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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 12, 2019 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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's simple, easy, awesome. get $100 back when you bring in an eligible smartphone. click, call, or visit a store today. u.s. president, donald trump, lashes out on twitter against a variety of targets, including former white house counsel, don mcgahn for declining to clear mr. trump in public. >> calling for national unity. the united states ramps up military pressure in the gulf. curb plastic waste. guess which country isn't on the list? we look at the world's plastic crisis. >> welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world.
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i'm george howell. >> i'm natalie allen. newsroom starts right now. our top story, u.s. president, donald trump, wrapping up a busy week lashing out at a former white house counsel, after reports that don mcgahn refused twice to say publicly that mr. trump did not obstruct justice. in a tweet, the president writes he was never a big fan of mcgahn. he denies he was going to fire special counsel robert mueller. >> that followed a twitter tirade on saturday morning. mr. trump sent 62 retweets in the space of an hour. among the targets were the mueller report and the democrats. he tweeted his favorite talking points on china, border protection and jobs. he is focusing on the democratic front-runner in the political race. >> the president says it would be appropriate for him to talk
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to his attorney general about launching a probe into former vice president, joe biden. >> this comes a day after president trump's lawyer canceled the trip to ukraine. rudy giuliani wanted that country to investigate biden. others have responded. we have that story from the white house. >> reporter: the president's personal attorney, rudy giuliani, reversing his decision to go to ukraine and discuss with ukrainian officials something to damage a 2020 rival for president trump. that's joe biden. rudy giuliani defended the decision, then back stepped. just for some context, this is related to events that took place in 2016 when then vice
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president, joe biden was pushing to oust the top prosecutor in ukraine. that prosecutor was investigating an energy company in which hunter biden, the son of the former vice president, had financial interests. on friday, trump told politico, he thought he would be within his rights to ask attorney general, bill barr, to look into this. here is what he said. certainly, it would be an appropriate thing to speak to him about, but i have not done that, as of yet. it could be a big situation. biden was not alone in calling for the removal of the ukrainian official. there were a number of other western leaders doing the same at the time. there's no evidence the actions biden took were connected to his son's business activities. before giuliani abandoned his plans to go to ukraine, chris murphy wrote a letter to republican chair of the foreign relations committee, asking him to press for more details about the trip.
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democrats were preparing to look into this. it came after trump told politico, he planned to discuss the planned trip with giuliani. they responded to this saturday, a spokesman saying this was a smear from the white house. >> the past week illustrates the fiery political climate in washington and the growing chasm. don mcgahn was told not to comply with a subpoena. on wednesday, mr. trump took it a step further, invoking executive privilege over the entire mueller report. a house committee voted to hold william barr in contempt for refusing to turn over the full, unredacted mueller report. wednesday is when the senate
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intelligence committee subpoenaed the president's son, don jr. to appear. thursday, president trump changed his mind, again, on whether special counsel, robert mueller should testify before congress. he says it is up to the attorney general to decide. finally, on friday, the house issued subpoenaed to the u.s. treasury secretary and the tax commissioner to get the last six years of mr. trump's taxes. let's break all this down with scott lucas, professor of international politics at the university of birmingham and founder and editor of eau review. much to break down here. good morning to youchlt let's begin with the comments about don mcgahn saying he had a better chance of being fired than robert mueller after mcgahn refused to say, publicly that the president did not obstruct justice. why is the president so fix
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sated on this, given he was cleared by the attorney general? >> because donald trump is highly worried that don mcgahn's testimony will back up the mueller report's conclusion that donald trump obstructed or attempted to obstruct justice on occasions because don mcgahn is a figure in some of those attempts, including the 2017 effort by donald trump to fire the special counsel, robert mueller. it's not just donald trump, but the white house, including its attorneys that are going to try to keep mcgahn and other witnesses from testifying because amid the events you talked about, keep our eye on the ball. the fundmental is the revelations about the mueller report and russian officials and an obstruction of justice are damaging. even if mueller could not recommend the indictment of a
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sitting president. meantime, a lawyer for president trump, rudy giuliani, may have canceled his trip to ukraine to have joe biden investigated. the president insisted it was an appropriate matter to discuss with his attorney general. is it appropriate? >> remember that phrase i just gave you? keep your eye on the ball. this entire scheme by rudy giuliani, announcing the trip, then withdrawaling it is an attempt to diversion. it does two things, an attempt to damage joe biden, who donald trump sees as a threat in the 2020 election. perhaps more important than that, it's part of this smoke screen. let's put it, exaggerated white lie. the real story of 2016 was democrats were colluding with ukrainian officials rather than the trump campaign's alleged collusion with the russians. the more folks talk ukraine,
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because it's a very complex matter involving ukrainian politics, the prosecutor and legislatures. the more you all talk about that, the more donald trump and his folks hope you are not talking about the ongoing fallout from the mueller report. >> you know, we outlined the week in washington every day we saw these developments. one thing is clear, the trump administration intends to ignore the system of checks and balances central to government in the united states. he vows to fight all the subpoenas, his words. in effect, many are saying, he is putting the country in a constitutional crisis. "the washington post" pinned a story. the headline was, "he is at war with congress." >> this is not new. donald trump, since 2017, has tried to bypass congress, has screamed and yelled if congress stood in his way, for example, over obamacare. he tried to bypass the courts.
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he's done it on immigration, the environment, foreign policy and over the mueller report. so, when you are talking ant a president and his advisers who are refusing to answer subpoenas, instructing others to refuse subpoenas, not only trump-russia, but jared kushner's security clearance, saudi arabia, the u.s. census. either donald trump wins or the u.s. system wins. no in between. >> scott lucas, we appreciate your insights. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. now, to the trade war between the united states and china with talks at a standstill. the u.s. president is putting on his salesman hat to make a hard sell to beijing. in a tweet, he wrote, china should make a trade deal now. they will only get a worse deal if they wait and if he wins re-election. so far, the hard sell does not appear to be working.
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china's top trade negotiator says the latest round of tariffs, a hike of 10%, 25% on billions of chinese imports must be rolled back before anything else can happen. mr. trump says big tariffs make the u.s. richer because they are paid for by other countries. that's not entirely accurate. listen to this republican explain to john berman what really happens. >> ultimately, a tariff, if you think of a tariff like a sales tax. >> on who? >> on american consumers. so, it's going to be more expensive for americans to buy products. so, that is why this has a long-term impact on the u.s. economy. >> tariffs work like this. the u.s. imposes a tax or tariff on foreign goods. in this case, merchandise from china. the u.s. company importing the product pays that duty to the u.s. government, but it doesn't
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stop there. many companies pass that extra cost to consumers in the form of higher prices. >> so, consumers pay the price. you might be surprised how many common household items are already affected. these are a few examples here. the tariffs could cost the american family an extra $800 a year. beijing is going to strike back against the u.s. we are following the story. stephen, it seems it comes down to who will blink first. neither side is willing to budge. what can you tell us about how china might retaliate with counter measures to the u.s. tariffs? >> reporter: so far, they have not announced specifics, but can do a number of things, impose counter tariffs on u.s. imports. remember, the chinese import less from the u.s. than the other way around. they are literally running out
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of american goods. they could do a number of other things. they could reduce major purchase from the u.s., especially in terms of agricultural or energy products, which could hit hard the political base of trump in the u.s. it could favor non-u.s. companies. they could launch unofficial retaliations to make life very difficult for american companies doing business here. we are talking sending inspectors or delaying the issuance of licenses or customs and clearance. george? >> is there optimism in china that the u.s. roll back, the latest round of tariffs for things to continue? >> the interesting thing is they are going to continue these negotiations. that's actually one point emphasized by the chinese vice premier and the country's top
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negotiator. it's hard to imagine to see how this process can move forward with both sides seeming to have hardened their stances. if you hear china, the headlines are getting naturalistic, calling the u.s. bullies. china would never cave under extreme pressure or never make concessions on issues of principle. some stories invoking memories of the korean war when the chinese and u.s. military clash. george? >> steven, thank you so much. the united states continues to put political as well as military pressure on iran. iran's president says his country won't cave in. next, we analyze the escalating tensions between the two nations. plus -- >> protests, demonstrations in
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albania turn violent over the weekend. what they are asking for, ahead. . excuse me, where is gate 87? you should be mad at non-seasoned travelers. and they took my toothpaste away. and you should be mad at people who take unnecessary risks. how dare you, he's my emotional support snake. but you're not mad, because you have e*trade, whose tech helps you understand the risk and reward potential on an options trade it's a paste. it's not liquid or a gel. and even explore what-if scenarios. where's gate 87? don't get mad. get e*trade and start trading today. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist.
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this and even this.hark, i deep clean messes like this. but i don't have to clean this, because the self-cleaning brush roll removes hair, while i clean. - [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans, now cleans itself.
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new developments to tell you about in the ongoing stand off between iran and the united states. >> iran's president is calling on the political fashions to come together amid increased pressure from the u.s. according to iranian state tv, president rouhani says the country faces an all-out car of
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economic and political pressure from u.s. sanctions. >> this comes as the united states increased military presence in the middle east to deter alleged threats from iran. let's put it into focus with two great minds, nic robertson, live in abu dhabi and the author of making the arab world. gentlemen, good to have you with us. nic, let's start with you here. the first we heard of this is from the president's national security adviser, john bolton, who has a history with iran. the announcement was vague on the reasons the u.s. was making these moves. as we are gradually learning more, what do you make of the root cause behind the latest tensions? >> reporter: the root cause is from president trump's animosity to iran and president obama, the root cause, at least the path
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that president trump has gone down is pull out of the iran deal, which was a significant achievement of president obama. he's certainly had within his administration, on iran or against iran. what we have seen, bolton's announcement with the abraham carrier group. the threats possibly to maritime shipping, connected to the united states or u.s. and passing in or near or around the straits. but, it certainly does lie in president trump's animosity to iran as a route to delivering on what he said to his base in his campaign trail. that's where it seems to stem from. >> given that we have hearing the iranians deployed missiles on boats, this is something new or something they have been doing routinely? >> it's been basically building
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the military posture for many years. of course, what we are seeing now, george, is a major escalation between the trump administration and the iranian government. at the heart, trump's policy toward iran is basically what the trump administration wants to do is total transformation. it wants to alter the regime's behavior and the region. it has made it very clear from day one. this particular policy is extremely highly ambitious and they risk it and will likely fail. it will likely fail, george, because there's a major disconnect between end and means. on one hand, the goal is to bring about other regime change or alter the regime. the means are very inadequate. economic sanctions and aggressive military rhetoric and, as we know, one of the
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lessons we learned from history is economic sanctions on their own almost never bring about regime change and never bring about an internal revolution. >> nic, this question to you. we have seen steady breakdowns in relations between the u.s. and iran with the u.s. backing out of the iran nuclear agreement and now the ratcheting up of rhetoric. do you feel the two nations, nic, are basically on footing toward possible conflict or room to de-escalate this? >> reporter: oh, there's lots of room to de-escalate. this is a war of words. the moment certainly had hardware involved, increasing amount. no doubt about it. look at what president obama tried to do and another u.s. administration might try to do. this is not a monolithic state. there are hard liners.
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the obama administration was engaging the moderates above the hard liners and bring a softer sort of change over time. iran, you know, the goals that the administrations are trying to get to that were similar, in a way, but the mechanisms to do it are different. there's plenty of scope at the moment for de-escalation. it's not quite clear how. we are not at the off ramp, yet. neither side seems to be stepping back from the rhetoric or the build up. yeah, there's plenty of time. >> this question to you, we have seen u.s. officials pass the swiss, a direct phone number to reach president trump, that number intended for iran to call them should they choose. this game, as it plays out, is there concern this could quickly get out of hand? >> well, george, my take on it is that neither side, nor president trump, nor the iranians would really like an
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all-out war. they have vested interest in the military confrontation. war could come by miscalculation by trump or the proxy of the iranian regime. they don't trust president trump. they believe he is erratic. they don't trust his word. they are hoping the next administration, the next president will come into power. in the meantime, what they are trying to do is basically hunker down. remember, even though iranian regime may not change, if sanctions have heavy talk on every day iranians. inflation is 40%. they have lost 60% of their value. as you said early on, president
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rouhani says this is the most severe crisis facing iran since the iran-iraq war in 1980-1988. in the meantime, you are going to see more of the same till the next u.s. presidential elections. >> nic, briefly here, you have 30 seconds, but the question, where does israel play into these tensions, given that nation pushed the u.s. to back out of the iran nuclear deal. the tensions between the two have been escalating. >> reporter: look, israel wants to see iran's posture toward israel and threats around the region de-escalated. that's certainly the position in the united states. from israel's perspective, this pressure on iran is positive at the moment. again, one would think, and the indications are, israel would not benefit from a major escalation here. neither the country where i'm
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sitting or those in the gulf. no one benefits from that. at the moment, where things are at the moment, this is in the direction of israel's interest. >> the political perspective. thank you, again. gentlemen, thank you both. at least one security guard is dead after a gunman tried to storm a luxury hotel in southwest pakistan. these images show the pearl continental in gwadar before the attack. guests are safe. >> gwadar is in southwestern pakistan near the border with iran. it is a key port city, part of a project with with china. the hotel, frequented by foreign guests. among them, chinese staff that work on the project. several militant groups are said to operate in that area. albania's opposition party is calling on the government to
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dissolve and hold an election. >> things got heated as protesters made their case outside the presidential palace. we have reporting from there. >> reporter: it is a tense situation where police are clashing with protesters. protesters by the opposition leader speaking behind me here. there are images being projected on the building of the prime minister that say leave. the democratic party and the group forming the opposition have asked the minister to step down. they are requesting snap elections. they are refusing to participate in the plan, in the organized election coming up in june. protesters were tear gassed earlier and police have also seen molotov cocktails thrown at them. at one point, several flyers were happening near the prime minister building. it seems more calm. the protest has been going on
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for several hours now. there's still quite a few people here in front of the office. >> we'll continue to follow that story, for sure. fears of sexism in the 2020 presidential election. some asking if the women running will be held to different standards in this race. we speak with voters and hear their thoughts. look at the southeastern part of the united states. look there. storms causing flooding. there's more rain on the way. (paul) great. another wireless ad. so many of them are full of this complicated, tricky language about their network and offers and blah blah blah. look. sprint's going to do things differently. and let you decide for yourself. they're offering a new 100% total satisfaction guarantee. try it out and see the savings. if you don't love it, get your money back. see? simple. now sprint's unlimited plan comes with one of the newest phones included for just $35 a month. so switch now. for people with hearing loss, visit
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welcome back, viewers here in the united states and around the worl. you are watching "cnn newsroom,"
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i'm george howell. >> i'm natalie allen. president trump warning to make a trade deal now while terms are favorable. china will get a worse deal if they wait until after the 2020 election. but, china is digging in, vowing to retaliate for the latest hike in u.s. tariffs. >> the u.s. secretary of state, mike pompeo is set to meet with russian president, vladimir putin in sochi. the meeting will happen on tuesday. pompeo is set to leave over the coming hours. iran, ukraine, north korea and venezuela are expected to be on the agenda. at least one security guard is dead after a gunman tried to storm a luxury hotel in pakistan. they say the attack is over. guests at the hotel, the pearl continental were evacuated. all that happened in gwadar. it's in balochistan.
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separatist groups are known to operate there. with with all the ballots counted, the african national congress won nearly 58% of the vote. the party has governed since the fall of the apartheid. support has eroded in recent years. we have new poll numbers in the 2020 presidential race. they show joe biden with a 2-1 lead over senator bernie sanders over new hampshire voters. elizabeth warren, kamala harris and amy klobuchar are in the top eight of the poll, but also in the single digits. >> the race has become an historic one with more women running than before. some wonder if sexism will play a role. cnn spoke with voters who fear nominating a woman again, will
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hand donald trump a second term. >> all you wanted to talk about, what i was wearing, what the haircut was. >> reporter: six women seeking the democratic nomination in an historic election. >> a young mom, i will fight for your children as hard as i would fight for my own. >> reporter: female voters telling cnn, it is time for a woman to finally take the white house. >> i think 51% of the population. >> i don't think a man could ever handle the pressures of that office better than a woman. >> there is a darker sentiment. frustration of sexism flashback to hillary clinton's loss in 2016. >> we have not shattered that glass ceiling. some day, someone will. >> reporter: democratic voters describing a lingering trauma. >> some voiced concerns about you getting hillaried in the election. meaning you get held to a higher
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standard for arbitrary or sexist reasons. >> concerned that nominating a woman, again, will hand donald trump a second term. >> most people did vote for her because she was a woman. i think they ended up voting for trump because he was a man. >> i worry about the old boy's club. >> reporter: nine months out from the iowa caucuses, some of the women who want to see a female president lean toward supporting a man. >> i welcome joe biden. i think he has the best chance of winning the presidency. >> reporter: on the campaign trail, the female candidates making a forceful case for why women are just as electable as men. >> people tell me, it's not your time. it will be my purpose. i'll be running for my purpose. >> someone once said, and i agree with part of this, but not all of it, that women candidates should speak softly and carry a
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big statistic. i think you know i don't always speak softly. >> i's going to be fun when i say, and i won. because that's what girls do. >> reporter: a recent cnn poll showing no i understand indication that women are supporting the female candidates over the male candidates. this man telling cnn he has a gender bias. >> if there were two equally qualified candidates, i support a female. it's time we have a female president. >> america speaking there. of course that will be a theme we continue to follow as we press on toward 2020. parts of the southeastern u.s. are dealing with major flooding. you probably think, you were talking about that days ago. it's still happening. there's risk of more to come. saturday, thunderstorms pounded southern texas with heavy rain and hail the size of golf balls. some people were stranded by more sudden flooding.
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>> look at that flooding on the streets of houston, texas. in mississippi, flash floods washed out rail lines and caused this train to derail. luckily, no one was injured. the train compartments were mostly empty. >> the heavy rain has mostly come to an end and the parts that were battered so hard in southwest texas and louisiana, this is a slow motion disaster. the river flooding that moved from the mid mississippi river has to drain into the gulf of mexico. that will flood rivers. it's going to be difficult times going forward. you are looking at a mass of the central u.s., the entire u.s., but those are the states impacted by flooding, as we speak. there's a huge monetary loss here. think of the homeowners, the businesses, the farmers. people have to wait weeks to come home to start the clean up recovery process, thanks to the rivers that need to crest. toward the end of the month to
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early june, this is thanks to the waters that flood from the mississippi river valley. over 300 river gauges at the moment reporting. some flooding. 35 recording major flooding. this is the reason why. not only have we had spring snow melt, heavy rain events that inundated the area with ten inches of rain outside of houston in the past five days. baton rouge, new orleans, mississippi, you have been hit hard. we have a moderate risk of flash flooding across those locations. we are drying out today. you were hit very hard in southeast texas, exceptionally hard late friday into friday or late thursday into friday. you can draw a line there. latest radar, at the moment, still active. it is starting to dwindle down. not as heavy as what we experienced 24-48 hours ago.
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the cold front pressing east. a chance of severe weather across the southeastern u.s. i have to get this out here. it is mother's day. happy mother's day to everyone watching. the forecast is looking wet this morning. treat that mother for breakfast in bed. >> there you go. she can sleep in. when countries work together, they can accomplish a lot, like reducing the amount of plastic waste in our environment. we finally get it. this is a huge global problem. coming up, four of the countries agreed to do that, with one notable exception. - [woman] with my shark, i deep clean messes like this. this and even this. but i don't have to clean this, because the self-cleaning brush roll removes hair, while i clean. - [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans, now cleans itself.
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a group of 187 countries has agreed to control the movement of plastic waste between their national borders. >> the goal, to cut the amount of plastic pollution. how many more pictures and video can we see like this? the countries essentially added plastics to an agreement, which regulates the movement of hazardous materials between nations. >> one country, though, that is not in the group, the united states. the agreement still applies to the united states, since practically every country it trades with follows the agreement. another way to cut down the plastic in the environment is to recycle. as ivan watson found out, recycling plastic doesn't always have the intended result. >> reporter: did you ever wonder what happens after you put things in a recycling bin? some of it could end up here at
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the ecology center in berkeley, california. this nonprofit organization is engaged in community recycling since 1973. >> there's no magical land of recycling with rainbows and unicorns. it's prettier than that. >> reporter: while the center recycles metal and glass, it sends plastic to landfills in the u.s. that decision, after the center used a gps tracker to discover that some of its plastic, believed to be destined for recycling was being shipped to malaysia. in fact, since 2018, malaysia has seen a surge of imported plastic scrap. that's because, until recently, china, one of the biggest plastic importers banned most of the trade. the chinese ban led to a flood of this stuff, descending on malaysia. last year, residents in the rural town began complaining
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about respiratory illnesses due to acrid smoke. residents investigated and found scores of unlicensed factories like this, processing and burning plastic scrap. most of it appears to be foreign. this is for bottled water. it says here on the label that it is manufactured in stanford, connecticut. my home state in the u.s. what is your message to me? >> bring home -- bring it home. it belong to y'all. >> reporter: you want me to bring it home? >> yes, yes, yes. >> reporter: i thought i was doing the right thing when i put a plastic bottle in the recycling bin. it's disappointing to learn that some of that plastic might end up in places like this. in an ideal world, used plastic bags from walmart would end up in malaysian recycling plants
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like this. >> reporter: machines like the cyclone take plastic from the world that cleans and purifies the stuff to be sold for reuse. >> reporter: for some, plastic scrap is bought, processed and sold for considerable profit. when you see that plastic, does it look like trash to you? >> definitely no. that's gold. >> reporter: money? >> money. >> reporter: the problem is, many fly by night operators set up shop without following regulations prompting the malaysian government to take action. recently, malaysia's environment minister took us on raids of unlicensed recycling plants. officers rounding up the operators and laborers working illegally here. >> it's illegal and against the environment act. >> reporter: the minister shut down at least 148 plastic
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recycling factories in nine months and suspended imports of foreign, plastic scrap. >> you should take care of your own, right? >> you don't want american garbage anymore? >> i think malaysia has no -- to do it. >> reporter: it's not just about wealthy countries selling their garbage to poorer countries. society needs to change patterns of consumption she says or we will drown in all this plastic. ivan watson, cnn, malaysia. >> look at that shot. eye-opening story from ivan. let's bring in an environmental activist from break free plastic joining us from manila. i want to go back to 187 countries that agreed to control the movement of plastic within borders. we saw ivan's story, malaysia saying, we don't want this.
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the philippines are fighting with canada saying take your plastic back. talk to us about this issue and agreement we were talking about. >> hi, natalie. thanks. the agreement that took place at the conference of the parties just last week did not disappoint. for one, it's a crucial first step toward stopping the practice of using the developing world or lower income companies for plastic waste, especially those coming from rich countries. >> speaking of rich countries, why isn't the u.s. participating? >> the u.s. is not party to the convention. it's one of the countries not at the convention. nevertheless because of this agreement, the u.s. can no longer export the plastic waste
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to parties of the convention. that includes the developing countries. it will have an impact on the u.s. waste and plastic waste. >> we are hearing now, as a result, cities in the united states aren't able to recycle because they don't have anywhere for that to go. >> exactly. i mean, in the past, or even now, you would think the stuff that is connected and separate in the bins are going to proper recycling factories, but no. they are being sent recycling outsource to other countries where environmental regulations are lax and worker safety rights are not authentic. this externalization of or export of pollution has to stop. >> i want to point out the video there. look at all those plastic bottles. which companies -- of course the
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problem is, we just keep putting products in plastic. you can't keep up. which countries are the biggest polluters, as far as using plastic for their product? >> well, based on if you look at the plastic trade, the main exporters include the u.s., japan, also the uk and belgium. of course, nearly every country in the planet uses plastics. we have to question the system that delivers the way products are delivered and to markets. mostly wrapped in throw away plastic. that system is about to change. hopefully, this decision by the u.n. and parties of the convention will force governments to look at companies and demand a little more
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responsibility to actually reinvest or reinvest in the design of their products or deliver systems, not throw away plastic. >> amazing, major corporations are selling their sodas and their water in plastic bottles despite this unbelievable global issue. we appreciate it. i enjoy your website, break free from plastic. vaughn hernandez, thank you for the work you do. appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> it is one of those things people think out of sight, out of mind. it's not. >> not at all. anytime you take water in a plastic bottle, think about that. >> where is it going? it's going somewhere. the u.s. state of georgia, here, is rolling in money from film studios, but a controversial new law could change all that. u know that loo? that life of the party look. walk it off look. one more mile look.
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to save 30% on all the medications we carry. so go directly to now. several u.s. states are passing laws limiting criminalizing abortions. this week, georgia's governor signed into law one of the most restrictive anti-abortion
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measure. >> unlike other states, georgia is getting pressure from the heart beat bill from the film industry. we have the report. >> reporter: marvel movies, the walker dead, "stranger things." they are shot in the south. it's tied to the $9.5 billion viz. actors, writers and producers are reeling from the heartbeat bill that outlawed abortion after a heart beat is detected. movie fans touring atlanta's film locations heard about the boycott. >> i agree with them. i'm glad they are taking a stand about it. hopefully taking that stand will make a difference. >> just do the job. that's it. just satisfy the political side of it. >> we are going to see a couple places we saw in this "hunger
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game" clip. >> he moved to georgia where he knew there'd be more work. >> they built a foundation in places like this. we don't have the luxury of saying, hey, let's go to california. >> reporter: it's not easy for established hollywood names to leave productions they have committed to. alyssa milano says she is shooting a show in georgia for a month but will do everything to get as many productions as possible to move out of the state. j.j. abrams and jordan peel have a show to shoot in georgia. they will donate 100% of the fees to two organizations leading the charge against this law. >> we are all feeling it. if not financially, at the moment, it's the negativity, the chatter. >> reporter: if the issue is not resolved, local crews may see their home abandoned. natasha chen, cnn, atlanta. >> the american civil liberties will challenge the law in court.
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similar bills in other states have been temporarily blocked in courts. lawmakers in hong kong are fighting over a controversial bill. literally fighting. take a look. saturday, lawmakers fought over amendments to a law that would allow hong kong to extradite people without extradition agreements including mainland china. >> they claim it will erode freedoms for activists, journalists. they are asking lawmakers to resume rational discussions about the issue. that is "cnn newsroom." thanks for watching. i'm natalie allen. >> i'm george howell. the news continues after this. (paul) great. another wireless ad.
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we have shocking new developments in the disappearance of 4-year-old malia davis. an arrest has been made. >> the last known person to have been with the missing 4-year-old but since the beginning police say his store has been full of holes. a pilot has been indicted for killing three people in 2015 and then burning their bodies. today, we can announce an indictment of christian richard martin. >> do you worry that you fully prosecuted in the murder case? >> no, i have most worries about that. the battle over abortion laws is intensifying. >> we are taking a stand. our industry is


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