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tv   Cuomo Prime Time  CNN  August 1, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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about mental health. this is about the columbia protocol that let people learn how to help people that are in mental health distress. >> chris, we will go to you in about a minute for your show. we will be right back. ♪ "rock and wreck." seen it. covered it. at farmers insurance, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ [ text notification now that you have] new dr. scholl's massaging gel advanced insoles with softer, bouncier gel waves, you'll move over 10% more than before. dr. scholl's. born to move. and the basketball team. join the soccer team, make more art. i am gonna learn how to chop things with my hands. happy school year!
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it's something we take personally, and believe in passionately. it's the idea that if our mothers were diagnosed with cancer, how would we want them to be treated? that's exactly how we care for you. with answers and actions. to hear your concerns, quiet your fears, lift your spirits. with teams of cancer experts and specialists, delivering advanced treatment options and compassionate support every step of the way. all here in one place, with one purpose. to fight your cancer, together. that's the mother standard of care. this is how we inspire hope. this is how we heal. cancer treatment centers of america. appointments available now.
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vo: taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. vo: common side effects include headache and tiredness. vo: ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. all right. thank you, anderson. i am chris cuomo and welcome to "primetime." tulsi gabbard the latest to get noticed for exposing a vulnerability in another
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democrat. senator kamala harris did not have the best answers to gabbard's charges last night but she is bringing the heat to her opponent. she is her to discuss senator harris' record and her own. we have the candidate that drew the most robust applause last night, andrew yang. he is here to defend his too late to change the climate allegation and what he sees going on in this campaign that no other candidate does. and are democrats making choices now that will help them or hurt them in the general? the wizard of oz has numbers that should stop the democrats in their tracks. the president's campaign already picking up on a mistake developing tonight. let's get after it. senator kamala harris claimed today she was not surprised by anything that came her way last night. not even this?
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>> she put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and was laughing about it when asked if she ever smoked marijuana. she blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of california and she fought to keep the bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way. >> harris might not have been surprised by the specific accusations but did not have specific replies. gabbard did not make the allegations up. a lot of them come from an op-ed written by someone that worked with senator harris. how did it work out? it made tulsi gabbard the most googled candidate during the second cnn debate and made gabbard a target herself. let's bring in the hawaii
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congresswoman. good to have you on primetime. >> good to talk to you. >> i want to talk to you about why you seemed dissatisfied with the senator's answers last night and what you think the state of play is after last night for you and the other democrats. i want to clear something up. you need to acknowledge that alsad is murderous and that the united states has no business risking blood and in places where it shouldn't be. >> first of all, let's talk about what you are addressing here. i do not dispute anything you are saying here. he is a brutal dictator like saddam hussein. i have seen firsthand this high human cost of war and the impact that it has on my fellow brothers and sisters in uniform.
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chris, i respect you because you spent a lot of time throughout your career about shining the light on challenges veterans face when they come home. i will do anything and everything i possibly can to stop sending our men and women in uniform into harm's way and fighting in these wasteful counter productive wars. >> deserves nothin but respect. i am upnot disputing that. you put yourself in a hole. >> let me finish. let me finish this point, because it is central to the question that you are asking. i will never apologize to anyone for doing all that i can to prevent more of my brothers and sisters in uniform from being sent in to harm's ways to fight in these wasteful counter productive regime change wars, even if it means meeting with a brutal dictator, keeping the american people safe, making sure my brothers and sisters in
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uniform are honored by only being sent on missions worthy of their sacrifice and stop wasting trillions of taxpayer dollars when they are so needed here at home to address the essential and urgent needs of those in our communities like those in detroit. >> i take issue with none of that. none of it. do not make any other assumption about anything. one specific thing. all of that is valid and does not need any benefit to al-assad. on your website i do not understand why you have information on there questioning the notion that assad is responsible for the things that the u.s. intel and united nations intel believe he is responsible for. >> i have never defended al-assad. what you are referring to are cynicisms, skepticism that i
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have expressed because i served in a war caused by people that lied to us and lied to the american people. >> understood. >> presented false evidence that members of congress and senators believed and voted for a war that resulted in the loss of lives of over 4,000 of my brothers and sisters in uniform. the first thing that i did when i served in iraq in that field medical unit during the height of the war in 2005 was go through a list, name by name of every american casualty and injury occurring in the previous 24 hours. i know the cost of war in a way none of the other people on that stage last night can understand. yes, i will always ask the tough questions. i will ask for the evidence. as we are seeing that evidence is constantly coming through. it is our responsibility as lawmakers and leaders to make sure that the u.s. military is not being activated and deployed to go to war unless we are certain that a, it serves the
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best interest of the american people and that b, that action will actually have a positive impact. >> true. that is why we argue on this show all of the time. i hear you. i would argue that what is on the website is not just raising questions but speculating in a way not based on fact. we argue on this show all of the time. congress needs to have more action on military power and not less. >> can i point two quick things on that. there was a report sent out from the opcw, the u.n.'s organization responsible for investigating incidents of chemical weapons attacks that brings in to light evidence not previously reported and there was a professor from mit that has been an expert that shed a lot of light on here. >> nobody is exonerating assad.
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let me ask you something, why do you think senator harris did not have specific responses for you last night and what do you think that last night means to you going forward? >> that is a great question i wish someone asks senator harris. >> soon as she is here that will be the first thing out of my mouth. >> i believe it. she did not give any answers, not just to me but the american people on that debate stage. the interviews that she had after the debate she again refused to address the record she had as attorney general she claims to be so proud of. a lot of concerns. a lot of issues raised there. this is not personal but making sure the american people have the truth. that is what this process is all about. it is about understanding how critical the decision is that is before us and the type of leadership we seek to bring. >> do you think she has good answers to those questions? >> if she has she has failed to present them. the answers she has chosen to
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give has nothing to do with it. she will not address the concerns raised regarding her record that she said she is proud of frankly that caused more harm and more pain and suffering to people in california during that time and how instead of using her position of power to be the force for positive change, to be a champion of the people that she claims to be, she further oppresses people in a already broken criminal justice system. the only response i heard her and her campaign give is to push out smear attacks on me and claim i am somehow a foreign agent or a traitor to my country, the country that i love and put my life on the line to serve. the country that i still serve today as a soldier in the army national guard. >> i have seen what is out there and propaganda about what connections. i don't give it any attention because i don't think it warrants it. please know this, before
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anything else this show thanks you for your service. i didn't have it in me to do what you did. i appreciate it. i respect your devotions to the others in uniform. thank you. i look forward to seeing you again. >> likewise. >> all right. be well. one of the opponents, andrew yang is an outsider fighting his way in. he is doing it a different way. it is really interesting how we saw in the last two days, a new trend. these 2020 democrats are not just going after each other like crazy. they are going after former president obama. is that smart or really stupid? the answer is in the numbers and the wizard of oz has them next. i switched to miralax for my constipation. stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate the nerves in your colon. miralax works with the water in your
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>> a little spicy up in here last night. it was spicy last night and there are hard questions to be asked. we knew the former v.p. would be a target. but even joe biden was thrown by how many candidates went after the former president. >> i was a little surprised about barak and about the president. i am proud of that. i am proud of the job that he did. i don't think there is anything he has to apologize for. >> now, look, to us it does not matter if he has things to apologize for. this is not about president obama being flawless but what it does to democrats to go down the road. let's bring in the wizard of odds who has a bit of a warning for democrats that took the route last night? >> i am a new yorker and i am not amazed by a lot of things. the fact that the democrats are attacking obama's legacy. >> why, because obama is so
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nice? >> no. look at this, the view of obama. a favorable or unfavorable view. 95% have a favorable view of him christopher. this is a very popular guy. >> he is the only person in the party that comes close to the popularity that this president has. >> he is more popular. >> what does it mean? >> you are essentially attacking someone a lot of democrats love. look at this. look at this among black democrats. we talked about joe biden. over 50% of the voters in the latest poll. views of obama among registered black voters. 99% favorable. 0% unfavorable. unsure 1%. you can't be more liked than this. when i see the democrats on the stage attacking his legacy, i am like of course joe biden is
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leading among those. he is the only one defending him and that is why he is in the lead. >> you look at the legacy. >> look, this is a choice for the democratic nominee. how important do you think it is to build on obama's legacy. among those that say it is very important, this is where joe biden's lead is coming from. he is at 44%. nobody else is even close. among those that think it is not important, biden down to 25%. this is the group that is powering joe biden's lead. if they want to get at joe biden they will have to figure out a way in which to attack him. >> is this transparent across all of the key places or just a pocket of support? >> this is national. >> you look at the other states. >> this is key. we are talking about the primary, chris. we are talking about the primary. about you it is also key for the general election. you win a primary you still have to go out there and win a
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general election. this is the view of obama among registered voters, all of them in the key swing states. obama, 57% favorable rating. this is the type of guy you bring in, use and go into the states. there are a lot of people in the middle that voted for donald trump that think he is the type of guy that can indicate he is not too far left. you go after obama, you are not just hurting yourself with democrats but the key midwestern states you need to win the general election. >> at least the risk is in the numbers. it is not about an opinion. >> it is all about the numbers. facts first, chris. >> that's strong. we should make it a logo. let's take it to the democrats ahead. do they really think that trashing the party's last president. go back and look at the tape of what was said. that is the way to depict it. is that the way to win the white
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house? let's have a debate with these two gents next. ♪ i'm just go with the flowing ♪ no matter where i am going ♪ and i got no plans on slowing down. jeremy. jeremy, you ready to go? ♪ i'm a nomad, nomad... jeep compass. freedom to do it all. yeah...yeah, this is nice. hmm. how did you make the dip so rich and creamy? oh it's a philadelphia-- family recipe. can i see it? no. philadelphia dips. so good, you'll take all the credit. we carry flowers that signifyn why we want to end the disease. and we walk so that one day, there will be a white flower for alzheimer's first survivor. join the fight at
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he borrowed billions donald trump failed as a businessman. and left a trail of bankruptcy and broken promises. he hasn't changed. i started a tiny investment business, and over 27 years, grew it successfully to 36 billion dollars. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. i'm running for president because unlike other candidates, i can go head to head with donald trump on the economy, and expose him fo what he is: a fraud and a failure. [ alarm sound ] [ alarhello.d ] what is happening? what is all of this? move! everybody get out of here! why'd they kidnap bunch of normal folk like us? there's no escape. you have no idea what you're up against. [ screaming ]
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how to draw thisa seif-portrait of me.arn i'm gonna read 100 books. i'm gonna ask katie out to the school dance. happy school year! [ text notification now that you have] new dr. scholl's massaging gel advanced insoles with softer, bouncier gel waves, you'll move over 10% more than before. dr. scholl's. born to move.
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all right. so, what did we learn? one of the things we learned last night in the cnn debate is that race is not going to be just a referendum on president trump. it is also one on barack obama. this race, the issue of race also came up last night and it is being used a lot before they get close to a general to a man they need to confront about issues of race. let's debate the idea. what is going on last night with president obama. what was going on in-house with the use of race and what does it mean for the general?
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that is the start of tonight's great debate. both of you, thank you very much. great to be with you in detroit. order the they were going after this last night. the play is this. let's start going after obama's legacy. how does that help you people in the general? >> right. so, the first thing we have to do is to distinguish between a right wing attack against obama and a left wing critique of him. the right wing did crazy things saying he saluted with coffee in his hand, put mustard on his burger, not born in this country. all lunatics. left wing critique said he was a good manager and if you asked me in a poll i would say favorable. could he have done better? yes. he could have held the bankers accountable and better on the issue of the press. he used the espionage act against the press.
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they didn't bring that up. >> deportations, incarceration of blacks. you know that somewhere president trump and his people were smiling saying can't wait until they say that to us. >> we were in detroit, michigan yesterday or this morning. we were about 15 miles away from a gm plant racheting down. they are eliminating 14,000 jobs. they already eliminated 8,000 more. we can talk about that and the reason to blame is donald trump. we know barack obama saved the auto industry and led the economic recovery. >> yeah. i know. you hit him over the head last night on the debate stage about deportations and mass incarceration. >> nobody hit him on the head. nobody hits him over the head about mass incarceration and trashed the president of the united states. nobody trashed barack obama.
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what happened is that there were distinctions made between joe biden's record and everybody else on stage. what you are seeing is the fact that for the last eight years joe biden was vice president to barack obama. >> right. >> joe biden uses barack obama as a shield. >> everyone on that stage loved barack obama and now -- >> we still do. >> now they are talking like they have perspective. >> we cannot talk about the last eight years of the administration and critique some of the things we feel could have been changed or made better. we can't critique the previous 40 years of joe biden's record, then what are we talking about? >> you want to talk a difference between that and critiquing. look, you go after joe biden time and time again. you are not a bigot but look at what you did. how does it not do two things, fatigue the issue. the people you need to persuade
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that it matters are not you two guys. if they hear about it while you fight within your party, what appetite will you have for it. you are empowering the president, am i wrong, to say you call everybody a racist. this guy in front of me a racist. you call everyone a racist. how does that help you? >> you are wrong, chris. i love you but you are wrong. >> your love hurts. >> nobody out there is calling joe biden a racist. >> you are not a racist but you did all of these racist things. >> joe biden is not a racist. >> but you did all of these things bad for black people. >> because he did. those are bad policy prescriptions. yes, barack obama chose him to be the vice president. that does not eliminate anything he did before that. we can critique that. the fact is barack obama took amazing steps. if joe biden wants to talk about
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-- look, if cory booker has to stand up and defend his record in newark. >> he does. >> if kamala harris has to stand up and defend her record in california. >> she does. neither did a great job by the way. >> joe biden has to stand up there and defend his record not just for the past eight years but the previous 40. i was barack obama's chair person, co-chair person in south carolina, 2008. there is no greater fan of barack obama than i. to act like we can't have friendly family discussions or differences. >> that wasn't family or friendly. >> there is a difference between kamala harris and cory booker's critique and the progressive critique of joe biden and barack obama. on the one hand, joe biden hides behind barack obama way too much. let's keep it real. obama did not pick biden because he was great on african-american
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issues. he picked him to appeal to white voters. we keep glossing over that. that is a reality. in terms of kamala harris, i don't think she has a leg to stand on. when biden criticized her and booker on the issue of criminal justice reform he was right but they were right in their critique. the problem is that they all take corporate cash. obama took it. biden took it. now finally they say they are not taking corporate money. they are still taking big donor money. >> i hear you on the money. but i do not want to get too deep into that. this health care debate, i am not saying it does not matter. i am not saying it is not a metaphor for issues all over this country. but you know this president is not going to fight you plan for plan but fighting you on identity politics.
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i don't get the idea of talking on a level about plans nobody thinks you will be able to implement that way and then you have kamala harris, one of your frontrunners who can't pick a plan and does not pick it. how does it equip you for the general? >> this is a battle of ideas. i love they are having this debate. i don't mind the john delaneys of the world that say we shouldn't do it. at least he is up front about it. democrats have been telling us for 40 years. >> say that and stop that. people are tired of it. >> all of -- >> first you say we are attacking barack obama. >> you were. >> you make this false argument that kamala harris hasn't picked a plan. we don't have a plan. >> she hasn't. >> those are do different things. that is not true.
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the fact is she chose a plan that builds on obamacare. to say we are spitting in the face of barack obama, the person that has endorsed the plan was the chief architect. >> the one that couldn't get the website out. >> is that the biggest problem? is that the only issue with the affordable care act? >> i have like 11. >> but the greatest issue about obamacare, there are 85 to 90% of this country are covered and insured. people with preexisting conditions. >> yes. >> what kamala harris is talking about on that stage is making sure everyone has access to care. to say we are bad-mouthing barack obama, but on the other hand talking about having an entire debate of wanting to build on his legacy is uneven at best. barack obama got the first and the second highest vote totals
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in the history of the united states. number three was hillary clinton. nobody is bashing either one of those individuals. we are talking about what barack obama talked about. that is taking us to the future. this is 2020, not 2008. we want to be bigger, better, badder. we have to if we are go to beat donald trump. >> i like what you are saying but i did not hear much of it last night. you can debate it and help the audience understand the ideas. >> 2020. >> the need is great. thank you for making the audience better. we have another candidate to bring in. andrew yang is an underdog but he is a businessman and he thinks outside the box. he seems to have raised his stake last night. why? there is a plus. there is a minus. we are going to go after both. let's get after it next. sandwic, your mammoth masterpiece. and...whatever this was.
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because we make our meat with the good of the deli and no artificial preservatives. make every sandwich count with oscar mayer deli fresh. this melting pot of impacted species. everywhere is going to get touched by climate change. it's something we take personally, and believe in passionately.
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it's the idea that if our mothers were diagnosed with cancer, how would we want them to be treated? that's exactly how we care for you. with answers and actions. to hear your concerns, quiet your fears, lift your spirits. with teams of cancer experts and specialists, delivering advanced treatment options and compassionate support every step of the way. all here in one place, with one purpose. to fight your cancer, together. that's the mother standard of care. this is how we inspire hope. this is how we heal. cancer treatment centers of america. appointments available now.
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cancer treatment centers of america. check out this time-space wormhole i created. - how's it work? - let me see your togo, and i'll show you. - burt! you have my lunch. - introducing togo's new hot chicken trio. the new brewpub chicken with grilled chicken, bacon, and fresh avocado. the hot buffalo chicken with frank's redhot wings sauce.
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and the tangy barbecue. the new hot chicken trio at togo's. how far would you go for a togo? ♪ ♪ ♪ the next american chinese original is here. new sichuan hot chicken. for a heart breaking limited time only at panda express. i would argue to you that one of the more memorable moments last night came from a hit, not at another candidate, but aimed at how we pick a president. listen to this.
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>> you know what the talking heads couldn't stop talking about after the last debate, not that i am number four on the stage in national polling but the fact i wasn't wearing a tie. we have makeup on our faces and rehearsed attack lines playing roles in this reality tv show. >> that is andrew yang. he might have the best group following. we know that one for a while. the yang gang is how people that are known backing yang, especially online. let's bring his perspective on to primetime. i see you don't have a tie. let's take a commercial break to put one on. what is behind the critique. your frustration with the process. spill it out. what do you think is counter productive? >> i was on the stage last night and i could have predicted where the attacks were going to come from and who they would be lobbied against. no candidate attacked someone
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below them in the polls. not like people were throwing rocksa the michael bennett. always the people that were ahead of you. everywhere saw the success that senator harris had attacking joe biden in the last debate. there is a dynamic that is set up. we are like characters in a play. we have to follow it. >> how do you change something that i believe is an opportunism based on human nature. negativity works in campaigns. people seem to want to know what is wrong with that yang. what do i not know about him, right. the more noticed that you get the more people come at you. a piece that is positive is seen as puff. if someone takes a shot at your success it is seen as good journalism. how do you change that? >> for me i am in a point americans are just getting to know me. i am happy to say that last night was a great opportunity to
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introduce myself. we received over a half million in individual donations from last night to right now. i am still making a very positive case to the american people. i would relish the day i am such a big deal other candidates start throwing rocks at me. >> let's look at the flip side of what made you popular last night. 2 of my 3 kids cried themselves to sleep because you said it is too late to stop climate change. did you go too far in that assessment? >> i was just telling it like it is. we are 15% of global emissions. >> it is not too late. >> we are still probably going to slow the rate down. i mean the study came out the other day that shows greenland, the ice pack is melting at the rate predicted to be 2070, 50 years from now. we are way ahead of the projections. we need to own the fact the last four years were the warmest in
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recorded history. >> true. >> but i have young kids too. >> my kids don't pay attention to what i do. i am saying the problem is that you are going to try to persuade people to care about something not enough people do. including our president. we know how he talks about this. he treats it as a joke at the minimum. if you don't give them an aspirational sense of what can be achieved aren't you shooting yourself in the foot in terms of what can be done? >> my campaign is built upon telling it like it is. i wish i could say if we get our acts together we will reverse climate change. but that is not what the science is saying or what the facts are saying. we keep assuming we are go to turn things around in terms of our energy composition and carbon emissions and have not demonstrated we could do it in our own borders, much less
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developing countries where you know they are going to choose the cheapest and the dirtiest form of energy available to them. >> well, look. fair point. not optimistic. usually politicians are in the business of persuasion but you are not a politician. i will take you on that one. on the flip side, you have a view of what the facts suggest about climate change and what we can still do. you believe 12 grand in people's pockets will be revolutionary in changing their lives. seems too little and simplistic. >> a lot of people do not live where you and i live. $1,000 a month will be huge for many people living in ohio or michigan, iowa and new hampshire. the other places i have been campaigning. 78% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck. >> yes. >> 40% can't afford an unexpected $400 bill.
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>> true. >> your head would come up. the boot would be off your throat. >> is that american? is that capitalist? >> this is a deeply american idea from thomas payne to martin luther king. i will tell you businesses perform better, markets perform better and people perform better if there is money to spend in people's hands. >> you think it is worth the investment and not just the independent to far right nightmare of my god, the ultimate socialist principle. this is why we can't go near anyone on the left. >> one state had a dividend for 40 years, alaska. a deep red state, passed by a republican governor. many people that are libertarians and conservative love this. what they detest is a huge
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government bureaucracy making decisions for the american people. they like economic independence. >> if it does not work out for you as a candidate would you consider a job in someone's administration? >> my goal with this run is to solve the real problems that are facing your kids or my kids. it is 2019. our economy is being transformed in addition to the climate. i will do everything in my power to solve these problems. >> as we have seen in the current administration we need people that know what the heck they are doing. andrew yang, thank you. it was needed on that stage last night. you are welcome on the show to talk about ideas that matter to the american people. >> i will see you in new york soon, chris. >> done. bring a tie. just kidding. i wear the same one every night. we have something stunning to show you. the question is will it shock d. lemon? that is a hint. next. ♪ more, more, more
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look at all that cuckoo carb. wild life officials are using shocking boats to stun asian carp. they don't belong there. they are changing the food levels and the oxygen levels. and they don't know how to cut down on the population of the fishing industry. they're doing this. did you see the video? >> i saw the video. i have seen them do it before. they just take over everything. when you put bamboo in your yard. >> sometimes they fly in. they can hurt people. when i saw it, i was like, findly, a way for you to watch a fish. >> we caught. i lost the fish at the boat. it was really about not having
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enough people around. >> they are good. they eat algae. >> there's too many of them. >> too many of them. my folks were trying to feed salmon or something. it is overtaking the population, the waterways. >> as we were getting ready for the debate, i saw you were spending time with your kid. check him out. he's in the studio. >> will where is he? >> that's who he is. >> that is that the one they have to put down? >> no. the trainer says they need time apart. too much togetherness. i have barkley and boomer here. >> when they don't expect the alpha, there's disorder in the home. you know, that dog bit my mother. >> no, it did not.
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>> my mother is in the car. d. lemon jumps in the car. just bit him on the face. >> we have castro coming up. obama's legacy and why are they running away from it? when gore did that with clinton, didn't serve him well. >> you know what is a good idea? having a demonstration on stage. dog is a bite risk. we're going to come back with a closing but it's different tonight. all over the country, i'm lucky to get exposure. you have all of the same questions after the last two debates. i don't have the answers. i know who has to answer them. that's when we're going to put the right questions to power,
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we like drip coffee, layovers- -and waiting on hold. what we don't like is relying on fancy technology for help. snail mail! we were invited to a y2k party... uh, didn't that happen, like, 20 years ago? oh, look, karolyn, we've got a mathematician on our hands! check it out! now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'd rather not. so, this is for you out there watching the debates. by all accounts you've been left with more questions than
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answers. on the streets of detroit, online, on my radio show on sirius xm, all across this country democrats and just voters seeking better pepper me with the same questions. so i will now put them to those who are on that debate stage these past two nights because these questions are for them to answer. so, first, do you get what this election is about? here's a hint. >> they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, i assume, are good people. >> you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. >> us and them. who we are. who we are not. what we include. what we exclude. another hint, it will not be most detailed health care plan wins. >> giant corporations and billionaires are going to pay more. middle class families are going
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to pay less out of pocket for their health care. >> under our plan, we will ensure that everyone has access to health care. your plan, by contrast, leaves out almost 10 million americans. >> my plan makes a limit of co-pay to be $1,000. because we further support the -- the ability to buy into the obamacare plan. >> hasn't this president made it painfully obvious that he ain't here to compare plans? he said he won't even release his health care plan until after the 2020 election. medicare for all as an issue for voters, take a look at the poll. in-party it's popularish, but this is the whole country. so i'm not arguing that plans don't matter. of course not. plans matter, but not as much as it matters to connect with people on the concern and anxiety that drives the need for
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plans to fix what ales them. are plans as compelling as feeling people's pain? you know, like clinton, like obama. they weren't detailed plan guys. remember the vision thing? next, when did you decide that attacking a president was a good idea but that president should be obama? almost more so than the president you will face, the one you all call a criminal and a pathological liar. >> first of all, mr. vice president, it looks like one of us has learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. >> you invoke president obama more than anybody in this campaign. you can't do it when it's convenient and dodge it when it's not. >> castro worked for him. booker used to call him, like, his best buddy all the time. and, look, here's what's more important than the hypocrisy of it. president obama is the only one of you who matches this president in party popularity. he actually beats trump. so what do you gain by going at president obama?
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you think that you'll weaken biden enough to justify how much you piss off democrats and empower this president to use the same attacks against whichever of you comes through? and when you weren't going at obama, you were going at each other in ways that brought you down and gave an opening to your opponent. candidates attacking biden for deportations, trump smiles. all of these implicit and explicit accusations that biden has issues with race. listen. >> this is one of those instances where the house was set on fire and you claimed responsibility for those laws, and you can't just now come out with a plan to put out that fire. >> trump smiles. now, of course the issue in so many of its manifestations of race and race inequity matters. the question is, are you using it where and when it will count? now, here's the premise.


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