that president trump has met with russian president vladimir putin starting july 7th, 2017 when president trump on the sidelines of the g20 summit in hamburg, germany. that is when "the washington post" says president trump took
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the notes of the meeting from his interpreter. during the same trip, the president met with putin during a hamburg banquet. in november, 2017, president trump and vladimir putin met briefly at the asia pacific cooperation summit in vietnam. then the helsinki summit for two hours behind closed doors, just the two presidents there with their interpreters in july of 2018. "the post" reports that several official were never able to get reliable readout of that meeting. on november 11th, 2018, they reportedly had a good talk at the paris world war i centenary. let's bring in our guests to talk about this. welcome to both of you back to
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the show. phil, i want to start with you. the question is why? why the one-on-one meetings? why the confiscation of the notes and why the guidance to the interpreter? why get up at 2017 and you're sitting next to abe of japan and you walk, you know, a few feet down the table to sit with vladimir putin for an hour using his interpreter, none of your people with you, what is your working theory here? >> there is a couple of things going on here. one, the president has told us the first explanation which is that he doesn't trust the people around him and he said publicly there is only one person in the u.s. government who makes policy for america and that the president of the united states. i could see him saying i want to meet one-on-one with these people and i don't want nobody else in the room because nobody else in the room is making the decision. the second piece i think is more interesting. what are your worried about? if the information gets about a conversation with putin that involves syria and sanctions and
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crimee and what i can think you don't want the notes to come out you think people are going to attack you what you say to an adversary that interfered with american elections. i think a trust and concern about what that conversation was. we don't know because the notes disappeared. >> samantha, let's listen to the director of national intelligence dan coates after the helsinki summit in july of 2018. >> how do you have any idea what happened in that meeting? >> well, you're right, i don't know what happened in that meeting. i think as time goes by and the president has mentioned some things that happened in that meeting, i think we will learn more. but that is the president's prerogative. if you asked me how that ought to be conducted, i would have suggested a different way. >> you almost feel bad for him
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trying to come up with an answer for, you know, i have no idea what happened. the kremlin likely has records, at least, of what happened at that meeting giving them leverage over the president potentially and certainly gop over the u.s., does it not? >> srnlthere is a standard operg procedure for these meetings. i helped with some of these meetings after the fact. part of the reason why you want to read out your director of national intelligence and your vck secretary of state. by failing to allow your team in the room, by failing to establish a firm record in line of u.s. existing law of what actually happened, you are seating the narrative to russian intl intelligence and vladimir putin without having any bit of evidence or a foundation of
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establishing a narrative on your own and comes back to the question, again, of why the president wanted to do this. if he took the extraordinary step of asking his interpreter to destroy notes from the meeting, he is again aiding and abetting the russian intelligence services in manipulating the narrative around what happened. >> let me pick up on that point of destruction of evidence here. democratic congressman eric swalwell tweeted this. samantha, you're been talking about assets. do you believe that the president is a russian asset? >> i believe the president of the united states either thinks he is smarter than vladimir putin, which shows he has been manipulated by a trained kgb agent into thinking they are on equal footing when it comes to
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manipulation and exploitation, or based upon what we learned last night, there is something that vladimir putin has over him and under either scenario, it is extraordinarily clear that vladimir putin and russian intelligence is able to manipulate the president of the united states and that he is compromised in some way, whether willingly or unwillingly. >> phil -- i'm sorry, sam. let me stay with phil with this. phil, there is this meeting that was supposed to happen, the second summit between president trump and president putin and scheduled to happen during the fall of 2018 and postponed until after the midterm and supposed to happen now in 2019. do you expect "the new york times" that we saw yesterday about the fbi investigating if whether the president was working for russia and now this "the washington post" reporting, the scrutiny decreases the li likelihood of that or the likelihood the president will go into the meeting without subordinates or making sure his
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interpreter doesn't share what happened in the meeting? >> you're asking me to read the president's psychology. i'll take a shot at that. >> try for me, phil. >> it's sunday morning at 7:00 a.m. i'll give it a shot! i think the story is actually increased the likelihood that the president, a, presses forward with the meeting and, b, continues the practices he has used before meeting privately. samantha i think nailed it. the president thinks he is smarter than anybody else. every time he looks at these media reports he thinks has an opportunity to show the media people don't know what they are talking about. i represent you, not them. i think the media reports encourage him to say, that is people like "the new york times" and "the washington post" persuade me how to act. i have a better solution for iran and north korea and russia and he is 72 or 73 years old. he is not going to change ghou.
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i now. i can't change at 57, victor. >> i'm 37 and i can't change. >> i do think there is a legal aspect to whether the president meets one-on-one with vladimir putin any more. we know from the reporting on friday that the fbi had entered into a criminal and a counterintelligence investigation into the president. if the president knowingly puts himself in the room with vladimir putin again, fails to read out his team again on what happened, you have to imagine that bob mueller is going to be looking into the intent and motivations behind those actions so it's a slightly different playing field than helsinki. >> thank you both. >> thanks. >> thank you. more details unfolding about how and why jayme closs' abductor killed her parents. we have the latest on the investigation from barron, michigan. there is no evidence that we can uncover that the suspect knew the closs and was at their home or had any contact with them. breaking news. the national security council
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reportedly asked the pentagon to give the white house military options to strike iran. more on that next. one hour pickup order? got it. ran out of ink and i have a big meeting today. and 2 boxes of twizzlers... yeah, uh...for the team. the team? gooo team... order online pickup in an hour. and, now get 20% off with coupon. at office depot officemax.
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missing girl found alive in wisconsin. police say the suspect jake patterson killed her parents to clear the way to kidnap her. what is unclear why he chose jayme. >> ryan young reports from barron, wisconsin. >> reporter: as you can imagine, this community is still all smiles when it comes to this story. jayme closs was found. in fact, a lot of people say not only did she survive but she escaped her captor and able to make it out to a road and make it to somebody who was walking a dog and then get to freedom. now we see all of the pictures of her joining her family and getting to enjoy those smiles and her freedom for the first time in over 88 days. there is something else that goes along with this. an investigation to figure out
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exactly how this man jake patterson discovered this house and decided to take a shotgun, blow open the front doors what the sheriff was telling us and go inside and murder her parents. his first court appearance is monday but a long part of this investigation that is ongoing. in fact, listen to the sheriff detailing how they are going through that house the next few hours. >> right now, we are looking for 88 days of evidence, so we are looking for receipts, where the suspect may have been over the last 88 days. did he take things with her? did she go with him to the store? did he buy clothes for her? did he buy food? time frame so we can gather any other video evidence. >> reporter: look. guys, this is a small community. even during the news conference on friday, people from outside came in to listen to the sheriff for themselves. they were actually clapping when he finished. you understand how much passion people are into this. thousands of people went out looking for her and so glad they
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were able to find her. now the next page turns in terms of trying to support her and this community. the family tells us there is a plan in place for where she will live. they don't want to share it with us just yet because they want to make sure she makes this transition in a nice easy step. victor and christi? >> ryan, thank you. we are following breaking news. according to "the wall street journal," the u.s. national security council which is led by john bolton, asked the pentagon to provide the white house with military options to strike iran last year. this is what bolton said last year about iran's behavior. >> the days of impunity for tehran and its enablers are over. the murderous regime and its supporters will face significant consequences if they do not change their behavior. let my message today be very clear -- we are watching and we will come after you. >> last hour, i asked retired general mark herthinge what this
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means for the future of thorn relations. >> this is one of those kinds of things that i think the president's team saw what they could do in syria, thought they could do the same thing in iran, but in any event, it is actually elements of a declaration of war, when you strike another country. so this is opening up a new front, potentially. there have been talk within this administration of striking iran on several occasions. it's not abnormal to ask the pentagon for plans and contingency to do these kind of things. i was the j-7 on the joint staff which is in charge of these kind of plans. this was not done frequently but it's one to ask for plans and another one to act on them without the consent of congress, because it is the declaration of
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a war event and it could have been a proportional response but a response to notify several people within the administration that is going to take place. >> we will hear from secretary of state mike pompeo in a moment. let me read you from a couple of sentences right from the "the wall street journal." it's unclear with the proposals were provided to the white house or whether president trump knew of the request. or whether they took shape at that point in time. important to note here. let's listen to the secretary of state. >> we will not let iran get away with using a proxy force to attack an american interest. iran will be held accountable for those incidents. >> reporter: even militarily? >> they will be held accountable. if they are responsible for the arming and training of these militias, we are going to go to the source. >> do you expect that there will be, that there could still be on the table a military response? >> there certainly could be, victor.
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president trump is denying the latest "the washington post" reporting. white house press secretary calls it outrageously inaccurate. brian stelter has a few things to stay about it next. searching for a way to help stop your cold sore? only abreva can get rid of it in... little as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. abreva acts on it. so you can too.
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reporting that president trump has concealed information from private meetings with russian president vladimir putin and they say it's happened at least five times in two years. >> in "the washington post" report, president trump took so far to take away notes from his interpreter telling the translator not to discuss details about the meeting. "the washington post" says the white house has no detailed records, even in classified files with the president's interactions with the russian president. sarah sanders calls the report outrageously inaccurate and president trump reacted last night on fox news saying it's ridiculous. are you surprised they are reacting to this at the moment? >> they are issuing statements that are angry about "the washington post" and "the new york times" stories but they are not refuting specific details in these stories. and that is because, ultimately, this is an fbi d.o.j. story, what has been going on is in these government agencies where
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there has been this profound concern about trump, the doj, for example, triggering that investigation into 2017 and agents of the cia concerned about the president in these private meetings with putin. the concern is happening inside of other government agencies and not the white house. the white house can come out and say these stories are absurd but they are not denying the facts. notable in "the washington post" story the only statement from anyone in the white house was anonymous. it just goes to show that white house aides are sometimes weary of speaking on the president's behalf because they don't know what he is going to say. he did call into the show on fox and she is one of his biggest supporters on television so was a friendly interview. when she asked about the idea that the president could be a russian agent, somebody working for russia, here is what trump said. >> are you now or have you ever worked for russia, mr. president? >> i think it's the most insulting thing i've ever been asked. i think it's the most insulting
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article i've ever had written. and if you read the article, you'd see that they found absolutely nothing. >> reporter: what was missing there was an actual denial from the president to he says is a very insulting idea that he was ever working on behalf of russia appear as for the idea there is no evidence of that whatsoever, a popular fox talking point but what "the new york times" actually reported is that no evidence has emerged publicly of any private talks between trump and russian officials. it doesn't mean there is evidence privately will you gets back to the core i think we are talking about for months -- when are we going to find out everything that robert mueller knows? that is the crux of the stories over the weekend that there is a lot we don't yet know about the president and his ties to russia and i can understand the rudy giuliani's are frustrated how long this is taking and america deserves answers to these questions. >> certainly. >> brian stelter, thank you. we appreciate it.
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>> watch his show "reliable sources" at 11:00 a.m. southeastern on cnn. political leaders on the right and left have condemned iowa congressman steve king after remarks he meat about white supremacy. some lawmakers say words are not enough here. the congressional black caucus is calling for the iowa republican to be punished for his controversial comments. we will talk about that coming up. the sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999 senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. to help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. sleep number is ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with mattresses by j. d. power. and now, save up to $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. only for a limited time. and the golden retriever er are very different. they eat, digest, and process energy differently. at royal canin, we developed over 200 precise formulas
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pressure is mounting for iowa republican steve king to be punished over the remarks in which he asked how the term white supremacy became offensive. >> democrats and even some republicans at this point have condemned the remarks but the black caucus wants king to face consequences, tweeting this, quote.
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errol louis is a cnn political commentator is with us now. so good to see you. what consequences do they want to see? what is possible here? >> good morning. the congressional black caucus is calling for king, at a minimum, to be removed from his various committees. he was the -- he would now be the ranking member of important committees. he served on an immigration subcommittee. they are saying he should not be in a position to influence the present policy or legislation because of his abhorrent and racist views. we should keep in mind that congress has a number of remedies removal from committee is the mildest. they can issue something called a reprimand, a former statement from the house saying they don't like what this person has done and then censure which doesn't
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happen very often and extreme cases and then expulsion which is probably the least likely outcome because it requires two-thirds of vote. black caucus is asking him to be removed from the committees he serves on. >> let me share you a tweet. like donald trump, steve king has sought again and again to give comfort and to white supremacists something that never be allowed in the halls of congress or the oval office. does the cbc make it more difficult or less likely that congressional republicans will do that by tying it to the president? >> i think they put the republicans in a trickier position, but let's keep in mind when they say aid and comfort, they are not talking about, you know, retweeting somebody or mentioning them in a speech. we are talking about somebody who travels overseas and has
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endorsed candidates and stood side-by-side with extremist and racist candidates all over europe, in toronto, you know? this is somebody who really is part of this international movement to the extent that they place him there, that is exactly who he is. the reality is it's not extreme, by the way. there will be a political difficulty for the republicans but steve king, you know, he was one of the cochairs of the ted cruz presidential campaign. he has been right there in the thick of it, right there in the mainstream of republican politics and if they don't want to be associated with his extremist and ab hornhorrent vi they have sod something welcome into their caucuses and committees and place him into committees like chairing a presidential campaign. >> a fellow senator from iowa and republican we should point out tweeted this joni ernst
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tweeted this. do you see any indication this is the first of more republicans coming out to condemn him and does it matter if they don't go beyond those words? >> the reality is joni ernst is up for re-election in 2020 and sees she is going to have a problem if she is tied to her fellow iowan. this is a nine-term congressman. everything was fine for republicans with steve king up until now. they now see having lost control of the house, having seen some of the polling numbers, the diversity wave that is sweeping throughout democratic politics and then the prospect of a really, really tough re-election in 2020, now, all of a sudden, to save their hides, they sort of migrate toward moral
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principle. we will see more of that a that they will be linked to an abhorrent racist who is drawing condemnati condemnation. >> they are talking about how republicans will have to expand their tent if they want to bring in minorities, and then they nominated donald trump in 2016 and that seemed to be out the window. evidence they are going to learn this lesson and act on it. >> >> i don't know what the lesson is, to be honest with you, victor. they had a post mortem in 2012 after they lost the white house to barack obama for the second time. they said we have to be more diverse and donald trump took them in the opposite direction and they won all three branches of government.
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so look. let's not kid ourselves. d demotography. it's a contest of ideas and contest of hearts and minds and contest policies and politics the way it is supposed to be but nobody should be under the illusion that these extremists are going to walk away. steve king is proof that they won't. >> errol louis, thanks. >> thank you. a senator ongoing book tour is seen as a precursor to a run for president. >> she has been criticized for her law enforcement background including six years she served as attorney general. a person in the audience last night yelled what about us? what about black people? >> you have been for so many vulnerable population. we are so -- we are so -- excuse
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me. i'm talking. just give me a minute. thank you. so -- thank you for everything that you have done. >> you can see there the reaction to it. they didn't really react to it at all. harris is supposed to launch a potential presidential bid soon. the partial government shutdown is now in its fourth week. a new poll shows the american public is pointing a finger, a blame at republicans. >> according to the new abc/"the washington post" poll 53% blame trump and republican and 29% blame the democrats. 42% of americans who support building a wall. president trump is demanding democrats fund that wall. >> a local sheriff at task with protecting parts of the southern border in texas says he does not
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want a wall. >> reporter: keith hughes is a border county sheriff and remote county in texas where illegal immigration apprehensions have increased over the last year. how big of a problem do you think illegal immigration is? >> i think it's going to definite state our countries one of these days if we don't do anything about it, if it hasn't already. >> reporter: no sheriff on the border county gave president trump a bigger support in this county. >> i think he is doing a great job myself. >> reporter: the president during his oval office speech says professionals want or need a wall. do you want or need a wall in your county? >> no, sir. do not. . either one. do not need one, do not have one. >> reporter: he says they already have one. a natural one. the rio grande which separates the u.s. and mexico. this stop sign. may not be more mandatory stop
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sign in the world. if you don't stop here, about a 400th foot drop to the rio grande which means it's 400th feet up. the sheriff and others call these cliffs god's wall which lines the river throughout much of the county and why the sheriff has thought the concept of a continues border wall made little sense. other parts of the county's border are level as the rio grande runs through heavy brush. in a flat area like this, it's easier to cross the river and you have this money, would you use any of it for wall or use it for more people or more technology? >> i wouldn't use it for a wall. i would use it for technology. >> reporter: the sheriff says every dime received should be spent on law enforcement and technology. the county has a small population but it's about 2,400 square miles. the sheriff only has four deputies and very few border patrol agents. most of the time only cows
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observing my migrants swimming across the rio grande. >> we need to stop deal with the wall and deal with what we are dealing with right now. >> secretary of state mike pompeo says he will meet with saudi crown prince mohamed bin salman today and push for what he calls full accountability regarding the kill of journalist jamal khashoggi. what that means in a moment. i'm just resting my eyes. (dad vo) even though we're generations apart. what a day. i just love those kids. (avo) presenting the all-new three-row subaru ascent. wave to grandma, everybody. (avo) love is now bigger than ever.
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more. who does secretary pompeo believe should be held accountable? >> victor, the trump administration has been very careful not to endorse, for instance, the cia's assessment that mohammad bin salman, the saudi crown prince, ultimately gave the order for the murder and dismemberment of jamal khashoggi in the saudi consulate in istanbul on the 2nd of october. the trump administration has made it very clear all along that regardless of who might be behind the murder that the saudi arms purchases from the united states and, in general, the saudi business and strategic relationship with the united states is far more important than the question of who was behind the killing. but we did hear secretary of state mike pompeo today at the moment in qatar, in the gulf, saying that he expects the saudis to get to the bottom of
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the murder of jamal khashoggi. >> we will continue to have a conversation with the crown prince and the saudis about ensuring that the accountability is full and complete with respect to the unacceptable murder jof jamal khashoggi. so we'll continue to talk about that and make sure we have all the facts so they're held accountable by the saudis and by the united states as well, where appropriate. >> and the saudis began a trial at the beginning of this month of 11 individuals implicated in the murder. the prosecution is asking for the death sentence of five of them but, obviously, the crown prince isn't among those 11. victor, christi? >> ben wedeman for us in cairo, thank you. to lighten it up a little bit, say you're sitting at a hockey game and you hear somebody you don't normally hear before. rapper snoop dogg, guest
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snoop dogg was the guest of honor at a hockey game in los angeles saturday night. veteran rapper was a play-by-play announcer with fox sports for the game between the laflt ki l.a. kings and pittsburgh penguins when a fight broke out on the ice. >> oh, he fired on him. hold on now. get it cracking. let's go! snoop dogg in the house. let me see something. drop the sticks, man. let's get cracking. to the middle of the rink. let's go. number 3 want it. who is number 3? >> deion phaneuff. >> didn't even know what to do. the appearance for the marketing promotion for the kings and hockey. only he can get away with that. >> drop the sticks and get it cracking. >> go to the middle of the rink. >> that was fun. tonight on cnn, fashion and
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cultural experts are giving us a front row seat to the runway of american history. here's a preview of "american style." >> e'40s and '50s were definitey americans finding itself. >> americans felt second rate when comparing itself to europe. >> sportswear became the defining style of the united states. >> the bikini was the biggest thing since the atom bomb. >> our style and fashion represents freedom. >> you look at hippie culture, it's oppositional to the vietnam war. >> it was very important in terms of people being free to express themselves. >> in the '80s it was a lot of excess in every way. >> we had our calvin kleins and ralph laurens and donna karans. >> his underwear ads stopped traffic in times square. >> by the '90s and 2000s, things have become less formal. >> supermodels really brought fashion into every household. >> now what's embraced as being
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yourself? >> style gives you a voice. it's freedom. >> "american style" premieres tonight at 9:00 on cnn. >> your style may be home in your pjs. good for you. "inside politics" with john king starts right now. the government shutdown breaks the record and brings a penniless payday. >> we have medical bills. we have mortgages. we have things that we need to take care of. plus, the two key players proposals.g insults, not >> the democrats, they don't give a damn about crime. >> federal workers will not be receiving their paychecks. he thinks make they can just ask their father for more money. >> and testing the waters. the new candidate for 2020. >> i am a candidate for president of the united states of america. >> democrats prepare for a crowded
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