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tv   Cuomo Prime Time  CNN  June 26, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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explain that tomorrow night. >> all right. our live debate coverage continues with a special edition of cuomo primetime right now. chris? >> thank you very much, anderson. i appreciate it. well, that's it. round one is in the books. you could say that the election has now officially begun. so i know everybody likes to be high-minded about this. i don't. who won? who lost? look, the big thing you saw on the stage tonight is that your two big front-runners weren't there. you didn't have biden you. didn't have sanders. you did have elizabeth warren. she was treated like the front-runner. did she perform like that? you're going to hear some new names. you're going to hear julian castro a little bit. you're going to hear tulsi gabbard. you're going to hear beto o'rourke, maybe not in a good way, maybe yes. i say let's take a look at the different metrics and figure out who rose and who fell. we will look at elizabeth warren because you've got to treat the polls with some respect. she was supposed to deliver. did she?
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all right. our prime time primary politicos are going to dissect it all, and we'll bring in man who will argue he won the name. governor jay inslee is here. let's test his take. and you don't have to wonder what the president thinks. he was watching and live tweeting on his way to japan. our lucky night, or top of the morning here in new york city. let's get after it. all right. half the candidates who qualified for the first debates have made their opening statements to you, if you watched. some even made them in spanish this evening. question is, were any speaking the right language to win over democratic voters? let's get to our primetime primary with elaina plott, sabrina siddiqi, and a man named mark preston, if i have it right. again, i love the high-minded talk. i don't think it's what it's about when we get to those things. these are contests with winners
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and losers. who won? >> i would have to say julian castro won. >> why? >> all he had to do, as anybody at the bottom was break out. all elizabeth warren had to do was tread water. he was the person who accomplished the exact thing he needed to do and then some. >> okay. siddiqi? >> i think both castro and cory booker were able to rise above a crowded stage. they're two people who came in without a great deal of name recognition. they both had moments on issues like immigration, access to abortion. so they probably have done a pretty good job of now implanting themselves in the minds of voters. elizabeth warren, i think that she was easily driving the conversation around income inequality for a lot of the debate. toward the second half she may have faded somewhat into the background. but she certainly came out of this also unscathed. >> who lost? >> donald trump lost because he wasn't the main point of conversation. we were talking about this in the green room beforehand.
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donald trump wanted to be part of the debate. wasn't necessarily part of the debate, which is good. because it wasn't a debate about donald trump. it was a debate about who was going to carry the flag for the democratic party in november 2020. i do think if you look at the quote/unquote winners, let's not talk about people. let's talk about manufactured moments. it's all about moments. julian castro certainly came out and was able to grasp it, but was almost too cute by half in so some ways meaning he was very successful. he clearly won the night. he is going to have a lot of media spoke tomorrow. >> take a step sidewas and tell people who what was happening. it was him and beto o'rourke. he had obviously been waiting a moment to go at beto o'rourke specifically, to your point about finding way to break out. that was someone who was a step or two, almost like a nascar race that car is one or two spots ahead. how do i pass that guy? how did he pull it off? >> they went right to the core issue of the state that they're both from, which of course is immigration. what julian castro tried to do
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is to act and certainly did so i deputily that he was more attuned to how the law works and why we're in a situation we're. in which when you're looking at the presidential debates, you want somebody who actually understands policy and knows how to enact it. however, he will say this. he kept coming back back with these manufactured moments. i thought julian castro did a really good job. i just don't think it's staying power. i don't think it's enough gas in the engine to catapult him from 1% to 7%. >> all i think he had to do was survive tonight. somebody that low in the polls. and the reason i do think he was able to surge tonight like he was is because he came in i think tactically with a different plan than everyone else. he did not go on that stage trying to outdo every single other candidate. he came in wanting to outdo beto o'rourke. and when you kind of narrow it down to that one more manageable contest, it's so much easier i think to hit a home run than to try to outrun, outdo, outperform
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every other person. >> pragmatically, true. it was a gamble. we know it had to be planned, one, by its delivery. two, by its content. what is the knock on o'rourke that he is wide but shallow, and he doesn't have the depth on policies. that is exactly what he was mining with that. let me ask you about something else. bearing. bearing matters to me. we had a little division on the team when we were talking about this before. it matters to me about how you present, how you come across. i believe it is a concern for warren. not i have a plan. she is smart as hell. everybody knows that. when i met elizabeth warren at abc news during the economic crisis in 2008, we found her at harvard law school. we brought her in to start doing analysis about tarp. she wound up catapulting herself into a policy position. very smart. bearing. talk to me about that, sabrina. >> i think she spoke very
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authoritatively about the issues and addressed such a wide range of policies. like you said, she has a plan for everything whether it's health care, student loan debt. she talked about breaking up corporations, about a wealth tax. i think when it comes to warren, she obviously has very nuanced details on any policy she is up there talking about. and the real question is whether or not some of these issues that are driving the conversation in the democratic primary are going to be a litmus test for voters. >> strong point. >> when they go to the polls. you know you see that also with bernie sanders. and to some extent it helped her that he wasn't also standing on that stage because it allowed her to really own that conversation in terms of the progressive movement, right? as a leader of the progressive movement. and the question will be is that what the primaries are ultimately going to be about, or is it going to be about who is best positioned to defeat donald trump. >> i think there is a good chance it is. as nancy pelosi said, everybody has a plan. everybody has plans. can you take a punch? do you give a punch?
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do you look presidential? do you feel better than the others? on that register, who made a difference to you tonight? >> i was impressed with cory booker, but i was impressed with cory booker because i was with cory booker down in georgia when we did a cnn town hall with him, and i got to see how he interacted with people. i actually had a feeling for every one of these candidates on the stage because we've done town halls with every one of them. i think elizabeth warren did well. i mean, i think she held her own. i think that some people said that she was kind of fading towards the end. i think that she did well. look, castro came out as a fighter. in this part of the democratic primary, you've got to be a fighter. >> you heard what happened when governor inslee said the biggest threat to the world or whatever it was donald trump. it was one of the bigger cheer moments of the night. >> there was another cheer moment that i kind of caught me a little offguard, and i don't think i took it the same way as other people did. that's when inslee talked what he has done for health care and how that has helped women in his own state. >> klobuchar --
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>> he actually passed legislation. klobuchar turned around and sucker punched him. i was just wondering, it wasn't as if he was saying he is better than everyone else. he was saying listen, i'm the one that's got this done. i felt that was a circumstance punch that came out of nowhere. i am probably in the minority and will get killed on twitter for saying that, but it seemed to me that it was. >> a lot of this will play out on twitter. one of the metrics is how much is a new political reality for all of us. it used to be we would do phone-in polls and see what people were saying in realtime. now it's how many people looked up plot after that. you look like a chauffeur. so when we look at that metric, beto o'rourke we're looking up, but who knows if that's a good or bad reason. cory booker, tulsi gabbard they were looking up. do you think they were looking up each of those people for the same reasons? >> no. i think if anything, if it were me, i'd be looking up beto o'rourke to say why is somebody
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i've been hearing about as the next jfk after this performance i saw this evening, if it's tulsi gabbard, i'm running who is this remarkably articulate person that i've heard little to nothing about who made a congressman of 17 years in a rust belt stage look a little foolish on stage. i'm referencing their exchange on 9/11, al qaeda and the taliban. she spoke i think really authoritatively and really calmly, i think in a way that is going matter andr resonate with voters. i think she did have that presence, that bearing you're referring. to. >> what do you think the lesson is for tomorrow night in what they saw tonight? >> i think the reality is and you heard a lot of people mention donald trump. every single candidate who is standing on that stage is running on an anti-trump platform. so the real question is what are you really articulating in terms of what you would deliver as president? and also, what are the various degradations in terms of policy among what is a very crowded and
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diverse field of candidates, and to what extent are you really recognizing who drives the democratic base, which i think you saw a lot of that from cory booker, for example, who talked about intersectionality, and he kept talking about people of color and was very clear in addressing the racial disparities when he is talking about income inequality, lgbtq issues, that's what made him stand out really recognizing that the democratic base is really comprised of people of color, of young vorpt voters an people who want to hear more clearly about how these candidates want to address not just income inequality, but some of the very specific disparities that people are ultimately going to be going to the polls. >> i agree with all of that here. i'm wondering. let's take a break. when we come back let's talk a little bit about this and this. you're right. but there is this to talk about intersectionality, politics has to get simple at a certain point. and i think the concern with the left, and this may be misplaced. but beating this president is so
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all consuming, and people say well, it always. you are the out party. not like this. it's existential for them. and i wonder if that is going to overweight the expectations. because if you look at biden, what does he got going for him? name recognition. but what else does he have going? everybody else keeps saying i think he is the guy to beat. and they keep saying it as a comma. oh, i don't like what he said about that either, come marks but i think he is -- let's talk about this. let's take a break and we're going look at two things when we come back. one, what does tonight mean for tomorrow night. sabrina was laying that out well. let's now boil it down. what seems to matter most after tonight? let's get after that. discover card.
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all right. we are back here post debate. we have elaina plott, is about brianna siddiqi and mark preston. we talk about people who did well and who did not well. that's important. even with this recent template of a gazillion candidates that we saw in 2016 for the republicans, now the democrats are doing it. but they have the same challenge, which is people are going to have to go. and i know, preston, people will say it's too early, cuomo, stop. we haven't even had a single vote. but come on, that's what these things are, a measuring contest. we talk about who resonated tonight, who popped and who faded tonight, who is hurting after tonight. >> beto o'rourke is quote/unquote hurting. but let's note he is hurting in june of 2019. so there is plenty of time to
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get to the hospital and get fixed up and get back out there. let's not forget he does have an incredible following. he can raise an incredible amount of money. and he has an attraction. i just think that tonight he's going to get bad press tomorrow. bad press in a couple of hours. people pick up the papers. i don't think that's the end of him necessarily, but i will say this. when you do look at the john delaneys of the world, i would say the tulsi gabbards of the world, i don't see them moving much beyond perhaps the cnn debate in july. i just don't see how they do that. >> here's why i think that the june of this year argument is maybe a bit different from what it was in 2015. people like to say remember this time in 2015, jeb bush was leading the primary and look what ended up happening. at this point, though you have joe biden commanding such a huge swath of voters, at least based on this early polling, it was not like that in the republican primary. the disparities between numbers were not so high.
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i think it was much more plausible to believe that each candidate had a chance to make up ground. >> at least five of them. >> right. >> and for that reason, i think that beto o'rourke is hurting a lot after tonight. i think to lose any ground at this point because biden has so much of the voters right now is not a good thing. >> i think castro also made a calculated bet that paid off two ways. beto o'rourke had to step up. and please, as is always the case on my show, feel free to disagree, because sometimes i just say things to be provocative. but beto had been having his apple polished by the media for a long time. he could raise a lot of money. preston, you know this better than anybody. the democrats threw all their resources at him to try to beat cruz. he got a lot of artificial help let's call it in that race. he didn't organically design his own fundraising base. he got help. >> well, he got helped by those who wanted to help him. he was not -- he was not a darling of the democratic party, that's for sure. they didn't even want him to run initially, chris. >> in there against cruz.
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>> once he was in there, he was in there. and all of the sudden he started to raise money. i will say this. beto o'rourke on a stage of ten people is a lot different than beto o'rourke on the stage one on one. >> with the media polishing his apple. he needed to come tonight and show i was a favorite for a reason early on, and he didn't do that. >> i certainly think that he was really held up by the media as an example of someone who is a rising star in the party very much stemming from his almost defeat of ted cruz in the texas senate race, really overperforming in very conservative state that has slowly, slowly been trending blue. and now you've seen him struggle and not really take off in what is a very crowded field. someone like mayor pete buttigieg who wasn't on that stage today, he will be on that stage tomorrow. he has taken some of the attention away from someone like o'rourke. one of the reasons why i think beto is getting some of his bad publicity from tonight's debate, he did launch his candidacy
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around the issue of immigration coming from a border state like texas. and that is the visibility i think that someone like julian castro saw was to kind of get beneath a lot of the surface level talk of everyone being in favor of reversing trump and say how far are you actually willing 20 go, because this administration has been using the process of crossing the border illegally as a means to separate families at the border. are you in favor of making illegal border crossings a civil offense and no longer a federal crime? is every democrat on the stage going to embrace that? we don't yet know. i think that's where castro saw an opportunity to get beneath the lofty rhetoric that you hear from candidates like beto on immigration and say what is your actual plan. >> i totally agree with you. and it's not even just castro wanting to say how far are you willing to go on this issue, but how far are you willing to go? o'rourke and buttigieg are similar in my opinion in this way. they have a really nice shiny
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veneer, but the media kind of perpetuates narratives that it wants to be true. so you had vogue recently calling pete buttigieg the sexy guy who is also a policy wonk. i don't remember at any point reading a really definitive piece on pete buttigieg's policy. >> he does the opposite. he said i'm not going with policy details right now. i'm introducing myself. tomorrow night is the night for buttigieg that tonight was for o'rourke. buttigieg is another guy who had his apple polish by the media. >> hes that to break through that veneer and show. because there will be some sort of castro on the stage tomorrow i imagine trying to break that facade and veneer the way he did for o'rourke. >> while i do appreciate the subtlety of intelligence especially when it comes to the reckoning of the left. but at the end of the day, it's a scrap. that's what the debate, especially when you have a dozen people up there on the stage. what is the test for biden tomorrow?
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the test for biden is to not get drawn into a fray with somebody considered beneath him. nobody is beneath him. yes, they are. this is a ranking system. and his mistake with booker was getting drawn into a situation where he made booker on equal footing with him, even though booker did have the high ground in discussing race as an african american man and what it meant to be called boy versus son. that's the temptation for tomorrow night, no? >> well, sure. and i think going into tomorrow night i was talking to several of the campaigns who were going to be on stage tomorrow night. i will tell you from just my discussions with them as this was going on tonight how they were preparing. several of them is now changing because -- if you think about it, you don't necessarily have to be prepared to go in there to go in with a detailed policy to win tomorrow. you have to be able to go in and make that moment. it could be a question to you, cuomo. it could be a question to you, and it's my ability to jump in and seize that moment.
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we saw julian castro do that. we saw bill de blasio try to do that successfully at some points. and i think you're to see bernie sanders really go after joe biden tomorrow, not in a personal way, but strictly on policy. >> you know what? here is another little clue about something. there is no not in a personal way. if you come at me on the debate stage, there is only one way for me to take it. did you see beto o'rourke's face tonight? you can say as much, oh, elaina, i respect you very much and the atlantic and everything you do, but you stink. that's it. all you hear is the you stink and that's all you're responding to. i would bet that joe biden is going to have a moment tomorrow night that's going to go something like this. a finger-point at whoever says it that don't you say about -- and fill in the blank where he is going to have to show that when it comes to bumping heads, i am a tough guy. i'm here to fight, and i'm here to win. i don't know who it's going to be with, but somebody is going to be put to a test against biden. and if they step down, they're done. >> so if i'm running biden's debate prep, what i would
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suggest is you give him a lot of rest tomorrow. you don't put him on edge. and when he goes out there, he doesn't do the point, right? that doesn't look good. the jfk thing. he's got to go out like that. >> i like that. >> and then he is going to show himself. seriously. to your point, he could go -- that's when he gets derailed, when he is tired, hungry or what have you. i've known the guy for many years, as have you. he is extremely brilliant and is probably going to be the smartest guy on the stage tomorrow night, especially when it comes to debating. >> we'll see. are you smart in small little doses, quick hits bor s back an forth. that's why we watch. i appreciate all of you. not so much as always. debates are about winners and losers. you got to keep it simple in politics, that's really the way we process. not as experts, but as voters. now, how does it translate into metrics of the magic of the alchemy of politics? that's why we bring in the wizard of odds, od-d-d-o-d-d-s.
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what we don't like is relying on fancy technology for help. snail mail! we were invited to a y2k party... uh, didn't that happen, like, 20 years ago? oh, look, karolyn, we've got a mathematician on our hands! check it out! now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'd rather not. all right. there were ten candidates on stage tonight. two hours of air time. you know what that means. there were precious commodities to be had. candidates were going to find moments. candidates were going to miss moments. so how do we measure them? how do we figure out who's up and down? let's discuss with our very own wizard of odds harry enton.
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good to see you. you can thank susan for that nickname. it's so good. >> my aunt loves it.o-d-d-s. one thing before we get into the numbers. you were saying this before. people should benefit from your wisdom. we should project into the future that elizabeth warren will have to answer for her full throated claim that she is going to get rid of private insurance that is something that will become less easy to sell as she moves even through the primary, right? >> i think that's exactly right. look, medicare for all is popular with democrats, but what we also know that democrats are yearning for is someone to beat donald trump. electability is more important than it's ever been in a democratic primary. and the fact of the matter is that medicare for all is not that popular among the general electorate once they know it gets rid of private insurers. for me, elizabeth warren did fine tonight. she did not do as well in google
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searches. maybe she didn't speak the most. overall fine. in terms of projecting out towards a general election, i think there could be some problems for her down the road. >> so give me your sense of the searches showing up and down, but also why so people get that it's not just random. >> if you were to project someone who very much jumped ahead of where they were previously, castro most certainly did, his jump was something along the lines of 4,000% according to google. and there is no doubt part of the reason he jumped in searches was because of the way he went after beto o'rourke. and there was that real sort of fight between the two of them. he made this plan that i'm going to go after o'rourke. i think he is soft, and there is no doubt he came out ahead of that fight. one other thing. castro needs the donors. he needs to get up to 130,000 donors in order to make the debates come september. this is the type of performance that can get him up to that
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mark. >> anybody else stand out in terms of a move you could measure? >> one other person was cory booker. his searches were the highest for most of the debate. cory booker is the type of guy that the smart people, the analysts when we're going back and forth, not that i'm necessarily a smart guy, but you're a smart guy. we go back and forth and say this is someone who seems to be underperforming. he has very high favorable ratings. he is someone who can appeal to the african american community. he got in the most amount of words tonight. i think his performance was quite good. he is someone who i think could jump from 2% to 3% to 6% to 7%. you may say hey, wait a minute, harry, that's not that large of a jump. remember, what we often show is the top five candidates, getting to 6% or 7% could get him into the top tier of the first five candidates. >> some people look good. some people got to look bad. >> i think that's right. the one person in terms of what i would say look bad is beto o'rourke. this is someone who was leading on google searches for most of the month of march.
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this is someone who generally speaking has been well liked on google. a lot of people searching his name. his google searches were not that high tonight despite the fact he was the center of attention so often. i think the reason is this performance. there were a lot of candidates able to get after him. it was also bill de blasio who was way out on the side of the stage. and he was able to get after him and make o'rourke look like the candidate to me. if there is one thing o'rourke said hey, he doesn't have a loft substance. to me this type of debate is one that seemed to prove his detractors correct. >> why did castro get the pop and de blasio did not? >> number one, he got a lot more words than de blasio did. it was moment after moment after moment after moment after moment. the other thing i'll point is democratic voters are nor diverse than they've ever been. and bill de blasio is just another white guy. and the fact is that castro is the only latino candidate running in this race. i think he is someone if you watch these candidates in their stump speeches has been quite
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impressive. i think he was able to connect to audiences this evening. >> wizard of odds, thank you very much. to be continue. >> to be. >> and then some. all right. so does our political brain trust see the same trends? what does it mean for round two, which is just like hours from now? we'll have someone here who helped biden with his debate prep, and two other big cheeses with big thoughts, next. u try h, you eat right... mostly. you make time... when you can. but sometimes life gets in the way, and that stubborn fat just won't go away. coolsculpting takes you further. a non-surgical treatment that targets, freezes, and eliminates treated fat cells, for good. discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. some common side-effects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. don't imagine results, see them. coolsculpting, take yourself further.
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all right. so here's what we know. cory booker, tulsi gabbard, they got big surges in google searches after tonight, in their first debate. but julian castro may have made the moment of the night, okay? on a night when most of the candidates were, you know, not really wanting to mix it up. the two from texas, castro and beto o'rourke got after it on immigration. >> a title 18 of the u.s. code, title 21 and title 22 already cover -- >> used to do. >> the issue. if you did your homework on this issue you would know that we
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should repeal this section. >> this is an issue that we should and could be talking about for a long time. >> now let that be a little window into the reality of politics. you can kumbahyah all you want. you can my friend and with all due respect, and i'm not going to come after, even if the media wants me to. taking shots distinguishes people in debates, okay. now, let's bring in zander rojas, jennifer granholm, who knows a little something about debate prep i'm told when it comes to the former vp joe biden, and mr. chris cillizza. cillizza, you always like to disagree. >> hello. >> but admit i'm right. when it comes to debating on a big stage with a lot of people, this whole idea of i'm going to be positive and i'm going to win with my niceness never works. you pop by giving somebody a good pop in the nose. and that's what julian castro did tonight. >> yeah, i didn't like to do it.
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but before they pulled me up on the screen here, i was nodding in agreement with you because you're right. >> pretty rare. >> and governor granholm can speak to this better than any of us because she has been in the arena. but what i can tell you is elections are choices. that's a primary and general election. the choice is usually more obvious in the general election. but this the primary, it's a choice too. and how do you create the sense of what you're choosing between? you don't talk about all the things you agree on. you talk about things you disagree on. and you have to be willing to throw a punch. i still remember, tim pawlenty, he comes in to the 2012 first debate, governor of minnesota. comes into the debate promising he is going to take on mitt romney, the front-runner. the question goes to him, it's primed for him. it's a hanging curveball for him to smash. he takes a pass. he drops out of the race two months later, because you do have moments. i heard preston say it's only june 2019. he is right.
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but the truth of the matter is when you have 24 candidates in a field, there are moments, particularly if your name isn't joe biden, bernie sanders, or elizabeth warren. you got to hit the ball when it comes to you. you got to draw a contrast. so, yes, you were right. >> draw contrast is the key there. alexandra rojas, who do you think made the biggest difference for themselves tonight, other than julian castro? >> well, i mean, i think this might be a hot take. the real winner of tonight wasn't even on the debate stage, and that's bernie sanders. i think our progressive moment has completely transformed the debate and pulled the conversation on progressive terms. so just to call out the fact that i think that is absolutely massive from where we were before, and we're already seeing like on a day like today where we have a year anniversary from the youngest congresswoman ever elected to congress, alexandria ocasio-cortez, that's massive and a 70% marginal tax rate taken as a serious proposal
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right in the beginning was huge. but i agree. what kind of happened in that exchange was beto o'rourke and julian castro where castro didn't have very much to start and really utilized this public moment of accountability during a debate to make a clear contrast. so i think that for anyone that is sort of a newcomer, i think that castro definitely did great. but elizabeth warren i think proved that to quote her that the politics of small ideas is over, and that a bunch of people, most of the people on stage were debating over what are the -- how they're going to be the true fighter for working people and transform the lives of working people around big ideas. >> i'll tell you what. i had three different republican consultants who were active right now for the opposition to the democrats, going like this when they heard 70% tax rate, and they heard elizabeth warren say that she wants to get rid of private medical insurers. now jennifer granholm, governor,
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i left you for third because i want to take a step to tomorrow with that. lessons from tonight for joe biden for tomorrow. what did he hear? what did you hear tonight that he has to be aware of when he is on the stage tomorrow. >> okay. so without revealing any -- >> yeah, yeah. >> strategy or anything like that. >> i know. >> i know what you want, but i'm not going there. but i'm just saying if i am the front-runner, you want to absolutely watch and take a lesson. and you have to try to figure out what are the topics that weren't covered tonight, what are likely to be covered tomorrow. i do think, though, that tonight you had a theory of the case on the part, particularly of two of the candidates. and elizabeth warren always has a theory of the case. and she always inserts her personal experience and values to demonstrate why she thinks it's important that we know that government is not working for everyday people and that it's working or we have constructed
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government in such a way that it's working for people who -- not people, but entities that have, who write the rules. she is super consistent on that. tim ryan was actually really consistent in his theory of the case, which is that we cannot ignore people in the industrial midwest, and in places this country where people feel unheard. having a cohesive theory of the case i think is a really important strategy for anyone. and, yes, you have to have your moments, but i do think that if you're the front-runner, that's less important than obviously people who have got one or two or three percent. >> let's play a game and let cillizza be the judge. say you're governor granholm. you're the front-runner in this hypothetical contest. and after you give an answer, i say you see? and that's the problem with granholm. old thinking. love her, great. not where we are anymore.
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she's got to get with where it is, it's time for new ideas. she's not right for this anymore. all due respect, love you, love you, love you, you got to go. how do you respond to that? >> if i am somebody who has been in office a while, whether i am bernie sanders or i am joe biden or anybody, of course this is a race about the future. it's not a race about the past. >> so what are you going to say when i say that to you? >> i'm going to say that. here is my plan for the future. >> that's it? just plan? you're not going hit me back? >> it depends on who you are. >> it's me, gov. it's me, the guy with the big head. >> for you, yes, i would wallop you, and 50id take you out. but you, i don't know what percentage in the polls you are either. >> zero would be my guess. >> i don't want to be punching down at you. >> that's a good point,
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governor. cillizza, pick up on that. you can't punch down. >> i think it's important to remember that this debate, this wednesday night debate is a different animal in truth than the thursday night debate. and the reason why is the number one candidate in the wednesday night debate in terms of polling is elizabeth warren, who is around 12, 13, 14%. that's the best she has been in polling. cory booker, who was standing directly to her right is at 2% in the polls. beto o'rourke, who is directly to her left is at 4% and falling. you're not going have that tomorrow night. tonight. tonight. >> and yet. >> you've got joe biden in the middle, right? >> right. >> joe biden is the front-runner. no debate, right? >> yes. >> then you're going have bernie sanders. you're going to have pete buttigieg. you're going to have kamala harris. you're going to have a lot more of the sort of a-team as we would define it looking at the polling. so the dynamic is i think a little bit different. i don't know that you can look
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at tonight, but i mean wednesday night and extrapolate all that much. but i do think the governor is right about this. if you're joe biden, and let's say marianne williamson attacks you, there is no profit, although donald trump would probably attack back. but there is no profit politically speaking in attacking people who benefit from attacking you. >> the president went at the lead scorer of the u.s. women's soccer team today. >> he attacked rand paul during the 2016 debates. rand paul was at 2% and he shot at rand paul. >> the president gets a pass. nobody on the stage tonight or tomorrow night. >> totally different animal. >> alexandria, give me your take -- yes, go ahead, gov. >> i'm sorry to interrupt. but i just think that marianne williamson and yang both had great tweets tonight in response to the debate. both of them freaking out a little bit because they don't speak spanish. they were playing in as well as trump playing in. >> you get a translator. let's do this. i don't want to rush. this rojas, let's take a break. on the way back you go first,
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okay? see, on this debate stage you got to fight your way. in you got fight. >> i guess so. i'll definitely do it next time. >> you're doing great. we'll have you back in just a second. governor jay inslee drew one of the loudest applause lines tonight. it wasn't any of this about big thinking or highere is my best plan. it was a very simple proposition about who he wants to beat and why. does it give him traction? he is here to rate his own performance and that of what he saw on the stage, next. woman: (on phone) discover. hi.
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fireworks, separation, or any other anxieties, (announcer) if your dog suffers from fear of thunder, thundershirt may be the answer. thundershirt, absolutely, 100% works. what is the biggest geopolitical threat to the united states? that was the question. governor jay inslee's answer got applause. >> the biggest threat to the security of the united states is donald trump. and there's no question. >> one of the hardest attacks on the president. it was actually surprising how few texas there weattacks there president. let's bring in the washington governor. >> governor, congratulations on making it through the first debate. do you believe that you improved your fate tonight? >> i think so. i think that i was able to
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articulate why i'm a unique candidate, in the sense that i was the only candidate that has pledged to defeating the climate crisis the number one priority of the united states, the organizing principle of my administration every single day, and i do think that is important because if it's not job one, it won't get done. that plus my vision, which has been called the gold standard and my success as governor with my 100% clean energy bill, yes, i think we depicted a govern who are has been very successful at creating the best economy, but also a way to defeat the climate change crisis. >> all right. so let's look at the potentially biggest plus and minus of the night for you, and, please, qualify either of my choices as you see fit. the big plus is why we picked the sound bite in the introduction here. you came long and strong against donald trump. do you believe at the end of the day the man or woman who makes it out of this field must be the
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one that gives the democrats the best chance of not checking boxes for a progressive agenda but being able to tabeat the current president? >> well, i think that if we have a person with our values of progressive values which show that we build an economy through progressive values, look, i've got the best economy in the united states because we have the highest minimum wage, because i've got teachers the biggest pay increase, because i have the best family paid medical leave, because i've done net neutrality. these progressive values have created economic growth and i think a candidate like myself who believes that and has actual achievements and stripes on their sleeve is the person to beat donald trump, to demonstrate that his trickle down economics is a failure. and we can produce economic growth. that's the way to beat him. i'd like to be in that position. >> do you think the economy is the best argument against this
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president, given all of the different growth metrics that seem to play to his favor? >> yes. and i'll tell you why. i think what donald trump does not understand is, look, one half of the american workforce has not had a pay increase in 20 years. the reason is we aren't -- we're not treating unions scaquare. we don't have an adequate minimum wage. our tax system has been hugely skewed to the wealthy. we're not providing adequate access to education for our kids. all of these things are things that i have actually made progress on as a governor. and if we do these things, those half of the people are going to have some hope again, and they deserve it. we've got to build an economy that works for everyone and i've got a good way to do that, following the washington state model. d.c. can't build a birdhouse, i've build the biggest infrastructure program in my state's history. that's what we need in this
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country. >> the moment that you had with senator klobuchar where she pointed out after you were talking about your record with reproductive rights, that there are women on the stage who have done a lot as well. it came off as a dig. how did you interpret it? >> well, look, i respect everybody on that stage tonight, men and women. they've all stood up for a woman's right of choice. they've all pitched in. i did want to point out, however, though, i have been able to actually pass legislation that is very important. which is women should have not only the right of choice in the abstract, but we have to ensure that insurance companies will give him access to coverage for the right of choice. they have to have access to contraceptives, and i have passed a bill to assure that for women. that's one of the things we have to do as a civil right together with codifying the roe v. wade
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decision in federal civil rights law. so what i was pointing out, i do think it's important that, you know, speeches are great, accomplishments can even be better. i've had a boatload of that as governor in the at the same time of washington. >> do you want to be president of the united states more than anything you've ever wanted in your entire life? >> no. i asked a woman to marry me 46 years ago, and i have to go with that as my top. i've been pretty lucky. but i do feel compelled. this is a passion, not only for all the progressive things i believe in, but i do have three grandchildren and i understand the consequences in their lives if we do not have a president -- look, this is our last chance, this next administration. we will either make defeating climate change the central organizing principle of the next administration or our goose is cooked. so i have a personal commitment to my three grandkids and every
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kid in the world, and i think that's worth fighting for. >> that's a smart answer you gave on that question. the person, the man or woman who says that it's more than anything they've ever wanted better make sure when they go home they're alone. governor, thank you very much. certainly they will be after that answer. >> thank you. >> thank you for tonight and good luck going forward. >> thanks for having me. thank you. all right. not even close to finished. i've got another person who was on that debate stage tonight. how do they think they did? next. presents: outdone yoursel. staining be done... and stay done through every season. behr semi-transparent stain, overall #1 rated. stay done for years to come. find it exclusively at the home depot.
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