tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN March 2, 2019 12:00am-1:00am PST
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the family of otto warmbier rebuks president trump for defending kim jong-un in the brutal treatment and death of their son. osama bin laden's son being groomed to take the reins of all kade da and the worldwide manhunt sounds frighteningly familiar. back from the break, pakistan extends an olive branch
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to india while releasing this pilot. live from cnn center, i'm nick walsh. great to have you with us. u.s. president donald trump will soon make his first public comments since returning home empty handed from a second summit with north korean leader kim jong-un. in the coming hours he'll speak before cpac. right now north korea's kim jong-un is on his way back home to pyongyang. he's portraying the trip a success that deepened the trust of the two leaders but it's a different story for mr. trump. not only did he return to washington without denuclearization deal, he also deeply upset the parents of otto warmbier, an american student who died after spending 18 months in a north korean prison.
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the warmbier's lashed out at the president for giving the north korean leader a pass for their son's death saying kim and his evil regime are responsible for the death of our son otto. kim and his evil regime are responsible for unimaginable cruel at this and inhumanity. no excuses or lavish praise can change that. we have more now from brian todd. >> reporter: analysts call it a low point. >> he tells me he didn't know about it and i will take him at his word. >> reporter: the president saying he supported north korean dictator kim jong-un's stance that kim didn't know of american college student otto warmbier's deteriorating condition in a prison. >> i don't believe that he would have allowed that to happen. >> reporter: otto warmbier was arrested for allegedly stealing a political sign in early 2016.
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he wept in his trial. he was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. a year and a half later north korean diplomats abruptly asked for a meeting with their u.s. counterparts and told them the young american was in a coma. warmbier was quickly evacuated and died a couple of days after returning home. trump initially attacked kim and his regime for the death. >> we need only look at the depraved character of the north korean regime. >> reporter: he embraced warmbier's parents. you're powerful witnesses to a menace that threatens our world and your strength truly inspires us all. >> reporter: analysts say that seemed to be a far cry from his statement this week. >> he felt badly about it. >> reporter: he's struck a different tone for months. >> and then we fell in love, okay? no, really.
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he wrote me beautiful letters, and they're great letters. >> reporter: facing backlash from the family, the president took to twitter saying he had been misinterpreted on thursday. quote, of course i hold north korea responsible for otto's death. most important, otto warmbier will not have died in vein. >> this president is responsible for having otto be returned to this country. the president's saying that there's no indication chairman kim knew what happened to otto warmbier when it happened. >> reporter: but that seems improbable. doctors who examined him say they believe he had been in a vegetative state for 14 months before being sent home. >> if he's in a vegetative state for 14 months, does he not know? >> no. kim would have known as soon as they determined that this was something that wasn't reversible.
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he would have known immediately. >> reporter: brian todd, cnn, washington. and let's go now to the site of the summit in vietnam. our will ripley joins us now from hanoi. now, will, the north koreans are expecting to leave this meeting, this summit with something. they left with almost nothing, but they're spinning it as a victory? >> reporter: at least in state media they are, nick. that's because they really don't have a choice. it was unprecedented for the north korean propaganda machine to announce a summit like this, especially with the united states ahead of time, and give it glowing coverage and covered chairman kim's trip and his welcome. the north koreans were absolutely certain, according to my sources, that this was going to be a success and that kim would leave away with a signed agreement that would move the ball forward and hopefully provide some economic relief.
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for president trump to have abruptly cut off the talks, worked out of the meeting and cancel his working lunch which is a snub that will never be forgotten by the higher ranks of north korean leadership, they were blindsided by it. frankly, nick, they didn't have a backup plan. that's why they scrambled in the 11th hour. it was after midnight when they called an emergency press conference here in hanoi to counter attack. after president trump said that they had demanded that all sanctions be lifted, they said they only asked for partial lifting of sanctions. they tried to explain the offer they made which was a reasonable first step to build trust and they felt that the united states didn't give the deal a fair shake. of course the perspective on the u.s. side is that it was a bad deal. president trump has received praise in the united states for walking away as opposed to signing something that would have provided concessions without much in terms of substantial denuclearization. the reactor that north korea offered to take apart is one
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small piece of north korea's vast military nuclear arsenal. >> listen, will, kim jong-un has persuaded him to fly twice to asia to meet with him. we are hearing that the u.s./south korean exercises have been scaled back. those surely are fairly significant victories for pyongyang. >> reporter: sure, and what has north korea had to do in return? well, they took us there last year when they blew up the entrances to their tunnels at the nuclear site. most analysts believe that was a pretty cosmetic and reversible step. they could redig the entrances. they have not launched in a year. they haven't tested to get over that final hurdle of re-entry, but it also saves them a lot of money that they can use to put
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into other parts of their nuclear program. they estimate that north korea has enriched enough bomb fuel to make up to seven new weapons, seven new bombs during this period of diplomacy. >> will ripley in hanoi. thank you very much for your time. political analyst michael aga genevise joins us. he's the author of "how trump governs." now, michael, kim is not on that train empty handed. kim managed to get the most powerful leader in the world to fly to asia twice to meet him. who came out on top from this summit that kind of fell a bit flat? >> well, in the first summit clearly the north koreans came out on top. in this one, i think it was wise that the president left. he was in a bad position. he knew he was in a bad position and so he walked out. right now it's very clear that the north koreans have taken the
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advantage in their hands and the united states has a lot of catching up to do. >> what is the next step? are we going to see a denuclearization deal on the korean peninsula? >> there are two possible scenarios which is what you would expect and hope for. lower level diplomats would meet regularly. iron out some agreements. hammer out something that the two sides could agree on. if past is prelude, donald trump will want to do it. he will go unprepared and think he can have kim jong-un fall in love with trump as trump has fallen in love with kim. that would not be very good for the united states or the west. >> mick mulvaney, the acting white house chief of staff today, described the president. he said the president really is a master negotiator and he was able to walk away from a deal. that's kind of north korean levels of praise for a leader. so do you agree to a point that trump actually handled this
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quite well in hanoi? >> i think walking out was the right decision. handling it well, no. you have to be tougher with kim jong-un and the north koreans and this discussion about oh, he sends me beautiful letters. we fell in love. playing right into his hands. he's a brutal dictator. don't treat him as your prom date. donald trump, maybe i would want to take him with me when i'm buying a used car, but i don't think i at this point would want to take him to summits. >> reporter: let's talk now about otto warmbier, this young american student who died after 18 months in north korean custody. now we just saw in brian's package there president trump in the state of the union last year really excoriating kim and the north koreans for this but then, you know, in his post hanoi press conference, the president took kim aside. he tells me he didn't know about
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it and i will take him at his word. how can you exchange that huge shift on this, michael? >> well, it was shocking but not surprising. i think it was disappointing but really donald trump has been trying make friends with dictators as he alienates our allies. so the question is what is he hoping to gain by this? is he more comfortable with these folks or is there an end gain that he has in mind. perhaps he's a brilliant strategist and has a complex game plan in his head. right now this warming up against dictators is going against american values. it's providing cover for kim in the brutal murder, let's just put it that way, of an american citizen. there was a time when adversaries feared an american response to such events. now they don't really seem to care. they don't seem to be afraid of us. >> michael genevise, thank you
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very much for your time. >> thank you. now u.s. officials say there is a new leader of al qaeda emerging and he has an infamous last name. hamsa bin laden. the son of osama bin laden is now on the u.s. state department's most wanted list. they're offering a $1 million reward for his whereabouts. nic robertson joins me now from islamabad in pakistan. is hamsa bin laden going to be an operational commander or is this something of a branding exercise from al qaeda? >> reporter: you know, you could see it as a branding exercise here if this is what is happening. you could see it as the wishes of the former commander and m osama bin laden, his wishes being lived out here. the way hamsa bin laden has been
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portrayed and portrays himself indicates that, you know, if you look at video that was released in 2005, for example, he was seen attacking a pakistani military person between here and afghanistan. that gives you the impression. he would have been back then, he's about 30 now. he would have been in his late teens. he was being groomed for a military capacity. over the past several years, 2016, 2017, twice he released audio messages in 2016 and continues to release messages, nothing for the past year or so, which gives you an indication that from the nature of the messages that he is trying to direct the organization. so there is, you know, a clear possibility here that he is trying to appeal, but does he have the credibility, the skills, the charisma his father
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had and is the current leadership agreeing? al qaeda once again with a new figure, with the brand name of bin laden at the end of his name, sort of re-assert themselves on the global stage. the reality is that they and he will win adherence is if they have a successful military campaign. that's what brings people to isis. that's what brought people in the past to al qaeda and so far he has not delivered anything like that. >> nic, u.s. officials seem fairly confident that they'll get him. is that confidence misplaced? where do we think he might be? >> reporter: you know, it's very difficult to know where he would be. we look at how long it took to find his father, ten years. his father was captured not far from islamabad.
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he was captured. killed, of course, along with one of his son. three of his wives were captured including hamza bin laden's mother, one of bin laden's wives was captured there along with a number of other children. so there were also documents, computer records captured during that raid that indicated osama bin laden had been communicating and writing to his son hamza bin laden. it indicates he perhaps wasn't too far away. it has been a safe place to hide. where he is now, his ability to travel will be limited.
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saudis have obviously removed his citizenship in the past 24 hours, but he is a known face so it wouldn't be easy for him to travel. one would suspect because he's been married for a number of years, he probably has children. he is probably somewhere in the afghan/pakistan region, however, you know, the u.s. forces to find him in that area, that is a very, very tough challenge. that bounty on his head of $1 million is not as high as the united states was putting on some al qaeda commanders, had 10 billion -- 10 million, 25 million, figures that have been used for very, very senior leaders in the past. hamza bin laden doesn't rank up there. getting information on him may be a little harder. >> nic robertson, thank you very much for your time. next, a captured indian pilot is home but the skirmishes
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between india and pakistan are not likely to end soon. back for an update. conservative talk show host sean hannity should testify after he said this money paymen. >> i can tell you personally he said to me, at least a dozen times, that he made the decision on the payments and he didn't tell you. you've tried moisturizer after moisturizer but one blows them all out of the water. hydro boost from neutrogena®. with hyaluronic acid to plump skin cells so it bounces back. neutrogena®
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so it bounces back. when you're cleaning your counters, you could be leaving harsh chemical residue behind. check this out. we used clorox clean-up on one side, and lysol daily cleanser on the other, then checked for hidden chemical residue with a bleach indicator test. i wouldn't even want to touch this. what do you do with that? like, who's going to eat that? unlike clorox clean-up,
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t-mobile will do the math for you. right now, when you join t-mobile, you get two lines of unlimited with two of the latest phones included for just one hundred bucks a month. an indian air force pilot is back in his home country after being held captive by pakistan. wing commander walked across the border from pakistan to india friday and he was met by the indian military, then rushed to the hospital for examination. huge crowds turned out to celebrate the homecoming. pakistan calls his release a gesture of peace. he ejected from his fighter jet following a dog fight with the pakistani air force over the disputed cashmere region. cashmere border has seen enough
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military skirmishin ines in the week. ben, i want to start with you now. releasing this pilot, pretty bold political movement perhaps. how is it going down in pakistan? >> reporter: at the moment i think it's been welcomed. they said this was a gesture of peace. he's being praised by certainly his party and lots of people as having made a gesture. some people are talking about the rhetoric and bela bellacosea reports. he seems to be praised for what he's done. what will be interesting to see is how that changes based on how the gesture is received. he said he wants to do it so you have de-escalation after a very scary few days.
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if there is no de-escalation, if things continue to be tense, if we continue to see clashes across the border, then i think you will start to get some criticism that maybe he shouldn't have relieved the pilots so quickly if he appears to have received nothing in return. >> nick hill, ben said it's going to depend howell it's received in india. how is tsh is india looking like the piece that wants to go down the road as well? >> nick, the public is saying this is great, the pilot came back. all of the front pains of the newspaper have welcomed this. i india's official position was this, because of the bomb attack on the 14th of february.
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14 indian paramilitary members died. we say that terror comes from pakistan, we have a problem. something needs to happen. that's why we sent our jets across the border. pakistan, of course, said it had nothing to do with it and that's why even as this gesture from pakistan, even as it gives both countries a way to take the off ramp, we have something of a new doctrine in place. india is saying, look, if we dhaekt back to pakistan, groups will be relaxed. that's why the situation remains absolutely. i think i'm right in thinking this indian attack into pakistani territory was the first attack on an installation, on a target in indisputably
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pakistani held territory there 40 something years. we should not under estimate the potential who are rifk fallout. >> we've had an alarming few days. this was the first strike inside india since 1971 war. let's not forget these are ultimately two nations that are pointing nuclear weapons at each other so the prospect, the unthinkable prospect of where that could leave costs a lot of hours. the release of this pilot has offered a window of some kind of de-escalation and for them to take a deep breath and take a step back from the brink. we're waiting to see how that will play out now.
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>> nick hill, it's election season in india. is that going to help or hinder this de-escalation? >> there was a lot of pressure on the prime minister to act. he's criticized previous governments. there was that pressure and that pressure doesn't go away, which is why as much as this return risks. and with a prime minister who's always stronger. things might head back to tension territory. who knows where it ends. >> thanks a lot, guys. back here in the u.s., paul
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manafort believes he doesn't deserve to go to prison for the rest of his life, and he's trying to persuade two judges. after hearing from donald trump's former attorney this week, congress is now pursuing interviews with some of the president's closest business associates. we'll look at why coming up. for real cold and flu protection with lysol, you can help protect them from a real cold. lysol disinfectant spray kills the #1 cause of the cold and clorox wipes don't. lysol. what it takes to protect.
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want more from your entejust say teach me more. into your xfinice remote to discover all sorts of tips and tricks in x1. can i find my wifi password? just ask. [ ding ] show me my wifi password. hey now! [ ding ] you can even troubleshoot, learn new voice commands and much more. clean my daughter's room. [ ding ] oh, it won't do that. welp, someone should. just say "teach me more" into your voice remote and see how you can have an even better x1 experience. simple. easy. awesome. welcome back, i'm nick watt. the top stories this hour. the family of otto warmbier has lashed out at president trump for saying north korean leader
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kim jong-un didn't know about their son's condition while he was in a north korean prison and he's not holding the north korean leader responsible. warm beer was arrested as a tourist in 2016 but was returned to the u.s. in a coma 18 months later. he died within days. right now kim jong-un is on his way back to vietnam. he is on board his own private train. they have portrayed this as a success that deepened the respect and trust between the two leaders. in washington, a top democrat is demanding the white house provide more information on how president trump's son-in-law jared kushner got top clearance. "the new york times" reported thursday that the president personally intervened to secure that clearance despite concerns from trump's then chief of staff and others. the president has previously
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denied any involvement. paul manafort is making a plea for less jail time. he's facing 25 years in prison. as one judge said, manafort intentionally lied. evan perez has the details. >> paul manafort asked the judge to show leniency when they sentence him next week. he was found guilty on bank and tax crimes. his lawyers say the possible range of 19 to 24 years in prison is disproportionate to the crimes that he committed. than for the is, quote, truly remorseful. manafort is a first-time offender, that he's nearly 70 years old and in poor health after spending months in jail
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after another judge decided he was trying to influence witnesses. we know president trump is paying close attention to this case and the manafort lawyers seem to be using their memo to drive home one of the president's favorite talking points. the mueller investigation has so far found no collusion. manafort's lawyers argue that the mueller investigation targeted manafort for prosecution after the special counsel failed to find collusion in the russia investigation. the judge in this case last year expressed some skepticism about the mueller investigation saying he thought prosecutors were using manafort to get to president trump. we'll see whether the manafort arguments have any influence. he's scheduled to be sentenced on thursday. evan perez, cnn, washington. meanwhile, the fallout continues from former trump fixer michael cohen's testimony from capitol hill. a democratic congressman now wants fox news host sean hannity
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to come before congress. hannity and cohen have known each other for years. on thursday he had this exchange on cohen's hush money payments. >> i can tell you personally he said to me at least a dozen times that he made the decision on the payments and he didn't tell you. >> yeah. >> told me personally. >> no, he did, and he made the decision. remember this, he's an attorney. whatever decision he makes, he's supposed to rely on an attorney to make a decision. >> sean hannity isn't the only trump person who could face the wrath of congress. our sarah murray explains. >> reporter: little known trump organization officials may face congressional scrutiny of their own after michael cohen suggested in his congressional testimony they could have knowledge of crimes.
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>> to your knowledge, did president trump ever provide inflated assets to an insurance company? >> yes. >> who else knows the president did this? >> alan wiseleberg, ron lieberman a lieberman. >> alan wiseleberg has already been swept up in this. he was granted immunity for providing information on cohen's hush money payments. trump denies those affairs. but wiseleberg's limited immunity deal doesn't guarantee he'll be spared from inquiries from congress and prosecutors looking into other matters. it could be a treasure trove of information. wiseleberg knows where all the financial bodies are buried a source previously told cnn or as trump put it in his books. he's been with me for 30 years and keeps a handle on everything. >> another man who's done a
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great job is matthew calimari. >> donald, you know i don't care for jim very much. got thonn nest with you. because -- wow, because -- i'm not doing too good. >> reporter: aside from that awkward moment in the live showing of "the apprentice" he kept a low profile. trump hired him as a security guard. he climbed the ranks to become trump's personal body guard and eventually chief operating officer. >> i've got some best people in the world. i have guys lined up, believe me. >> reporter: in his role overseeing trump's security team, calimari has used
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excessive force. the third official, ron lieberman, joined the trump administration after leaving his gig in 2007 after leaving his gig at the new york city parks and recreation. now he works with wiseleberg on financial matters. since joining the company he's helped trump land high pro fill contracts in the city. >> taxpayers spent $127 million to build trump links in a, quote, generous deal allowing president trump to keep almost every dollar that flows in on a golf course built with public funds. this doesn't seem to be the only time the president has be benefitted at the expense of the public. now parts of africa are facing a growing battle against terrorism, and we are with the u.s. military as they move in to help. that's next. plus, a community in
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the u.s. military is right now leading a major military exercise in burkina faso. >> reporter: we're at a military base in burkina faso. they're working with the local counterparts to bolster their ability to defend themselves. >> we believe they're in a tough fight and the fight is getting tougher. we are pleased to work with burkina faso. >> reporter: now the u.s.
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military has advisors here. they are working with police and military to develop their military to fight advanced terror groups linked to isis and the u.s. is cutting its forces in west africa. u.s. commanders say they are reviewing additional options, whether it's drones to protect perhaps even additional u.s. military advisors that could help burkina faso. >> first, any additional resources are put into advising, training, assisting here could make a big difference. >> reporter: but it still remains to be seen whether or not local forces can handle this diverse array of terrorist threats that are carrying outer
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or list effects and presenting real challenges to the public. ryan brown, cnn. venezuela's humanitarian and political crisis is deepening. the interim president said a transition is underway. they're gaining international support and trying to legitimize his claim to the presidency. >> translator: he is the one today making that transition costly in venezuela, not the opposition who have demonstrated their democratic, peaceful, disproportion. here we are. >> reporter: meanwhile, the u.s. has imposed visa restrictions on
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dozens of those aligned with maduro. they've slapped people with attempting to affect delivery into the nation. >> violating the rights and stealing from the venezuelan people. >> the u.s. is among more than 50 countries to now recognize him as venezuela's interim president. and evacuation orders have been lifted for some areas of california that were swamped by severe floods. cleanup efforts underway on friday. heavy rains this week caused a river to overflow flooding hundreds of homes. the flooding range has curbed the area. i live in los angeles, been a
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wet winter. >> only 2% of the state of california under drought conditions. go back three years, it was 95% of the state. what a difference storm after storm after storm makes, most particularly too much rain. digital flow from space of the russian river in sonoma county. you can see the difference between an october 2018 and late february when the flooding moved through across the area. look at the water that rolled through the curving features of the river and just the difference in the landscape there as the water poured over its banks. now with rainfall totals exceeding 20 inches, no wonder there was serious flooding. record rainfall within that area, to say the least. record rises in the russian river as well from monday to wednesday of this week. it's done well mtd fresh
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drinking water as we head into the summer months. that's eradicated our multi-year drought that we've talked about so much in the state of california. i mention that back in 2016 95% of the state was under drought conditions. now there is only 2%. mover precipitation is coming. storms line up over the next several days. rainfall measured in inches and snowfall measured in feet across the sierra nevadas. speaking of snow, but perhaps into boston. this storm system is moving through as you see. we have an expansive area of winter storm watches and advisories in place from long island into metro new york, philly, williamsport,
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pennsylvania, region. the bulk of another storm that's still developing is located into the plains and the rockies. that's our secondary system. impacting the east coast, we have a brief break. some computer models are picking up on half an inch in new york and going to boston and the cape of massachusetts. now here's a storm system as it gathers the synergy from the gulf south. perhaps across alabama, mississippi, georgia. there are a lot of democratic rallies taking place on sunday. damaging wind, hail, tornadoes. some of the coldest air we've felt in weeks, if not months, impacting the midwest, great lakes all the way to the east
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montpelier. that's not a typo anyway. start off the work week 15 degrees fahrenheit. no bueno. next, don't put away the bins winter coats yet. can't say i didn't tell you to j kin kin it's used to teach kifds about kids about things. this bleach indicator test reveals which disinfectant can leave harsh chemical residue on your food surfaces. what do you do with that? like, who's going to eat that? unlike clorox clean-up, lysol daily cleanser uses three simple ingredients to leave surfaces free from harsh chemical residue. lysol. what it takes to protect.®
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when u.s. president donald trump declared a national emergency to get his border wall funding, he described the scene of drug smugglers crossing into the u.s., but one patch of border land is actually a nature sanctuary. cnn's bill weir visits the butterfly convention fighting a wall. it's 100 pukockets. >> butterflies, it's like the movie "fantasia."
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you have to walk and talk with your hand covering your mouth so you don't suck in a butterfly. >> reporter: this is the tip of the funnel for the beautiful little migrants. like the hon narcotic which flies thousand of 340u8s them. >> the only thing she used to write about was pointing them out to school kids but these days she gets hate mail. >> i get a whole lot of [ bleep ] you. [ bleep ] your butterflies. i hope ms-13 rapes you. a lot of ignorant, awful, hateful stuff. >> for the butterfly people. living here she's used to border security. >> this is somebody from the department of defense or somebody else coming to check out the area. >> reporter: the summer after president trump took office things changed. >> they were cutting down our
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trees and mowing down vegetation and widening the road. i said, who are you and what are you doing? they said the government sent us to clear this land from here to the river for the border wall. >> the plan dowell caused by going through the middle of their property. that's what they're using west of here. >> on the national wildlife refuge. >> when they realized how devastating the enforcement zone would be to their habitat, they sued. last week they rost. >> what are you going to do now? >> i understand we will be refiling. >> reporter: i asked but the border doesn't give any information. they're arguing for 30 miles of
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new wall because the rio grande valley leads this. marianna said she's witnessed three illegal crossings in the last six years. >> we absolutely are in favor of border security. if there were a national emergency, why would i drive to work here every day? we have six children. why would they allow mom to come here. >> reporter: congressional plans would have spared this but the president's emergency order trumps all of that. >> we're watching and waiting every day to see if that machinery shows up here. >> reporter: and all the while these little guys flutter, oblivious to borders, politics,
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with no idea how fragile their future might be. bill weir, cnn, mission, texas. the private american launch company spacex has just taken a giant leap into orbit. >> 3, 2, 1. zero. ignition. liftoff. >> they successfully blasted off and expected to dock at the international space station on sunday. if all goes well the crewed mission could happen by july. the u.s. has been forced to use russian soyuz capsules to send astronauts into space. thanks for joining us. i'm nick watt.
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