tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 5, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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cute when you get excited... anyways... i've got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. i can schedule a time for them to call me back, it's great! you have our number programmed in? ya i don't even know your phone anymore... excuse me?! what? i don't know your phone number. aw well. he doesn't know our phone number! you have our fax number, obviously... today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'll pass. the meeting between mexican officials and the vice president over president trump's tariff threat has just ended and the two sides did not, repeat, did not reach any deal. so tariffs are still on the table, if, indeed, the president
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isn't bluffing. he says he's not, keeping him honest, what if he is? what if republicans don't support him? and what will this do to american consumers, workers and farmers. john berman here for anderson, let's stipulate from the get-go, there is a real humanitarian crisis on the border. we learned more than 144,000 migrants were arrested or detained at the mexican border in may. that's the highest arrest record in 13 years. no doubt, this is a real problem. that's not really in dispute. it's how the president deals with it that it is. the president has tried to address it in any number of ways. he threatened to close the border entirely. he separated families, locking up children. today we learned the administration is doing even more. the "washington post" reports, i'm quoting here from "the lead." the trump administration is canceling english classes, recreational programs and legal aide for unaccompanied minors in migrant shelters nationwide,
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saying the influx of the southern border has created critical budget pressures. again the very real crisis. the very real problem continues because conditions have not improved in those northern triangle countries. a problem that might be even worse since the president cut off aid to them as a punitive measure. many experts at the time considered that a bad idea given how far a dollar can go in improving conditions in slowing the flow of migrants, compared to what is being spent to detail and house migrants here. now as you know, the president is threatening a far worse economic bargain. >> i think i have to step up, if not, tariffs will go on, if they go high, companies will move back into the united states. it's all, very simple. the people won't have to worry about paying the tax, the companies will move back into the united states. there won't be any tariff. >> the deadline is monday. economists across the board think it's a terrible idea. the tariffs are paid by american
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importers, manufacturers and especially consumers. also known as voters. one recent study by the new york branch of the federal reserve estimates american families will pay $800 each this year in tariffs. yet the president and his advisers insist that mexico will bear the brunt. with talks of the us what ongoing, one of the advisers today said it might not be all academics suggesting the president is bluffing. >> we believe that these tariffs may not have to go into effect, precisely because we have the mexicans' attention. >> it certainly has earned the attention of republican lawmakers. many are now on the record opposing tariffs. which is no small thing considering how the party marches in lock step with him. to that point there is new reporting tonight that some republican senators want the president to delay implementing the mexican tariffs until he made the case directly at them.
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at the same time, he is urging them to back down, while they may be opposing him, we should point out they're not eager to talk about it. in fact, we called every single republican senator. all 53 of them, invited them to come on the program tonight. not one of them would. jim acosta joins us from normandy in france, where president trump will arrive tomorrow for the 75th anniversary of d-day after staying tonight at his golf club in ireland. the meeting between the mexican delegation and the vice president that just ended, do you have any details about how it went? >> reporter: mainly from the mexican side, john. the mexican foreign minister came out and talked about to reporters and said they did not even talk about these tariffs being proposed by the president during this meeting. they did talk about what he's doing at the southern border.
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john, that is interesting because it sounds like they have not made much progress in terms of averting these tariffs the president will impose next week. the president did tweet about this a short while ago about 12:42 a.m. local time here in france. he says these talks will continue tomorrow. john. >> has the president commented on the fact that republicans and a whole lot of people, nearly everyone outside the white house seems to be against him on this tariff threat? >> reporter: he hasn't, john. only to say he thinks it will be foolish. for republicans to go against him. at this point they are openly doing that. the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is saying to white house officials perhaps the president should explain this personally to republican senators before following through on this threat. i will tell you, i talked to a senior republican official just a short while ago who says there is no indication at this point that the president plans to stop this threat of imposing these tariffs on mexico and that the white house ever since that meeting that happened yesterday with those republican senators that didn't go very well, the
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white house has not provided much new information besides the quote scant information that was offered to senators yesterday, essentially all that was offered to republican senators today amounted to talking points according to this republican official. john, there were some big concerns, not just about the economy and the consequences of these tariffs, there are legislative consequences as well. this republican official said that these tariffs would be imposed on mexico could, in fact, jeopardize the president's trade deal he's talked so much about as well as new border money that would be intended toward extending that flow of migrants across the border. so the president could be working against his own interest, according to a lot of republicans up on capitol hill. john. >> jim acosta in normandy. we will talk to you for the ceremony there. we will talk about the concerns the impact tariffs can have, for peters, the top democrat homeland security committee. he knows about the intricacies.
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i want to ask you off the past. do you think the president is bluffing? do you think he is seriousant these tariffs? >> it's hard to know what the president will do. i can't speak for what's in his mind. i hope he doesn't go forward with it. certainly, there is a significant impact to workers in michigan i'm very concerned about. >> you've heard senate republicans say they want to hear from him in person. do you believe that when push comes to shove, if this president applies pressure, that the senate republicans will hold the line? >> well, i know a lot of senate republicans are very concerned. the conversations that i have, they think this is misguided. i think we all agree the use of tariffs should be related to trade policy, not other issues like immigration. we have to certainly secure the border and make sure we're dealing with the issue down there. it is a significant issue. but to use tariffs is simply something that's unacceptable, particularly given the impact that it's going to have on workers and residents of michigan but all of their individual states. all the senators are concerned about the impact to residents in the state. ultimately, it's people in
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america. it's americans that will be paying this price. >> let's talk about your state. car country. of course there's a big deal of concern about the supply chain to auto makers. you met with gm ceo mary barra. what did she say? about the possibility of tariffs. >> she's concerned. it's hard to know exactly how the tariffs will be assessed. we basically have a supply chain across three countries, canada, united states and mexico. parts move back and forth. you can have u.s. parts going to mexico and coming back. it's difficult to assess. if you look at some of the analysis done by independent organizations, if the tariffs get folded out. you get to 25%. you can see an increase of $1,300 per automobile.
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you could see plants shutting down because sales could drop. in fact. she is also worried that you could see folks postponing car purchases, buying used cars or postponing them, that would have a big economic impact. not just for the auto industry it would ripple through the whole economy. >> is she making that case or asking you to? >> i think the folks from the auto industry has been making that case. i certainly hope they are talking directly to the president. >> so are you on the senate homeland security committee. so you know an awful lot and you know these new numbers that came out today, the highest monthly crossings and apprehensions in 13 years. up 32% from april. and you know there are supporters of the president who will point to this and say these numbers justify any tool available to get mexico maybe to do more on border security, even tariffs. what would you say to those people? >> i say we got to use a lot of tools. this is a very complex problem. i was just down at the border a few days ago. i saw folks coming across, very large numbers. the type of people coming across are different than we are used to seeing. we often see mexican individuals, young men normally coming across would be sent
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back. now we are seeing families. families with young children coming across central america. really, kind of overwhelming the system that we have right now so we have to deal with that we are looking at putting additional resources along the border to handle that. part of what we have to deal with. it's comprehensive. we got for more immigration judges, people on the border. we have to deal with trying to stem the flow from central america, itself. that's why it doesn't make sense to have the president pull out of ngos working to keep people in their country so they don't make that long journey north. >> we did mention that in our opening. do you think mexico is doing enough to stop the migration of the flow north? >> mexico should do more. they are doing quite a bit. but they've got to do more. everybody has to do more. this is all hands on deck. certainly, the president needs to be focused on this in a comprehensive way, looking at dealing with a different type of migration flow.
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that means the poll factors, which means screening people at the border, if folks are let out too early, you can have more folks coming. you also have to deal with the push factors as i said in the countries, themselves, you have people that would rather stay home. they are facing violence, economic problems, significant economic problems. they are looking for the well being of their family so they head north. we have to look at this at a comprehensive way. pointing fingers at one solution is not enough. that's simplistic. we need leadership from the white house that looks at this problem in a comprehensive way and looks at dealing with it in all of those aspects. to use tariffs, fought for dealing with immigration policy makes no sense and send us down a real slippery slope in terms of our trading relationships, not just with mexico, but countries all across the world. >> we know this is an issue you care deeply about. we appreciate you being with us
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tonight. >> thank you very much. >> next, i will speak about president trump's comments on his failure to serve in vietnam. also a new poll on whether president trump might be reelected. the numbers here might surprise you. when i showed my mom the dna results, it made her feel proud. ancestry specifically showed the regions that my family was from. new features. greater details. richer stories. get your dna kit today at
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if he wished he had served during vietnam or any war in general? the president said a bone spur diagnosis later that he actually has reported for duty. >> well, i was never a fan of that war. i'll be honest with you. i thought it was a terrible war. i thought it was very far away. nobody ever, you are talking about vietnam. at that time nobody ever heard of the country. >> you served generally? >> i would not have minded that at all. i would have been honored. think i make up for it now. $700 billion i gave last year and this year $716 billion and i think i'm making up for it rapidly. because we're rebuilding our military at a level that's never been seen before. >> earlier, i spoke about the president's comments with someone who did show up for duty during the second war in iraq. democratic senator tammy duckworth of illinois. senator duckworth, is the president making up for his lack of service in vietnam right now?
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>> i don't know how he makes up for it if you mean stealing money from the department of defense to build a wall. money towards things like i don't know firefighting stations in my home state, no, he's not making up for it at all. >> he says the $700 billion that i gave last year to the military. that was interesting phrasing. what did you make of that? >> well, it tells me he knows nothing about the united states' form of government. it is actually congress that decides how much money will be given to the department of defense and, in fact, it was the votes of the senators and hopefully later on in a couple of months, the house of representatives that will send those dollars to the department of defense. bottom line, this is a president that tries to convince people that he is a patriot, yet he is stealing money from the department of defense to pursue his own political agenda. >> he explains his lack of service by saying i was never a fan of the vietnam war. you are an iraq war veteran.
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you were wounded there. will you call yourself a fan of the iraq war? >> i don't know anyone who has ever served in uniform, especially in combat who would say they're a fan of war. in fact, i opposed the iraq war but volunteered to go when my unit was deployed. this president has shown he has done everything to not answer his nation's call, he would have answered it five times when he dodged the draft. >> what message do you think his words send to the families of people who lost sons and brothers in vietnam? >> i think it's insulting. i think it is insulting what the commander-in-chief of the united states just said about the vietnam war, as if it was a choice for most of them. most of them were drafted and they didn't have a chase to go serve. yet they still went. if you are a true patriot, you respond when your nation calls you to duty this president did not go. in fact, he used his privilege
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to come one a story of some kind of bone spurs in order to dodge this draft and frankly for those families who lost loved ones, who were drafted or those who volunteered, i would find i want insulting. my own father served two tours in vietnam. >> you said, you mentioned his bone spurs, a medical deferment, student deferments and then a medical deferment for bone spurs. you say on twitter he should have received a medical deferment, not for the burn spurs, they should have been for that yellow streak you say down his back. are you calling the from the a coward? >> yes, he is a coward. he was a coward when it came time to serve in vietnam. he used his privilege in every way he could to avoid serving five different times and five other young men went to war in his place. how many of them lost their lives. >> obviously, when we talk about vietnam. you know that is an issue that is fraught for a generation of americans. would you say the same ting to others who declined or found ways to get deferments, bill clinton obviously received deferments.
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you used the same word to describe him. >> let me say one thing about president trump, in particular. he is someone who is trying to wrap himself up if patriotism. everything about him is about what a patriot he s. my gosh, he hugs the flag as a photo op. then he tries to minimize his service in vietnam by saying he wasn't a fan of that service. my heroes are the ones who responded when the nation called or stood up and said i am a consciencious objector, marched in the streets. i am respectful of those people because they did the most person thing you can do, speak up and defied authority. not what president trump did which was to use his privilege to get out of service. >> obviously, the president has also had words with the late senator john mccain. he skipped a military service if europe last year. do you feel he knows how to appropriately honor those who have served? >> i don't think he cares. i don't think he cares to honor those who have served. they have done something he was too afraid to do himself, i think he finds those threatening to him, he lashes out to them
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and tries to minimize their service saying things like that wasn't a real war, it wasn't fighting the nazis, it was if vietnam. i think he is threatened by those who have worn the uniform. >> senator tammy duckworth, we thank you for your time. >> my pleasure. >> so do voters think president trump will keep the white house in 2020? a new poll has the answer, not one you might expect. that's next. our miles at the end of your first year. you'll match my miles? yeah! mile for mile! and no blackout dates or annual fee. nice! i was thinking about taking a scuba diving trip! i love that. or maybe go surfing... or not. ok. maybe somewhere else. maybe a petting zoo. can't go wrong. can't get eaten. earn miles. we'll match 'em at the end of your first year. plus no annual fee or blackouts. the discover it® miles card.
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simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. is president trump unpopular? yes. does he lose in head-to-head polling with most democratic challengers? yes. so will he win re-election? well, yeah. at least that's what 54% of respondents to cnn's latest poll said, they believe the president despite everything will win re-election next year. what's more, that number is up, double digits since december. joining me now to discuss usa
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columnist and analyst kirsten powers and dana bash and cnn director, david chelian. often it goes with success, people end up knowing who's going to win beforehand often. what do you attribute this shift to? >> the psychology of the voters. people like to be with a winner. it gives that you sense. if you look at the numbers, one of the things you can attribute the increase in that perception it was to democrats, to people who disapprove of donald trump's job performance. they did not think he was going to win re-election, but we should be clear, three-quarters of them still don't think that, now a quarter of democrats in this poll believe he is going to win re-election. that's up when we tested this in december, that's up from 14%. they're rooting against it, they see democrats to be a little more of the mind he may come off
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victorious. >> go ahead. >> i was going to say, the other thing i would add is the context that our polling director put in here for us. which is if you look at the same time in barack obama's first time, the question, would he win a second term? and donald trump does better now than obama did back in may of 2011. that was after they caught and killed osama bin laden. so that gives you i think a pretty remarkable set of facts to go with this. you know, where the electorate was with obama who did go on, of course, pretty easily to win re-election and where donald trump is right now. >> it does get me to my question to kirsten, which david bluff was the first person i remember democratic bed wetting. democrats stereotypically tend to get nervous before other people do? is that what's going on? maybe they won't beat this guy they have been after for so
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long? >> well, i don't know, i think there are some basic things. first of all, the economy is doing relatively well, president who are, you know, have economy doing well tend to do pretty well when they're running for re-election. i think also democrats really underestimated donald trump the last time around. so they may be factoring that in a little bit, that they were wrong before. they didn't take him seriously. they thought he was a joke. and now they're remembering that and saying, well, i don't want to underestimate him this time. because he, nobody thought he was going to win the primary, let alone win the presidency. so i think there is the sense of him being very unpredictable and not being able to know who is going to take him on? and who the nominee is going to be? >> as democrats, you don't make that mistake again, david chelian, the democratic front runner today, joe biden in an interesting back and forth. his campaign reaffirmed his support for the hyde amendment, which keeps federal dollars from
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being spent on abortion services, except in the case of rape, incest, when the life of the mother is at stake this mostly affects lowering income, people's medicaid funding for abortion. this has caused a great deal of outrage with the liberal wing of the party. explain what's going on here. >> it has. it is the third thing we have seen recently on this score. here he is his opponents are for repealing the hyde amendment, joe biden is sticking to his guns if his previous position. by the way, it's the previous position that every democratic nominee has held since 2016, the party platform change and hillary clinton change. but the party has moved. the question becomes on this, defending the '94 crime bill, which is clearly not aligned with where the party is at the moment, certainly the progressive wing of the party, even totally, john, on the notion of being the one to reach out to republicans, work across the aisle.
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that's something that's tonally discordant with where the progressive wing is. here's my question. how many of these kind of things, joe biden is out of step with the progressive wing, does he get here because they feel he may be the best one to beat trump. at some point these general election positions he is taking meet the reality of him having to win the nomination first and progressives are involved in that process. >> kirsten, if i can to be clear, you think this is more consequential the hyde amendment issue is more consequential among democratic voters than the other things that david brought up? >> yeah. i don't think it's just the progressive base. i think it's a pretty widely held view among democrats that the hyde amendment should be repealed. there was a poll done during the 2016 election that found that 57% of hillary clinton voters thought it should be repealed. so i think that he is out of step with the party and the other thing is, it's true that this was the position for a long
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time, but abortion rights are under attack in a way they haven't been in a long time. i mean, certainly with the supreme court the way it is and also just what's happening at the state level and in the heartbeat bills and these various issues, have i think made it a much more an issue that's more powerful that it normally would be. people feel like you need to pick a side and you need to be -- we need to know that you are on our side. when he holds this position, he puts himself off to the side i think most democratic voters aren't on. >> besides the polling. the fact that roe v wade energized the case. >> no question. as kirsten just said, david, too, the base, the democratic party has moved over the last four years and even a little bit before that. but joe biden hasn't, i've done some reporting on this today. i am told explicitly that it is joe biden, himself, who says this is my conviction and i'm not changing it. this is how i have felt and this is how i have voted for my four decades in public service, i'm
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not changing, despite the fact that the party clearly has changed. again, he is playing a long game, perhaps, politically. could help him, at least according to a trump source i talked to today, admitted it could help him in key states like pennsylvania in his quest to pull back, bring back working class democrats, maybe disillusioned republicans. but he has to get the short game behind him first. and it is an open question just as david said whether or not this plus the other things are going to, you know, maybe bring him down a tick or two or more from that front runner status. >> i will tell you the speed and directness which his democratic opponents pounced on this is remarkable. they have to deal with this. thank you all very, very much. >> thanks, john. next, we touch on this a bit already tonight, a closer look at the president's tone on this d-day trip. how it compares with other presidents on similar occasions. calling all sunscreen haters.
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the war every single day. which makes every single occasion to honor them and sacrifice on the homefront so very important. the question then keeping them honest is this. how is president trump meeting the solemn if not sacred obligation? this is how ronald reagan did it on the 40th anniversary. >> we are bound today by what bound us 40 years ago. the same loyalties, traditions and beliefs. we are bound by reality. the strength of america's allies is vital to the united states and the american security guarantee is essential to the continued freedom of europe's democracies. we were with you then. we're with you now. your hopes are our hopes, your destiny is our destiny. >> before we go any further, we should note these words written by peggy noonan were graceful
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and president reagan's delivery is more so. however -- delivery is more so. however, they were seen at the time not dramatically or tonally exceptional, they were a well delivered expression of an idea nearly everyone shared. this is what any president would do, perhaps without the same flare, certainly the same sentiment and same sacrifice and selfless spirit. tonight given the president's behavior, so far the currents president, there are very real questions whether he holds those same beliefs because apart from a gracious toast to the queen today in which allied sacrifice did feature prominently, he's also spent a lot of time focusing on himself. he met ireland's prime minister at the airport today because he declined to see him at trump golf club and here's what he said about normandy, how incredibly he has been treated. >> i'm making a trip to normandy. we had an incredible time. this was -- something that the likes of which few people have seen anything like it.
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we were with the queen and the royal family and the prime minister and it was something very special. many of you were there, almost all of you were there, but it's been very well covered and it was truly beautiful. >> it's been very well covered. in addition to that, in the overnight hours last night, he found time to complain on twitter about what he calls the totally corrupt media and sleepy joe biden and lashed out and these were his words, washed up psycho bette midler and how she is trying to make, quoting again, your great president look bad. that on the eve of d-day commemoration events. bette midler insults. in fairness, he tweeted about the d-day anniversary, quote, as we approach the 75th anniversary of d-day, we proudly commemorate those heroic and honorable patriots who gave their all for the cause of freedom during some of the history's darkest hours. that's what we have come to expect from every president. not as a matter of course a lonely exception.
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joining us peter wehner who served in the reagan and h.w. bush administration before bombing deputy speech writer for george w. bush. i do want to ask, hearing ronald reagan, giving a speech, that a speech you could ever imagine president trump giving? >> no, i couldn't. the benality of donald trump's works has been the hallmark of his words by ronald reagan were particularly elegant and really exceptional. but they also fit the man and it's important when it comes to speeches as well. the words matter, but the person delivering the words matter, too. and it helps to give a dignified speech if the person who is delivering the speech is himself or herself dignified. in the case of donald trump, that's not possible without dignity. >> i want to play what the president had to say yesterday about the protests that have
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taken place over the last couple of days. listen. >> as far as the protests, i have to tell you, because i commented on it yesterday. we left the prime minister, the queen, the royal family, there were thousands of people on the streets cheering. and even coming over today, there were thousands of people cheering. and then i heard that there were protests. i said, where are the protests? i didn't see a protest. i did see a small protest today, very small. so a lot of it is fake news i hate to say. >> now, you worked for president george w. bush who visited london at a time he was very unpopular there. yet the way to two presidents faced the criticism and the protests, you feel are very different and very telling. why? >> well, you know, when george w. bush went to the united kingdom, he gave a speech at whitehall palace, it had self-deprecating humor. there were grace notes in it. he defended the united states with a light touch.
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when most presidents go overseas they go over to try to persuade other people if not convince the people of the other country in a position of the united states to at least further advance the cause and for them to at least respect the person making the case and george w. bush did that. other presidents have done that. but donald trump doesn't do that. he doesn't see his job as to represent the united states in a fashion that makes people look at us well. he is a person who by inclination and by temperament and psychological orientation thrives on conflict, acrimony and animosity. he's also narcissist. he only sees himself. as representing himself. that's a problem if are you the president. >> what message do you think he is trying to deliver.
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more importantly i guess how do you think his message is received as he travels overseas in these countries? >> i don't know he knows what message he is delivering. this is a stream of consciousness with him. we see that with his tweets which is the most accurate thing into his disordered mind. how is he received? not well. virtually across the world. people look at donald trump and they see a person they feel is out of his depth and they look at us and essentially think the united states is a joke or at least the president is a joke and that hasn't happened before. there has been a tremendous leakage of prestige and respect for the united states since donald trump has been president. the other thing it's important to know. this is true of allies as well as adversaries as well as the volatility of the man, you can
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say one thing on one day and something fundamentally on another day. sometimes he contradicts himself in a single day. it's very, very hard for leaders to try to come up with a coherent policy for us. you are dealing with somebody who himself isn't coherent. >> i want to play one moment from george w. bush. i know a lot of people like a lot. i guess the issue of humility. this is when he was overseas, he was trying to walk off the stage. it didn't quite work out the way he wanted it to. >> i'm trying to escape. didn't work. >> look, i remember that so vividly. a lot of people did make fun of him at that moment. but you see how he handled it with a sense of humor and humility. >> it's true. he was a person fundamentally a humble and decent and gracious and gracious man and i don't think that those qualities appreciated as much then as they are now. because things are so, the
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contrast with trump is so dramatic. i'm not sure the current president would react the same way. if that door wouldn't open. >> i can guarantee you he wouldn't. >> thank you very much for being with us. >> appreciate it. just ahead, a mystery in paradise. three americans dying within days of each other at the same resort in the dominican republic, leaving families and authorities searching for answers.
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it sounds like something straight out of a mystery novel. three americans die at the same resort in the dominican republic within days of one another. it's all too real for the families involved. cnn's randi kaye has the report. >> miranda schaup-werner and her husband dan flew to the dominican republic to celebrate their anniversary. checking into the hotel on may 25th. but their celebration soon turned tragic. after miranda made a drink from the mini bar, she suddenly couldn't breathe. >> she called out to dan and he came right over and she was unable to breathe. she collapsed. she couldn't communicate. >> reporter: both her husband and emts tried to revive her, but the 41-year-old psychotherapist from allentown, pennsylvania could not be saved.
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>> she was one moment taking pictures. i think she took a picture, i smiling happy. in the next moment, in extreme pain and collapsing. >> reporter: the mystery around miranda's death would deepen. turns out another couple, edward holmes and cynthia ann day, his fiance, checked in to the same resort and would meet the same fate. pictures from their social media post showed they had plenty of fun. including this post. boat ride of a lifetime. and this. "can somebody please loan me $250,000? because i don't want to come home." his family never imagined he wouldn't, but on the day they were supposed to leave, edward holmes and cynthia day never checked out. hotel staff entered their room to find both of them dead. their deaths on may 30th coming just five days after miranda had collapsed and died in the hotel.
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>> what we thought was a freak event, now we don't know. >> police say various medications meant to treat high blood pressure were found in the couple's room and there was no sign of violence. an autopsy showed the couple died from respiratory failure and pulmonary edema, essentially a build up of fluid in the lungs. according to "the washington post," a family spokesman for miranda schaup-werner says she died of the same thing. >> reporter: late today in another bizarre twist, the hotel released a statement saying the pennsylvania woman died of a heart attack. her husband provided information that she had a heart condition. the foam family spokesperson said miranda had heart trouble about 15 years ago but doctors had given her a clean bill of health. the hotel is also now saying the maryland couple's deaths are still under investigation pending toxicology and pathology tests and there is no definitive cause of death.
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three puzzling deaths and now more questions than answers. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> puzzling to say the least, including two members of the same couple dies, apparently of the same thing. want to check in with chris to see what he's working on for "cuomo prime time." chris, that is really just bizarre. >> no good. i mean, first, your heart has to go out to families. for them, this isn't a matter of intrigue, it's tremendous loss and it's horrible. for the rest of us trying to figure this out, the question becomes, jb, is correlation causation here? is the fact that they died in proximity of place and time relevant to how they died? neither has been ruled a homicide, which means it's a death which was caused by a person, so we have to wait and see. i would suggest we go slow because very often correlation is not causation. you have one story about a heart problem or not some years ago. you have another one where they say they're waiting on toxicology. let's get the facts. we're doing the same thing tonight, jb.
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is biden being raked over the coals for good reason? we'll talk to his campaign and have them be tested. >> looking forward to it. chris, see you in a few minutes. next, a d-day veteran and his unique place in history. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century.
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with priceline, bundling our lowest prices on flights, hotels and rental cars means you spend less time planning and more time travelling. we like that! by the way, these chairs are ours. everyone is already sitting. -excuse me. uh... do you mind...being a mo-tour? -what could be better than being a mo-tour? the real question is... do you mind not being a mo-tour? -i do. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. there are many d-day stories. chances are you've never heard this one or met anyone like the d-day veteran cnn's gary tuchman met for this report. >> reporter: 21-year-old henry
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parem worked as a bus porter in virginia when he entered the u.s. army. today he's an american hero and establishing history. that's because henry is believed to be the last surviving african-american d-day combat veteran. >> you're going to be 98 in november. >> yes. >> that's almost a century. >> oh, yes. >> and you've seen a lot. >> yes, i have. >> no, you don't want to go down the steps. >> reporter: henry parem, who lives in pittsburgh with his wife, ethel, vividly remembers fellow soldiers drowning off omaha beach and the nazi air bombardments. >> of course i was scared for my life, sure. >> reporter: he was part of a most unique army combat unit, the 320th barrage balloon battalion. the mission to launch huge hydrogen filled balloons from the beach of normandy to protect troops from the air above.
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most notably. all the pilots were black. only a relatively small number of black troops were able to be part of the d-day invasion. the u.s. military, still segregated and discriminatory. >> we were separated white and black, but i was doing my duty. >> reporter: he has always tried to focus on the positive. >> when you came back home after the war fighting for americans' liberty, fighting for freedom and realizing when you got back, you still didn't have that same liberty and same freedom that white americans had, were you disappointed, were you surprised or did you expect that? >> well, no, i wasn't disappointed because i grew up under those conditions. >> reporter: his wife of 45 years says her husband's optimism has served him well. >> and i think it's a great honor that he sacrificed to make this world a better place for every one of us. >> the author of this book of the black soldiers of the 320th says there were 621 troops in
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the battalion and that henry is the last surviving member. after being modestly quiet about his world war ii experiences for decades, henley has now received accolades and medals, including the prestigious french legion of honor award. >> i thank god with all the accolades that are going around that he's alive to witness it. >> reporter: henry parem knows he was fortunate to survive d-day. >> were you afraid you were going to drown? >> no, because i prayed to the good lord to save me. >> did you know how to swim? >> no. >> reporter: despite the hardships before, during and after the war, private first-class parem is very grateful to have served. >> i did my duty. i did what i was supposed to do as an american. >> reporter: an american hero. gary tuccn
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