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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 27, 2019 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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three words that defined a campaign. the supreme court clears the way for the u.s. president to make good on his promise for now. and protesters in hong kong are gearing up for their eighth weekend march in a row. cnn is live on the scene. also, wildfires are tearing through some arctic regions. the flames are bad enough, but the pollution is having a global effect. live from cnn center, i'm paula newton. great to have you with us. okay. you'll remember that moment, and from the moment he rode down
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that escalator at trump tower to announce his candidacy, immigration has been the controversial rallying cry of donald trump's campaign. and his time now in the white house. on friday president trump chalked up two big wins in that category. one, the u.s. signed an agreement with guatemala. it limits migrants claiming asylum in the united states. we will have more on that in a moment. a big win for the trump administration. it clears the way for the trump administration to use $2.5 billion of the pentagon's money to build parts of that border wall. >> reporter: the president immediately haled the decision by the supreme court that paves the way for defense department funds to be used for the wall. the president tweeting shortly after the ruling, wow, big victory on the wall. the united states supreme court overturns lower court injunction, allows southern border wall to proceed. big win for border security and
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the rule of law. this is a significant supreme court ruling along ideological lines in the president's favor. it is not a permanent ruling. this can still play out in the lower courts, but certainly it hands the president a big win on the campaign trail because now he can taut to his supporters that he's following through on his 2016 campaign programs, that his wall is being built. we should note that these funds that are being used will go also towards replacement fencing along with building new walls. all of this happened after the president directed funds from the pentagon to be used for the wall after he didn't get what he wanted from congress. you'll recall that long government shutdown, 35 days, and after that the president ended it by directing the funds that he didn't get from congress. shortly after that there were certain groups that challenged it in the courts and that is what led to this big support -- supreme court ruling. a lower court actually agreed with those groups saying that
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the president didn't have a right to divert funds, that congress has the power of the purse, that the supreme court said that it disagreed that these groups that brought the suit didn't have standing and that the government made a good case for that. so, again, this is a big win for president trump and gives him a major talking point, at least for now, on the campaign trail. pamela brown, cnn, the white house. president donald trump says he's dropping his threats against guatemala after they signed an asylum agreement with the united states. the aim is to stem the flow of migrants into the united states. mr. trump calls it a win for both countries. >> we've been dealing for many years, i would say, with guatemala and with other countries and we are now at a point where we are -- we just get along and they're doing what we've asked them to do and i think it's going to be a great thing for guatemala.
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they don't want these problems either. >> we take a closer look at what each side is going to get out of this agreement. >> reporter: president donald trump praised agreement between guatemala and the united states but it is not clear if he got exactly what he wanted. for weeks now both nations have been talking about a safe third country agreement, which means that a person that goes from one nation has to request asylum in that country before getting to the next one. canada and the united states have a similar agreement which means that somebody who goes to canada cannot request asylum in the united states and vice versa. but even though both nation, both countries had said that they had reached an agreement, the supreme court of guatemala said that such agreement is not valid in that country. this made president trump raise the threat level against guatemala saying that he is ready to -- that he was ready to impose tariffs to all of the
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sanctions against guatemala. he said he was thinking even about a traveling ban to guatemala but all of that was avoided with a signature from the oval office friday afternoon in which guatemala agrees to process applications from people from el salvador and honduras. the united states will make available temporary work visas so they can come to the united states and work in agricultural jobs. president jimmy morales says this is a deal that is good for his country because it avoids the sanctions that president trump threatened guatemala with a few weeks ago. he threatened them to detain or stop immigration. it will move to the southern
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border to prevent people from crossing the border. guatemala is giving aim and migrants have to request asylum, but the details of this agreement are not very well known yet and the effects will be known in the next few days, especially because it has been controversial. in the guatemala and in the united states, what they said, this agreement is going to be dangerous for people trying to get to the united states and escape violence. so what is the safe third country agreement? you heard gustavo talk a little bit about it there. there is a little bit in place between canada and the united states that anyone seeking asylum must make the claim in the first country they arrive in, not in the country where they want to live. now this new agreement with guatemala seems to be very similar to that. for example, asylum seekers headed to the united states through guatemala will have to
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apply for asylum in guatemala first. if they wait and apply to the u.s. border first, they may be returned to guatemala. here's where things may end up being a little bit different. it ends up opening the door to challenges. under the safe third country agreement, safe means asylum seekers should not be returned to their country where safety is in jeopardy. canada and the united states regard each other as safe for refugees but there are standards. they say guatemala doesn't meet them. u.s. aid reports nearly half of the country's children suffers from malnutrition. the homicide rate is 22 per 100,000 people. by comparison, the u.s. rate is just over 5 per 100,000. a recent united nations report found that 98% of crimes in guatemala went unpunished next
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year. eric schwarz is the president of refugees international. he joins me from washington. we just laid it out there in terms of statistics, but the state department's own travel advisory says gang activity such as extorsion, narcotics trafficking is widespread. this is mirrored in a state department report from 2018. eric, from your perspective, what is this all about? >> well, i think the agreement is designed to keep central americans, hondurans and el salvad salvadorans out of the united states but it's grow tess being and it's mischievous because it uses the language of refugee protection. it uses the language of refugee protection to attempt to execute an agreement which is going to have dramatic impact on the lives of thousands of central americans. it essentially says that any
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salvadorian or honduran who shows up at a u.s. border will be sent to guatemala, a country that has no significant capacity to process asylum seekers and a country that is dangerous, in which those that are sent to guatemala are likely to be at grave risk. so it's just so terrible. it's just such a terrible agreement. it's so nasty, and as i say, it uses the language of refugee protection to create an outcome which will put the lives of thousands of central americans at grave risk. >> and i want to get to that issue of re few gee protection for a minute and where it comes to law. >> sure. >> the president, to stay with this for a second, look, the president we're going to give them temporary visas to come and work on farms.
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this is an agreement. perhaps we can improve the situation. that's what guatemala was getting in return. >> well, the details on that, you know, have not yet come forward. yes, i've seen a statement i believe from the guatemalan government that made reference to i believe h2a visas, agriculture visas, and there may be some benefits for some guatemalans, but that's not the real story here. the real story here is what will happen to thousands of central americans, hondurans and el salvador r salvadorans that are sent back to guatemala. it's not clear this will be implemented immediately because the provisions of the agreement indicate that it has to essentially go through their own authorities and it has to be approved by the guatemalan
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legislature. >> the business community has put up a huge fight because they want this in place because donald trump has threatened them economically. getting back to this ethically. we saw a decision on the wall today, 5-4 to what the president wanted. do you think there would be a good case to challenge this in the united states on the laws -- >> yes. >> -- that the united states is already obliged to follow under the refugee policy? >> yes. this is a violation of u.s. law and u.s. obligations under international refugee law. u.s. law requires that if we're going to have one of these agreements, and the only agreement the united states has ever had with another government like this is with the government of canada, and that stands to reason because if you're going to have an agreement on the transfer of asylum seekers, it's going to be sw another country that is law abiding and safe.
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that's the logic of it. this is just ridiculous. u.s. domestic law passed by the congress side that -- says, number one, that the country concern -- in the country concerned an asylum seeker has to have access to full and fair procedures for asylum. a guatemalan official said i believe today that the entire government has about eight asylum officers or people in the office to handle these claims. so the notion that guard at the mall la has a full and fair procedure is ridiculous. second is that the united states cannot return anyone to a place where they will be at risk of persecution. >> guatemala is an extraordinarily dangerous place. of the top top countries --
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countries with the highest murder rates in the world, guatemala is in the top ten. >> that's the issue, eric. they don't want it to get to that point. they want it to act as a deterrent and as far as the president gets his wish on that, it will take months, perhaps years. thanks for coming in with us today. >> my pleasure. to hong kong where thousands of protesters are gathering in a small town on the border of mainland china. the protesters have already lost their bid right there. police say it will in fact show it. police warn the march could cause severe threats to the public, like the violence that broke out last sunday. that's when protesters were attacked by mobs. christy, they seem pretty determined that they're going to
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have this protest. as i was saying, police have issued a warning saying, look, this protest isn't legal. do they believe they will face consequences right now just for showing up there? >> reporter: they believe they could face consequences and that the risk is worth it. i'm in the far north of hong kong at a protest that is effectively an unlawful assembly. organizers had asked for permission to protest here. it was denied. the protesters wearing their black t-shirts are undeterred. they're holding up umbrellas because of the sheer heat. the humidity is here. the heat is on. protesters are angry. they want to condemn the scenes of all of the chaos that played out in the community last weekend when we saw the men in white t-shirts wielding sticks and white poles and beating
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passengers and 45 people hontlized as a result of that assau assault. 12 people have been arrested and nine have triad backgrounds. it's the nature of the police response. many people are here and are angry at what they see as a delayed police response. police are reluctant to make arrests at the scene. there was a press conference standing next to the embattled police and they said the response is delayed due to the fact of the officers in the central part. they are not buying it and they are risking arrest to come out here and protest. back to you. >> christy, you can hear them loud and clear there right now. you were talking about those confrontations. they were quite ugly. incredibly disturbing. has it been some kind of game
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changer in any way for those protesters behind you? >> reporter: it has because it has taken these protests to a darker area. you can recall just eight weeks ago this is the eighth consecutive weekend of protests in hong kong. this started as a largely peaceful protest, tand i talked to protesters why they are here. they're here for a variety of reasons. take a listen. >> we don't trust hong kong policy anymore. now that they are cooperate against us to the -- for the protests here and they hit us without any reason. >> what would satisfy you? i don't know if they're going to answer anything. we wanted them to hair what we want and let them know that we are -- we're not just going to
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suppress and just be silent. this is not the way. this is not hong kong. >> reporter: paula, the protestors are here because they're angry with the political institutions of hong kong. they're angry against the hong kong police. earlier today i spoke to a group of masked young men. they were middle school students, young boys. 14, 15 years old. i asked them why they were here. they want their freedom. they want universal suffrage. one of many demands of this protest movement as it continues to drag on this very long, hot summer of protests in hong kong. back to you. >> speaking to that younger generation may be an indication of how determined those protesters are and will continue to be. thank you for being on the scene. we'll continue to check in with you over the next few hours. two people were killed when the upper floor of a nightclub collapsed in south korea. it happened in the southwest
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city of grandu. people were reportedly dancing when the roof came down and that many people, unfortunately, were pinned under that rubble. canadian police continue to expand their search for two murder suspects. ahead, we'll tell you what they're doing to try to locate the teenaged fugitives. plus, the civilian death toll is rising and the u.n. warns the world not to explore the killings. again, an update on the situation there. here you go little guy.
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and it's yours just for calling. so call now. the manhunt for two murder suspects in a rugged canadian region is getting help from the military. the armed forces will soon supply air support and police are knocking on every door in the small manitoba town near where the suspects were last seen. police also released new video of the teenage fugitives. you see them there. they're suspected of killing three people. a canadian, an australian and his american girlfriend. despite the search, authorities say someone may have
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inadvertently helped the suspects leave the area and of course residents remain on edge. >> well, we're all a little bit jittery. i have grandkids in town and stuff like that, you know what i mean? i don't sleep at night. i live right across the street behind the trapper shack so, i mean, if they're around town here, you know, this fella right down the street and i are the closest ones if they're coming out of the bush here. it's 500 feet from the police station. i feel better about that. >> what people are not feeling good about this is police are saying they are dangerous and may have changed their appearance. that continues in earnest on the grouped and in the air gentleman . we turn to a tragic photo. the aftermath of an airstrike. you see them there, two sisters
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from the family have died as a result of their injuries. now one of those girls was seen trying to save her baby sister from falling from the building. the baby survived but her sister did not. four other children from the family are still being treated for their injuries. okay. the u.n. high commissioner for human rights meantime is urging the world not to turn a blind eye to the syrian government's offensive in northwest syria. >> several hundreds of thousands of children, women and men have been killed in syria since 2011. as the high commission says, there are so many casualties that it's no longer to get a krim naem report. jomana corache reports. a warning, the next report contains graphic images.
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>> reporter: even when the world almost stopped paying attention, she did not stop taking pictures. he wanted the world to see the living hell his world had become. this heartbreaking image earlier this year of 6-year-old, the lifeless hand under her knee was that of her 3-year-old sister. her 1-year-old brother was also killed in that airstrike. but in the midst of tragedy, he never failed to capture moments of nnsz. the humanity that at times outlived the horrors of war. he was witness to some of the darkest atrocities of our time. the aprttack on his town. he was a member of the rescue group, the white helmets. that didn't stop the 23-year-old. he spent the past week
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documenting the brute tam document and it cost him his life. he was killed in an airstrike on sunday. colleagues and friends gathered to pay their last respects and the white helmets said, quote, ennis will always be remembered as the one who stayed behind to fight with his camera. there are more victims to mourn. life lost in what's left of rebel held syria. deft he death here has become the normal. >> this is a result of your apathy. this is the united states apathy towards the syrian situation. we are getting shelled every day. we are getting killed every day. mr. trump, please!
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and welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. you're watching "cnn newsroom." i'm paula newton, and here are the headlines this hour. the u.s. supreme court has ruled that for now president trump can use $2.5 billion in pentagon money to build his border wall. now a lower court had blocked the president's move, but it's not over as appeals are still being heard. u.s. president donald trump dropped threats of tariffs against guatemala after the country signed a new asylum
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agreement. they must claim that they are there first rather than waiting until they get to the united states. if they designed to remain with both. protesters rallying where protesters showed up for nearly an hour. lease have denied authorization. we will give you updates. medical workers in libya, mean time, face survivors of victims in a shipwreck. about 300 people were on the boat when it began taking on water. many of the drowning victims were children. we are back to you as politics now as house democrats have escalated their pursuit of a possible impeachment inquiry
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against president trump. now even though former special counsel robert mueller failed to deliver the fireworks they had expected, their focus is now on obtaining secret grand jury testimony from mueller's investigation. cnn's ma anu raju debates. >> a major decision on whether to impeach donald trump. they said they need secret grand jury investigation gathered by robert mueller because articles of impeachment are under consideration as part of the investigation. after weeks of democratic debate, chairman jerry nadler said this is the same as a formal impeachment inquiry. >> there's no difference between what you're doing and an
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impeachment investigation. >> we're now crossing a threshold with the filing. >> the only difference is that his investigation is broader than governance. we are going to see about the limited information we have. >> reporter: the development comes amid a growing democratic divide in how to move forward in the aftermath of mueller's appearance before the house in which he testified about alleged crimes but failed to deliver the commanding performance they hoped for. after the hearing, speaker pe lows is a views. she's sounding open to the possibility of impeachment. >> some of your democratic colleagues believe you're simply trying to run out the clock on impeachment? >> no, i'm not trying to run out
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the clock. let's get sophisticated about this, okay? okay? >> how long do you think the court fights will take? >> we will proceed what we have to proceed. tharp advocacy gives me leverage so i'm willing to take whatever here, the decision will be made in a timely fashion. this isn't endless. >> democrats have increasingly voiced concerns that the window is closing on launching an impeachment proceeding. i would also like to see if it fails awe new lawsuit to get don mcgann. president trump inspected mcgann not to comply with the subpoena. for weeks, their hand in court
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would be strengthened but publicly could there be a buys thoughnd you announce possible bilkically. >> we may decide to issue articles of impeachment. there's no point in speculating on whether the speaker or anybody else will agree with our decision at that point. >> reporter: one thing the speaker has not been saying in recent days is that it's essentially fruitless for the democratic white house to move forward with impeachment proceedings because if they were to approve it. >> it would die in the republican party. i am told that new language in the lawsuit says the house judiciary committee is considering moving forward with articles of impeachment. i'm told the speaker held off on that. manu raju, cnn.
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we're joined from colchester, england. arguably the democrats are saying, look, we are on the road to impeachment but is that what is best for them politically, especially in the swing states. so crucial now, it's a risky strategy, isn't it? >> it is a little bit risky and we don't have information on how this works. when impeachment was pursued against president nixon they built a case and his approval rating decreased over time to the point where it was hovering and start making the case more public include, but the issue is that you still have only 37% of the public right now in favor of impeachment and 46% opposed.
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mornings democrats it's about 64% and 86% of republicans oppose it and only 34% of independents are in favor of pursuing impeachment. the whole mueller testimony, which i think democrats are really hoping was going to sway the pendulum one way or another towards getting the public behind impeachment didn't really do much to change public opinion. it didn't change much at all. however, the democrats are slowly building our case. nancy pe lows is a is chinging her direction and find out what your constituency wants. >> it's going to be interesting to see what their posture is when they come back from the recess. immigration has been a leading issue and as if the country
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denied that. why can he suspect, democratic leaders said, look, this is a complete slap in the face to the authority of congress. i want you to listen now to donald trump and a promise i made during the campaign. >> mexico is going to pay for the wall. >> mexico whether pay for the wall. >> and mexico's going to pay for the wall. >> and who's going to pay for the wall? >> mexico. >> who's going to pay for the wall? >> you know, that's unequivocal. it's undeniable. mexico is not paying for the wall, the american taxpayer is paying for the wall, and yet is there any other way to put this right now than he's going to be able to go on the election campaign and say, i got my wall? >> reporter: right. and i think we have to look to the facts that they've done a great job at least spinning this to their supporters that this is
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something very, very necessary. steven miller went on fox news and said basically you're unamerican if you don't support trump's wall and trump's immigration policies. that means you want immigrants to come in and take your jobs and engage in all kinds of acts made. they're spinning in a way that makes your reporters amp up and even though mexico isn't technically paying for the wall, they're able to pay for it and that hasn't completely come to fruition yet, you're not talking about trump's base, he said -- trump said very clearly mexico is going to pay for the wall. instead, there's funds being diverted from the military to build a wall that is going against -- violating the environment, public communities,
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destroying wildlife and affecting people all across the border. so while there's going to be all kinds of lawsuits that i think will continue with the building of this wall, ultimately i don't think this is a big win for him in terms of gaining more people to support him. it's mostly an important decision to divert funds from the minimum tear ri to build the wall. >> the democrats believe you're right. the president has a lot of campaigning. appreciate. >> don't miss that cnn democratic presidential debate next tuesday and wednesday nights. dana bash, john meeker and jim
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tap pin. wildfires are scorching parts of the arctic. the coldest places on earth might not be quite so much more rigid. more on that. not getting in today. terminix. defenders of home. it's something we take personally, and believe in passionately.
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in the summer of 1955 a 14-year-old boy was murdered in the state of mississippi. his name was emmitt till. now after almost 64 years the pain of that killing so brutal and of that time lives on. and it's clear after what happened this week so does the hate. our martin savage has more. >> reporter: in mississippi, the memory of a murder is still very much alive. here on the banks of the tall la had a chee river in 1955, the tortured body of 14-year-old emmitt till was recovered. he had been shot, lynched and beaten. >> 2008 was the first marker and
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it was the first time that this site had ever been marked or had ever told this story. >> reporter: till became an icon of the civil rights movement and this place became sacred, yet it is routinely desecrated. the first sign was stolen so they put up another. >> that mark was up and immediately we started getting bullet holes. >> reporter: the markers have left us bullet riddled. will you replease this one from the university. smieg and closing. there's no way to learn if the photo is here, cnn is trying to reach the men for comment. now the third sign is taken down. >> we will not retreat.
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we won't stop. there will be another sign up. >> reporter: just down the road i find the ruins of the local market where till supposedly interacted with a white woman. in a jim crow south, that was enough to trigger her murder. there was a courthouse where the two men accused of their jeff -- >> reporter: do you ever reach a point of frustration after the third sign going for four? >> there's frustration and there's hope. the hope is there's people around the country who care about this story, right? that emmitt till did not die in vein. >> hello, this is matt. >> reporter: i call matt dillig in a brooklyn warehouse. he's finishing the fourth marker. it's pretty much bullet proof. >> the market itself is made of
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500 five in it and it has the armored plate steel and it will be unveiled in october. meanwhile, emmitt's latest photo calls it tis appeareding and not surprising. they want something more substantial than a bullet proof marker. they want justice. no one has ever been convicted for the murder of emmitt till. martin savidge, cnn, money, mississippi. >> and we will be right back with more news. that's because odors trapped in your car's soft surfaces get released, and are then circulated by your ac system. to stop the cycle of odors try febreze car vent clips. febreze stops the circulation of musty air by trapping and eliminating lingering odor molecules for up to 30 days of fresh, clean air. plus, they come in a range of scents including extra light. stop the cycle of odors in your car with febreze car vent clips.
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at least eight people have been killed after twin earthquakes in the philippines. the u.s. geological survey says a 5.9 magnitude tremor struck batanes province saturday morning. that was followed by a weaker quake. some buildings were reduced to rubble. many residents were forced into streets after a church was damaged. the arctic is heating up so quickly that scientists say wildfires there are spreading faster than ever before and
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they're producing huge clouds of smoke which is in turn choking the atmosphere with carbon dioxide making the climate crisis even worse. allison chin char explains. >> reporter: a ring of fire and smoke is now circling parts of the far north of our planet. hundreds of fires in the arctic circle, primarily in siberia and alaska, but also canada and even green land are sending unprecedented levels of smoke into the atmosphere. this animation from the copernicus program shows the smoke from the fires in red. alaska in the upper left and siberia in the upper right. the fires raging across siberia are creating pollution in russia and one nasa area. adding, this is staggering. the world meteorological organization warns the danger is
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not just from pollution. >> it's the amplification effect on climate change, the fact that they're emitting so much carbon dioxide. >> reporter: while the data from july is not yet in, the amount of carbon dioxide from fires last month is startling. >> in june alone these fires emitted 50 megatons into the atmosphere. this is the equivalent of sweden's total ot emissions. another black foot that lands on the snow and ice causing that ice to absorb sunlight that it would affect. allison chin char, cnn. meteorologist derek van dam joins us now. it's that domino effect that allison was talking about there in the piece that is really quite extraordinary at this point. >> yeah. it doesn't help that the planet is on the heels of the warmest june ever recorded. looks like july is going to be
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the warmest july ever recorded on the planet. this is setting up prime conditions for wildfires across the northern hemisphere, particularly in the arctic. look at this picture. this is the satellite view of the fires and you can actually see them. zoom in to the upper right-hand corner, the screen. fires located there and you can see some of the smoke just getting swept up into a larger storm system. over in northern russia. doesn't matter where it is, it is dispersing the cloud cover all across the arctic circle. by the way, temperatures in the arctic circle are warming at a faster rate than the global average across the planet as well so that also makes the threat of wildfires even higher in this part of the world. we had the hottest june on record, we'll end likely with the warmest july on record. the temperature in the united
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kingdom, they are part of a dub outgroup here. reaching their hottest day on record. thursday? >> we have never seen the mercury climb this high in that part of the world. last time it was at least close to that type of temperature back in 2003 when we had several hundred fatalities across europe because of the heats wave. now this heat is shifting north of scandinavia. we have a warm weekend from oslo into the stockholm area and it looks as if the warm weather will cause at least the potential for more wildfires. >> not good news but at least good there's a break in europe and the heat wave wasn't any longer. >> as we have. thanks so much for coming in. appreciate. gamers are traveling to new york for a win a $30 million
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prize. sweeping the globe. it's about an economic crisis threatening the humanity. it's about to get its own world cup. this team finalist gave it all up for a chance to win millions. >> fortnite definitely impacted my school because my grades started going down, but i was like making a lot of money so it was like hard for me. i switched to online school right after i qualified for the world cup. >> wow. fortnite is rated t for ages 13 and up and while it certainly contains violence, its animation is cartoon like. there's no blood and gore. in any case, thanks for watching "cnn newsroom." i'm paula newton. "cnn newsroom" with george howell is up next.
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here you go little guy.
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a cockroach can survive submerged underwater for 30 minutes. wow. yeah. not getting in today. terminix. defenders of home.
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a win for president trump. the u.s. supreme court rules in his favor about spending military funds on the border wall. democrats make a huge move, chairman of the judiciary committee takes a step toward an impeachment investigation. also ahead this hour, defying the police. hundreds of protesters defy police orders and demonstrate in hong kong. we're live from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, and we want to welcome our yviewers hee in the united states and around the world.


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