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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 12, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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up and there are real consequences. they deserve our respect. all over the world the united states is in some country repeating the mistakes we made with the secret war over and over and over again. bracing for backlash. china gets ready to strike back after the u.s. hikes tariffs on $200 billion worth of chinese goods. plus, breakfast, lunch and dinner are hard to come by in venezuela. see how the economic crisis there is making it difficult to provide -- and shedding light on injustice. t the muslims that have face -- i'm george howell from cnn world headquarters. "newsroom" starts now.
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tensions are high with no deal on trade between u.s. and china. china has yet to respond to the latest u.s. tariffs and it is making the markets jittery. >> yeah. asian markets opened down. you can see all the arrows in the red there. the seoul down 6.1%. and u.s. markets suggest a down day on wall street. look at that, you can see the s&p 500 futures lost more than 1%, the nasdaq futures down 1.25% and the dow losing over 1% there. but president donald trump remains confident, tweeting "the u.s. is right where we want to be with china." mr. trump claimed the u.s. would collect tens of billions of dollars from the tariffs. his top economic adviser admitted that is not the case. >> it's not china that pays
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tariffs, it's the american importers, the american companies that pay what in effect is a tax increase, and often times passes it on to u.s. consumers. >> fair enough. in fact, both sides will pay. both sides will pay in these things. >> all right. let's go live now to beijing. cnn's stephen jung is following the story. stephen, of course, the big question at this point, everybody wants to know how will china retaliate? they haven't said so, but what are the options? >> that's right, rosemary. they have not offered any specifics on their promise of countermeasures against the u.s. they could obviously impose countertariffs on u.s. imports but not dollar for dollar because, remember, china imports a lot less from the u.s. than the other way around. so they're literally running out of american products to tax. they can also cancel major purchases from the u.s., especially in terms of agricultural and energy products which could hit hard on the
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political base of mr. trump in the u.s. the chinese could also create non-terrorist barriers for american companies. or even launching an official retaliation by making american companies' lives very difficult. for example, delaying the issuance of licenses or customs clearance or even sending fire inspectors. rosemary? >> well, if this is going on, where are the talks going? because there have been, well, rumors possibly that president trump and the chinese president will get together and talk next month, but what's being said about that possibility and ongoing talks here? it's not over yet, is it? >> that's right. that's was suggested by larry kudlow, the top economic adviser at the white house, but at this point, though, it's interesting to see that despite the latest escalation and potential vicious cycle in this trade war, they're still saying they are willing to
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keep talking. but about what, though? because the two sides remain very far apart on a number of key issues and their position -- their positions actually have hardened. so it's more of a political calculation by both leaders, probably. for mr. trump, he probably has figured it's more advantageous to be tough on china than signing any deal that can be described as weak by his opponents, especially as the u.s. is fast entering the campaign season for the 2020 election. same thing could be said about president xi jinping here. he's under domestic pressure to stand his ground against the u.s. so being tough against the americans would benefit him politically as well. that's probably why we are seeing this more nationalistic coverage on this story by the state media. but at this point, though, even if they sit down at the g20 summit next month, it's difficult to imagine what can be resolved or achieved in that meeting, rosemary. >> yeah, this is the problem. of course, in the meantime we wait to see what sort of
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retaliation comes from chan. stephen jung bringing us the very latest from beijing. many thanks to you. in the meantime, both democratic and republican u.s. senators are expressing concern over this lingering battle. listen. >> putting tariffs on our allies, putting tariffs on even the chinese that are actually taxes on american producers, american farmers, taxes on the american consumer and taxes on the american worker, i think are completely the wrong way of doing this. i can assure you the chinese have a longer attention span that donald trump has. >> i think there are ways the chinese market could open up and that would be good, but i still would advise the administration to get this done because the longer we're involved in a tariff battle or a trade war, the better chance there is we could actually enter into a recession because of it. >> this president and this administration have failed to understand that we are stronger when we work with our allies on every issue. china included. >> as of now, there is no sign of the white house giving an
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inch on tariffs. our tom foreman looks at how that's lyrically ikely to affec shoppers. >> reporter: american consumers could soon feel a greater impact for the tariffs expand to consumer products as threatened. china would be expected to pass on those expenses, jacking up prices on smartphones, computers, televisions, fitness trackers and much more. the extra cost for the average american family of four is expected to be close to $800. what could drive it? 3/4 of the toys bought in the u.s. are made in china, including these hugely popular dolls. 93% of chinese-made footwear, including some shoes for nike, could be hit. so could clothing, bluetooth head sets and even drones. trump's tariffs on china last year steered away from consumer goods and focused on industrial items such as solar panels, steel and aluminum. those costs were passed on by american companies.
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>> american consumers are already paying. they just don't really know. it's kind of a stealth tax, but it's going to become a very obvious tax not too far from now if this continues. >> now, the u.s. president faces yet another critical week in his presidency. >> yeah, mr. trump is not backing down in the face of subpoenas that may end up threatening his administration. cnn's jamie dimon has a preview. >> reporter: the battle between the white house and congressional democrats very much continuing this week. it's been several weeks since the president vowed to fight all subpoenas issued by house democrats, and we've seen that strategy play out in the last self weeks, but on tuesday we're expecting a resolution on at least one of those subpoena requests. that's because a federal judge is expected to rule on the subpoena from the house oversight committee demanding financial records from one of the president's former accounting firms, and then on friday, that is when house democrats have laid out a deadline for the treasury
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department and the irs to respond to their subpoena on the president's tax returns. that's a demand that the administration has so far resisted. the treasury secretary steve mnuchin has categorically refused that request, just last week, but the white house's position is remaining firm. they are insisting they're not going to comply with several of these subpoena requests. the white house deputy press secretary steve groevs issued a statement on sunday saying there are rules and norms governing congressional oversight of the executive branch and the democrats simply refuse to abide by them. this white house will not and cannot comply with unlawful demands made by increasingly unhinged and politically motivated democrats. so the white house very much remaining firm in its position on that, but house democrats, meanwhile, are grappling with how to get the white house to comply with the 20-plus investigations that so far we've seen simply stonewalling from this white house and from the president and his allies. some democrats are also now
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calling this a constitutional crisis because of that stonewalling from the white house. the president, though, very much pushing back on that. he said in a tweet the democrats knew andpathically untrue sound bite is that we are in a constitutional crisis. the president very much rejecting that notion. jeremy dimon, cnn, the white house. >> jeremy, thank you. let's talk more about this now with james davis. james the director of the institute for political science at the university of saint gallon and a professor of political science with a special focus on international politics. joining us this hour from munich. good to have you. >> good morning. >> over the weekend we saw the president set into a twitter tirade, retweeting 62 tweets on everything from the mueller investigation, the subpoena of his son, don jr., china, the trade war, several other topics. clearly mr. trump had a lot on
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his mind as he heads into another week that the democrats call a constitutional crisis. >> it's clear when the president is not on the golf course he's fretting about what could come out of these various investigations, oversight hearings, and somebody's getting under his skin, that's for sure. >> so certainly we're looking ahead to this week. the showdown between the white house and congress. mr. trump promising to fight all the subpoenas that you mentioned by house democrats. what are they expecting this week, especially when it comes to tuesday, as our reporter pointed out, a federal judge is set to rule on a subpoena demanding financial record from one of the president's former accounting firms. >> right. i think these are the interesting questions. how are the judges -- how is the judiciary going to rule on these various subpoenas? because i think the administration is going to fight them tooth and nail. i think as long as the congress can make clear that the justification for the subpoenas, the justification for their requests is legitimate oversight authority of the congress, i
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think they should -- they should triumph in the courts. if, however, it appears that they're just abusing the power of the congress to exercise oversight just to harass the president, well, then i think they're on thin ice. but i think they know that and i think that as long as it's clear that there are a number of issues over which the congress has a legitimate right to exercise its oversight authority, oversight authority that is given to the congress by the constitution, the courts have always ruled in favor of the -- of the oversight provisions, and so i think the congress will prevail. >> also, later in the week on friday, house democrats have set a deadline for the treasury department and the irs to respond to their subpoena on the president's tax returns. what do you expect to happen there? because so far we've only seen deadlock. >> right. i think, again, this is going to be a question of what are the justifications that the congress is giving for demanding the president's tax returns?
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obviously if it appears that the congress is just trying to harass the president, they're not going to get very far, but there are a number of issues over which congress has a legitimate right to ask questions. one can think about the emoluments clause, whether or not the president is benefitting from his office in a way that's contrary to what the constitution calls for. there are a number of issues lating relating to the mueller probe, there are a number of issues relating to the ongoing issues in the southern district of new york. lots of lots of issues over which the congress has a legitimate right to exercise authority, and if it's -- if it's -- if it's able to make that case that this is, in fact, a legitimate cause then i think -- i think they'll prevail, but i think this is going to be a long fight. it may, in fact, eventually end up at the supreme court, and then of course the question is to what extent are the justices on the supreme court in the
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pocket of the president or in what respect are they going to actually interpret the constitution in a fair and just way? >> i'd like to get your thoughts also on robert mueller himself, the push to have him testify. where do you see that going? >> i think -- i think the special counsel's going to testify one way or the other. it's just a question of when. as long as he's a member of the executive branch under the employ of the -- of the justice department, they may be able to prohibit him from testifying. but to that point at which he's no longer in federal employee, and anyone has to ask how much longer will he be an employee of the federal government, at that point he's a private citizen and i imagine he probably would be called before the committee. >> james davis, we appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. and we'll take a short break here. still ahead, commercial ships in the middle east have become targets and it's sparking fears of even more tension in an already volatile area.
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plus, an eye-opening look at the harsh conditions in venezuela. we'll discover the lengths some people are driven to just to survive. stay with us. having a reliable network means everything. (vo) the network more people rely on, gives you more. like a special price for military families and one of our best phones when you buy one. that's verizon. can we talk? we used to play so beautifully together. now we can barely play anything... even cards with the girls. if you have bent fingers, and can't lay your hand flat, talk to your doctor. it may be dupuytren's contracture. your hand is talking. isn't it time you listened? there are nonsurgical options. take the first step. and learn more about dupuytren's. at ♪
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well, the u.s. secretary of state is cancelling a monday trip to moscow. he will instead meet with european officials in brussels to discuss pressing matters, including a dispute with iran. before departing, mike pompeo reiterated that the u.s. does not want war with iran. >> we're not going to miscalculate. our aim is not war. our aim is a change in the behavior of the iranian leadership. we hope the iranian people will get what they finally want, what they so richly deserve. the forces we're putting in place are forces we've had in the region before. you know we often have carriers in the persian gulf, but the president wanted to make sure in the event that something took place we were able to respond to it in an appropriate way. as the secretary of state i wanted to make sure we had all the political/diplomatic tools in the rate place and wanted to make sure that we can provide the president with an option set in the event that the iranians make a bad decision.
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>> his trip comes as four commercial vessels were targeted in the middle east off the coast of the nearby united arab emirates. saudi arabian state media report that two saudi oil tankers were attacked, causing significant damage. no one was hurt. cnn's nic robertson has more on this story from abu dhabi. >> reporter: well, what we've learned late sunday from emerati authorities is what they describe as a dangerous development for commercial vessels, they say, targeted in their territorial waters off the port city. now, that is an important oil facility in the emirates and it is rate next to the straits of hormuz. and, of course, this comes at a time when the u.s. intelligence assessment have been that there is a growing iranian threat to shipping in the region. the pentagon had been concerned as of late last week, concerned that there was a threat to u.s. shipping, commercial and military in the region and also the shipping of u.s. partners in the region.
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now, what the emeritis are describing these attacks as sabotage operations, subversive operations. that's how they're describing it. and this came late sunday evening in the emirates, this information from the emerati authorities. however, earlier in the day pro-iranian tv in the region and in iran have been broadcasting a story saying that seven oil tankers in this port city were on fire. when we contacted emerati authorities earlier sunday to ask about that, they said they had no information about it. for the emeratis this is, in their words, a dangerous development and coming at a time of heightened tensions in this region. the united states sending more of its naval forces and patriot missile batteries and b-52 bombers in the region as well. the tension growing. and this incident, whatever it turns out to be, this incident
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does seem to be something that's going to add to those tensions. nic robertson, cnn, abu dhabi. the power struggle in venezuela rolls on. at a rally in caracas this weekend, national assembly leader juan guaido urged his supporters to maintain nationwide protests against president nicolas maduro. >> in the meantime, three opposition politicians are now taking refuge in foreign embassies, and they and other lawmakers were stripped of their immunity. and as the country's social and economic crisis deepens and hyperinflation makes life even more difficult, venezuelans are learning they will have to resort to drastic measures to survive. >> that's right. our rafael romo witnessed the very harsh conditions in caracas and filed this report. >> reporter: this family's waiting by an open-air market. in just a few hours the fruit that doesn't get sold will be disposed of and that will become their own meal today.
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things are very difficult, this woman says. we can't buy anything with the money we make. at a nearby mark, this woman and her children waited all morning long until a good smaamaritan showed up. >> how long did you have to wait to get food? >> reporter: several hours, she says. this is 21st century venezuela. there is an abundance of rhetoric and propaganda and a shortage of food. >> all social classes of venezuela are struggling to get enough food. everybody is looking to make ends meet and looking for alternatives to feed their families. >> reporter: a seasonal fruit has become the go-to food item to satisfy hunger. >> how affordable are mangos right now? >> reporter: they're very cheap, she says. it's mango season and prices are very low. there are so many families that depend on mangos that the
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tropical fruit is now known as the hunger suppresser. this market coordinator says some people have mangos for breakfast, lunch and dinner. the purchasing power for the average venezuelan has collapsed due to hyperinflation. >> these are a national dish in venezuela, kind of like a pancake made out of corn. each one costs about $2. the problem is that most people here in venezuela make an average of $5, which tells you a lot about how difficult it is for families to make ends meet. >> reporter: some people are so desperate that they're willing to put their health at risk, like these men looking for metal in a river that carries sewage. >> socialists who have govern the country for two decades are calling on people to fight for what they call 21st century socialism. you need to produce something in
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your own home, this national leader says. it's one way of defending the motherland. back at the park, this woman keeps waiting for food. >> what happens during the rest of the week? how do you make ends meet? >> reporter: there's no easy answer. her eyes are full of tears but her stomach remains empty. elsewhere in the city, two men knock down mangos from a mango tree while the hope of striking goal keep these others wading in sewage. in markets around caracas, entire families keep waiting for the garbage that will become their breakfast, lunch and dinner. rafael romo, cnn, caracas. >> just a horrible situation, isn't it, for the people day to day. >> terrible. >> we'll keep following this story. let's take a quick break here. still to come, china could retaliate against the latest u.s. tariffs in the coming hours. what the escalating trade war
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means for consumers. plus, safe in turkey, but fearing for loved ones in china. how uyghurs are bringing attention to a religious crackdown. still ahead. stay with us. it's a beautiful piece of land. so why haven't you started building? tyler's off to college... and mom's getting older... and eventually we would like to retire. td ameritrade can help you build a plan for today and tomorrow. come with a goal. leave with a plan. td ameritrade. ♪
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it's a look what your wifi can do now store. a get your questions answered by awesome experts store. it's a now there's one store that connects your life like never before store. the xfinity store is here. and it's simple, easy, awesome. welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. you're watching "cnn newsroom." i'm george howell. >> and i'm rosemary church. let's check the headlines for you this hour. the gulf cooperation council has condemned the targets of four commercial ships near the united arab emirates. the saenld sabotage happened off the port city.
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two saudi tankers were reportedly among them. the u.s. has warned that iran could be targeting vessels in the area. at least six people were attacked sunday, this when gunmen attacked a catholic church. state media report that a priest is among the dead and the church and other buildings were set on fire. the west african country has seen a spike in violence. dow futures suggest that wall street is headed for a down day over trade war uneasiness. beijing is expected to retaliate against the latest hike in u.s. tariffs but president donald trump says the u.s. is right where we want to be with china. so for more perspective on this, simon baptist joins us now from singapore. he is the chief economist for the economist intelligence unit. great to have you with us. >> good to be here. >> so let's start with the big question everyone's asking, how will china likely retaliate against this hike in u.s. tariffs?
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>> we already have a pretty good idea about how china is going to retaliate. when these tariffs were first proposed last year, china did draw up a list of countermeasures that they were suggesting they were going to take, so i think the most likely outcome is that they will just implement those that have already been planned for. and what is for sure is that china is going to take steps to match what the u.s. is doing. i mean, unfortunately for the world in both xi jinping and donald trump you have leaders who are very strong negotiators and they both have a big issue about keeping face and looking to one in the negotiations. politically there is no way china can sit back and allow these tariffs to go up without a reaction. >> right. i mean, really all world leaders feel that way, they would be pushing back, but president trump keeps saying the u.s. is
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collecting temples collecting tens of billions of dollars in tariffs from china, but it's actually the u.s. consumers that are paying for that. even trump's top economic adviser larry kudlow admitted to that point. why is kudlow breaking from what his boss has been saying on this and why now? >> the impact of tariffs is more complex than either side puts out in that characterization. so part of the tariffs are paid for by u.s. consumers or u.s. firms buying goods in the form of higher prices, but part of it is paid by the chinese producers who face higher costs in one of their main markets. it differs product by product depending on the market structure how that tariff pain is split between the producers and the end users. there are people who benefit, mainly the producers from third countries who now have the opportunity to sell into the u.s. at a higher price because the tariffs will push price level in the u.s. up and that
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producers from countries apart from china are not going to pay that tariff but they'll gain the benefit of whatever amount of that tariff is passed through the final prices. it's a very complex situation and why you see different lobbying stances from different sectors. >> right. president trump insists the u.s. is right where it wants to be with china. what do you think he means by that? could this strategy backfire on mr. trump once u.s. consumers do figure out that they're the ones paying for the majority of these increased tariffs? >> i think both the u.s. and china have made some tactical mistakes through this process and they've both allowed it to escalate into a place where neither of them wanted it to get to. the u.s. economy is already suffering somewhat because of these tariffs. now, there's quite a strong economic situation apart from that in the u.s. at the moment, so that is kind of covering some of the negative impact, but certainly, for example, agricultural industries and also
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aerospace have particularly been affected by these tariffs that are going on. so i think we can expect to see some impact on u.s. prices, but probably not enough to make the fed say raise -- to turn around and start raising interest rates to try and throttle inflation down. >> right. so where do you expect this trade war between china and the u.s. will go next? we've heard chatter about president trump and the chinese president getting together next month. >> mmm-hmm. >> how likely is that and what's their starting point and where will they go with this and what about the ongoing talks? have they stalled or do you think there's an off-ramp here? >> i think we're going to be talking about this for a long, long time to come. i don't see any prospect in the next six months, really, of a kind of a deal that we might think is final and that is not going to continue to be renegotiated. i think we can expect to see trade tensions and, in fact, more importantly, tensions
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around investment and technology to be a permanent fixture of the u.s.-china relationship going forward. and the trade issue is going to flare up and down. the moment we're right in the thick of negotiations, so in some ways i don't take anything that either side says right now too seriously because everything at this stage is part of a negotiation tactic. you know, maybe a threat. maybe a compromise. all designed to push the ultimate outcome into somewhere a bit more favorable for whichever party is doing the threats at the time. china certainly seems to take a bit of a harsher stance or a more hardcore stance toward negotiations last week. the trump administration's had a very strong reaction to that and we've had this period of escalation. i think we may well see these tariffs implemented. i think it is very possible. it's always feasible that we could see some agreement that would take them back, but i don't think they'll go away, so even if we reached an agreement
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now, i think we stay at 10% and certainly not back to the 0 that we had in 2017. >> all right. we will watch to see what happens next to see how china responds, whether it retaliates and how. simon baptist, thank you so much for your analysis. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> so the tariffs' impact on consumers is easy to spot at one new york business. >> yeah, prices rose after the first round of tariffs last year and polo sandoval reports another increase is on the horizon. >> reporter: step inside ryan zagata's new york city showroom and you'll see the unintended consequences of a trade war. >> with the new tariff it's inevitable we'll have to increase the price on this. >> reporter: the brooklyn bicycle company is already dealing with the burden of increased chinese import tariffs. these bikes are assembled in china using foreign-made components to keep the costs down for the consumer. the 10% tariff hike on nearly
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$200 billion in chinese goods forced zagata to raise some prices. >> this has been one of our most popular bikes. it was 449 last summer, it's now 499. >> reporter: the white house announced that 10% will increase to 25%, a change that will result in yet another hike on the showroom floor. >> since september we've been paying an extra $10. now we're at $15.50. with this additional tariff it's another $15. so we're talking $30.30 for every bicycle we import, every $100 we spend, $30.30. our cost is $61 that we're paying in duties to the government. >> reporter: zagata says that means some of his customers will be paying more for the same bike. >> it's difficult for me. i can't call my customer and say, guess what, you're getting
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a better grip set, luxury saddle. the money is going to the government. >> reporter: it's been a rough ride since president trump waged his war with china. zagata blames the uncertainty that comes with trade negotiations. >> it's not difficult for us as a business to decide what to do. we've built financial models, we can punch in variables. the model will effectively spit out this what you need to do. the challenge with the models is we're missing one final variable. we don't know what the final duty is going to be with the trade talks still ongoing. >> reporter: the president said tariffs will, quote, make the country much stronger. just sit back and watch. that may be hard to do for some u.s. importers with china now vowing to hit back. >> i think tariffs are a great tool and i applaud the administration for what they're doing, i just think six months, nine months in it's becoming really difficult and come on already with these negotiations. like, let's move ahead. >> reporter: polo sandoval, cnn, new york.
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>> the united states and china are also at odds about beijing's suspected crackdown on religious minorities. china accused of detaining largely muslim groups in camps, including the uyghurs. >> many in that ethnic group have fled to turkey and they are trying to bring attention to the treatment of their loved ones. cnn's jomana karadsheh has more now from istanbul. >> reporter: on this bitterly cold istanbul morning, dozens of muslim uyghurs are undeterred by the near freezing temperatures and the rain. they're out on the streets desperate for their voices to be heard and for the world to see the faces of loved ones who have disappeared without a trace. some clearly too young to understand what this is all about and what the older generations have endured. but they still join in the chants. they've all come together as more and more uyghurs around the world are breaking their silence, hoping this would put
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pressure on china to reveal the fate of their disappeared. fathers, mothers, some entire families. everyone here with a story. too many for us to try and tell. >> i didn't have any contact with my family. i didn't hear my mother's voice. and i didn't know if she's alive. >> we want freedom and we want justice. we want to know where our relatives are and what kind of life they are having now. >> what the whole world is in a deep sleep. >> reporter: in this attempt to wake world up, not everyone is taking to the streets. in her istanbul apartment, this woman tells us she is no longer afraid of retribution. she just wants her husband back. as she speaks, her 13-year-old daughter quietly cries. it's been three years since she last saw her father. ahmed says as china's crackdown
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on uyghur muslims intensified, life became unbearable, leaving her no choice but to flee with her daughters in 2016. her presence made things hard for her husband who was banned from traveling. they never left us alone. there were always policeman coming to our door because my daughter and i were covering our heads as muslims. it became very hard for us to live there. but family members of uyghurs who leave the country are often detained or harassed by authorities, she says. to spare her husband that, they divorced on paper. the last time they spoke over video chat was in april 2017. then he vanished. until this -- in january they spotted him in what they say is a state propaganda video of one of the camps where according to a u.s. government report hundreds of thousands of uyghurs and possibly up to 2 million are believed to be held. >> i think he lost weight and is
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looking so small and not here. >> how did you feel when you saw him in that video? >> so sad, and i'm happy too because he's alive. >> reporter: the chinese government did not respond to cnn's request for comment on his alleged detention, but china has repeatedly denied it is imprisoning or reeducating uyghurs, instead saying it is undertaking voluntary training as part of an anti-extremist program. uyghurs we've spoken to here in istanbul say that after years of the world ignoring their plight, they feel that things are starting to change now with the crackdown getting more attention. but that's not enough, they say. they say that countries like the united states and muslim-majority countries like turkey should do more. >> reporter: as the world stood by, so much was lost, they say. now they're speaking up not just for what was lost but to try and
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save their future. jomana karadsheh, cnn, istanbul. the u.s. state of georgia, atlanta, sees a stade stream of money coming from the movie industry. in fact, atlanta is known as the hollywood of the south. but still ahead, how a controversial new law could change all of that. ht arm in, you put your right arm out,♪ ♪you put your right arm in, and then you shake it all about♪ ♪you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.♪ ♪that's what it's all about. ♪you put your whole self in, you put your whole self out,♪ ♪you put your whole self in, and you shake it all about.♪ ♪you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.♪ ♪that's what it's all about. ♪that's what it's all about.♪ ♪that's what it's all about.♪ you know when your dog is itching for an outing... or itching for some cuddle time. but you may not know
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when he's itching for help... licking for help... or rubbing for help. if your dog does these frequently. they may be signs of an allergic skin condition that needs treatment. don't wait. talk to your veterinarian and learn more at can we talk? we used to play so beautifully together. now we can barely play anything... even cards with the girls. if you have bent fingers, and can't lay your hand flat, talk to your doctor. it may be dupuytren's contracture. your hand is talking. isn't it time you listened? there are nonsurgical options. take the first step. and learn more about dupuytren's. at ♪
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our industry is taking a stand. women are taking a stand and we're saying no more. >> actor alyssa milano is calling on georgia's booming movie industry to stop filming there. that is after the u.s. state signed one of the country's most restrictive anti-abortion measures into law. >> a hollywood boycott could send georgia a multibillion dollar message. our natasha chen has this report. >> reporter: marvel movies, "the walking dead," "stranger things," these were all shot in georgia, the hollywood of the south, with more than 90,000
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employees in the stay tied to its $9.5 billion a year business. but many a-list actors and producers are reeling from georgia's heartbeat bill signed last week which outlaws abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, about six weeks into a pregnancy before many women know they're pregnant. >> i agree with them and i'm glad they're taking a stand about it and hopefully taking that stand will make a difference. >> just do the job, that's it. just set aside the political side of it. >> all right. we're going to see a couple of places we saw in those "hunger games clips". >> reporter: tour guide kevin saunders is also an actor and moved to georgia where he knew there would be more work. >> crews that built a foundation, we don't have the luxury of being able to say, okay, hey, let's just go to california. >> reporter: it's not easy for established hollywood names to leave productions they've committed to. alyssa milano said through her publicist she's contractually
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obligated to finish a show in georgia the next month but "will do as much as i can in my power to get as many productions to move out of the state." jj abrams and jordan peele also have a show to shoot in georgia. they will donate 100% of their fees to two organizations leading the charge against this draconian law. >> we're all feeling it. if not financially at the moment, just the negativity, the chatter. >> reporter: local crews may see their home abandoned like in a zombie apocalypse. natasha chen, cnn, atlanta. >> the american civil liberties union says it will challenge georgia's new law in court. country around the world including the united states celebrated mother's day on sunday. >> and in the u.s. women candidates for president are in a unique position, making their roles as mothers part of their message. cnn's kyung lah has our story. >> thank you all. >> reporter: in the heart of
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west virginia, senator elizabeth warren joined by her son. >> by the way, with the guy over in the blue shirt, that's my son, alex. >> reporter: her experience as a mother part of her pitch to voters. >> childcare never stopped being an issue. for me, like for so many working parents today, it was this weight i had to carry around every single day. and it never let up. >> reporter: the motherhood identity once viewed as an albatross in 2020 is getting a makeover with a record number of women running for president. senator kamala harris married to do doug, father of two children from a privacy marriage, ella and cole. >> and i therefore have two children who are cole and ella who are here and they named me their mamala and their mother kristen is here, who is a dear
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friend of mine, and we have a real modern family. >> reporter: the portrait of a modern candidate. in a personal essay in honor of mother's day. harris writes about the heartache of missing her stepdaughter's graduation for the 2017 james comey testimony before the senate intelligence committee. >> i am not perfect. our kids are not perfect. my husband is not perfect and i don't think that the american people want perfect. >> reporter: senator amy klobuchar at a cnn town hall explained how getting kicked out of the hospital 24 hours after giving birth to her daughter who was born with a condition that made her unable to swallow made her fight back and become a lawmaker. >> that was when i got hooked on public service because i could see that you could make a difference. >> reporter: to even joke about motherhood means backlash in 2020. beto o'rourke quipped about barely helping his wife with the kids, prompting this public apology. >> not only will i not say that again, but i'll be much more
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thoughtful going forward. >> really looking forward to getting a chance to say hello. >> reporter: today amy o'rourke's on the trail. she's doing the driving. >> i've got little henry with me. >> reporter: senator kerstin gillibrand brings her family on the road. >> the southern part of the united states is getting a bit of a break after storms and massive rainfall hit that region. still ahead, we will see what's next in weather. (ding) hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?! haha, it happens. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice.
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across portions of the u.s. and the southern states or locked in around the state of texas has been inconsiderable e. when you look at the severe weather count of how many storms we've had in the month of may, we're exceeding now over 1,000 in a two-week period. it is of course severe weather season when you expect to see a large number of storms. whether it be to the south, the north, on into areas neighboring into oklahoma and certainly going to be the partner, at least the next several weeks before severe weather season gradually dies down. notice this, rainfall amounts, incredible. 2 to 4 inches widespread sa cross across portions of the gulf state. the wettest months of may in some 50-plus years in those cities respectively. the flood threat certainly high as well. when you look at the area of concern, the areas indicated in the orange on into the yellow, that's where flooding is likely occurring. as you follow the mississippi on
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into the missouri and notice how many games are actually reporting flooding at this hour, upwards of 300 gauges reporting flooding at this hour and the vast majority of them around this area, at least moderate to major flood stage. certainly a large number to be had as well. notice satellite depiction from last june. notice the mississippi across the river there to the north and the shape and size and note us how it looks like at this hour, where we've seen that damage some of the communities across the region. so the flooding concern going to be very high into the next couple of weeks, guys. >> all right. pedram, thank you. thank you for being with us for this hour of "cnn newsroom." i'm george howell. >> and i'm rosemary church. we'll be back with another hour of news in just a moment. tists comes miracle-gro performance organics. it's miracle-gro's next big thing. ♪ ♪ organic plant food and soil that finally work. ♪ ♪ and work... and work. ♪ ♪ and yes we did say organic. for twice the bounty, guaranteed.
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12:00 am
for retaliation as the u.s. slaps heavy tariffs on chinese products, markets are bracing to see how beijing will fight back. plus, suspected acts of sabotage near the united arab emirates in the middle of an already tense situation near the straight of hormuz. the u.s. steps up its military presence as a warning to iran. and the story of a 3-year-old child rescued or was he kidnapped? an american couple say their son was


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