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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  March 27, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ thanks for joining "inside politics." i'm phil mattingly. john king is off today. we are awaiting brand new comments from the president inside the oval office. we will bring you the video as soon as we have it. in the meantime, here sharing reporting and insights, and tar inneh party from buzz feed news and lisa lehrer from "the new york times" and we will take you to the president in the oval office. >> you will see this very soon because obama kacare is a disaster. it's too expensive, by far. people can't afford it and the
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deductible is horrible. the premiums score too much and the deductible is horrible. the only difference between now and the other administration is that we're administering obama care very well. so we've made it better, but it's still horrible, no good. it's something that we can't live with in this country because it's far too expensive for the people, not only for the country, but i'm not even thinking about for the country. it's too expensive. the premiums are too expensive. people are going broke trying to pay for it and the deductibles are averaging over $7,000. so you have to spend $7,000 before you get anything. that's a very unusual circumstance so the deductibles are way too high. obamacare is a disaster so we are going to be, and i said it yesterday and i mean it 100%. i understand health care now especially very well. a lot of people don't understand
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it. we are going to be the republicans, the party of great health care. the democrats have let you down. they came up with obamacare. it's terrible. i got rid of the individual mandate. that was the worst part of obama care because people were forced to pay a lot of money to get health care that they didn't want, okay? now they don't have to pay that money. people are all over this country thanking me. every time i go they thank me. they don't have to pay a vast amount of money to have bad health care. so we got rid of the individual mandate. that was a big thing. we will, you watch, we're going to be the party of great health care and the democrats have let you down. they've really let you down. obama care doesn't work. it's too expensive and you take a look at everything with deductibles. it's a disaster. it's a disaster for our people. we're not going to allow it to go. we're coming up with plans and we have a lawsuit right now
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going where phase one of the lawsuit terminates obama care especially terminates obama care and that's the texas lawsuit. we think it would be upheld and we think it will do very well in the supreme court, and if the supreme court rules that obama care is out we will have a plan that's far better than obama care. thank you all very much. i appreciate it. thank you. [ inaudible question ] >> no time line. [ inaudible question ] >> i greatly appreciate that she's here and she's been a tremendous representative for her country and she's meeting tomorrow with the first lady of the united states in florida. they're meeting tomorrow. >> it's a message that the united states is committed to seeing venezuela --
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>> i'll tell you, if you look at what we're doing you will see a commitment that few people have made, and frankly, this didn't have to happen in venezuela. past administrations right here should have been more forward thinking. this should never have happened in venezuela. this is a tragedy. you know, we're fighting all over the world for countries where 5,000, 6,000, 7,000 miles away. they never did anything with respect to venezuela. past administrations allowed this to happen. i've inherited a mess between north korea and all of the problems we have all over the world, the entire middle east and venezuela, these are things that never should have happened. they never should have allowed to get to this point, but i'll fix it. we're fixing it all over the world. that's what we're going to do, just like in a different sense we're going to fix health care,
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and we will fix a lot of problems that nobody else was able to do and we just left, as you know, the prime minister of israel that have a lot of hard times over there right now, but the golan heights which every president promised they'd do, they never did. i did that, not only with respect to jerusalem and the embassy and also now the golan heights, they desperately need it. it was good timing. they desperately need it. they need the heights. thank you very much, everybody. thank you. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thanks very much. >> thank you. right this way, press. >> you were just watching president trump sitting in the oval office with fabiano rosales and the wife of juan guaido, the interim president of venezuela and an individual recognized by
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50 countries as the interim president of venezuela. obviously, a very important issue for the administration and they've been working on this very complex issue now for a while, but i want to talk with the panel and we were tap dancing there in the beginning and i introduced you guys and mainly with the affordable care act. if you want to know if the president cares about this and wants to make this an issue and he seemed to pivot a few times back to the affordable care act even when asked about venezuela. he has made clear now because of this lawsuit that the justice department has since expanded his position on, that the invalidation of the entire health care law is a possibility, but first before we get to the panel i want to get to abby philip standing outside of the white house. abby, you have brand-new reporting for us to how the administration came to this decision with the filing with the justice department. lay it out for us. >> it was interesting to hear president trump talking about a brand-new plan that his party would have to replace obamacare if it's invalidated, but our
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reporting is indicating that according to multiple sources there is no such plan and that up until this point no one had been told that the white house was going to basically try to force the hand of lawmakers to do something about obama care by joining in on this lawsuit seeking to invalidate the entire law. that decision to seek to invalidate all of obama care is a reversal for this administration and it happened at the urging of acting white house chief of staff mick mulvaney and his allies within the white house and it was opposed by the health and human services secretariy alex a azard bill barr. most of this reporting was confirmed by politico and this debate had been raging within the white house. what he believed the step would do is force republicans once again to take on the issue of repealing and replacing obamacare which they failed to do in 2017. that being said, we are told by
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sources that the office of legislative affairs in the white house was kept completely in the dark. key lawmakers on capitol hill also kept completely in the dark on this idea that they are supposed to then pivot to replacing obamacare and ultimately there are some concerns within the white house among conservative lawyers within this administration that the argument that they joined in on is not one that will be upheld in the courts. so this administration has essentially put their party now in a pretty difficult political position, not to mention legal position, but the political problems are pretty acute. they don't have a plan to repeal and replace obamacare and on this issue that so motivated democrats in the last election they've now put it back on the table. some people characterizing this as a gift to nancy pelosi going into this next 2020 election where democrats can basically say the republican party and president obama want to get rid of obamacare altogether raising these issues about pre-existing
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conditions and other things that the republican party just simply doesn't have a plan for at the moment, phil. >> abby philip at the white house. republicans didn't think this was going to be a thing. it is now very, very much a thing. >> guys, to be honest, i'm having flashbacks of nervous twitches to february and march of 2017 and you were sticking out those hallways with me. the bottom line and the takeaway, that republicans weren't able to coalesce around a single plan to get through the chambers of congress in the president's desk with the republican house or the republican senate and why in a divided congress with the republican party that was wary of getting into this issue would suddenly figure out a way forward, particularly as abby points out and i've heard the same, through, and there is no plan and working theory about what a plan would be. there are complications on the legal theory when you talk to lawyers and there are complications on the policy side and complications on the policy side. so margaret taleb. what's the play right now from the administration on this?
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>> i mean, the president is heading towards re-election in the middle of trying to redefine a lot of things from the way that the public thinks about them and is voted on them to the way he wants people heading into 2020. everything from foreign policy to domestic policy and you see them trying to redefine democrats as anti-jewish. you see them say the republicans are the real party of health care. i think one of his motives is to try to put democrats kind of on the defensive to catch them off guard, but one of the political problems he may face on this is that at least in the november election, health care was a real problem for president trump and the republican party and in those midterm congressional seats that so many republicans lost, democrats were able, when they stuck to the health care message rather than the russia message or the russia message able more effectively to have an affirmative message of this is what democrats can do for you that helped them in many races. >> for the republicans that were
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squeeze bethis, it is the concern that the president will often double down on something rather than retrieve on something and the instinct is to double down and their instinct is not to go there. one of the problems is the legislation that we saw last year or the year before from republicans in terms of reforming kind of the obamacare stuff involved a lot of bring it to the local level and give people more choice. a lot of those plans when you dug a little bit deeper were cheaper because they offered less coverage. in the areas that people cared about, covering stuff like pre-existing conditions. so if that's what's going to be returned to in terms of the framing of the policy debate heading into 2020, you know, he may be giving democrats a gift to run on again. >> i want to pull up a poll from i believe it was shortly after the 2018 midterm elections in terms of what voters cared most about in the exit polls after they voted and if you look at the numbers at the top is the economy and health care tied one to 80%. you made a good point.
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everyone was talking about russia and the special counsel's investigation and they were talking about health care. they were talking about health care. i know you were covering house democrats yesterday and they had a closed-door caucus meeting. what's the message from democrats in response to what we're seeing from the president right now? >> think they were elated yesterday. you know, house, ways and means richard neal stood up aside the private meeting and this is a gift to us and they've been struggling since they took back the majority and to get people to pay attention to it and finally they're, like, yes, we can talk about health care and we're on offense on this issue and republicans don't have a plan and so they were pretty ecstatic and they still are today that trump keeps bringing it up again. >> you want to know where republicans are on this, look, let's be clear. there are 53 republicans in the senate and the vast majority talked about repealing obama care one way or the other and repeal was never the issue for them and it was always the case and one of the people that had the biggest problem with the
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replace effort was susan collins. this is how she feels about the lawsuit. >> this is contrary to the tradition of the justice department which generally defends laws. if the administration is supposed to be aca and clearly there are provisions of the law that do need to be passed. the answer is for the administration to work with congress and present a plan to replace and fix the law, not to prove the courts that seek to invalidate it altogether. >> the omnipresent manu raju in the camera shot as he always is. here's the interesting point. susan collins is saying this is congressional prerogative. we should be the ones to fix it if it needs to be picked. at least some in the white house, let's force their hand on this. is that a fair characterization? that seems to be what the white house is doing, but he's caught
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his entire party off guard including his allies and it's not just inside the white house, but outside the white house, some of his allies that are even more defensive of the president than those inside the white house have been scratching their heads trying to figure this out and it was interesting because that's the most we've heard the president even talk about health care since 2017. you know, other than when he talks about john mccain's no vote. this is the most we've seen from him and this is also the same person who in 2017 said that who knew health care would be so complicated? you can see people like susan collins are pretty wary of this position that they've been pushed into. >> one of the questions i've had, democrats are -- particularly on the campaign trail are not unified necessarily on how health care should be, but they are unified on not that. not what the justice department is doing right now. so does this in some way help candidates? presidential candidates? >> right. they are divided in how they want to expand the coverage
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given obamacare, but they're unified in the idea of keeping the popular provisions, things like keeping your kid on your insurance until they're 25 and covering pre-existing conditions and those are broadly popular across voters and democrats want to keep them. i think there is another point here, too, which is from the time the law was passed to the last decade, republicans have campaigned aggressively on getting rid of it and something better. that was a major governing failure that they were unable to do this. so by bringing this back up especially in this totally unexpected way, and this unprepared way and they're giving time to craft a viable replacement plan, as you point out, they don't have one just reminds voters of those failures of the fact that they hand over the keys to governing to the president, two republicans and both houses of congress and they have not delivered on some of these promises and that's not really the place you want to be in, not only as the president, but as some of these -- as a
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susan collins heading into this re-election cycle. >> unless you're to divide and conquer and to push democrats to the left as they clamor to explain why the republicans aren't the party of health care. if that's your goal, this is the path to that. >> that's true. >> keep an eye on the space. the policy here is extraordinarily important and where they go from here, if they go anywhere at all that will be important, too. up next, joe biden inching closer to a decision on 2020, but apologizing still for what he didn't do in 1991. r worked wh dr. francis? oh yeah, he's ok. umm... just ok? guess who just got reinstated! well, not officially. nervous? yeah. yeah me too. don't worry about it, we'll figure it out. i'll see ya in there! just ok is not ok. especially when it comes to your network. at&t is america's best wireless network, according to america's biggest test. now with 5g evolution. the first step to 5g. more for your thing. that's our thing.
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>> regrets? he has had a few. former vice president joe biden attempting to apologize for how anita hill was treated by his senate judiciary committee hearing in 1991. she claimed she was sexually harassed by now justice clarence thomas. speaking in a dinner last night which was honoring students working to stop sexual assault the potential 2020 candidate
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lamented that he did not do enough to stop, quote, the abuse that took place at that hearing. >> we knew a lot less about the extent of harassment back then, over 30 years ago, but she paid a terrible price. she was abused through the hearing. she was taken advantage of. her reputation was attacked. i wish i could have done something. >> when anita hill came to testify she faced a committee that didn't fully understand what the hell it was all about. to this day i regret i couldn't come up with a way to get her the kind of hearing she deserved. >> our biden whisperer joins our conversation now. you were there last night. the thing everyone was taken aback by, i wish i could have done something. he was the chairman of the judiciary committee at the time. walk me through what the thought process was, to the extent you know it, of the comment.
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>> that was the criticism that emerged on social media after he made those comments saying i wish i could have done something. well, he was the man who was in charge of these hearings and so those comments to many people ring hollow saying that he could have done actually more to ensure that she got that hearing that he said that she deserved and this is not the first time he's had to address the anita hill controversy and it's not going to be the last. joe biden and his team are very aware of the repercussions that that moment has had especially now in the me, too, movement and he's trying to find ways to kind of express that regret. one big question is whether or not he's actually delivered a personal apology to anita hill. that remains unclear at this point and that's, i think, one step that people want to see to rectify the situation. >> i was following your reporting last night and the fact that it remains unclear is kind of wild given the fact that this is going to keep coming up and this is what anita hill said in 2018 when i asked about this specifically.
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>> oh, it's a graphic. good stuff, huh? she said he said he,a apologized, but he hasn't apologized to me. the statute of limitations has run on an apology. i don't need an apology. but sometimes when the door bell rings and i am want expecting anyone. i think, could that be joe biden? if that has been addressed we don't know yet. >> it's pretty clear what the former vice president has to do to get right on this issue and he has to give her a personal apology. he has to acknowledge his own culpability for what happened in that hearing and that's why that event last night was so striking. i was there with arlette and this was an event and it was a foundation that grew out of his work as vice president combatting campus sexual abuse, and he talked about white male culture and how it needs to be changed and present at the highest levels of government and
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corporate boardrooms and hollywood and all of the things that activists and the female voters and people involved in the me, too, movement want to hear except when it came to that hearing which is the one thing that's, you know, really been a huge problem for him, and i think it also speaks to the difficulties of running with the 30-year record. he is someone who has taken a, you know, how democrats view these kinds of issues and has shifted over the past three decades as things tend to do and he hasn't always been on the right side of that shift and this is something that will come up again and again, wanot only when it comes to sexual abuse. >> one of those areas tough on crime situation where he's had to take a similar stance and this is actual sound, not me reading something. take a listen. >> i haven't always been right. i know we haven't always gotten things right, but i always tried and it was a big mistake and we were told by the experts that crack, you never go back. it was somehow fundamental and
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it is not different, but it's trapped an entire generation. >> mike bloomberg made comments on the apology tour. when this gets in, does this go away? does this continue to placate him? if he gets in. sorry. what's your read on this? >> in joe biden's case it's a half apology tour. he's pushing the blame whether it's tough on crime legislation or anita hill, he's kind of blaming it on other people and not taking as much personal responsibility and he's blaming it on experts with evidence of crime data or in anita hill's case he's talking about the other white men on the committee. so i think -- unless he comes out and has a full apology tour that actually addresses these issue, i don't know if it will satisfy the base that is, you know, that he needs to satisfy in order to probably do well in
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the democratic primary. >> arlette, we have about a minute left, i don't think his team wants to roll out with a full apology tour and their perspective on how this plays out in the months ahead. >> you've seen him trickle this out in the last few months and there are comments about criminal justice issues and this comment about anita hill. you also had him backtrack when he called mike pence a decent guy. i think they're slowly trying to find these opportunities where he can address some of these potential liabilities and as record and back in december at an event in montana, he said that he's ready to litigate all of the issues from his past so i think we're likely to see that in the coming weeks. >> and apologizing for it and trying to lament about it and we'll close the book on it and i'm guessing probably not. we'll be right back in a few minutes. programming tonight and this is very important. cnn has a town hall with democratic presidential candidate cory booker. don lemon will mod right live
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from orangeburg, south carolina, at 10:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn. up next, a white house victory lap after the attorney general's letter about the mueller report. still fresh... ♪ unstopables in-wash scent booster ♪ downy unstopables
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>> a justice department official now confirms it will be weeks, not month, before the attorney general releases some version of the mueller report to the
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public. a source tells cnn the white house still has not seen the full report, but that's not keeping the president from praising its conclusions while damning the whole process. >> i think what happened is a disgrace. i don't believe our country should allow this ever to happen again. the mueller report was great. it could not have been better. it said no obstruction, no collusion. it could not have been better. >> the republicans on the hill say president trump had every right to celebrate. senate republican johnny isakson from georgia put it this way, quote, he's doing a victory lap no doubt about it, but he earned it. he spent two years going through all this stuff with mueller. senator lindsay graham says the president wants the mueller report released to graham, the criminal investigation is now over. >> that's the end of the criminal matter. the goal of a prosecutor is to bring the case or not and if you can't meet the beyond the
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reasonable doubt standard and if you're confused about the law and the facts then you don't bring the case. the goal is not to exonerate people. the goal is to find out whether or not a crime was committed. >> that's lindsay graham and if you want to underscore where the white house is, take a listen to where top white house officials including the president were yesterday. >> they and others created a fraud in our country with this ridiculous witch hunt where it was proven very strongly, no collusion, no obstruction, no nothing. >> mueller and barr exonerated him on collusion, and the attorney general, the deputy attorney general and olc exonerated him on obstruction. >> the president is in a great mood and he's been in a great mood for a very long time because as he has said for a very long time, there's no collusion and this was a hoax and a witch hunt from the beginning. >> framing? you've got it. >> this is -- this is now a
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public relations battle. of course, the president's relieved because if mueller's report had come out and said all that other stuff he'd be in a world worth of trouble right now and nothing would ever be the same. point of no return, but he also sees a moment and is politically right to take advantage of that moment to snuff this out so that no one's talking about it anymore heading interest the 2020 election. he's trying to make it such a dud of an issue for democrats that they can't keep it alive. first of all, the mueller probe and everything that came out of it took down a number of close trump associates and look at the damage in the wake of that probe, i mean, from michael cohen to paul manafort, michael finn's in trouble and nothing came out of this report, but the -- sort of the charging or sort of criminal cloud over the president from this particular probe has now been lifted and what he's trying to do is use that moment, and what -- i moon, he could use the moment and say i'm not completely out of the
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woods yet and there were a number of probes and he's not going to do that. he's going to say, look, you guys are saying this and robert mueller couldn't find that. can we please stop talking about this? >> hedging is not his style. >> you know, was there also an effort by the white house to make democrats seem like if they continue these investigations and they are continuing a number of investigations into president trump and entities on capitol hill and they're pursuing his favorite term of art, witch hunt. i'm not sure how well that will stick. as someone who has spent a fair amount of time at these democratic primary presidential events this is just not something that comes up. when these candidates have a town hall meeting, they're asking about health care and asking about guns and climate change. they're not asking about impeachment and i also think this is not -- the attorney general's interpretation of the mueller report is not changing any minds. it's hard to imagine the democratic voter who said, well, who is saying i thought he was a
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criminal and now the criminal comes out and i don't think he's a criminal anymore and most of those voters are set in the view of the president and the suburban swing voters who played such a big role as you were reporting in the midterms and they're voting on the president's character. so you know -- >> the numbers are baked in and they know right now there is a pr war and some of the members were downtrodden in the last couple of days and where are they now as this goes forward? >> yesterday we saw speaker pelosi try to rally her troops and a lot of them were dejected and there was no smoking gun in the summary. she was, like, guys keep your head up and let's pivot and talk about climate change and things that make republicans uncomfortable and make them go on defense and she said, quote, let's get the goods and go from there. she's been warning for months, we're not going to have a smoking gun on the mueller report and we saw that she was
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vindicated this weekend. >> i believe she'll sit relaxed. >> do you want to know how happy the president was yesterday and it was his idea to go to capitol hill and he wasn't initially invited and they called over to the republicans and remove your next guest. how long does that sustain? i think you talk about obamacare and it seems like news cycle goes so fast. how long does this hold? >> i think we'll get a preview when the president is in michigan at a maga rally. we'll see how he uses the post-mueller wrapping up messaging in a district that voted for him and also voted for the democratic governor in 2018. so i think it will be interesting to see how he balances health care and mueller while he's out on the campaign trail. >> and i should note jeff sessions was asked about the report. over the atlantic tweeted out and asked if he wanted to comment on barr's review of the mueller report. jeff sessions texted beautiful day ini alabama, not now, war
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eagle, and all right, up next, a bedside clock counting the days until trump's term expires and just one detail from a book from former first lady barbara bush. when we come back. maria ramirez! mom! maria! maria ramirez... mcdonald's is committing 150 million dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs... prof: maria ramirez mom and dad: maria ramirez!!! to help more employees achieve their dreams.
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♪ ♪ topping our political radar and this is something everyone some take the time to pay attention to today, president trump will be presenting his eighth medal of honor today. he will be honoring travis atkins of montana who was killed while tackling a suicide bomber in iraq in 2007. his heroic sacrifice saved the lives of three of his fellow soldiers.
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atkins was 31 years old and the father of a young son. just weeks before her death last april former first lady barbara bush said with donald trump in office she didn't really consider herself a republican anymore. that revelation comes in a new biography from journalist susan page. mrs. bush kept a, quote, trump countdown clock given to her as a joke in her june 2016 trip to the hospital on angst by donald trump's attacks on her son jeb during the campaign. she did write a letter to melania trump welcoming her to the white house. transportation secretary elaine chao is testifying before a committee today and facing tough questions on the recent boeing 737 max crashes. chao says she's concerned about allegations of coziness between the faa and boeing. she was also asked why it took so long to ground the aircraft. here's that exchange. >> why did it take so long to ground that plane when we are
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the leader in the faa and we set the gold standard and it looks like we're following the rest of the world. >> there was no factual basis upon which to ground the planes. so conversely, if you don't have the factual basis upon which to ground a plane how do you unground a plane? >> all right. barbara bush. it's not a secret the bush family has some issues with the president. key takeaways from what we've seen so far from susan page's biography? >> i can't wait to read it, but from the latest revelation, there are two pieces and there's barbara bush the mother, the person who has a human reaction to protect her children, to defend their honor and integrity to feel angry at someone who tries to chip away at that legacy and then there is the bush family and the establishment, like the ultimate establishment republican family of our time, of our generation and the kind of -- the measure of change of the reshaping of
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the republican party and how the establishment has tried to react to it. and i'm not at all surprised that she sent melania trump a letter. this is precisely what establishment people do is they try to preserve the establishment even as they cringe at the changes that the change is representing. so i think it will be a fascinating read. >> president trump has rebuilt the republican party and he's remade it and bought and conquered that party and this is another example of that happening. the old republican party is no more. the question is what happens eventually when the trump administration comes to an end. what does the party look like then, and that's something we just do not have the answer to. >> if you have the answer -- >> i'm out of the prediction business. >> susan page is outstanding and i'm really looking forward to reading the book about someone everyone was keenly aware of for decades. >> she does what other 2020 candidates have promised to do. ? oh yeah, he's ok.
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umm... just ok? guess who just got reinstated! well, not officially. nervous? yeah. yeah me too. don't worry about it, we'll figure it out. i'll see ya in there! just ok is not ok. especially when it comes to your network. at&t is america's best wireless network, according to america's biggest test. now with 5g evolution. the first step to 5g. more for your thing. that's our thing. these days we're all stressed. i hear you, sister. stress can affect our minds. i call this dish, "stress." stress can also affect our bodies. so, i'm partnering with cigna to remind you that your emotional and physical health are more connected than you think. go in for your annual check-up. and be open with your doctor about anything you feel. physically, and emotionally. body and mind. cigna. together, all the way. that's better.
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>> democratic senator kristen gillibrand now leadsed 2020 pac in at least one category. she's the first can at to release her 2018 tax returns. a lot of us haven't filed yet. on my list it's the 17th thing, now starred and underlined and it's been there for, like, six weeks, but with april 16th, i feel it's a couple of weeks away. she hopes to encouraging other 2020 candidates including president trump to do the same. >> i want voters to know that i'm behold tone no one. my values are not for sale and that i'm working only for you. join me in calling on every presidential candidate to disclose their taxes. this is what transparency and accountability is all about. >> in her published tax returns, senator gillibrand reports
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earning roughly $214,000 through a congressional salary and book deal. it seems like -- let's break out and do something different. let's pull up the latest poll numbers we have in terms of where the democratic field is, and you can see and probably hear from some of the candidates that are in the lower tier at the moment that things like this are helpful to, perhaps, get some notice. is that an accurate assessment, do you think? >> yes. this is a very crowded field. we're up to 15 and it's possible that we'll get up closer to 20 by the time of the first debate in two months or so and so she, you know, senator gillibrand has struggled to get oxygen and trying to break out of the pac and she's the congresswoman who represented upstate new york district and her views at the time reflected that and she had more conservative positions on things like immigration and guns and she's renounced these positions and the idea that she has a more conservative background is trailing her a little bit and she's trying to push the envelope on issues that the liberal base cares about and disclosure and financial disclosure and money and
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politics and all of this sort of thing is definitely one of them, for the record, i have filed my tax returns. [ laughter ] >> i also think that gillibrand has been the democratic candidate who has tried to draw contrast between herself and trump. she had her announcement speech this past weekend outside trump hotel and the democrats are trying to get trump to release his tax record and this is her way to try to do that. >> no one can ever get the presidency if they don't release their taxes. >> you brought up an interesting point. kate filed some reporting about some gun issues. the senator has made a sharp pivot over the sharp decade away from initial positions and she was asked about those particularly on the gun issue. take a listen. >> and the truth is i have a very proud rating of an f by the, in ra now. i didn't do the right thing. i think someone who can't recognize when they're wrong is far more concerning if you can never admit when you're wrong
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and not only was i wrong and not only should i have cared more about gun violence and other parts of my state and other parts of my country, i just didn't and so now i know i need to be far more thoughtful about all issues. >> and look, to be clear, it is a very different district than the broader state of new york than the country is, heather, my question is is that going to be problematic going forward? given the fact it's been a full decade since she moved away from those positions. >> yeah. i think that's the big question and she's dealing with it in an interesting way because she's taking it head-on saying look, i was wrong, i'm sorry whereas we've seen some candidates get flustered and get very defensive and she hopes by apologizing now it will neutralize it and move on, you know what i mean? i think we'll have to see if it keeps coming up or not. >> her team also thinks they can make an electability argument around that idea.
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we know derm democratic primary voters care about beating president trump and they care about electability and they're just not quite sure what electability looks like, but her team believes they can make an argument that she can speak to people on the other side because she once had those views and she has the zeal of a convert and we'll see if that works out. we just don't know that. >> joe biden can take a page from that. get away from the microphone, call anita hill and invite her to lunch and have this conversation and see if you can turn her around to become a supporter of yours. if you will make a statement, make it. if you're towidipping your toe the water. >> to steal something from the one and only lisa lair from the commercial break, it's early. an unexpected question on the 2020 campaign trail. ♪ ♪ 'cos i know what it means
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to begin with and it definitely doesn't work over long stretches of time, so i think we'll just let the historians figure that one out. >> got that? it's space, time continuum and these are important points anyway. alwaysis. >> to have a lighter moment and thanks for joining us on "inside politics qwe politics." brianna keilar starts right now. ♪ ♪ i'm brianna keilar live from cnn's washington headquarters. under way right now. your daily reminder, we still have not seen the mueller report. we don't know the details and the complete findings or even the number of pages and now a top democrat is doubling down saying there was collusion. get rid of obama care says the trump administration. so what's the plan to replace it. we don't know says the trump administration. plus, quote, he's making a fool out of us all. why prosecutors say jussie smollett


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