tv Reliable Sources CNN July 28, 2019 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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♪ bloom, there it is! ♪ bloom, there it is! this bloom-ified menu starts at $13.99. and try our everyday lunch combos, starting at $7.99. >> i'm brian stelter and this is reliable sources our weekly look at the story behind the story how the media, would, how the news gets made and how all of us can make it better. this hour, bernie sanders' campaign manager is standing by. plus two yushl journalists who helped spark the protests in puerto rico. coming up, april ryan and many more. let's begin with the one constant of the trump years. there are always more tweets. this weekend, racist messages raging from the president's twitter feed his attacks on elijah couple comings and the residents of maryland's 7th
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district. there are six things going on at the same time. number one, the tweets are part of a pattern of racism displayed by trump for several decades. number two, the sweets with factually inaccurate in several ways. number three, they are the result of trump getting distorted information from his friends at fox news. those friends are actually doing him a disservice. number four, the tweets are a petty response to democratic oversight of trump by democrats like cummings. number five, they are a distractions in other important issues, maybe trump distracts on purpose, maybe he doesn't do it on purpose. either way, there's a distraction. but number six, racist and ridiculous stereotyping of a part of the country is damaging to the country as a whole. and that must be covered and it must be covered that way even if it's distracting. once again, every day, trump posing challenges for the president. i think what media outlets should not do is just put
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trump's hateful rants in the headline and then move on. that's just stenography. we should start somewhere else, we should start with what is true. let's start with the map of the actual 7th district. i'm a marylander and went to school here in town send. this is the district cummings represents, it includes farmlands in baltimore and howard county. it covers the johns hopkins university campus in baltimore. it covers a lot of baltimore actually. it includes beautiful neighborhoods throughout the city and includes ellicott city and columbia. it also includes parts of baltimore city that are struggling and have been struggling for a long time. baltimore city is complicated. some parts with well off, some parts are struggling. there are pocks that feel absolutely abandoned. once you've seen all of theth district, then it's time to report on what trump said. he said on twitter on saturday no human being would go want to live here in this rodent
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infested mess. he called the district disgusting and said that maybe cummings should spend more time in that filthy place. he's saying go back to where you live even though cummings sleeps there all the time. unions you've addressed the tweets, the big questions for news rooms are where did this come from? who is telling trump this stuff? how did he get it distorted impression of the 7th strict? the answer as is so often the case is right on fox news. this was on fox and friends at the 6:00 a.m. hour on saturday. a clip of cummings questioning the homeland security secretary about conditions at the board ir. then fox brought in a guest named kimberly who went to impoverished parts of west baltimore and made videos of ruined row homes. fox called her a republican strategist. be but there is no evidence she's ever been employed by campaign. she did run for a local position
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and lost last year. they call her a republican strategist. then she starred getting booked on tv again and again as a so-called strategist on the hill and fox and other shows. her linked in profile says she's a commentator "not under contract" which means she's going on for free. earlier this month she decided to take on cummings by making videos about baltimore's run down neighborhoods. here is where the president is getting his information. she was booked on fox again on saturday. the president was watching and lawyer later he tweeted. first listen to what she said on fox. >> there is a crisis at the border and also a crisis in baltimore. congressman cummings represents the most dangerous district in america. >> she went on to use words that trump would parrot basically exactly. watch. >> there's abandon row holes filled with trash, homeless addicts, empty needles that they have used and it's really right
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next door. it's attracting rodents, cockroaches, you name it. >> the videos are real but not even fox's video they're relying on unpaid guests to went in the neighborhoods and talked to people bass she wants to support trump and tears down cummings. trump tweets about an hour later with clearly racist connotations. all of a sudden this spat is the national news. and she was thrilled. she wrote the president saw my work, this just made my day. her twitter feed has all the usual pro-trump banter. i get it. she's an upand coming conservative commentator and wants attention. i sent her several questions about her gop strategist title and how she got on fox yesterday and she told me she's just trying to help baltimore. so she certainly helped somebody. she certainly helped trump. so to cover trump's racist tweets you've got to start with those facts. start with where the information came from, you've got to the
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address why it was coming on fox, why was fox doing this segment in the first place and then you've got to address, here, what "the baltimore sun" put on the front page. it says is cummings is a central figure in the almost daily battle with president trump over access to document and officials' testimony. that's really the story here, right? that's really what's going on. trump trying to knock down an opponent, knock down accountability and finding the segment on fox, this up and coming conservative commentator to help him do it. here's the problem. there are several problems. one of the problems is that trump is getting a distorted view of the country from what he sees on a right wing talk show. this content then fuels his racist tendencies and his never ending campaign continues. but enough from me. let's bring in two baltimore residents with media analysis. will david zurowick and white
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house correspondent april ryan. april is in detroit for the debate coming up. david in baltimore. first question to you, david. how should the press be covering these kinds of tweets? >> well, i think listen, brian, one of the good things, one of the bright spots amid the sickness and misery of the president's tweets yesterday is the response from the press from a lot of different quarts. i think victor blackwell, the anchor yesterday on cnn just nailed it with an honest heartfelt, moving response to the president. and i'm glad you held up the front page. i'm not being a homie here. i'm glad you held up the front page of the "baltimore sun" bus because that apiece went out to baltimore and it went out to sparks, which is an upscale area, horse country. >> rural area. part of the district, yeah. >> exactly.
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and abwealthy, a lot of money out there. somebody a ba ris tas at a coffee stand said, we don't have a lot of rats. we don't see a lot of rats but we have some very cute country mice. even that kind of quote from a real person knocks down the president and the ridiculous -- brian, he didn't have to do actual research. all he had to do was look at the wiki map of the district to see what was going on. and so -- and then we had an editorial and the sun had me and then reporters and columnists and photographers from around the country got together on twitter and politicians and tweeted truths about baltimore. you know, i saw you on with ana cabrera yesterday afternoon. you talked about the 7th district and how did i verse it is. >> can you actually meet trump with facts or does that matter at all. >> i'm not sure facts matter in this debate. >> brian, i think if you have
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facts with moral outrage and i think that's what scares trump about congressman cummings, the moral outrage he voices from that pulpit he has on the oversight committee. it really is. it's a combination of old testament righteousness and the voice, the voices of the civil rights movement that this nation once responded to with an act of social conscience which i think people like trump and his followers are trying to still in this era. and when we hear that voice is when at the end of the michael cohen hearing when congressman cummings lashed out about the kind cuff crookedness, the kind of lawlessness of this administration, i there that has a real impact. look, as journalists i wrote yesterday some days i think i don't have the an ounce of vitriol left to deal with this man but then he comes up with something like this and we respond. we can't ignore him. you want to ignore him because
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he's a sick person who even when we denounce him he's happy because at least we notice him and he thinks he's controlling things and he's important. he is important as the president of the united states bts. i think a combination of facts. >> i ignoring the tweets is not an option. >> we cannot do it anymore. god i want to. every time i see one, i want to ignore it. we can't do it. >> april, what do you think? is it possible to ignore the tweets or do you agree with david? >> well, let me say this. as a white house correspondent, i cover everything presidential. so i cannot ignore the tweets even though i want to. anything he says on twitter or from a press release through whatever press secretary he has today or tomorrow, you have to look at that as the official word of the leader of this nation. for this president to target a city after listening to a very
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young journalist who i don't know, and i have lived in baltimore all my life. it doesn't mean i know everyone in baltimore but those in baltimore i've talked to, they don't know her. and i've searched. i even reached out to congressman cummings this morning who was in church while i was testing him and he said no, he doesn't know her. it's irresponsible for the president and irresponsible for this journalist not to the look at the full scope to bring all sides. that is one piece of the district. yes, baltimore is an area, a community that has pockets of poverty, pockets of wealth, pockets of people who are just trying to make it and pockets of people who are unemployed, underemployed, people just looking for a better way of life. as the leader of the free world, as the president of the united states, you're supposed to reach back to help instead of chooiding and chas chastising ana, na, look at you. just because you're mat about
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congressman elijah cummings wanting to find the truth about your lies, about your ten episodes of obstruction of justice and possible impeachment, take the higher ground as mitch mcconnell tried to tell him to do before and all he thought it was meaning go higher, the president thought it was hit someone in the senate. no, take the higher ground. when you reach down, you reach down to help someone. and brian, and you know this. you went to school in the baltimore area. >> yeah. >> you know what baltimore looks like. now, here's the next piece. this young reporter actually has done the president a disservice. because the president's son-in-law jared kushner and his family allegedly have homes in baltimore and they're being called slumlords. so this report is now peeling back the onion and it's staking and part after the problem may be the son-in-law of the president's family that's helped wutg west baltimore so the president may want to pull backing fromming this a bit. >> do you think there's
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something the presidepresident doing differently? this kind of racism is an american tragedy. i don't know that a normal typical news story can convey what's going on, april. >> a normal story cannot convey what's going on. you know this blythe did not just happen. if you remember, you know, we were a city that was thriving, people who didn't have college degrees were able to work in places like beth lag ham steel and get great jobs. once wince they pulled out of baltimore, the blythe began and it never recovered. baltimore now is a meds and eds city. meaning medical, john hopkins, education is right up there with it. beyond that, what's left in the baltimore has some real issues. when it comes to job training, a lot of major corporations are not wanting to come to baltimore. why? because they feel some people are not trainable.
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where does that lead? it leads to the president of the united states coming in with a plan an urban renewal plan and issue job creation plan. he likes to talk about the black unemployment rate is so low. well, come to baltimore and fix it there. target baltimore. target flint. target philadelphia, target a lot of these urban areas instead of holding your nose up and looking down at them. the issue is, it's in the news now. mr. president, what are you going to do to really be president and show that you are the leader, to help people? power means service. when are you going to serve baltimore. >> david, i only have 30 seconds left. you live in cummings district. the president is not watching this conversation oop he's only watching what he's seeing on fox. so nothing's going to change. >> well, brian, there you did a great job at the top of. >> tracking. >> he's golfing right now. he's not watching. he's golfing. the president's only hearing this distorted view on fox.
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>> he's watching. > he does sometimes watch cnn. he does. >> we're not going to correct him had. he's not going to change. he's so far down this road of evil, he's not going to change. we can change voters' minds for 2020. that's what we can do if we keep speaking forcefully and we talk about morality. journalists do not talk enough about morality because we think people will think we're biased. we need to keep talking about it because we have ans a northerly president and administration right now. >> david, april ryan, thank you so much. david's column is up on the baltimore sun's website. we'll slope you their editorial later this hour. media bunkers, are they getting thicker? we'll talk about the wake of the mueller hearings after this. family. ince like unlimited with netflix on us. and now with each new line, get one of our latest smartphones included. $40/line for four lines and smartphones are included for the whole family.
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when you start with a better that's no way to treat a dog... can do no wrong. where did you learn that? the internet... yeah? mmm! with no artificial preservatives or added nitrates or nitrites, it's all for the love of hot dogs. nature, president trump said, during the mueller hearings this week. he's right about that, but americans are so deeply split about what's true and who tells the truth that it can feel like we're all in bunkers. this week's mueller hearings reinforced the idea that there's a bunker mentality. so many viewers and readers living in these bunkers reinforced by facebook algorithms and other social media effects. let's dissect what's going on and what the impact of these bunkers are. the author of "a letter from trump's washington," susan glasser with me and kaitlan dickerson and staff writer he andrew morans who has a book
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titled "anti-social technoutopians and the hijacking of the american conversation." susan, first to you. what was your take away from the mueller hearings? did it feel like we were watching two americas having two different hearings at the same time? >> certainly, there was probably zero intersection between the questionsed by the republicaned to robert mueller and those asked by democrats. republicans are deep into conspiracy theories, rabbit holes, investigating the investigators, democrats on the other hand hoping to bring the mueller report to life in a hearing with a very taciturn witness who wasn't very cooperative with either democrats or republicans. yet afterwards, essentially each side proclaimed vindication. each side pro claimed that they had somehow won the day. both things cannot, of course, be true. it's just a very, very depressing moment where instead of the kind of independent facts that we reporters and
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journalists value, i think people are just playing even facts as a team sport as a partisan team sport in america today. >> you mentioned the conspiracy theories. look at what sean hannity was suggesting, some of the questions he was suggesting for the republican congressmen and then look at what they actually asked. >> justin cooper, didn't he smash clinton's blackberry devices. >> justin cooper who was a clinton aide destroyed one of her devices. >> based on steele's unverified dossier and when were you aware of it. >> when did you become aware the dossier was included in the fisa applications. >> sean hannity has been called the shadow chief of staff at the white house. andrew, who successfully hijacked the conversation? and what does that mean? >> he was a kind of shadow press secretary. there's this is idea that we're all kind of having this unified national conversation, the top stories will be the top stories for everyone, the terms r
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interpretation will be the same. that's not true at all anymore. you saw congress members like matt gaetz, devon nunes clearly able to be curve the reality sphere such that even if mainstream outlets weren't repeating their claims verbatim, they were kind of -- their narrative was swayed by it so they said, oh, that hearing was low energy and didn't move the ball forward on impeachment. that gets echoed in mainstream papers. you see a lot of mainstream journalists i wish we could talk more about substance and it becomes this self-perpetuating prophecy. >> there was a lot of criticism on reporters focusing on the optics of the hearing. do the optics matter? >> i'm glad you brought that up. i understand this critique but at the same time, i have to say like first of all, what is the purpose of a televised hearing if not to elucidate and inform both the members of congress and
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the public that's watching it. you can do that either by adding new facts and information to the record which mueller said in advance he wasn't going to do or providing a compelling or engaging account or illuminating it in some other way. i don't think there was anything really signif capitally changing for either democrats or republicans about this hearing. but you know, to hear many democrats, many critics of the president tell it, they're so upset at the idea that bob mueller wasn't proven to be the most fantastic witness. we have to be able, a, to look at the situation as it is, and b, that doesn't mean that you know, by pointing this out you're making anquiv leapt between the monumental and i say monumental lying about the hearing that you've seen from president trump himself, from his defenders. what they have been saying since the hearing is an extraordinary revision of the reality of the hearing. but that doesn't mean that bob mueller was a great witness just
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because donald trump has been lying about what was in the hearing. >> multiple things drew, at the same time and let's look at the ratings for the hearing. this graphic shows trump fatigue in four libs. you see the james comey hearings two years ago, the kavanaugh hearing, 20 million viewers. mueller only 13 million during the day on the big networks. it's a sign that mueller was not an incredible witness. i talked about the ratings on cnn stephen colbert called me out. >> you can't determine the value of mueller's tax by ratings. if that were the case, the and wengers end game would be the president of the united states. >> i think he's right. you can't judge the value. you can judge maybe impact of these hearings based onraitings. let's pivot to another story that needs to be noticed. kaitlan, this is up your ally at an immigration reporter. the president was talking about these i.c.e. raids. immigration raids, we're going to target families in the country illegally.
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the report was there would be 2,000 migrants targeted. how many were actually arrested? >> about 35. >> what does this tell us about the media ecosystem that the president was hyping this and pro-trump talk shows where is quite excited i dare say about these raids that didn't materialize. >> so let's put the results of the raids into context. first of all, the idea that the president would be tweeting about the total number of targets that were going to be pursued by i.c.e. agents probably wasn't the best idea because in a typical i.c.e. raid, you only actually see 20% of people roughly ultimately arrested. >> i see. >> so talking about the total number set you up from the beginning. > put the bartoo high. >> a disappointing result. talking about it had this added effect of making more and more people aware. i think that actually the effects of people not answering their doors may have been a little overstated because i think that ever since donald trump was elected president, the undocumented community has known not to answer their door when
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i.c.e. comes knocking. the difference this time was people knew exactly when i.c.e. was coming. i.c.e. wasn't able to be take advantage of people when they walk outside and go to work or take their kids to school. people didn't do that. he had hunkered down inside. that's why you saw the abysmal numbers. >> trump's warnings had an effect. they didn't result in a lot of arrests. my concern is, will the folks that heard about the alleged plans for the raids then hear about the result. that's always the question. is there enough follow-up on these stories? >> they may hear about the results. i don't want to overstate those. what happened was i.c.e. earths were given lists of targets to pursue. they found out where these people lived, what their routines were, surveilled them. those lists still exist. even nep na one weekend many people were not arrested i.c.e. agents will continue to go after these families. this is their job. we don't want to say look, nobody was arrested. everybody can relax because immigration enforcement happens every day.
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>> everybody, thank you very much. please stand by. much more coming up including a conversation with bernie sanders's campaign manager about their complaints of media bias about msnbc. we're coming back with that in just a moment. your mammoth masterpiece. and...whatever this was. because we make our meat with the good of the deli and no artificial preservatives. make every sandwich count with oscar mayer deli fresh. jimmy's gotten used to his whole yup, he's gone noseblind. odors. he thinks it smells fine, but his mom smells this... luckily for all your hard-to-wash fabrics... ...there's febreze fabric refresher. febreze doesn't just mask, it eliminates odors you've... ...gone noseblind to. and try febreze unstopables for fabric. with up to twice the fresh scent power, you'll want to try it... ...again and again and maybe just one more time. indulge in irresistible freshness. febreze unstopables. breathe happy. but dad, you've got allstate.
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one asked is bernie too consistent for the corporate media? interesting question. this is part of a wider strategy. all the campaigns are churning outlots of content including the sanders campaign. they say they're doing it because many reporters not all but many find bernie annoying and discount his seriousness. tensions between the sanders camp and msnbc have been especially high. you might those would be allies. let's find out nor about the media bias complaints. joining me is the campaign manager for sanders question 2020. you're getting ready for the debate. we're two days away. do you have expectations for this debate versus nbc's debates? were there problems with nbc? >> i'm going to make a radical comment. it's a criticism of the media environment. but i believe these debates tend to make the american people stupider. they're theater and we don't have the conversations that
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affect eem's lives. i think we're going to try to go through it and answer the questions and respond to donald trump's tweets and those kinds of things. at the end of the day, this isn't how the i think you win a campaign. >> how do you win a campaign then? you all have been complaining a lot about the media coverage. don't you need journalists on the trail with sanders covering the campaign? >> brian, you know this well. bernie sanders talks to journalists all the time. he talks to rachel maddow, george steven op lis, meeting with a number of journalists getting the mess and out. we know and understand we're a campaign built out of taking on power, taking on established power. arguing against the corruption of the political system, the economic system and in many cases the media system. in order to get that message out, you have to go directly to voters. that's why you hear us trying to build bid media channels talking directly to people. >> he's been doing that for decades back to his days in about yourton with public access
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tv. he can reach a lot more people on youtube. what is the heart of the critique what sanders calls the corporate media? what do you want people like me to do differently. >> this isn't a personal commentary on you or any other journalist. there's many wonderful journalists out there. in two minutes or so, you're going to cut to commercial breaks and see some pharmaceutical ads and a lot of ads that are basically paying your bills and the bills of the entire media enterprise and what that ends up doing is incentivizing you and others to make sure you're asking the questions and driving the conversations in certain areas and not in certain areas. >> what evidence do you have of that? what evidence do you have of that? >> i don't know what ads run during the breaks. i don't see the commercials. i don't know what runs. >> and i reached out to phil griffin, the head of msnbc. it isn't about you but how the media structures are set and the
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biases embedded within them what they decide are segments worthy of covering and what aren't. >> what do you think is not being covered that needs to be covered more? what are those topic areas? >> i mean, one classic area of course, is we're going across the border right now to talk about prescription drugs. do you know why you pay ten times more in america on prescription drugs than any other country. dountsds why. >> do you know what the trump administration is doing about that, do you know who the head of the health and human services secretary is, that he worked in the pharmaceutical industry. donald trump churns out these tweets and attempts to distract all of us. there the isn't a basic conversation around the fact he's betroying the working class by having selected a group of people to run his government who benefit industry and that story is not told. >> don't you know all that from reporting? >> no, that's not how i know it. we've done our own research. >> by reading news stories about
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it. >> yeah, and i would argue to you and you know this well, brian, tv is a certain medium that has a certain influential power. i'm making more critique of what tv media tends to cover. it tends to be a game. i appreciate trump's tweets are important but it also belies a conversation he doesn't want to have. i think that's what i think you know, me, bernie sanders, a lot of us feel gets obfuscated. >> many viewers agree with you. >> many viewers agree with you. the shany objects, sensationalism is a problem. the question is whether it's effective for you all to call it out. maybe it is. trump has won support from his fans by attacking the media. maybe that's what you think will work, as well. >> so we're not playing a game here. it is truly based out of conviction and sincerity we do see biases operating against the campaign and the issues we care deeply about. you rarely see pundits talking about the value of medicare for
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all. you don't see people talking about the value of canceling all student debt. you see people criticizing it. you're taking on corporate power, you're taking on the establishment across the board. all we're arguing is can we have a fair shake. >> tell you what, i'm going to call an audible. let's take a break. i want to bring you back. can you stay around for five minutes. >> yes, sir. >> okay. quick break. more in a moment. plus we'll ms at the end of your first year. you'll match my miles? yeah! mile for mile! and no blackout dates or annual fee. nice! i was thinking about taking a scuba diving trip! i love that. or maybe go surfing... or not. ok. maybe somewhere else. maybe a petting zoo. can't go wrong. can't get eaten. earn miles. we'll match 'em at the end of your first year. plus no annual fee or blackouts. the discover it® miles card.
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a liver or kidney transplant, other liver problems, hiv-1, or other medical conditions, and all medicines you take including herbal supplements. don't take mavyret with atazanavir or rifampin, or if you've had certain liver problems. common side effects include headache and tiredness. with hep c behind me, i feel free... ...fearless... ...and there's no looking back, because i am cured. talk to your doctor about mavyret. we are back now heading back to detroit, the site of the debate on tuesday and wednesday. bernie sanders' campaign manager faiz shakir is back with me. we're talking about media structures. bernie sanders talked about corporate media. what do you think is the primary issue with the corporate media in sanders' terms? is it the focus on personality over issues? >> yeah, i that's right. i think there tends to be
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overfocus on personalities. rile concede bernie sanders occasionally can be grumpy anding and tated because he's upset about a system failing people and he gets frustrated operating within a system he doesn't believe is being conducted fairly. people read into that either i just don't like him, i find him annoying or i find his mo moralism the fact that he is criticizing established powers and the power structures as they are, i find that to be a personal criticism. when a person goes on msnbc and says he makes my skin crawl, what is that about? it's a personal criticism. i don't think it would be tolerated of any other candidate. i hope that msnbc and other candidates, other networks are looking at themselves and saying are we treating him as fairly as we'd treat others. >> when i looked back at 2016, one of my regrets was i didn't take sanders seriously enough. a lot of this is about personal reflection. that's always think what can we
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do better. lots of commentators will say lots of dumb things between now and election day, right, faiz? >> i appreciate you saying that and i would say the media ended up enabling donald trump because it played his game. i worry we're going down that road again. i think the reason certain candidates vin appeal, i think bernie sanders has an appeal, donald trump has a certain appeal is that they're talking to people on the level at least about perceived in trump's case problems afflicting your life, i think bernie is doing far more honestly and candidly. media should embrace the lessons. should we learn something from the fact that the candidates have built movements and speaking to people who feel heartfelt concerns not reflected in the media. >> faiz, thank you so much. i love the conversation. hope we can keep having it. >> thank you. appreciate it, brian. >> quick break and then live to san juan talking about a news organization that helped sparked the massive protests.
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messages involving puerto rico's political leaders. 880 pages in total with profane, homophobic and misogynistic messages did between the governor ricardo rossello and nearly a dozen aids and collaborators. the center for investigative reporting in puerto rico published those documents and less than two weeks later he nuchbsed his resignation. carla minet is the executive director of cpi along with one of the journalists louise valentine ortiz. karla, i hope you can hear me. what have the last two weeks been like for your neorganizati. >> well, this has been a nonstop journey for us. we've been working really hard until very late. we've been delivered a lot of tips with a lot of pressure, with a lot of responsibilities.
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so it's really -- we're a little bit tired right now. >> the a little bit tired? i can imagine so. louise, was there any question in your mind about whether to publish these test messages? you received all of these messages. they were sickening. do you ever think about not publishing them or did you have to publish? >> i think that's a good question. and we have to remember that besides those kind of messages, there was a lot of discussion in public policy issues. there was a lot of things being discussed by the governor, governor rossello and his top aides that we felt we strongly felt they had to be published and people had the right to have access to that information. besides showing the character of its leaders, it also raises a lot of questions on possible illegal activity like sharing privileged information with people that had no official relationship with the government.
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and also using public resources, people's money to conduct political campaign work. and i think those considerations and the importance of people knowing the character of their leader. lishing the document, it was extremely important. >> carla, i know it's loud. i'm going to let you go in a minute. how can people find your website? how can they donate? tell people how to find it. >> well, our website is www.puerto rico you can certainly for the center for investigative journalism in puerto rico and you'll find it. >> if you google it. >> you can leave us tips or messages. >> just google center for investigative reporting puerto rico, you will see the great work they're doing. karla and luis, thank you so much. fun day sunday morning in san juan they've covered so much
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are two kinds of people in america today. people who reject all of the presidential lying that's going on and people that just accept it and make excuses for it or look the other way. well, news outlets that look the other way are part of the problem. because if we don't track and document and debunk the lies that our political leaders tell, then who is going to?
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how is the public supposed to be they're being hoodwinked. this has been on my mind. but first you know it's been one year since president trump had this to say about the media. >> and just remember, what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening. >> he says that. every time he says fake news, that's not form of misinformation. and while those tactics haven't changed, he is making bolder lies than ever before. he's out there saying our country right now has the greatest economy in u.s. history. the economy is strong, but new gdp numbers show the economic growth is slowing down. it's certainly not the strongest in history. and his tax cut bill did not create the boom that he promised. the president also renewed the unfounded bogus claims that undocumented immigrants vote multiple times. your own commission looked for it and couldn't find it. so much for that.
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we can go on and on with examples. he denied having talking points when he came out and attacked the so-called squad the other day on camera. these are pictures of the talking points that the "washington post" took. you can see they were typed up for him and he actually wrote handwritten notes. these are just interesting examples of lies because they can be disproven. and there are other lies as well. the talking points at the usa summit, he said the articles of the constitution give him the right to do whatever he wants, even though article 2 outlines congress's oversight powers and the impeachment process. trump even convicted some of the factual statements that mueller made about the ability to indite a president after they leave office. >> mueller said you could be charged once you -- >> no. he didn't say that. again, you're fake news. >> could you charge the president with a crime after he left office? >> yes. >> repetitive as this, are we talking about the same thing
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over and over again? maybe. but if we don't, then what happens? who is going to cover all the lies? let me bring in amanda carpenter. she wrote a book called "gas lighting america, why we love it when trump lies to us". amanda, i kind of think the book is becoming more and more true all the time, that his fans do seem to love the lying. >> and even the people that don't like it can't help but be caught up in it. the lies are on obnoxious, they're irresistible. what happened on saturday morning, even with his tweet with chairman cummings, proves this question. he would rather everyone in america debate his racism rather than focus on what cummings did to provoke the attack. after chairman cummings subpoenas jared and ivanka's emails, donald trump launches racist tirade.
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because that's what happened. and why are house members going after those private communications? could it be because of the private communications jared kushner had with mbs? you know the crown prince implicated in the killing of jamal khashoggi? that's the story here. but donald trump makes it a racist debate about baltimore and we fall for it again and again. >> but what is the alternative? my goodness, if we don't cover the lying every day -- >> we should absolutely cover the lying. we should absolutely call out the racism that is apparent. but we should also think more carefully about why he's choosing this man as a target. substantively, chairman cummings is going after that red line he drew. donald trump, don't go after my finances, don't go after my kids. that's essentially what they're doing on legitimate grounds. but all of this gets in the mush
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and even democrats can't explain why they're doing what they're doing. take the things you pointed out about the mueller testimony. i listened to chairman nadler go out and talk about why donald trump should be impeached and he said he's violated the law. the public can't follow that, but the public can follow the ridiculous narrative that donald trump has been laying out about the russia investigation since january 2017 that this is some kind of deep stacue based on a dossier. nobody can understand why the democrats want to impeach him, because it's just like everything thrown on the wall. people have to play in the media land scape. they have to be able to message what they say. you had on bernie sanders's spoke person earlier and he said it's performing art. yes, it is performing art. you are expected to communicate with the public and if the democrats get lost in the whole thing about the witch hunt and
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can't clearly explain why donald trump poses an unacceptable risk to our national security and elections, then they're going to loose. >> so you're saying trump oftentimes tells a bogus, but better story, and the democrats haven't countered that yet. >> it is essential that you be able to explain yourself and tell a story that the public wants to hear. >> amanda carpenter, thank you so much. and amanda was talking about baltimore congressman cummings, trump's racist tweets against cummings and against the district. let's close with what the "baltimore sun" said about this is. the editorial is one for the history books. the editorial making a statement on behalf of the city and the region, saying this. the white house has far more power to affect change in this city for good or ill, than any single member, including mr. cummings. if there are any dorose ents, ty are much more his responsible.
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while we would not seek to name calling or point out that he failed to spell the congressman's name correctly, we would tell the most dishonest man to ever occupy the eve offices, the mocker of war heros and the gleeful grabber of women's private parts, that he's still not fooling most americans into fooling that he's even slightly competent in his current job. or that he possesses a skin till la of integrity. better to have some vermen living in your neighborhood than to be one. the "baltimore sun's" editorial this morning. he's gone viral online. maybe that will be the subject of the president's next tweet. that's all for this televised "reliable sources." a quick note ahead of the big debate this week, there's another new episode of the
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movies on cnn, tonight 9:00 p.m. eastern time here on cnn. this week it's about movies from the 70s, and starting monday live non-stop coverage of the big democratic debates. we will see you back here this time next week. >> taking the stage, with the cnn democratic presidential debates only days away, which candidates will convince voters they're the party's future? >> i think we've got a straight path to victory in this country. >> i'll speak exclusively with presidential candidate senator bernie sanders next. and impeachment escalation, house democrats take a major step towards possible impeachment. >> we must make the strongest possible case both to our colleagues and the american public. >> are democrats inching closer to an impeachment vote? i'll speak with the chairman of the house judiciary committee, congressman jerry nadler
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