tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 8, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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up? >> that experience of watching sturnts transform. seeing the students really come into their own inspires me. >> to get the full story about the program and nominate somebody. go to cnn thanks for watching. our coverage continues. good evening. tonight a man who defined the term shadow socialite is back in federal custody accused of exploiting minors for sex. and pressuring them to recruit new victims. yes, this is the second time for jeffrey epstein. who appeared in federal court today. arrested yesterday shortly after touching down in miz private jet outside new york. eleven years after cutting what's described as a lenient plea deal on similar allegations. as heinous as they are this story has the possibility of getting bigger and uglier. the man who made the deal is a
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member of the president trump deal. the labor secretary alex acosta. and the man he hob knobbed with. tonight, the man with homes around the world and his private island is in federal lock up. if true the new charges they're beyond disturbing. what are prosecutors saying they found so far? >> they have found a lot. we learned today that this makes everything even worse. as despicable as this is, we learned today that prosecutors investigators wednesday entered his home. they found what they call a vast trove of lewd photographs. thousands of nude photographs depicting under age girls they believe. they found a safe. inside that safe what they say
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is they found a cd rom. on them different labels one of them saying young name and name. there was another one that said miscellaneous nudes and a third which said girl pick nudes. a lot of evidence prosecutors are continuing to gather. the other thing is that before prosecutors went into the home. the mansion. one of the victims described the room a room they would be brought to where they would perform sexual acts with epstein. and say that the room looked exactly the same. that it did 15 years ago. when some of the victims were brought there. >> have we heard from him? or his attorney. >> right. his attorneys only spoke in court. he hasn't spoken. the on words today he pleaded not guilty. outside of that, it's been his attorneys. and what they're saying is that this case is essentially a do
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over. this already has been investigated in florida. and prosecutors here are violating a non-prosecution agreement that he epstein made with his attorneys and with government officials back in 2008 and bringing the charges all over again is essentially just a do over. and there was a couple of interesting moments in court where his attorney tried to argue that because there was no force used here, that prosecutors can't charge statutory a sex trafficking charge. and the judge had an exchange. he said you're arguing there may not have been a rain rape. there may have been statutory rape. and he said yeah statutory rape. admitting his client committed the heinous crimes. i'm having a senior moment.
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what i mean is no rape occurred because there was no penetration. these are the kind of arguments i think were going to be seeing from his attorneys going forward. >> a spokesperson for president clinton who knew epstein. traveled on his private jet. tweeted out a statement. what did that say? >> so that statement said, let me read it. quote president clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes jeffrey epstein pleaded guilty to in florida years ago or those he has been recently charged in new york. fall out is why given his connection to many politicians, many wealthy people. for now we have only heard from the spokesperson for clinton. obviously there are other high powered people connected to epstein. we have not heard from them. >> appreciate it. mrt on the cases both then and
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now against epstein. as well as powerful figures who shared his company. face serious allegations because of it. >> reporter: all jeffrey cared about was getting more girls. his appetite. >> jeffrey as in epstein. the hedge fund manager investigated for child abuse sexual abuse and trafficking young women. before opening an investment firm. back in 2008 the fbi began investigating his alleged tvs with young girls who today in their 20s and 30s. some spoke. >> i have seen hundreds and hundreds of girls go through his swinging door. >> dozens of them. all with similar stories of sexual abuse. even down to the details of what his genitals look like. >> he would want us to stand next to him and would masturbate while he stared at us and touched us.
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and sexual abuse. and intercourse. and a pat on the back. you have done a good job. like, thank you very much. and here's $200. >> epstein reportedly paid more if the girls engaged in oral sex. or intercourse. according to the police. and they all say he wanted them to recruit other young girls to bring to him. >> by the time i was 16 i brought in up to 75 girls. all the ages of 14, 15, 16. people going from eighth grade to ninth grade. at just school parties. where i would recruit them. >> here at the palm beach home where much of the abuse took place. according to court documents as far as 201. it's believed he began luring under age girls here with the help of those who worked for him. most of the girls range in age from 13 to 16. and came from disadvantaged homes. they had never before seen the exclusive palm beach island.
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>> the training started immediately. everything down to how to be quiet. give jeffrey what he wants. and before you know it, i'm being lent out to politicians. >> years later in a 2014 court document, one of the women claimed she had been an under age sex slave to epstein. claiming he forced her to have sex with powerful friends. including prince andrew. the duke of york. once had an orgy on the island. she would have been 17. buckingham pal lance denied the allegations. epstein often ran with the ruch rich and powerful. clinton and trump. and his attorneys ken star and alan. quoting trump saying this about epstein. he's a lot of fun to be with. it's said he likes beautiful women as much as i do.
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and many of them are on the younger side. that same woman who accused prince andrew claimed in the court filing from 2014, that epstein required her to have sexual relations with alan on numerous occasions in florida. and aboard the private plane. he denies all of it. >> she said i had sex with her on the airplane. the flight manifest will prove i was never on any airplanes with her. i never met this woman or touched her. i was never massaged by her. >> federal investigators identified at least 36 girls and still building a case. when suddenly in 2008 epstein made a sweetheart deal. this non-prosecution agreement. allowing him to plead guilty to a lesser charge. two prostitution charges in state court. and register as a sex offender. he would serve 13 months in jail. the deal also granted immunity to any potential coconspirator.
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none of the people were identified. leaving many to wonder if other powerful people were having sex with under age girls at his homes. the deal shut down the fbi investigation. into additional victims and accomplices. and any chance of epstein going to prison for life. based on the indictment that would have charged him with sex crimes. >> i read the indictment. it was multiple allegations of sex trafficking, trafficking girls of course using the airplane. witness intimidation. and then it disappeared. >> the deal was negotiated in part by steens friend and defense lawyer. and signed off on by then u.s. attorney in miami alex a cost. who today is president trumps secretary of labor. >> he is supposed to be protecting the victims and he was protecting jeffrey epstein. a pedophile. >> at his confirmation hearing,
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alex alex acosta tried to explain the decision. >> professionals with any prosecutors office decide that a plea that guarantees someone goes to jail that guarantees that someone register generally is a good thing. >> despite a federal law which says victims must be notified of the type of deal, the victims were kept in the dark. until after it was signed and approved by the judge. he had to pay restitution to the identified victims. in february eleven years after he was sentenced, a federal judge here in florida ruled acosta and officials violated the crime victims right act by not notifying the victims of the plea deal until after it was signed. allowing them to believe a
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federal prosecution was still a possibility. >> president trump was asked in february about the allegations levelled at his labor secretary. >> he's done a great job as labor secretary. and that seems like a long time ago. >> it's scary. because this is our government. it's supposed to protect us. but has done everything to protect a pedophile. >> joining us now. two former federal prosecutors. with experience cases like these. laura coats and shan wu. why isn't this a case of double jeopardy? essentially his attorneys are saying they're trying to take another shot at the same crime. >> not taking a second bite at the apple when it involves new victims and new allegations. and it's a new jurisdiction. we're talking about cases involving maybe crossing over state lines from florida to new york. new victims, new under age people. new information and a new fbi investigation.
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if there's not an exact over lap it involves new things, no double jeopardy. >> have you ever seen a deal like epstein originally received? back in 2008. being able to keep cospeet spear tors. immune tin. registers and does a little time sfwl the idea of having a sweetheart deal where you say i could have federal charges. we'll go ahead with state charges. i'm not going to notify the victims or give them a voice in court. i'm going allow somebody to leave 12 hours a day to go to a office and be a pedophile. that doesn't happen. the idea of saying anyone who potentially helped to facility under age people being sexually abused gets immunity. that's shocking. especially the labor secretary over sees human trafficking now. >> the same deal as we were
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saying. included any potential cospe coconspirators. >> if they gave people immunity you want more evidence to build a bigger case. and they didn't. they built small case after that. the real horror is all the allegations indicate that victims does ons of them could have been spared. the assaults. had the prosecution and secretary acosta done their job in 2008. and the same children, these are children. they are the real heros. they faced enormous coercion. in the age difference and the power dynamic. and it's just a real horror that cannot -- it's an injustice that can't be righted. even with further prosecution. all these things happened to the children when they could have
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been prevented. >> one woman says she personally recruited more than 70 young people to go through his place. what does that say that this case is being handled by the sdny public corruption unit? does it suggest that public officials could be under the mike scope? >> first the idea that maybe a minor has recruited other victims treated differently in the law than an employee or associate who maybe of age and adult will treat that differently. had the abuse is still same. the idea the public corruption unit that's the question here. one hand that unit is devoted to people elected officials. not billionaire hedge funds. there's some reason they have him there. either an official is implicated. high or low level. money laundering or tax crimes maybe a part of the investigation. or it maybe the associates who once were immunized in florida no longer have the same in the
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state of new york. we have a wide open gam et here of what it means. it's a serious offense and serious unit to prosecute this. >> more to come. we have breaking news what president is saying about britains ambassador to the u.s. after leaks cables call him insecure and inept. let's see, aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol extra strength. and last longer with fewer pills. so why am i still thinking about this? i'll take aleve. aleve. proven better on pain. have a discount with another wireless carrier? t-mobile will match it. need a few more reasons to switch? 1. do you like netflix? sure you do. that's why it's on us. 2. unlimited data. use as much as you want, when you want.
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breaking news tonight a source telling usa the british ambassador has been disinvited to a dinner this evening with president trump. the president tweeted his administration will no longer deal with the ambassador. this after a series of leaked cables to from the ambassador. which describe the trump administration as quote inept and clumsy.
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cables said the president's career could end in disgrace and describe conflicts within white house as knife fights. a spokesman for theresa may says she has faith in the ambassador but doesn't agree with his comments. joining me now. democratic member of the foreign relations committee. what's your reaction to the president saying he'll no longer deal with the british ambassador? is that the appropriate response? it does seem like this is the kind of thing the state department ambassadors say in cables all the time. describing other folks. >> yeah, the news here is that some sensitive cables got leaked. the news is not that an ambassador of the united states is making an assessment that there is dysfunction at the white house. if the president refused to deal with everyone in washington who privately assessed his white house as dysfunctional. he would have no one to deal with. because republicans and
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democrats alike of course share that assessment. so, maybe he's going to disinvite the ambassador from a few public meetings. of course we have an important relationship with britain that has has been dysfunctional. under trump. this isn't news the the ambassador was doing his job assessing a white house that is spiraling out of control. and he needs to tell that to his boss back in london. >> does it impact u.s. british relations long term? >> well, i mean, our relations with europe are pretty miserable right now. the president is in the proz of attempting to blow occupy the europe union. cheer leading britain out of the economy association. critical of the nato. threatening to walk the united states out of that alliance. he is withdrawn from the iran nuclear agreement. this is a relationship that has been in big trouble for the last
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two years. i don't think this is going to inject anymore instability into the relationship that the president made pretty darn unstable. >> you mention iran. how concerned are you that they breeched the limit set in the nuclear deal and prepared to go further? >> so i'm concerned, but i think it's entirely predictable when the president pulled out of the agreement. there was really no reason for the iranians to sty in it. it's important to know what they said is they will move from 3% enrichment to 5%. not the 20% level that would get them to a nuclear weapon. and what they're telegraphing is they want to reengage. not just with the united states but the world community. they want to find a way to have an economic partnership with the united states. and once again force a nuclear agreement. the president sends mixed signals to them.
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some days he says he will blow them off the earth and others he wants to talk. the iranians are making it clear that they are going to take steps to restart the program. but sending a message that they would rather be in agreement than outside. >> it's interesting to imagine what iran is thinking watching the president embrace kim jong un in the way he has and quote talk about love letters essentially that have been sent by kim jong un to the president. and how great the letters are. and floating the idea of accepting a nuclear north korea at the level they're at now. >> part of the reason the ambassador assesses the white house is completely dysfunctional especially when it comes to foreign policy is because there's no consistency. about anything we do in the world. we're wrapping our arms around one rogue nuclear regime. and refusing to talk to another
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would be nuclear power. iran. iran looks at this cozy relationship between kim and trump and says well i guess the only way you get the love of the president of the united states is get a nuclear weapon outside of the international regime. if i'm iran, i certainly think to myself maybe ooip i'm better off outside the agreement. even given the signs that trump is sending with his cozy relationship in north korea. >> interesting. i appreciate your time. coming up next the reporting on the almost unspeakable conditions at one migrant detention center. and the president's attacks on the messenger. keeping him honest. ♪
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the long holiday weekend began with president claiming mai grans in custody on the border are quote liing far better now than where they came from. despite reporting of the inspector general about how awful the conditions have been. now in the face of new reporting by the "new york times." on the clint facility near texas. he is tweeting again the fake news media in particular the failing at "new york times" is writing phony and exaggerated accounts on the border detention center. first of all people shouldn't be entering our country illegally for us to care for them. with should be allowed to focus on the united states citizens first. others in law enforcement are doing a great job. in a moment earlier from the top administration officials conditions have greatly improved in just the last few weeks. the president is not saying that. he says the accounts are phony or exaggerated. given the reporter on clint the detention center it's hard to see how that could be so.
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the times reporting is based on accounts of current and former border agents and supervisors and includes sworn statements by those who spent time at clint. out breaks of disease were spreading among the hundreds of children who were being held in cramped cells. the stench of the children's clothing was so strong to spread to agents clothing. people in town scrunch their noses when they left work. the children cried constantly. one girl seemed likely to kill herself the agents made her sleep on a cot front of them. leadership quote knew for months that some children had no beds to sleep on. no way to clean themselves and sometimes went hungry. if clint was the were facility in question it would be troubling enough. according to to a new report from the department of homeland security inspector general, it's not. i'm quoting from the report.
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most single adults had not had a shower in custody despite several being held for as long as a month. some facilities border patrol was giving wet wipes to maintain personal hygiene. the president saying this is fake news. to their credit his senior officials are not saying that kpktly without confirming the accounts saying there were problems. challenges they call them. but now in the past. here's the acting secretary over the weekend. >> on june 1 we had 2,500 children in the custody. 1,200 have been with us over three days. we have the supplemental from congress. we additional beds. we have 350 yesterday afternoon. and only 20 of the children had been with us for more than three days. >> it should be pointed out the facilities were never intended for children. any number for any length of time. the in your opinions themss we can take him on faith. giving reporter from so many different sources ib colluding
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the government itself, it's a heavy lift. especially given when cnn was allowed into the clint facility last month it was a sham. a official with firsthand knowledge telling cnn, the agency prepped for you guys adding it's a never ending cat and mouse game. the burden of proof on the administration. so far they have chosen to make it as difficult as possible it look at what's really happening inside. sper spective from the new acting director of citizen and immigration services. >> i want to talk about the facilities that we have been hearing so much about. did operators at the clint facility the "new york times" reporting know for months that these migrant kids had no beds? no ability to clean themselves and went hungry? that allegation was based not on only. also sworn statements.
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>> of course that position have i would say it was the facilities which has been warned us since 2018. that this severe level by dhs. secretary kneelson when she was secretary spoke about it. and it took all the way until june to get help particularly focussed on the children. with the recent small appropriation bill. that helped clear out a lot of the children taken down from 2,500 in these facilities down to about 350. with only a very small number there more than 72 hours. so once we got in the case of the children the facilities that were appropriate for the numbers we were seeing, the problem was aleafuated. before that, there was over crowding. and with it all the accompanying challenges. security and care for the individuals. because that's eating up a lot of manpower on the border.
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>> it seems like agents were raising red flags about it. the inspector general report about another facility which had the same issue going on. >> there's very little that can be done about the raw numbers on our sides except to process them as quickly as we can. the border patrol has gotten attention in this regard. realize why those people stay in border patrol facilities. that are not designed for as many people as they have seen. and that is that the next stage in the pipeline which is ice, their beds are over subscribed already. in the case of children, they at no time have enough beds for unaccompanied children. so as the children situation was alleviated the in your opinions were brought back within the parameters we aim for. under 72 hour time with children for instance. and if ice got the same support
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that hhs got in the appropriation bill, we would see the same kind of change and shift with respect to adults. >> you're putting the blame essentially on the large numbers of people coming across. critics point to trump administration policies of family separation. meant to be a deterrent to stop people from coming. and it clearly wasn't. because the numbers seem to continue. but it also comp collated the matter of how where these kids were put and how they were kept. >> certainly all these things are related. all of them. and my agency handles asylum. the reality is there are people in this population who are legitimately seeking asylum in this country. that pipeline is being swamped by fraudulent claims by people who have no chance of getting asylum. but we give massive due process
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that takes time, effort, manpower and facilities to accomplish. and it's very hard to manage at the design levels that we have. >> acting director. appreciate your time. coming up on a day the president praised his record on the environment. a planned development in the arizona desert given a big boost by a developer connected to the interior secretary. from the new ultimate crabfest trio with three kinds of wild-caught crab to the return of crab lover's dream! grab your crab crew, hurry in or order it to go!
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president trump defended his record on the environment today. saying he wants the cleanest air and crystal clear water. they have withdrawn from the climate agreement and appeal to voters who cite worries about clean air and water as biggest concerns. the new interior secretary the same who before becoming the se secretary was on oil industry lobbiest. we have been keeping a close eye on him. special preference to former clients for drilling permits. a new report you'll only see here. dealing with a controversial development in arizona. that is owned by another person connected to secretary. here's the report. >> reporter: the villages was a massive housing development
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being planned in this arizona desert. east of tucson. like all development in arizona water is an issue. especially for wildlife. u.s. fish and wildlife adviser thought before putting in lt the homes and golf courses and 70,000 people. scientists should look at how the project would impact the nearby river. >> we wanted them to assess how much water was going to be withdrawn from the awe kwar for. >> they said years earlier developing the site was unacceptable impact. though it was a permit was approved for an earlier project. he decided before the new villages a full scale buy logical assess m was needed. in 2016. then this happened. what followed a series of events pieced together by cnn. that shows a developer with connections to the trump
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administration was able to push his project forward despite environmental concerns. it was just seven months into the new administration, he received an unusual phone call. >> it was one of the solicitors. attorney from washington. and she told me that she had gotten a call from a high level political. appointee. within the department of interior. who informed her that our position out here in arizona was not the position of the administration. >> he says the lawyer from the interior department told him he needed to reverse the earlier decision on that environmental assessment for the project. >> i felt i had a duty. i have to do what i'm told. i did. i felt pressured to reverse my decision. and simple terms i was rolled. >> he followed orders. reversed ltth decision and four months later retired. environmentalists are livid. >> we're supposed to work under
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the law and science. and science was over ridden here. >> this is the developer. part owner of the arizona diamond backs. he donated $50,000 to trumps committee. promising half million dollar donors a hunting trump with president trump's sons. and he is a direct to have international foundation a group he once represented. and since donald trump became president, ingram enjoyed easy access to trump administration decision makers. who over see his interest. scheduled obtained by cnn show at least eleven meetings phone calls or e-mails with top trump administration officials. including then epa chief scott pruitt. who was secretary of the
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interior. and cnn has learned that a in august of 2017, mike ingram met up with his old lobbiest friend and then deputy interior secretary. the first of at least five meetings with him. this secret meeting not on any public calendar. was a private breakfast held at mike's hunting lodge in montana. just two weeks later. he got the unusual call from washington. and the villages development was on track again. >> a lawsuit by environmentalists filed this year has the project on hold. >> ingram will not talk to cnn. he hired one of washington's most powerful lawyers to speak oon his behalf. a democrat. >> there must have been plit political influence. i don't see any evidence.
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>> this guy has unprecedented access to david bern heart on august 18, 2017. he invites him for breakfast is that right? at his hunting lodge. >> that's right. it's shortly after that that the phone call is made. to mr. spangle. telling him we want you to change your decision. >> and you now have done an incomplete narrative of the facts. let's do the rest. >> he explains the army core of engineers asked about his complaint. the service looked into it. and found no evidence his reversal was unjustified. it's all in a new official letter. handed to cnn by davis. just days after cnn first reached out to ingram for comment on the story. cnn calls. and suddenly there's a brand new letter. that comes out and reaif i weres everything is okay. by the way in that laert, nobody from washington had anything to
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do with it. with all due respect that's a slick move. >> so, if you're discussing innuendo and fog. i completely agree. if you focus on facts, the facts are that the army core of engineer made a decision on the facts. under the law. >> did you have anything to do with that? >> no. >> did mr. ingram? >> no. i would say on camera sometimes bad luck happens to me when i'm working for a client. it was pure luck that i read this letter before the cnn interview. and there's a god in heaven. >> this just seems like another in a long line of possible favors being granted by the interior department to his old clients or industry friends. is it? >> we sent a list of questions about this. to the secretary. he snubbed us before. and for this story, all we got was a one sentence reply saying
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they looked at this and everything is fine. that maybe okay to blow us off. congress is demanding answers. the house committee a natural resources sent a letter saying they are opening investigation into all of this. >> all right. we'll stay on it. thank you. who's hauling in the cash in the 2020 democratic race. and which candidate called it quits. and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today. [ text notification now that you have] new dr. scholl's massaging gel advanced insoles with softer, bouncier gel waves,
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ senator elizabeth warren's momentum in the 2020 presidential race is fueling her fund-raising. she's raised $19.1 million in april, may, and june. topping senators bernie sanders and kamala harris and trailing only joe biden and pete buttigieg. eric swalwell is ending his presidential bid. swalwell failed to gain traction despite heavy campaigning in key states and national attention he got when he challenged biden to pass the torch to a younger generation.
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chris cuomo joins us now. you had a big interview with vice president biden and his wife jill. >> yeah, we're going to play part of it and i was more interested in this part than just joe biden one on one because you know what that is, testing, seeing how he deals with the answers, often those around the candidate are more cognizant of what's going on than the candidate himself. to see jill tee up what she thinks matters including their son hunter, and what he's openly dealing with, mental health, that matters. we expect people to drop out. swalwell is a little early. they can say i have little donors, big donors. if you don't have money, you're gone. >> it's a money game for so many of these candidates who are not in the thick of it. >> yeah. they always say, we got to take the money out of the business. what's the one metric that winds
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up being dispositive of who stays in, money. >> one of the things warren has been public about is she's not going to be trying to raise money from huge donors at this stage, she's doing town hall after town hall. >> and that's fair. i've seen you cover this in town halls. bernie sanders makes a similar case. i think his average donor was $18. that's good. it changes the influence of pacs and superpacs. and big donors. but at the end of the day it's still money and they find, you know -- it's so true that the problem is legal money, not illegal money. and as long as that's in there, that's what the game is going to be about. i don't mean to be a cynic, but it's a reality. >> the time that they spend fund-raising is everything. >> one of the things with biden now. we're going to take a look at them tonight and get into jeffrey epstein as well. people need to know how far this case will go.
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>> chris, thanks very much. see you in a few minutes. what did president reagan really think of citizen trump? don't look to the sitting president's twitter page for answers, that's for sure. the ridiculist is next. . we were right in front of him. dead center. front row. 'cause actually, zarmina, you touched shawn mendes. yeah, i touched him! she touched shawn mendes! he like held my hand for a while. and then we got to meet him after, which was like... another surprise. yeah. we love verizon even more now. i'll never forget that day. ever. (vo) the network more people rely on, gives you more. like thousands of tickets to concerts, festivals and private shows. and big savings on our best phones when you switch. that's verizon.
9:57 pm
♪ here i go again on my own ♪ goin' down the only road i've ever known ♪ ♪ like a-- ♪ drifter i was ♪born to walk alone! you're a drifter? i thought you were kevin's dad. little bit of both. if you ride, you get it. geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. time now for the ridiculist. tonight's entry has it all. president trump, a fake quote and someone more popular than him. happy monday, america. the president was up this morning getting in some quality executive time, watching the shows and as any thoughtful leader, focused on the big picture. i was kidding about that last part.
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he was retweeting compliments about himself. for real. what that caught his eye was something posted by the reagan battalion. here's a shocker. it doesn't appear to be associated with the reagan foundation or the presidential library. it shows citizen trump shaking president reagan's hand in 1987 which did happen, but it has a quote that's attributed to ronald reagan. but it's not real. for the life of me, and i'll never know how to explain it, i felt like i was the one shaking hands with the president. again, president reagan never said that. the man stood up to the soviet union. helped bring about the end of the cold war. anyway, don't take my word for it. maybe you find my steely blue eyes somewhat shifty. the pulitzer prize winning website has raided the alleged quote as pants on fire. and they don't mean it in a good
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way, like, damn, those are some hot, hot pants. no, they mean it like, oh, wow, that is a big 400-pound lie rotting in someone's basement. they cite a top reagan foundation officer saying president reagan did not ever say that about donald trump. so the sitting president is spreading fake content online. like i said, it's monday. the part i don't understand is the one word the president added to his retweet. cute. cute. that's the best the president could do? we all know the extent of his vocabulary. >> i went to an ivy league school. i'm very highly educated. i know words. i have the best words. >> yeah, the best words. cute? cute is how an great aunt replies to an email she's half read. it's like wolf blitzer in daisy dukes on roller blades.
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it's not my cup of tea, but there's a fetish group for everyone these days. cute is not a quote from reagan. all i can say, is that is cute, very cute, on the ridiculist. and the news continues with chris. time for "cuomo primetime." chris? >> thank you for that image of wolf which i will never get out of my head. anderson, appreciate it. very well done. i'm chris cuomo. welcome to "primetime." joe biden got a wakeup call in the first debate. so now, the defining moment. how will the former vp respond? you're about to see as we show you new parts from our exclusive sitdown. and the multimillionaire with connections to princes and presidents. long rumored to be one of the worst sexual predators. that man is jeffrey epstein and he had quietly beaten the case against him until now. he's back behind bars and we have someone who's covered this st
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