tv CNN Special Report CNN May 27, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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♪ the following is a cnn special report. ♪ his business practices are opaque. >> everybody else lost, it goes bankrupt. trump walks away with somewhere between $30,000,050,000,000. >> there are allegations of deception. >> what we're developing, it doesn't mean we're the developer. >> often little guys get left in the lurch. >> was literally a financial catastrophe for us. >> it's hard when you feel you've been ripped off by a big name. you just start to be like, how could this happen? >> there is ordinary real estate selling and then there's this.
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>> i'm really rich. >> and now concerned donald trump is leveraging the presidency to make money. >> whose interest is he working for, the american people or his own wallet? >> tonight, a look inside the trump family business. ♪ money money money money it's the fall of 2006 and after a series of corporate bankruptcies, donald trump is back, bigly. >> my name's donald trump and i'm the largest real estate developer in new york. >> that's not reality. it's just reality tv. post millennium trump -- >> that would be me. >> is a television star with the apprentice to promote him. >> you're fired. >> and whatever he's selling. he seems to be selling and
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building a lot. >> the trump international hotel and tower in soho is the site of my latest development. >> that's downtown new york city. there was also northern mexico. >> escape to a place that is close to home, yet a world away. >> just ten miles from the u.s. border trump is offering five star luxury to people who didn't think they could ever afford it. >> big windows, great fixtures, beautiful kitchens. >> i said, oh, my god, that's amazing, let's do it. >> sandra sapol of suburban san diego was immediately interested in the trump ocean resort in baja, mexico. a big reason, it didn't have a southern california price tag. >> we don't make that kind of money where we're driving around in a ferrari or a lamborghini. we're regular people. we met this lady who showed us
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brochures of what it's going to look like and they're going to have a spa and it's going to have a pool and a tennis court. it looked so beautiful. >> beautiful, and sapol thought, a great investment because she thought she was buying from a man with the midas touch. >> whatever donald trump touches turns fantastically gold. >> this is the purchase agreement. >> sapol and her husband signed their purchase agreement in december of 2006. >> 12/8/06. we picked an actual room with an actual plan. here's the purchase price of our condo. $418,900. that's how much the condo was. >> what they could afford. >> here's a confirmation of deposit. the letter confirms that we're in receipt of a total deposit of $125,000. >> they'd lose every penny. >> it's hard when you feel like you've been ripped off by a big name. it's just -- you just start to
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be like how could this have happened? >> trump ocean resort baja, mexico was never built, construction never got beyond this, a giant hole in the ground. >> so there's my hole. that's what i bought, my hole. >> the failure of trump ocean resort baja, mexico was among several trump buildings that failed in the early 2000s. two projects planned for florida, also failed. the soho hotel, it went bankrupt. so did buildings in panama and toronto. >> most people in the city when that tower went bankrupt sort of that you canned it up to the global financial crisis, selling condos at a bad time. but a lot of people were building condos during the global financial crisis and none of them went bankrupt.
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like 400 towers were built at the same time as this one and 399 of them made money. >> marco and robert crib of the toronto star partnered with columbia's journalism school to investigate what happened at the trump building in toronto. >> everyone lost money except for trump. that is ultimately the main revelation that we walked away with. >> everyone lost money, but trump. it's the bottom line. again and again. he gained, others lost. take panama. how much did he make? >> he made, from what we can tell, piecing together fragments of financial information from different places, including the panamanian securities office, probably between $30 million and
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$55 million. >> everybody else lost, it goes bankrupt, trump walks away with somewhere between $30 million and $50 million. >> everybody else lost and trump earned $30 million to $50 million. how? a big part of the answer, licensing. >> the way it works is somebody else decides to build a building and they say if i put trump's name on this i'm going to sell these condos. trump, we'll pay you a fee to put your name on it. >> welcome to -- >> those trump buildings in panama, toronto, soho and baja, mexico, all licensed properties. >> donald trump started licensing his name around the turn of the century because it was easy money. he didn't have access to borrow capital from the banks anymore because of all the failures in businesses the banks lost money on. here was an opportunity to sign your fame and get paid up front. >> who made deals with trump?
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and what were the terms? that's where things begin to get fuzzy. >> from wnyz studios, this is trump, inc. >> journalists at wnyc radio have been investigating trump businesses for more than a year. >> trumping is a podcast and a reporting project to uncover the secrets of the trump family business. >> secrets because the trump organization fights to keep business details private. case in point -- >> the only one that cares about my tax returns are the reporters. >> the president's battle over his tax returns. >> and no lawyer would tell you to release your tax returns while you're under audit. >> if the trump organization was a public company there would be years of detailed information available. that doesn't exist. in fact, the only financial documents trump has released publicly are the basic financial forms required of all
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presidential candidates. >> the financial disclosures give you a broad but incomplete outline of trump's business empire. >> incomplete, but one thing they do reveal is that the trump organization is actually more than 500 different businesses, including golf courses and hotels. but there's a lot missing. >> what's not on the form, most importantly, are things like the people you're in business with. or any of your customers or clients. >> later this hour why that is important. up next -- >> there's a picture of donald trump himself right here. it never says i'm just licensing my name. i have nothing to do with the property. ♪ goin' down the only road i've ever known ♪ ♪ like a-- ♪ drifter i was ♪born to walk alone!
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love about this project is the fact that it's in baja, mexico and baja is one of the really hot places. >> for sandra sapol in suburban san diego, having a second home, especially one in baja is a dream. >> not everybody's is the same american dream. ours was, have a family, have a pickett fence and have that second property. >> it's why she bought a condo at one of those trump licensed properties. trump ocean resort, baja, mexico. only problem was, she didn't know that she was buying into a property -- >> this was supposed to be my view. >> that had licensed the trump name. >> these are the rest of this project. i own a franchise. i totally know the word licenseor, licensee but i had never heard it from the mouths of anyone representing trump
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resort. >> look at this letter from the project's developer to buyers in august of 2007. one of the two signatures at the bottom. donald j. trump. official brochures also made it seem as if he was a developer. >> developed by one of the most respected names in real estate, donald j. trump. >> trump said it too. >> when i build i have investors that follow me all over. they invest in me and they invest in what i build. that's why i'm so excited about trump ocean resort. >> when i build, what i build. but trump was not going to build anything at trump ocean resort, baja, mexico. he didn't develop it. the company licensing his name did that. >> he set up this international licensing business where he would realize that there was an incredible value to the name trump and that he could sell it and he didn't have to put anything into the project. >> he didn't put in any money.
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he had nothing to lose. >> he would go to places with his family, with his children, don jr. and ivanka and then eventually eric and they would make these representations that this is a trump project, we're putting something in. >> often, what they put in were themselves. >> ivanka got up on stage and talked about how she, you know, purchased one of the units and that she'll be frequently visiting. she kind of mingled her way to our area and she said, well, if you ever need to borrow sugar, you know, come knock on my door. >> sapol thought ivanka was there as a future -- that will make one publicity visit. it helped send the message that the world's best known real estate developer was developing. >> now, each case it would be a little different but they would
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convey to people that were thinking of putting up their money that it was a trump development. >> it wasn't. time after time he lied or misled about his role. baja, hawaii, where in a 2007 letter to the wall street journal trump wrote this building is largely owned by me and being developed by me. false. tampa, where he told a local paper in 2005 that he had a substantial stake in a planned trump building there. false. and fort lauderdale. >> do you solemnly swear or affirm to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god? >> i do. >> this is trump's 2013 deposition in a case where plaintiffs allege trump misled them about his role in the fort lauderdale development. listen to trump himself. >> you weren't actually developing that project correct? >> that is correct. >> yet a trump biography on this trump website read mr. trump is
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also developing the super luxurious trump international hotel and tower, fort lauderdale. >> so you would disagree certainly with that sentence being in there. >> the word developing, it doesn't mean that we're the developer. >> there were multiple lawsuits in fort lauderdale. most were settled. the terms are secret. in the two suits that went to trial, jurors were shown the prospectus which identified the developer as someone other than trump. trump won. >> the trumps didn't require these developments to be successful to earn money. >> it's because trump got a fixed fee from the developer, who licensed his name. plus, millions more as the condo sales were completed, even if the building went bankrupt. >> when they failed, which they frequently did, the trumps would make money and they would say oh, we weren't -- we weren't the developers. >> we were never the developer of this project and that was made clear. >> we were just the licensers. we are not responsible for your
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losses. >> and there were big losses. dw deposits lost and no buildings completed in baja, fort lauderdale, and tampa. bankruptcy in panama and soho. in the bankrupt buildings, more allegations of deception. buyers felt the trumps duped them but exaggerating sales figures to close a deal. >> the best way to make a sale is to convince someone they're buying the last ticket. >> trump told the star the building was 70% sold. in 2009 his daughter told cbs it was nearly full. >> we have projects all over the world that are incredibly successful and that are virtually sold out. so from hawaii to toronto to istanbul. >> bankruptcy papered filed for the toronto property years later told a very different story. >> years after it opened they still had three quarters of the
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units that had never been sold just sitting empty. >> the trump organization did not respond to requests for comment from the toronto star or cnn. >> the trump soho is a very, very special building. >> similar story in soho. in june 2008 ivanka trump told reporters that 60% of the units there had sold. court documents later showed the real number was closer to 15%. >> there were emails between the younger generation of trumps, ivanka and don jr. and the brokers that acknowledged that they realized that the building was not 60% sold. but they went ahead and said it anyway. >> so they lied. >> so they lied about how many units were sold. >> when buyers discovered the sales claims had been grossly exaggerated, they sued. >> a lot of people ask me, when he will, isn't that just new york real estate? isn't that just the way it
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works? and the answer is, there is ordinary real estate selling and then there's this. which is a persistent pattern of saying things that aren't true. >> the civil suit by buyers was settled, the terms are secret. the trumps have said they did nothing wrong. up next, when paying for a hotel room may be more than paying for a hotel room. >> they're here to curry favor. so it's a daunting task. oh i love it. it's a great razor. it has that 'fence' in the middle. it gives a nice smooth shave. just stopping that irritation... that burn that i get is really life changing.
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this building is the center of presidential power in the capital, three blocks east, another one. >> it's sort of the republican power center in washington. >> the president's washington, d.c. hotel. from the beginning the trumps made clear it was open for business. >> on his way from taking the oath of office to the white house they stopped the motorcade, the family gets out, they take a tour on the pavement. where? right in front of that property. >> back when he was still a candidate trump admitted the presidency could be a boon for his d.c. total which just listen to trump himself. >> we've beaten a lot of people and i think people like that. so i think it's had a -- i think it will be great for the building in question. >> he was right. >> it's a wild scene at the trump hotel in washington. really especially when congress is in session you have to walk
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in on any night and i would almost guarantee you'd see somebody that is a republican politics or a member of congress. >> how much money is the president making there? his financial disclosures claim $40 million in 2018. but we only have limited information about who was choosing to stay and pay there. >> we have no accounting whatsoever for keeping track of who's spending money at the properties of a sitting president. >> among those spending money at the d.c. hotel are foreign governments. >> the kuwaitis moved frit foom four seasons to the trump international hotel. >> and jonathan o'connell and his colleagues at the "washington post" learned a lobbying group working for the saudi arabia government paid the hotel close to $300,000. >> in total we tallied around 500 room nights that they stayed there. >> the post also discovered
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saudi spending at trump's new york hotel turned a red quarter black. and the paper uncovered that after trump became president saudi arab saudi customers increased at his company hotel in chicago. in d.c. the foreign guests have landed the hotel at the center of a federal lawsuit filed against the president by the attorney generals of maryland and washington, d.c. >> you ask them exactly why they're staying at the trump hotel, they're very clear. they tell you that they're here to show the president honor and of course we know they're here also to act in their country's best interests. >> honor. that's the word they use? >> yes, they're here to curry favor. >> it's a violation of the constitution for a president to receive presents or profits from foreign governments while in office. >> we know that president trump, every day, is receiving monies from foreign countries.
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>> the department of justice wants the case tossed out. the suit is working its way through the court system and racine vows to appeal any rulings that goes against him. meantime, back in 2017 a trump lawyer insisted there was no conflict. >> paying for a hotel room is not a gift or a present. and it has nothing to do with an office. ♪ >> but it isn't that simple and the question remains are people who are trying to curry favors getting them from the president of the united states? take saudi arabia. the president made the country his first international trip, an historic honor. a year and a half later "washington post" journalist jamal khashoggi was murdered in the saudi consulate in istanbul. the crown prince is blamed. but the president took the saudi side. >> i hate the crime. i hate what's done.
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i hate the cover-up. and i will tell you this, the crown prince hates it more than i do. and they have vehemently denied it. >> now, there are many reasons the president may be hesitant to anger the saudi government, but -- >> we have increasing cause to be concerned that the president's financial interests may be influencing government policy. now, i'll pause there and say we can't prove that. but the burden of proof is not on the american people. the burden of proof is on the president. >> as for profits from foreign governments the president has vowed not to take them. that's why the trump organization says it voluntarily wrote a check to the u.s. treasury for $191,000, claiming it represents all profits from foreign government patrons at trump properties in 2018. >> do you buy it? >> no. what we know from president
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trump and the way he runs his business and personal affairs is that they are very opaque. nothing is transparent. >> in other words he suspects the president isn't telling the truth. just like when trump promised he was separating from his businesses. >> president elect trump's investments and business assets have all been or will be conveyed to a trust prior to january 20th. >> and while the donald j. trump revocable trust was created and is now run by his sons it didn't separate the president from his businesses. >> we have never had a president in modern history that has remained invested and is profiting from his company while serving as president. >> let's just underline that. he is still profiting from the companies period. >> right, correct. >> modern presidents have all sold off their assets or put them into blind trusts. that meant there was no way they could knowingly impact their bottom lines. president trump didn't do either of those things. >> it would be hard to even
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describe what he did as the bare minimum. he essentially did nothing. >>make tangliss of public citizen figured out some of what trump did do, by digging into those financial dissl closures. on the 2016 disclosure he looked at who trump listed as the owner of the assets. it was trump. >> trump is at the center. he owns bits and pieces and all of hundreds of corporations and llcs. >> he then looked who was listed as owner on the 2017 assets. there were changes. >> what he did was he took all of these ownership stakes and transferred them to six different corporations and llcs. so on paper here trump can point to his 2017 disclosure and say i'm no longer listed as an owner. he'd be right on paper. >> not in reality. because tangliss traced all six entities back to the president's trust. >> which is made to benefit him.
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he can take money from it at any time. >> any time. and this document proves that. first uncovered by pro publica, the page says the trustee shall distribute net income or principal to donald j. trump at his request. and the trump organization attorney confirmed to propublica the president has been able to withdraw money since the beginning of his presidency. it means that people who want to influence the president have places to try. >> if you want to influence trump you could go to the trump international hotel here in new york city. you could go to the trump international hotel in d.c. >> then he has golf clubs and hotels all over the world. places -- >> condos in india. >> as for those condos in india, people are putting deposits down on them right now. >> maybe these are people that want to buy really nice condos. or maybe they're people that want to influence the president. >> that's up next. it's tough to quit smoking
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rodney: when i think about what makes quality public education, i think about the important people in students' lives that's beyond the classroom. marisa: the needs that students have for emotional counseling are not being met. rosanne: students need art and music. more creative kids tend to be better problem solvers. angelia: one of the things that we're out there marching for is more counselors and more nurses. roxana: when we have those resources and that support, we're able to give students the education that they need. rodney: because we know quality public schools... roxana: make a better california... marisa: for all of us.
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♪ welcome to the world's most recognized address. right now spring of 2019 it's concrete trucks and piles of rebar. but some day -- it may be twin glass towers in the sky overlooking suburban new delhi, india. india is the biggest country for president trump's businesses outside the united states. >> there's five active projects in india right now. >> five.
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all licensing deals. four are actively selling condos, including this project in calcutta. it's promising unprecedented amenities in a poor city run by the communist party until a few years ago. and this project in mumbai where elevators roll up and down a building being sold as ultra luxurious. >> right now anybody can pay tens of thousands of dollars, maybe these are people that want to buy really nice condos or maybe they're people that want to influence the president. all we know is a few dozen names that have come up of people that have taken on mortgages. >> last year the president's son, who has the same name as the president, donald trump, met with these buyers. full page ads if you put down a down payment of $39,000 on an apartment you could also meet donald trump jr. and have dinner with him. it raised a whole host of concerns about the ethics of
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this kind of marketing move. you know, and don jr. kept saying, you know, this is what real estate developers do. yes, but this is a real estate business being run by the president of the united states' family. >> journalist angelie camat spent more than a year investigating projects in india. what she found was concerning. >> india when it comes to real estate has this reputation for being very corrupt. >> this don jr. appeared to acknowledge at a conference there. >> sections of industry willing to bend rules when it suits them? >> i think there's an entrepreneurial spirit here that is -- >> so in order to make even just a simple warehouse in a city like mumbai you'd need 40 different permits and each step, you know, what helps facilitate the process, what moves it along
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to get it to move a little bit faster so you're not waiting years is a bribe. >> every other country goes into these places and they do what they have to do. >> but paying bribes in foreign countries can be a violation of the foreign corrupt practices act or fcpa. the law makes it a crime in the united states for american businesses to knowingly pay bribes to foreign government officials. not only is trump on record against it -- >> it's a horrible law, and it should be changed. >> he's specifically against it in india. >> it's fine for india to prosecute. but for this country to prosecute because something took place in india is outrageous. >> government reforms have cut back on corruption in india. but consider this context. >> two of the trump organizations largest partners in india have been under investigation for money laundering by different agencies of the indian government. >> both investigations stalled after trump became president.
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>> it could be because donald trump, who was their business partner, is suddenly now president of the united states, or it could be something internal, within india. both these partners have close ties to the ruling bjp. >> as someone who knows the fcpa you've done a lot of cases related, does that cause concern? >> it would cause concern if you have a relationship with what you would call a politically exposed person. someone who's in government. you want to make sure, where did they get this money? >> a trump organization lawyer told "the washington post" that any blemishes on trump org's indian partners are not reflective of the portfolio as a whole and the allegations against the indian partners aren't connected to business done with trump. but india isn't the only place where trump is involved with partners with ties to foreign governments. >> conditions in russia led to a need for a lot of russians to be able to get their money out of the country and park it
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somewhere. he traveled for years with felix satyr, a convicted felon, russian born felon. >> felix satyr had an office in trump tower and was instrumental to the trump organization effort when the trumps were trying to build a tower in moscow and he's the man who suggested trump offer vladimir putin a $50 million penthouse in the building which could be illegal under -- the fcpa. >> so if you're going to try to give vladimir putin into the penthouse of a tower that you want to build in moscow that could be a major violation. >> if you're doing that in order to obtain a business advantage. >> and then there is azerbaijan, the former soviet republic with a booming oil and gas industry post independence. >> the bulk of that money is flowing into the pockets of five or six oily garks. >> it was a licensing deal made
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with the son and brother of azerbaijan's then transportation minister according to the new yorker. a contractor there told the magazine contractors were often paid in cash. >> they were paying duffel bags filled with cash to some of the contractors, millions of dollars in cash, which is, of course, about as big a warning sign as it gets. >> those are red flags, certainly you're dealing with a government official, you're doing business in the country that scores very poorly on the transparency international corruption index. and so you have a real reason to take extra due diligence. >> a trump organization attorney told the new yorker that the company did do due diligence for the project but wouldn't provide details. trump cancelled the deal a month after the election. the same trump org attorney termed it house cleaning. ahead -- the most infamous trump business, trump university. >> paid in full by credit card. >> credit card.
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♪ money money money >> the apprentice was on and we'd been seeing him be held up and touted as this amazing real estate person. so i thought, hey, it's a free seminar, i'm going to go across town and, you know, see what he has to say. >> so the apprentice influenced you in the sense that that image that was portrayed. >> absolutely. >> beth wood spent 20 years in i.t. as a systems analyst. >> you have a graduate degree -- >> in 2010 she was newly retired and studying real estate for a second career. >> that first time, what was the pitch? >> they showed a video of donald trump -- >> at trump university we -- >> saying that he was going to reveal the secrets of real estate. that how to make you successful in real estate. like he was. >> the world's most famous businessman. >> and he would do this with his hand picked, hand verified, blessed, personally selected
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instructors. >> these are all people that are hand picked by me. >> that wasn't true. and it would eventually come out as lawsuits were filed. >> in deposition he said, no, i might have looked at a few resumes but he had nothing to do with picking these people. >> but in the spring of 2010 beth wood didn't know that. >> i stood three deep at this counter of people and signed up on a trump form which said, you know, trump university and there's the quick start class. >> nearly $1,500 -- >> paid in full by -- >> credit card. >> credit card. >> then came the gold elite membership plan, nearly $35,000. also on a credit card. >> the gold elite membership plan was supposed to be trump's fabulous, personal mentoring of your real estate career. >> put proven donald trump secrets to work for you. >> all it was was a marketing scheme. people were signing up for this
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with no real means to pay for it. >> it's estimated that trump university brought in about $40 million. and trump got around $5 million. >> it was pretty good money for trump. it was pretty good. >> but eventually there were multipresident lawsuits a multiple lawsuits so it ended up a big money loser for trump. >> the problem with settlers, when you settle, everybody sues you. >> after he won the election he settled for $25 million. >> we got back around $35,000. >> but that's just a quarter of what wood says she lost. $70,000 on seminars and webinars and another $80,000 on rental properties recommended by her trump university mentor. >> i hold donald j. trump personally responsible for this scam. >> how has your life changed because of trump university? >> completely. we are now renting. we'd like to buy a house. we got approved for a house. but the downpayment and the monthly payments are going to be
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too much for us when we retire. my husband's 70. he'd like to retire some day. >> at the same time students like beth wood were getting soaked, donald trump was busy selling -- well, everything he could. he licensed his name for the dress shirts and ties that used to sell in macy's. bottled water, blankets. games. there was even a personalized vitamin kit complete with urine test. and of course the steaks. >> trump steaks are by far the best tasting most flavorful beef you've ever had. >> how did this happen? >> donald is always on the hunt for cash because he's not a wealth creator but a cash extractor. he needs to have cash and once he built up his name through the celebrity apprentice and very smart marketing then all these other things are ways to make money for him that don't involve any serious effort. >> one way he earns money right now takes no effort at all. forbes magazine estimates trump
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makes around $175 million annually, that's in rent from commercial buildings he owns or partially owns. beginning in 2006 the trump organization spent serious effort and serious money building up a golf empire. >> one, two, three. >> the bulk of his 17 courses, including this one in turnberry, scotland were purchased by the trumps between 2006 and 2014. during a very unusual spending spree uncovered by reporters at the "washington post." >> getting to the six, over the next nine years trump spent around $400 million in cash in real estate and 14 of those transactions were all cash. >> cash, a stunning discovery, mostly because all cash deals are rarer than holes in one. >> it's unusual in the business world and particularly in the real estate world to make purchases in all cash of that
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much money. >> i never saw him use his own money to do anything, to be honest with you. >> when it comes to real estate development, taking loans or bringing in partners spreads the risk. it's what trump did all the time. >> i'm the king of debt. i'm great with no partners that we know of. so where did the money ecome from? >> eric trump spoke on the record of how proud he was. it was cash heavy during the recession. >> executive barbara res is highly skeptical. >> i don't see him having cash and using cash. >> reporter: and a golfer saying eric trump explained the source of the money differently. >> i said i know no banks because of the great recession have touched the golf course. he said well, we don't rely on american banks. we have all the funding we need out of russia.
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i said really? >> on twitter eric trump responded this story is completely fabricated. up next. >> in seven days from this letter $2500. in their possession. >> a letter a lawsuit and a decision. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ applebee's new loaded fajitas. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. yeahhh! there we go! this memorial day, start your summer off right in a new chevrolet. oh, wow!! it's time to upgrade. you guys out did yourselves there.
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i'm gonna go and get a chevy. an exciting summer begins at your chevy dealer. and now, during the chevy memorial day sales event, get 0% financing for 72 months on these select chevy models. or current gm owners can get twenty seven fifty total cash allowance on this traverse. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. total cash allowance on this traverse. it's nice. ♪ you got this! ♪ woo! ♪ ♪ ♪ shaving has been difficult for me. i have very sensitive skin, and i get ingrowing hairs. so it's a daunting task.
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>> it's been a decade since sandra felt duped by donald trump. it was 2008. the international housing crisis was coming to a boil. and she said something was wrong with trump ocean resort bah ha mexico. >> so we got in a car, we drove down there and that office was closed and there was no furniture left. we said wait. no. no, nothing's wrong. >> within weeks two letters. >> this was the very first time we heard the trump brand name the trump this and it developer that. >> it read trump marks bajallc is elected to terminate the license agreement. the second letter explained given the extreme dislocation of the financial market, a baja project will not be able to proceed. she felt stunned. and deceived.
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the market sunk the project but she believed trump, the deal maker she saw on "selb rety apprentice" was steering the ship. his attorney defended his client saying she had an obligation to read the fine print. >> they're buyi luxury high end real state and it's incancome bnt on them to read the documents. >> someone else is identified as the developer of the property. but the fine print is not all that matters. >> the question and what are the representations that are made? are they true or even close to true? and are they what we would call material? are they relevant to a decision that a buyer of the property might make? and here one would think they were material and it seems as if they were false. >> so then like next step is what are we going to do next?
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where's our money e? who has our money? no one's returning any of our phone calls. we're trying to get our money back. and somehow a law firm called us saying that many,many poperal getting together. they're going to do a lawsuit and we'd like to be included and i said of course we wanted to be included. >> soon after. >> dear perspective client in seven days from this letter they needed $2500 in their possession so they can proceed forward. like i keep sawing we're normal people. we dont want to pay $2500 to be part of the lawsuit because we didn't have that kind of money. >> they didn't sign on but scores of would-be buyers would filing suit against donald trump and the real developer, accusing them of fraud. trump denied wrong doing and the case was settled out of court. >> i don't know how much everybody got.
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>> because the settlement kwam with a confidentiality agreement. they are everywhere in trump world. settlements, licensing deals. it's one thing that makes it difficult for journalists to get answers to their questions. there are many,many questions. what mystery about trump's businesses do you most wish you had the answer to? >> we know the russians put a lot off money into trump and the saudis and other middle east people did. what i want to know is did they edo it in ways that compromise? because it could come out these are legitimate investments if we see all the documents. >> the president still hasn't released his tax returns. he's got developments in indonesia and middle east. who is buying in? >> who is paying on all the clubs and resorts? i would want to know any of the
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loans to his businesses. he spent a lot of money in a nine-year period. is there really money behind this man or is it all just a bunch of debt? i would want to know what steps he took to prevent international corruption or fraud in his business. because there's so much we don't know, we can't evaluate whether they're based on his stated aims or his personal financial interest and that's what keeps me up at night. >> the way to answer all these questions is for the president to show his earnings. his partners, his debt, his tax returns. but the opposite is happening. president trump is now suing two banks and a congressional committee to keep financial documents secret. and as long as his finances stay hidden, we will never know the person elected to lead the
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united states of america is working for the people's interests or his own. welcome to ac 360 special. the howard stern interview. for much of his career in radio he's been known as a shock jock with wild on air stunts often criticizeded as lewd and offensive. and a devoted fan base which he still has but stern says he is now a changed man. looking back on those days makes him at times want to cringe. he went through years of intensive psycho therapy and moved to satellite radio, joining sirius fm in 296. he slowly began to reinvent himself. less raunch and
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