tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN June 21, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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it's all on your schedule. awesome. now all you have to do is move...that thing. [ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it's just another way we're working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. i'm chris cuomo. welcome to a bonus hour of "prime time." quote, obliteration like you've never seen before. that's what will happen if it does come to war. we may have just come closer than we think. my big question, why didn't this president go through congress for approval on this strike? and why would he only ask his generals about its potential human cost minutes before the decision?
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we'll consult with our military advisers tonight and did the president really just threaten to jail a time magazine journalist in the oval office over a photograph they took? sure sounds like it. backlash. back story ahead. a big night for the 2020 democrats. almost all of them in one place for the first time. who's coming out on top at the all-important south carolina fish fry? let's get after it. the president version of what went down with cancelling the strike on iran does not add up. that's not stopping him from talking about obliterating the country. here he is. >> i'm not looking for war. and if there is it will be obliteration like you have never seen before. i'm not looking to do that. you can't have a nuclear weapon.
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>> bring man ship aside. what happened here and what do we need to think about going forward? let's ask some great military minds. former nato commander general westerly clark. and retired air force colonel. kim olson. a democrat running for congress in texas. what's the chance that the president wasn't told until just before they wanted to launch the mission that by the way 150 people may die. >> i think he was told. those briefings come up. i guess it's conceivable he would have delegated that to john bolton or somebody to make the final decision. according to the reports he was briefed on it. maybe it didn't stick. we don't know how his mind works. that's one of the big things since he's been elected. and maybe it just sort of bubbled up at the last minute. on the other hand there's people who say that maybe he got a tipoff from some intelligence agency that the iranians
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actually didn't intend to do it. it was a mistake. or maybe that was false information also. so we don't really know what happened. however, i will say this, i think the united states dodged a huge bullet. because had we done this, we would have really bitten into a cycle of tit for tat escalation. and we would have been to blame. a huge impact on the economy. all over the world. >> look, the problem i have with the what i believe to be a reduce by the president. he comes in and saves the day. he hadn't really thought about how many people hay die until right before they were going to launch the mission. that points to why congress needs to take back the power the constitution gives them. we'll get to that. to pick up on the general's point. the idea of we're lucky we didn't do it. it's not what people on the right are saying. they say punch them in the nose
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or they'll do it more. we look weak. >> my counter would be from one that it went into iraq ten days after the bomb stopped dropping. you get into a war and you don't have an end state or strategic consequence of what will happen especially in a place like the straits or hormuz. where iraq is about half the size of iran. and iran will take us to task. there's nothing wrong with using different political instruments of power like economic, diplomatic and yes there's the military instrument. which is always available to the commander in chief. and i'm sure general clark briefed on this. the hardest thing is diplomatic instrument of power. i want to commander in chief that does the hard stuff without sending our troops back into harm's way. into another cycle of endless war. we have kids that will take an oath to the constitution today and all they know is conflict in the middle east for the last 18 years and we're sitting on the abyss of the another conflict in
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the middle east. exactly to your point the economic consequence could be staggering. a fifth of the words oil tra versions the straits. and japan relies on about 85% of the middle eastern oil. it has huge economic impact across the entire global spectrum. and i think it's a very dangerous place to be. we need a leader who navigates that better. >> we don't have a secretary of defrs. we had an acts one in shanahan. who decided to back away from the process. we have one in who is supposedly respected. this depose to planning. and walking away from the deal is without a plan. and not having a diplomatic back up and alien ating the allies. where does that leave us in terms of options without military? >> it is a bankrupt policy. and this is what congress should be focusing on. there is no real obtainable objective here. pompeo gave a list of 12 demands back in january. but they essentially mean iran wouldn't be iran. iran has to cut off relations with the surrogates around the world. forget about syria and lebanon.
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they won't do that. what is the strategy? what are we seeking to get what is reasonable. this is what congress should be focussed on. it's lack of strategy that's behind this economic pressure. that iran is responding to. they can't respond economically. trying to respond with military. just below the threshold we'll strike back. i hope dong holds a hearing and gets into this. let's see the republican hawks who are so determined to strike back.
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let's see them talk about more than tactics. let's talk about what's a real strategy for how we want to reshape the middle east. >> it's easy to say you have to be tough. it's harder to own it. to own the action. one of the big reasons congress and if you win your race this is something you'll deal with, the colleagues may run away. owning it for the iraq war stunk for them. it wound up being bad intel or bad out come. they had to own it. it's haunted people who want to run for president ever sense. that's the job. we don't have an ambassador right now. they with control the process of the president making the case to them before there's military action.
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do you think there is the will in congress right now to take back its authority? >> i think it should. i think it speaks exactly what you're saying. that we probably need more veterans to get into congress and speak from experience what it's like to rebuild a country in which there was to exit strategy. to go to war like we have been 13 years. and to speak o to what the costs will be. we buried 7,500 men and women. we have injured tens of thousands in these wars in the middle east. great nations and great leaders ought to be peacemakers not always using the instrument of political power. like i said. this is what the america should be. we should be the country that
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has a vision as the general eluded to and look at the middle east and bring the ones to bring the brokers and bring them to the to believe and solve the problems. we're not. we're goading them into it. iran answered that. we can do tit for tat. it will escalate and they can mine the strait and put the global economy in check for a while. that's the danger we face as nation. we need leadership in the congress and the senate. that can speak truth to power and talk about what it's like to try to take troops into warfare. >> the president's credibility seems to be having an impact. not just on how he describes the situation to the american people. it's unusual to see allies question u.s. intelligence like what's going on right now. about where the drone was and why it happened. thank you so much. i appreciate it. kim, good luck to you. thank you for being on the show. >> appreciate you both. >> what was the president thinking? when it came to being this close to striking iran. does he expect us to believe that he didn't know anything about casualties until the last second?
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welcome back to the "prime time." i will set aside my argument this should have been congress's decision from the beginning. let's talk about the process. if we accept the president's reckoning. which i don't. i don't believe that the discussion of casualties only came up at the last second. if we accept it, he didn't think about to ask about what the human cost would be until the last second. surprising. >> i think it's actually much worse than that. on military commanders understand proportionality. they won't recommend a plan to kill 150 iranians over a drone. they recommend a plan to take out the radar tower that tracked the drone. or missile launcher. if they did it's because donald trump or bolton said give me the most aggressive plan you can come up with. it is certainly not what the military commander would have recommended.
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they are schooled in proportionality. secondly, donald's appalling ignorance is on full display here. he doesn't know anything about the history of the world. he has no idea iran is the most sophisticated country in the middle east be a deep culture and 80 million people. he's made an alliance with the saudis. who go around beheading people because they pray for a better government. who assassinated an american journalist. jamal khashoggi. and saber rattling with the iranians. why did the leadership, not the people. but the leadership hate us? that takes us back to eisenhower and over throwing a democratically elected leader. and putting in the shaw.
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who ran a vicious secret police operation that tortured sp murdered people. of course they hate us. because of that. >> they are the originators of death to america. it's clear. how do we deal with it. this is an interesting angle. which is bothering me. you don't think he would have been presented with a plan by military officers who were charged with considering proportionality. so it's a legal strike. they have to think about the legality. you don't think they would have said 150 seems fair? >> absolutely not. if they did so, it's because they were asked for a plan that would result in something more than they thought was profession. he's slandering the military
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commanders. we have a good system for selecting officers to rise up through the ranks. and i met a lot of general officers in my lifetime. some i didn't like as human beings but never met a general officer of the u.s. military i didn't respect. >> the idea of his red sense. how he feels where the win is. and experience over the years. kind of works in favor of pacification. right now. does it not? he doesn't believe there's a win in military in most situations. >> no. i don't think he does. remember he promised to bomb the hell out of people. and at the same time extract us from war over seas. what he's done is made himself the hero of the story. it's what he always does. there would have been this terrible disaster with all the dead people. but i prevented that. he always does this. you need to remember that donald trump is in the classic greek meaning of the world an idiot. someone who thinks only about himself. >> so, what does this inform us
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about going forward? we don't have ambassador to the un. trying to get a secretary of defense. we had an acting one. he's gone. the generals kelly and the other one he had around hip master. are gone. what happens when they do something else? >> well, there's going to be more trouble here. iranians are feeling very squeezed and will be provocative. not having a secretary of defense is very troubling. having bolton who is friends say he wakes up in the morning saying where can i start a war somewhere. as trumps national security adviser is very troubling. and you hit it on the head earlier with the two retired military officers. congress needs to step in here.
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the sole power to prosecute war is held by congress. and anything beyond a simple proportional retaliation for taking out that drone, which is just money. it's not human life. in a disputed zone. needs to be dealt with by congress and congress needs to have hearings and journalists should be saying to nancy pelosi and mitch mcconnell and the chairman. what are you doing? what is your duty and responsibility. because it's congress that controls these things unless they give it up to the president. >> i have to tell you it's troubling allies are asking questions about the intelligence that we don't hear. said in public. you have to believe it's a reflection if not just of the perception of the working with the administration. and the credibility of the president. and by extension the administration. thank you so much for the perspective as always. big night for most of the 2020 democratic field. all in south carolina. all at the same event. this big tradition. they are dealing with some surprises. we'll go there, next. applebee's new loaded chicken fajitas.
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a lot of things heating up in south carolina. and that's not just the fish at the all important fish fry. where all but two of the candidates are at the same time on the same night. this event is a moment for everyone from biden to booker. to make their pitch to voters in a critical early primary state. it can be seen as a microcosm for support among black voters across the country. a familiar face on the ground. and georgetown sociology professor. good to have you both. how's the food? >> you know what, cuomo, i haven't had any yet. >> thank you for holding the
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appetite to talk to me. >> absolutely. only for you, chris cuomo. >> this is a big deal. and what do you think it means for your candidate in particular tonight? >> it's a diverse, crowd here. all the south carolina is at the famous fish try. what it means for senator sanders is his opportunity to talk about his vision for america. which he did. he just is on the stage. he got applause and call and response when he talked about medicare for all. being a right in the country. talking about dealing with climate change and saying it is imperative we defeat president trump and bring people together. this is the big deal for senator sanders. >> all right. some of the controversy that comes in there, professor, is about vice president biden. and how booker took him to task about what he said about former
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segregationist and calling him son not boy. and language. and how he understands this state of play on these issues. he spoke to a cnn reporter about it moments ago. here's what he said. >> they know me. >> apologize? >> no one should apologize. >> nobody should apologize. and then after he came on stage, booker was after him. or whatever. one spoke after the other. there was a half hug and handshake. is that issue done? >> unfortunately, no. i think that -- look i love the candidates. they represent the diversity that constitutes of the democratic party. but the inability to apologize and say i'm sorry is disturbing and disappointing. i love biden. he's a great man. he'll be a great candidate. the inability to acknowledge that when you turn to senator east land and they are the very
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exemplary of crossing the aisle. why is bipartisan resting with bigots who are unreconstructed and no interest in forging connections with african american people. biden the last thing he wants to do is associate himself with that. the inability to say sorry is telling. and we have to hold his feet to the fire. also hold him accountable. >> how do you -- you're shaking your head yes. you said it. the idea of john louis, nobody has more dap and credibility on this issue than john louis in the congress. he said today i don't have a problem with what he did. i had to do that. people who jailed me. who beat me. people who called me ugly things. hef never gave up on them. he worked with them.
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if that's what john louis is saying. and senior members. why is this an open issue for biden? >> we can have the diversity of ideas. i respect where representative john louis is coming from. what really put the gasoline on the fire on this for the vice president is for him to challenge senator cory booker. you as a white man in america do not have the right to tell black man in america about experience. i am saying this as a black woman, a black mom. black wife, a black daughter. i'm have my grandparents talk about how they were called boy and girl. even when they were grown. my great grandparents the same thing. it's a sensitive issue. when booker weighed in and said listen, apologize for that. what the vice president could have done which is simply what professor said. i didn't know this was so offensive. i was just saying about my
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experience and reaching across the aisle. i made a mistake and apologize if i offended anybody. what did he do? he doubled down. and wanted to challenge senator booker. that was wrong. it's a height of arrogance and folks don't understand especially white folks the generational trama. when how we are dealt with. that matters to us. that was really the part that really got folks even leaning into this more. >> i respect what you're saying. you know that. but, back to you. i have to see political opportunism in it for booker. if louis understands the same thing and lived it. than this current generation. and says i get it. but booker plays to advantage on it. and says, i'm going to play got you politics.
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that could be a perception. that's why biden isn't apologizing. we now how it plays. this is why president obama is worried about a circle firing squad. >> he kept a muzzle on joe biden. he put his foot in his mouth. you won't find a bigger booster than me who understands his historic legacy and ability to leverage his own blackness in a way. his authentic connection. i'm not mad at that. here's the point. if i tell you this he didn't call me the b word. he called me man. you don't qualify. when he says he didn't call me a boy. he doesn't call white people boy. that's not the point. being called a boy as a white man doesn't institute. >> he screwed up his own story.
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he didn't call me senator he called me son. he changed the story. i don't know why. and made it a lot worse. and now he's got to own it. here's my question, to what the president is saying. i asked senator sanders about this. he said that the vice president needs to apologize. that's his position. he didn't change it. but you'll be running against somebody in the general who doesn't give a damn about who calls who boy and whatever it is. they may have passed the first step act. any of this thought about sensitive language and playing to issues of generational trama. and how we deal with it going forward or reparations. you'll get no love in the general from this president or anyone who is voting for him. what happens if you wind up injuring potentially your best choices? like what it sanders steps in it and gets taken to task and gets beaten up. your best choices to beat the president in the general are out in the primary. are you worried about that? >> i don't subscribe to that. it's human nature.
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people make mistakes. but apologize. we deal with a president that is a bigot. just out right. spawn of the devil. president trump. who doesn't care about that as you said. but however, we must be united and have the ability to apologize when you make a mistake. we're dealing with a president who said he never apologized for anything. and to have vice president biden say the same thing. i agree, i like the vice president. this is not personal towards him. somebody running for president. when you put yourself in through the black lens and see this through the black lens and have people on the democratic side not willing to say we made a mistake. there's something wrong. we have to be honest too. >> let me -- shift the burden onto the people who are victims. do you people want -- here's the choice we have. either we accept the fact that we will be insulted from time to time and out breaks of offense. in the larger picture, we gain an advantage.
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here's the point. if along the way the means don't cohere to the ends. if along the wait you don't have a sensitive towards all people and if you are a democratic not the republican, you're not donald trump. you are not a bigot. you are not flaming ret rigs who engages in throwing horrible -- against the ego of black people. this is the test right now. to say i messed up. most black folk are practical. we don't want him to be involved in asking for forgiveness. if you can't even say the little stuff you did is messed up. what about when the big stuff comes along? have sensitivity. and allow people of color who are the main base in the democratic party not to be offended by you intentionally or unintentionally. >> i hear both your messages about it. the more sensitivity the best. what you ignore you empower. i stole that line and have been using it. enjoy yourself tonight.
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best of luck to your candidate going forward. you make us smarter and better. have a blessed weekend. listen, you have to think about how you process information based on who you are and what you identify as. versus what the audience is. and how others may feel. it's a big part of politics and being an adult. the president is suggesting criminal action against american journalists. it's not hype. it happened in an interview. the does context matter? yes. i'll lay it out. he threatened to throw somebody in prison for taking a photograph of something he didn't want a photo taken of. was it wrong? should it matter? let's discuss, next.
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president loves to call the press the enemy of the people. now he has actually threatened to throw a member in prison. that's according to "time" magazine. he showed four reporters a letter in the oval office this week. written by kim jong un. and asked them to go off the record. here's what happened. one photographer tried to snap a photograph of it. maybe did. and was then chited by the press secretary. you can't take a picture. when the president was pepered with questions on the mueller report later on, he reportedly snapped and brought up the attempted photograph. warning the journalist he could get him locked up for it. who better to break down the crazy story. than fact checker in chief. daniel dale. put on a different hat.
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a lawyer for the purpose of the segment. let's argue it out. i argue the president's side. i told you i'd show you the picture. i didn't tell you you could take a picture of it. you took a picture, that's wrong. you made me upset. >> sure. from what i can tell reading this transcript of course i wasn't in the room, this was a situation that reporters in the people talking to reporters often get into when they're off the record and on the record. usually in the cases you might have a talk about it. you might have a mild argument about it. you work it out without a politician without the president threatening to imprison the journalist for what seemed -- >> what would be the basis? how do you get thrown in jail because of what -- you breech national security? i don't know what the crime would be. >> i don't think there's a crime. it's always a fools game guessing why the president said something he said. i might know what happened here. the journalist was talking about
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people testifying to mueller. and the report emphasized they testified under oath under penalty of prison time. we know that trump loves to pull the you're the puppet moments. you're guilty of collusion. he heard prison and said you're telling me about prison you can go to prison. it's disturbing when the president is threatening a journalist with prison. i don't know how serious he was about it. >> i have to believe he -- i'll get yelled at it. i think that's exactly right about what this was about. and your point about the oscillating. going between off the record and on the record could shed a light on this. we both agree, if it's off the record and somebody is showing me documents i don't take pictures. because the disclosure is conditional. they want us to see it. people show you something but don't give it to you. what was on the record and what wasn't. put up a quote. see if it helps us about
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context. trump says excuse me, under section two. you can go to prison instead. because if you use lt photograph you took of the letter i gave you, section two of what? the constitution? >> yeah. i think he was talking about article 2 of the constitution. that's the article he cites when he's claiming he could have done whatever he wanted to. because of his presidential power. >> awe. saying section like it was a statute. he meant article like the constitution. that part went to the authority to do whatever he wants with mueller. and then segways to how about i throw you in jail. >> right before the reporters was questioning about mueller. and he was saying under section two i can do whatever i want. and said by the way you can go to prison. it's a confusing exchange.
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that's what happened. >> i think you have it right. i think i'll leave it at that. because we have enough real things to deal with. what he is just musing about. let's leave it as a muse. thanks for be with me. welcome to the cnn family. have a great weekend. >> all right. food and politics is a big deal. they had the comfort food list the other night the democrats. interesting choices. gillibrand said whisky. president obama likes nachos. so did warren. also enjoyed chicken pot pie. what is the 2020 field munching on tonight? and how about this, this food thing can often be a window into how electable you are. i'll have laura coats come on and we'll dig in. ♪ when you get right down to it... freedom is the ability to go where you wanna go...
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find an advisor at sfx: [ mnemonic ] we have been showing you important stuff tonight. this fish fry that the democratic majority whip in the house has. is really a big deal in south carolina politics. okay? however, part of it that plays into politics as well as in terms of making an impression is the food. it is not just what you cook and like. it's how you even eat. for example. more than 4,000 pounds of fish at the fish fry. 6,500 slices of bread and candidates and guests. it's a big deal. it's also important not to mess things up. congressman and host put out some fun facts with video of
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barack obama showing how to get it done. step one, can you see the video? get your fish. step two, wrap fish in white bread. which is something i had to learn about 25 years ago. traveling around the south. they use it as plates. three, apply hot sauce. enjoy. food can be a candidates foe. when he ordered swiss cheese on his philly cheese steak? they don't do it like that. mitt romney told mississippi voters. listen to what he said he enjoyed. >> i got a biscuit and cheesy grits. >> now. is that the vernacular it's cheese grits. it's like calling it a cheesy burger. donald trump and palin used
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forks to eat pizza when she visited new york city. i'm telling you that's bad thing to do. you're better off kicking a puppy. and new york mayor stunned folks by doing the same. come on, he knows better than that. let's bring in laura coats. vernacular. i'm up on the intelligence now. laura coates. i'm right about food being persuasive on the hustings, am i not? >> i'm a woman who loves to eat, chris. first of all, you're the only person in the world who could actually put the sentence of kicking puppies and eating pizza the wrong way in the same sentence, number one. number two, you've got to get it right. you've got to have the forrest
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gump experience. you've got low country oyster. you got to talk about grouper and flounder. you've got to have all the vernacular down, and cheesy grits won't cut it. so won't polenta by the way. >> i'm just saying that's my experience. since i started being in this job, i became a connoisseur of barbecue. i traveled around this country so much, you learn what food means to people where you are. for instance, with italians up here in the northeast, there's a huge divide between people who call red sauce sauce or gravy. a lot of folks look down on that and see it as a low term. >> is cafone what the president was trying to say when he says covfefe? >> it would have worked. >> you're right. people worry about their food. they want to know what it is. this south carolina fish fry is going to be no exception. what they're actually doing down there, it's those kitchen table issues. >> comfort foods.
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food is so powerful as a draw for us in this culture. i remember almost what every one of these people said, and i only looked at the list once. what is your comfort food before we go to theirs. >> it's cheese grits, all things carbohydrates, which would explain why my dress is a little snug. >> let's look at their list. i think kamala harris had the best one because not only did she say french fries, which has got to be an easy for everybody, she makes her own, her husband says. what a recipe. this goes to the recall of food. peanut oil and then duck fat, and she uses rosemary from their own garden when she finishes it. that sounds nice, i got to be honest. i could hear my heart slowing down just describing it. >> that's a hell of a combination, chris. >> cory booker, veggies. >> well, that's going to be a problem in the campaign. that combination, veggies?
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veggies is a category of food, chris. it's not like a comfort food. like what kind? there are southern veggies, which is basically not a vegetable any longer. that's the kind i like. i don't know if veggies is a category. i don't see it, cory booker. >> gillibrand says whiskey. i don't know if it's true, but that was a strong pull. tequila is my deal. i call it medicine, not comfort food. laura, i'm going to be with you in a little bit. great to have you here tonight. >> thank you. >> i want to bring your attention to something twisted, troubling, something that makes absolutely no sense in the world of law and order, but it actually happened, and it shines a light on how we're dealing with an issue only in america, next. ♪ here i go again on my own ♪ goin' down the only road i've ever known ♪ ♪ like a-- ♪ drifter i was ♪born to walk alone!
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all right. a final fact tonight. and really food for thought. so there's an alleged domestic violence victim, all right? it's an ugly divorce. they've got a domestic violence charge. they've got a temporary restraining order. but the victim ends up in jail herself. why? she went into the home of the ex-husband and took guns away from the estranged husband without his permission. the guy accused of abusing her. she says it was for protection. this all started a week ago. courtney erbey is the woman on your left.
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she was in court with her husband filing for a divorce proceeding. they're in the middle of an ugly divorce. huffpost got the arrest affidavit. it says that joseph followed his wife as she was leaving court and rammed his car repeatedly into the back of her car, forcing her off the road. she calls 911, uncontrollably crying and advised that she was in fear for her life, tells the police she had several restraining orders against her husband in the past. joseph gets arrested. she's charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, the car. courtney applies for another restraining order and then she calls in for her husband's hearing. she hears the judge tell joseph you're going to be granted bail but with one condition. you can't own or carry guns. so courtney goes to her husband's apartment to collect his assault rifle and his handgun. she turns them in to the lakeland police department. to me that's the key fact in all this. she takes the weapons. she doesn't go home. she goes to the police. even tells the officer on duty
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the backstory, saying she didn't think her husband would turn in the weapons on his own. that's where her legal problems begin. the officer says, if she took the guns without his permission and she says, yes. she confessed to a crime. she was arrested, charged with armed burglary because she had the weapons, and grand theft of a firearm. she spent five nights in jail before she was granted bond. her estranged husband, with the allegations of domestic violence and trying to run her off the road with a car, one night. only in america. let's bring in "cnn tonight" host tonight laura coates, in for d. lemon right now. it's good to have you counselor. i'm not saying they didn't apply the law the right way, but, boy is this a window into how screwed up we are. i'm a gun owner. i get the individual right to
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