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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  February 19, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PST

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starts right now. thank you, kate, and welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. thank you for sharing your day with us. the number two at the fbi says the investigation was started long before the james comey firing. they said investigators did not object. roger stone is getting hauled back to court. a subject angry after stone published her picture on social media. bernie sanders runs for a second bid on the presidential nomination. may he also be what democrats
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are looking for in 2020? >> together you and i and our 2016 campaign began the political revolution. now it is time to complete that revolution and implement the vision that we fought for. >> and we begin there with bernie sanders and the big question raised by today's official 2020 launch. does the democratic party want him or just his ideas? the vermont independent is promising this time will be different and an even bigger grassroots campaign this time than last time, when he lost the nomination to president clinton but not without his fundraisers and level of support. bernie sanders says he is up to the challenge of beating donald trump. >> it is absolutely imperative that donald trump be defeated because i think it is unacceptable and unamerican, to be frank with you, that we have a president who is a pathological liar, and it gives me no pleasure to say that, but it's true.
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we have a president who is a racist, who is a sexist, who is a xenophobe. >> one giant change from 2016 is the competition. senator sanders joins an extensive democratic field. bernie sanders made a big mark by winning his first win against hillary clinton in 2016. what about this time around, jeff? >> reporter: that is the buzz in the air today, and one thing stands out. he beat hillary clinton by 22%. that was the place that launched him, this is the place that launched him. but talking to new hampshire democrats, talking to others, it's unclear if he is welcome in the democratic party this time. as you said, his ideas certainly are. there is no doubt that bernie sanders has had a tremendous effect on the direction of the
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democratic party. for better or for worse, we don't know the answer to that question, but there is a sense of that support here. and 13 million votes across the country. now that is much more likely to be divided among several candidates. he is now running against others who share his ideas. so the question here for bernie sanders, can he develop a second act? can he win over some of the people he didn't last time? that would be older voters, african-american voters, some female voters. his crowds, if you'll remember, john, were relatively young, promising free health insurance and education. something the cdc did was pass a rule which was not as much of a big deal at the time last summer, but they said anyone running for president has to declare themselves as a democrat. it was aimed at bernie sanders. vermont doesn't have presidential party denomination,
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so he will be running as a democrat for senator. but he is not as large as he was four years ago because there are so many options. >> jeff zeleny reporting to me in the studio -- a little less windy there. we have our panel here. that is the question. there is no doubt some democrats don't like it, but bernie has moved the party. his ideas has moved the party, his energy has moved the party. his success on the internet has taught a lot of people about how to raise money. but did they prove something and they say thank you and move on? he's got a base of support, a crowded field that helps you to have your own solid base. with others you can say there are more women running, more african-americans running, thank you very much, see ya. which is it? >> i don't think we know. that's going to be one of the big questions that sanders will have to answer and that the other democrats in the field will have to answer. there is no question that his
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ideas have sort of been adopted by a lot of the people who are already running, and they are things that four years ago you wouldn't have expected -- or two years ago you wouldn't have expected to hear democrats running on. but the trump effect has been such, not just on bernie sanders, but the trump effect has been such that things that democrats would have shied away making the centerpiece of their campaigns, things like medicare for all, things like free tuition. we hear elizabeth warren talking about this child care plan, things that are big spending plans that democrats may have shied away from before, they're going to be running against a candidate on the republican side in president trump who has not been shy about proposing some incredibly big ideas, even some ideas that entail a lot of federal spending, so i think democrats feel like they really need to answer in kind and be just as bold and be just as dramatic, and i think that is sort of pushing them toward some of the ideas that bernie sanders
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espoused in the last cycle. but some of these candidates may be more able to push those forward given the demographics certainly have changed as well. >> i also think it will be interesting to see what the other candidates do, what they say about the president. you hear bernie sanders saying the president is a racist, xenophobic, outright listing what the president is. it will be interesting to see if the other candidates try to match his rhetoric and talk about him as he does or if they'll moderate it a little bit. president trump has only put out two statements on candidates running for office, even though a lot of democrats have declared they're going to run. elizabeth warren is one, and bernie sanders trying to center his nomination around socialism, and they were more than happy when bernie sanders entered the race going ahead and laying out those stakes. >> to your point, there are
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other candidates who think bernie sanders running is a good thing for them. cory booker's message is one of unity. he did not call the president a racist, so he can draw a pretty broad line between his style and sa sanders' style. evenie l even elizabeth warren is probably saying, oh, i believe in capitalism, i believe in socialism. >> if you're my bloomberg and you're still thinking about it, amy klobuchar comes in to try to take the central spot. bernie sanders knows it's the year of the woman. with two democratic african-americans running and several women. hear him trying to make his mark. >> we have got to look at candidates not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual
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orientation or their gender, and not by their age. i mean, i think we have got to try to move us toward a non-discriminatory society which looks at people based on their abilities, based on what they stand for. >> an interesting way of saying don't count me out because i'm an older, straight white male running for the democratic nomination. >> and the only one right now, you know. it's just the field has changed so much, and i think he does understand that he's going to have to answer that question, but it is another point of contrast for the other candidat candidates. without having to say a word just by their presence, you know elizabeth warren and beto o'rourke look different than other candidates. >> they also had another vision of bernie sanders because they thought he was in tune with
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economic equality rather than racial equality. >> do you learn the lessons of last time? one great advantage is he's been around the track. he's been bruised as a presidential candidate. all candidates get knocked down, you learn what you did right, what you did wrong. one thing he did right last time and this will be a test to see if he has the same level of support. this is the end of june in 2016. yes, hillary clinton outraced him, 275 million for her. but did anyone think at the beginning of the last campaign that running against the clinton juggernaut bernie sanders could raise $235.4 million? it's just one on one, democrats are always looking for the fight, or you can make the case this guy proved everyone wrong. >> you can. it was bernie sanders in 2016 that showed the democratic party and republicans that this is something they can work on. for years presidential candidates have been quoting big
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donors. they haven't even really thought about the small dollar fundraising basis much, and now bernie sanders is sort of showing the way on this front. we also actually -- for a candidate who campaigned on campaign finance as one of his core messages, he actually did have an outside group that he created when he quit -- when he didn't get the nomination that has also been fundraising and really putting out his message in the years in between. so he's had this sort of campaign in waiting thanks to his small dollar fundraising that's been there, you know, for the last two years. >> we won't know this for almost a year, but do the changes impact bernie sanders? we know there is a more crowded field. we know there is a more diverse field. we also know that iowa is changing the rules of the caucuses. hillary clinton won in iowa but it's a liberal state. you would think it's a place bernie sanders get in charge. then the democratic national committee passed a policy saying you have to be a democrat.
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kirsten gillibrand said this a few weeks ago, turning to bernie and saying, great, but you're an independent. help the democrats become democrats. >> that could be the same thing with donald trump when they asked everyone if you don't win the race, do you run as an independent? donald trump didn't raise his hand. will bernie sanders run into that in this race and how will it work out with other candidates? is he still able to hold onto that anti-establishment grade of voters? >> on the flip side, every candidate gets asked, are you a democratic socialist, which is what we saw with kamala harris just getting asked that yesterday in new hampshire. they are forced to respond, especially since the president is sort of trying to frame the entire democratic party broadly as socialists. >> i would say this is the beginning. a lot of people are saying he had a shot, his time is past.
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let's not repeat the phrase from the last campaign, which is to borrow a phrase, please don't underestimate him. going back to court, especially if you're roger stone. [cell phone rings] where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. where are you? it's very loud there. are you taking a zumba class?
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a federal judge ordering roger stone back to court today. this after what he calls a misunderstanding but could be viewed as a threat against that judge. that judge, bernice jackson, scheduled a hearing whether she should change stone's bail. the long-time confidant is charged with lying. the latest shows a picture of the judge's face.
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it is stupid to put a picture of a federal judge overseeing your case on instagram. she's clearly angry. what now? >> he's going to get a talking-to on thursday. i think the judge has every reason to be angry about this. federal law enforcement, the u.s. marshals, are going to take this seriously. they'll probably have to increase her security because you never know if someone stupid will do something like this. roger stone, as you noted, he's apologized. he said he never meant to threaten the judge. the crosshairs were not intended to in any way threaten the judge. he said somebody was a volunteer, i guess on his staff, who posted this, but you know, the bottom line is that he does not like that this is the judge that's overseeing his case. he complains that she's an obama appointee -- she is -- and he's not happy that this is the same judge that oversaw the manafort case. the interesting thing is this judge has been treating roger
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stone gingerly, because if you remember, in the manafort case, she slapped a gag order on the first day for far less than what roger stone has done. >> his lawyers filed this. undersigned counsel with the attached authority of roger stone hereby apologize to the court for the comment posted on instagram today. mr. stone recognizes the impropriety and had it removed. one of the reasons he's saying these provocative things on info wars. he calls them legal lynching. a, he's trying to raise money. i suspect the judge will note that as she considers whether or not to accept that apology. >> look, one of my favorite albums is pink floyd's "momentary lack of reason." he could go in there and say, look, judge, i'm not going to do it again. but getting media attention is his oxygen. if the judge wants to cut it
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off, it's going to be a severe penalty to him. >> one would suspect she'll have new restrictions as well. also note today, house democrats say they want to investigate why some white house officials early in the trump administration backed an outside plan to give saudi arabia nuclear power reactors. carol, tell us why this matters specifically. z >> the democrats were looking here whether or not the white house was interested in pursuing technology in saudi arabia in the best interest use of national security or to line the pockets associated and close to those in the white house. this all relates to a plan by a private company run by foreign generals and it was promoted inside the white house by michael flynn, who was then the national security adviser. they were pushing this plan forward, but the career staffers and even some political appointees on the security council said, hold on, this raises a lot of red flags. there were questions about conflicts of interest because of the potential financial gain to
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some individuals as well as the atomic energy act which involves congress being involved in export ark exportation of energy. there were concerns here. they brought the concerns to legal advisers, to ethics advisers. multiple times they tried to shut this down. they said, stop pursuing this plan. but then it would repopulate itself by michael flynn pushing it, some of his deputies in the national security council as well as the external company bringing it forward saying, hey, we're going to lose our edge. so the big concern is the administration was pushing this through even though there were objections by career staffers, by other politicians, by the legal team saying you can't do this. you have to follow appropriate protocol. you can't just give out decisions and plans that you're
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going to help your plan. >> yet another sign of, let's just say, the swamp was not drained. elizabeth warren pitches her child care plan. the price tag and her idea to pay for it. ♪ i was thinking...d clot could there be another around the corner? or could it turn out differently? i wanted to help protect myself. my doctor recommended eliquis. eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot...
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senator elizabeth warren sees her path to the democratic
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nomination built on driving the policy debate. her latest offering? a call for universal child care. the warren plan covers birth from birth to five years old. no household would pay more than 7% of its income for child care. senator warren's plan would cost taxpayers $7 billion a year. according to one analyst, she says taxing the rich would help toward the middle class. >> every child would have access to child care and it's free for most families. the tax i'm going to propose has more than enough money to pay for it. it would generate enough revenue so the child care part of it would only use about a quarter of the money generated. >> this connects in part to the sanders conversation we had at the top of the show, in that he proved in 2016 that hillary
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clinton -- she had policy ideas, but her main thing was, look at my resume, i'm a clinton, you want me to run as your nominee. bernie sanders kept coming out with ideas. warren came out with her tax on millionaires. now she says here's the pot of money. here's the things i'm going to pay for it with. >> it's actually brilliant. as she describes she has the money. it's only a quarter of the money raised by this tax. to me the analyst described it as an entitlement and came out and said we believe this plan would create an entitlement for universal health care. that opens the door for democratic candidates like amy klobuchar and donald trump to take a big swing at the health care state. >> interestingly, warren campaign aides asked him to do this. we'd like to do an independent analysis of it. $7 billion a year, 12 million
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kids covered. a 2% tax on americans with a net worth of more than 50 million, a 3% tax on americans with net worth of more than 1 billion. that's the american campaign. number one, i give them some credit in knowing that the president and the democrats saying, how are we going to pay for this, going on their own to get an analysis. they want to drive the policy debate, and number two, how are we going to pay for it? >> this is also an example of a policy that, if you look at the nuts and bolts with it, it's likely to be popular with, sure, democrats, but a big swath of independents. a lot of people have the issue of, how am i going to pay for child care, and this gives her a way of saying we're going to do away with this millionaires tax.
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she's opening the door to say, what would you do differently than the current administration? i think it's a contrast that democrats, frapgnkly, are goingo have to draw if they're going up against president trump. >> also the green new deal that's been talked about, that the president has already taken advantage of, tweeting about it and also talking about it at his first campaign rally of the year. it will be interesting to see what the candidates' proposals are and their policies on that, or how much people can just rely on it being a referendum by the president as people have gone after the president pretty bluntly. >> and we've seen ivanka trump talk about paid family leave, but she's been having meetings on the hill for the last two years and it really hasn't moved at all. here you have democrats giving really specific ideas on policies, and we actually haven't heard too much from the president on his views on paid family leave, something his daughter has been pushing, so it will be interesting to see if he
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brings up the issue more as we get more into the reelection campaign. >> you mentioned the other candidates having to respond to this. leet listen here to several. this is not all of them, but several of the democratic candidates of the question should the government be in the business of subsidizing child care? >> if you had a national paid leave plan, more women would stay in the work force longer. we are the only industrialized country in the world that doesn't have national pay leave. literally the only one. >> make sure we are doing something about health care, child care, paid family leave so that we make it easier for people. >> do you support a nationwide paid parental leave policy? >> absolutely. and even more than that, i support what we need to have which is a national policy for affordable child care. i support what we need to do around having universal pre-k. >> if i'm elected president, i'm going to make pre-k for the usa happen in this country because it's right for our students. >> you see it on both ends there. child care, parental leave. the democrats believing they can sell this.
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there will be price tag questions. the president makes his socialism argument. they believe, as they look at this and learned from past election cycles, that they can sell this. >> one thing about warren's plan that goes farther than her rivals, she's selling it as a job quote in part because she's talking about federal jobs like teachers' wages in this program. that's an up side for voters. >> this is my question about 2020. i started -- my first campaign was do yukakis. he lost by four states. they said he was too liberal. where is america at this moment? can the democrats sell this agenda? >> i think that's where we get back to this counter of president trump saying socialism, because that's a way to back some of these. when you look at what's proposed here, i think if you look at some of the polls, they want to see it addressed. so you do see ivanka trump and other people in the administration paying lip service to the fact that we need
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to do something about the affordability of child care. and will voters actually be willing to say, okay, well, we think this should be perhaps another entitlement program that we add to the mix that we already have, or will they sort of accept this argument this this is all sort of the back doorway into making us a socialist country. >> that's have a policy debate. up next, the president seems to be thinking about replacing his director of national intelligence. for a cracked windshield. that's why we show you exactly when we'll be there. saving you time, so you can keep saving the world. >> kids: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ ♪ ♪ let's go from plans...
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topping our political radar today, ruth bader ginsburg back on the bench for the first time in two months after cancer surgery. the vice president will soon have a new chief of staff, mike short. the former director of legislative affairs will now lead mike pence's team. he will now replace nick ayers who left the administration after turning down the job of white house chief of staff. short was a political contributor after i left the whi white house. he is no longer a contributor here. the director of national intelligence don coats might not have his job that much longer. >> i'm hearing from sources around the white house there is just general disappointment of the president with director coats. there is a feeling that maybe there needs to be a change of leadership in that position.
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>> do you think he'll dismiss director coats? >> well, i don't know what his plan is. he doesn't tell me who he's going to dismiss or not. >> you might remember, director coats recently contradicted the president at an open congressional hearing. the white house has not commented on the future of coats' job. we've seen this before. the president goes to mar-a-lago. he has dinner with his friends, including the ceo of newsmax who is in the media business, number one, and goes to meetings, number two. the president knows he is starting the rumor mill. >> we know the president has complained about dan coats. it was less than a month ago that the president reported not only when he went with his intelligence chiefs after they contradicted him during those meetings, they called him out by name on what was said. it happened last summer when dan coats was on stage doing interviews and they told him
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vladimir putin had invited him to come to the white house before the midterm elections and he looked shocked with that reaction. the president didn't like that coverage. but the question with chris ruddy is, is he complaining? that is a typical thing for him, so is it a sign they're on their way out or just the president airing his grievances once again? >> this is not the way they draw it up in the hr manual. up next, a former fbi official said congress knew the bureau had opened an investigation of the president. . [ beeping ] and an eye out for danger. with active brake assist. if i built a van, i'd make it available in diesel and gas. and i'd build it right here, in south carolina. introducing the all new sprinter starting at $33,790.
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9:43 am today we have some new and big information about the russia meddling investigation courtesy of the acting director of the fbi. >> did you order a counterintelligence investigation into the president? >> i did.
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>> did you suspect the president might actually be working for russia? >> we thought that might be possible, yes. we thought it might be possible. >> andrew mccabe confirming that he made the decision may 2017 to investigate the president of the united states. another revelation, top congressional leaders knew the fbi was working to determine if the leader of the free world was a russian asset. >> did you tell them that you had opened a counterintelligence investigation into president trump? >> the purpose of the briefing was to let our congressional leadership know exactly what we had been doing. opening a case of this nature, not something an fbi director, not something an acting fbi director does by themselves, right? this recommendation came from our team. i reviewed it with lawyer, i discussed it at length and i told congress what we had done. >> did anybody object? >> that's the important part, savannah. nobody objected. not on legal grounds, not on
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constitutional grounds and not based on the facts. >> that is an important point in the sense that if you're a trump supporter, you don't like andy mccabe. he does have some credibility issues. you don't like jim comey. we could have a debate forever how he handled the clinton e-mail investigation. andy mccabe saying, hey -- let's put the gang of eight up on the screen. we went to the leaders of congress meaning the majority leader, the two deputiedeputies top two leaders of the congressional committees. they're saying, hey, we brought these people into the loop. none of them raised any alarms, making the case we had a solid investigation and we had every support to do this. >> this was essentially a coup of the duly elected president of the united states, and if it was, this was a strange kind of coup, right, where you let in the bipartisan leaders of congress and let them know what you're doing. by the way, the investigation, even after the president took office and so on, they kept going back and briefing members
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of congress about the progress of the investigation which, you know, means that people were being brought in to the sphere of knowing what exactly the fbi was up to. >> and that's andy mccabe saying we checked the boxes, we did the right thing. here's how the president of the united states views this. the biggest abuse of power and scandal in our history. andy mccabe admitted to plotting a coup when he served with the fbi before he was accused of lying and leaking. remember, andy mccabe didn't go to the bathroom without the approval of james comey. so the president is mildly interested in this story. >> mildly is putting it lightly, i would say. i like his one tweet where he says he didn't call his wife a loser to his face. the president clarifies that. i think this goes back to what we've seen the white house do, that andrew mccabe was unethical because he misled investigators and was fired. james comey was fired because of how he handled the hillary
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clinton e-mail investigation, but andrew was saying he briefed people like mitch mcconnell on this investigation and they didn't push back. i don't think mcconnell has so far responded to that accusation. that shows it wasn't just these two rogue people at the fbi, at the doj, which is how the white house tries to spin this. i think it raises more questions, because if mitch mcconnell didn't say anything, i think the president will have some questions for mitch mcconnell. >> mccabe is helpful in connecting the dots which russia meddling in the election, you would want an answer to that. that's number one. then there's did trump commit collusion? then there's trump trying to obstruct the investigation. andrew mccabe says you have to connect all three dots. >> why isn't that just the normal obstruction of justice criminal inquiry which is substantial enough on its own, but what takes it to this next level where there is a suspicion that he's working for a foreign
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government? this is extraordinary. >> because you have to ask yourself, savannah, if you believe the president might have obstructed justice tore the purpose of ending our investigation into russia, you have to ask yourself why. why would any president of the united states not want the fbi to get to the bottom of russian interference in our election? >> again, if they have threshold evidence the president was trying to thwart their investigation, that's a very valid question. >> right, and the fact he said he briefed the gang of eight on this not just once but continually, it puts everything that happened in the last two years in a very different light. these members of congress were aware, at least, of some of the basis for the opening of this counterintelligence investigation, and to the degree that he was able to connect those dots for the gang of eight, for the top congressional leaders, they would have been read into that as well. so they've now watched as all these developments have unfolded. they all had their own response when the president went -- >> including some of trump's
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allies. >> including some of his allies. devin nunez, who was head of the house intelligence committee, went on and was running his own investigation, all the while knowing some of the basis, some of the reasons why this investigation was opened, and later in the game pushing back quite forcefully. it puts that in a new light as well, why he was going to the white house and speaking to white house officials in the midst of all of this, knowing sort of what the fbi knew and what got them to this -- not conclusion, but this set of very troubling questions that led him to open the investigation. >> and speaker ryan and still majority leader mcconnell, a lot of democrats say they didn't rush to the front of the line but were pretty clear to the white house, don't fire robert mueller. anderson cooper will interview andrew mccabe live at 8:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. how the president feels
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about the national emergency so he can build his border wall. ♪
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the polls show the president is out of step with the country in declaring a national emergency at the u.s.-mexico border. but as his plan to go around congress and build a border wall faces court, there is new reasons why he's doing this. among all registered voters, no. 60% of americans say no, mr.
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president, we don't buy this national emergency. among democrats, more than nine in ten say no way, mr. president. but look at the numbers among republicans. 85% of republicans are with the president on this. they're with him on policy. he's heading into a reelection campaign. this is what the president worries most about. independents say, no, we doen't like this idea. trump supporters, republican women, white evangelicals, white america. republican women in that group, off the charts supporting the president. trump supporters off the charts supporting the president, whitewhite evangelica evangelicals, general support for the president. suburban women, younger voters, independent women, they're saying, no, mr. president, we don't see this as a crisis at
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the u.s.-mexico border, you're making this up. if you like the president, you support his policies. if you don't, you don't. registered voters, here's the view on national emergency. here's the president's job approval. they closely track. among democrats, 94% disapprove of the national emergency, 89% disapprove of trump's job performance. among republicans, you see the track. they like the national emergency. why? because they like the president. independents more on the other way. the question now, in politics today, the question now is the policy. 16 states, the attorneys general running to the court to say, mr. president, sorry, wrong. >> it's become very clear that the states and the states' attorney general are the firewall. we're what stands between this president and his attack on our way of life and the constitution. >> this is a moment when our basic constitutional design is at risk. if we don't protect separation of powers now and we allow it to be eroded, the challenge is what
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comes next? >> so the legal case here is, the question is congress specifically passed a budget that says you can't do this. can the president do it? the approximately capolitical c at those numbers, is pretty clear. if you think the president is expanding his base, why would he do that? this isn't about the president expanding his base, it's i'm going to ride on this for 2020. >> this really is a referendum on president trump, and the reason those numbers are so illuminating is it shows you it's a matter of trust. most people don't live on the border. they don't live the reality of immigration, illegal immigration, the border wall day to day, so they have to take people's word for it. are you going to listen to democrats in congress who are saying this is not a crisis, there is nothing happening here that can't be solved with conventional border security measures, or are you going to list ton the president? the only way to stop this is a huge wall, and it's a question of whether you trust the
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president or not. if you like him, if you believe in donald trump, you're going to believe his case he's making on the wall. if you don't, not so much. >> there are republicans in congress, though, who think this is a bad idea, this emergency national declaration. so beneath those numbers shows strong base support, i'm curious what that will do when supporters come out and say, hey, i don't know if this is necessary. will republican voters care? >> this is senator rob portman of ohio, not a trumpy kind of guy. he gets it. he thinks it's a bad idea. but he also knows a lot of republican supporters so he gives an answer like this. >> i think the court is likely to kick it back to us and say, in the national emergency act there will be a right to vote on this. then there's also funding with the d.o.d. that he can use without declaring an emergency. i think that would be safer gru ground both in terms of the courts, but also, it would help us avoid this in the future.
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but i do support trump on securing the national border. >> they always add that last part. >> they can look at the numbers and see that voters do not think a wall is popular. they can also look at the numbers and see that president trump is popular. nae if that's a decision he makes, you see so far they're sticking with him, although the democrats think they may be able to get the skeptical republicans over to their side. but the president thinks this government shutdown really helped push the country to his side about building the wall, even though that directly contradicts the numbers. >> i don't know how he sees that in those numbers. >> the campaign has done a good job of showing him polls that somehow elaborate on what he thinks -- his narrative of the shutdown helping his reelection chances. we'll see them keep doing that in the next two months. >> and we'll see a campaign about this. first we'll see what happens in
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the courts, it kicks back to congress. thanks for joining me on "inside politics." i'll see you back here tomorrow. brianna keilar starts right now. have a great afternoon. i'm brianna keilar live from cnn headquarters. bernie sanders returns for a 2020 sequel, but this time he has a lot more competitors to share the screen time. get me, roger stone, says the judge presiding over the case after the judge threatened on social media. andrew mccabe says justice officials fear the president was working for russia. and he told top leaders in congress at the time. and the oversight of president trump just took a new turn involving cash, the


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