tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN August 9, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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police say the man suspected of killing 22 people in el paso told them he was targeting mexicans. we'll hear from the store's manager who hustled to save lives. north korea launches more projectiles just hours after the u.s. president says he received a letter from kim jong-un. and deported to a country he never knew. a resident of detroit, michigan dies in iraq. we speak to his congressman who is fighting to bring his remains home. welcome to our viewers here in the u.s. and around the world. i'm cyril vanier in atlanta. "cnn newsroom" starts right now. the alleged gunman in last weekend's murderous rampage in el paso, texas apparently confessed after he was arrested and told police that he was targeting mexicans. the new details are contained in the arrest affidavit, a sworn
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document by police about the facts of the case. we get the latest on the investigation now from cnn's brian todd. >> reporter: cnn has obtain and arrest affidavit of the suspected shooter, patrick crusius, saying he told police he was there to target mexicans. cnn spoke to the manager of that walmart, robert evans, who saw the shooter firing at victims in the parking lot. evans said the shooting appeared deliberate. >> from what i saw, he seem like he -- he knew what he was shooting. he was very defined. he looked very focused. you know, and precision on what he was -- what he was aiming for. i mean, it wasn't just a spray of gunfire. these were direct shots. >> reporter: el paso police have told cnn the suspect surrendered to a motorcycle policeman a couple of blocks away from the walmart, getting out of a car and telling the officer he was the shooter. the affidavit says the suspect
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admitted to using an ak-47 to shoot multiple victims. robert evans, the manager says he got hundreds of people out back entrances. he saw one man shot in the back staggering out a back entrance. he says one of his employees tended to the wounded man. >> i just wanted to save as many people and get people notified that there was danger. there was danger coming this way. >> reporter: then evans said he circled back around to the front of the building and saw an elderly couple who had been shot in their car. >> there were shots through the glass in the windows of the car, and the passenger was a female and she was shot in the face and she was pretty not responsive at the time. and the man was kind of moaning. and it appeared that he was trying to drive away from harm's way, and he park kind of crooked. and he just couldn't drive anymore. and he was bleeding severely from his back as well. >> reporter: and cnn is learning more what drove the alleged gunman, crusius, to el paso to commit this horrific crime.
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three sources with knowledge of the investigation tell cnn crusius told investigators he did not want to carry out an attack in his hometown of allen, texas, expressing shame or reticence to do such a thing near his home. that's one of the reasons he targeted el paso, over 650 miles away. sources say he believed if he did this in another city, his family and people who knew him wouldn't know he was responsible for carrying out the deadly attack. the fact that the shooter traveled that far way from all the way from allen, texas to el paso in search of people that if you read his screed didn't look like him. this speaks to his mind-set. this speaks to his motivation. >> reporter: the fbi says its evidence response team is combing through the crime scene and will be for days, as law enforcement digs into the background of the alleged shooter. >> we were able to locate a call that came in on thursday, june 27th at approximately 11:15 in the morning.
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>> reporter: allen, texas police confirming that crusius's mother did in fact call their station weeks ago with concerns about her son as first reported by cnn. >> the sole concern was the parent was motivated out of a concern that her son just did not have the training, the firearm safety training and the intellectual maturity to own this type of a firearm. the call taker really did a good job and comes around twice in fact and says if your son suicidal? and then says has your son threatened any other persons? and both times it appears that there was not a problem with that. >> reporter: and since the mother didn't identify herself, allen police could not follow up with more investigation. >> the protocol is you always ask for identification. but you can't force someone to identify who they are. >> reporter: to give an idea of the kind of scene the shooter
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was walking into, robert evans and another walmart official tell us they believe about 3,000 people were at this store at the time the shooting began. so far, no walmart employees are counted among the dead, but officials say two walmart employees were wounded. brian todd, cnn, el paso, texas. >> in the aftermath of the mass shootings both in texas and in ohio, the u.s. president is offering vague assurances that something will be done to improve background checks on gun purchases. mr. trump has said similar things before after other mass shootings, but little has happened. cnn's kaitlan collins has our report. >> reporter: in a week where 31 people were killed in mass shootings, president trump is claiming the republicans are behind him on background checks. >> i spoke to mitch mcconnell yesterday. he's totally on board. >> reporter: but his optimism is at odds with what the gop has said publicly. the senate majority leader
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signaled thursday he's open to considering new legislation. >> the key to this honestly is making a law and not making a point. >> reporter: but his office is making clear he has endorsed nothing yet. >> okay, this isn't a question of nra, republican or democrat. >> reporter: the president also says he's confident he can persuade the gun lobby. >> i had a good talk with wayne. >> reporter: sources tell cnn nra chief wayne lapierre warned trump his base isn't on board with tougher background checks. >> i think in the end, wayne and the nra will either be there or maybe we'll be a little bit more neutral after parkland, florida it was the gun lobby that ultimately swayed the president. asked why the country should believe him now, trump denied changing his mind. >> no, no, i never said what i'm saying now. >> reporter: asked what his message is for the children returning to school who fear mass shootings, trump said they have nothing to worry about. >> go and really study hard.
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and some day you'll grow up and maybe be president of the united states. >> reporter: the president leaving for his own vacation as he is facing new scrutiny of his trip to el paso now that a picture has surfaced of him grinning and flashing a thumbs-up while his wife holds a 2-month-old baby whose parents were murdered in the el paso shooting. trump is standing by the large scale immigration raids in mississippi. which left children sobbing as they waited for word on what happened to their parents. >> they're going to be brought out. and this serves as a very good deterrent. >> asked democratic presidential candidates if labeling him -- >> personally, i don't like it when they do it. i am not any of those things.
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i think it's a disgrace. i think it shows how desperate the democrats are. >> and we have some breaking news into cnn. the white house after that raid in mississippi instructed senior i.c.e. officials to continue conducting more of those workplace enforcement operations this year. it's those kind of operations that can lead to arrests like the ones you saw in mississippi on wednesday where nearly 700 undocumented immigrants were arrested. kaitlan collins, cnn, the white house. >> natasha lindstat joins us from paris. natasha, it's impossible not to notice that we've been here before, aftermath shootings during the trump presidency, and we heard the exact same promises from this president. >> yeah, exactly. there have been multiple mass shootings that have taken place, the terrible one in 2017 in las vegas that killed 58 people and the following year the terrible mass shooting at parkland high
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school in florida. and there have been promises that have been made by the president that they're going to do something but then in the end president trump ends up doing an about-face and does basically what the nra wants him to do, and that is nothing. we've heard rhetoric well, we need tougher background checks. we do know that a strong majority according to many different polls of the population want stronger background checks. >> let me bring up a number, then. the number is 89%. this is according to an npr marist poll from a couple of weeks okay. 89% of americans say they favor background checks on purchasing guns. so an overwhelming majority. sorry, go ahead. >> no, exactly. so this would be something that you would think republicans and democrats would be able to get on board with. of course, the house has passed legislation back in february. that would ensure stricter
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background checks and a ten-day waiting period and try to cut through loop holes wrote where you could basically purchase a gun through the internet or at some sort of gun show without a background check. but this is just sort of weighted in the senate. and when they've been interviewing mitch mcconnell, senate majority leader from the republicans on this, he has been kind of vague. he says well, i'm interested in discussions on this. >> right. he wants to debate. sorry, go ahead. >> he wants to debate on this. he wants the senate to debate this. but first this, he is not going interrupt the senate's recess. he is not bringing them back from recess for this debate. it's going to wait until next month, until they would come back anyway. and all he is promising, as you say, is a debate. not necessarily a vote, not necessarily a bill. >> exactly. that's one of the things that has frustrated chuck schumer in the senate and nancy pelosi in the house. they wanted him to commit to a vote on it.
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and they also wanted congress to convene earlier right away while the momentum is now and not to wait a month and then say well, we're just going to debate about it. because the u.s. congress has debated this for decades now. and we're in the same place that we were, you know, 10, 15 years ago. nothing has really changed. in fact, things have only gotten worse, because at least in the 1990s, there was a ban on assault weapons. but that ban was allowed to expire under the bush administration, and instead we have very lax gun regulations. there is some variation from state to state, but really nothing has really changed. >> you mentioned momentum. do you think mitch mcconnell is trying to run out the clock on this buy himself some time and wait a few weeks when he know there's won't be as much momentum, as much pressure on senators to vote for gun control? >> i think that's exactly what he's doing. we've actually seen with polling right after a mass shooting, there was a poll that takes
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place. there is a spike in support for stricter gun regulations. he's coming from the state of kentucky, which has very lax gun regulations, and is a state where people feel very, very strongly about gun rights. and i'm sure he is thinking about his own reelection and that he doesn't want to restrict gun rights right now because that's going to be politically unpopular for him in his constituency. but he's not really thinking about what the general mood is of the country, as you already illustrated with overwhelmling support for stricter background checks. >> all right. natasha lindstat, thank you so much for joining us today. we appreciate it's. >> thank you for having me. it's the korean peninsula where pyongyang has launched two more projectiles into the sea. a u.s. official tells cnn that they were short range ballistic missiles that were similar to other recent launches. the launch come ahead of planned u.s./south korea military exercises on sunday, which north korea has protested. it also comes hours after u.s.
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president donald trump said he received a friendly letter from north korean leader kim jong-un. >> he really wrote a beautiful three-p three-page, from top to bottom, a really beautiful letter. it was a very positive letter. >> what did it say? i. >> i'd love to give it to you. >> saturday's launch appears to be pyongyang's fifth round of missile tests in just over two weeks. mr. trump also downplayed the previous launches when he spoke with reporters. >> there have been no nuclear tests. the missile tests have all been short range, no ballistic missile tests, no long-range missiles. >> for more on this, i'm joined by an adjunct senior fellow at the center for new american security, and she joins me from seoul. what do you think north korea is trying to say to trump with these repeated missile launches? and more importantly, is he getting that message?
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>> thanks for having me. so the political timing right now is that the north is protesting ongoing u.s./south korea military drills, and they just started this week, officially they start this weekend, perhaps tomorrow or so. but during the week, some of the staff training exercises already started. and he basically is saying stop all of the exercises all together. but the problem is trump has already ended the large scale military exercises, and these are extremely small. these are computer simulations. and so they really are not provocative in the sense that north korea claims them to be. and so he really is getting his point across, i think, because trump is giving north korea a pass attesting short range ballistic missiles. and the problem is these short range missiles are extremely
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dangerous to all of south korea. one of america's closest asian ally, and it's dangerous to not only american troops living in south korea, but american citizens, ex patriots living in south korea. so trump is basically saying south koreans and americans living here basically don't matter. >> but if this is about north korea sending a message and trying to put pressure on the trump administration, is it working? because after all, if the u.s. president doesn't see these ballistic missiles -- i beg your pardon, these missiles as threatening, he has said that his threshold is ballistic missiles. anything short of, that he doesn't see as a big deal, at least officially. doesn't that sort of neutralize north korea's tactic here? >> well, trump is saying the long-range missiles are no-no. so that's why north korea is testing short range missiles. bury the problem is these short-range missiles are extremely dangerous. and these are the types of
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missiles that could actually start a conflict and a war. and so because trump is basically giving his blessing to these short-range missiles, the snort is -- and this is a military tactic. so the political one was a timing, because of the exercises. but now militarily, the north is given free range to develop to further perfect these missiles, that it can one day even use if it wanted to. >> all right. this is all happening against the wider backdrop of talks, or at least the potential for talks between the u.s. and north korea on denuclearization. has there been any progress made on that front in the past few months? >> unfortunately not. the north is playing this two-track game. kim jong-un sending his so-called beautiful letter to president trump. the two leaders are exchanging love letters. at the working level of negotiators, everyone underneath kim and everyone underneath
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trump, they're not able to resume negotiations. if you remember at the inter-korean border, at the dmz, trump and kim agreed to resume these working level negotiations. this is back in june. but they still have not started yet. and so what we're seeing, what we have consistently seen actually even since the singapore summit last year, especially ahead of the hanoi summit this year, the north has always tried to bypass the bureaucracy the working level and go straight to president trump and try to strike a deal with him, because we have seen him, you know, give kim jong-un what he wants lycansling the large scale military exercises. the north thinks trump is the only one that will gikim jong-u everything he wants. >> the only sign i can see is the u.s. president, unlike his predecessors is refusing to criticize the north while he is criticizing his traditional allies, south korea, mainly and also japan partly.
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>> so kim jong-un and north korea, they are not losing anything. they're winning and they're gaining by trump giving them a pass at short range missiles, by not holding real negotiations. so, again, during this time of no negotiations, but pretending to have -- continue this bromance and this close relationship with trump, the north is still perfecting its military capability. and so that's what it's getting. plus because of these summits that kim jong-un has been engaged in with president trump, he's gaining international standing and prestige, this perception. he is trying to build himself as a leader, a normal leader of a normal country. so he is getting a lot of pr. so while the summits are not making any dent whatsoever in north korea's nuclear weapons programs, the north is gaining. it's advancing its programs and it's gaining international
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standing. >> all right. duyeon kim, thank you so much for joining this hour. well appreciate it. frustration is simmering in hong kong. despite growing threats from china, the protesters aren't going anywhere. live from the sit-in at hong kong airport when we come back. plus, this man was born in greece and spent most of his life in the u.s., but u.s. immigration officials deported him to iraq, where he died. his story next. woman 1: i had no symptoms of hepatitis c. man 1: mine... man 1: ...caused liver damage. vo: epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c.
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the political upheaval in hong kong is stretching into its tenth straight weekend. right now hundreds of people are occupying hong kong international airport. it is day two of a three-day sit-in. they're handing out leaflets to traveler, explaining their grievances against the city's pro beijing government. over events include a pro-democracy march. ben wedeman is at hong kong international airport. ben? >> reporter: hi, cyril. as you said, yes, we are in the second day of the sit-in act, the airport. as you can see, the numbers are starting to grow. just two hours ago, there may be 150 people here. now there are well over a
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thousand. and the number of people continue to come. yesterday at its height, there were perhaps as many as 10,000 people crammed into the arrival hall here at the airport. it's important to note this is a sit-in. it is not intended nor did it result in any disruption of the airport's operations. and there was no friction between the police and the protesters. but just let's walk along here and have a look at what's going on. all of these sort of little signs and posters, people are posting notes of support for the pro-democracy protest here. and this is how it will go on for the rest of the day. now there is one development that does somewhat complicate this protest, and that is the announcement by the chinese civil aviation authority that regarding cathay pacific, which is hong kong's official flag
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carrier, that any crewmembers who have participated or supported the pro-democracy protests will not be allowed on to flights headed to or from mainland china. and as of midnight tonight, the chinese authorities will require cathay pacific provide the identities of all crewmembers, and they must approve before approval is given to that flight to fly to mainland china. so that is essentially a shot across the bow of corporate hong kong, a warning that that there is a financial price to pay for this dissent from hong kong. cyril? >> ben wedeman reporting from the hong kong international airport. thank you very much. we'll be getting an update from you in the coming hours. thank you, ben. the second in command of u.s. intelligence is out amid concerns of loyalty to donald trump.
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welcome back. i'm cyril vanier with your headlines this hour. the official arrest report in last saturday's mass shooting in el paso, texas states that the suspect told police "i'm the shooter." the alleged gunman also told police he was targeting mexicans. at least eight mexican nationals were among the 22 people killed at the walmart shopping center. 24 others were hurt in the rampage. in saudi arabia, hundreds of thousands of muslims are heading to mount arafat. it's where the prophet muhammad
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is believed to have delivered his last certainly man. it comes ahead of the holiday that marks the height of the pilgrimage. south korean military officials say north korea has launched two projectiles into the sea. they were short range ballistic missiles that appear to be similar to other recent launches. seoul's military says it is monitoring the situation and watching for more launches. donald trump is shaking up the u.s. intelligence community. the president denounced a new acting director of national intelligence shortly after the number two official submitted her resignation. sources say sue gordon left because she wasn't the political loyalist mr. trump wanted in the role. cnn's alex marquardt has the latest. >> reporter: in just a few carefully chosen words, sue gordon makes it clear it was not her choice to leave. a handwritten note to the president attached to her resignation letter saying it is an act of patriotism, not preference. you should have your team.
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a team she saw she would be no part of. >> sue did a great job. i like gordon very much. >> reporter: the president praising gordon, as he did on twitter thursday night, announcing her departure. but she has represented what he has railed against, almost 40 years in the intelligence community, making her firmly part of that establishment he has long been suspicious of. tweeting after the intelligence chiefs worldwide threats briefing that they should go back to school. in recent years, she reported to president obama's cia director, john brennan, and then dan coats, the president a fan of neither of them. former cia director general michael hayden told jake tapper coats is a good man, but gordon kept the trains running on time. trump doesn't understand what it is to be a professional intelligence officer. when trump did not name gordon the acting dni after coats decided to resign two weeks ago, the writing was on the wall as the president bashed the intelligence community.
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>> we need somebody strong that can really rein it in. because as i think you have all learned, the intelligence agencies have run amok. they've run amok. >> reporter: congressional leader, including some top republicans wanted gordon to stick around. senate intelligence committee chairman richard burr called her departure a significant loss, saying i will miss her candor and deep knowledge. instead of gordon, the president has named joseph maguire to be the acting dni. the former vice admiral is a former navy s.e.a.l., a special forces commander and the current director of the national counterterrorism center. but if the president is looking for a yes man, maguire has said that won't be him. >> i promise to tell the truth and to be able to represent the information and the hard analysis from the intelligence community professionals as accurately and as forthcoming as i possibly can. and i am more than willing to speak truth to power. >> reporter: while it was not entirely unexpected that sue gordon would have to step down,
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or something and sent him back to the sort of apartment he was sharing with other homeless deportees. and on tuesday, he was found dead on the floor of the place he was staying. >> and you've been very outspoken that he should never have been deported, he should never have been sent away. tell me about that. >> well, okay. here is a person who never lived in iraq one day in his life. he was born in refugee camp in greece. he did not speak arabic. he had no family in iraq. he was a mentally ill and
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diabetic. anybody with any sense of humanity would understand that someone like this could not survive in iraq. let's remember that our state department says no american should travel to iraq because it is too dangerous. your life is in danger if you travel there. that's what our government says. and we're deporting someone who never -- he came to the u.s. when he was 6 months old as a refugee, and he'd never set foot in iraq. i mean, it was a death sentence. >> so how should this have been handled? because if you look at this dispassionately, and it's hard to do in this case, it's almost impossible to do, on the one hand, the country has to enforce immigration rules. and on the other, the country like the u.s. will want in most cases to act humanely. so there is a big gray area in the middle there where you have to deal with reality. how should this have been dealt with? >> yeah, i don't think -- i'm happy to look at it
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dispassionately as strong as my own emotions are. i don't think it's that hard, cyril. the trump administration should just have done what every republican and democratic administration before it did in terms of iraqi nationals who have had some problem with the law in our country. george h.w. bush, bill clinton, george w. bush, and barack obama, two democrats, two republicans, none of them ever deported these iraqi nationals just because they had had some tangle with the law. if there is someone who committed a very bad crime and shouldn't be in our country, no problem. but we're talking about the 1500 people that we're talking about typically they may have committed -- they may be 50 years old now, and when they were 20, they committed a drug offense or they did shoplifting. they went to jail. they served their time. now there is some middle aged
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guy working, paying taxes, often owning their own business with kids, even grandkids living in my district or around the country. there is no -- you tell me any foreign policy or domestic policy of the united states that's advanced by deporting some middle aged guy sitting on his couch, you know, watching tv with his kids. it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. and no other president of either party has saw fit to just start deporting people without regard to humanity, as you say before. so it's not a partisan issue, cyril. it's just a question of basic humanity. >> and what happens now, congressman? because you mentioned that there are many such individuals, iraqi born nationals in your district. so i wonder, are there any other or any future jimmy aldaoud situations that you are aware
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of? >> cyril, i can tell you i'm very sorry to say it, but i can tell you that more people will die if we keep deporting people to iraq like this. remember, when the iraqi government takes these people under duress, they don't want to, but they're under tremendous pressure from the trump administration, they are not providing them with documents that let you live in iraq. they give them what's called a lessez document that lets them get to iraq. once they get to iraq, they don't have a driver's license or a national id card or a passport. you can't even -- i know of a guy there now who cannot be in contact with his family via cell phone because in order to get an sms card you, have to have an identity card, and he doesn't have it. he is homeless. he's penniless, and he is suicidal. and i hope he's not next, but i just want to do everything i can
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outside of politics, democrats and republicans, let's just get together as many of my colleagues in the house have done and said let's pass the law. let's get the trump administration to change course, something to stop deportations of vulnerable people to a place where they're likely to be tortured, kidnapped, or even killed. >> and congressman, i know you have worked on a bill that would do just that. thank you so much for your time today. and we'll follow up with you on this story. >> all right, thank you so much. a powerful typhoon is wreaking havoc in eastern china. next we'll tell you how bad that region has been hit. plus, india heightens tensions in kashmir this week by exerting more control in the contested region. we'll have the latest response from rival pakistan after the break. it can lead you on an unexpected journey... discover your heritage.
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parts of china are on red alert as a powerful storm makes landfall on the country's eastern coast. typhoon lekima has battered the region with heavy rains and winds of 175 kilometers per hour. that is equivalent to a category 2 hurricane. the downpour has flooded the streets of some coastal areas, as you see here. chinese officials have dispatched rescue teams and advised businesses and schools to close down as a precaution. derek van dam is back with us from the cnn weather center. this storm wreaked havoc in the southern ryukyu islands south of mainland japan, and then it moved into the east coast of china. look at this time lapse. very ominous skies. this is in the zhejiang province south of shanghai. it turned streets into full-on rivers. you don't want to traverse this type of situation. of course many people getting stuck in the rapid rising water. there were swift water rescues that are taking place. you're watching one of the gentlemen who is successfully
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rescued from a several hoyer operation trying to get them out of their home. there is another individual there. you can see the rescue personnel actually reaching them successfully, a stranded vehicle. a difficult situation. it paralyzed some of the transportation there, from air to road all the way to the railways. and you talk about the coast as well. you can see some of the waves here are several stories high. just incredible amounts of power and energy built up behind typhoon lekima. here's the latest. it is just after 2:00 p.m. local time i should say in eastern china. the landfall was roughly about 12 to 13 hours ago in the zhejiang province. 175 kilometer per hour winds at the time of landfall. and that was confirmed in many locations. here is a just, for example, 137. but there were higher accounts. and just some of these rainfall totals are impressive as well. it's picking up in speed in
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terms of forward speed, forward motion. but look what it's got in its eye. shanghai on the northern frej fringe of the storm. it's already getting battered with heavy rainfall. you can bet the eastern side of the storm, remember, we have counter counterclockwise rotation around typhoons in the northern hemisphere. that's going to bring in the strongest parts of the wind to shanghai. if you travel in or out of shanghai, double-check your flight plans because it will likely be impacted by that. you can see how it rides along the entire east coast of china for the next 24 to 48 hours. it's going to overspread heavy rainfall for this area. remember we have mountainous regions here. the potential for landslides and mud slides exists. on top of that, we have another typhoon waiting across the western pacific. this is named typhoon krosa. 135 miles per hour sustained winds now. look at the projection, brings it right into southern japan as we head into the second half of next week, this will be a rain and wind maker for kagoshima, into koshi as well as osaka.
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this video is incredible. a very rare sight to see a tornado in this part of europe, but conditions were just right. cold front coming through. and it spawned off this incredible sight. look at the debris being wrapped around this tornado. this person obviously putting their phone into slow motion and capturing this incredible sight. in petange, luxembourg. i hope i'm getting that right. >> absolutely. >> look at the funnels. you can see the shingles and the sides of houses torn and rotated around the base of the tornado. >> last hour amsterdam. i've never seen anything like this in these places. derek van dam, thank you very much. >> thank you. a bit of a struggle between india and pakistan and kashmir continues. india asserted more control over the region this week and imposed a communications blackout this week to stifle protests. but as cnn reports, protesters in pakistan are making their voices heard.
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>> i'm standing in front of pakistan's national assembly, and just down the road is india's high commission. behind me are protests who tell me that they have come from all over punjab to give a voice to the people of kashmir. i was speaking to a few of them and they do not mind this rain. they do not mind blocking all this traffic in the very heart. they're telling me this they've come from all over the country to give a voice to the people of kashmir because they feel that kashmir needs independence. that's what they're saying. they say the government has to do more. if dialogue doesn't work and it comes to a fight, nay will be willing to fight on the ground. they say that pakistan's independence was fought on the ground by these very activists, and these are the people who are saying that they're going to continue to protest, continue to stream out to give a voice to the voiceless people of indian
11:50 pm
11:52 pm
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with more than 20 democratic candidates running for the u.s. presidency, it's more important than ever for them to stand out from the pack, but it's hard for even seasoned politicians to avoid missteps along the way. arlitt sainz travels to a key campaign stop. >> reporter: the iowa state fair, a proving ground for presidential hopefuls, shaking hands with fair goers, flipping pork chops and making their case to iowans. >> on january 20th, 2021, we will say adios to donald trump. >> reporter: as the 2020 field swarms the hawkeye states, the can gatdidates are taking aim a president trump. some are calling him a white supremacist. >> based on his words and actions, yes, he is a white supremacist. >> reporter: but others not going as far.
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>> i think it's important to call it what it is, which is that we have a president of the united states who does not reflect the values of who we are as a people. >> reporter: meanwhile, joe biden dealing with a verbal misstep after speaking to a group of mostly hispanic and asian voters thursday night. >> we have this notion that somehow if you're poor, you cannot do it. poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids, wealthy kids, black kids, asian kids. i really mean it. think about how we think about it. we think now we're going to dumb it down. they can do anything anybody can do given a shot. >> reporter: the former vp misspoke and immediately corrected himself. >> joe is not playing with a full deck. he made that comment. i said, whoa. >> reporter: but biden's pushing back during a campaign stop in boone, iowa. >> it's the second anniversary of charlottesville coming up and they need to divert something.
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>> are you able to go through a whole campaign with this kind of scrutiny? >> yes, i have to. it's a legitimate screw up. >> you're watching cnn. i'm cyril. we'll be right back with another hour of the world's top stories right after this. i'm finding it hard to stay on top of things. a faster laptop could help. plus, tech support to stay worry free.
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12:00 am
president trump says the u.s. needs meaningful gun background checks. many wonder if he will actually do anything differently now. plus, fear in america. we'll look at a nation on edge after two more mass shootings. and later, a three-day sit-in at the hong kong airport as protesters spend another weekend voicing their demand for change. we're live from the cnn center here in atlanta. i'm cyril vanier, it's great to have you with us. in the aftermath of several recent mass shootings, one in texas, another in ohio, and one in california. days before that the u.s. president is offering vague assurances that som w
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