tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 15, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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jeanne moos, cnn. >> would be like a rocket ship. >> reporter: new york. >> thank you so much for joining us. have a good night. see you tomorrow. anderson starts now. good evening. this would ordinarily be the place to say the president of the united states doubled down or tripled down today on his remarks for the weekend tweeting young white congresswomen should go back to their home countries and never mind three of the four are native born americans and would be the place to play you their reactions to condemn their remarks and the strategy for appealing to the base and yeah, we will get to all of that tonight. right before congresswoman had to say and might be they are also things we talk about so we don't have to bring up something else. namely what drives the president to say what he says is not just about politics as some have
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suggested, not just about winning votes or winning arguments or repeating whatever he just saw on fox news. it's not three dimensional chess. it's really something much simpler. so simple and frankly so ugly that it is tempting to just take it as a given and then move on to file it away as trump being trump when that is really the whole point. trump being trump. what comes out of his mouth is a reflection of who he is and who he's been for as long as he's been a public figure. this for example is who he is. >> we're building a wall. he's a mexican. we're building a wall between here and mexico. >> that was the president two yo years ago saying an american born judge has dual loyalties and cannot be fair because of his mexican heritage and paul ryan called that quote the textbook definition of a racist comment. another word that fits the president maybe far better than his oddly long ties and expensive ill fitting suits is
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demagogue. president trump has shown yet again he's a demagogue and in case you're unfamiliar with the word, a demagogue is a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises to gain power. so with that in mind, here is what the president tweeted yesterday. so interesting to see progressive democrat congresswomen who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world if they even have a functioning government at all. now loudly and viciously telling the people of the united states the greatest and most powerful nation on earth how our government is to be run. why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came? now pointing to the fact the countries in quotes that congresswoman pressley and talib and ocasio-cortez is from, that country is the united states of america. congressman omar is naturalized
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american citizen is from somalia and lived here since she was a teenager but a demagogue doesn't care about facts. the president labels them foreigners. the fact they are all women and m two men of color adds to the eagerness to label them as something other than american. if you believe the president's on words, these four congresswomen looked like the other. sometimes that other is the terrifying unknown other as he described when he first launched his campaign. >> when mexico sends its people, they are not sending their best. they are not sending you. they are not sending you. they are sending people that have lots of problems and they are bringing those problems with us. they are bringing drugs. they are bringing crime. they are rapists. >> so the message there people looking for asylum to come to this country, they are not like you or me, they are other. he headed he also assumed there
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were good people but the focus was clearly on the threat on the other, which the president often describes as being using words like invasion or infestation. the latter of which was used to describe jews in prewar germany with the enemy hiding in plain sight and at the time the president said those things, it wasn't especially new and that's because the president you'll recall now seems like decades ago, the president also smeared the first african american president as the other. >> i would like to have him show his birth certificate and can i be honest with you? i hope he can. if he can't, if he can't, and if he wasn't born in this country, which is a real possibility, i'm not saying it happened. i'm saying it's a real possibility, much greater than i thought two or three weeks ago then he pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics. >> i mean, in other words, it's very possible he's saying that the 44th president of the united states was a con man, which in
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addition to being textbook projection for donald trump to be calling somebody else a con man gets us to the textbook definition of racism and i'm quoting again from websters, a belief race is the primary determinant of capacities that racial differences produced in superiority of a particular race. norway after all isn't sending us rapists according to the president, mexico is. and kenya may have sent a little baby conn artist and after condition americans according to a former trump senior executive can't be trusted around money. barbara who has been on this program many times telling the atlantic quote trump talked about how he didn't want black people handling his money. he wanted the guys. he was very much the kind of person who would take people of a religion like jews or a race like blacks or nationality like italians and ascribe certain personalities. blacks were lazies and jews were good with money and italians
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were good with their hands and germans were clean. he said it the primary determining factor of human gas payti payti -- capacities. his first appearance in the national stage was when the federal government sued the trump family company against people of color and doubts the innocence of central park five despite dna evidence and a confession by someone else. by the same token and no pun himself to condemnee o neo-nazid said all african americans are from the inner city or somehow know one another. here he is taking a question from april ryan who is african american. >> are you going to include the congressional black caucus and the congressional --
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>> i would. i tell you what, you want to set up the meeting? do you want to set up the meeting? are they friends of yours? set up the meeting. >> i know some of them. >> go set up the meeting. >> again, none of this is new. he's been saying things like this for decades. that they define who he is. it brings bigot, a person who is intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. so yes, to use the washington phrase the president today doubled down on his racist attack on the four congresswomen because in a non-washington phrase, that is just who he is. >> if you're not happy here, then you can leave as far as i'm concerned, if you hate our country, if you're not happy here you can leave and that's what i say all the time. that's what i said in a tweet which i guess some people is controversial and a lot of people love it but if you're happy in the u.s. and
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complaining all the time, very simply, you can leave and don't come back. it's okay. too. but if you're not happy, you can leave. >> joining us now is a proud american citizen and immigranted fr pakistan and army captain killed in the iraq war in 2004 and many will remember mr. khan spoke against candidate trump's rhetoric. soon after mr. trump criticized mr. khan but criticized him saying his wife wasn't allowed to speak at the convention because of their faith. you've been a target of personal attacks. i wonder what your reaction to the latest comments from him and him doubling down on them today. >> anderson, thank you. to donald trump i say sir, have you no sense of decency with
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this racism and division for political purposes donald trump is he has nothing to offer therefore he is going to create division and hate for political experiences. i am not surprised because as you explained he is a demagogue and continued to use hate and division for his political purpose. >> it's i find it awkward to even basis, this is a man without any shame.
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he's unable -- he doesn't have a health care policy. he doesn't have -- he's not able to make progress on immigration in any sort of policy that actually solves the problem long term. and so he does these things and it is largely in times to distract but it's not just districting people, it's districting people in the worst possible biggoted divisive way by turning us against each other and viewing each other as other. >> he sits in people's house as leader of this blessed nation, yet he has nothing to offer. he promised immigration reform, health care reform and other claims he has made he has made no progress because of his lake of leadership. yet, he continues to sew hate.
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this is a page from putin's playbook, our adversaries are very happy to see him act as enemy of the united states. he is acting as adversary of the united states. this is our blessed country. this is our blessed nation. this president who has taken the oath to defend the constitution of the united states is assaulting, is attacking honorable member of the congress. the members of the house of representation institution of article one, he is supposed to defend and protect all of us, yet, he continues to defend, continues to attack and assault these honorable members of our congress and the minorities. >> it's also -- i mean, it's the most obvious sort of bumper sticker kind of slogan of like america love it or leave it
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that, you know, sort of archie bunker used to use and that it has almost become a joke because it is so simplied and essentially unamerican to say that you disagree with me that you are unamerican. you disagree with me, you should leave the country as opposed to this is a land which welcomes debate and free expression. >> this is the proof of an authoritarian undemocratic mentality. fortunately, america discovered him. america has realized the mistake they made in 2016 that they will next time very much cog thawaree harm he has to our democracy. this blessed nation is theinsti
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started after the second world war when the world was totally destructed starting the marshall plan to construct the world. that is how world sees us continues to see us viewers as beacon of hope and prosperity and this president is contrary to that being beacon of hope. he will continue. it will get worse as he realizes his failures, as the election gets near he will continue to get worse. his speech is sewing division because he has nothing else to offer to this country but this time the nation has fully real laz -- realized this was a fraud committed by donald trump. >> yeah. >> they will not fall second time for it. >> it is just extraordinary how silent many republicans in congress have been, how fearful
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they are of him. privately they say one thing and publicly they say something else. you know, lindsey graham is worried he'll get primaried so he's completely reversed himself based on what he previously had said publicly about this president and, you know, ivanka trump who wants to move in social circles and jared kushner who portrayed themselves as these deep thinkers and stuff. the fact they are standing there silently while this man just demagogues people of color or anybody who he views as different and calls them foreigners-- extraordinary to me. appreciate you. >> thank you. we'll talk to a democratic congresswoman and speaking out against the president's tweets and later, the republican who also in the vast majority who are not speaking out and details on julian assange's bizarre life hiding in the london embassy.
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something to see as you'll only see it on these monitors from the embassy itself. we'll be right back. let's see, aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol extra strength. and last longer with fewer pills. so why am i still thinking about this? i'll take aleve. aleve. proven better on pain. whoa. travis in it made it. it's amazing. oh is that travis's app? it's pretty cool, isn't it? there's two of them. they're multiplying. no, guys, its me. see, i'm real. i'm real! he thinks he's real. geico. over 75 years of savings and service.
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was the ability to hand her a device so she could call her family and let them know that she was okay. (vo) there for you when it matters most. join us and get up to $650 when you switch. that's verizon. the four female lawmakers president trump targeted in his racist twitter rant this weekend spoke out about his tag a few hours ago. omar, ocasio-cortez and talib used direct and stark language to rebut the president's attacks that were not only racist but falsely labeled them as non-america non-americans. >> this is a president who said grab women by the -- this say president who called black athletes sons of bitches. this is a president who has called black people who come from black and brown countries
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shit holes. this is a president who has equated knneo nazis with those o protest against them. this is a president who has openly violated the very value our country aspires to uphold, equality under the law, religious liberty, equal protection and protection from persecution. and to district from that he's launching a play tablblatant at members of the united states of house of representatives all of whom are women of color. this is the agenda of white nationalists. whether it is happening in chat rooms or it's happening on national tv and now it's reached
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the white house garden. >> i am not surprised when the president says that four sitting members of congress should quote go back to their own country when he has authorized raids without warrants on thousands of families across this country. i am not surprised that he uses the rhetoric that he does when he violates international human rights and takes thousands of children away from their families. i am not surprised that he has turned our public education system under the leadership of bet betsy sprks betsydivoss. i'm not surprised what he's doing. >> joining me is co-chair of the congressional progressive caucus. congresswoman, thanks for being with us. we were not targeted directly by the president but you're a naturalized citizen and woman of
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color in congress and tweet in support of your colleagues that were attacked by him. what do you make of how this continues to unfold? >> first of all, anderson, i think all of us are attacked personally in someway because he said progressive democrat congresswomen, it was clear he was talking about those four but i will tell you i got calls today from friends of mine who are naturalized citizens, americans who have been in this country for many years who said i don't know what to tell my children. they see the president saying terrible things about their parents and therefore about them and i think the impact of his words are deeply felt across the country and they are also felt by people who remember their own connections to their immigrant histories. this is a racist viral ploy to speak to, i think, a small part of his base but this has been his playbook all along. personalized attack and now he's
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even saying if you decent that s somehow you should go back to your country. i think descent is patriotic and i was listening to my friend mr. khan earlier. this say naturalized u.s. citizen whose son gave his life for this country and donald trump in his tweet is undermining everything that we hold dear in our constitution and in our founding values. >> you know, if you look at what he said, frankly it echoes what mobs of people said to irish catholics that came to this country, you know, at the turn of the century to people from china who came and helped build this country in its railroads. >> that's right. >> to the generations of people who came from, you know, from ghettos and from places all over the world. you know, time after time they were told they weren't welcome here go back to where they came from and, you know, in this case
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the four women, three of them come from the united states. the whole thing is just harkens back to a dark period in america's past. >> yes, it does. let's be clear that, you know, we know that history very well and i think actually people still remember it from their parents and their grandparents even if it's removed. this is not something that doesn't happen today. i represent the seattle area and i hate to tell you but i've been told to go back to my country, particularly after 9/11 when i was defending the rights of muslim americans and arab americans secretly detained and deported particularly during that time. i was told all the time to go back to my country and got lynching threats and racist threats but now it's coming from the white house. it is coming from the person who is the president of the united states, and i think that is so deeply terrifying and horrific and i think what you said in your opening comments about this is trump being trump and, you
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know, he almost wants us to not pay attention to it, but of course, we have to call this out. i will just say i talked to a couple of my republican friends because i couldn't sleep last night, you know, just thinking about this and i thought about and i won't name them right now but i thought about a few republicans across the isle who i couldn't believe hadn't spoken out and i went on the floor just now and i found one of them and said why have you not spoken out? and he said to me, you know, i even looked at my kids. we saw that and we -- my kids looked at me because we had just gone to the trump christmas party or not christmas party but trump fourth of july party and they got their picture taken with him and they were looking at me like dad, is this okay? and i said well, are you going to speak out? he says he is going to speak out but the fact that there has been deathly silence now a couple of people but then even from lindsey graham this attempt to
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just brand everyone as socialist and these terrible people without really recognizing, yes, he called the president to a higher ground but he didn't say this was wrong and we are going to put a resolution on the floor for a vote tomorrow condemning the president's racist tweets and i certainly hope that republicans will join us in the great tradition of democratic and republican presidents that know this country would not be here but for the work of immigrants who came from all over the world. >> yeah, if memory serves me, lindsey graham called donald trump bigoted a long time ago and he's no profile encouraged on this issue. congresswoman, appreciate your time. thank you very much. >> thank you. why so few republicans want to go on the record and criticize the president's tweets. we'll take a look at that next. [music playing] (vo) this is jerry. jerry has a membership to this gym, but he's not using it. and he has subscriptions to a music service he doesn't listen to and five streaming video services he doesn't watch.
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>> what was said and what was tweeted was destructive, was demeaning, was disunifying and frankly was very wrong. >> if you're an american citizen, than the united states is your home. >> the tweets are racist and behavior for the president of the united states and leader of the free world. >> lindsey graham saying the president should aim higher but attacking the congresswomen, jim jordan defending the president and house minority leader saying quote the president is not a racist, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell declined to comment. joining us now is steve cortez and contributing op ed writer for the "the new york times." i know you don't approve of the president's tweets. you called them decisive. i wonder where the definition of the word demagogue i read at the top of the show, it's a leader
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that makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises to gain power. is donald trump a demagogue? isn't this exactly what he is doing here? >> no, i don't believe he's a demagogue. i did not appreciate the tweet and said so earlier this morning so again now -- >> he's not using people's pl prejudices to maintain and gain power? >> i'm not defending the tweet. it was illogical. americans don't go back to anywhere, they are americans. it was divisive. i would like him to retract or clarify. let me point this out if we talk about demagoguery and divisiveness. >> you haven't acknowledged this se is demagoguery -- >> [ overlapping speakers ] >> okay. -- >> how can you say -- >> have left -- >> how can you say this is not playing on people's prejudices about people of color, about going back to your homeland -- >> because he didn't mention
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color. >> he doesn't have to -- you're right. so it's just -- you're saying it's random he picked four people of color? >> when you disagree -- >> steve -- >> with people of color that doesn't mean you disagree with them because of their color. >> if you tell a person of color to go back -- >> i already conceded he shouldn't -- >> i already conceded that was wrong -- >> why was it wrong. >> he should retract and clarify. >> why was it wrong? >> because they are americans. >> by pretending they aren't americans. >> anderson, did i get invited to talk or do you want to do the talking? >> i'm trying to get you to give a straight answer. you're saying -- >> this is my straight answer. here is my straight answer. i did not appreciate what the president did and i'm willing to say so as a clear supporter of his. i'm trying to be very honest here and call balls and strikes. i also want to call out the demagoguery and prejudice of the left of democratic politicians and their media allies in their insane over reaction to this
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tweet and i will give you a very -- a quote, an actual example from my colleague, for mr. ali. he tweeted trump is a racist. if you still support him, so are you? >> okay. >> that to me -- >> so you call -- >> that is -- >> okay so you're taking -- >> it is -- >> on the left, you don't see any on the right and don't see any from the president. >> bigoted. >> let's bring in mr. ali. do you -- what do you make of steve's argument? >> to call me and tens of millions of trump supporters racist to dismiss and dehumanize and marginalize us -- >> we hear you. i understand. >> you are calling the left demagogues and racist and not saying there is any republican that is certainly not the president. >> i didn't say the racist. i said they are big bigo tts. >> president trump said he's a nationalist and i think it's clear after today's tweets -- >> he is a nationalist.
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>> let him go. let him -- >> he's a white nationalist and i would say he's a demagogue and ran on the obama birther conspiracy for the 2018 midterm. steve, you support a man that supported a white supremist money caravan of immigrants, and rapists and my father and your father that are immigrants of color, your father came from colombia and mine came from pakistan and you support would see us as invaders and he said go back to your country which is actually correct because three of the women were born in this country and omar is a citizen and all women of color. if you're unwilling to call out racism because apparently calling out racism for being racism is being racist in the what we what we wharped, you're come police sit --
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>> against somebody with a political belief and when you dismiss tens of millions of trump voters and say we're racist and deplorables, what you're doing is dehumanizing us and you're saying that because i don't agree with your political opinion, you're not loening legitimate in our eyes. if you can't realize that, you're so prejudice you can't see that you are acting in an extremely prejudice manner to dismiss us as a bunch of racists. you tweeted that -- >> let steve respond. >> so the people who calm out racism are rapist and when donald trump says racist things it's our fault because we call out the racism and hate. number one. number two, i retweeted an article written by another individual for the daily beast but i stand by what i say that if you support donald trump's agenda right now in 2019 after everything that he's done, you
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might not be a racist, steve. let me say this. you might not be a racist but you're fine with endorsing and supporting a racist president and you have to look yourself in the mirror right now in 2019 and ask yourself is it worth it? why am i supporting a racist president? type of country am i creating? >> that's demagoguery. >> all right. steve. >> i'm sitting -- >> all right. we got to go. >> there were 41 people shot in this city this weekend in a city completely controlled by blue city, blue state democrats -- >> last thing. >> that -- >> racism is a white nationalist will never love you no matter how hard you try to be the latin face of trump, he'll never love you. >> we'll continue this discussion -- >> support american nationalism. you're being bigoted toward me and to talk to me in that condescending matter -- >> to the left is fascinating -- >> steve cortez, appreciate it. >> thanks. >> important discussion we'll
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spent days upon days releasing hacked emails from the members of the committee and clinton campaign that contained embarrassing details and drew worldwide attention. during that time julian assange was held up in the embassy in london and since then consistently denied any connection with russia in the disclosures. well now in an exclusive investigation, cnn uncovered a raft of the documents outlining and remarkable detail his time in the embassy and how he met with hackers and russian tied to the kremlin. here is alex marquardt with the report. >> reporter: in the months leading up to the 2016 presidential election, ecuador's election turned into a command post. the website's founder julian assange who was living there in political asylum. in stunning new detail, hundreds of security reports, videos and photos obtained by cnn and verified by an i can door intelligence official described how assange release stolen
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democratic emails from the embassy and who he met with. world class hackers and russians tied to the kremlin. the explosive material when lined up with the timeline in the mueller report paints a striking picture of how assange orchestrated the game changing document dumps from just a few rooms in the embassy. the exclusively obtained surveillance report showed the wikileaker founder that was given asylum in 2012 welded enormous power in the building rivaling even the ambassadors with whom he would regularly clash as these exclusive security photos show, he got physical with the embassy guards. the documents describe how he got high-speed internet, phones and a special guest list that allowed certain visitors to not show identification or be searched. as it hosted him, i can ecuador
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three different security companies that compiled reports obtained by cnn. the never before seen cash and documents said assange installed his own recording defr viekordc used sound machines that may have played a role if election interference. he denied receiving stolen emails from russia. wikileaks did not respond to multiple requests for comment. >> he's temper mentally unfit to hold an office. >> reporter: it was june of 2016, trump and hillary clinton were the de facto nominees. it was looking like it would be a bitter election. >> hillary clinton has perfected the politics of personal profit and even theft. >> reporter: that month according to the mueller report, wiki leleaks commune kite commu per sanas and visits picked up. the reports show one frequent visitor was this man, andrew
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mueller mcgune that may have assisted with the transfer of the documents from wikileaks. >> if you look at the internet from people in power. >> reporter: he appeared on the russian tv network that gets marching orders from the kremlin. the security log shows r.t.'s london burro chief also visited that month twice and during one visit lasted only five minutes he gave assange a usb drive. he defended his visits to assange telling cnnrt produced multiple programming featuring asang. within that process everything involved in the production of content took place. mueller declined to comment but told "the washington post" he never had hacked materials before they were released but they actively collaborated
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playing a significant role in russia's efforts to help trump win which r.t. denies. >> russian hackers have breached the computer network of the democratic national committee. on june 14th, 2016 the democratic national committee had been hacked and accused russia of being responsible. trump dismissed allegations of russian involvement suggesting the dnc hacked itself and assange got new equipment for data transmission and the security helped install it. on july 6th. wikileaks reached out to the russian hackers that used the name gussefer 2.0. the democratic national convention is approaching wikileaks warned and clinton will solidify bernie sanders supporters behind her. eight days later the group received encrypted files with the name big archive. that same day assange met again
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for more than pofour hours with mueller. more than a dozen times they met according to the security reports. on the day the republican national convention kicks off, the security photos show a man in a mask and sunglasses arriving and a guard left his post and collected a package. the documents suggestion this was an arranged meeting. it's unclear if that was sent the same day july 18th that they received the files and would release them this week. four days later, wikileaks released a trove of stolen files and all hell breaks loose. more than 20,000 emails from the dnc showing the preference of top officials for clinton over bernie sanders. when the democratic convention opened, it was consumed by
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chaos. the dnc chair had to step down and trump pounced. >> russia if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. >> as the election entered the final weeks, russia according to mueller wrote wikileaks offering more files. you won't be disappointed the hackers wrote. after receiving several files from the russian hackers in the immediate days prior, wikileaks started posting 50 tho,000 emai stolen from the campaign chairman revealing fighting and bickering. >> if this is about transparency, they put them all out. >> mueller's team suspects that transfer took place on september 19th. the same day assange met again with hacker andrew mueller mcgune. in the last month before the election, wikileaks released bach of bach of emails. >> this just came out,
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wikileaks, i love wikileaks. >> transcripts of clinton's paid speeches to wall street staffers criticizing her terrible instinc instincts. >> wikileaks is unbelievable. >> the u.s. government decided it warned ecuador stop assange or there will be consequences. three weeks before the election, ecuador cut assange off. no more phone, internet or guests. shortly they relented and at 1:00 a.m. on october 19th, the security materials show two wikileaks staffers showed up and took away about 100 hard drives. security guards wanted to examine the hard drives but they couldn't. the wikileaks personnel were on that specialist of people not to be searched. one of the ecuador ambassadors that worked at the embassy during the stay said he was
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never pressured by his government to give assange special treatment but this past april, assange's world came crashing down. the asylum, his life blood was taken away by ecuador's new president siting his participation in the u.s. election meddling. british police department unsealed secret charges. instead it was for publishing classified materials in 2010. russia came to assange's defense. top officials of accusing the u.s. of violating his rights saying the hand of democracy squeezes the throat of freedom. >> that was alex marquardt reporting. another move by the trump administration to further limit the ability of migrants to claim asylum in the u.s. e know how to anything. even a parking splat.
5:51 pm
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5:55 pm
let's turned into quite a night in news, and there's more where that came from. let's check in with chris and see what he's going to do with "cuomo prime time." >> let's get after it will be in full effect. we'll be talking about the new asylum rule the administration is coming up with. the president sees advantage in playing on fears and prejudices and that's what this policy is about as well. >> chris, we'll be watching. that's about four minutes from now. the trump administration's latest moves to limit the number of migrants who are seeking asylum in the u.s.
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and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. woman 6: ask your rheumatologist about humira. woman 7: go to to see proof in action. one quick item before we go. the trump administration today moved to dramatically limit the ability of central american migrants to claim asylum enacting a new rule barring those traveling through any third country from being able to claim refuge. this effectively closes the door to all of them. this is for asylum. there are some exceptions. but it is still a major, major cut back, but one that is all be certain to face legal challenges ahead.
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and i know chris is going to have more on that. the news continues. chris? >> i am chris cuomo and welcome to "prime time." the president likes to appeal to those who hate. too few in his party say something. too many justify it. and they try to curry his favor and maybe the favor of the same hateful lot. it is all sickening. we have new reaction from the brown and black-skinned lawmakers he told to go back where they came from. is this president's pension for division driving his i.c.e. roundups. we have the acting head of cbp is here. what happened this weekend and why are the occurrences so secret. and joe biden told me he was looking for a fight on one of the biggest dividing lines for 2020. he just teed it up today. will he win or lose? what do you say? let's get after it.
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