tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN February 17, 2019 10:00am-11:00am PST
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this is gps. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria. the second richest man in the world, bill gates. he might have been wealthier if he hadn't given away so much money try to go save the world. i'll talk about what he is learning by giving away his billions. also, artificial intelligence. people worry it will steal their jobs. if we get it right might it save our lives?
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how ai could find the drug that cures you disease. and a cold war story of a different kind. in the years of world war ii why did the united states give up the chance to control one of the world's most powerful institutions? i'll tell you. but first shehere the my take. attention focused on two freshmen democratic members of congress. both are muslim and made critical statements about israel and the most american supporters. their tweets have been portrayed by some as not simply criticisms but rather evidence of a rising tide of anti-semitism ton the nw left. i don't know what's in the heart of the two representatives but i believe muslims should be particularly thoughtful when speaking about the issues
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because it has spread throughout the islamic world like a cancer. not responsible for this in anyway but they should be aware of this poisonous climate. in 2014 they did a survey of more than 100 countries found anti-semitism was twice as common. prr prevalent in the middle east than americans. it has some times gone before words, morphing into terror attacks even children in countries like france. it might surprise people to know it wasn't always this way. through much of his ri the muslim middle east was hos pillable when they were killing or expelling them. the great historian once said to me people even note in the late 1940s and 50s hundreds of
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thousands fled countries. they rarely ask why so many jews were living in those lands in the first place. one shouldn't exaggerate the status. they were second class citizens but were encouraged to a far greater degree in muslim societies than in christian ones. things changed in the late 19th century. it was a direct result of european influence. movements appear among muslims which they can use the term ant anti-semitic. they were favoring the small muslim communities especially jews. in expressing their hostility to jews muslims began importing troops like the motion. works started to be translated
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into arabic. what super charged was the founding of israel in 1948 and the determination of arab leaders to defeat it. it became anti semitism, brainwashing generations with the most hateful ideas about jews. it is now routine discourse in muslim populations nit mayor daley l east and far beyond. some arab governments have stepped back from the active promotion of hate the damage has been done. it should be possible to criticize israel. as peter has written accomplishing two legal systems, one for jews and one for palestinians is bigotry. it has lasted for more than a half century. it should be possible to talk about the vast influence of the american israel public affairs
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committee. i recall senators privately worrying if they supported the iran nuclear deal they would target them. it is not the only reason senators voted against the deal. that he has are legitimate issues to discuss in america just as they are in israel. unfortunately by phrasing the issue as the representatives they squandered an opportunity to further that important debate. for more go to and read my washington post column this week. let's get started. in 1975 bill gated dropped out of harvard university to found
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microsoft. he built it into what it is today. he is still on the board but his day job is now giving away much of the money he made from his company's success. in less than 25 years the bill and me linda gates foundation has given away more than $45 billion. it still has $50 billion more in its endowment. warren buffet has given more than $20 billion of his fortune to the foundation. the annual letter was published a few days ago. they talk about many of the problems that plagued the world. i sat down with bill gates near seattle. >> pleasure to have you on. >> great to be here. >> there is a lot of talk about a kind of new economic move, about all of the millennium
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socialists. you often said you think you're under taxed. there are these proposals. i want to know what you think of them. one says there should be a 70% tax on marginal income. there's another which is a wealth tax ton total assets you have. what do you think of these? are these reasonable ways to think about what to do about economic inequality today? >> there are two reasons why the government needs more revenue. one is that we only collect about 20% of gdp and we spend like 24% of gdp. you can't let that go faster than the economy. the second is that the promises the government that has made, those will become more expensive, a higher percentage. we do need to collect more. some people think the government, you know, should provide even new promises which
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is fine but it emphasizes there's no free lunch here. you would have to collect more money. as you go about doing this additional collection of course you want to be progressive. you want the portion that comes from the top 1% or top 20% to be much higher. so you have many ways of doing it. you can take the social security tax and take the limit off of that. you can take the ordinary income and raise the rate, which is a little below 40%. you could raise some people have said back up to 70%. you have to be careful of that though because even when that rate was high the acts of collection because of ways people could defer wasn't -- never got above 40% actually.
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the bid fortunes of your goal is to go after those you have to take the capital gains tax which is far lower at like 20% and increase that. >> isn't that fair? i mean i some times wonder why is the government saying that one form of income is better than another. if one person is generating income through his or her labor and another is generating his or her income by manipulates capital why is the government saying one is much better, that is through capital gains rather than through labor? >> i happen to agree with you. it was an article that said why don't we make capital gains and ordinary income tax. it would get rid of a lot of complexity. when those rates vary you want to make one look like the other.
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you know, the famous part is the hedge fund people take what their labor generates and get it into the capital gains side. you would simplify that. whether or not these proposals actually get done i don't know. there are even what you might call more novel ideas like an overall wealth tax which he had in his book. right now only when you sell stocks do you pay on gain or if you die then your state is valued. i have the biggest proponent having the estate tax collect more money. it was 55%. it is now down from that with a much bigger deduction. >> do you think somebody who made a fortune has a special
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knowledge skill aptitude to be president? >> well, yes. i think the success you have in your life before you run for office absolutely gives us a sense of your leadership skills, your understanding of very complex problems. you know, the voters decide, you know, a general who helped win the war, is that a good qualification or not? you know, howard schultz did a great job with his business. there are some things that he gets some deep understandings from, likewise somebody that has ban mayor or governor. they have been an executive role as well. i do think it's fine. you probably will find rich people disproportionatly in your political representation. you wouldn't expect it to be more than maybe 5% of the
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representatives as a whole. >> do you understand though the kind of -- all of this backlash against capitalism? you have this with amazon in new york. there is a backlash saying why should new york provide $3 billionover tax subsidies to one of the richest companies in the world? microsoft had to deal with these issues. do you feel like we are in a new mood? how do you feel when you see this kind of thing happening? >> it's not the 1930s where the system has really failed to provide adequate services and therefore a lot of people are flirting with dramatic changes of what used to be called socialism in the narrow sense. these are good debates. you flow, should companies be
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able to compete states against each other? i get these subsidies. i sort of think not, but hey, that's a separate issue. that's not an attack on capitalism. it has hundreds that you can change like the estate tax and it's still capitalism. as long as you have market based pricing. you know, if you think there's lack of competition you come there and intervene on that. part of the reason i think people should say some things are going well overall is that flirting with radical change, dramatic change, how we run these systems, i personally my vote will be not to make a radical change. you say i'm biassed. this system has worked well for me. i plead guilty to that. as i look overall at the
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capitalist economies there are a lot of good things. i think you can tune to tax per am ters and get way more equity and additional government services and still be in the same basic framework. stay with us. when we come back reinventing toilets, why they will both clang the world. bill gates will explain. with lysol, you can help protect them from a real cold. lysol disinfectant spray kills the #1 cause of the cold and clorox wipes don't. lysol. what it takes to protect. ♪ ♪ t-mobile will do the math for you. join t-mobile and get two phones plus two unlimited plans
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for just one hundred bucks a month. so, i started with the stats regarding my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. like how humira has been prescribed to over 300,000 patients. and how many patients saw clear or almost clear skin in just 4 months - the kind of clearance that can last. humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. numbers are great. and seeing clearer skin is pretty awesome, too. that's what i call a body of proof. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection.
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want more proof? ask your dermatologist about humira. this is my body of proof. (ala♪m goes off) wake up sweetie. ♪ doctor dave. see ya. ♪ here's your order. ♪ hey. applebee's to go. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. we know that when you're >> tspending time with thelass grandkids... ♪ music >> tech: ...every minute counts. and you don't have time for a cracked windshield. that's why at safelite, we'll show you exactly when we'll be there. with a replacement you can trust. all done sir. >> grandpa: looks great! >> tech: thanks for choosing safelite. >> grandpa: thank you! >> child: bye! >> tech: bye! saving you time...
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youngest content. what was the surprise about that and why is that important? >> well, when people think about population growth they tend to think that there's more babies being born. in fact the number of babies has peaked. outside of africa it is going down quite a bit. but africa is just making up for that. so it's going to have over half the young people that will be on one continent. that continent will also have 90% of people living in extreme poverty. it has some of the weak in the world. so the question of do we invest in after rrica or are they an incredible source of instability and it's way more stark than when i started to look into how different is africa.
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>> you say one of the big challenges of dealing with womens health issues that often call womens issues is there is actually very bad data on women. i assume that means that we don't separate this out and understand how much is women and how much is men. >> exactly. we know if income gets into the hands of women they use it. so looking in -- >> what do men do? >> maybe buy alcohol, cigarettes, less long-term beneficial. we need to understand are they in womens hands or not?
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so getting the data broken down to say okay, why do men own more of the cell phones? do they do more of the bank accounts that helps you with the interventions. what does that mean? is that good or bad? >> i use that as an opportunity to explain that when people think of climate change they think mostly about electricity. a quarter comes from natural gas plants that are generating your electricity. when we make materials like steel and cement, those two alone are about an eight of the
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emissions. so the fact that we are going to build these cities means that unless you have a totally zero mission way of making steel and cement then you haven't come near to solving the overall climate problem. >> one crucial part agriculture. one thing you were particularly surprised by is how great a problem it is. you want to explain why it's a problem? >> yeah. so the animals that can eat grass have very unusual stomachs that have these bacteria that are in there.
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let's throw some things in there. nobody knows how to get rid of it. there is artificial meat but that's another big source of greenhouse gas emission. i'm trying to make sure that the people who knowledge the problems, which i think is fantastic, that they understand the breath of innovation required before you can get any where near what we have to do which is zero. if it was a 50% reduction you could ignore and say leave the towels alone. but because we are trying to avoid the temperature continuing to go up you do need to go to zero otherwise you're continuing
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to have temperature increase. >> you threw a party in beijing. why are you obsessed with this? >> with the world urbanizing in these countries the biggest cities will be places, you know, 20, 30 million people. the way we think of sanitation in the rich world is we build sewer systems. we put a lot of clean water in abdomen bui and build a processing plant. that is so expensive these developing country cities won't have it. when you tour a slum you might smell or see that human waste is not being removed and processed. so the new ideas that the toilet
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itself would burn up the human waste, turn it into ash and get rid of both the smell and disease causing nature of human waste and that's the challenge we have put to engineers, seven years ago. we have toilets that are ten times more expensive than they will need to be. we are encouraged. we'll get them out and sell them to places like tourist areas and use that volume hopefully over the next five years to get this $500 self-contained toilet. >> so when you look at the problem of climate change and to get to zero emissions and revolutions and dozens and dozens of parts of the world you have the massive organization. you have the reality of africa with all of these young men,
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doesn't it get you down and make you think problems are insurmountable they are so large? >> you have to remember the base case. we were all farmers and on average people live to about age 30. then as energy came along and industrial revolution and the digital revolution and, you know, the understanding of biology life has improved dramatically. so childhood death went from about 10% before our foundation got going. now with our partners we have it down to 5% globally. >> it used to be 10% is -- >> exactly. that's 6 million children a year who survive that were not surviving as recently as 1990. so i see incredible progress.
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yes. you can worry about nuclear war, pandemics, the ai takeover. there are many things we as humans should be worried about. how did we minimize that risk or adapt to that problem? i have probably put more investments into these various innovations including better seeds to help with the adaptation piece. we will have warming -- even if things go perfectly that's lot more warming coming between now and the end of the century in the perfect case. so it's a world of immense progress. you would rather be born today. if you're a woman, a gay person, a person that gets a disease,
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you would rather be born today than 20 years ago. i feel very strongly you would rather be born 20 years from now than today. >> bill gates, pleasure to have you on. next on gps in 1946 as america grew more and more worried a grave concern about the allegiances of an american official changed how two great global institutions are run. that change is still in effect today, the amazing spy story when we come back. with italian quality pizza. get two medium, one-topping pizzas for just $6.99 each. every store. every day. the italian way. hello primo. new infallible fresh wearar foundation by l'oreal. get longwear coverage from our most lightweight, breathable formula. defies sweat and transfer. stays fresh. feels light. all day to night.
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a get your questions answered by awesome experts store. it's a now there's one store that connects your life like never before store. the xfinity store is here. and it's simple, easy, awesome. president trump displayed what one could call irony in his cabinet fix appointing a clie plat change skeptic to head. trump was true to form when it came time to nominate a new head of the world bank. he chose an outspoken critic of the bank the real question is why does the american president
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get to pick this global position? it all traces back to a three week summit in new hampshire in the days of world war ii. it was documented in the 2013 book. there history was made. the american treasury official hammered away at the new internation economic system. they signed the agreement that created the international monetary fund and the world bank. president truman wanted white for the top job. then as steel notes in his book hoover told the unthink able. a founding father of the new economic world order was thought to be a soviet spy.
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knowing this truman couldn't give white the job so he grudgingly gave europe the power to name the imf chief. the u.s. satisfied itself with choosing the leader of the world bank. so a gentleman's agreement precipitated bay spy scandal that survived to this day. one could argue in the early years of both institutions the united states and europe made upmost of the world economy. when the world bank was launched the u.s. provided most of its capital and controlled 35% of the vote and was mostly tasked with rebuilding post war europe. the world and the bank have evolved drastically since then. china is the second largest in the world. developing country ies make up 60%. the u.s. has 70% of capital investment and 16% of the vote
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share. the u.s. is the only country that has veto power over the bank's decision. the process of choosing a new leader has remained oh. it has been ushered through by the board of directors. 2012 was the first time an alternative to an american pick was ever even seriously considered. the current system is utterly out of sync. it is important for developing countries to offer up alternative candidates and for the united states to accommodate them. up next, computers may not have a lot of bedside manner baa question is immerging. could they diagnose what ails you better than a human doctor and could they cure you better than a human doctor? we'll tell you about how ai can help you live when we come back.
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>> monday president trump signed an executive order on maintaining american leadership in artificial intelligence. it is another area where the united states and china with coming into conflict. beijing announced it would be the world leader in ai by 2030. in the meantime many citizens remain worried about ai, scared by science fiction and news reports. there is one way scientists believe ai can be greatly beneficial. the possibilities are endless. the chief computing officer, she founded a new company which hopes to use computers to improve our health. pleasure to have you on.
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>> thank you. >> what's kind of most obvious place that machine learning can help something like health care? >> it could be done from multimillion different sources looking an a pathlogy slide like actually thinking about what fragments are found in the blood. >> and why would the computer be better than the great doctor who has seen a bunch of these scans and can tell what the patterns look like? >> on the dna side people are not good at looking at fragments and figuring out what they mean.
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even on the imaging side people have been looking at these for a century. why would a kpluter be able to do better? they are able to discern settle patterns in these images that are very hard for people to see it was to extract commonalities. there are thousands of cells in there. some of them are this way and that way. how do you put all of that together into something that is a diagnostic. i think it becomes even more pressing when it's people have no idea how to look at. you are looking for very subtle changes in the composition of dna that is present in the blood. people have no idea how to look at that. >> so outside of diagnostics i
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think everybody understands the computer can look at images with much greater detail than human beings. are there other areas? it feels like it could be applied to other thing ss. >> i think it is perhaps the most obvious ones. the therapeutics is more of a design problem. you're looking to design a th r therapeutic that has an effect on a person. so how do you define that even as a machine learning problem? where do you get the data to train a computer to make predictions? it is really interesting. >> so let me understand. when you're trying to look at a therapy you understand there's a problem. do we think we have a therapy for it? we will try it out. that trial process is what is very long and expensive and only
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one out of 20 drugs often make it. >> right. >> the idea is whether the computer will simulate and can do thousands and thousands of mock trials? >> yeah. so our ability is incredibly far in the future. our understanding is in such early stages that we are nowhere close to being able to simulate even a single human cell. i think the big question is can we create a data set that will allow us to at least to some extent from dikt what a change in the human system, changing the activity level, what will it do to the overall human health outcome for instance? >> so paint a picture for me. ten years from now if you're successful at the scale at which
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technology has been evolving, could i go in and get a series of scans which would tell me you have very very early stage or almost undetectable whatever it is is, cancer or whatever and we are going to put you on a series of therapies because we have been able to see these things way before years we would have manifest in any kind of symptom? >> i think it would be some of it. it would begin earlier by simply looking at for instance your genetics and being able to tell you that you should go get scanned more often. now you have to be careful about that. you don't want people to go get scanned and have false positives that leads to increasing health costs. the other component, what is going to work for you, a loto o drugs that work for 10 or 20%
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but don't work for the remainder. >> you have come at the intersection of these two technological revolutions. one with the mapping of the human and things like that and the other in machine learning. >> you're absolutely right. i think of sciences and proceeding where if you think about the late 18 hundreds, those chemistry, the periodic table and the early 19 hundreds is physics and the 1990s there was an era of data which immerged from computing. it is what we call quantity fie -- which included the ability to measure the high resolution
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microcope microcopey. it is the ability to measure it and interpret the outcome and engineer the outcomes to achieve better outcomes for people. >> better outcomes but maybe not eternal life. >> i think eternal life is a stretch. let's just say we have not seen a feasibility proof of we ter fl eternal life. >> pleasure to have you on. >> thank you. up next a guest book recommendation from none other than bill gates. ♪ t-mobile will do the math for you. join t-mobile and get two phones plus two unlimited plans
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for just one hundred bucks a month. so, i started with the stats regarding my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. like how humira has been prescribed to over 300,000 patients. and how many patients saw clear or almost clear skin in just 4 months - the kind of clearance that can last. humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. numbers are great. and seeing clearer skin is pretty awesome, too. that's what i call a body of proof. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection.
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want more proof? ask your dermatologist about humira. this is my body of proof. (ala♪m goes off) wake up sweetie. ♪ doctor dave. see ya. ♪ here's your order. ♪ hey. applebee's to go. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. we know that when you're >> tspending time with thelass grandkids... ♪ music >> tech: ...every minute counts. and you don't have time for a cracked windshield. that's why at safelite, we'll show you exactly when we'll be there. with a replacement you can trust. all done sir. >> grandpa: looks great! >> tech: thanks for choosing safelite. >> grandpa: thank you! >> child: bye! >> tech: bye! saving you time...
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pg&e wants you to plan ahead by mapping out escape routes and preparing a go kit, in case you need to get out quickly. for more information on how to be prepared and keep your family safe, visit a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! countries like japan and south korea face a demographic crisis due to chronically low birth rates, but it was a western country that made headlines this week for an initiative designed to tackle
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this very issue. and it brings me to my question. which country announced that mothers of at least four children would be exempt from income tax? hungary, italy, portugal or poland? stay tuned and we'll tell you the correct answer. this week i asked bill gates to give us his recommendation for a book. >> my book would be billion dollar whale. it's a sad story of corruption and international finance that's fascinating. you know, as bad blood is to biotech billion dollar whale is to international finance. not as profound as -- but a wonderful read. very quick, thrilling. >> thank you to bill gates for his book recommendation. let me tell you about one more.
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the 2019 award for lit char was recently rewarded to an author who was not allowed into the country to collect it. as you may know australia's immigration policies are pretty hard line. indeed donald trump told the country's former prime minister, quote, you are worse than i am, unquote, during a conversation about refugees. asylum seekers who try to reach australia by boat are processed in centers on nearby islands, sometimes languishing there for years. human rights groups and the united nations have expressed concern over such island centers and the health of the detainees and debates over opening and closing centers continue. well, this year's wenner of the victorian prize for literature, "no friend but the mountains" was written by an iranian kurd who was held in detention center
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for nearly six years. he wrote the book on the island arduously typing it out on his mobile phone and sending sections via whatsapp messages. it's more than anything else a testament to the power of words no matter where they come from. >> i have been in a cage for years, but throughout this time my mind has always been producing words. and these words have taken me across borders, taken me overseas and to unknown places. i truly believe words are more powerful than the fences of this place, this prison. this is a beautiful moment. let us all rejoice tonight in the power of literature. >> the answer to my gps
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challenge this week is, a, hungarian prime minister and far right poster child vick tor orban announced in his annual address to the nation that women who bear four or more children would be completely exempt from income taxes for life. the policy which is meant to address the country's low birth rates is not unique. nations from russia to south korea pay cash to growing families. you may remember these viral video campaigns urging polish couple to emulate bunnies, dannish ones to do it for denmark and for patriotic sin a thanks for all of you for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week.
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want more from your entejust say teach me more. into your xfinice remote to discover all sorts of tips and tricks in x1. can i find my wifi password? just ask. [ ding ] show me my wifi password. hey now! [ ding ] you can even troubleshoot, learn new voice commands and much more. clean my daughter's room. [ ding ] oh, it won't do that. welp, someone should.
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just say "teach me more" into your voice remote and see how you can have an even better x1 experience. simple. easy. awesome. hello, everyone. thank you so much for joining me this sunday. i'm frederica whitfield. the legal battle lines are being drawn following the president's declaration of a national emergency at the southern border. democrats are vowing to fight the declaration in congress and in court. and republicans divided on the president's move to bypass g congress to fund his border wall. democrats say the president's national emergency is unconstitutional. >> this is the first time a president has tried to
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