tv Smerconish CNN January 19, 2019 6:00am-7:01am PST
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off the coast of hawaii is believed to be the largest on the planet. i don't know how they track that. >> i think it's again, deep blue is over 50-years-old, 20 feet old, divers say they highly discourage people from jumping into the waters. good idea. >> taking care out there. "smerconish" is next. i'm michael smerconish in philadelphia. we welcome in our viewers in the united states and around the world. sometimes you wish you weren't right. but i was early if calling bs on that explosive buzzfeed story claiming they had evidence that michael cohen was told to lie to congress and last night mueller's office calling buzzfeed's descriptions regarding cohen not accurate. a huge problem for journalalism. what happens next? plus the president is due to speak at 3:00 p.m. on the stalemate on its 29th day.
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will the gamesmanship ever end? pelosi blocks the state of the union. pelosi takes away her planes. i'm betting if the unpaid tsa workers start to interfere with our plane travel, that's when the shutdown will immediately end. and the tragic deaths of four americans in a deadly syrian blast this week was a political rorschack test. some say it's prove we need to stay. others argue, it confirms we stayed too long. senator rand paul is here. plus, the "wall street journal" calls him the capitalist for the common man. he invented the index fund to protect small investors. we'll remember the late jack vogle. but first, don't kid yourself. yesterday was a bad day for journalism. too many threw their street smarts to the wind and cast their lot with this incredible story about the president. no amount of wishful thinking should ever trump evidentiary
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and critical thinking. the key paragraph of the buzzfeed story was this, quote, now the story sources have told buzzfeed news that cohen also told the special counsel that after the election, the president personally instructed him to lie. pretty stunning if true an impeachable offense, to be sure. attorney general nominee bill barr said as much in his testimony this week. but could that ever be proven? not if it's just trump's word versus cohen's word, on that score, buds feed had a bigger blockbuster. the special counsel learned about trump's directive for cohen to lie through interviews with multiple witnesses from the trump organization and internal company e-mails, tech message, and a cache of other documents. cohen then acknowledged those instructions during his
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interviews with that office. well, that's when my bs meter went off. friday morning i questioned the legitimacy. i did it on cnn's "new day," via twitter and my sirius xm page and my facebook page. blockbuster of a story gets dropped and yours truly is the one saying, not so fast. and because the brunt of the story is the president of the united states, i again become the one carry ig his water. resist to look up the word suborning. today the word is corroboration. hey, don't misunderstand. i wasn't disbelieving of the idea that the president would have told michael cohen to lie to congress about building a tower in moscow. what raised my eyebrow was the idea that there would be trump organization witnesses, company e-mails. texts and a cache of other documents saying so.
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say what you will about trump and cohen. but i got to believe they're more sophisticated when it comes to skull duggery. roy cohen taught president trump better than that. the president doesn't send e-mails or texts. would he tell him to commit that crime? here in philly, there is an ad annual among the pauls. you never write a letter or throw one away. when it comes to your misdeeds, you don't put anything in writing. if a political opponent does, you hold it. from the get-go, i said this was a story that needed to presumed false until shown otherwise. it quickly went from bad to worse. also on cnn's "new day," after i raised concerns about the story, one of the bud feed co-authors appeared, anthony cormier was asked if he had seen the corroboration, himself. he said, no watch. >> have you seen any of that other corroborating evidence? >> no, i have not seen it per n
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personally. but the two persons we have talked to are fully 100% read into that aspect of special counsel's investigation. >> allison asked the right question that. answer should have made people accepting the story as gospel nervous. but it didn't. then soon thereafter, his co-author appeared on msnbc. jason leo polled. he has his own credibility problems. erroneously reporting in 2006 carl rogue was about to be indicted and leo polled contradicted what cormier said. watch. >> you haven't seen the documents the techs the e-mails, etc., how confident are you that they exist that this is true? >> i don't think that we said we soon seen them. i will say i am confident -- >> your colleague said on cnn this morning you were briefed by those law enforcement sources that you referenced.
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can you clarify for me where the status is of that? >> i will say we have seen documents, we briefed on documents, we are confident in our reporting. >> i will just say we've seen documents? that's what everybody's bs alarm should have been blinking red. it didn't pass the smell test on the critical assertion of their story, one co-author said one thing on cnn. it's partner said another on msnbc. as the day progd, something else, by omission. no confirmation by cnn the washington post, or the "new york times," that was telling. you know they were working overtime. then finally last night, a rare statement from the special counsel. quote. buzzfeed's description of specific statements to the special counsel's office and character characterization are not accurate. whoa. this is the real picture. it's the real damage.
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it's not to donald trump. oh, no, he comes out ahead. as i tweeted last night, if buzzfeed blew it, the lasting harm will not be to donald trump but to the many newsrooms working so hard to get it right. but now, subject to renewed, bogus cries of fake news. the president just got a heavy dose of inoculation. it was no surprise that last night when i went to bed, sean hannity was again decrying the biggest case of government corruption in american history. you know who understands what i'm saying? robert mueller. no wonder the special counsel's office issued a rare rebuke last night. they did that, no doubt, because soon they will want to be believed. all their effort will soon be scrutinized in a world where truth too often seems a moving target. they want their evidence to be evaluated based on critical
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thinking, not hyperbole and tribalism. and that just got much more difficult. i want to know what you think. go to my website smer dconissme. do you believe remuneration will emerge regarding the buzzfeed allegations of president trump directing michael cohen to lie to congress? co joining me to discuss this is a former prosecutor of the southern district of new york. elly, before trump gets cocky, you know, despite everything i've just said, hadn't mueller ratcheted up his own credibility and made it more difficult the next time the president wants to say witch hunt, because people will remember that mueller in this instance threw a flag. >> reporter: absolutely, michael. look, robert mueller already had sort of the highest credibility that one can have in this profession. i think he just enhanced that
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yesterday by coming out and as you say flthrowing a flag. one perverse result, there may be an inverse effect. which is this. if robert mueller is going to comment on this particular story and say if not so, how about all the other prior stories that came out damaging to trump. how about the stories is that will come out about trump? whats when mueller does not say anything about those. i don't think it logically follows that mueller signs offer on those stories. you will see, i think we will see people saying, well, mueller objected to the buzzfeed story, he doesn't object to this one, so he must be confirming it. >> it's such a great observation on your part. you wonder if too many will read too much into that. if mueller took that into consideration, really, you are underscoring what an extraordinary move it was last night. >> reporter: yeah, look, robert mueller runs a buttoned up shop. to see him come out and pretty squarely refute the buzzfeed
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story was an incredible thing to so. i have been looking at this, michael. i am sure you are from the perspective of a litigator, former prosecutor, i'm trying to be a little analytical. here's what i come out. you see these dlem las, two different parties telling you two different stories not fully reconcilable. what do we know for sure? what is undisputed. michael cohen lied to congress about the moscow project. nobody disputes that. it's not disputeed that michael cohen did not strike on his own. it was a bigger coordinated effort. mueller written about cohen's effort to circulate and prepare his false testimony. so we know those things. so the question i see are these, who are those people involved? was one donald trump? and was the involvement, direct, hey, michael, i need you to do this or indirect? the one thing i think we can safely write off now, given mueller's response yesterday, it was not direct. not in mueller's current
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information. >> that i think is a safe read. the other questions i think remain to be seen. >> you are making reference i think to that mueller sentencing memo and the line in it regarding congressional inquiries you think made this story plausible to many when they read what buzzfeed reported? >> reporter: yeah, that the corroboration of courts. krob rakes comes in all breeds. there is dead on the you have an e-mail i don't think exists from trump to cohen saying i need you to lie or video. then there is corroboration that gives some of the fountdations of the story. i think mueller's statement was good foundational corroboration for the idea that this was, fact, a larger coordinated effort involving multiple people. does it necessarily follow from that, that donald trump sat down with michael said i need to you lie? not necessarily. it gets you part of the way there. >> what did you think to the reference of the law enforcement sources?
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there are so many different levels of law enforcement in some fashion looking at the president or his family or the organization? how did you interpret that reference? >> reporter: it's so important that people understand that law enforcement never operate in asylum. mueller's team are under lock and key. mueller has to deal all the time with other agencies, other u.s. attorney's offices. we know there has been overlap and coordination with the southern district of new york. the district of kilometer yamplt have you all sorts of offshoots of the case. law enforcement is overlapping, even in far less complex cases. i wasn't dealing with southern district of new york people. i was dealing with dea, u.s. attorney's office, sometimes with state officials. so you have to understand that there are a lot of people who could have information. the question, though, is what is the level of directness? first-hand information is one thing. but it sounds in this case the buzzfeed people were relying on
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secondhand, third hand. this is why we have hearsay rules in court the further you get from the source the less reliable the information comes. >> great analysis, as usual. eli honig, thank you so much. tweet me or go to my facebook page. i will read some of my stuff from facebook. does the whole fiasco put pressure on mueller to work quicker? ashton, i don't think he feels any pressure whatsoever to deliver this report before it's time and probably what makes his job that much more difficult is that as he investigates new leads come up to take him in a whole variety of directions he never could have forecast. that's speculation on my part. it makes it harder and harder to wrap it up. i get your point. we all wish we could move on one way or another. go to my website at answer the question do you believe krob rakes will emerge in the form of e-mails, texts or
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other documents regarding the buzzfeed allegations of president trump directing michael cohen to lie to congress. up ahead, senator rand paul seen here heading to the white house this week has been one of the few senators praising president trump's troop withdrawal from syria. what does he think in the wake of this week's terror bombing that took four american lives and is there finally movement on the endless shutdown in the president speaking at 3:00 p.m. eastern. the democrats are offering up to a bill for border security. i have a prediction about how a solution could happen real fast. here's a hint. it involves air travel. not nancy pelosi's, but yours and mine. [peaceful acoustic gui] (male announcer) we know these memories will last longer than the wrapping paper. we know there's some things you just can't put a bow on. we know the best gift of all is still out there. we know the great outdoors. we love the great outdoors.
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. at 3:00 p.m. eastern, president trump promising a big announcement about the shutdown now in day 29, demanding a border wall. we seen the tit for tat. nancy pelosi upending the president's speech. the president revoking her trip to visit american troops. i have my own idea about what will hasten the end of the standoff. >> that will be if and when the tsa workers will be compelled to
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work without paychecks begin seriously interfering with the paychecks of every day americans. yesterday's tsa unscheduled absent rate was 3.7%. today it's 4%, almost double. some have been experiencing a much longer wait time of tsa agents calling in sick. the national vice president for the federation of government employees, one of the largest unions for federal workers. phil, are we seeing the beginning of the blue flu? >> reporter: i'm not sure it's an ork stated blue flu. our union wouldn't abdicate for that anyway, it's federal law. people have to choose whether they show up for work every day, put gas in the car, take the train into work. those kind of things. it's starting to put a strain on them as we come up on the second paycheck we will be missing on friday, next friday. >> they can't, let's be crystal
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clear. they cannot lawfully strike? >> correct. we cannot lawful -- no federal employee can lawfully strike. >> i imagine that you tell me otherwise that you are hearing from membership, there is probably a desire on some of their part to be calling in with added frequency given that they are the lowest paid of the federal work force, is that right, phil? >> anecdotally we hear that through our membership. the big thing is what people don't understand about our tsos, they are under a different statute than the rest of the government when they were created. they aren't under the general pay schedule. their administrator has very broad powers to set pay and bonuses and those kind of things and so, they are one of the lowest paid groups of federal workers. there is also a lot of part timers in the tsa. they use part timers to fill in at peak times.
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at small airports across like pennsylvania, allentown, altoona, johnstown. they use part timers. so those people have other jobs as well and it's hard for them to come to work every day and not get paid while they have another part-time job available. >> so, recognizing that it would be unlawful for them to strike, and further recognizing that you and your union capacity, your leadership capacity are not advocating blue flu, i am simply making an observation that if there were to be an increased line at american airports because of a higher rate of absenteeism, i predict that would turn this thing on a dime. >> that people would not stand for those type of delays and because of the disruptive influence that it would have have on our economy? >> well, i think that's right. obviously, it is happening in some places where there is not enough tsos to get in and run
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checkpoints. we are seeing that at some airports where they have made decisions to change lines, cut lines out of screening, and that is causing some backups. we're seeing that now. you will see that continue i think as we no into next week. like i said, they have already missed the january 11th paycheck. they've missed the january 25th. >> that one's coming up. if they don't get this thing fixed. we also have, for instance, bureau of prisons people going to work in 114 prisons across the country that aren't getting paid we have i.c.e. agents not being paid. we have law enforcement and tsos not getting paid right now and, you know, it's not a joke. >> and it is certainly fought aic jo. let's say something else then we can part. it's a tough job. you know, i hate the process as a passenger. i can only imagine what it's like to work in those very close
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quarters, putting up with people who aren't happy to be screened to begin with on your feet all day, going through people's personal effects and padding them down and so forth. eighth contensecontent sus by n -- it's a contentious by nature job. it's a tough job. >> i will say this, the traveling public under the shutdown, we have seen some very compassion fat people here. they've tried to drop off money to these tsos, which they're not allowed to accept. they have dropped off food. we've had restaurants bring food out to these tsos to feed them on shift and so we're thankful for that and i think when this is all done the traveling public and the american public will understand that these people are doing a good job. they are going to work without pay. they're trying to make sure you are safe when you are in the air. >> well said, philip dplomplt appreciate your time. >> thank you very much, michael.
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let's see what you are saying through my social media, twitter and facebook and so forth, true, do not forget the air traffic controllers. they have a high stress job, coupled with no money, it is creating worrisome situation for anyone flying. i totally agree. i'm saying, you want one aspect of this whole situation that in ha heart beet would turn it on a dime,ing two a work stoppage. i'm not advocating it by tsa. grow up, let's get moving. up next, they attacked each other repeatedly during the presidential debates. but these days, rand paul and the president see eye to eye on syria and afghanistan and he's visiting the white house, a heck of a lot more. i'll ask the senator did last week's bombing in syria affect their outlook?
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in the cake of this week's deadly terror explosion in syria. what will happen with the forces on the ground there. my next guest rand paul seems to be having a lot of influence on the president's policies of late. in december, he tweeted america had defeated isis in syria and now the controversial full and rapid withdrawal of u.s. military. then came wednesday's explosion. warning, you are about to see graphic footage. isis claimed responsibility and among the victims were four americans, two u.s. service members, a defense contractor and a dod civilian expert. does this make the case for staying or leaving faster? senator lindsey graham spoke of his concern the withdrawal announcement had led to uncertainly and emboldened our
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enemy. >> my concern by president trump is it should set in motion enthusiasm by the enemy we're fighting. you make people we're trying to help wonder about us. i saw this in iraq and i'm not seeing it in syria. >> but is the real lesson of the explosion that we shouldn't have been there in the first place? what were those deaths for? joining me now to discuss is senator rand palm of kentucky. he's on the xhlts of foreign land and homeland security. will you begin by say wag senator graham had to say in the aftermath of this tragedy? >> you know, senator graham is one of those individuals who abdicated staying forever in the middle east. there will never be a good time for him to say home. i think if you say we are coming home when there is no nor ideology of suicide bombers left in the middle east, we'll never come home. our objective when we went in, the president said exclusively
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is to defeat isis. he's taken 99% of their land. are there remnants, suicide bombers left in the northeast? yes, there always will be. it's not an excuse for staying. right now we have about 2,000 troops situated somewhere in between the kurds and 50,000 turkish troops. even the ambassador from america to israel said it made no sense to have 2,000 troops in the midst of tense of thousands of iranians, tens of thousands of turks. they have basically become a trip wire for war. they've met their success, change their go. we shouldn't now change our goal. we did defeat isis. >> one of the arguments from opponents of your view will be abandoning them? >> the problem is you are in the midst of a war going on longer than syria. and that's an elements of turkey and the kurds. is that our job? are we there to korea it a
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nation for the kurds? are we there to cre great nation for every group that has a grievance in that area? i don't think so. the kurds have been brave fighters. they have been good allies of us. the turks see us completely in an opposite way. you no eif you want to, and american people want to be the defenders of the kurd and set up a kurdistan over there and go to war for the kurds, then let's vote on it in congress. see the constitution was very specific on this. the president is not allowed to do this, anyway. the whom procedure of being in syria was never approved in a constitutional way. if you want to be there forever, if left hand say graham wants to be there forever. put it to the congress and the senate and vote on whether or not we will be over war with there. i think the american people are actually with me and the president on this. >> let's tick through some of the other complaints coming from an opponent from your view. iran, we tipped the balance to iran by our plan to withdraw from syria? >> we've tipped the favor to iran by toppleing, and this the
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president gets better than any he's been unafraid to say it. he's been bold about it. the biggest foreign policy mistake of our lifetime bar none was opposing and getting rid of the regime of saddam hussein. >> that did tip the balance. it created chaos. guess what? iraq, their best ally is iran. iran has a great deal of influence in iraq. that's because we got involved with rejet stream change. >> that is the lesson of the middle east. every time we had a regime change, we've had undintended criticism. >> critic number three, we lost leverage with bashar al asad we may have had. >> there is no leverage with bash ard al-assad. basical le, he won the war and it's you know i'm not a fan of assad. but at the same time i'm also not a fan of the sunni extremists that people in our government like lindsey graham have been so in love with and who have supported.
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the sunni extremists we have given weapons to have said, yeah, they hate assad. they're indifferent to isis. when they're done with assad, they will go for israel and the golan heights. these aren't good people. sometimes wars don't have good people. it doesn't make sense to be involved. that's to the constitution wanted us to have a significant public debate before we went to war. >> you met with the president in the white house after tragedy in syria this week. what, if anything, can you tell us about that meeting? >> his primary concern was for the lives lost the soldierles. he referenced his trips to walter reed, how profoundly it affects him to see these soldiers missing limbs, soldiers with post-traumatic stress. you know, i i in this is something people haven't seen publicly how concerned the president is for the soldiers, how he takes it as a burden and as an ominous responsibility to decide whether we're at war or not. now, really, we should share the
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responsibility, frankly. congress should be involved in making this decision. but i think it does affect the property profoundly and to those who say, oh, they were killed because we're leaving. no, they're killed because we were there. and the longer we stay, the more of our soldiers will be killed. basically, 2,000 soldiers are targets. the arabs on both side, they love to kill americans, because it makes international news and it tracks us further into their quagmire. ultimately, i think the end of terror, the end of radical islam comes when islam steps up. islam has to police islam. the islamic countries have to police them. i say goodness sakes, there is 1% of isis left, they can't take care of them? why is it our job, our soldiers to lay their lives on the line? i think it's time for the arabs to stand up and police their own nations. >> senator paul, some wondered whether the tragedy this week in syria. the death of four americans would slow the president's
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withdrawal plan. you came out of that white house meeting, you said you thought essentially, i'm paraphrasing, afghanistan would be next. meaning if anything this would accelerate withdrawal from the middle east. speak to that issue. >> you know i can't give you a time table. ki say if you look at the president's public statements on endless war, perpetual war, that's the language people like myself and others have grown very wary of these wars that go on forever. really on the right and will left of the political spectrum have been using. so i'm more encouraged with what he is saying. he has announced publicly they will remove troops from afghanistan. what i said is it ween be as quick as some would like, but it will happen. the republicans the hawks that were in that meeting saying, we can't have a precipitous leaving of afghanistan and yet 17 years and they're calling it precipitous in this is the problem the neo-conservatives
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that want to stay forever. they will tell you that in ten years, we can't have precipitous brawl from the middle east. it's a retreat. it's not a retreat. we won the war. i challenge these state department folks, people come in i say, tell me one person. give me the name of one person who is involved with 9/11 or help the terrorists in afghanistan, who is alive? i say, let's go get them. give me the name of one person. they don't exist. we are fighting people that western born at the time of 9/11. we have not authorized what's going on in afghanistan. we should vote again. i think the american people and most polling have shown somewhere between stroift 50 to it's time to come home. >> i'm hearing with you, you are in lock step with president trump. to the extent that's accurate, is john bolton on your team, meaning the trump-rand paul team? he seemsed a odds with some of the things you said. >> one of the things john bolton said the conditions for
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withdrawing from syria are iran leaving. >> that i never heard the president privately or publicly say. the president said he was going to defeat isis and come home. the question is, will he take direction? i don't have any evidence to say he won't take the president's direction. if you change the conditions and say we're not coming home until iran comes home. guess what, that's a statement for saying we're never coming home. for example, is iran if iraq? yes. is iran in lebanon? they are, in various proxies, hezbollah or throughout the middle east. they are also in syria. are they coming home any time soon? probably not. >> that would mean we stay forever. then we stay sitting ducks with 2,000 people there. if you want to be at war and take over the middle east and make it a province, we'll have a provisional governor of syria, you have to send about 100,000 people in there and they have to stay forever. you have to fight a pitched battle. we're not going to do that. why would we send a pittance in
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there to make them sitting ducks for the president. i think the president is right, win the battle, win the war, then come home. >> to the symmetry between yourself and president trump on foreign policy is not something i would have anticipated as i reflect in my mind's eye back on those early republican debates, some of which got rather testy and personal between the two of. >> you first of all, rand palm shouldn't be on this stage. >> what explains for the emergence of this odd couple relationship? >> you know, the interesting thing is a lot of people didn't know who donald trump was when he came on the scene. he was fairly new to activity in the republican party. those of us what challenged him and wanted to offer a different vision, we want to act sen chuiate the differences, when you got into the general election you started to find out for war, donald trump was for less than hillary clinton. hillary clinton was always an ironic thing. she was liberal on an economic policy and very, very hawkish on
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involvement throughout the middle east. she was one of the ones involved with the benghazi thing i was in arms running operation to syria. i think she was also a big pro point of the involvement of administration of arming people who i didn't consider really to be our friends in syria in that war. so i think donald trump when you look at it, a lot of his instincts. he kept saying over and over again the iraq war was a mistake. he still says it to this day. the lesson of that, if the iraq war was a mistake, basically regime change is a mistake. that's something a value he and i share. its not me influencing him at all. it's me saying, hooray, we finally has a president who will not keep us at war forever. >> senator, thank you for coming back to the program. i appreciate it. >> thanks, michael. a lot there to parce. a lot there to parce, let's check in on your facebook comments.
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bob, i don't think he happens an allegiance to trump. by the way, if the president should say something you find sensible, right? you shouldn't discount it just because it came from president trump. i found very interesting him making the observation that he thinks that hillary was the bigger hawk as between donald trump and hillary clinton in that election and that he's never heard the predecessor say relative to, we're not leaving until iran does. what he's heard and we've all heard john bolton saying. i want to go back and watch that you a second time. still to come, you may not know his name. but warren buffet said the late jack vogle did more for the individual investor than anyone he's ever known and i'll explain. reach her health goals! i'm in! but first... shelfie! the great-tasting nutrition of ensure. with up to 30 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals! ensure. for strength and energy.
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now a tribute to an american legend. jack vogle passed away this week at the age of 49. i was fortunate over many years to interview including here in 2017. it was vogle in his princeton thee sis came up with index funds like the yardsticks of the s&p 500 to protect individual investors from wide swings and individual stocks. he founded vanguard in 1974 and introduced the first index fund in 1976. at his death, vanguard had assets north of $4.9 trillion. they ran an obituary c.
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jack boggle was engaging, approachable. he had a dry wit. he was notoriously frugal. he was the opposite of flamboyant, not a wall street high flyer type. he also had a voice that would have made him a great radio announcer. he was forever grateful for a heart transplant in 1996 that kept him going many extra years beyond the survival curves. he taught me a great number of things about investing, his mantra, i try to adhere to. put your money in an index fund. don't look at your retirement fund until you retire. i remember when i visited jack for cnn in march of 2017 in his vanguard headquarters. i wanted to get some shots of what he had framed on his office walls. i mean, after all, this was a guy named one of the world's most powerful and influential people by "time" magazine,
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fortune called him one of the investment industries for giants of the 20th century, of all the framed items on his wall, the books the magazines covers the accomplishment, one sticks with me. it was the "time's" of london, front page from two days after 9/11. >> good will prevail over evil from the "time requests another of london. >> i was over in london when that happened. and we're still working on that one. >> we are. yes, we are. >> he was the genuine article. he already sorely missed. still to kurds. and we give you final results of the survey question regarding the lead story in my opening commentary. do you believe corroboration will emerge in texts and other documents regarding buzzfeed allegations of president trump directing michael cohen to lie to congress? world which is do't
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time to see how you responded to the survey question at i am aware of the fact the website crashed many times. we need a bigger boat. do you believe corroboration will emerge in the form of e-mails, texts and other documents regarding the buzzfeed allegations of president trump. 63% say yes, it will come. 37% say no, it will not. some of the rest of your thinking. what do we have in terms of social media this week. show it to me, kr.
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>> smerconish, i love your show and i love your take on politics, and then there it is. but i think you are wrong. there must be some form of evidence. special counsel didn't rule out the report completely, just the way it was reported. i'm not saying there is no evidence, dean. what i'm saying is if you write a story in buzzfeed and say donald trump told michael cohen to lie and there are internal company e-mails and text messages and a cache of other documents that evidence that fact, then you've got to show me one. give me one text, one e-mail, something from that massive cache of weaponry. they didn't have any. the story wasn't right for publication. it may be today, it may be tomorrow. it may never be. and it helped the president. you know what it did?
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it in knooculated him. how many times do we have to put up with fake news because of this story. give me another one. smerconish, aren't you for getting the possibility of recordings? there could be a recording. again, there might be all this stuff. i fear you didn't listen to the opening commentary. i'm not saying it doesn't exist, i'm saying they should have justified, they should have had something. it does defy i think credibility, there's so much crazy in this story that that alone did not dissuade me. but they didn't say recordings. e-mails, text messages, where are they. one more quickly. real quick. i do believe incriminating evidence will emerge eventually, it will come from mueller. maybe that's why mueller wanted to level the playing surface so we evaluate what he's got in its own right. i'll see you next week.
6:56 am
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its all included with your amazon prime membership. that's how xfinity makes tv... simple. easy. awesome. always grateful to have your company. good morning. saturday january 19th. i am christi paul. >> i am victor blackwell. you're in the cnn "newsroom." possible signs of movement in regards to the shutdown stalemate. in a strategic shift, house democrats offered $1 billion in border spending. >> the catch is there's no money for the border wall, which makes it unlikely the break in stalemate will come between democrats and the white house. this is happening on the same morning when president trump is
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