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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  August 4, 2019 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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this is cnn breaking news. >> good morning. we're starting "new day" an hour earlier. i'm victor blackwell in el paso,
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texas, outside of a massive crime scene here, where 20 people were killed, 26 were injured. there's a lot happening here, as this investigation is just beginning. but there has been another mass shooting. christie, to you. >> i'm christie paul. victor, thank you. we went to sleep with the news of those 20 people dead in el paso. you're waking up now. i'm sorry to tell you, to nine more people who have been killed in a second mass shooting. this time, dayton, ohio. between these 2 shootings, 29 people are dead, 42 people are injured in a 15-hour time span and 2 mass shootings. want to get you back to victor but get you the latest on what happened in dayton. here's the latest on this overnight shooting. >> i'm lieutenant colonel matt
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carper. chief of police. just after 1:00 this morning, we have an active shooter situation, in the oregon district, part of our downtown area. we had one shooter that we're aware of and multiple victims. the shooter is deceased from gunshot wounds. nine victims deceased in addition to that. we have 16 more victims hospitalized right now in unknown conditions. we're working on identifying the suspect, to see what possible motivation might have been. we don't have that yet.
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there's a long gun with multiple rounds, at the victims. we are currently opening up the convention center. information for family members and friends, if they have questions about the status of anybody who might have been involved. dedicated phone line. 225-6217. anybody has information regarding this incident. or if they have questions about the status of their loved ones, please call that number. we have the fbi on-scene. we are conducting the investigation. fbi is on-scene, as well, to provide any necessary resources. initially, we had multiple
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jurisdictions responding to this police department in handling this incident. we had officers already on-scene in the oregon district, providing patrol. this is a very safe part of downtown. it's a popular destination for visitors in the oregon district. we had multiple officers in the immediate vicinity, where this incident started. there's a very short timeline of violence. for that, we're fortunate. it's a tragic incident. we're doing everything we can to investigate it. and tried to identify the motivation behind this.
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with that, i can answer a few questions. >> can you tell us how it started? >> it started in the 400 block of east fifth street. this was an exterior event. it all occurred outside. >> any description of the shooter you can share? >> not yet. the shooter is deceased. you know, we still -- we're still interviewing, obviously, a lot of witnesses, as well as officers, to try to determine if anybody else was involved. >> what type of weapon was used? >> it was a long gun? >> there's a possibility that hr people could have been involved. but that's what we're trying to identify right now. >> were any of the officers hurt? >> no officers were involved. >> what is the age range right now? >> i can't tell you that.
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this is a taxing event, for resources. for the police department, the medic's office. we have help from the mother agencies, organizations. there were 21 medic units that responded to this incident. >> was it a dayton police officer that took down the shooter? >> multiple dayton police officers. >> how much time elapsed between the time the shooting started and he was engaged by the officers? >> i will be able to get you more information. we will have a follow-up news briefing probably tomorrow. i can't give you an exact date and time. but it will likely be late tomorrow, where we can provide additional information. it is a short timeline of violence. >> how rang do you expect to be on scene tonight?
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>> throughout the night and morning. >> is that at least 16? as many as 16? >> yes. nine dead, plus the suspect, ten dead. and 16 that we're aware of, hospitalized, in unknown condition right now. >> we have set up a family assistance center at the convention center. we'll give you a telephone number when we can get that. that way family members can call to find out if their loved ones were involved and get the status of who was transported to each hospital? >> is there any threat to the remaining public? >> not that we're aware of. the incident was solved in a very short period of time. and the investigation will continue through the night. and we'll go wherever it leads us. obviously, we're -- we're
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investigating the possibility of more people being involved at this time. >> after the shooting happened, people go to several bars. what did you do after the shooting? >> the initial response, in any active shooter response, it was to respond to the threat itself. that was done in a short period of time in the sentiment. after that, first aid was rendered to the many victims. first responders had a busy evening. it was a county-wide request for assistance. we had assistance from a lot of different areas. >> what is your message to the community after an event like this? >> anybody with information, please -- please give us a call,
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dedicated line. or call 333-cops, as well, for additional information. dayton is a safe area. extremely unusual, obviously, for any community, let alone dayton, oregon district. this is unheard of and sad. tragic evening. we have a lot of resources dedicated to take care of the victims, the victims families. as well as identify any of the people who might have been involved or obviously, the republic will be very interested to know what the motivation might have been for such a horrific incident as this. and we're anxious to that, as well. >> how recently has dayton police trained for these situations off the top of your
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head? >> the dayton police department trains regularly for active shooter. we actually have -- we have personnel within our department that train other departments nationally. we've been training for active shooter for -- for many, many years. not just training dayton police personnel, but other departments, as well. our people are trained for a situation like this. we're very fortunate that the officers were in close proximity, they reacted the way they did. and as bad as this is, it could have been much, much worse, as i think everyone will become aware of here in the next -- as more information unfolds. >> we're very apprecative of the officers on the scene. and the action they took.
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very different situation. they put themselves in harm's way. that's what they're here for. >> you know how many shots were fired? >> no. >> everybody good? we'll come back. >> okay. thank you. and we will -- we'll give you more information on when we'll do a follow-up briefing. likely some time late tomorrow, i suppose. >> okay. >> our thanks to assistant police chief matt carper there, as he was giffing ingiving us at what happened at 1:22 in the morning. several -- a few hours ago. when they got the call that there had been an active shooting situation or there was an active shooting situation. paula sandoval with us now. this is an area called the oregon district. it's an arts and entertainment district. we heard the assistant police
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chief say this is very safe. this is unheard of. >> looking to the background of this area, described as this thriving arts and entertainment district, on a saturday night. you can imagine it was packed with people. it's an area that had recently experienced an urban regrowth. we're seeing police concentrated and focused on the scene, as we hear from police authorities, they were called to an active shooter situation. now, can confirm nine people dead, in addition to the shooter, in addition to the 16 people taken to area hospitals where the condition is unknown. the main focus right now, of course, now that the scene has been secured, is to try to establish a motive, and what has led to one of the nation's latest shooting incidents here. the process and the procedure, is what we witnessed in el paso,
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where police responded. once they were able to secure the scene, now, turning this active shooter situation, now, into an active homicide investigation. that includes turning to federal authorities. we're told the fbi is on-scene. one more thing that we witnessed just a little while ago, is this push for information. you heard from one of the police officials there on the ground. pleading with the public, if they saw anything, shot some video of the situation there, to call that number that you see on the lower portion of your screen here because they're trying to piece this investigation together. and now, an active scene that continues after shots were fired. a very popular part of dayton, ohio, about 1:00 this morning. >> all right. paula sandoval, we appreciate it so much. want to bring in josh campbell to talk to us, cnn law enforcement analyst and fbi
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supervisory special agent. you heard the assistant police chief say the fbi is on-scene. talk to us about what is happening on the ground there. >> massive investigation underway in dayton. involving multiple agencies, as we heard from the police talking about it. mutual aid, that the departments will have grievances with other agencies. people surge to that location to begin that investigation. as paula mentioned, the fbi is now on the scene. they'll bring a host of resources from the federal government, forensic and analysis, as well as being able to dig into this person's past, when they're able to identify him. this is a reality here in 2019. we're on the scene of one mass shooting in texas, reporting on another mass shooting in ohio. if you're a law enforcement
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agency anywhere around this country, you're on high alert. in the span of two weeks, an incident in california, texas, dayton. this puts the burden on law enforcement agencies around the country. we don't know these are tied together. you look at the time span, the condensed timeframe, having multiple incidents. this is a state of emergency for law enforcement in the united states, trying to stop a copycat and trying to ensure the safety of their communities. >> it's possible. we don't know for sure, but it is plausible this is a copycat situation, based on what we saw play out yesterday. >> it's hard to say right now, this early. we want to dig into identifying the shooter. the differences between these two incidents, come down to the shooter. here in texas, the shooter was taken into custody alive. authorities were able to gather information about his motive. it will be challenging for law enforcement officers in dayton,
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because the subject was deceased. we don't know if the subject took his own life, or if it was a fatal round from law enforcement, that killed him. nevertheless, you're dealing with the subject they cannot interview. they have to bring in the resources. to first, identify him, and move out. you want to orbit the subject, to dig into his life and figure out who this person was. >> and determine he was acting alone. josh campbell, appreciate your insight, thank you so much. again, i hate to give you this news, as you wake up. 29 people are dead today. 42 are injured. that's 71 families that are changed this morning in a span of 15 hours because they lost somebody they loved in a mass shooting. we are back with more on the dayton, ohio, massacre in a moment. stay close. family. s all included for te like unlimited with netflix on us.
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some common side-effects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. don't imagine results, see them. coolsculpting, take yourself further. but one blows them allmany moisturizers... out of the water. hydro boost with hyaluronic acid to plump skin cells so it bounces back... neutrogena® and try our hydrating makeup. i'm victor blackwell, live in el paso, texas. this has been a tragic 13 hours of bloodshed. 29 people killed in a matter of just a few hours. 42 injured. let me tell you about what happened here. 20 people killed, 26 injured here in el paso, when a man from allen, texas, ten hours away, came here, with a long rifle, we're told, and started shooting
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people. that investigation continues. we're told by police that he is speaking with them. now, this is a very active scene behind me. the investigation has continued from the moment the first officer arrived, six minutes after that call came in. we also know that those who lost their lives here, they're still inside this walmart. this is a massive scene. let me take you to dayton, where nine people were killed overnight in the interim, coming here and covering this story. we've seen what has happened in ohio. let's get the latest in what happened there. let's bring in deb dekker. she is the pio for emergency services. thank you for being with us this morning. give us the latest on what is happening there with that investigation, right now. >> as you know, the shooting began at a police in oregon district, a very popular district here in dayton, downtown dayton. the shooter, one person, wearing
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body armor, in app assault rifle, making their way toward a place called med peppers. a guy ended up grabbing the barrel of a gun. the shooter picked up a handgun and was going to continue shooting. however, the police arrived and shot the man dead there.far, in there are ten dead and 16 wounded. that's the extent of it. >> the last number we got is nine. you're saying there's ten dead in this shooting in ohio? >> yeah. there are ten dead, including the shooter. >> including the shooter. okay. this investigation, tell us what is happening at this moment. i imagine it's shut down and there's a large scene there.
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give us an idea of what's happen right now. >> as you said, it is shut down. the investigation is still going on. police have marked off the areas in oregon district that they're keeping people out of, to do their investigation. we have the convention center is set up for people that have questions or trying to find someone or need more information, about possible loved ones that were in the area at the time. we are here responding at montgomery county and waiting for the investigators to do what they need to do, in order to bring piece to these families. >> the 16 injured, do you know if those are gunshot victims, as well? >> i do not know that at this point. >> is there any idea -- i know
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this is early on -- of a motive? did this man say anything? >> i heard nothing about a motive, no. >> okay. all right. i understand you're asking people to come forward with information, pictures, video. talk to us about that. >> honestly, i don't know if they're doing anything of that. they're still trying to assess the scene and get people the treatment they need. >> can you give us a clear idea of the oregon district and what that is? >> it's just a part of the -- it's more of an upscale part of the downtown area. it's a nice place. good restaurants and shopping and things like that. it's not far -- it's off fifth street in downtown dayton.
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>> i'm sorry. there's a bit of a delay p t. if you hear me jump in, there's a delay. i'm not cutting you off. do you know what happened in dayton? the victims, have they been removed from the scene? >> as far as i know, yes. everybody is getting treatment. everybody is getting treatment. >> pio with montgomery county emergency services there in ohio. the second of 2 mass shootings in 13 hours. deb, thank you so much. i will continue our coverage here, live from el paso, where there is an active investigation at this walmart. stay with us. our coverage on "new day" continues. jardiance asks:
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welcome back. i'm victor blackwell, live from el paso, texas, where in 24 hours, 39 people have been killed. this is the scene of, unfortunately, the latest mass shooting. we're told nine people have been killed at this scene. 16 injured. we're told that the suspect, the shooter in this case, has been taken down. he also is dedz. i have with usz, jo josh campbe. here in el paso, this was saturday morning. families. a department store. we go to ohio, that is 1:00 in the morning, probably loud music. some people drinking. very different response from
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police. walk us through, first, in ohio, how law enforcement approaches that scene. >> yeah. absolutely. two different characteristics with these scenes. how unbelievable it is, standing at a crime scene, talking about another mass shooting. there's different characteristics, first being the shooter and how the shooters were taken down. we know the suspect was taken into custody by law enforcement, he's alive. presumably they can glean information from him. a different story in ohio, where the shooter is deceased. they'll have to bring in those resources to bring into people in his past and the social me a media. anything that may help them glean the details. a much more difficult job. you mentioned, there's a similarity in timeframe here. this is a condensed time frame, where you have one after the other, but different settings. we don't know why the subject
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traveled the 650 miles from allen, texas, to where he's from, to this border city to conduct the attack. the manifesto is being looked into. is this person radicalized by the ideology? we don't have the same clues with the dayton shooting because it's early in the stages of that investigation. we're learning about the victim and the method the attack went down. we don't have the details about that shooter. it's hard to compare them but there's differences, as you mentioned. >> we are starting to learn about dayton. but what we are hearing about the department store. if there's loud music, sometimes when you hear the gunshots, yu don't know how it is. how does -- what's the response
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going into a bar? >> if you're a patron at one of the locations. the store behind us, where the shooting went down, or a bar. if you're inside a walmart, and you hear gunfire, something that is congruous with the normal setting, you will take notice. in a bar, with loud music, you factor in alcohol, and poom havi people having a good time. the law enforcement perspective, the response will be the same. you're going to go in and go to the sound of the guns and disrupt any threat that might be under way. here, we know response time is very short. law enforcement officers arriving in short order, without firing a shot. different in dayton, we talked to the law enforcement chief that we referred to earlier. the police engaged with the suspect.
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he mentioned the authorities were in the area. again, the differences, the similarities, it's striking. we're trying to keep two different shootings in our minds that happened in the last few hours. >> it was remarkable, dad sadly that we were covering two in a week. now, two in a weekend. >> yeah. >> from your perspective, standing here at one mass shooting, covering another, what goes through your mind? >> if you're a law enforcement official at any department of cross the country, you are on high alert. this sharing in the new age is very rapid. law enforcement departments that are taking note. nypd was watching to see if they need to protect the facilities.
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any department is going to be on high alert. a lot of times the people want notoriety. you don't know what motivates them. i would consider this an emergency for law enforcement of the united states. you back up the last week. we're in california covering another shooting. if you're a department that's charged with protecting your community, you're on high alert. >> here in el paso, this investigation is going on right behind us. a massive scene, takes a lot of time, when you are considering the space of a walmart supercenter. their bodies are inside, as investigators look for every piece in what will be a prosecution. the suspect in el paso, is speaking with investigators. did not turn himself in but was taken into custody without
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incident. there's what's happening in dayton, ohio. 9 killed, 16 injured. and the crime scene that is expanding there. we will cover both of these here, as cnn's breaking news continues. and now with each new line, laso you can enjoy it even ifst you're sensitive. se. yet some say it isn't real milk. i guess those cows must actually be big dogs. sit! i said sit!
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i'm victor blackwell, live in el paso, texas. it is sunday morning in america. and this country is reckoning with gun violence. 29 people killed in the matter of 13 hours. more than 40 injured. i'm standing here, where a man came in with a long gun and
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shot, killed 20 people. overnight, another shooting. dayton, ohio. 9 people killed there, 16 injured. the shooter was killed by police. let's go to elizabeth long with keterring medical center. of those 16 injured, how many are at your facility? your hospital? >> good morning. we had three patients in our network. one of our hospitals, we had nine people come in. mainly gunshots to lower extremities. one was shot in the abdomen.
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i have not gotten information from some of the hospitals. one of the hospitals we had people that were treated and released. i'm not sure on the total number. the number might be growing. some may have walked in at a later time and went to hospitals that were far away from the oregon district. the number of injured might be rising. >> elizabeth, you make a good point here. i want to make sure our viewers know. this we have been here before. in the aftermath, the first hours after a mass shooting, those numbers fluctuate. those numbers that are injured and deceased, that will change
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in the fog after an incident like this. you talked about one person shot in the abdomen. do you have those that are injuries?fe-threatening >> i do not. one person is in serious condition. 6 eight people in fair condition. >> is there an age range you have? >> i have not been able to get that. usually in the first few hours, our hospitals are focused on caring for the patient. i am fully making contact with them, working with them, to get this information. >> is anyone in surgery right now. >> i know two people were taken
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to strj in one of our hospitals. >> okay. at least two people in surgery. are you expecting more to come in? we know the investigation is going on in the oregon district. do you expect more to come in? >> that is hard to say. after the initial shock wears off, and i was involved in a horrific incident. i was in new york when that car, a couple years ago, drove up on to the sidewalk and started to plow through after a block. then, you're in shock. you look to see two other people. and then, you start to say, hey, something may have happened to me.
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that could be what is happening. i went into one of our hospitals later on, after someone suggested that that person go in and get treated. >> all right. elizabeth long with kettering medical center. several of the 16 shooting in dayton, one in the abdomen, two treated and released. and two people taken into surgery. elizabeth, thank you for havibe with us. >> thank you. >> we will continue our breaking news coverage, not only what happened in dayton but what happened in el paso. two active investigation, after 29 people were killed. gunshot wounds, across the country, in a matter of 13 hours. stay with us.
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injured in two mass shootings. el paso, at 10:39 central. overnight, at 1:22, somebody started shooting in dayton, ohio. an arts and entertainment area. on saturday night, people out and about. and there was one man, isaac johnson, who was near the pub where this second mass shooting took place. nine people died. 16 are in hospitals. you're going to see here, isaac's video that he took as it was happening. let's watch. >> oh, [ bleep ]. dude, what the [ bleep ]? what the [ bleep ]?
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>> it gives you a sense of what was going on. what struck you might have been the same thing that struck me. you heard the gunshots initially. they weren't coming out fast and furious, then all of a sudden, there was a barrage of guns going off. we know the suspect was shot by authorities. the police chief there, matt carper, said they don't know who
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fired the deadly shot to kill the suspect. but he was shot by multiple authorities. i want to bring in isaac johnson now. we understand you were near the pup. we heard your reaction, when you started a process, what was going on? help us understand what you were feeling when you first heard those gunshots? >> i didn't really know. i will take my girlfriend to work. and there's nice motorcycles and cars. i was waiting and i heard a pop. just like one or two before i started the video. three or four in our time, and the fireworks are timed to be
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specifically five seconds or three seconds apart. right back-to-back, uneven. excuse my profanity and that. but i was like, what's going on? and then, i saw people start running. and cars coming out of the intersection. i didn't get out of the car because i was sitting there, watching everything happen. >> did you get a sense of trying to protect yourself at that moment? >> i don't know. i was thinking that i should go inside. at the same time, i was like, i need to record this. i don't know. i was seeing what was happen organize getting inside.
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>> isaac, is your girlfriend okay? >> she is, thankfully. >> was she in front of or in the building, near where this happened? >> no. she's actually at work. and a few -- she was in shock. they were in the med. and she said if they heard a couple shots and people rushed the door. they all dropped. she heard the shots and everyone there was at five and hitting the bar. i think nothing. nobody was paying attention to me. i was there and it was crazy. >> isaac, we see through your
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video that you got out of the car. what happened after that? >> actually walked up to the door and i was about to go inside. i started looking back because i was confused. i don't know. it stopped. there were a few guns. one doesn't fly that fast. i don't know if there's cops on this street or what. >> did you see -- we saw the people running in your video. did you talk to anybody before you got back in your car? >> no. i sat and heard people across the room. i could see. oh, i heard her when she came in. she saw someone get shot. i knew that.
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i didn't want to ask, did you see? >> sure. i don't want to ask questions. that's excessive. that's crazy and insane. >> isaac, we're glad you're okay. we're glad your girlfriend is okay. thank you for sharing that video with us and with our viewers. >> no problem. >> absolutely. we're glad you'r we're so sorry for what this community is going through. thank you for taking the time to talk to us. take good care of yourself and each other. >> absolutely. >> we'll be right back. family. hole like unlimited with netflix on us. and now with each new line, get one of our latest smartphones included. $40/line for four lines and smartphones are included for the whole family.
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welcome back. i'm victor blackwell. this is cnn special live coverage of two mass shootings in america, in a span of just 13 hours. i'm here in el paso, texas. and this is the first shooting of the weekend. and before the country can come to terms with what happened here, another shooting overnight. let's gotoboris anchez, traveling with the president in new jersey. has the president alerted about what happened in dayton, overnight? >> victor, so far, there's no indication that president trump has been briefed on dayton. we expect it will happen shortly if it hasn't happened already. and the president will likely send out condolences, a situation that the president has had to find himself in
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routinely. >> we know the president has reacted several times to what happened in el paso. >> president trump, sending out a heartfelt note, offering condolences to the victims in el paso. look at the tweet the president sent last night. today's shooting in el paso, texas, was not only tragic, it was an act of cowardice. there's no reasons or excuses that will justify killing innocent people. malanian and i are sending out prayers to the good people. from the day he announced his
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candida candidacy, going down that escalator, and talking about mexican immigrants being criminals. he was talking about immigrants as invaders. he was asked if he felt the rhetor rhetoric, the language inspired racism. he was not concerned because a lot of people agreed with him. on the issue of gun violence, the president has been faced with this many times because of the shooting in parkland, florida. he talked about passing some kind of gun control legislation. he joked with congress, people there at the white house, they were afraid of the gun lobby. they were afraid but he was >> boris sanchez traveling with the president in new jersey. we know that congress is on that august recess. we'll see if we hear from
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members this morning. we'll because here at the top of the hour. good morning. i'm victor blackwell here in el paso, texas. christi paul in atlanta. as we this morning are recovering 13 hours of blood shed across america. 29 people killed, more than 40 injured. welcome to our viewers here in the u.s. and joining us from around the world. the first shooting here on saturday in el paso, texas. 20 people killed, 26 injured. let's go to polo sand vallo sans covering the shooting in dayton, ohio. what is the latest there. >> reporter: authorities are saying that the gunman essentially opened fire at a business there in dayton, ohio in a very popular part of the downtown area, an upscale area that is described by officials


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