tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN August 10, 2019 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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president trump says the u.s. needs meaningful gun background checks. many wonder if he will actually do anything differently now. plus, fear in america. we'll look at a nation on edge after two more mass shootings. and later, a three-day sit-in at the hong kong airport as protesters spend another weekend voicing their demand for change. we're live from the cnn center here in atlanta. i'm cyril vanier, it's great to have you with us. in the aftermath of several recent mass shootings, one in texas, another in ohio, and one in california. days before that the u.s. president is offering vague assurances that something will be done to improve background
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checks on gun purchases. president trump has said similar things before after other mass shootings, but little has happened. cnn's pamela brown has this report. >> we want to take the guns out of the hands of crazy, demented people. >> reporter: president trump claiming he will do something on gun control. >> i think we can get something really good done. i think we can have some really meaningful background checks. >> reporter: but it's not clear what. >> i think that the republicans are going to be great and lead the change along with the democrats. i spoke to nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, we had a great talk. >> reporter: the president said he has a commitment to take up background checks from senate majority leader mitch mcconnell who has been under pressure to bring the senate back from the five-week recess and even facing protesters at his kentucky home.
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>> he's totally on board. >> reporter: but mcconnell saying he hasn't endorsed anything adding the senate won't come back early and saying mcconnell has only allowed them to discuss it and red flag warning administration when it occurs. >> those are two items for sure that will be front and center as we see what we can come together on and pass. >> reporter: the president also talking with the national rifle association's wayne lapierre tweeting that their very strong views can be fully represented and respected. >> i have a great relationship with the nra. they're really good people. they're great patriots. they love our country. they love our country so much and, flarankly, i think they're going to get theirs. >> reporter: the nra opposes any legislation that unfairly infringes on the rights of law abiding citizens. while some analysts believe a bruising battle weakened its
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influence in washington, trump says he'll take their calls and wants their support in 2020. >> i think in the end wayne and the nra will either be there or maybe will be a little bit more neutral, and that would be okay, too. >> reporter: after lapierre warned trump earlier this week the base wouldn't like background checks, he said this about his supporters. >> i think my base relies on common sense and they rely on me in terms of telling them what's happening. >> reporter: the president was asked how his pledges this time around are any different from after the parkland shooting when he made promises and didn't follow through? well, the president said he never said then what he is saying now but after the parkland shooting he did support expanding background checks only to back down under pressure from the nra. pamela brown, cnn, the white house. the alleged gunman in the el paso, texas, rampage apparently
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told police he was targeting mexicans. it states that the 21-year-old suspect told police, quote, i'm the shooter. the affidavit also reveals why he drove 11 hours from his home near dallas to carry out the attack. it says he told police he thought his family and friends wouldn't know that he was responsible if he did it far from his home. 22 people died in the karn page including eight mexican nationals, 22 others were hurt. the widow of one victim whose funeral was friday in mexico had a message for the u.s. president. >> translator: i would ask mr. trump to not laugh again when someone says to kill us. he laughed together with everyone else and that's not right. we aren't animals to be hunted in the street as if we were animals so what can we expect? what respect do we have? >> reporter: daniel straws joins
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me. he's a reporter at politico. dani daniel, president trump said he wants background checks but listen to president trump in 2018 in the wake of parkland and listen to him now. >> going to be very strong on background checks. we want to be very strong, very powerful on background checks. >> we certainly have to strengthen background checks. everybody agrees on that. there's tremendous goodwill, meaningful, add that word, meaningful background checks so that sick and demented people don't carry around guns. >> except that it doesn't sound very meaningful coming from this president because he's promised it before and hasn't delivered. so is there any reason to believe that he'll make good on this promise this time? >> there's a lot of enthusiasm across the political spectrum on capitol hill for some kind of
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movement, some kind of response to the most recent shootings than there were six or eight months ago. but president trump himself as well has shifted around on this and at moments in the past he's said, yeah, i'm for background checks and then he's gotten pressure from the nra and other voices on capitol hill who are opposed to new gun laws and he's sort of pulled back a little bit here. so it's hard to tell. we're going to have to really wait and see how much this latest push sticks and what about -- what lawmakers in the republican leadership are saying in the coming days. >> but what has changed? what gives you reason to believe that what lawmakers didn't do before they would do now? >> well, there's a -- there's an actual discussion going on about doing something on both sides, among republicans and democrats where in the past few months there's sort of been a one-sided debate between democrats saying
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we need background checks, we need something and republicans kind of not really giving an alternative in legislative form. now they're saying they support red flag laws so there's an interest at least among republicans and democrats to do something, and maybe president trump this time will finally be able to say, look, background checks are the way to go. republicans, members of my party, you guys want to do something, this is the most feasible thing. >> last time donald trump said he wanted background checks, shortly after he said that very publicly, he had the cameras film this meeting with both sides of the aisle, with lawmakers, then the nra got in his ear. they got a meeting with the president and his tune changed. is that something that might happen again? >>ing look, the president himself is saying right now that he wants the nra at the table. he wants to listen to them. he wants their voice in this conversation. at the same time the nra itself has been undergoing a great deal of changes and has, it seems, lost some of its --
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>> are they as powerful as they used to be? >> well, it's changing. it's starting to look like they may be losing some of their power on capitol hill as more of these shootings happen. there's less sway that they seem to have. this particular episode might be the big test and the big indicator that the nra does not have as much sway among lawmakers as they used to. >> also you say that winds might be shifting in congress and mitch mcconnell, senate leader, did say, well, we're going to have a debate and we're going to have a debate next month. so he's not bringing people out of recess. he's not bringing people back to talk about it, much less vote about it. he says we'll talk about it in a month's time or so. >> yeah, look. that's why skeptics of immediate gun legislation are giving pause. we've heard this before. we've heard promises, two weeks, a month, maybe two, this will happen. it's just discussion. it's not the immediate response
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that proponents of new gun laws would like to see, which is calling congress back right now and putting some kind of bill on the floor immediately. that's what house speaker nancy pelosi and house democrats want to do. they want to see a senate vote on the bill that their chamber passed, but the fact that that hasn't happened or doesn't seem to be happening in the coming days suggests that maybe we won't see any new gun legislation any time soon. >> daniel straws coming to us from politico. pleasure speaking to you. thanks. >> thanks. a senior immigration official tells cnn the white house wants more workplace raids like the one that happened this week. immigration field offices have been told to identify at least two locations in their regions to conduct possible raids. president trump said he was very pleased with the mississippi operation. >> i want people to know that if they come into the united states
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illegally, they're getting out. they're going to be brought out. and this serves as a very good deterrent. when people see what they saw yesterday and like they will see for a long time, they know that they're not staying here. >> for the people caught up in the sweep, it was a traumatic experience, especially for the children who didn't understand why one or sometimes both parents were suddenly gone. >> they don't have their parents at all. they're upset. they're scared. they're like little kids. like elementary. i'm in high school, maybe i can understand a little bit more. elementary kids, they don't know anything. >> he said to my mom, take care of the kids because the immigration has now captured me. i started praying to god to let them go, that i hope he comes back, that god protects you. >> she didn't do nothing wrong. she isn't a criminal. hispanic people, they don't come
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here to hurt or injure anybody, they come here to make a better future for their kids. >> at last reports of the 680 people detained in wednesday's raids, more than half remain in custody. to the korean peninsula now where seoul says pyongyang fired another round of project tiles into the sea early on saturday. they were short-range ballistic missiles similar to other launches by north korea. for more on this i'm joined by cnn's ivan watson. he's reporting from hong kong. ivan? >> reporter: hi there, cyril. the two missiles were launched around dawn from north korea splashing into the sea identified as short-range ballistic missiles. what's striking is this is the fifth time that north korea has fired salvos of these missiles in 2 1/2 weeks. if you look at the time line, it is quite busy not only this morning but also early in the morning on august 6th, on august
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2nd, on july 31st, on july 25th. now years ago before they engaged in face-to-face diplomacy, president trump used to deride the north korean dictator calling him little rocket man, but hours before this most recent launch took place on saturday morning, president trump was instead celebrating the fact that he received another, as he put it, very beautiful letter from kim jong-un. take a listen. >> he really wrote a beautiful brief, hey, right top from bottom, a beautiful letter. yeah, he gave me a great letter. i would love to give you but i don't think it would be appropriate. it was very personal. it was a great letter. he talked about what he's doing. he's not happy with the testing. it's a very small testing that we did, but he wasn't happy with the testing. he put that in the letter, but he also sees a great future for north korea.
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>> now apparently when president trump was saying testing, he's referring to what are believed to be another series of joint u.s./south korean military drills that typically take place this time of year, and after the short range ballistic missile launches of a few days ago, the north koreans put out a very strongly worded statement from the foreign ministry denouncing the military exercises saying they were in violation of the spirit of diplomacy that president trump and kim jong-un have engaged in and saying that they want to put a stop to this and justifying the missile launches as a response to the joint military exercises. the trump administration has been downplaying the missile launches. president trump has been on record himself saying they don't bother him but they alarm south korea which scrambles these national security council
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meetings in response saying they're not helping any effort at denuclearizing the korean peninsula and moving forward with diplomacy. president trump is not bothered by them, but it's clear that each missile launch that north korea carries out is within range to be able to hit the south korean capital. so they are of concern to the south korean allies of the u.s. cyril. >> ivan watson reporting live from hong kong. thank you very much. frustration is sim nerg hong kong, and despite growing threats from china, the protesters aren't going anywhere. we're live from a sit-in at hong kong international airport. plus, the streets of eastern china have turned into rivers. we'll have the latest on the death toll when we come back. customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package
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grievances with the pro beijing government. ben wedeman is there. what's it looking like right now? >> reporter: cyril, what we're seeing is a fairly impressive turnout for the second day of sit in at hong kong international airport, the eighth busiest in the world. just about three hours ago there were maybe 150 people here, now almost the entire arrivals hall is full of people. and they seem to be -- keep on coming. so definitely this does appear to be the second day in a row the largest protest event ear in hong kong. now there is an added complication to this. the chinese civil aviation authority has informed cafe pacific, the official flag carrier airline for hong kong, that from now on no crew members flying to mainland china who have participated or supporting
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the pro democracy protests will be able to fly to mainland china and that as of midnight tonight, cafe pacific a must provide the names and they have to be approved before the flight is given clearance to through to mainland, china. this is a shot across the bow for the corporate giants here in hong kong but that doesn't seem to have impacted the determination here now in their tenth consecutive weekend. cyril? >> ben, one notable thing since they started the sit in was entirely peaceful which was not a given based on some of the scenes we've seen in previous protesting. there have been serious clashes with police. >> reporter: yeah, actually, let me show you what they're doing
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here, is the people are coming out. they are not -- the travelers are not being harassed in any way. what they are doing is they're landing out pamphlets like this, dear travelers, there's an apology for the disturbance, but there's an explanation here for why they're carrying out these protests. so the intention is not to disrupt operations here. i think the protesters are very aware that if there were any sort of disruption to the activities at airport that the authorities would respond in a somewhat different manner, but as long as it's peaceful and doesn't interfere with the operations, it carries on like this. now we did see on monday, this past monday there was a general strike where more than 2,000 ground personnel did not show up for work, where more than 100 incoming and outgoing flights were canceled. that was a different sort of
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thing. but this is clearly an attempt to send a message to people coming in to hong kong who may have seen the many travel advisories put out by countries like the u.s. and the u.k., they stressed that there's no danger to people coming here, that they are more than welcome. i was looking at a pamphlet yesterday that's been handed out to tourists saying that don't be afraid, but if you go near any of these protests, you should leave as soon as the police show up because they're likely to fire tear gas. cyril. >> ben wedeman reporting from hong kong international airport. thank you very much. we stay in asia. in china now the powerful typhoon lekima has claimed at least 13 lives. another 16 people are said to be missing. the storm battered the region with winds of 110 miles or 175 kilometers per hour when it hit.
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that is equivalent to a category 2 hurricane. the downpour also flooded the streets of some coastal areas. we're going to get into all of that with our meteorologist derek van dam joining us from the cnn weather center. >> yeah, they had to evacuate up to a million people before the storm made landfall across eastern china. think of the population density from shanghai into the zhejing province. they opened 100 disaster settlements. get to the footage. you'll see what they had to deal with there. this is a time laps of the storm approaching in the zhezing province. rivers in roadways. not something you want to traverse. it was extremely dangerous for many. there were swift water rescues. in fact, there were about 1400 rescue operations and rescue teams that went out and performed the rescues that
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you're seeing on your tv screens. this was just in the zhezing province along. this is south of shanghai. shanghai is in the cross hairs for the storm now. check this out. this is incredible. you can see the scope, the power of the storm allowing for waves to crash over the shoreline. several stories in height. gives it perspective. the storm made landfall roughly about 1 a.m. on the east coast of china. that was saturday morning. it is now just after 3 p.m. local time in shanghai. so it's been about 12 to 14 hours since the storm made landfall but it is moving right along the east coast. it's not actually moving inland, it's kind of running parallel with the coast line and it is doing some damage as it does so impacting trains, impacting roadways and of course impacting airlines. if you're traveling to shanghai, double check your flight plans because they will most definitely be affected by this.
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right near the center of the circulation. it's not over water any longer. it is losing some of its gusto, let's say. it is going to continue to weaken, but it will cause problems with strong, gusty winds. extremely heavy rainfall. keep in mind there are some mountains that will lead to the potential of landslides and flooding. guess what, there's another typhoon waiting in the wings. this one named typhoon krosa heading towards japan. we do expect that to bring major impacts to the central portions of mainland, japan. let me take you to amsterdam. this is incredible, extraordinary video. this is a tornado in the center of japan. here it is taking place yesterday. going over a river when you are sitting on your latte. >> no, very impressive footage.
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>> no one was hurt. >> that's the good news. derek van dam joining us from the cnn weather center. thank you very much as always. >> yeah. america on edge. after back-to-back mass shootings in the u.s., the fear now being felt across the country. would he'll talk about that when we come back. plus, why america's environmental protection agency approved the building of a mine in the protected alaskan salmon habitat. details on that coming up. we call it the mother standard of care. it's something we take personally,
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hour. just before president trump left washington for vacation, he once again voiced support for meaningful background checks on gun purchases. this after 31 people died in two mass shootings last weekend. the senate's republican leader only says the issue will be debated next month when congress returns from its summer recess. north korea fired two projectiles in the sea earlier saturday according to south korean military officials. a u.s. source says there were short-range ballistic missiles similar to other launches. seoul says it was a show of force against upcoming u.s./south korean military exercises. it is the tenth straight weekend for protests. they are planning a sit in at the international airport. hundreds of people are holding signs handing out leaf lets. several other protests expected over the next few days.
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since the mass shootings in texas and ohio, americans have been on edge. there's anxiety, the prospect of another rampage. cnn's ed lavandera is in el paso with the fallout. >> reporter: not in my hometown. the accused racist terrorist in el paso is telling investigators he chose the border city instead of allen, texas, because he believed if he pulled it off. three sources with knowledge of the investigation say patrick crusius said he had shame for doing it near his home. this 20-year-old is now facing a terror threat charge striking fear inside a springfield, missouri, walmart after walking through the store dressed like this. >> there were a lot of people
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hiding outside behind the barriers and businesses. it was pretty chaotic. >> it's the latest example of angst and anxiety across america. from times square in new york where a motorcycle back firing sent people running. to a mall in utah where a sign crashing to the ground had shoppers scrambling to safety. >> we didn't know what was going on until somebody went in to tell us that we need to leave the place so we just basically ran. >> a costco in california was evacuated after reports of a possible gun man inside. all of these incidents and others like it just this week. while protest oerps plead with congress to act. walmart today took its first activists. they're eliminating displays of violent video games but still planning to sell the games as well as guns. >> reporter: back here in el paso we have obtained the arrest
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warrant of the shooter. according to the document, the gunman has confessed to police of walking into the walmart with an ak-47 and specifically wanting to target mexicans and that he was arrested just a few blocks away from the shooting scene. when he was approached by officers, he stepped out of his car and put his hands up in the air, i'm your shooter. brian, what has this whole week been like for you looking at events unfold since the shooting? >> yeah, cyril, great to see you again. i have been beyond angry, obviously emotional for all the victims. you know, my heart goes out to them. i'm still struggling with ptsd having been a victim of the las vegas shooting.
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i wasn't hit by a bullet. some people around me were shot down and killed. part of my soul, cyril, was lost in that mass shooting. here we had two and it retraumatizes those who have been victims. i went from deep trauma to anger. so i'm actually outraged at this point and embarrassed by our pathetic leadership in washington, d.c., leadership that fails to make necessary changes to safeguard people in our country so i -- you know, i -- there has to be something done to stop this from happening. i know we're talking about the background check bill. it has to be an assault weapons
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ban. >> the president has raised the possibility of some form of gun control. he says he wants background checks. that is something, as you know, that he's said before after the parkland shooting and it didn't happen. how do you feel about the fact that it's being mentioned now? >> yeah, exactly. talk is cheap. that's my response to president trump. we heard this before after the parkland shooting and nothing happened, and we then had the house of representatives in the united states pass a bill in february of this year that would have enacted this background check and what happens? we have a dictator ship in washington, d.c. the head of the senate and president trump decide that they're not going to even let this bill be voted on in the senate. >> well, so the head of the senate -- mitch mcconnell said he's going to have a debate about this, that when congress convenes again, when the sane nate convenes again they're going to have a debate and
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they're going to consider background checks and red flag laws. >> yeah, but why is it taking so long, cyril? didn't we hear this before? i'm not convinced anything will be done until it's enacted and there's a vote on it. this in my opinion is inaction and not real until people see it. what's it going to take, cyril, another mass shooting? >> how much since they said they would do this. what angers me though, cyril, is as of a couple of months ago president trump and mitch mcconnell said they don't support this. all of a sudden, okay, we do support it. to me this is just a bins window dressing to try to placate corporate conglomerates. i think this is a lot of talk to
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make sure that the people that are sending money to these campaigns are happy. that's really -- >> are you talking about the nra here? i know you've written about the role of the nra and you feel that their influence on politicians is a big reason that gun control laws haven't been at a federal level. >> are you kidding me? the nra is educating -- >> they've had internal trouble. my question is do you think they're as powerful now as they were a few months ago and if not does that open a window, perhaps, for some political movement on this? >> no, i don't buy it at all. the fact that our president is more concerned about calling the head of the nra than reaching out to people that have been impacted by these shootings, that speaks -- they are controlling our government at
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this point. cyril, we don't live in a democracy in the last few ship and a tyranny governnd by the nra and other corporate congr s conglomerat conglomerates. >> you feel about this on the gun issue specifically? >> well, yeah, the gun issue specifically and other -- there are other issues in the country as well where corporate conglomerates as well, cyril, that i think would maybe help with some of these problems like gun control and other issues in the u.s. is campaign finance reform where we limit or eliminate powerful lobbying groups and big corporations from donating to candidates. let's get a constitutional
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amendment or new law that limits that. the policies are on behalf of the people as opposed to just a few. >> brian clay pool, as i said in the introduction, you've been at one of these massacres, you're a survivor of one of these, you've seen the shots fired. you have feared for your life. it's important to get you on. thank you for coming. >> thanks for having me, sir. a major stop on the way to the white house. the iowa state fair. democratic fans were there and this is what it looks like. got more on that next. and now with each new line, get one of our latest smartphones included. $40/line for four lines and smartphones are included for the whole family. so chantix can help you quit slow turkey.key. along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit.
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true. >> democrats call you and supporters nationalist and white supremacist help you? >> i don't think it helps. first of all, i don't like it when they do it because i am not any of those things. i think it's a disgrace, and i think it shows how desperate the democrats are. >> but during his rallies mr. trump continuously tauts building walls, he rails against immigrants and he has recently told four democratic people of color that they should go back where they came from. they're campaigning in iowa. with more than 20 candidates it's more important than ever to stand out from the pack. jeff zeleny is leading them. >> reporter: the iowa state fair. the mandatory stop on the road to the white house. >> do you like the fair? what do you like best? >> reporter: a parade of
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democratic candidates pressing the flesh and running for president. >> state fair. >> reporter: the democratic hopefuls become an attraction. voters like claudia roven are sizing up the field. >> reporter: you've been watching the democratic race. what are the qualities you're looking for? >> they've got to be tough. they have to be not wimpy. >> reporter: roven has never been politically active until president trump took office. now she's searching for someone who stands the best chance to beat him? she looks tough. she looks like she could take them on. i like elizabeth warren -- >> i am so woke, i can't believe it. >> she likes joe biden but worries he's too nice to take on trump. not maureen murphy, she says,
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people say joe is getting old, no, he's wiser and smarter. i put all of my trust in him. >> reporter: biden is at the center of the conversation. you're not sure if he is the front-runner? >> well, he's the front-runner right now but, you know, look at the time howard dean was a front-runner. he obviously didn't win the cauc caucus. it's a long way to go. >> i'm john. how they handled the heat and how they slide. >> governor, do you have to do a slide like that to be president? >> apparently, so. >> my wife got a little bit competitive on that, jeff. >> reporter: so far no 2020 cap dates have arrived in helicopters as donald trump did four years ago. a moment he later used as a metaphor. >> to prepare for this debate i
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rode in the bumper cars at the state fair. >> reporter: as the full democratic bid. time is running short to make friends or supporters at the iowa caucuses. all of the democratic field will be coming here to the iowa state fair to make their case to iowa voters less than six months before the iowa caucuses. jeff zeleny, cnn, des moines. authorities in indian controlled kashmire. in order to stifle protests over the move, the indian government has proposed downtown. now switching gears, may now be
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bristol bay in alaska is one of the world's great habitats for salmon. it could be in danger now that the trump administration has cleared the way for the construction of a new gold mine. a meeting on the president's plane, air force one, set everything in motion. cnn's senior investigative correspondent drew griffin has the exclusive details. >> reporter: the meeting took place on the tarmac during an air force one stopover june alaska governor mike dunleavy, pro mining, pro business, anti-epa governor met with donald trump for nearly half an hour. >> just got off of air force one meeting with president trump. >> reporter: he has been pushing for a massive gold and copper mine known as the pebble mine. home to the breeding grounds for one of the world's largest and most pristine sakai salmon
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fisheries. after his meeting dunleavy said this about the president. >> he believes in the opportunities in alaska and he'll do everything he can to work with us on our mining concerns. >> reporter: inside epa sources tell us the very next day, june 27th, top epa executives told the staff the epa was removing a special protection for bristol bay and in essence clearing the way for what could be one of the largest open pit mines in the world. that internal announcement was a total shock to top epa scientists, sources told copacabana beach, because their environmental concerns were overruled by trump poe rlitical appoint tees. bristol bay and the tributaries are regarded as one of the most important salmon fisheries. it's been row tekted since 2014 when after three years of study
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the obama era epa used a rare provision of the clean water act to basically veto any mining that could pose a threat. epa scientists righting a mine would result in complete loss of fish habitat that's irreversible. >> it's mind boggling. >> christine todd whitman is a former head of the epa. she has joined several other former epa chiefs to publicly oppose the mine. >> the potential damage is so overwhe overwhelming. the opposition to it up there is so amazing. over 80 miles of streams, thousands of acres could be damaged from this project. >> reporter: this is the second time during the trump administration the political appointees at the epa have decided to remove special protections for bristol bay to pave the way for this mine.
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in 2019, he canceled the law. after they exposed the meeting and the lack of scientific debate, pruitt backed down and put the protections back in place. now another private meeting, this time with the president himself has led to yet another win for the mine and removal of environmental protections for this pristine watershed. >> one of the most troubling things about this administration on the environmental side is this disregard of science. they're gutting science across the agencies, across the departments, across the government. >> even if scientists are advising, you mr. president, this is very dangerous to the environment, to the fisheries, to the state of alaska, if the president decides, that's the decision? >> that's the decision.
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>> the only recourse is for environmental groups to sue. they'll have a host of them. he's met with president trump multiple times. sent this letter to the president asking for a long list of epa reversals, including what he called the clean water 404 veto, a direct reference to pebble mine. a member of his staff used to work on the pebble staff in public relations and at epa headquarters, andrew wheeler, the former coal audience. he has recused himself. they said the obama era protections were outdated and this mine would have to go through approval process. our sources are telling us it's a done deal. when we asked the epa about the internal meeting on june 27th,
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at first the epa denied it even happened but then we presented them with our evidence. they admitted the meeting took place and sources say that is when they told skooinss and their work was not needed. in saudi arabia, more than 2 million muslims are taking part in the annual hajj pilgrimage. they're heading to mount arafat. the hajj is considered one of the five pillars of islam. able bodied muslims who can afford it are expected to travel to the city of mecca at least once in a tliemp. that's it for me. thanks for watching. i'm cyril vanier. "cnn newsroom" with natalie allen is up next. you're in great hands. have a great day.
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new details about the suspect in the el paso shooting. documents obtained by cnn shows he was targeting mexicans. president trump says the u.s. needs meaningful background checks. cnn talks with the foreign service officer who resigned and wrote a scathing op-ed blasting the trump administration. welcome to viewers in the u.s. and around the world. i'm natalie allen coming to you live from atlanta. "cnn newsroom" starts right now.
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