tv Inside Politics CNN March 20, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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oh, it won't do that. welp, someone should. just say "teach me more" into your voice remote and see how you can have an even better x1 experience. simple. easy. awesome. ♪ ♪ welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. thank you for sharing your day with us. president trump about to leave the white house for ohio. a state essential to his re-election road map. they'll celebrate a boost at an army tank factory and at gm that the president promised would not close. beto o'rourke hits new hampshire in detail with early fund-raising success. our early cnn poll says he starts in a solid position any kamala harris gets a decent
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bump, too. maybe kim and kanye can mediate this one. the president says kellyanne conway's husband is a loser and he says the president is nuts and she says it wasn't always this messy. >> george was so excited, literally crying with joy in his maga hat on election night and so in that way, he's changed. he's changed his opinion on, i guess, matters over the presidency and i haven't and donald trump hasn't. >> we'll get to the reality tv part of the show in a moment, but we begin with jobs in politics. president trump getting an early taste of the 2020 climate today, leaving shortly just a few moments from now to leave the white house for a trip to ohio. it's his tenth visit to the state since he was elected president and as he looks to cement ohio, a public feud with general motors is front and center. ohio's economy overall is quite strong, but there are pockets of
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concern. look at today's columbus dispatch who frames it this way, struc trump heads to a gm plant, possible military cut, he is delivers to boost the military might and those promises work together when it comes to manufacturing. we could hear from the president as he leaves the white house. we'll bring you that as it happens and here to share their reporting and their insights. politico's ileana johnson. cnn's michael warren and sung kim of the washington post. it's an interesting challenge and we focus the democrats because they've been so active on the campaign trail. here goes the president to the middle of the country to a state that's absolutely essential and you see the tensions in the map, if you will, and if you look at the overall numbers ohio is looking great and if you look at
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pocket. >> the president's visit to ohio, there is an internal debate over whether to impose auto tariffs and that's something central to the people of ohio. senator rob portman of ohio who is in ohio today likely to be with the president pressing him not to do this and something that could really affect the economy of ohio if the president chooses to do it. >> you have some reporting on this, exclusive reporting about an internal white house report. we know the president's insight on trade. the u.s. gets the short end and he doesn't like tariffs. in this case, he would be standing up to the europeans. every automaker would be impacted in some way, shape or form. if he just assumed that we would declare a national security threat and the president imposes broad, sweeping import tariffs you would see them increase from 2,000 to $7,000.
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more than anything the country likes certainty and predictability and they're just not finding much these days. they don't want to have to have every month a change. >> the point auto executives make is there's no such thing as an all-american car. american cars use foreign parts and foreign cars use american parts. so american brand cars are going to feel it if the president imposes tariffs on foreign car manufacturers, and there's a lot of anxiety given the uncertainty about what the president will do and a lot of republican senators, i think potentially setting up another big clash between republican lawmakers and the white house if the president decides to do this. >> it's still a free trade party, and that's certainly reflected in the u.s. senate, but the rank and file of the party is sort of less free trade than the elites of the party which trump certainly taps into, but this is like one of the few domestic issues where this
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president really does have a deep conviction since the start of his presidency he's been asking his advisers, as you know, where are my tariffs? where are my tariffs? he wants to impose tariffs and there's been this fight to stop him from both capitol hill and from his more international advisors since day one and they've fended him off for the most part. can they keep fending him off through 2020 and keep him from doing what he really wants to do which is impose tariffs? >> one of the arguments that the republican establishment would make is mr. president, you have a pretty good deal right now. you can go out to the states and all of the battleground states key to his map and the unemployment rate is down, it's down nationally in each of those states. look at ohio right now. since the president took office, construction adding almost 13,000 job, manufacturing adding 17,000 jobs and auto industry down 400 net ones and let's show you that in more detail. if you're a democrat you say mr. president, you promised to keep those jobs and it went down and it jumped back up and now it's
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down a little bit. net it's up since the administration. overall there are pockets of stress and a lot of farming in ohio. it's a big, diverse state that's what makes it so interesting. overall, the president has a pretty good story to tell. >> it does suggest an inherrent weakness of the president's case for himself. remember, ohio in 2018 overperformed republicans did there than they did throughout the rest of the country. this again, should be a place where the president should be strong. this is sort of the bull work for him, not like the other midwestern sites like pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin and yet this is where he's going first. it does sort of suggest that his team really does understand that he's in a weird way, really on defense even in places where republicans seem to be strong. politically this divide within the old party and the free trade side of the party and the workers, the sort of new trumpian side of the party. i talked several months ago with the south carolina republican when trump first talked about
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adding tariffs to german cars. bmw has a big plant there. i asked this republican, aren't the workers concerned? there's a lot of manufacturing in south carolina that is dependent on this and could go away. those workers, they listen to talk radio and they watch fox news and they're trump fans and there's a base of the party and trump's era and which is the old party. >> speaking of michigan, there are clear warning signs if you look at public polling for the president in that state which he obviously won narrowly in 2016. 49% of michigan voters said they would definitely not vote for trump this time. that is not a number that you want to see at this point and granted, things could change with the ebb and flow of the economy and on the economy it could have been a blip in the trend, but the jobs numbers that were released earlier this month when the economy only created 20,000 jobs last month. it's something that i'm sure the white house is watching very closely. >> you have the mix in the data. here's one thing, he'll be in ohio which is the home of former
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governor john kasich. one of the republicans who says he may or may not challenge the president in the primaries. good luck with that in the sense that it's almost impossible based on any data that you see today to beat the president. the question is do you run a campaign to make a point about how we should be for trade or the nato alliance and what is the party going to look like after trump? in our new poll, yesterday we told you 71% of the americans think the economy is doing good. that's a 20-year high. that's a 20-year high and that's good news for an incumbent president and y there are issues. the percentage of americans who say they're proud donald trump is their president goes up in our poll and driven by this. more republicans now say it and more republican-leaning independents. independents who lean republican say in the sense that whether they've just gotten use -- those are the voters who in 2018 in some of the suburbs ran from the president and they don't like the tweets and him attacking john mccain. they're getting used to it or comfortable with it or decided
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to keep it. >> i think it's a fourth thing. i think that is a reflection of their views on the democratic opposition. >> right. >> i think that that's driven by speaker nancy pelosi and the ascent of a new, much more outspoken, progressive left, and i think it's a reaction more to that than anything affirmative about the president. it's the fact that my contempt/unease with the other side is growing. >> negative partisanship. >> they won the first time, too. it wasn't that people liked him. it was that they preferred him to hillary clinton. john, on the matter of a primary challenge, the president is very unlikely to be defeated in a primary, but it's an issue of resources for trump. the trump campaign doesn't want to have to expend financial or energy resources batting down a primary challenge. they have an enormous advantage over the democratic competition right now in terms of money. and they simply don't want to be spending that defeating a republican primary.
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>> to your point -- >> you don't have to be an incumbent to hurt an incumbent and george w. bush and they faced internal primary challenges that caused wounds. >> i'm fascinated to see the president in ohio today to the point does he focus on the strong economy. does he stay focused and does he do the other trumpian thinks that got him elected? >> george conway tweets. >> we'll get to that. >> up next, democratic voters show the latest thought in the 2020 horse race in the new cnn poll. first, the house speaker not thrilled to be giving a play-by-play of who's jumping into the race. >> madam speaker, since you talked about so many presidents, how do you feel about bill de blasio running for president? [ laughter ] >> i think the mayor is serious about it, but when he makes his announcement then i'll answer your question. thank you. >> well handled. at&t provides edge-to-edge intelligence, covering virtually every part of your manufacturing business.
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we have some new early numbers today in the democratic race in 2020 for the democratic nomination, and a bit of a warning sign for one of the candidates near the top of the pack. let's take a look first at the numbers. we asked democrat voters and democratic-leaning independents who do you want for president? joe biden still on top and senator harris has jumped up since he got into the race and been active campaigning. beto o'rourke, his brand helping him. elizabeth warren. john kerry hasn't ruled it out. not sure how cory booker and amy klobuchar feel about coming behind kerry. senator harris up from 10% to 12%, why? ten points among those who say they're liberals and nine points for women and a good introduction, if you will, and a bit of a bump for her in the early weeks of her campaigning. a bit of a warning sign here for
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bernie sanders. he's second in the national poll, but 33% of democrats say the party would be better off with sanders as the nominee. 56% say better off with somebody else and concerns about his electability and we expect joe biden to get in soon. the party would be better off with joe biden, about four in ten. some doubts there still about joe biden. he would enter the race as a front runner and he would have to answer those democrats there and what do democrats care about most? nearly six and ten. 56% say a strong chance of beating the incumbent president trump and most important is that the candidate shares their positions or their values on the issues and all of the democratic candidates know this any the party wants to beat trump defining just how they might do that. >> the reality is when you take one look at me, my face is my message. a lot of this is simply the idea that we need generational change, that we need more voices stepping up from the generation that has so much at stake in the
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decisions that are being made right now. >> the represent why i'm going to beat president trump is this, my story. i won that campaign by a 24-point margin. [ cheers and applause ] so the reason why i will defeat president trump is my entire time in congress i have chosen to bring people together. i have chosen to reach across the aisle, to get things done. >> it's early. one of the things i'll repeat like a broken record, don't invest in the horse race numbers so much in the poll, but who is moving up and who is moving down? if you're senator harris you have to feel good about that, if you're beto o'rourke, you have to think okay, i started 11% and that's pretty good and that's his brand from 2018. what about the warning sign from bernie sanders? second in the national poll and he has a dedicated base of supporters and a lot of the party worried about the electability issue and how do you deal with that? >> i think the candidates in the
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race, he is somebody that the most people in the party would have a difficult time with as their nominee. i think he knows that, and i think that's part of the reason why in his stump speech now john, he is saying whoever is the party nominee i will support. it's important that we beat donald trump and that's not an accident that he's including that in his stump speech, but look, there are still raw feelings if 2016 that are left over and especially among the more kind of elite-level operatives and activists and the folks hyperengaged in politics. they do not like him. they don't like his campaign and they would rather him not be the nominee. it's not just his policies and there's concern about that and they don't like the fact that he's a democrat and how the race against hillary clinton went. i don't know if that's fixable among some voters. not all voters, and some votersing nevvoters and that's reflected in your poll. >> i think it's striking how relatively soft support for
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sanders and biden who seem to be at the top of these polls it wasn't based on name recognition. the people when all democrats and all americans really know. i think those are very encouraging numbers for kamala harris who is all over tv and i think they had a really tight role out of that campaign and as you say, beto o'rourke, the political twitter sphere sort of bashed that rollout, but those fund-raising numbers that he released and that right there suggests he's got a lot of that heart candidate stats. >> even as i agree with you, kamala harris has seen the name recognition and he's running with ted cruz last year and the challenge is to keep it. she's moving up and that's good for her and the question is can you keep it? you mentioned beto o'rourke and he's made his way to new hampshire and a supporter confronted him and said i want to know about your fund-raising. so today beto o'rourke answered the question. >> as you know, we were so fortunate to receive so much
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help in the first 24 hours of this campaign. more than 128,000 unique contributions made in the first 24 hours from every state in the country. $47 was the average contribution. all of it came from people. not a dime from pacs or lobbyists. we've had more donations since then, and i do not know what that total is. we'll obviously be filing by the filing deadline and at that point we'll make that information public. >> just a little bit of comparison here because he's proving he has a grassroots fund-raising base. he raised 6.1 million in the first 24 hours from 128,000 individuals and 47. you look at bernie sanders who raised about the same amount from more people, smaller contributions, more people so bernie sanders has that carryover, if you will from 2016, but that's pretty impressive for beto o'rourke right out of the box there so it proves a lot of democrats saying
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oh, come on, it proves number one people were not giving to beat ted cruz. >> they like this guy and they're always running against democrats and they're giving him money. >> he has the broad base of grassroots support that he's been able to use the first day and some of the one-day fund-raising totals or some of the other candidates topped 1 million, but 6 million is a remarkable number right out of the gate. >> you sometimes talk about how the twitter world, forgive me twitter world, it's wrong about real america. they did great reports and looking at things he said in his prior campaigns and here are a couple of things from 2012, can he sell this? in today's primary electorate, he's running for -- >> ted cruz. are cuts important over the long term? absolutely. you have kids, i have kids and every dollar they pay in in taxes is going right to china or someone else who is financing our extravagant government.
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there is a deficit concern from a democrat. march 2012, there are places we have to look at reorganizing and cutting. we really don't have a choice. we need to elect people who will go up there and make some tough choices. you can imagine bill clinton saying those things can you imagine a democrat saying can you sell that? >> it's not just beto. he will have a difficult time selling that, but we've seen several of these candidates have to reckon with things they've said previously and apologize for them so i think it will be interesting to see whether he stands by that or whether he is forced actually to pull back from the sort of moderate-sounding noises that he's made. >> to your point about the difference between twitter world and the real world, you can also see that being very well received among the actual democratic base. the backbone of the democratic party. african-american women form that and that's an important constituency, the bernie-bro stereotype. very loud on twitter and very
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loud on the internet and they'll be angry about that kind of thing and you'd better believe they're going to bring that up, but -- it is still bill clinton's democratic party, as well. there is a level -- >> not so sure, but that's what makes 2020 so fascinating and the challenge for beto o'rourke. >> it's barack obama's democrat party. but if -- say beto o'rourke holds his ground and says yes, i mean that. the question is this is going to be where the debates matter. someone will turn and say what would you cut? are you talking about food stamps? are you talking about educatin? that's where the rubber will meet the road. >> that hasn't been his posture thus far out campaigning. out campaigning, he's been saying to voters, you tell me. he hasn't been adamant on policy position. so it will be interesting to see moving forward how concrete he is about the policy positions that he holds. he will have to be at some point. >> speaking of people who will have to explain their past actions and policy positions
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where joe biden is definitely at the top of the list, the anita hill hearings and past comments on desegregation. there may be renewed looks at just some of the policies of the obama administration and thinking about the comments that the congresswoman made a few weeks ago to politico magazine when she criticized president trump for its immigration policies and the drone strike policies. if and when vice president biden gets into the race he's going to be the candidate that's most closely associated with the policies and it will be interesting to see how the rising left should react for that. >> we shouldn't wait for the summer for the debates. >> just real fast to that point, i think the constituency in the democratic primary that's gettable will not be anti-obama. the folks that look back at the obama years with regret are in a se certain candidate's column and that's a junior senator from vermont and they're not leaving that column. the other 70% of the gettable
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primary voters look back with great admiration for the obama years and they chiefly want to win. that's the overriding litmus test they hear on the campaign trail is we want to win. >> if you look at those numbers and it's a national poll and it's early, but ifio look at the number, biden and sanders are holding so much that if you're down below and you want to grow, that's where it has to come from. you make the dedication of the bernie supporters and we'll see if he can keep them and we're waiting on an official word from joe. cnn holds another town hall with john hickenlooper, the former colorado governor and that's at 10:00 p.m. eastern on cnn and before we go to break, candidate kirsten gillibrand gets in on the joke. remember the iowan who squeezed by to get some ranch dressing? she asked followers if they like her new shirt. look closely. just trying to get some ranch. let's see, aleve is proven better on pain
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simple. easy. awesome. stay connected with the best wifi experience and two-hour appointment windows. click, call or visit a store today. the president's about to leave the white house for ohio. he's outside the belling talking to reporters and taking questions. he had a big chat and we'll see what that was all about and we'll bring you that as soon as we can and he also has a starring role in keeping up with the conways. the big guest appearance. president trump standing firm with his top aide kellyanne
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conway that he is a stone cold loser, husband from hell and very jealous of his wife's success. george conway firing back saying you are nuts. she loves and he hates the president drama is not new, but it escalated this week after george conway questioned the president's mental health tweeting pages from the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. those kinds of tweets are done so, quote, i don't end up screaming at kellyanne about it. so you air your laundry on twitter so you don't ruin dinner with the kids, i guess. somebody help me. >> all of us in the media who have covered what we call normal presidents in the past we look at these things as sideshows and we say where is the president focusing on this when he could be focusing on substantive issue, but for this president, this is his substance. this is a thing that he enjoys. he likes putting himself in the middle of personal feuds.
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he did it with the was the nfl national anthem controversy where people were befuddled a cd kind of stuff, this is why is people say this is not a president, i have a busy life. why is he doing this? doesn't he have better things to do with his time? he's not politically correct, and he makes media mad and this is why people love him. >> the problem there is that's why 35% to 40% of the country loves him and that's why he keeps that base because yeah, they delight in the fact that he gives it to the msm, and he, you know, torches people who come at him, but the problem is that the actual up for grabs electorate resents this kind of conduct, and by the way, those voters may be gettable on policy and they may like the direction of the country in a lot of ways, but his conduct overwhelms the policy and that's why they've lost 40 seats in the house and
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there was a rejection of the president acting in abhorrent ways. i think a lot of his folks know that, but there's nothing they can do and they can't get him off twitter. >> some people would say why are you getting involved in this and there's dysfunction in this relationship which i can't explain. she does work for the president and she does answer about it, and that makes it fair game. what is george conway trying to prove with this one. as to the white house complaints she's trading off her fame. i made it possible for her to be where she is today. so there's that. it's not about jealousy. it's about reality. george conway is an accomplished attorney, but kellyanne conway has worked for years as a pollster in the party. she's worked her way up and was key to the president's campaign. if you don't like the president and maybe you don't like kellyanne conway, but she has proven herself. where is he getting off i made it possible for her to be where she is today? >> i don't like to comment on other people's marriages, and it's a private thing even though
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this is all in public. i will say i'm struck by a lot of people comment on how the president brings supporters of his sort of to his level, down to his level, and what i'm struck by here is he did the same thing with opponents, as well. just a week and a half ago i was at an event with george conway, his group of conservative lawyers who are concerned about the checks and balances and the threats to that from the trump administration. he's talking about substance and what is he talking about a week and a half later? he's talking about the president's mental health and getting into a twitter spat with him. nobody looks good. >> so here, this is raised by brit hume who was covering the white house and he moved on to a successful career at fox news tweeting today, why the president of the united states gets involved with petty disputes with someone most americans have never heard of is beyond me and the same goes for the continuing feud with the late john mccain. why bother? >> i saw that, john, and i have to say, a sharp analyst, he knows the answer. why is he even asking the questions two and a half years
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in or really going now, if you go back to june of '15, going on four years into the trump candidacy and trump presidency and we know the answer as ileana pointed out, this is the main event. it's not a sideshow. he revels in personal back and forth and leaving no slight, real or perceived unanswer and that's what he wants to do because that gets him press coverage which is ultimately what drives him. >> to your point, we don't have the tape yet because the president is still talking and he moments ago as we were having this conversation called george conway as he was speaking to reporters, a quote, whack job. >> again, so it continues. we expect it to continue, and while jane makes the point that this is the main event, we also have to step back and think it is really quite stunning that the president of the united states keeps attacking a deceased senator and a deceased war hero that is very -- >> no question about it. >> held in high regard by the
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american people on twitter and you are trying to see senate republicans push back a little bit and lindsay graham gave a half-hearted defense of that earlier this week, and senator johnny isakson who i am going to be really watching this afternoon when he talks about his defense of john mccain and the president's rhetoric. he is a guy who chooses when he talks and when he talks -- >> he is not known as a troublemaker in the party, but he's speaking out here and he gave an interview in which he said, look, i get the president and above all else we respect those who rose up and fought for this country and i'm being polite to lindsay graham and it is interesting to see how much there will be from republicans and i suspect it will be from people from utah and mitt romney and he's on safe ground criticizing the president and johnny isakson, and i don't think he'll run again and you will see who has the courage, john cornyn, and members listening. >> facing a 2020 primary.
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i switched to geico and saved hundreds. that's a win. but it's not the only reason i switched. geico's a company i can trust, with over 75 years of great savings and service. ♪ now that's a win-win. switch to geico. it's a win-win. topping our political radar today, senator bernie sanders, new senior adviser and speechwriter is already under fire. david cerota had been officially hired and during that trial period he slammed rivals on twitter despite sanders' call for more stability. he also deleted some 20,000 tweets just before his official hiring was announced.
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he is not responding to cnn's request for comment. >> it should be campaign 101 after 2016, right? protect your e-mails from hackers. a new analysis exclusive to cnn finds most of the 2020 contenders haven't stopped the bake standard to blook them. only four of the 14 democrats running for pruz use basic e-mail protections to block spoofed links. you might remember john podesta accidentally granted russian hackers to his e-mail via a spoofed link. the democratic presidential candidate says it's important, she think, to make every vote count and here's what two other 2020 presidential candidates think of that plan. >> would you support getting rid of the electoral college? >> absolutely. it's got to go. >> if i were starting to scratch, absolutely i wouldn't have the electoral college system. i'm as mad as anyone about what
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happened last election that secretary clinton got more votes and isn't our president, bii just think it's not going to change. >> an interesting debate. why? why do the democrats want to talk about this? >> it's -- i'm -- it's being talked about among democratic activists. this is the big issue whether it's this and whether it's talking about backing the supreme court. it's something that's sort of bubbling up and all of these candidates are trying to grab on to something to give them the distinction that they sort of speak for the left grassroots. >> yeah. i find the nature of the base willing to be more aggressive and just ripping up these structures and the rules of how things have been interesting to watch. another area clearly is getting rid of the filibuster and that's been a clear dividing point between the non-senators in the race and the senator, but you can see some of the democratic senators who had pledged to support the 60-vote threshold for the filibuster to open the
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door a little bit so that is more interesting. >> it's another parallel between what you saw bubble up and the republican base in 2016 which was the distrust and institutions and a desire to reform them whether it was the police or the supreme court or congress as a whole. trump was able to tramp into that successfully, and i think you're seeing that on the democratic side this time including in some freshmen lawmakers like ilhan omar who said i don't really care that you're the speaker of the huous. that doesn't mean all that much to me. >> everyone is challenging institutions and the president is challenging institutions and we will hear from the president in less than a minute. he tweeted out, sorry, democrats, i used to be in favor of getting rid of the electoral college, not anymore. wonder why, right? >> that actually gets to the point i was going to make. they've now twice lost the presidency in the last two decades after winning the popular vote. that focus is the mind. two overriding things, trump has
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expanded the sense of possibility among democratic activists in the country. if he could be elected president of the united states we should be more ambitious on policy and process. second of all, we are in the process primary season and what do i mean by that -- >> sorry to interrupt. here is the president of the united states. >> no collusion. i have no idea when it will be released. it's interesting that a man get appointed by a deputy and he writes a report, you know, never figured that one out. man gets appointed by a deputy and he writes a report. i had the greatest electoral victory, one of the history in the country. tremendous success. tens of millions of voters and now someone will write a report who never got a vote. we'll see what the report says. let's see if it's fair. i have no idea when it's going to be released. [ inaudible question ] >> no, no, in syria, we're leafing 200 people there and 200
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people in another place in syria closer to israel for a period of time. i brought this out for you because this is a map of everything in the red -- this was on election night in 2016. everything red is isis. when i took it over it was a mess. now on the bottom, that's the exact same. there is no red. in fact, there's actually a tiny spot which will be gone by tonight. so that's isis, red right there and the bottom one is how it is today. this just came out 20 minutes ago. so this is isis on election day, my election day and this is isis now. so that's the way it goes. [ inaudible question ]
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>> i don't mind. i mean, frankly, i told the house if you want let them see it. again, i say, a deputy, because of the fact that the attorney general didn't have the courage to do it himself, a deputy that's appointed appoints another man to write a report. i just won an election with 63 million votes or so. 63 million. i had 206 to 223 in the electoral college. 306 to 223, and i'm saying to myself, wait a minute, i just won one of the greatest elections of all time in the history of this country, and even you will admit that and now i have someone writing a report that never got a vote? it's called the mueller report. so explain that because my voters don't get it, and i don't get it. now at the same time, let it come out. let people see it. that's up to the attorney general. we have a very good attorney
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general and he's a very highly respected man and we'll see what happens, but it's sort of interesting that a man out of the blue just writes a report. i have 306 electoral votes against 223. that's a tremendous victory. i've got 63 million more. i've got 63 million votes, and now somebody just writes a report. i think it's ridiculous, but i want to see the report, and you know who wants to see it? tens of millions of people that love the fact that we have the greatest economy we've ever had. i'm going to ohio right now and they're going to close the plant and it's where they make the tanks and it was going to be closed and i stopped them from closing it and now it's thriving and doing great, and the people of ohio, they like trump because i've done a great job in ohio and i've done a great job all over the country and that's what the people want to hear. [ inaudible question ]
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>> i know nothing about it. i know that he's conflicted, and i know that his best friend is comey who is a bad cop, and i know that there are other things, obviously, i had a business transaction with him that i've reported many times that you people don't talk about, but i had a nasty business transaction with him and other things. i know that he put 13 highly conflicted and you know, very angry -- i call them very democrats in. now let's see whether or not it's legit. you know better than anybody, there's no collusion. there was no collusion. there was no obstruction. there was no nothing, but it's sort of an amazing thing that when you have a great victory, somebody comes in, does the report out of nowhere. tell me how that makes sense, who never got a vote. who the day before he was retained to become special
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counsel. i told him he wouldn't be working at the fbi, and then the following day they get him for this. i don't think so. i don't think people get it. we all -- i look forward to seeing the report. [ inaudible question ] >> no, we're not talking about removing them. we're talking about leaving them and for a substantial period of time because we have to make sure that if we do the deal with china that china lives by the deal because they've had a lot of problems living by certain deals and we have to make sure. now no president has ever done what i've done with china. china had free reign over our country, taking out $500 billion a year for many years. we actually rebuilt china in the truer sense of the word. we rebuilt china, but we're getting along with china very
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well. president xi is a friend of mine. the deal is coming along nicely. we have our top representatives going there this weekend to further the deal, but no, we have -- we're taking in billions and billions of dollars right now in tariff money and for a period of time that will stay. [ inaudible question ] >> well, i don't know him -- i don't know him. he's a whack job. there's no question about it, but i really don't know him. i think he's doing a tremendous disservice to a wonderful wife. kellyanne is a wonderful woman, and i call him mr. kellyanne. the fact is that he's doing a tremendous disservice to a wife and family. she's a wonderful woman. [ inaudible question ]
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>> well, are you talking about the one that you just found out about having to do with cars? no recommendation. it's up for review, and the european union has been very tough on the united states for many years, but nobody talked about it, and so we're looking at something to combat it. not only do they charge our companies. you're lucky it was 1.6 million to google, it just happened yesterday and a lot of other thing, a lot of litigation, but i say the european union has been as tough on the united states as china, just not as much money involved. we'll see what happens. we'll see whether or not they negotiate a deal. if they negotiate a deal, a fair deal, that's a different story. [ inaudible question ] >> yeah. go ahead. [ inaudible question ] >> i think that twitter is a way
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when i get out the word when we have a corrupt media, and it is corrupt and it's fake. so twitter is a way that i can get out the word because our media is so dishonest, a lot of it, the mainstream. a lot of it. they don't report the facts. they don't report as an example that i just showed you, they don't want to report this so i figure i might as well show it. so what i do on twitter, i get out the word from a fake and corrupt media, and i have on five sites -- please, please, please. on five sites, i have over 100 million people, and that includes facebook and instagram and twitter and everything, and it's a way that i can get honesty out because there's tremendous dishonesty with respect to the fake news media. [ inaudible question ]
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[ inaudible question ] >> we'll take a look at that. [ inaudible question ] >> as i said, we'll be dealing with pakistan. i think our relationship right now is very good with pakistan. >> mr. president! >> the president of the united states making his way to marine one on the south lawn of the white house. he's off to ohio to visit a factory. he wants to make the case that the economy is doing well. remarkable, pacing the line of reporters and ignoring some questions he didn't like and answering the questions he wanted to answer. a lot of ground to cover. him getting involved yet again
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in the dispute between his top counselor kellyanne conway calling george conway a whack job and what struck me the most is his language which obviously his interests, some would say his anxiety about the coming mueller report. the president on several occasions sort of bending the fact, but saying a deputy meaning rod rosenstein, the deputy attorney general appointed the special counsel because jeff sessions recused him and some guy is writing a report even though that guy never got any votes. that's not how it works. jeff sessions was asked to recuse himself, he did. rod rosenstein appointed robert mueller and he's done an investigation and is now writing a report. >> you can just get there, welcome to 2020, the president talking to his base the whole thing is a farce. >> illegitimate. >> to ignore the will of the people they're trying to get me and that's what the president is trying to say there. >> and it seems to be working. robert mueller's approval ratings such as they are have
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dropped over the last couple of years that he's been the special counsel. i think there is sort of an appetite, trump knows that there's an appetite for the idea that there is some sort of unelected bureaucrat who could undo the 2016 election, but as you point out, john, rod rosenstein, an appointee of donald trump himself. this is the way that the process by which a special counsel is nominated and appointed, and that, i think, is something that has a lot of potency among his base. >> and you have again the president's party controls both chambers of congress and they have oversight, and rod rosen stein said repeatedly, he was comfortable with where robert mueller, and he's handed off the southern district of noerng. the investigation itself and we'll see what the collusions are and you can have your views and how the president describes it is not factual including his best friend james comey.
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robert mueller knows james comey from their professional dealings in law enforcement. there is zero evidence that they are social friends or friends and there's some evidence to the contrary, but that again, the president trying to tell his base don't believe any of this. >> but look, this is a window into how we're going to see the president talk about the mueller report on the campaign trail. the associated press had a great story yesterday about trump beginning to use the mueller probe as a political brick bat on the campaign trail and position himself as a victim of government overreach and that's a real change. he's been afraid of what this probe is going to reveal and there's some growing confidence in the white house that if there's nothing explosive in this probe, trump is going to seize it and campaign on this thing all over the country, that he has persevered over the deep state and that he deserves to be re-elected because against all odds he's still standing. >> that he's the victim here.
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>> that's how he's going to spin this. >> he desperately wants to play the persecuted victim and i was watching that and i kept thinking about what nancy pelosi said about impeachment. we're not going to let him seize that political weapon and play the victim because we want to do this through electoral means to deny him that weapon, and when you see him talking about the fact that he won x number of electoral votes, that's what policy is getting at. i talked to one house democrat who made a really sharp or smart point to make and said here is the other problem with impeachment, and it will happen in the house, but the senate is not going to convict him based upon the fact that we have right now and that alone, the senate conviction which is to go around the country saying the senate rule, innocent. i didn't do it. the senate exonerated me and we'll hold that up as essentially a court of law. >> and it gets, again, back to the idea that anything, we just
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talked about how some things the democrats don't like is illegitimate and they don't want to take it to the electoral college and the trademark of this president and robert mueller didn't get a vote and that's not how it works and the special counsel was appointed by your deputy attorney general and you did win the election and you appointed rod rosenstein deputy attorney general and he did his job, but in the president's, i'm being persecuted way of putting it, and that's the appointment of the special counsel letter thanks for the control room for having that handy. sometimes you know what might come out of the president's lips and you have that ready, but again, there's the legal argument and there's the facts and then there's what we see there on the day he's traveling to a critical state for him. welcome to 2020 politics. all right. we'll watch this out. interesting what the president says to that tank factory. he's wound up today. thanks for joining us on "inside politics." as you can tell, a busy day. brianna keilar starts right now. have a good afternoon. ♪
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♪ >> i'm brianna keilar live from washington headquarters. under way right now, give us documents. the white house says nah and the defiance sets up a showdown with congress. the president deserves a whipping for insulting john mccain says one republican senator while most of his colleagues remain silent. plus president trump weighs in on the marriage of one of his top aides saying publicly that kellyanne conway's spouse is, quote, the husband from hell, and with one of boeing's newest models of 737s still grounded, chilling
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