tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN March 4, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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productive two days but sometimes you have to walk. and this was one of those times. >> no mention that the michael cohen hearing had anything to do with what happened during the talks because it probably didn't because we live in the real world or at least we try to keep a grip on the ridiculist. that's it for us. let's go over to chris for cuomo primetime. >> i am chris cuomo, welcome to primetime. abuse abu abuse of power. that's a scary phrase and that's where democrats are headed. what's the basis? what's the goal? we have one of the most powerful democrats on the hill. they have a list of 81 names. i'm going to get the answer and put it to the man himself.
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can he argue that this is about use of power not abuse. speaking of abuse of power, did the president try to block our parent company's new merger to pursue a vendetta. could that be an impeachable defense? what do you say? let's get after it. >> if it feels like we entered a new phase in the oversight world, that would be because we have. the head of the committee says it is clear the president committed obstruction. really? they want to call 81 trump associates including family members and organizations to hand over documents pertaining to the obstruction, corruption and abuse of power probe. this is only phase one. where does it go? let's bring in the chairman of the house democratic caucus. congressman jeffreys. good to see you. >> good to see you.
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>> thank you for taking the opportunity especially in person. >> definitely. >> so the president committed obstruction. on what basis? >> well, i think there's reason to believe he has consistently obstructed the administration of justice. you can start exhibit a being the termination of james comey who at the time was presiding over a national security investigation into whether russian spies cooperated with the trump campaign to sell out on democracy, interfere with the election and artificially put donald trump at the president. it's extraordinary to believe any president would terminate the lead investigator and donald trump did it and then indicated publicly that he did it because he was concerned about, as he called it, this russia thing. my understanding of context, tell me if i'm wrong, is that politically, looking at abuse of power makes obstruction
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something different. it makes it a pattern of behavior that you believe collectively is beneath the norm of the office. not necessarily a felony. is that a distinction you want to draw here? >> that's part of the distinction. we're looking at a broader culture of corruption. two, whether that was a pattern of abuse of power that this president engaged in. he's charged constitutionally with taking care that the laws are faithfully executed. it appears it may have been the case that he is consistently undermining the rule of law but we want to find out the answer to that question and the obstruction of justice component. not only did he fire james comey, he fired the prosecutor presiding over investigations that came to light in the southern district of new york. he fired sally yates. doesn't seem to be a reason why
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other than she was concerned about michael flynn being a russian asset. communicated that to someone at the white house and even fired jeff sessions because he was just frustrated that jeff sessions recused himself. these are all top investigations at the doj for the fbi. >> all subordinate to him and that becomes the legal difficulty. what you're looking for is political by in. how do you get it? from the republicans? 75% of your own are basically lined up here anyway because they have growing fundamental opposition to the president. i give you that, but on the other side there needs to be overwhelming evidence to get them to go against one of their own. how do you get there? >> we're commencing this investigation without having a predetermined outcome. we just want to gather the facts, apply the law, and allow the american people to make a
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decision about what has actually transpired. there's a cult of criminality that should trouble everyone. >> you're going to deal with fatigue. we just spent a year and a half. people have been juicing the outcome. we tell people not to set themselves up for disappointment with the mueller probe. but when mueller's report comes out and it's largely redacted or kept from them, people are going to be like, that was a waste. you're going to have to deal with fatigue that people will think that what you're doing is what they have already seen done. >> well, mueller's report is anchored in a national security investigation in terms of whether there was actual collusion between russian spies and the trump campaign. by the way, it does seem to me that there appears to have been a triangular relationship between russian spies that attacked our democracy,
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wikileaks and members of the trump campaign. the glue may have been roger stone. we'll see what the investigations unfold, but these are things that the american people should know. we also have a separate and co-equal responsibility as an independent branch of government to make sure that we serve as a check and balance on a potentially out of control executive branch. >> 81 people are on the list. the question will become how much is too much? how much of our time and money has been taken up by going after somebody that you just don't like that he got elected. how do you deal with that? >> first of all, with ergoing to continue to focus primarily on our for the people agenda. that's anchored around lowering health care costs with a focus on driving down the high cost of prescription drugs. already had several hearings in that area.
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you'll see legislation forth coming shortly. working on an infrastructure plan. we want to do it in a bipartisan way. this week we'll move hr-1 to clean up corruption and bring our democracy to life in the era of voter suppression. >> so you'll do both? >> absolutely. we have a responsibility to do oversight. we will do our article one constitutional responsibility. >> was michael cohen the right first foot to put forward? >> well, michael cohen was an important witness to the extent that he is closely connected to the trump organization. you have several layers of possible criminality. it's extraordinary that this is the situation we find ourselves in. >> you have probable criminality with his connection to the president. there's a strong case that he admitted to a felony. the new defense is its not real felony because he never tried it
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in court. he only admitted to it. but you know that while president trump was in office he was still part of what's going on there. it doesn't seem that republicans care. and they're like we don't believe him and this isn't that big of a deal. that's a felony. >> they could care less because they're functioning like wholly owned subsidiaries and not like those consistent with james madison's vision of the constitution so that's unfortunate. he presented evidence or reason to believe that there was tax fraud, insurance fraud, bank fraud and electoral fraud and a whole host of other things he's probably discussing with the prosecutors from the southern district of new york. >> why corey? >> he falls on a list of individuals and entities that have either been interviewed by the special prosecutor or has
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fallen within the span of individuals of interests that outside investigators want to see. so they indicated we're going to reach out to either talk to or get documents from individuals that have already produced documents. so it's not a fishing expedition but part of our own responsibilities. he obviously has something to say about what may have taken place between the trump campaign and russia. >> there's nothing specific to him. it's about getting a feel for what you're looking into as part of oversight? >> that is correct. >> listen, i make the pledge to you and on the other side as you want to discuss the issues that develop in this probe and agenda for the american people, you always have a place here to do it. i'll give you more time than anybody else. >> thank you. >> be well and thank you.
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there's lots of names that you'll recognize. corey lewandowski is not just a long name but it's the name. what case can he make for the president? do we have a fresh example of the president overstepping his office? facts and the fallout, next. ♪ hoo - want to take your next vacation to new heights? tripadvisor now lets you book over 100,000 tours, attractions, and experiences in destinations around the world like new york, from bus tours to breathtaking adventures. tripadvisor makes it easy to find and book amazing things to do. and you can cancel most bookings up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund. so you can make your next trip monumental. read reviews, check hotel prices, book things to do, tripadvisor.
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pressure the doj to intervene with the at&t time warner deal. time warner is the old name for cnn's parent company. trump is quoted saying i have been telling cohn to get this lawsuit filed and nothing has happened. i've mentioned it 50 times and nothing has happened. i want to make sure that it's filed. i want that deal blocked. meaning, once again, the president would have lied to your face when he said this -- >> i'm not going to get involved, it's litigation. >> just like the security clearances. i'll have nothing to do with it except that he had everything to do with it and he hopes you keep expecting nothing better from him. but i do. do you see that cnn logo at the bottom of the screen. it matters to me. it's a source of pride. it matters to everyone that works here for you. but i wouldn't talk about the deal if i thought there was something wrong with the deal. i would avoid it. this was a no brainer merger.
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it wasn't about the deal. for this president, that means coming after people that question him like cnn and coming to the aid of those that play for his team. like fox. a company that also happened to have a big dollar merger in the works at the same time that at&t did with the parent company. potus even congratulated fox's ceo claiming the deal would create jobs. >> the president spoke with rupert murdoch earlier today, congratulated him on the deal and thinks that, to use one of the president's favorite words, that this could be a great thing for jobs. >> now, experts in the field would say mergers like that usually create the opposite effect when it comes to job. no matter, what is definitely true is in these actions, we see this president doing exactly what he told you he would not
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do, playing to big corporations for personal game. >> i am not be holden to any special interest. nobody owns trump. >> so i'm not controlled by all of these people that control cruz, that control hillary. with me, it doesn't work that way. nobody controls me. >> nobody? tell sean hannity. the report is the new yorker article even says gary cohn told john kelly they weren't going to call the doj but it all fits a pattern of those around the president, doesn't it? having to say no to a direct order. his chief of staff sitting on orders to fire people in the white house. the secretary of defense ignoring an order to assassinate the syrian president or the white house.
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un how big a deal is a president trying to mess with a merger? several voices are saying this is a path to impeachment. i will not fan those flames. i don't see it but it does fit into a pattern. get used to the phrase abuse of power. now he's siting for that deep digging on the donald. the president may have the right to do certain things but what he does may not be right and if so it could be an abuse of power. not a crime but a contamination of his office all the same. we have that for you. there's also more big news tonight. the senate now has the votes to reject the president's national emergency. be a big blow for republicans to publicly break with him. will they stick it out? what would it mean for them and for 2020? great debate. next. -guys, i want you to meet someone.
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this is jamie. you're going to be seeing a lot more of him now. -i'm not calling him "dad." -oh, n-no. -look, [sighs] i get it. some new guy comes in helping your mom bundle and save with progressive, but hey, we're all in this together. right, champ? -i'm getting more nuggets. -how about some carrots? you don't want to ruin your dinner. -you're not my dad! -that's fair. overstepped.
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group of republicans in support of a joint resolution against president trump's national emergency. now places the president in position for having his first veto of his presidency. he could write it off as a win, but is the defection from the republican lead senate, if it happens, the first blow of many. thank you both. so mike, are they doing the right thing by voting against this national emergency on the republican side? >> i don't think so. i think it's a limited number of senators. some republicans are. the fast majority of republicans in the house and the senate and the vast majority of republicans across the country at the grass roots level want the president to do this. he's going to veto it and start building the wall and it will be yesterday's news by next week. >> i don't know, you take up the point, but i don't know that republicans want him to do it
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this way. certainly mitch mcconnell has said i did not want him to do it this way. but even if they vote a little bit against it and he vetoes it, does he get a winnie wa anyway? >> the numbers are the numbers in these situations, there are not the votes to override the veto either in the house or in the senate. what happens here is he is beginning to lose control in a significant way of the republican party. once they feel comfortable questioning the president, once they survived, they'll do it again as things move forward. people will question it that he doesn't get to dictate anymore.
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even to his own party and this will have a real ripple effect and i don't think poles indicate that they want this done. is it 40% or whatever the number is that is with the president all the time no matter what? >> you have people over the majority plus. so everybody believes that you should have physical barriers where you need them according to a need-based analysis. >> rand paul seems like the ghost of principle's past. i cannot let an executive have this type of power. i didn't want obama to have it and i don't want trump to have it. >> they're with him on the policy. a few senators care about the
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principle and president trump doesn't care about that and most of the american people don't care about it and this is why he was elected. remember when elizabeth warren had her moment in the senate and mitch mcconnell said never theless she persisted. what was going on there? she was breaking the senate rules. she was going down the floor and breaking the rules. she said i don't care about the rules. i'm going to try to be a populist. i don't care about the rules. that's the approach the president has. in his mind why did he not get something done in his agenda when he has the power to do it, when there's 60 national emergencies carried out just like this. some still in effect today because of senate rules. so there's a limited -- >> none is like this. >> nothing like this. i'm telling you, this is his perspective and why you can't extrapolate it. that's just absurd. they want the wall and they want him to do whatever it takes and he got elected to cut through washington's old rules with the
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old guard and get things done. >> it doesn't matter as long as you're doing the right thing. >> the constitutions matter and the separation of powers matter. >> did it matter with daca. >> in the case of this you're hearing republicans saying why don't you go into the department of defense budget and take money from there which would be in their eyes more clearly within his power. so no declaration of emergency has been used for something like this ever. >> for something you don't like is what that means? there's been 60 of them. >> nothing like this. it's always about seizing assets. i don't -- i try to keep it to a minimum, talking about my brothers and sisters anywhere else doing the job. i think it comes off caddie and i'm not looking for those kinds of fights but what the president
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is doing here does fold into his fox strategy. he can do something the wrong way and he will get an echo from fox and that he will magnify his message that way and go around the other lawmakers. he knows he has them to attack whoever goes against him. are you worried about that? that if mike shields comes out against the president that you have to worry about getting your butt whopped all night? >> no, i work for cnn. the base of the party, the grass roots wants something to be done and the brand of the president, when he ran for office he said i'm different. if you want another politician, you got one. hillary clinton is exactly like how everything has been done. she will follow the rules and we would just not get anything
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done. >> he said he wouldn't play to corporate interests. he took care of fox and he attacked at&t because he's playing favorites because fox is state tv. they say whatever he wants and he follows their lead. >> the majority of rank and file republicans do not support the way the president is doing this with emergency declaration. will support him in this and it is just inaccurate to say that broadly american republicans want this to happen. you're seeing it calling for the vice president that made assurances that they're not losing money from their state for defense projects.
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it's as it relates to military spending. congress and the senate spent great detail and time and to just disregard that, what national security impacts could that have? we don't know. >> at the end of the day, the president has power, how he chooses to use it is going to be a point of political scrutiny within his party and country. that's what the democrats are going at and ultimately this is the referendum by the american people. they'll either vote it up or down based on their results. >> so he raged. he swore. broke out in a sweat. i don't know what this was? modern day presidential. ♪ >> these people are sick.
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they're trying to take you out. the attorney general says i'm going to recuse myself. what's your name? sir. my name is raisin. what kind of a name? i said raisin like the fruit? >> and the reverberation hasn't ended yet. they used to celebrate conservatives. they were eating their own in that. he's also on the list for the democrats. how does he feel about both? can he make the case for the president tonight? let's see, next. ♪ hoo
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get your human to visit what would she do without me? pg&e wants you to plan ahead by mapping out escape routes and preparing a go kit, in case you need to get out quickly. for more information on how to be prepared and keep your family safe, visit >> we now know the democrats abuse of power investigation is going to reach deep into trump world. the question is whether or not they'll find enough to impact public perception and members on the other side of the aisle. my next guest is going to factor into this. corey lewandowski. welcome back.
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>> thank you, great to be back. >> you're on the list. how do you feel about it? >> i'm joined by others on the list, the government service administration, the department of justice and a number of other government agencies, so i'm not sure what they're looking for but what i can tell you, any e-mails that i had have all been turned over. i'm sure they have been gone through multiple times. i have been very candid. i have testified in front of the house committee on two separate occasions for north of 12 hours. i have testified in front of the senate committee. the members of congress have access to all the information so i'm sure if there's anything there they want to talk about -- >> you'll be open? you'll comply? >> they'll have the opportunity to review the testimony. i've been very clear that i have nothing to hide. i have been very clear. there was no collusion. no coordination between the trump campaign. >> that you knew about.
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>> if you knew what stone and manafort were doing you wouldn't say that. >> i have nothing to do with that but when i was there, i was never contacted by a government official that the obama administration was in charge of the security and integrity. i never got a phone call that said the russians are trying to hack into the campaign. >> but the fbi came to you guys and told you exactly that in july. >> chris i was gone in july. >> it's still part of the record. >> but the fbi never came to me and said paul manafort is someone we have an interest in or they're potential bad actors and if they were so concerned about that, they should have come to us and said we have come is -- some concerns. >> they did. >> not to me.
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>> you just weren't there anymore. you haven't answered everything that people wanted to talk to you about. in the beginning you were pushing back and saying you didn't want to talk about things and presidential immunity and all of this stuff. he has to alert the immunity. >> i never asked for presidential immunity. >> not immunity. the privilege. these are privileged conversations. he has to deal with that, not you. if you are asked questions, will you answer? >> i sat there for 12 hours and before i left i said i'll sit here for another four hours to answer every single one of your questions to the house intelligence committee. i said before we leave today i want to be very clear. i will sit and answer every one of your questions and i went around the room and nobody had any more questions after 12 hours of questioning. >> because you said there's areas you wouldn't talk about. that's all i'm saying. >> i said i will talk about anything that happened when i was at the campaign. of course i will. i have been very open about that and i'll do it all the time. that's my firsthand information
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is about. >> as long as you play it straight you'll be fine and we'll police it because there's no reason for overreach on any level. let me ask you about a couple of other things. if they vote against the president's national declaration of emergency, what does that mean? >> it means the president is going to veto it they don't have the votes in the house or the senate to override the president's veto and it's very common for congress to send them -- >> this would be the first. >> but to be fair barrack obama didn't have any vetoes in his first two years either because he had a democratic controlled congress. once the republicans took over that's when the vetoes happened because that's what happens in a congress that's not all governed or controlled by one party. >> so you don't think it's an expression that he's doing this the wrong way.
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you want to build the wall, you want to build more fencing, fine, whether the situation justifies it or not, that's a political debate but don't do it this way. this isn't what the law was for. you said it yourself, it's not an emergency. >> what we're looking at is a very small amount that the national emergency is going to be able to access. most is drug forfeiture money. so it's the last $3 billion that the president is going to declare the national emergency for and i believe, and i could be wrong, it doesn't happen often, but maybe tonight that the democrats have already filed suit to stop him from doing this so if that's the case, ultimately this he side in the court somewhere and they'll make the decision if he has the authority to do it but i believe under the constitution, it's been used 58 or 59 times. >> never for this. that's why mitch mcconnell said don't do it this way. >> don't forget barrack obama used declaration of an emergency when 12 people died from the
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swine flu. that's a fact. many more people have died from people coming across the border illegally than 12 people. >> but that's not the standard. it's usually about freezing assets and doing quick things where the president has to mobilize the power of the purse to get something done in the moment and then report to congress and return it to them. this is not an urgency. there's no epidemic of flu. >> barrack obama determined that 12 people dying from swine flu was enough to declare a national emergency. >> thousands are people are not dying because there is no wall. just because these people have come across illegally and they have done wrong things doesn't mean that you're a wall away from fixing it and i got a news flash for you. there will be a reckoning about what the reality is on the border and why it is that way and why it is not and we're
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going to see these people are not asking for a wall to fix what their biggest problems are. let me ask you about one other thing. the big story in the new york to me is not news. great reporting. great reporting but not news. this tv outlet, state tv as i call them, fox in primetime, they say the president does. i've never seen anything like it. that's why i see sean hannity, never seen power like that in the media. the president does what he says. are you worried about that? >> let's go back and point out the facts. bill bradley was the go to source. the deputy national security adviser under the obama administration, his brother is the president of cbs news. so let's not point out -- >> my brother is the governor of new york. those are all individual cases. it's not a systemic effort of an
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entire network to attack other journalists -- >> are you saying that -- chris, are we saying that cbs news didn't get special access to barrack obama because the deputy national security advisers brother was the president, of course they did. >> not like with fox. >> of course they did. >> not like with fox. he gives them all the interviews. he gives just a hand full to anybody else. >> this president has been more accessible to the media than -- >> that's poppycock. he won't even come on cnn. he only goes where he gets a pat on the back and that's fine for a politician to seek safe warm waters. that's what they do. fine. but for an entire organization to reward that, that's different. >> i don't think it's an entire organization. he's very critical of this president. >> it's not an entire network. >> you're picking individuals to make a case against the general
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from a management perspective. i know shep, i respect his work. there's a whole host of people that people don't even know that well. but in primetime tv and from a management perspective, they are pawns for this president and you know it and you guys went crazy when one of our contributors gave questions and topic areas, whatever you want to call it before a town hall where there is no opponent to hillary clinton. you went nuts and i agree. now you find out fox gave debate questions to donald trump, silence. come on. >> i don't know when they gave him a debate question. i was never there. >> you can say that you didn't know that they did that. you cannot say it didn't happen.
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read the reporting. >> i did the debate prep for 12 presidential primary debates. fox news did not give us one question. that's a fact. the reporter is wrong. the report goes on to say that sean hannity and bill shine, their kids are each others god parents or whatever. that's also not true. so let's not take every word that's in the new yorker to be factually accurate and as you know, you have relationships with people that you work with so it makes sense that you'd have a relationship outside of the workspace. >> i have no problem with them being close and feeling like brothers. they work together. i have no problem with it. i'm talking about from a management perspective, what they do there is something that we have never seen before with their primetime line-up. >> we've seen it on the other side. they have made their living and their network the i hate donald trump network. that's a fact. their primetime anchors all hate
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donald trump. they don't have conservatives on. there's not one conservative on msnbc who has a television show to give the other side. they made that strategic decision. >> who's the democrat in primetime over there? >> rachel maddow. you don't think she's a registered democrat? >> i'm talking about on fox? where is the center perspective? where's the regular republican perspective in their primetime line-up? let's leave it there. >> networks choose to do it for ratings is what they do. msnbc, cnn, they all do it. it's just fox does it on the conservative side to be a balance. >> i disagree. you have to have both sides. that's why i have you here. i have the left here. maybe that's why i don't rate here. i should pick a side like everybody else. >> you're going to do just fine. >> corey, be well.
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thank you for making the case. i appreciate it. so should the audience. >> three big questions on everyone's mind tonight, at least on mine, okay, the president and the investigations that are hounding him, i got a new segment for you. i want to try it. tell me what you think. come at me on twitter. i'm going to get you answers to three big questions that i think are central to a common concern, next. our hot tub? lobster: oh, you guys. there's a jet! oh...i needed this. no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on our car insurance with geico. we could have been doing this a long time ago. so, you guys staying at the hotel? yeah, we just got married. oh ho-ho! congratulations! thank you. yeah, i'm afraid of commitment... and being boiled alive. oh, shoot. believe it. geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance. that guy's the worst.
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those kinds of tactics, how does that play into what the best and worst scenario is. >> it's a great question. the big picture we have to keep in mind is that the best case scenario for the mueller investigation, for the southern district of new york and investigations into donald trump is that they don't find anything. we don't want to be in a situation where we find he's an active agent of russian intelligence. i think the flip side of that is that if there is evidence of guilt, what it needs to be, and you and i were talking about this last week, it needs to be not a single interest but pattern of corruption and conspiracy stretching over a long period of time.
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>> i don't see it on the prosecutorial side. i'm happy to be wrong. we'll see what happens when we learn more. but they don't have the same standards for so when you look at the democrats' oversight, in light of where they say they're heading, what's the plus/minus on that? >> the plus/minus is they do have this different burden of proof. their challenge is can they identify political problems? are there things short of a federal felony that are things we don't want to be put of our democratic system, that we don't want to be behavior that candidates engaged in campaigns for public office are engaged in. and i think that it's clear that donald trump has already crossed that line and that some of what jerry nadler is talking about as he launches this investigation. if we already have- >> i told people, abuse of power. that's what you're going to hear on the congressional side. it's not a crime. it's about a standard of behavior. all right. the last one. i hate to put you on the spot.
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we both know that's a lie. i love it. the idea of what do you think -- what do you think the category will be that holds the biggest thing that comes out of the mueller report? >> i think we are going to see one more indictment, at least one more round of indictments coming out of this, in part because bob mueller -- the only thing that he absolutely controls is what comes out in the court filings. you know, whatever report he turns over to the attorney general that then the attorney general decides what to turn over to congress, mueller doesn't necessarily control that. what he controls is the court filing and the underlying indictment. and i think it's clear he's been saving material, dealing with conspiracy, dealing with communication between russia, between wikileaks and the trump campaign, and i think we're going to see that come out in a final investigation probably with a charge of conspiracy
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against the united states or conspiracy to defraud. >> that would be a gutsy call by him and certainly a gutsy call by you. garrett graff, thank you very much. conspiracy is the crime. collusion is a behavior. collusion is a behavior. they get you for conspiracy. now you got a problem. all right. the good news today, we see a handful of republicans willing to stand up for what they've always said they believe in. that's what this national emergency vote is about. it's about principle versus politics. what choice are they going to make? i have an argument about what should happen and what will, next. over a hundred thousand tours, attractions, and experiences in destinations around the world! like new york! from bus tours, to breathtaking adventures, tripadvisor makes it easy to find and book amazing things to do. and you can cancel most bookings up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund. so you can make your next trip... monumental!
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want more from your entejust say teach me more. into your xfinice remote to discover all sorts of tips and tricks in x1. can i find my wifi password? just ask. [ ding ] show me my wifi password. hey now! [ ding ] you can even troubleshoot, learn new voice commands and much more. clean my daughter's room. [ ding ] oh, it won't do that. welp, someone should. just say "teach me more" into your voice remote and see how you can have an even better x1 experience. simple. easy. awesome. the magic number is 12. 12 days or less, and we will know. here's the question. will the gop muscle up and vote against an emergency declaration that they can argue is not in keeping with the statute at play and that is a huge insult to
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their long-stated notion of separation of powers? remember how daca outraged them? now this is different. there's a statute created here to allow for the president to declare an emergency. but that statute never contemplated, has never been used to do anything like what this president is trying. everybody knows it. but what will they do? we're now at four gopers, who say it's too much to swallow. rapid paul, susan collins, lisa murkowski, and thom tillis. why isn't that four four times that? they would have gone bananas if you changed the "r" to a "d" after the president's name. remember what righties like rand paul said about obama and daca? listen. >> the president acts like he's a king. he ignores the constitution. he arrogantly says, if congress will not act, then i must. >> okay. so he knows it applies right now every bit as much. and you know what? he owned it. i would literally lose my
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political soul, he said, if i decided to treat president trump different than president obama. but there are a lot of soulless folks running around, aren't there? that's why so many hate this game, so many of you, because it is a game. it's about positioning, not principle. being brazen, not truly brave. do these men and women really fear the president more than they fear surrendering what they used to say mattered most? this president answered that question with a smile and a stare. >> i really think that republicans that vote against border security and the wall, i think, you know -- i've been okay at predicting things. i think they put themselves at great jeopardy. >> he could be right. i'm not telling anybody what to do. that's the job for the folks over on state tv, you know, the ones who do tell the president and his pawns what to do and they listen and follow it. i'm just forcing the issue of going at people for not doing
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what they say their principles are. the problem, however, is going to be bigger than just a simple "no" vote. even if the four senators stand strong, so will potus. he sees a win in this. he's going to go for it. he's not burdened by principle. he knows he's fighting against weak opponents. they fear him. he knows it. he's going to veto. then it would tyke a two-thirds override. think about this for a second. we can't get 67% of the house and senate to agree about separation of powers. they know what this is. they know it's a power grab. they know it's an abuse of the statute as drafted, intended, and exercised in the past. an emergency that the president said is not an emergency. 67%. you barely pass a test with that grade, and it will likely show all those accept the most ardent trumpers that the gop has once again failed to stand up for its stated principles. and in doing that, it will also
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reinforce a bigger decay, the disaffecti disaffection corroding our political culture. people hate the process, and increasingly they think so little of the people in it that they elected a president whom they knew checked very few, if any, boxes of good character. why? because they don't think those traits matter anymore. they actually preferred to send someone to washington in large part because he seemed to despise the same people and things they do, and he promised to disrupt. and much of that tweaks the media about this president's bombast and abuse of truth and decency, but all of that actually comes across to his supporters as him fighting the bad guys on their own terms. so that's where we are. that's the real deal. and right now we are living a moment that matters. 12 days. the vote has to happen by statute. old mitch mcconnell doesn't like it. he doesn't like the president doing this.
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he knows he's asking for a democrat to force an emergency on him sooner or later. but he can't work his magic and find out a way to bring this vote, so what will they do? this moment is going to tell us a lot. i hope we're surprised. i hope the outcome doesn't just meet our lowest expectations. we all know it's way past time to show that we can be better than how we are right now. is this the moment that righteousness recovers? we'll see. all right. let's see something else. how about a bonus hour of cuomo "prime time"? democrats coming after the president in a way we have not seen before. casting a wide net over trump world today. what are they looking for? how far do they plan to go? we've got a key lawmaker here. what can he tell us? and what about that deadline? wasn't today the day the white house was supposed to get back to the oversight committee on security clearances? did
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