tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN June 13, 2019 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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the focus of this report. and the outcome of it. >> that's an important point. and she said i don't think there is anything more more divisive than beginning impeachment proceedings against a president of the united states. be sure to join fareed sunday morning for the full interview with nancy pelosi, 10:00 a.m. eastern. erin burnett outfront starts right now. >> outfront next not backing down, the president defends comments about getting dirt on his rivals from foreign governments. some republicans are giving him cover. plus a call for kellyanne conway to be removed from her job for breaking the law. why did she think she could get away with it? and charlamagne the god who shows all candidates want to be on. the latest with elizabeth warren could be the buzziestiest. outfront frmts outfront tonight, twisting reality, president trump striking back. trump firing off a string of tweents defending comments that he would welcome dirt on political rivals from foreign
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adversaries like russia. tweeting in part, i meet and talk to foreign governments every day about everything. should i immediately you will call the fbi about the calls and meeting sns how ridiculous? i would never be trusted again. well it is ricked what he just said there is ricked because it's not what he was asked nor what he said. no one has ever said or yied a president should call the fisher ever every time i talks to foreign governments. that's absurd. what he said had nothing to do with taking work calls and meeting as president. what he said was that don junior with meeting with a russian government who said the russian government had dirt on hillary clinton to help trump win the white house was okay. >> should he have gone the fisher we he got the email. >> let's put yourself in a position you're a congressman and somebody comes up and says i have information on your opponent. do you call the fbi. >> if it's coming from russia you do. >> i've seen a lot of things in my life. i don't think in my life i've called the fbi. in my whole life. you don't call the fbi. you throw them out of your
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office. >> al gore called got a stolen briefing book he called the fisher. >> that's different. this is somebody saying we have information on your opponent. oh, let me call the fbi. give me a break. life doesn't work that way. >> the fbi director says that should happen. >> the fbi director is wrong. >> and then trump said he would take the call or the email from a foreign adversary again. in election while he is a sitting president. shock, disappointment, outrage not partisan feelings when it comes to what the president said. listen to mitt romney. >> that would be simply unthinkable for a candidate for president to accept the involvement, encourage it, participate with it in any way shape or form. it would strike at the heart of our democracy. >> and the number two republican senator, john thune saying, quote, i think the easy answer there should be no, no, we shouldn't allow or tolerate any foreign intervention in our elections. and the criticism even sharper from one senior republican
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source who didn't want to put the name out there telling cnn out there it's really bad, really really bad. he shouldn't say it. and if he were to do it it would be impeachable. . a president took information from a foreign government that's impeachable. impeachable. from a republican. but while some republicans are condemn the president others are putting their tails between their legs. senate kmorjt leader mitch kpaunl candidate didn't want to answer questions about the comments. here is the house minority leader. >> i've watched this president. i've listened to this president. he dotes does not want foreign governments sbrefrg in our election and he has been strong about that. >> very strong about that? really? >> i mean it could be russia but could be china lots of other people also could be sitting on their bed weighs 400 pounds, okay. >> abby phillip is outthe outfront live outside the white house. abbey how is the white house
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reacting to the response to the president's comments which obviously there has been some damning response from republicans as well as democrats. >> well, erin, i think it's telling that as of this hour the white house response has been publicly radio silence. you have not seen a lot of white house aides coming out trying to defend the president's comments, trying to explain even what the president meant when he said that. even though it seems pretty critical clear to a lot of people who heard him talk about it at length with george stephanopoulos in the interview. but privately i have to tell you erin that sources are saying white house aides acknowledge this is a mistake on the president's part. cringe pg behind the scenes watching the coverage of this. because not only is the president's comments contradictory to what he has -- he himself said in the past, but it also is that the president is now doubling down on those remarks. he is defending them. and going really to great lengths to defend it comparing it to having talks with the queen of england. and white house aides ac knowledge this is how president
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trump operates, even when he has made a mistake you can't back down, you can't acknowledge having made a mistake. and in this case it's only compounding and already existing problems for the president. so there is some resignation among the presidents allies and aides in the white house. just what he is going to do when it comes to this subject, there is nothing they can do about it. but at the same time they acknowledge it's a real problem. a real problem because many republicans on capitol hill have no choice but to don dem the president's comments. even thoep as we have seen today some republicans have helped the president by trying to switch the blame to democrats. but they know that this is a political problem for the president that in the eyes of the public that it's obvious that -- that this position of taking information from a foreign government is not one that is tenable politically. but president trump is known for one thing, that is really not backing down in the face of any kind of adversity. i think many aides don't expect
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him to do that any time soon. >> abbey thank you. outfront democratic senator chris kuhns on the judiciary committee. you said the comments from the president were shocking. some of your republican colleagues agreed. but the top two republicans house minority leader mcmahon li kevin mccarthy refused to call out the the president. why? >> what's strike something not that they refused to call out the president, but that majority leader mcconnell came to the floor and blocked a vote on the senate floor where mark warner of virginia, the ranking democrat on intelligence was trying to advance a bill that would make it illegal for a future campaign to accept help from a foreign power without noechg the fbi. so i agree with you. it was striking that so few republican leaders were clear and forceful about the ways in
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which president trump's statements today were shocking. but frankly beyond that, majority leader mcconnell took action this afternoon to stop a reasonable responsible effort by senator warner to try and clarify that there is an obligation on the part of any campaign to tell the fbi if a hostile power contacts you offering dirt on your opponent. >> all right, which, look i understand on the one point that's absurd that we would be in a position that one would need to legislate that. but given what happened, okay. i mean, one question on where it's going. one democrat at least has changed his position based on the president's comments yesterday now calling for impeachment inquiry. and this is eric swalwell is running for president in congress. have you heard from any republicans who say that the president he is a words moved them that direction. i'm talking about private conversation with your colleagues. >> i had a number of conversations in afternoon about
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how concerned they were, how much this shows that he learned nothing from the mueller report about how this raises the risks to our 2020 election. but nobody is speaking about impeachment on the republican side. and that's my real concern, erin, is that if the house were to move ahead with articles of impeachment and if they voted to send it to the senate as a matter for us to consider, we already know the jury. we know exactly who is going to sit on the jury. it's the senate, and not one republican as of now would consider voting to remove him. >> so i want to play something else that the president said to george stephanopoulos when he gave reasons for not going to the fbi in the future if he gets the call, you know, gets information from foreigners. here he is. >> let's put yourself in a position. you're a congressman. somebody comes up and is a says, hey, i have information on your opponent. do you call the fbi? i don't think. >> if it's coming from russia you do.
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>> i've seen a lot of things over my life. i don't think in my whole life i ever called the fbi. >> so he says you're a congressman someone offers it and you take it. what you do you say, would you? >> you know, look, president trump says a lot of things that strike me as not following good practice, the law, ethics. this is just the latest of many. the idea that you would accept help from a hostile power from a country like russia when you are running for president, and that you wouldn't share that promptly with the fbi, his own fbi director clearly and forcefully said of course you should call the fbi. his own attorney general in response to a question i asked in a hearing said, if a foreign intelligence service comes with information, of course you should call the fbi. senators from mitt romney to lindsey graham today said of course you should call the fbi. that president trump hasn't
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learned this lesson from the mueller report and the 2016 election, means he either doesn't understand how much of a threat this is to our democracy, that he is inviting hostile powers to continue to interfere, or he just doesn't care. >> i want to ask you, senator about another major story today. you are also on the foreign affairs committee and the secretary of state mike pompeo is accusing iran of the attacks on two tankers in the middle east. he says he has intelligence but refused to offer any specifics or anything concrete. is he right that iran is responsible for the attacks? >> i don't know that for sure having not been briefed on the intelligence. but the general background provided in open source, in press reports, suggests that our intelligence community concluded that there were no other iranian proxies or hostile groups operating in this straits of hormuz or the area where the accident happened who have the kind of capabilities to deliver
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a mine por a torpedo against a tanker. so they may have more direct intelligence from signal sources or from direct observation. but the general impression i've gotten is the type of attack, the location of attack, has supported the conclusion this is likely the work of iran. >> all right, senator kuhns, thank you very much for your time tonight. >> thank you, erin. and next, a federal watch dog says kellyanne conway broke the law repeatedly and now is calling for her to be fired. plus trump's most loyal defender sarah sanders is leaving. can she get her credibility back? and elizabeth warren's stock rising with vojtasesk surging in poll after poll, the popular radio show host who interviewed her and demanded answers on her ancestry, charlamagne the god is outfront.
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tonight an unprecedented ruling. the first time the office of special counsel recommending a white house official be removed from office. the office calling trump counselor kellyanne conway a repeat offender of the hatch act barring federal employees from engaging in political activity. pointing to the interviews where conway weighed in on the special election of roy moore in
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alabama. >> doug jones in alabama, folks, don't be fooled. he'll be a vote against tax cuts. he is weak on crime, weak on borders. he will be a reliable vote for tax hikes. against border security, reliable vote against national security and keeping isis in retreat. el reliable vote against the second amendment, against life. >> clearly political. by the way he is now the senator. outfront now richard painter who served as white house ethics lawyers unthe bush administration and former special assist to president george w. bush. this is an unprecedented recommendation. you served as white house ethics lawyers. how significant is this by the osc. >> it shouldn't have taken this long. in the bush administration someone who did was kellyanne conway did would have been fired in 24 hours. we never would have allowed someone in an official interview to be endorsing or opposing a candidate for political office. that's a clear violation of the hatch act.
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doesn't matter who you are. the only person who can do that is the president of the united states and vice president. we would have had her out of the bush white house in 24 hours. it's amazing the trump white house did o didn't resolve this and took the office of special counsel having to write ner letter about kellyanne conway. she should be out the door. >> and scott, i think it's safe to say this that she will the not be out the door. >> no and she shouldn't be. the part that's most amazing for me is that we have even jeer advisers to the president of the direct extension of the president doing press interviews asked questions. and you have this special counsel come along and say they're not allowed to answer certain questions. about the political affairs or the public affairs of our country? that's outrageous and it's ludicrous. kellyanne conway is on tv responding to question nas reporters ask her what is she supposed to say hang on erin let me call the office of special counsel and see if i'm allowed
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to talk about this. this is a chilling impact on what we can learn from senior advisers to the president. they want to hear what they have to say. >> the president -- okay that's true. but threes these are endorsing people. the president is allowed to say what he wants on that and does. shouldn't she just have said that the president has spoken to that and made his opinion clear which would be. >> she could say that. but i don't know why we -- first of all, by the way -- by the way, in law is so outdated it does not reflect the way the modern presidency works and richard knows this. >> look. >> the president of the united states is a titular head of the political party and the senior most advisers are extensions of the president and asked on a daily basis about the political affairs of our country and to say they are not allowed to comment on this, frankly, it smack fs anti-transparency and it's wrong and dumb and this office has completely screwed up. >> the you caught you can't do it it's illegal. and i told you that and you knew
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that you never would have done. karl rove would have fired anybody do thatting in the bush white house. and i told everybody that and knew it if you don't like the law you change in congress. it's been around since the 1930s. it's illegal what kellyanne. >> why can josh earnest, the obama white house secretary criticize then didn't ecandidate donald trump and that's fine. and kellyanne conway can't comment on political affairs. >> let's talk about hillary as email you want. >> finish, scott then i'll give you a chance to respond. >> look, if you want to argue about this that's fine. why is it okay when certain people do it and not others. i think any the objective observer would say why is it unevenly applied is anybody surprised that a counselor to this president, a republican of course tearer not surprised alts. it's ridiculous. >> if you had said that -- go ahead, go ahead, richard. >> if you had said that in the bush white house, that just
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because something happened under bill clinton we can do it here why is it unevenly applied i would have gone to the counsel of the president and asked for you to be fired immediately. that's not how it's done. the law is the law. i'm tired of pointing finger at other people. the law is law. she violated the law. there is not a credible case that can be made that kellyanne conway is not peept repeatedly violated the hatch act. she must be fired. end of discussion. >> and here is the thing about it. she is not only doing it. she has made a joke of it. says she doesn't care. she laughs it off. skofs here she is. >> is it is it your contention you never violated the hatch act? >> can you tell me what the hatch act is and how one violates it. >> the office of special counsel that you impermsably -- >> blah, blah if you are trying to silence me through the hatch act it's not going to work. >> not trying to silence with you o you, the office of special counsel said you violated.
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>> let me nope when the jail sentence starts. >> scott, her response and see acceptable let me know when the jail sentence starts, blow it off it's worthless. >> i would have the same attitude she had. by the way, in that clip you could hear the reporter wsh -- the reporters are asking her about the alabama senate race why the letter is ludicrous and notflective of the reality of what it means to serve a president at this level in the modern era. you have reporters asking the white house questions. the white house responding to it. and then these people, toothless whatever come down the hallway saying a strongly worded letter that you should be fired. this is so dumb. i can't believe kpaenl conway has to waste five brain cells worried about this. huss outrageous. >> richard. >> this is an attitude toward ethics it's embarrassing and shameful. and it's shameful to use the title as a former assist to president george w. bush and you know that in the bush white house this wouldn't have been
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tolerated. we would not tolerate violations of the hatch act and not refer to the offs of special counsel in this manner. the bottom line is the reason this is happening is because the united states house of representatives does not have the courage to impeach donald trump, even to open up an impeachment inquiry. and until then we are going to continue to get the middle finger for every single house of representatives subpoena, we are continuing to get this attitude toward the office of special counsel and it's going on and on because any can get away with it. that's the only justification for this. they can get away with with it even though it violates the law. >> richard had the first question you get the last. >> when richard parent and i served in the white house, the off of special counsel was a joke. he well knows the special counsel scott block was a joke who woind out violating federal law himself i think the letter shows it's a joke today. the law needs to be reformed and we need reality in this process because in letter is it devoid of reality. >> i appreciate both your time. thank you. and the next the woman who
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has done trump's bidding for two years sarah sandrini calling it quits. >> and that it's -- i let you rudely interrupt me and your colleague. >> april is next. and breaking news about the tanker attacks in the gulf of oman. u.s. officials saying they have photos iran ins removing an unexploded mine from one of the ships. wer and attraction? exhilaration and distinction? ♪ introducing performance, born of refinement. ♪ the lexus rc line. ♪ experience amazing at your lexus dealer. play it cool and escape heartburn fast with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation.
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simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. breaking news, sarah sandrinis is out. president trump announceding today his longtime press secretary, the public face of the administration is stepping down at the end of the month. >> she has done an incredible job. we've been through a lot together. she is a special person, a very, very fine woman. she has been so great. she has such heart. she is strong but with great, great heart. i want to thank you for an outstanding job and thank you. >> her resign nation on the 94th strait day without a white house brechg, the longest stretch in two decades. and in fact only 8 briefings in the past 300 days. pamela brown outfront at the
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white house. pamela, what do we know about the reason why. >> well erin sarah sanders says her decision to leave after the tumultulatous tenure was about spending time with her kids. she says she told the president about her decision today and he was supportive. but sand esper is one of the president's most trusted advisers. she is the chief protector in some ways publicly. she has been with him ever since the campaign. in fact she stayed longer at the white house than she originally planned according to people i spoke with. she had intended to leave the end of last year. but sanders has drawn scrutiny in her role as press secretary, accused of not being truthful. as you recall she was called out for making up in the mueller report that countless fisher acts had reached out to the white house on the decision to fire fbi director james comey. she hasn't held a press briefing in 94 days. but she contends it's more important to hear directly from president trump and this white house is more accessible than
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most. while she says she has no plans to join the trump campaign. she appears to be interested in politics with an eye for running toward the arkansas gofrp as president trump is openly encouraging as we heard from him today. as she claims she doesn't know what she will do but that people have been quote begging her for a year to do process. she will leave the white house at the end of the montd and it's unclear who replaces her. >> thank you very much. and white house correspondent for urban networks april ryan, the author of under fire reporting from the front lines of trump white house appear david gergen who advised four presidenting including nixon and clinton. it's interesting, you know, david sthes a great person and had to talk about her being -- had to get the gender into it, the kiss on the head. that was a little strange. on the show you said sarah sanders needed to be fired after the mueller report which pam just referred to laid out how she lied and admitted lying to the press about why trump fired jim comey as director of the
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fbi. what's your reaction to the news today? >> erin, she did the right thing. she did the right thing. she should have done the right thing a long time ago. the reason why i say that is because she suffers from lie-abetes. her tenure is fraught with sex lies and videotape. there were lies from the moment she stepped on the podium. she lied, lied, lied, lied. and the video, the pronged video she put out about jim acosta. saying he hit one when he didn't, to take his badge from him. and he ultimately got it back after a court ruling and a big fight. for her tenure she has lied to american public. the public -- the american taxpayers pay her salary and she
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has been performing or the audience of one. for over over 90 days no briefing, no brechg when we are possibly going to war with iran. when you have people worried about pockets with the tariffs. and i mean, the list goes on. everything comes to the white house from war to peace and everything in between. and she is not covering even the middle of it process pb e, the in between. again going back to what pam said, the lie. if those who support sarah think i'm lying look at the mueller report saying she sad she lied in the mueller report. she said she lied at the podium to reporters and the american public. >> she did, admitted that to mueller. and david, you know she also defended and covered for the president repeatedly. she viewed her job as to say what he said, recent what he said and cover for what he said even when he was proven to be lying. case in point, the president's knowledge, right, of michael cohen, now michael cohen paid stormy daniels for her silence on the eve of the election. here is sarah sandrinis before
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and after rudy giuliani admitted trump knew about the payment the whole time. >> there was no knowledge of any payments from the president. and he has defied all of the allegations. >> the first awareness i had was during the interview last night. and i've given the best information i had at the time. >> so david she said what the president wanted within when she knew he was lying in other instances as well. what is the legacy of sarah sanders going to be? >> well, it's not going to be pleasant. certainly not in the short-term, erin. but injury the real question is where does the responsibility rest here in the sarah sanders case? there is no question that sarah sanders has opened the door to massive amount of lying in whus and does closed the door to regular day to day briefing important to the democracy. but who is responsible to that? i would tell you i think she is marching under the orders from
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on high. do i think she should have press briefings on a more regular basis if her boss would permit or encourage yes she with. would she be telling the truth more often if any encouraged that? yes she would. i think the responsibility rests there. but, you know, does it -- does it matter that much whether she leaves -- one fundamental sense, no bus she quit the job months ago. she hasn't been doing the job for a long time. >> that's true. >> on the other hand, it's so important to understand why we have a press office answering questions like this in our democracy. in a parliament -- in a parliamentary system, the cabinet officers go before the parliament every day and answer questions. there is accountability by being asked -- getting questions in the parliament itself by members of the parliament. and our system members of congress don't question the cabinet -- or the people working around the president at all because of executive privilege and all the rest.
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what we do is we have the press briefing every day as a substitute for that where the press can systemically ask question base are we on the edge of war with iran? what's happening in there? we need to know that. that's about accountability and transparency. that's what we look lack in the white house. >> you had countless heated exchanges over the time with sar sarah sand esper. here is one over criticism of the president for athletes. >> there are black and brown soldiers fighting in the military as well who feel that taking a knee bringing attention to police involved shootings is something that this white house should deal with. is the president aware that taking the knee is about police involved shootings. >> the president made his position critical clear that it's -- dsh i let you roudly interrupt me and your colleague. i'm going to ask that you allow me to finish my answer. i would be happy to answer if you would stop talking lopping enough to let me do that. the president made his position
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critical clear on this topic. he feels strongly that standing for our national anthem is something that we should do. >> april i've addressed your question i'm going to continue to engage with you. >> so april what -- what do you think motivated that? and this hostility which we saw again and again, right? i mean she in a very calm tone would say stop being rude. i won't talk to you to reporters constantly. >> first of all, when she was in high school i started that job. you know, when she was in arkansas in high school i was in the white house reporting. but basically when sarah huckabee had no ground to stand on she would make personal attacks. tlrm many times she would leave after 12 minutes of doing a briefing because she could not face the heat. but the bottom line that was a very sensitive topic because the president was calling those who took the or wanted to put a
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spotlight on police involved shootings unpatriotic. this country was built on the fact that we are allowed to as people say, look, i don't like this, to protest without repercussion. but this issue was so sensitive. and that question change the dynamic of the spin that the white house was putting on it. and now people understand what taking the knee is. it's about police involved shootings, not disrespect of in flag and this country. >> thank you both very much. and next the list of democrats making the cuts for the first debate just out tonight. we'll tell you who is in. plus breaking news tonight, the u.s. says it has new evidence, formal evidence of irans e's involvement in the tanker explosions today. it's a huge development. what do the images show? maria ramirez?
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and accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. - ( phone ringing ) - get details on this state program call or visit tonight, the fight for 2020, the candidates making the cut for the first democratic debate just announced. and there are 20 facing off later this month. one candidate on the list, elizabeth warren, neck and neck with bernie sanders nationally in the latest quinnipiac poll and ahead in a poll out of nevada. warren appeared on a radio show hosted by charlamagne. he asked her about the dna test and the native american roots. >> i'm not a citizen of a tribe.
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and i shouldn't have done it. >> if you had a chance to do it over would you. >> i can't go back. but i shouldn't have. >> i sat down with charlamagne yesterday and asked him about warren's surging poll numbers. >> i mean i think it's good. she is rising in the police if you listen to elizabeth warren she has a lot of plans. you ask her about certain things she can tell you i want to put $50 million in the hbcus or talking about the black maternal death rate and what she wants to do about that. she talks about actual issues and she has legislation she wants to present for things. i think people are into that. everybody is running on this whole anti-trump agenda, which is great but that's not making me just vote on you just because you're and i trump. i think she had plans on policies and stick to that and people go to her. >> all 23 plus of them have the anti-trump thing down. >> absolutely. >> it's what else is distinguishes you. on the issue, the achilles heel
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or not as the case may be we shall see. you pushed on claims of being native american. which she made over time. i mean we all know this it's documented. here is more of your exchange. >> i'm mnot a person of color, not a citizen of a tribe. and tribal citizenship is an important distinction. and not something i am. so dsh zbloosh was there any benefits to that? >> no "boston globe" did a full investigation. it never affected -- nothing about my family ever affected any job i ever got. >> you didn't get a discount in college. >> you're the original rachel dozeall white woman pretending to be black. >> this is what i learned from my family, yeah. >> you buy her answers? >> no. only because, you know, elizabeth warren like i said she has so many policies and playsen a everything is so detail when you asked her about that that's highway learned from my family.
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there is so many questions can you ask. so did the rest of your family find out they weren't native american when you did? i definitely don't buy her answer. >> and she cites "the boston globe" saying she never benefitted. it's not clear whether she thought they sme would. bup there are unanswered questions. >> she had benefit in some way shape or form. i don't understand why she would act that would disqualify her. we're americans we've all cheated, took some type of shortcut. tried to get ahead in some way. if she did that at some point in her life that wouldn't make me look at her be like you're a terrible. >> you wouldn't dismiss her for that. no. >> you're saying her answers don't add up but the issue itself is not disqualifying for her. >> it's the dishonesty you can can be dishonest at one point in about you if admit being dishonest here and i learn sfr the lesson i can rock with you. >> was she smart to put in the rather view mirror because she was slammed for the dna test. trump seized on it.
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did it in december. people said this is bad. but she appears to have moved on. was she smart to essentially do that and get it done, learn the lesson. >> yeah, but eventually people are going to keep asking about it until she acknowledges it in a real way meaning idy did it i was wrong. this is why i did tp i thought i could get ahead. and i learned mr. lesson from it. >> it's i thought i could get ahead if that's what you nirng is the case. but that's not the case. >> i believe live in the truth and nobody can use your truth against. >> you meanwhile, joe biden looking at the polls he is still in the lead. you and i talked about him before he raised concerns about stance on the crime bill in the past what it meant for african-americans. in the last two polls cnn, biden holds a larger lead among black voters than he does among white voters what do you make. >> broism like my man killer mike says. i grew up in south carolina if you got a grandpa and come over
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with your presented friend and your grandmother and sees your friend a fks you plate. >>. he has a plate place at the table because of president brum. now he is at the table we got question zblas you can't count on the support. >> absolutely answer the questions. once again that doesn't diskwuf him. i want to know why other people held to different standards. hillary clinton wasn't in the administration but when it came to the 94 crime bill people held that genser. kamala harris was a prosecutor holding that against her. locked black and brown people locked up. what got more black and brown locked up than the '94 standard. >> pete buttigieg is someone you are a fan of. he speaks about diversifying his f2 field. he trails the leading democrats by ten points against trump with black voters? how does he change that. >> by being honest, getting out in front of the african-american community more.
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i think one reason elizabeth warren is surging is because she is specifically talk to black people and specifically has a black agenda, discussing the black maternal death rate, investing money in hbcus. those are things that perk up black voter ears. mayor pete has to do the same thing. the democrats feel like they can't talk directly to black people. this year is the first time you see the black agenda. before they thought it was campaign suicide to talk specifically to black people and say this is what i want for this group of people. even though we've been the most loyal to democrats they acted scared to talk to us. >> taking us for granted. >> taking us for granted and turning off the rest of america. and it won't. because if you are a true american you want equality and justice for all. >> well you should. >> you should. >> all right. charlamagne, thank you. >> thank you. >> good to see you as always. >> thanks for having me again. >> and next two tankers attacked moments ago u.s. officials say they have imaging proving iran is to blame.
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and jeanne moos on president trump revealing a paint job plan for air force 1. -we bought a house in a neighborhood with a lot of other young couples. then we noticed something...strange. oh, could you, uh, make me a burger? -poof -- you're a burger. [ laughter ] -everyone acts like their parents. -you have a tattoo. -yes. -fun. do you not work? -so, what kind of mower you got, seth? -i don't know. some kid comes over. we pay him to do it. -but it's not all bad. someone even showed us how we can save money by bundling home and auto with progressive. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents.
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and thanks for coming.s and minerals. no problem. -you're welcome. this is the durabed of the all new chevy silverado. it looks real sturdy. -the bed is huge. it has available led cargo area lighting. lights up the entire bed. it even offers a built in 120 volt outlet. wow. plug that in for me. whoa! -holy smokes! -oh wow! and the all new silverado has more trim levels than any other pickup. whoa! oh wow! -very cool. there's something for all of us. absolutely. it's time to upgrade. (laughter) breaking news. the united states now claiming to have proof, photos and video, of iran's involvement in attacks
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on two oil tankers. we're told the video is of an iranian navy boat removing a mine from one of the ships. alex marquardt is out front. >> reporter: it was early morning in one of the world's busiest shipping lanes when the blasts went off. flames pouring out the side of one of the tankers. the united states quickly accusing iran of the attacks. >> this assessment is based on intelligence, the weapons used, the level of expertise needed to execute the operation, recent similar iranian attacks on shipping, and the fact that no proxy group operating in the area has the resources and proficiency to act with such a high degree of sophistication. >> reporter: according to u.s. officials, aerial video taken by an earn aircraft shows what one official described as an iranian boat alongside one of the tankers with someone on board trying to retrieve an unexploded mine. cnn has not seen the video. the five blasts on the two oil tankers near the strait of hormuz hit around the water line, close to the engine rooms
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as they were under sail. so called limpet mines attached to the hulls are expected of causing the explosions after the crew on the uss bainbridge according to a u.s. military official, saw an unexploded mine in the water. >> it's unacceptable for any party to attack commercial shipping. and today's attacks in the ships in the gulf of oman raise very serious concerns. >> reporter: the crews evacuated the ships. the bainbridge rescued the 21-person crew on the japanese-owned kukuka courageous. one was injured. thankfully, no one hurt on the other tanker, the altair owned by a norwegian company. that crew was picked up by another ship and then transferred to iran, where they still are. the attacks came as japan's prime minister was meeting with iran's supreme leader. iran's foreign minister tweeting, quote, suspicious doesn't begin to describe what likely transpired this morning. secretary of state mike pompeo fired back. >> this is only the latest in a
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series of attacks instigated by the islamic public of iran against american and allied interests. and they should be understood in the context of 40 years of unprovoked aggression against freedom loving nations. >> reporter: he offered no evidence, but pointed to a long list of alleged attacks by iran, including those a month ago on four other tankers off the coast of the united arab emirate, and argued that it's iran lashing out in response to the american maximum pressure campaign. >> it at least appears to me that it's trying to send a message that if you apply maximum pressure, in the words of the trump administration, to iran, that they're going to strike back in some way. >> reporter: u.s. officials tell cnn tonight that they believe that iranian boat retrieving the unexploded mine was iran trying to cover its tracks. now we know more iranian boats have entered that area. the u.s. is also sending ships of its own, including a destroyer. aaron, today's attacks in the trump administration immediately
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trump says he's updating air force one, quote, for other presidents, not for me. here is jeanne. >> reporter: fasten your seat belt. >> this is air force one declaring a emergency. >> reporter: a makeover emergency. now the country is going to fight over what colors to paint air force one. abc got the sneak peek. >> here is your new air force one. and i'm doing that for other presidents, not for me. >> reporter: two new planes won't be ready until 2024. president trump says the color scheme is his own, red, white and blue, patriotic design. people started noticing it looks familiar. sort of like his own plane, but inverted. someone helpfully turned the trump plane upside down to make the point. others came up with their own designs. "i like it," tweeted someone else. we are not a light blue country.
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the current blue over robin's egg blue, where did that come from? here is a hint. do not touch jackie blue. it's said that jackie kennedy preferred blue, working with one of the best known industrial designers of the time who said jfk called blue his favorite color. since then, it's become an iconic backdrop. what else will the revamped air force one feature? >> everyone wants to know is there a pod or not. >> a pod? >> you've seen the movie air force one. >> yeah? >> the famous pod that flies out of the back. >> reporter: you know, when harrison playing the president is hustled into the pod as the plane comes under attack. >> emergency pod has been destroyed. >> there are a couple of secrets i don't think we're supposed to be talking about. >> reporter: but when they opened the pod, harrison ford had stayed on the plane to fight the bad guys. but the president's design may not pass with flying color, not
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if congressional democrats have their way. the house armed services committee voted to limit changes to air force one without congressional approval. probably leaving president trump fuming. >> get off my plane! >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> and anderson start news. good evening, a railroad big night of breaking news, whether it's the sudden departure of sarah sanders or the government's own legal watchdog calling for the firing of a top adviser to the president for what it calls multiple violations of the law by kellyanne conway. we begin, though, keeping them honest with a page on the fbi's website, which is especially relevant tonight, given what president trump said today. once again, inviting foreign interference in american elections. once again casting doubts on the fbi. the president of the united states all but telling foreign adversaries that as long as it benefits him, it's open season on the 2020 election because he's never reached out to the
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