tv Reliable Sources CNN July 21, 2019 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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. hey, i'm brian stelter, welcome to "reliable sources." it's not easy to look at the story behind the story. how the news gets made and all of us can make it better. in the immortal words of edward r. murrow, we must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. president trump is trying to confuse everybody. this weekend he is tripling down the attacks on the four congress women. he doesn't think they are capable of loving our country. he is calling them names, questioning their patriotism, reminding everyone of his racist attack of last weekend. if this is what trump wants the next 16 months to be about, is
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the press up to the challenge? that will be our big story today. as we cover the president, we have to cover his crowds as well, oftentimes the crowds are the more interesting story, why they respond to his provocations. why they chant, send her back. we need to show this is all a part of a pattern. this pattern can be trasd back to 1979 when five black teenagers were later exonerated. fast forward two decade, he promulgated the lie president obama was not born in the united states. a lie many right wing voters say they believe. they say trump still questions the authenticity of obama's birth certificate. look, those portions of the president's track records on race are very well known. his line of his rapist event. his call for the total shutdown of muslims entering the u.s. his smear of a quote mexican
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federal judge who was born in indiana. his s-hole countries insult and, of course the shameful event known shorthand as charlottesville, which is the tarnishing the name of a great city. in the week of his go back attack, i did see network and news outlets bringing back this, connect the dots. the "new york times" says trump employs an old tactic, using race for gain. we are seeing some people telling that big story, what about his false claim of large scale killing of white farmers in south africa. what about his first part in his president, trump joe's joe arpaio whose anti-immigrant tactics were so racist he was frequently accused of racism. what about that time he reportedly grumbled the migrants from haiti all have aides. what about those times he says athletes that took a knee shouldn't be in this country. have you forgotten about that?
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yes, he said that. >> you have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldn't be playing. you shouldn't be there. maybe you shouldn't be in the country. >> what about retweeting racists and bigots, exaggerated urban crime, implying puerto rico is not a part of the united states what about referring to omarosa as that dog. i can keep going with examples. the point is clear. there is a pattern going back decades, with so many examples, it's kind of easy to forget some of them. the pattern is the big story. and the challenge for the press is to show the pattern. look, trump rebuts charges of racism by pointing to low unemployment rates and reform for criminal justice reform. journalists have to keep tracking the pattern that goes back decades, we have to keep observing for example the lack of diversity at the top of the trump administration. this is evident in nominations to the judicial branch as well.
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democrats questioning the absence of black or hispanic nominees among trump's judges. it's not just democrats that should be questioning that. all of this from the central park 5 r five back then to the judges today are all a part of the same big story. but when we get so focused on the story of the day or the story of the week, i fear that we lose sight of the really big story that's going on. telling congress women to go back to where they came from is racist, but it's a part of something much bigger that's going on, so let's talk about all of that, with a superstar panel that is with me here today in new york. a political reporter for the "new york times," a political business strategist, also a contestant on season 3 of the "apprentice." dan rather is here as well, former anchor and actor and on sirius xm. thank you all for joining me. let's process what this week has
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been like. a painful week. the decision to call trump's tweets racist, how to make these choices, how did you view these choices, how were they made? >> i think media is going through an unprecedented time where the president's words are so vocally stoking that white identitiy and grievians politics, forcing new choices on media outlets. i think newspapers want to show, our instinct is to show and not tell. the instinct is to bring out a kind of evidence-based showing of the president's history with race, putting it in context as he talks about. there is still an uncomfort with using those labels that some folks think will turn other people off. i think as someone who covers race and politics often, the most important question media loses sight of is the question of truth. there is a point that some make about whether it turns off readers or what will be the reaction. i think the question we should be asking, which is back to our
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journalistic fundamentals is was it racist, not racist? those are the lengths media has to come to grips with. >> there are multiple words to use, depending on what to use, bigoted. xenophobic. tara, what is your view of this? one of the standards of mpr said we should not be in the view of moral labeling. that's what the president's attack is racist. where do you come down? >> i'm on the other side, the pr side of this. i can tell you with respect to this issue, this ongoing issue we seem to be grappling with is journalism to me and what it has been historically in historic context is it has always been about exposing wrongdoing, exposing the corruption of both government as well as corporations. anyone can be a stenographer. the job of a journalist is not to be a stenographer. the trump administration has
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leveraged the fact that journalism is often looking to just put out there what he says. >> just quote him? >> just quote him. so he uses that to his advantage to mislead the public. so anyone can be a stenographer. the role of the journalists should be watchdogs, about exposing things, historically, pentagon papers in 1971, journalism at its best. 1972, the intauts gate break-in, journalism at its best. 1992, exposing sexual misconduct in congress. >> that is what our journalism industry has done at its best and that is the legacy and the history of journalism in this country. so i don't see why we would deviate from that now. >> don't just quote it. put it in context. it applies to the rally, the wednesday night rallies, we see the rallies, people said send her back. trump said he interrupted right away and moved on. he moved on right away.
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obviously, 13 seconds was an eternity at that rally. why do you think he gets away with telling his fans, don't believe what you saw on that videotape, believe what i'm saying now, don't believe your lying eyes. >> part of it is he is a good showman. he is a power of television. the other thing, this goes back to the previous conversation. look, racism as is racism does and this argument among journalists about whether we should say that racism is racism, i'm sorry, doesn't get very far. when it's racism, it needs to be called racism. but i do point out that the president, it isn't enough just to call out his racist language. when he does things like he lies repeatedly about the four young women congress women. he has lied repeatedly, he has taken their words out of context, which is a lie in and of itself. the journalists job, whether
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it's a rally for the president's tweet or the president's standing shouting on the back lawn of the white house is to put that into context. there is a dangerous trap of forgetting journalists, the long line of things you outlined to start the program. it's very important to put these things into context. frankly, what we journalists should be doing is every time the president tells a lie, for example, about these four congressmen, right away it need to be pointed out, this is a lie. to call it what it is, not say, well, the president has said something here that's a little controversial. >> i hate the word controversial these days. i see it in banners and headlines all the time. controversial can be a good thing. in this case, it's a gross, sickening things. >> americans pride themselves. we like straight talk. we like someone that looks you in the eye, don't try to cut it. when it's racist, say it's racist, when it's out of context, say it's out of context.
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repeat what he said and go through the record. because there is this one called a dangerous trap of forgetting a long record. >> that applies not only to what he's done in race and what he's done to undermine the institutions in the country, checks and balances. what he said during the campaign, he hasn't done. this doesn't get nearly as much attention in my opinion. he promises he will take care of healthcare. he hasn't. he says he will start a brigg infrastructure. he hasn't. he says he will raise the minimum wage, he hasn't. hold him to account for the things he says and the racist things and the things in the campaign, that has been pretty much forgotten. i think it need to be brought to the forefront by reporters. >> let's touch on where the president is getting these from, why attacking these four congress women. he is hearing a lot of them on fox news. look at the mentions of alexandria ocasio-cortez on fox, cnn and msnbc basically from
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january up until this weekend. she has talked about on fox a lot more than than cnn or msnbc. >> that is true as well for ilhan omar. we decided to compare them to a couple of the leading house democrats. democrats actually have a lot of power. we chose jim clyburn, for example, one of the leaders of nancy pelosi's house. we can put you on screen the mentions of clyburn compared to aoc and omar. you will see he is barely in the news compared to these freshmen congress women. tara, is that a legitimate complaint, the press is focusing so much on the freshmen, not on the actual leaders of the house? >> that is, of course, a legitimate complaint. this is about racial opportunism. trump is taking advantage of race, divisions in this country, existing, long existing fissures in this country. because he has been rewarded for doing so by his base. so he is responding to that, one of the things i want to point
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out to someone who is in marketing and pr is that that squad extemporaneous chant of send her back by the audience seems pretty suspicious because, typically that type of thing is organized. when you see chants in audiences, a lot of times it's either someone is stoking it from the back stage or off stage or there are people in the audience who have been sort of planted to do those things. so i think people should actually look into that as well, because this all seems, i think trump is far more calculating than people make him out to be. >> let's hear from voters more, if that's possible. let's hear from the voters in the crowd more, i would like to spend ten times as much time hearing from voters as we are now. instead, wrapping up here, the question i started with, is the press up to the challenge? what do you recommend to newsrooms that are grappling with how to cover openly racist behavior from the u.s. president? >> i think in the way we think
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of issues core to politics, the same way we think about healthcare and other kind of quote/unquote kitchen table issues. newsrooms need to recognize race and identity will be the central key point of this election. we as media need to empower reporters to think about those issues in the same kind of fact driven clear eyed accountability driven way that we think about other issues. so that requires talking to voters. >> that requires talking to white voters, saying at those trump rallies saying what do they think about this? when i talked to folks about white identity, what they are feeling right now, they will openly tell you that they are worried about replace. in this country. they are worried about the influx of minorities and immigrants. >> that is things that we cannot shy away from. >> that is not the side course of this election. it is the main entry entree. >> it's the biggest story, women
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are comfort -- we are more comfortable covering a tweet than something affecting generations. >> to point back, we have a history of being bad at this stuff if we want to be kind of honest. when we think about the civil rights movement, the great migration, newsrooms that historically struggled rising to the challenge of covering race in this country. this requires newsrooms thinking about the issue in a different way and that's going to be what we're going to have to do going forward. >> this is an opportunity for all of us. let's take a quick break with the panel. more in a moment. there is breaking news on the mueller front, jerry nadler making a bold statement on fox. plus a new turn of the revolving door between trump and fox. up next, the atlantic says five words explain what happened at that rally. he's up right after this break. >
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. hey, welcome back to "reliable sources." we have been talking about president trump and the recent rally, the center back chances, it's been an embarrassing week for the united states. imagine what viewers around the world are thinking when they see there? the president has been at this for a while. you may have heard a phrase, a five word to sum up the trump age. you may have heard this across television. the cruelty is the point. >> it seems as though the trump administration cruelty is the point. >> the cruelty is the point. >> the cruelty is the point.
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>> it seems like the cruelty is the point. >> that phrase is spread throughout the media system. it started right here, with the atlantic staff writer, he wrote this piece, adam is with me now. i'm interesting how an idea spreads. in this case cruelty is the point. when did you first come up with this phrase? what did you mean? how do you think it spread? >> well, i came up with it after watching the president go after christine blassy ford and hold her up for ridicule and scorn. i think i sort of realized this was a fundamental part of the president's relationship with his supporters, this sort of community fileting of the president's enemies. i think it's not unique to trump supporters. i think it's a part of human nature, if you ever were the kid that laughed at you, it's an extension of that same feeling. it's that this president with his politics has elevated that
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kind of behavior to a political virtue. i think the reason it spread is it or take lates something everybody knew and struggled to say it looks so strange for us to watch something like this unfold today in our own time. >> it's provocative, some don't want to believe cruelty is a point? what do you think as a writer, what is that like? >> it's a little weird, honestly. you know, i think i didn't expect when i wrote it that it would reap the sort of escape velocity that it has. i think the reason why it resonates is it concisely explains something that everybody understands is true, including the president. >> let's look at your most recent piece in the atlantic. it's titled, what we do as americans right now will define us forever. what do you mean by that? >> i this i the president by
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embracing this classic racist attack on saying people need to go back to the countries where they came from, he's assailing and very directly in a way he was already doing but not quite as blatantly. he is assailing the foundation of multi-racial democracies that have existed in the united states since fine 65. now remember before 1965, be every the voting rights act, the civil rights act, black people were fought full participants in american democracy. this is a relatively recent experiment and the president is assaulting it directly implying certain people, particularly people of color are not real americans in the way white americans are. and that's an argument that has been with us since the beginning of the founding and i think for some people it's shocking that we are still arguing about it this way. it is an existential question for democracy and one we have been arguing over from the beginning of our existence. >> and a lot of journalists watch this program. if you had 30 seconds to tell
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folks in newsrooms how you think this story, this huge story should be covered in the weeks to come, what would you say? >> i would say something my friend wrote the other day, i would say bear witness faithfully. >> bear witness faithfully? >> yes. >> you mean don't shy away from what's happening in front of our eyes? >> tell the truth. that's it. >> should be easy. adam, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. up next, the trump revolving door is still spinning. hear about the newest hire at fox core right after this. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth...
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hey, until january, raj shah sass sarah sanders top deputy at the white house, a chief spokesman, now he is joining fox core, the parent company of fox news. he is now a senior vice president at the network. at this point the fox-trump relationship has been very well established. the new book american carnage looks at how this began. you a tore tim alberta joins me now. it's been a hot seller all week. you argued figures leak sarah palin broke the ground, loosened up the ground, how did that fox relationship manifest? >> it's pretty interesting, brian, when you think of the convergence of events around the obama presidency, the time he was elected in '08 and taking officer in '09, we focused oand the political polarization. all of that plays a huge role in what we see today. the other important thing is the
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explosion of social media, the continued advancement of fox news and the cable news ecosystem and how that played into the information or misinformation in some cases that voters were receiving. obviously, the tea party wave and the ascent of trump. much of that was intertwined with fox news consuming an ever growing share of the sort of 45-plus white conservative viewing demographic that had once been a reliable demographic for the evening newscast or daily newspapers. the decline in those institutional main stream media outlets coincided as a corollary with the growth of fox news and the republican party as a whole moving further and further to the right. >> it seems like veteran republicans complained to you about the influence of fox. here's paul ryan the former speaker of the house saying politicians realize, i don't have to work my way up the committee process. ki go on fox news and rush
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limbaugh and i can be a hero on the drudge report. >> yeah. paul ryan is not wrong, obviously, paul ryan actually at one point in our interview called out by name unlist issed a pressure the r freshman congressman from florida who has probably better than many republicans in the trump era sort of figured out how to exploit that ecosystem we have living in and get to somebody who as a freshman law maker discovered a way to get really close to donald trump and got on air force one a whole lot of times, on fox news a whole lot, despite saying things unsavory and untrue and gaets is a politician entertainer ryan says is a guy that if you don't know what you are talking about, if you don't know how to pass a law, none of that matters anymore as long as you can get on fox news or that media exposure. >> because of the warping influence of television.
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president trump tweeted out maybe ryan was paid by you, that's why you said these honest things in the book, trump would say critical things in the book. should i give up hope the president is ever going to understand how the news media works. we would ever pay guests? >> look, i'm still paying offpy wife's student loans and my student loans, if i was paying paul ryan for an interview, i would need a divorce attorney first of all. i have no idea what the president thinks. i sat down with the president for the books. i assume he was being tongue-in-cheek. i don't want to say anything more about it. >> tim alberta. thank you very much. the book is american carnage. check it out. >> appreciate it. quick break here, up next, the robert mueller literacy gap. will the upcoming hearins make a difference? a brand-new statement from the house judiciary chairman. that's next. across the country, we walk. carrying flowers that signify why we want to end alzheimer's disease.
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accountable. no president can be above the law. >> so that's what he's saying. what does it mean? what will happen as a result on wednesday at the hearings? let's talk about it now. the panel is back here with me. dan rather, the mueller raergs that we have been waiting for this for months. the report has been out for more than three months. you know, these editions of the mueller robert, they've been all over the place. most american versus not read this report there true. >> how important will the hearings be? how many people will tune in in. >> i have no idea. i learned a lot time ago, not to pick the ratings. however, it has the potential of being a tipover moment. everything depends on what mueller the prepared to say and how well particularly the democratic members of the committee handled the whole thing. it certainly has the potential to rivet the country. you know, doing the watergate hearings, everybody is tired of hearing about. >> i'm not you tell me. >> but the power of television
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riveted public attention and made a big difference during the crimes committed by the nixon administration, which eventually resulted in his resignation. i come back to, a lot of it is up to mueller. how much is he willing to give? this again is his moment. we'll see. the democrats can't have it both ways. here is the chairman committee saying the president has committed high crimes and misdemeanors. the question is, what are you going to do about it? he is a part of a democratic leadership up to now has taken pretty much the tactic of strategy if you want to calm it that of a wounded trump is better than a murdered trump, so they want to keep saying he has committed crimes so far, they're not doing very much about it. >> he's literally saying on fox today, the president has broken the laws quote six ways from sunday. it's like a police officer pointing at me saying you are breaking the law, you are
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breaking the law, not doing anything, not arresting me. it doesn't make sense to me as a consumer of news, does it make sense to you covering this world every day? >> well, i think democrats are trying to have it both ways. we have seen increasing amount of voices, congressman now with another one kind of get closer and closer to that line of impeachment. the most important person is nancy pelosi. she has not decide, she shows no indication on this front of moving. when we talk about news consumption here, both those things are important. it's important for press to track the way the caucus is trending. the power here is the speaker. she has shown no willingness to move on that impeachment front as there is increasing calls from the base and on the 2020 side to do so you can't see this split screen. i covered 2020. impeachment is all the rage there. the candidates are united on that front. when you go to the hill, that appetite hasn't been as clear.
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>> do you buy the idea that televised hearings makes the difference. this report has been out for months. most have not. there have been broadway plays, podcasts, there have been book clubs. there have been all these attempts, mostly by progressives to get people interested in the report. i don't see a lot of evidence it's worked. >> i think that this will be more effective and i will tell you y. it's not just about television. it's about what happens after things air on television. amplification through social media coverage. we also have to remember, one of the things the trump administration has done is every single time there is a mention of mueller, they've come out aggressively. they've muddied the waters. trump has done something, shiny bright object used to distract people from it. i think this will create a situation having mueller testify, himself, this is in his own words up until now, it's been other people's words within the trump administration's
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words. >> this is mueller. >> i think people want to hear directly from robert mueller. so i do think it will help. do i think democrats have gone far enough? no, absolutely not. i think they should go much farther, particularly what we do know from the report. >> normally after something like a mueller hearing. we hear from the white house. there will be a press briefing in that room where we used to have press briefings. but it's been 132 days since the last police briress briefing. there is no sign this week, i'd be a happily surprised, what do you make of this strategy to not have briefings? >> if you have something to hide, you don't go public. right? so clearly this white house has something to hide. that's kind of pr 101. i mean, from the perspective of political pr 101. you restricting a is es to information because you have something to hide. you restrict access to being held accountable.
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you restrict transparency. that's a sign, if you have nothing to hide, you do a press briefing all the time. >> it's interesting. >> you make yourself available. >> joe biden came out reechtly and said if he's elected he will restore political briefings. politico asked of all the campaigns and virtually every single campaign said the same thing. two of them didn't reply. basically, every candidate says, we will bring back the briefing. so that's significant dan, last word to you. 30 seconds, when we're all watching this hearing on wednesday, what should we watch for? what is your advice as an anchorman? >> first of all, give as much time as you can. it may take time to develop. secondly, read body language, eye contact. call up your voice. in television, people get fixed on a vishlg image. there is a speaker in the box and how mueller handles himself, how help e members of the committee handle themselves, all of that, but i guess my own
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advice it gives as much time as you can and concentrate on what is being said and put it in context of everything else you know about the trump administration. and keep in mind all along, you know, in our pledge of allegiance to the flag, a part of it is one nation under god, intwin citi indy visible. keep in mind, when are you watching the hearings, do i think so far the united nations tried to unite the country or divide the country? whatever the congress decides in the criminality. >> to our panel, thank you so much. a quake break here, then we will be talking about some of the rhetoric you have probably heard of it turned on fox news lately. rhetoric about socialism. i want to ask the editor of the country's biggest socialist magazine, what's true and false? that's coming up next. ks) (wheels screeching) (clapping)
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(sound of can hitting bag and bowl) (clapping) always there in crunch time. [music playing] across the country, we walk. carrying flowers that signify why we want to end alzheimer's disease. but what if, one day, there was a white flower for alzheimer's first survivor? what if there were millions of them? join us for the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's. register today at
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. president trump and his pro allies want you to believe all democrats are socialists and socialism is destroyed or the possibility is destroying america. we took a look at how fox news hosts have been talking about this subject. here's a few examples from this week. >> socialism is absolutely toxic. >> all the democrat candidates are for socialism or a variety of socialism. >> there are no nmore moderates.
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socialism is completely and radicalism completely taken over. >> socialism is toxic. >> toxic. okay. we get it. let's widen out the lens. because in the united states, there is a socialist magazine. it's called jack of them. it's been out for years. jacobin. he book is title the socialist manifesto. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> so what is the parallelism between the rise of socialism in america and the rise of your magazine? >> we have been committed to articulating the kind of politics we think can reach a majority of americans, politics that say there are certain things of life that shouldn't be accidents of birth. there are things we deserve by virtue of being born. obviously, we have grown a lot a thousand subscribers before
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trump started mentioning socialism. we were at 10 or 15,000. before bernie sanders we were down in the doldrums. >> do you call that a trump bump or a bernie sanders bump? >> i think during the campaign, bernie sanders articulated a set of ideas that were to the left of traditional establishment liberalism. we needed that as a liberalism. it exploded the political spectrum. we saw establishment and liberalism was no longer capable of galvanizing people. we saw the dangerous rise of the populism. >> the way that trump talks about populism. here is an example from ben stein. >> all these ways that socialists ways of thinking are ways to control the american people and take away their freedom to choose, their freedom to do what they want to do with their lives. socialism is about maintaining government control over people. >> so control, control, how do you define socialism? how do you react to sound bytes
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like that? >> i think socialism is actually about freedom. it's about freedom to be able to determine the destiny of our own lives. so when i think about my relationship with my health insurance company. i'm not thinking about my freedom to choose different health insurance providers. i'm thinking of the premium i have to pay every month, if i lose my job, if i'm out of work, i have to finds a new provider and if i'm uninsured, i have to pay a fine at the end of the year. this is the status quo. i this i that socialcism in the united states, democratic socialism means there are certain things in life we don't want to be held hostage to the market and, in fact, healthcare, education, child care, housing, these basic things need to be provided. at least on a base level as a right to ordinary people. >> you are trying to change the conversation, reshape how socialism is defined in the united states. when you watch fox, all you hear about is venezuela? >> yeah, i think it behooves them to scare monger people. the core program that somebody
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like bernie sanders is fighting for, medicare for all, a decent job for all, better housing protections, these things are broadly popular and as individual policy items are popular, but, obviously, they need the find a way to make it scary and make this thing kind of common sense scary. it's common sense if they go to a doctor, they shouldn't have a bill. if you have a fire in your house, you wouldn't expect to get a bill from the fire department. >> presumably a bicker audience online. do you see that growing during the democratic practice imary? >> yeah, it's been growing. we reach some months up to 2 million. there are breitbart, daily caller, these outlets reach much more. >> to be clear you have a much smaller audience than you know, well, how would you describe it? >> i would say we are committed to producing our material with a degree of rigor. we want conservatives, others to read and debate with our ideas. >> that means maybe not falling
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into the same traps of engaging in the real fake news, which is a propaganda stick stuff you get in breitbart and other venues. >> thanks for being here. good to see. >> you a quick break here. then a warning from 65 years ago. we need to hear again. prevagen is the number one pharmacist recommended memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. na blend of quality probiotics. and fermented whole food botanicals, expertly curated to naturally support your gut health every day. go with align whole food blend. from the pros in digestive health. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design.
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the first. far from the first challenging week. and it's in moments like these that i think back to the historic broadcast on cbs, he took on senator joseph mccarthy in those scare tactics at the time. after fares of communism in america had reached a fevered pitch. this is what murrow said then. >> we must not confuse dissent with disloyalty and we must remember that accusation is not proof and conviction depends on process of law. we will not walk in fare one of another, we will not be driven into fare by age of unreason if we dig deep into our history and
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doctrine and remember that we are not descended from fareful man, not from men who were afraid to speak or defend causes that for the moment were unpopular. >> when murrow spoke straight to cam remarks there was a sense of crisis in the country, a crisis that murrow argued could only be solved when americans spoke out. >> this is no time for men who oppose senator mccarthy's methods to keep silent, or for those who approve. we can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. there is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities. as a nation we have come into our inheritance as a tender age. we pro claim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defender of freedom wherever it continues to exist in the world. but we cannot defend freedom
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abroad by deserting it at home. >> murrow spoke so well about resisting fare and continuing freedom. mccarthy had not created the situation of fare, he had merely exploited it. murrow in that moment stepped away from what was perceived as objective journalism because people were so swept up in fare they couldn't see how they were being manipulated. it's easy to get caught in the divide between left and right with trump versus socialism, open borders versus mass deportation. all of these slogans and terms. but it's important to recognize that trump knows what we faear, at least what some americans fear and he's using it as his fuel. and there's an important rule for journalists for identifying that and speaking out about that. when politicians are confusing dissent with disloyalty,
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journalists must call it out. that is true patriotism. the kind of parity yoichl that murrow showed years ago and the kind that journalists today are doing in newspapers and online. we'll see you back here this time next week. we have coverage all the time on and a quick reminder that cnn's series "the movies" continues tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. it's a nice break from the news to think about the role of hollywood and entertainment. that's coming up at 9:00 p.m. on cnn. we'll see you back here this time next week. netflix is on u. and here's another reason to join. bring in your discount, and we'll match it. that's right. t-mobile will match your discount.
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trump's targets, a new rallying cry jolts the 2020 race. president trump fans the flames of racism with political attacks. >> you can't talk that way about our country, not when i'm the president. >> is this a preview of the general election race? i'll speak with 2020 democratic presidential candidate cory booker and wisconsin republican senator ron
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