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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  June 4, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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you have our number programmed in? ya i don't even know your phone anymore... excuse me?! what? i don't know your phone number. aw well. he doesn't know our phone number! you have our fax number, obviously... today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'll pass. welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. thank you for sharing your day with us. president trump heaps praise on the outgoing british prime minister and predicts the u.s. and the uk will strike a giant trade deal and work through other difficult issues, plus a more combative tone from the president on issues closer to home. the president predicts new tariffs against mexican goods will take effect next week and says congressional republicans would be foolish to try to stop him. joe biden's support drops a bit, but he still has a big national lead in the 2020 democratic
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presidential race. climate change is a big issue for democratic voters and today biden outlining his plan. >> this initiative will create more than 10 million new good paying jobs all across the clean economy in the united states of america. >> back to that story later, but we begin this hour in london where the president and the prime minister doing their diplomatic best to end things on had a high note. president trump has repeatedly criticized prime minister theresa may including in an interviewed timed just before his arrival in the uk for this state visit. prime minister may at times has bristled at that criticism and she's landed a few blows of her own and today she called him donald and said it's a sign of strength that friends can disagree and the art of the deal president paid her the ultimate compliment though it's may he's handling of the brexit saga that is forcing her to yield power on friday. >> i still believe it's in the best interest of the uk to leave
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the european union with a deal and i seem to remembered the president suggested that i sued the european union which we didn't do. we went into negotiations and came out with a good deal. >> i would have sued, but that's okay. i would have sued and settled maybe, but you never know. she's probably a better negotiator than i am. perhaps you won't be given the credit you deserve if they do something, but i think you deserve a lot of credit. >> there are to be sure many differences and tensions. may mentioned the paris climate accords and iran nuclear deal and her tone was polite as was his when he talked optimistically about resolving big differences over a bilalt rall trade war or the disagreement over the chinese tech giant huawei. abby philip joins me from london. the prime minister deferential and diplomatic when it came to the president. what are the takeaways so far? >> reporter: i think as trump press conferences go this is one that was uneventful.
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went exactly as planned. the president didn't make any major gaffs. pump did finally come. he was treaty, you know, basically loyal for the last several days and now president trump is papering over the differences that a lot of these two have had over the years. she was the one to actually acknowledge that they were able to speak candidly with each other about all the aspects of the issues that they disagreed with. you mentioned that she mentioned climate change and iran. they talked about some of these issues, particularly iran so differently, but neither of them went as far as to criticize each other. one of the other points that she made was that -- was that the president has been a partner to her, that they have had a cordial relationship. at the same time president trump
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hats insulted her frankly on the public stage. he's criticized her strongly for her handling of brexit. sheeven -- he's even said that she has he fused to take his advice, and so as a party gift to theresa may this press conference was by and large president trump staying in his lane not veering too far into hers and allowing her to exit the world stage pretty gracefully, and i think for that this was sort of a flitting end to the working part of this two-day visit to britain, yesterday and today ending with the political side and this press conference with theresa may, john. >> abby philip live for us from london. with me in studio to share their reporting and insights julie pace with the associated pace, cnn's michael warren, annie linsky and julie hirschfeld davis. >> is it just it's her final days i'm going to be nice, is it that the prime minister andien
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has treated me nice and i'm going to gloss this over. this was an interview when he landed just this week in which he criticized theresa may. one year ago, i would have done it much differently. i told theresa may how to do it and she didn't agree with me and didn't listen to me and he went on in that interview to talk about boris johnson who is now considered one of the leading candidates to replace her. why? >> well, i think boast those things that you mentioned. trump is feeling good. he's been feted and treated in the way he feels he should be and he's been respected which puts him in a better frame of mile. i was on that trip with president trump last summer when the interview came out just as he was going into a formal dinner with theresa may. same thing happened. the next day when they were at a news conference today he was very -- they were very friendly with each other outwardly. they were holding hands at one point. we tend to forget because president trump can be so confrontational when he isn't face to face with someone how much he wants to downplay conflict about he's face to face with someone. he really wants to when he's
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across from you seems like he's agreeing with you, be agreeing with you and have him like you back and i think that's a lot what have we were seeing at this news conference and as abby said, he realizes she's on her way out and he's here to stay and he's feeling magnanimous. >> the interview the last trip was one of those very rare moments when the president realized he screwed up. he gave the interview and saw how terribly it was going over and he said something akin to an apology to theresa may there. i think a lot of what we're seeing here, u.s. and british officials is saying the president feels quite good. has his whole family with him. they were really taken with the royals, we're told. i think he is to julie's point coming out of this feeling a little bit like this is the reception that i deserve and i'm getting it and that helps him be more magnanimous to may at end. >> the pageantry, the president really appreciates, that and that's the difference between a state visit and maybe a more focus entirely on a working
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visit. we also know that the president in these situations particularly across face to face can be much more conciliatory. but it's behind closed doors or in some of these meetings where he's having to negotiate on trade for instance where he can be more combative. that's not what we're seeing today >> you also don't know what's going to happen once he lands back in the u.s. i mean, this has happened before with foreign leaders where he's -- he'll have a conciliatory moment and then you look at your twitter feed and it's back to warren/trump. you don't know how long it's going to last >> you never know. he's angered the prime minister in part for questioning her leadership on brexit and seeming to meddle in british politics and now being complimentary to boris johnson who has been a thorn in her side. the president was asked about that this morning, a lot across the british media, mr. president, stop meddling in our affairs and let us settle that ourselves. he was asked about boris johnson
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and who might replace theresa may and listen to the president. >> so i know boris. i like him. i've liked him for a long time. he's -- i think he'd do a very good job. i know jeremy. i hi he'd do a very good job. i don't know michael but -- would he do a good job, jeremy, tell me. >> now he made that funny. jeremy is jeremy hunt, the foreign secretary who is also a candidate, michael grove the home secretary also a candidate. three members of the conservative party, and the president made clear that buyers johnson is his favorite, but there he tried to be -- he tried to be, a, fin and, b, stay out of it, i guess. >> but still a little rare. i mean, having traveled with former presidents and you've done this john, even going as far as trump did is extremely rare for an american president talking about another country's election. for trump it's restrained but typically american presidents want to stay as far away as pops from these types of domestic political events because they want their foreign counterparts to do the same back home when
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they are up for re-election. >> the normal answer is nice try. >> they also want to preserve the ground for themselves to have a relationship with whoever does end up winning and this can be awkward if boris johnson isn't the person and he's weighed in on some of these other candidates it makes it trickier for to you maneuver if you're the american president fur going to go in and say who you prefer and that person doesn't end up being the chosen person. >> but i don't think the president can resist. particularly with boris johnson. he sees a lot of similarities, urban, populists with a lot of media savvy as well. he sees perhaps a lot of himself in -- in boris johnson. we'll see if johnson becomes a prime minister how long that lasts. >> and this was i think my favorite moment listening to the press conference. at times these are parallel universe and you forget the president forgets his own history. pretty sharp criticism from london mayor sadiq khan and the
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current leader of the labor day and he was asked about these other figures. listen to the response. >> i don't think he should be criticizing a representative of the united states that can do so much good for the unit kingdom. we talked about it before. he should be positive, not negative. he's a negative force, not a positive force. i think that he is from where i come from somewhat of a negative force. i think that the people should lock to do things correctly as opposed to criticize. i really don't like critics as much as i like and respect people that get things done. >> i guess that's called being best, but, it's just when he says things like this, does he think that we cannot look at donald trump and -- >> just look at his criticism of angela merke meghan markle. she does not seem burdened by
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his track sglorecord. >> he was honest. he doesn't like critics. >> doesn't like crickets of him. >> and particularly abroad he doesn't like to be criticized, and i think he was being very honest there. that's why he doesn't like jeremy corbyn because he feels he's been criticized by him. >> don't be negative. got it. up next for us, president trump turns his attention back stateside and gets more combative firing a warning shot at mexico and at his fellow republicans. you can get your student loans right by refinancing your student loans with sofi. and you can get your interest rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. save thousands. fast, easy and all online. i had no idea why my mouth was constantly dry. it gave me bad breath. it was so embarrassing. now i take new biotene dry mouth lozenges whenever i'm on the go, which is all the time. new biotene dry mouth lozenges. freshen breath anytime, anywhere. new biotene dry mouth lozenges.
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the president was much more combative when the questioning in london turned to more issues at home. mexico is appealing to the administration to drop a new trump plan to impose tariffs beginning next week. the president wants those tariffs as punishment for what he calls mexico's failure to stop an onslaught, an invasion of illegal immigrants. >> i think it's more likely that the tariffs go on and we'll probably be talking during the time that the tariffs are on, and they are going to be paid, and if they don't step up and give us security for our nation, look, millions of people are flowing through mexico. that's unacceptable. >> most republicans in congress see the tariffs as a horrible idea but as senate republicans find a way whether they can find a legislative way to block the president this blunt warning. >> no, i don't think they will do that. i think if they do, it's foolish. there's nothing more important than borders. i've had tremendous republican support. i have a 90% -- 94% approval
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rating as of this morning in the republican party. that's an all-time record. can you believe that, isn't that something? i love records. >> he loves records. it's essentially telling his own party don't you dare. >> i mean, that was a threat essentially, you know, that his base, the people who support him will punish them that do something that they are increasingly thinking of doing that if he goes through with slapping the tariffs on next week that they will go to a potential resolution of disapproval that would likely pass the senate, definitely pass the house. who probably veto and then they would be in an override fight that this time he might actually lose unlike the national emergency. keith question for republicans and the key problem here is they said he shouldn't do this because this is about borders. the republicans on capitol hill don't she about borders. they see this about tariffs and taxes and don't want this to go forward and would be even damaging, even the smallest
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increment of 5% i think they think it could be very costly. >> and senate republicans have gone out on a limb, republicans in congress in general, for the president on tariffs under -- under the pretense that this is a negotiation tactic. that seems to be what the white house message has been on this for the last two years, and so to see them now being asked or being demanded of them to defend tariffs as an immigration strategy, it really is -- is a bridge too far. i talked to a republican strategist from south carolina who said between this, the chinese tariffs, if these tariffs are still in place by the time the summer ends, it's back to school and people are seeing higher prices, buying kids clothes and other things like that, that could be a real political backlash against the president even in these strong republican areas. >> but this is where the president that we've talked about this before. this is where the president always comes down on this. he said i've heard those warnings, and the u.s. economy has proven to be more durable
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than a lot of people including some of trump's own advisers and certainly republicans on capitol hill expected as he has moved forward with some of these -- with some of these policies. now we haven't seen the full effect of them. with mexico there's nothing in place at this point and there's still several days of talks to try to sort out whether we'll ever get to that place, but the president simply doesn't believe some of these warnings about how bad the economy will be because he looks -- he looks at all kinds of other more favorable economic indicators, and on that front he does have a pretty good case to make here. >> the one caveat i would put, the fed chairman, gave you a briefing in chicago in which he said we're watching all this, yes, in his view all these tariffs can cause a slowing of economic growth and the fed chairman putting on the table something that the president has actually demand, that the fed cut interest rates. >> we do not know how or when these issues will be resolved. we're closely monitoring the implications of these developments for the u.s. economic outlook, and as always we will act as appropriate to
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sustain the expansion with a strong labor market and inflation near our symmetric 2% objection. >> it's economic fed speak and if you translate if the economy slows we have to reconsider our position which is to keep interest rates where they are and he's putting on table they might have to cut them. >> it becomes a win, win, win for trump. he gets lower interest rates, and have you to understand the extent to which when you talk to voters, and i was just out in iowa talking to voters, they like to see the president fighting for them, and whether it's fighting against the democrats or fighting against even members of his own party in this type of fight that's being outlined, they like to hear, that and this is even coming from a farming community that have really felt, you know, the damages and are in, you know, the sort of growing season or trying to plant right now and have felt these tariffs viscerally. there's still this support for the president because they like to see that fighter, and i just
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think, that you know, we just can't really noorforgot that. >> but there's some in his circle saying don't overplay your planned, mr. president. these people are with you, but is there a tipping point i guess is the question? >> haven't reached it. >> right. >> this is an issue as well with mexico tariffs. there's a lot of sort cross-border going back and forth with the american car industry. a lot of foreign auto companies that have particularly in the southeast auto plants where they are sort exchanging things across that bothered. is that going to raise prices and is that going to cut jobs in some of these ancillary industries as well that employ a lot of trump voters? right now they are with the president but there's a question of how long can the president keep them? >> when you hit that tipping point you can't pull back quickly and you might not know until you see some real impact and then it might be too late. >> he sounded today as if he's determined to impose at least the first round, 59% of the tariffs. sounded determined to do that,
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but the question even if it's just that, if that could be a negotiating tactic to get the mexicans to come to the table with a better proposal. we shall see. now cnn polling on the 2020 democrats. one of those candidates senator cory booker can't help but sing a little bit about being on the trail ♪ i can't wait to get on the road again ♪ ♪ making music and laughter with my friends ♪ ♪ i can't wait to get on the road again ♪ lobster's new seafood lover's lunch. with options like new power bowls starting at nine ninety nine. summer berry... ...or spicy dragon... ...topped with shrimp, salmon, and more! or try endless soup, salad and cheddar bay biscuits for eight ninety nine. it's lunch at red lobster. so hurry in! here's another reason to join t-mobile. unlimited data with taxes and fees included.
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joe biden is campaigning in new hampshire this hour. pictures right there. pictures of berlin, new hampshire there, to highlight a new climate change plan. the former vice president hopes that quiets liberal issues saying he just isn't bold enough on the big issues of the campaign, but first some new 2020 numbers. the vice president, a national poll of democrats and democratic-leaning voters still well in the lead here, 32% to 18% for bernie sanders, senator harris, senator warren, mayor buttigieg and former congressman o'rourke round out the top five and top six as you play it back. biden down seven points in a month. rivals taking a shot and voters sewing more of him and he's come back down to earth. senator harris up a little bit, senator sanders up a little bit. so biden with a big national lead. his favorability rating still off the charts among democratic
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voters. senator sanders as well. senator warren has gone up as voters see more of her the other candidates down here mayor buttigieg up a bit and senator harris static. the biden part, out on the campaign trail, getting bruised up a little bit and you drop down a tiny bit. here's where the former vice president, in a national poll doing quite well. he leads among women who identify as democrat or democratic leading voters by bernie sanders by 15 points and non-white voters by 10 points. non-college, biden way up. liberals, they are about tied. joe biden up a point over senator sanders. only among younger voters, the only group that biden loses by seven points. biden feeling very strong about the race right now. again, these numbers show he's come back to earth a little bit. he wants to convince people keep me as your front-runner by outlining the policy initiatives. some people saying he's too old, doesn't get the challenges of climate change and he says yes,
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do i. >> it's an extension threat that we face and you know and i know that they tell us we have not a whole lost time to begin to change the direction. now, the first thick i would do day one at president, i would rejoin the paris climate accord which we, barack and i, put together. >> cnn's jeff zeleny joins our
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conversation. >> i think what he wants to do is trying to play in that space. he just wants to be out thereto enough that he can, if the field does winnow, that some of those voters stand a chance of coming to him. that he's not destined to lose liberals. >> yeah, the thing is you had senator warren also putting out some -- part of her green new deal plan framework and that there was a marked difference, right, so you have senator warren's plan which is looking at, you know, net zero emissions by 2030 which is a framework
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that is laid out in the green new deal rather than 2050, and you're only talking about a few decades here but this is one of the key things that activists, democratic activists are looking for when they want to know if somebody is really being serious about climb change and talked to some of the democratic activists this morning. very excited about senator warren's plan and they are not excited about biden's plan and part of this is because warren shopped this around and bide dehn no. they did it in their own silo. it's a question of whether -- warren is getting some enthusiasm from the activists and you saw it over the weekend in california and biden is just sort of trying to do enough, but it's -- it isn't -- it isn't what they really want. not what they want to hear. >> his bet and he's right that there's a much bigger democratic party out there in the country than shows up on twitter or shows up at state conventions. that's his giant bet. >> and i think julie is right. i think that biden's strategy,
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his strategic call is if people are in fact more taken with with the idea of having someone who can beat trump and that's really the thing that he seeds upon, that his plan be good enough on climate on so many of these other issues that they are okay coming to him because this is a marathon, not a sprint. there's still a lot to play out here, and i think he's just trying to preserve that space for himself but he's not going to be where elizabeth warren is on the climate or jay inslee. i think he's looking to preserve the ground for him where he has an actual plan, it's an aggressive plan but not the most aggressive plan and that's by design. he knows if he wins it's because people buy his argument that you need someone who can go up against trump and that he's that person and the policy details are a little bit less >> you mentioned the degrees of difference. we'll see the debates coming up differently. this is test running for one of the issues and joe biden admitting that he needs warren
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not to be so touchy feely. he's offended in women by offending them and none of that it was sexual and they said their space sin saided. come up several times on the campaign trail including when he was active on the trail and made a couple of jokes about it. today in new hampshire about the jokes going on. he saw a woman sitting on the floor. he went to get her a chair. >> i'm going to -- i'm going to -- for you. >> sweetheart. >> oh. >> we have a little secret going here. i want the press to know she pulled me close. i just want you to know, okay. >> we all saw what happened. the woman leaned in and talked to the vice president. does he have to do that? is he right to do that? is that off? is that pitch perfect or pitch
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weird? all saw what happened there. >> i think it's a little pitch weird. he clearly felt like he had to lighten the moment that way, but for him to be joking about that stuff, i mean, it's just unnext and just don't go there, right. he clearly has this issue that people have been talking about. talking about it less recently, and every time something like that -- >> every time he does that. >> brings it back up. >> talked to several women voters out there in several states who love joe biden a lot and are just -- i think how you view that is how you view the whole situations. you tell joe biden he can hug me any time he wants. >> here's this woman. she have's signature on the floor. she's -- >> and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. but he goes that extra little bit. >> and his aides don't want him to go any further. when he gets comfortable, that's when he's had -- >> he just goes a little
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further. >> before we go to break, senator mitt romney delivering one of his biggest policy speeches. >> we should strengthen our alliances, not dismiss or begrudge them. we should enhance our trade with our allies and not disrupt it and coordinate all the more closely our security and defense with them. we there yet? you don't always use your smartphone for directions... hey guys, up there. ...or to laugh out loud. ♪ but when it matters most, you count on tracfone to keep you connected for less. ♪ our smartphone plan gives you talk, text and data with unlimited carryover starting at $15 a month, no contract. all with nationwide 4g lte coverage. get top smartphones or bring your own phone. tracfone. for moments that matter. ♪ run with us. on a john deere z500 series mower.
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topping our political radar today, a new push to arrest rand deport immigrant families who have been given a court order to leave the united states. the agency now is exploring
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options for evicting those who have exhausted all their legal options with no exemptions. homeland security officials have resisted dedohertying families and the obama administration launched a similar effort in its second term. chinese government sent tanks rolling into tiananmen square and the number killed in that brutal crackdown is still unknown. the secretary of state mike pompeo marking today's anniversary noting that 30 years later, quote, chinese citizens continue to seek to texter size their human rights, organize independent unions, pursue justice through the legal system and simply, press their views for which many are punished, jailed and even tortured. the chinese embassy slamming secretary pompeo's words as an affront to the chinese people and claiming human rights in china have never been better. the virginia governor ralph northium recalling lawmakers in
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the wake of last month owes shooting on virginia beach calling for a ban on silencers and high capacity magazines and banning guns from government buildings. republicans control the general assembly and pushed back on a similar prior attempt. little s can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression
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today the white house instructing former west wing aides to give democrats nothing about their time working in the white house. hope hicks and andy donaldson and white house counselp mcgan faced morning subpoena deadlines for turning over documents. we should note that hope hicks has agreed to turn over some documents to the house judiciary committee relating to her time on the trump campaign, not in the trump white house. let's get straight to manu raju on capitol hill. the white house again saying no. >> yeah. indeed they are rejecting these demands, but specifically about the time that hope hicks, the white house former communications as well as the chief of staff for don mcgahn who was then the white house counsel, their time in the white house, and that's central to what the democrats want to
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investigate in the house judiciary committee, looking into potential obstruction of justice to examine those ten episodes laid out by the mueller report, the parent efforts to undermine the investigations. the white house saying those records will not be turned over. in a letter by pat cipollone he said those are privileged communications that congress is not entitled to. he instead wishes to pursue some middle ground between house democrats and the department of justice to see if they can find any sort of deal but a number of democrats that i've spoken with are not satisfied with this request so far or this offer to work with them. one democratic member jamie raskin said this is going to ad more weight to do more, potentially to open up an impeachment inquiry, something that the house speaker is resisting as well as judiciary
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committee chairman jerry nadler who is not going that far. he did note that hope hicks has agreed to turn over her campaign-related documents to the committee, not her time at the white house and campaign-related documents. that's not going to satisfy democrats here so the next step could be more members, more officials being held in contempt. john. >> manu raju live from the hill, appreciate the update. >> and let's bring in a little context, hope hicks closer to the president during the campaign, around him all the day, nobody closer on a day-to-day basis and the reason they want him is she was there on air force one when they drafted the statement with don jr., not accurate to be kind and don mcgahn got the call from rosenstein to fire mueller and the answer is no, no, no. >> what the white house is doing is just trying to test democratic leadership. how long can nancy pelosi hold off her members as the requests get closer to the president and closer to the people around him
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and the answer continues to be no, you know. can pelosi -- can she say to her members, you know, that she is doing everything that she if she doesn't go down the road of opening an impeachment hearing. hope chicago trying to show some level of cooperation, some good faith effort here, but to your point, what they want to know about is what happened when she was in the white house. what happened in the campaign is irrelevant to what the democrats are after and that's what makes her willingness to go awrong this white house position i think so frustrating and troublesome for a lot of democrats. >> to your point about testing the leadership. some of nancy pelosi's members are testing her, too. before robert mueller spoke last week, 35 democrats had called for an impeachment inquiry and after he spoke that number jumped to 38 and then after the president spoke the number jumped to 48 and now 57 members say we should at least open an impeachment inkry, there's more than 200 of them. getting in the range of 25% now,
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but the number keeps growing. pelosi's job managing the flock gets more difficult. >> and julie is correct. every time there's another episode of these and they ask for something and they are told no, if that continues to grow what, nancy pelosi and her team are trying to do is sort of find ways of letting the steam out of kettle a little bit and part that have will happen when they actually vote to hold -- that's why they are going to vote to hold don mcgahn and others in contempt and we may see them go down the same rod with hope hicks and annie donaldson but there will be a point where they can't get to crucial information and to flesh out what's in the mueller report and if indeed there was obstruction and then we'll see how many more democrats had signed on to that effort. >> if you want to question nancy pelosi's hold on the leadership, this is her number three james clyburn on tv with jake tapper on sunday, seems pretty clear. >> but it sound like you think
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that the president will be impoached or at least paroledings will begin in the house at some point but just not right now? >> yes, that's exactly what i feel. i think we've already going. >> that was sunday. the day after sunday is monday. here's congressman cliburn to politico. i'm probably away from impeachment than anybody in our caucus. we'll not get out in front of our committees. we'll see what the xliys come up with. i've said that forever. >> must have gotten a phone call. >> and to the point, 25% of the democratic caucus is still just 25%. that's real not a break point i think for the leadership who really does not want to have this fight right now. >> the speaker's position and the leadership, members meeting the other day meaning she thinks it's a bad idea and as for now she's holding firm. the math is getting a little tougher but to your point not there yet. senator al franken's name is back in the news causing a rift between at least two 2020 presidential candidates.
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improve breathing, and can lower oral steroid use. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. haven't you missed enough? ask an asthma specialist about fasenra. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. an unexpected name causing a rift in the 2020 democratic presidential field. al frank ebb, mayor pete buttigieg faced a question about a former senator in a town hall overnight. after a bit of prodding he answered unlike some democratic senators, he would not have been so quick to demand franken owes resignation. >> i think it was his decision to make, by think the way that we basically held him to a hour standard than the gop does their people has been used against us.
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>> were they right or wrong in. >> well, i think it's not a bad thing that we hold ourselves to a higher standard. >> were they right to do that, to push him out of senate because they did? >> i would not have applied that pressure at that time before we knew more. >> fellow 2020 candidate senator kirsten gillibrand who led the call for franken to step down in 2017 was quick to stopped. eight credible allegations of sexual harassment. that's not too high of a standard. form senators including myself in this primary field, that was not too high of a bar. to senator gillibrand's point, senator cory bjork, michael bent, herself, senator harris and senator elizabeth warren all among those said franken had to go back at the time. and this is interesting to have a debate between two of the democratic candidates about something kind of out of the blue. >> it's also interesting because gill grand's advisors have said that they actually think that this issue is held her back in terms of fund-raising and
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generating -- >> because franken was so loved by the liberal base. >> a lot of people do think he was held to a higher standard and democrats maybe moved too quickly, but i think it's fair to gillibrand to point out what was happening at that time. this didn't happen in isolation. there were a lot of freshures on democratic -- she may have been out front but i think i was sitting on this set when that happened. it was one after another, democrat, coming out, minute after minute so she was maybe out front and hardly alone. >> on average in democratic presidential prime sis 60% of voters are women. is that a risk for buttigieg? >> kirsten gillibrand is trying to position herself as woman's candidate among other things and clearly wants to go to that space and to be seen in this political momentans sufficiently supportive of women or as skeptical of, you know, some of these kind of claims could be a risk for him. he made a very sort of reasoned and sound like personally true to himself evaluation, and that's what he was doing.
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maybe voters appreciate that, but i do think that there's a risk that they will see himans sufficiently concerned with the fact that these allegations in the past couple of years have been seen in a very different light, and so, you know, there are risks involved. >> something else to keep on our list as we get red for the debates. see you back here tomorrow. brianna keilar starts right now. >> i'm brianna keilar live from cnn's washington headquarters. under way right now, the president's tariffs against mexico days away, hane's teeing up a standoff with washington who may try to block his latest trade war. from amazon to apple they are kings of tech who enjoyed unchecked power and until now and plus, a ticket to rikers. president trump's former campaign chairman likely moving to one of america's harshest prisons where he'll be


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