tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 3, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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word. >> such a nasty woman. >> reporter: jeanie moos, cnn, new york. ♪ nasty, nasty boys >> thanks so much for joining us. go to cnn, go, meantime, ac 360 begins right now. the president's senior adviser and son-in-law with a top security clearance says he's not sure what he would do if the russians came offering campaign help again, john berman here in for anderson. we began with what jared kushner said about axios what he would do if there were a next time. he gave cringe worthy directions, none dealing with the one thing robert mueller literally made the beginning and the end about russian attacks on america's democratic process then and now. and remember, the then part included kushner, donald trump,
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jr., paul manafort and a pack of russians offering dirt on hillary clinton at a meeting everyone then proceeded to mislead the public ability. so with all that in mind, axios asked a very reasonable question, one that should not be necessary to ask, but seems to be given the times, would he do it again? here's what he said about that and about 2016. >> the e-mail that i got in my iphone at the time basically said show up at 4:00. i didn't scroll down. i never would have thought about that. >> it had russia in the message. >> literally get thousands of e-mails a day. it said show up at 4:00. >> would you do it again? >> the reality is we were not given anything that was salacious. >> now, he could have answered, no, i would report it. but he didn't and it's staggering that he didn't given what the mueller investigation concluded. here's what mr. mueller said last wednesday. >> i will close by reiterating
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the central allegation of our indictment that there were multiple systematic efforts to interfere in our election. and that allegation deserves the attention of every american. >> joining me now, cnn senior political analyst and adviser to nixon, ford, reagan and clinton, david gergen and former federal prosecutor jeffrey toobin and vicki ward author of the "inside account of jared and cush in other words and ivanka. if the russians came offering help again during the campaign. i'm not so sure this is how national security is supposed to work with someone with top secret security clearance. >> well, it's atrocious, it's terrible. but it's also consistent with how the trump administration and trump personally is responding to the mueller report. i remember rudy guiliani. rudy guiliani said, i'm going to
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ukraine to get dirt on joe biden. now, there was a outcry and he said, well, i guess i won't go to ukraine. but there was certainly nothing wrong with that. the trump universe obviously thinks that it is perfectly appropriate to if et the help of foreigners to win presidential elections. that's illegal. they managed to skate in 2016 as a result of the a boarded meeting at trump tower. but, obviously, if someone else comes calling, they'll take it again. >> he defended himself saying they didn't get something salacious. he was upset. everyone at that meeting were disappointed. vicki ward, you looked into jared kushner so long so deeply. how does he consider the rules and how they apply to him? again he has top secret security clearance. one would think that requires him to come forward if the russians were to come calling? >> right. i think you know you saw
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specific, especially in the second part of that interview when jonathan swan really started pushing the questions again and again, particularly about mohammed bin salmon and middle east. you saw the look on jared kushner's face while he was being asked the questions and it was like this glazed disdain kind of like a mannequin. i think that was extremely telling. it tells what you he thinks of the rules. my sources say that the answer he gave about whether or not he had discussed his security clearance with the president is the biggest headline of that interview and the one that will come back to haunt him. jared kushner who has been nicknamed the secretary of everything, the idea that a guy in president trump's ear 24/7 did not discuss his security clearance, which he didn't have remember in 2018 for weeks and weeks and weeks is according to my sources who were in the white
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house with him preposterous. >> he told jonathan swan he never spoke to the president about security screens. lying to a journalist isn't illegal. lying people interviewing for the clearance s. david gergen. to the seriousness of this. i wanted to play robert mueller's statement the other day because it was so serious. it was the beginning the and the end of robert mueller's statements. the russians attacked the electoral system and everyone better take this seriously. jared kushner doesn't seem like he is included in that everyone. >> i agree. listen, i agree about what dickey and jeff have -- vicki and jeff just said. i think at the end of the day in the mueller report, mueller found insufficient evidence to bring charges against kushner. >> that included the trump tower meeting. having said that, listen, i think it's appalling that he hasn't learned apparently any lessons from this whole experience. and it's also very important to
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point out that when this occurred, the meeting in trump to you ore kurd, as pointed out today, when it occurred, he was a civilian but now in answering the questions from axios, he is in the government with a top secret clearance. by law, jeffrey can i'm sure provide the details, but by law if are you in that position in the government and a red flag goes up or anything suspicious and something you could reasonably consider suspicious coming from foreign soil, you are required, you are required to report that. and he, here he says, oh, i don't think so, i'd probably do the same thing again, shortened it up. >> jeffrey, quickly? >> i think that's right. you could quibble around the edges, certainly david has the obligation correct. >> even if it's not a legal requirement, it's a moral requirement. working in the government, if the russians are offering you help, you report it. >> another interview that
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deserves attention when jonathan swan from axios asked if he thought the president was racist. kushner first answered no, his whole life he's lived pa long life and he was never racist. jonathan someone pushed him. listen. >> have you ever seen him say or do anything that you would describe as racist or bigoted? >> so, the answer is, no absolutely not. >> was birther-ism racist? >> up, look, i wasn't really involved in that. >> i know you weren't. walls it racist? >> like i said, i wasn't involved in that. >> i know you weren't. was it racist? >> up, look i know who the president is and i have not seen anything in him that is racist. so again i was not involved in that. >> did you wish he didn't do that? >> like i said i was not involved in that. that was a long time ago. >> it was like i don't know it was 2015, who can remember 2015, '16? it's ancient history. who a disgrace?
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you know the answer is, yes, donald trump made his political career on a racist claim about the first african-american president of the united states and when the history books are written about donald trump, everybody will focus on that. and the gymnastics, the verbal and logical gymnastics he was doing there to separate himself from birther-ism is particularly interesting. you write about there in your book. you examined the charlottesville episode and how jared kushner and ivanka trump try to publicly distance themselves from that. >> it's pr. it's messaging and it's not real. what i say in the book is that actually when gary cohn who was so upset what donald trump said about charlottesville, there being very fine people on both side, gary cohn went to author his resignation, he didn't change his mind. jared kushner listened to him in silence. ivanka trump actually refuted what her father had said, no, no, my father never said that
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again with the muslim travel ban, jared kushner supported the travel ban until it was bad pr for himself and his wife. there was a meme of them in black tie over the internet while there were crowds of people stranded over airports during that time. it was only when the pr went bad that jared kushner sort of publicly stuck his hand up. so i don't think he agrees with the president at all. >> david, you run communications in the white house before. would you had advise jared kushner to give more interviews like that? >> ha, well i must say i was pleased he did reach beyond fox to sit down with axios. after that i thought, why did he do that? this interview did not help him or the white house. if you are in the white house in his defense on the birther thing, if he wanted to stay in the inner circle around donald trump, if he had said that was racist, he would have been right historically, he would have been
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out of the inner circle. that's just the way it is around this president. but the other thing about this interview, which startled me, he said one of the main legacies we're going to leave is we demonstrated how we could bring in people who ordinarily don't work in government and how wonderfully they would perform. most of the world thinks this is a group of incompetents, the president, himself, recently said his first secretary of state was as dumb as a rock. >> david gurg him, jeffrey toobin, vicki ward, much more to discuss on this over the next two days. thanks, for being with us. next, president trump's day in london. how it went and how the rest of the trip may go at dinner and bummingham palace. bummingham. i get in trouble for saying the h. later joe biden's cane choice to keep his adjei experiences rare. what his democratic opponents are trying to say as they try to takele down a peg. until the minute i said it. this is the couple who wanted to get away
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. president trumps visit to the you caning has been a roller coaster ride, with london's mayor calling him a stone cold loser and calling meghan markle nasty. he has injected himself into british and brexit politics. he broke with the queen and said kind word as did she about the u.s.-british relationship about the d-day invasion. for a moment at least at the state dinner, all the controversy seemed a bit more distant. the fact that it was in buckingham palace and the president avoided protests by choppering there may have helped as well. in any case, the visit gets more delicate from here on out. host of amanpour christiane amanpour. so christiane what do you make the day went? >> reporter: on the honest with you the day has gone so well for president trump and his host here there seems to be absolutely no outward semblance of any discomfort or anything
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other than a really warm and highly well received in terms of who he met and the royal family visit so far. >> talk to me more about that. because this was a decidedly different day he'll have for the rest of the week. inside the confines of the day, the royal reception, the state visit part of it. why do you think it went so well? >> reporter: well look what happened, the last public event of the day was the state banquet at buckingham palace. the pictures in there were just stunning, superb. it's the kind of environment that the president we have learned to know enjoyed. it was the kind of reception that he enjoys. and speaking to the queen, he just looked incredibly comfortable and the queen looked comfortable and you know prince charles, his wife, the duchess of cornwall. you saw melania trump, the first lady, everybody seemed to be just having a fairly good time and the speeches were remarkably
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well placed. the queen welcomed the president really using this moment, which is the 75th anniversary of the joint operation which was d-day to rid europe of the nazi menace and that is very important and that is very, very much front and center. so the queen highly you know highly was attuned to that. they're all going to see each other again on the beaches of normandy and the president gave a very, very good speech in response. >> the flip side of this reception is the president's spat with the london mayor sadiq khan, who you've had some fascinating discussion with. he wrote a scathing op-ed saying it was quote unbritish to roll out the red carpet for donald trump. this set off the president works tweeted his ire towards the mayor right as he was landing. this tension has been drawing for some time. hasn't it? >> reporter: you know, john, yes it has. for whatever reason the president has taken an instant dislike to the mayor. he's the first muslim mayor of
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london. he's a labor party mayor. not the government party and you know, sadiq khan you know fired back. i think it was mostly based from sadiq khan in the beginning to a great exception with the president's muslim ban. >> that really ticked off a lot of the world. that spat has been going on for a long time so really nothing new, the spat. and again, these verbal fisticuffs over twitter were dispensed with. once the president landed, there has been no more of that. >> just to finish up on the royal visit, because there will be those in the united states who may not follow the royals so closely who will ask, given the attention from donald trump and some government officials in the uk, given his insertion of himself into the whole brexit debate, why then would the queen bend over backwards to provide such a glorious ceremony like this? >> reporter: well, because she is the queen of england and that is what she does.
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and she also i might add and you can see it, both in donald trump's demeanor, in melania trump's demeanor, in africa in the demeanor of everybody who is ever in her presence that she has a remarkable effect on people and that there is an immediate calming effect. there is an immediate aur avenue of respect everybody has for her. look at donald trump greeting her. the queen, saying you know all the right things. donald trump sort of in a half bow toward her. he respects her. you know, this is not the first time they've met in close contact like this. frankly, he came over this time last year. it was called a working visit, but he got a lot of pomp and circumstance. and the queen, look, she has seen her share of let's say controversial world leaders. she has been on the throne for more than 60 years and she hasn't become who she is by any, inserting any personal feelings into this. other than the feeling of welcome and knowing that america is a very, very, very close ally. >> all right. contradiction amanpour, thank
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you so much. tomorrow will be fascinating. appreciate it. >> it will. >> all right. a lot more ahead on one aspect of the run-up to his visit. what he said about meaghan markle on tape, which he's now trying to say he never said. if you are not sure who to believe him or your lying ears, stay tuned. we're keeping them honest in talking to a senior member of the trump 2020 campaign. with advil liqui-gels, what stiff joints? what bad back? advil is... relief that's fast. strength that lasts. you'll ask... what pain? with advil liqui-gels. i got it! what? what? l.a. bookers book apartments and vacation homes as easy as hotels. ridin' scooter! l.a. baby! l.a. baby! be a booker you're welcome. at you're welcome. i've got an idea. ooh, what is it? what if we give the people
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president trump toasted queen elizabeth tonight and we know it because we heard and saw it. in fact, there it is right there. he also called the duchess of sussex nasty. he's trying to claim he didn't, even though we heard that, too. keeping him honest is a funny thing about eyes and ears. the president has the same ear wes all have. his seems to think ours work differently. how many vp soul how they will hear the way he wants it. in fairness, all presidents and politician versus a little of. the difference is most politicians, in fact, most people draw the line at trying to make others unhear or unsee what is right in front of them.
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this president on the other hand does not. and that's important not because presidents don't sometimes feel the need to shave the truth or on rare occasions even lie, as a great philosopher otter of delta house put it, they do. it is until this president none has so fragrantly deliberately and repeatedly lie when the truth is so plain to see even by gas light. so keeping them honest. here's a portion of what he told the uk's "sun" newspaper. >> she said she'd move to canada if you got elected. it turned out she moved to britain. >> oh, that will be good. there are a lot of people moving here. so what can i say? >> no, i didn't know that she was nasty. >> okay. got that, nasty? and then the president said this when asked whether it's good having an american princess? >> i think it's nice. i think it's nice. i'm sure she'll do excellently. she'll be very good.
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she'll be very good. i hope she does there there it is, both the good and the nasty. and you could have a debate if you would like about how he meant nasty or the record referred to her and what she said, he left that part unspoken or implied. however, nasty is a word he does like to use for women. hillary clinton and kamela harris to name a couple. as for this time, it's not our place to tell him how to hand testimony blowback. we can, however, say, it's never a good idea to deny saying something when are you on tape saying that very something you are denying you said. which is exactly what the president did. he tweeted, i never called meaghan markle nasty. made up by the fake news media. they got caught cold. again keeping him honest both good and bad not only can't he admit it. he is essentially telling all of us not to believe our ears, which isn't exactly surprising.
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>> and just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening. >> and in case you are wondering if gaslighting is also a team sport, i give you rudy guiliani talking about whether his client, the president, should talk to robert mueller. >> when you tell me you know he should testify because he's going to tell the truth and he should worry. that's so silly it's somebody's version of the truth. not the truth. he didn't have a conversation. >> truth is truth. >> no, it isn't truth. truth isn't truth. >> actually it is. which means whatever you think of what the president said, the truth is, he set it. joining us right now is national press secretary for the trump 2020 campaign. kaylee, great to speak to you as always, can we just stipulate. can we reach agreement the word no, i didn't know she was nasty, you could agree those words were spoken out loud. >> well, you're taking the
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president's tweet out of context. he said, the president said i never called her nasty, with i he did not do. he never said i never used the word nasty. he used the word nasty in relation to her comments and i find it interesting when you played the portion of his sound byte, you left out the first part, don, where he was asked repeatedly, what do you think of her comments? he said back, i don't know about her comments. i've never heard these comments. then he said in response to that, i didn't know she was nasty, which we all know is a coloquial phrase when someone says something bad. it's taken out of context by the media once ago en. >> so you are arguing, an argument over what nasty was modifying when he was saying i didn't know she was nasty. you are saying he was saying the comments were nasty but not meghan markle. that's the distinction here? >> that's exactly the distinction. when you listen to the whole sound byte, me goes on to say it's very nice to have an american princess, she'll be
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excellent. >> we played that. >> you did play that. in the context of the sound byte, he was saying her words were nasty, her comments were nasty, not her personally and i hardly think if the royal family thought that he was calling one of their family members nasty, they would agree with all smiles and the pomp and circumstance. >> there was a lot of pomp and circumstance. one thing i know from all the royal experts we speak with is that the royal family would do anything not to create any controversy or foster any controversy and they wouldn't have reacted no matter what the president said. but kaylee, j you to be clear, he said i didn't know she was nasty. when the president comes oust and says i never called meghan markle nasty. it seems to me a distinction without a difference here. he said it. he said that she was nasty in her comments or in something that she did. so why go on twitter and just deny it out of hand? why not say this is what i meant or if you didn't get it when i
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said it the first time, this is what i meant. clearly the word are out there for everyone to hear. >> because when you turn on the tv screen of several major networks and you see a chyron that he has called someone's character, personhood an individual nasty, which he did not do and in many cases you are good to play the second portion of that don, where he praises her, but not every show has done that. i have been watching all day. the president wasn't lying here. it's simply being taken out of context. this is why the media does. which is why the campaign posted the entire audio. perhaps we need to post it again so the viewers and the media understand what he was saying. >> i didn't know that she was nasty seems pretty clear to me. again what nasty is modifying seems to me to be a distinction without a difference and especially when you do remember that nasty is a word the president has used u. heard him use that word before to talk about women, correct?
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>> look, it's again, hugely different, calling someone nasty and calling someone's comments nasty. i think we are missing the forest through the trees here when we are about to celebrate the 75th anniversary of d-day when 150,000 heroes stormed the beaches and saved the country and you are caring about nasty modified. >> we told a great deal about the president's trip and discussed how warmly he was received. we will be talking about d-day, the argument here isn't about why he called meghan markle nasty or used the word nasty. it's his denial that he ever said it. right. you agree. >> he never denied he said the word. he never denied he said the word. but again here, here we are all day all i seen is the nasty comment and the dispute with the mayor. nothing about d-day, nothing about the reason the president is there. this is what the media does. anything for a negative story of president trump, the harvard
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president historic negative coverage. don't take it from me. >> again, i will refer to you the previous segment of our show we just talked extensively about the president's warm reception at buckingham palace. i invite you to watch it over the next few days when we cover his visit to norm andy for d-day. thanks, very much for being with us. look forward to speaking to you ago en. >> thank you, dorn. up next, with no fox news in the uk, president trump is taking aim at a familiar foe of his. he is attacking us. cnn. he is calling on our parent company at&t to take some questionable actions. allergies with sinus congestion and pressure?
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president trump is taking his long standing beef with us, cnn, to a new level by complaining in not one tweet but two while in london this morning on his state visit. the president suggested that cnn is the primary source of information about the u.s. for britains and wanted to know why our new parents company at&t didn't do something about our coverage? about 13 minutes later, he posted another tweet, quote, i believe if people stopped, i think he meant stopped, using our subscribeing to at&t they would be forced to make big changes at cnn. attacking krr nn is nothing new. attacking a u.s. company is punished is certainly
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questionable territory. back with me jeffrey toobin, at&t has 200,000 employees. the president is calling on americans to boycott a big american company here because he doesn't like coverage. >> when i heard that, saw that tweet, i thought of what attorney general bar said lasted week, where he said to cvs, you know, it's not the president who has violated norms. it's the president's critics. if this tweet isn't a fundamental violation of every norm that presidents have operated by, which is you don't use the power of the presidency to punish individual companies. anything like this. particularly in relating to the press. it's just an example of how this president acts in a way that no president in modern american history has acted. it's completely outrageous and wrong. >> he's calling for punishment for a u.s. company by the american people, david. >> that seems unpresident es dented. >> well, i must say, you know,
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nixon one of the television licenses of the washington post because of their coverage and you know it was a real vendetta against kate graham and ben bradley and the like. so i don't think it's totally unprecedented. what i do think this president says he is a conservative. it is fundamental to conservatives that the government not interfere, that washington not reach in and try to direct individual companies. that's an interference with the free markets and free markets are as fundamental to conservative thought. >> yeah, i appreciate the correction. >> dave gave definite correction to me. he's totally right. i'm wrong. >> but it's not exactly a noble president. >> exactly. >> in comparison. >> the comparison is the nixon administration and what they did during watergate. >> that also tells you something, doesn't it, david? >> it does. there is an interesting sidebar here, i'd love to hear jeffrey comment on it. when at&t sued and to try to
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block, i'm sorry, when the justice department sued and tried to block the atmosphe&t t overtime warner that was going to trial. bill barr was on the board of directors from time warner, he filed at trial saying he thought the thought the lawsuit department by the justice department was politically motivated. isn't that interesting? a different justice department from a different time. >> it is, do you remember during the campaign, candidate trump said he wanted that takeover not to take place. he wanted at&t not to be allowed. now the judge in the case didn't allow the political evidence. he didn't get into that issue. he allowed the merger on other grounds, you are certainly right there is a certain rich irony.
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>> maybe there was politics after the fact. reiterate conservative values. but this is the antithesis of conservative values to pinpoint an american company and try to hurt them. >> absolutely. you know, conservatives long believe a hallmark of conservative belief in free peoples and free markets. free markets believes the government keeps its hand off but you don't try to manage individual companies from afar, especially for political purposes. >> thank you very much for being with me. i appreciate it. >> still on the air. >> still ahead, democrats take swipes at the front runner joe biden next.
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president trump, mump of the rest of the democratic field now focusing their on joe biden. they did it at the california convention which the fronts runner did not attend. >> as you all know, there is a debate among presidential candidates who have spoken to you here in this room and those who have chosen for whatever reason not to be in this room. >> some say if we all just calm down, the republicans will come to their senses. but our country is in a time of crisis. the time for small ideas is over. >> this president really could win again. he wins if he look like washington. and so the riskiest thing you could do is try too hard to play it safe. >> joining me now democratic strategist paul mcgala and
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alexander rojas, both are cnn political commentators. so, palm, this was a solicit all of a sudden the other candidates at least a few of them are talking fairly directly, very thinly veiled about joe biden. why? >> because they're trying to differentiate themself with the fronts runner. the saying in nascar, rubbing is racing. i don't have any problem whatsoever. we say the most epic clash between hillary and barack produced a stronger nominee. i have a high degree of acceptance for going at it. i would caution, though, that iowa democratic caucus attendees are like me, they're not hateful people who love attacks. they're getting careful not to upset people in iowa to have a negative campaign. >> alexander, do you think we
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will hear more of this or do you think it's a part is move? >> i think we will hear plenty more of this. we haven't entered the first debate yet. we are nine months away from the first election. so i think this is the first to come. i think nobody mentioned him directly by fame. so like you say, it was thinly veiled. i think we saw some candidates get an applause, right? some candidates get booing. particularly with hickenlooper and delaney, it wasn't you know necessarily just them, it was about their approach to politics and the policy positions that they were espousing, which align very, very closely to joe biden and you also probably will notice that joe biden you know did not go into the california, didn't attend the california conference. he also hasn't been doing very many public appearances. i think that is an intentional campaign because of moments like this especially we're at the center of energy in the democratic party, especially in the grass roots base is
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overwhelmingly popular with medicare for all, taking no corporate lobbyist money and joe biden. public record before becoming vice president for barack obama. is very contradictory to that. >> alexandra brings up a good point, joe biden skipped this event. he skipped other cattle call events and three weeks before the first big democratic debate he will be side-by-side with other candidates and will have to move with them in a fast moving night. do you think he needs to get better prepared? is he missing the chance to get himself ready for those debates why wr the stakes will be so high? >> the honest answer is i don't know. i don't have a problem with him attending or not attending, but you know, first time in my life, i'm an undecided voter. i have no idea, so i will do my analysis as a democrat and perhaps the vice president has figured out something most have
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not. >> that is actually the democratic party, the primary electorate is far more moderate than i think they believe or the press believes, 53% of democrats said in a puig poll they want their party to be more moderate. by the way, 58% of republicans want to be more conservative. which is hard to bring back the fetal system or something. there is a huge pool of pod rats. they're progressive. they disagree on the timing, for example. they will think, fine, i think there is too many candidates chasing liberals and too few chasing the more moderate people of color and if i were advising any of. >> do you think joe biden were to occupy a space others would have a hard time looking into? >> i think we have to take a hard look in the mirror of what got us to this moment. when you look back to 2016, which i would argue joe biden is
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running a similar campaign and a similar candidate in a lot of ways at least on the record for hillary clinton, a lot of the people we needed to turn out did not turn out for us. that's young people. that's working class people of all electability isn't just about moderation and this sort of point of view but it's all about motivation and what we're seeing now just like we saw in 2012 and just like we saw when barrack obama ran on yes we can. big ideas and running a campaign on that is what is going to excite the sort of voters that we need to be able to turn out that sat at home in 2016. >> thanks very much for your time. >> let's check in with chris to see what he's working on for cuomo primetime at the top of the hour. >> why go to a cattle call when you're doubling up your closest
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opponent. that's why biden isn't going but why? why put them on equal footing? >> that's just what he needs. >> it's one thing he doesn't need, it's practice. less is going to be more for him in this campaign. what we're going to look at is this. i begged eric holder to come on the show. the attorney general under obama. he says you talk about protecting democracy all the time. you never talk about what matters most. you never talk about it. what is it? he's going to come tonight. what he says is going to go all through the barr stuff as well. >> excellent. see you in a few minutes. up next president trump's pick to run the faa is under scrutiny. the republican chair of a senate committee. a republican chair wants more information on a whistleblower case from steve dixon's time as delta airline's executive. something the nominee didn't put
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candidate to run the faa. a former fighter pilot, nearly 30 years at delta and senators had little more than high praise for captain steve dixon. dixon answered questions, none difficult and committed himself to expanding aviation safety. >> i will never advocate my responsibility and my devotion to safety. >> but that is exactly what captain steve dixon is accused of in a legal case that he did not report in his disclosure forms to the u.s. senate. the case, the allegation denied by the airline that a female delta pilot was retaliated against, accused of being mentally unstable after reporting alleged safety violations to delta's senior vice president of flight operations, captain dixon. >> you think there's a clear link between her reporting a safety issue and being declared
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by delta mentally incompetent. >> there's no doubt in my mind that there's a link. >> in 2016, she was concerned about safety and delivered a 40 page report to dixon and his second in command. she wasn't being taken seriously. that pilots were afraid to admit they were fatigued and that a pilot's travel time to assignment was not being properly calculated. >> she wanted these safety issues addressed before some calamity occurred. >> the attorney said instead during another meeting with a supervisor she became frustrated and her eyes filled with tears. what happened next is shocking. >> all she knew was 7 weeks after i reported these very serious safety issues without explanation i'm being sent to a
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psychiatrist. >> that psychiatrist declared her bipolar and she was grounded. and steve dixon said he had ultimate authority over that decision and agreed with his staff's recommendation to refer her for a mental evaluation. it was a sound course of action. in the end, that diagnosis was completely wrong. >> ultimately, two teams of psychiatrists clear her and said she was fine. she is perfectly fine. she should be back in the cockpit which is where he is today. a year and a half later she is back flying for delta and suing the company for damages. >> this is all a terrible mistake but it was a terrible mistake that went on for a year and a half because of the lack of diligence that captain dixon accepted. >> delta did order a safety audit and the faa validated her
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complaint dealing with pilot scheduling which delta says it had already addressed but this is all news to the senate transportation committee that knew none of this was going on when dixon testified. on his senate questionnaire for nomination, dixon didn't mention the case but did write that delta was involved in various judicial, administrative or regulatory proceedings relating to its business although i was not a named party in any such actions. now cnn learned committee staffers are asking for more information, more records, one democratic committee staffer saying the omission is troubling. >> drew griffin joins me now. how serious is this? is this going to hold up his confirmation? >> it very well could. we know that the republican chairman of the senate committee is asking for more information from the white house and the department of transportation and we also know that steve dixon is cooperating. we're just going to have to wait and see whether or not his answers and the information they
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get is going to be enough to get him over this hurdle. >> and obviously the white house has been criticized for not fully vetting the president's nominees. is there any response on why they may have missed this? >> no, we have been seeking a response from the white house since friday. we have yet to get any kind of substantial response other than they're trying to get us a response. so the answer is no. >> drew griffin, thanks as always. >> yeah. >> the news continues so we'll hand it over to chris for cuomo primetime. >> thank you. welcome to primetime. we have breaking news. attorney general bill barr now staring at his second contempt citation from congress. more could be on the way. we're going to get his take on all things mueller and barr and pelosi and the path forward for dems. he's here to tell you about what
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