tv CNN Special Report CNN August 10, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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so, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. the united states postal service makes more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. >> announcer: the follow is a cnn special report. america is at war. with itself. >> youngpeople. openly racist. walk being the streets of the united states. >> cities turn to battlegrounds. >> another beautiful life stolen. >> horror in el paso. >> gunshots, pop, pop, pop. >> he intended to target mexicans. >> the open hate in charlottesville. >> i see people in front of them. this is my town!
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>> pittsburgh. >> murdered, because they were jewish. >> charleston. >> he said he wanted to kill black people. >> you are looking at your own backyard. >> an army of hate. whose numbers are soaring. the yes country is changing. the fear growing. and it's spreading across the world. >> why would you treat us like that? >> a fire fed by politics. >> very fine people on both sides. >> haunted by the past. >> adolph hitler says we can learn from them.
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>> the roots of the crisis. >> there was a boom and there was nothing left. >> the flash point question. >> all men are created equal. you don't believe that. >> of course not. >> the fabric of a country demands a call for action. >> we have never done all that could be done. >> once upon a time in america, it looked like almost everyone was white. the idea of america as a white man's country, very powerful idea. >> in 1960, whites made up 89%
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of the country. black people were decidedly second class citizens. >> "leave it to beaver." >> the only african-american who played a role on "leave it to beaver" appeared as a maid. >> care for some more punch, boys. >> white, white, white, white, white. then came the immigration act of 1965. >> i now declare each of you to be a citizen of the united states. >> america's doors opened to immigrants from new countries. non-western lands. by the 1980s the white percentage was down about ten points. immigrants kept coming. even as the white birth rate declined. by the 2000s the census bureau had news for us.
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>> minority groups will become the majority in the united states by theier 2043. >> many americans celebrated the new diversity. but for one group, it was a 5-alarm fire. >> we have to understand a sense of emergency as animating this movement because all of in is about an immediate and apocalyptic danger to the future. >> there are still plenty of white people. they deserve a future not to be simply melted away in this multiracial mitch mash they did not koos. >> jarrett taylor is a white nationalist, quite literally. he does not advocate violence. but he does want to create a whites only version of america. >> i'm not at all talking about the entire united states becoming white. i'm talking about simply a portion becoming white. >> the whites would sed seed.
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>> i can agree more and more whites agree with me all the time. >> would that mean creating a new nation. >> ideally yes. >> we will hear more from taylor later. but reportedly voice the biggest fear of the white supremacist move movement. >> should i want my people to disappear? it's profoundly morally horrible to fear that replacement. >> replacement. a word has become a call to arms. it was exactly two years ago this weekend that we heard the chants. and saw the new face of white supremacy. >> charlottesville did shock a lot of people. >> nazis. the united states of america fought a war against nazi
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german. >> but the marches didn't look like nazis or the klan. instead of hoods and swastikas they wore khakis and golf shirts. some called themselves the alt-right. others white nationalists. >> very, very clever rebranding. >> people hear the phrase white nationalism. i think they think of overzealous patriotism. this isn't that. >> it soon became clear. >> let's go! >> they might have new names. but they were america's oldest nightmare. white supremacy.
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>> grief and shock in charlottesville, virginia. one person is dead. >> the year after charlottesville, the number of white nationalist groups soared. by one estimate, up almost 50%. some have become especially violent. >> this group is called atomwar, german for atomic weapons. >> the things they were planning were horrible. >> one former member warned the police will deadly hots. >> planning to kill civilian life. >> were they specific in plans. >> power lines, nuclear reactors, synagogues. >> is the federal government fighting this? >> how come we don't have enough
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tools right now to pull these people in? >> at a recent hearing on white supremacy congressman rashida tlaib, a muslim read a letter she had gotten in the mail. >> i was totally excited and pleased when i heard about 49 muslims were killed and many -- many more wounded in new zealand. s in a great start. let's hope and pray that it continues here in the good old usa. the only -- the only good muslim is a dead one. >> first, my empathy. >> but listen to the way the money is spent. >> those agents in the field thatted work domestic terrorism, about 20%. we have about 80% working international terrorism. >> that's right. four times as many agents on international terror even though last year just one person died
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from an islamic terror attack in america. 49 people were killed in domestic extremist attacks. administration officials tell cnn that the white house has refused to beef up the fight, despite pleas from the department of homeland security. >> there is a mindset that has to be dealt with. >> and this is not just an american story. there is now a worldwide movement of white supremacists. sharing they're twisted ideas on the internet. in march a gunman massacred 51 people at prayer in new zealand. in his 87-page manifesto, the terrorist cited his inspiration, white supremacists in america, britain, sweden, norway.
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then in a vicious circle of racial hate, the el paso shooter cited new zealand as an inspiration. all of these people believe they are being replaced and must fight to resist it. and much of this discourse on white supremacy is centered in the united states of america. >> how did this happen? where did it come from? after slavery, the holocaust, the civil rights movement? the truth is race has been the central conflict in american life from the day the republic was born. we've witnessed extreme racism before, in periods of upheaval and rapid social change. and now, once again, we are living in such a time. >> hail trump. hail our people. hail victory. >> we need to make america great
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again. >> trump definitely energize ds the alt-right. because we have in connection with him, we can inflect his policies. >> we are determined to take our country back. we are going to fulfill the promises of donald trump. >> many people say donald trump is himself a white supremacist. whether he is or is not, there is no doubt he is a hero to many in the white supremacy movement. the current upsurge might have been triggered, however, because of another president. >> thank you. >> barack obama's election was a moment of joy and unity for millions of americans. >> god bless the united states of america. but some, perhaps many were shocked by it. >> clearly the presence of a black family in the white house
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deranged many millions of americans. >> once obama was in the white house, the backlash grew and grew. >> you remember some of the raci racist caricatures of obama as a monkey gourla. >> ugly overt race imts. >> barack hussein obama. >> why doesn't he give his birth certificate? >> the insendary charge that obama was not born in this country. >> no other american president was badgered to prove he was an american. the idea of whether he was born in the united states, i think that's a metaphor. >> is he one of us? answer, no. >> obama combined the two fires
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that feed white supremacy. attitudes towards blacks and fears about immigration. >> whether our forbears were strangers who crossed the atlantic or the pacific or the rio grande, we are here only because this country welcomed them in. >> throughout the history of this country immigration mass reinvigorated the united states. but it has also awakened the darkest american impulses. one little remembered chapter holds a frightening reminder of where those impulses can lead. ellis island a hundred years ago. immigrants poured into the country, at times 100,000 a month backed body to body on
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restricty boats. penniless, hungry dprit to become. >> they were considered inferior. polish people, jewish or southern italians. >> at the time many european immigrants were considered different races. >> people referred to people from ireland as a rest. people from hungary, the jews as a race. >> with new men enemies to hate, membership in the klan soared. some of america's most prominent men were under the hoods. >> hugo black was a member of the ku klux klan. >> until 1925. he went on to serve as a supreme court justice until 1971. back then, white supremacy was an elite movement led by some of america's richest and most powerful. they came up with a solution.
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a pseudo science called eujenics that many americans were mentally defective. >> america is did he generating. >> they believed the so-called defectives should not be allowed to repursue. >> sterilize women who weren't thought capable of having the right children. >> thousands were sterilized as the fake science became a national craze. the movement decided it was time to bring the so-called research to capitol hill. >> charts of data purporting to show that people from italy, from poland, from the slavic countries were genetically inferior to the northern europe within, the air yn, angelo saxon. >> a new law was passed in with
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draconian cuts and quotas for supposed undesirable. >> they shut the door and reduced immigration to the united states by 97%. >> meanwhile, something even more disturbing was happening in europe. an ambitious young german leader was watching america closely. >> adolph hitler had some real praise for the united states. >> hitler was even meeting with the leaders of the eugenics movement. >> he said the united states is on the money. we can learn from them. >> as hitler's power grew and his ambitions became clear, americans saw the terrifying consequences of white supremacy. most pulled back from the edge. eugenics died out in america. of course, hitler's plans did
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not. >> that idea of improving the human race, which is what eugenics is all about definitely had echos in the nazi policy of 1930s. and the holocaust is one horrific consequence of that. >> the white supremacy of today has not reached the level it did a century ago. but some of its deeply troubling ideas are returning. >> you don't think all races are equal? >> no, i do not and i don't see why anyone would. >> the white nationalist jarrett taylor is a learned man. a graduate of ya'll like myself. but we don't see eye to eye to say the least. >> i want the people of africa to make africa the best possible continent they can for africans. and africans i believe will be happiest not living in a society like ours. >> i think that you place so much weight on the fact that a certain group of people's ancestors spent more time in the
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sun than another group so their skin is darker. >> do you really think that blacks and whites are basically identical twins separated at birth, that they are really inzingishable and replaceable. >> taylor believes non-whites have made america worst. >> why are hispanics not okay. >> span yars are europeans. but the people who qualify as hipt hispanic can come from honduras, mexico. genetically and visually and physically different from europeans. >> in the 19th century people thought of jews as a separate race are they the same race. >> jews are a subrace of race as far as i can tell. eastern european jews dressed in odd ways behaved in odd ways. they were clearly alien. >> apparently, taylor says, some jews are white. >> there are many jewsa that do
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not like white. they lived among european and interbred with them. >> i want to know who is we and that he. >> mr. zakaria, almost never is there any confusion as to what race someone's is. >> let's try one case. mine. >> i think scholars would agree i have as good a chaim as on being caucasian. people out of caucuses. the arian comes out of india where i grou up. so why am i not a caucasian if you advocate policies based on racial categories i want to understand where i fit in. >> most people would not consider you white. >> it's not a popularity contest either it's scientific fact or it isn't. >> most of the time i want not ma hard to tell.
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>> you figure lack at people try to figure out how white they are. >> i know well what might means. you don't. but i do. >> later in this hour, a deep dive, how is race determined? we switched to chevy. we switched to chevy. for dependability. for technology. for the muscle. and just look at it. adios, lexus. bye, bye, ford. we switched to chevy. and i couldn't be happier. see for yourself why people are switching at the chevy all-star open house. or, add another chevy to your driveway. current gm owners can get over six thousand dollars below msrp on this equinox. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. we're the tenney's and we're usaa members for life. call usaa to start saving on insurance today.
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oklahoma city, 1995. >> get become. get back. >> a bomb. >> a truck bomb rips threw a federal building. >> there was a boom. and there was nothing left. >> seemed like the whole world ended. >> 168 are dead. including 19 children. >> you are not watching some scene of international catastrophe. you are looking at your own backyard. >> at the time it was the deadliest attack on american soil since pearl harbor. the terrorist, a young man named timothy mcvay. he has been thought of as a lone wolf. but in reality he was part of a movement. >> what do we want. >> white power. >> he has been a member of the ku klux klan.
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he in contacts with other white supremacists across the country. and the inspiration for his attack was a book that's been called the bible of american white supremacists. it gave birth to pennsylvania little known armed white rebellion. that continues to this day. >> this is just cold blooded murder any way you put it. >> to understand oklahoma city and today as violence in el paso and all of the bloodshed that came before it. >> shots fired. shots fired. >> we need to understand timothy mcvay's favorite book. it's called the turner diaries. >> nationalism really is the wave of the future. >> written in the 1970s by william pierce. >> i did admire many things that hitler wrote. >> he was a one-time physics professor who became a leading figure in the white supremacist
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movement. >> villain owes traitorous. >> in the 1960s pierce saw his cause unfire. >> i will die for god before i yield one inch. >> for years the all-powerful ku klux klan had led the charge. >> threats. beatings. rapings. and of course murder. >>. ♪ we shall overcome ♪ ♪ >> then the civil rights movement. a crushing blow to the klan. >>-free at last. free at last. thank good are god all mighty we are free at laft. >> in its wake. klan membership declined. and white supremacists were divided. among competing ideologies. pierce wrote the turner diaries
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hoping to unite the movement hipped a story. >> he knew that nick shup would be more powerful than facts. >> it was the sale offer earl turner. >> we are in a war to the death against the jew. >> against the evil jewish controlled american government. turner bombs fbi headquarters and other targets. joining an elite terrorist group called the order. the group kills millions of blacks, jews and allies on the road to victory. >> spoiler alert, the book ends with turner flying a megaton bomb into the pentagon. >> pierces race war fantasy struck a chord. >> they got so many requests for the self-published paper back they started to a stock it. >> selling half a million copies. >> it's to this point the most influential piece of white supremacist writing that exists. >> and what began as fiction
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became a real life rebellion. powerful new white supremacist armies sprung up in the 1980s, hosting tens of thousands of hard core members. >> you could say we are the front line soldiers for the movements. >> one group took its name from the book. >> jews get the heck out of here. >> the order. >> there was a sea change in the activity carried out by the white power groot movement. >> any adopted the terrorist tactics including armed robberies to get funding. >> ellen berg was murdered. >> and assassinations. >> ten defendants charged with conspiracy to overthrow the u.s. government. >> the federal government troid to bring the movement down. >> did you plan to overthrow the government are government. >> indicting several ring lead
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he is on is he edition and conspiracy. but all acquitted by an all-white jirp. >> the friel is really important because when it collapsed, the government got paranoid and backed away from treating white supremacy as a coherent movement. >> it's our young people who are going to reclaim america. >> emboldened, the white power groups gained even more momentum in the 1990s. collaborating with oerp anti-government militias. >> the white power movement grows into the militia movement. >> then a blood judge stand i don't have. >> the weaver and son and. >> between white separatists and federal agents in ruby ridge, idaho. and the denies of the branch davidian cult battling the feds near waco texas. >> brought the movement to a
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fever pitch. >> while these incidents are happening the number of militia groups in the united states is sky rocketing. the number of white supremacist groups is leaping in tandem with that. >> among those angry young man was a gulf war veteran named timothy mcvay. he had been very interested in the turner diaries while he was in the army. >> when he first got it he read it constantly for throe or four weeks. he said you got to read this book. >> after mcvay left the military he radicalized even more. getting involved with a militia in michigan. he met with white supremacists across the nation while on the gun show circuit where he also sold his favorite book. >> it just arrived today. >> he was outraged by waco. >> somebody told me a lot of people would be scared. >> which he visited in person during the standoff. the fiery inferno there drove
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him to action. >> and he finally decides this government is so dangerous to its own citizens that it needs to be destroyed. >> holy cow. >> and april 19th, 1995, the two-year anniversary of waco. >> blown away. >> mcvay carried out what he considered to be his masterpiece. the attack was eriely similar to the attack on the fbi in the turner diaries, the same kind of target, a federal building. a similar kind of bomb, detonated at the same time of day, just after 9:00 a.m. mcvay had become earl turner hess white supremacist hero. >> when he was arrested he had pages of turner diaries in his car. that's how people were able to connect the cots on these
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things. >> today there are tributes to mcvay and turner diaries all over the internet. remember adam waffin the group planning attacks on nuclear plants. authorities discovered that they had explosives, radioactive material and a framed photograph of timothy mcvay, along with a cup of the turper diaries. and stay done through every season. behr semi-transparent stain. find it exclusively at the home depot. cake in the conference room! showing 'em you're ready to be your own boss. that's the beauty of your smile. bring out the best in it with crest 3d white. crest removes 95% of surface stains... in just three days.
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that person doesn't seem white. but as a scientific concept it's completely murky. >> experts say visible differences among races are mostly a result of how much time their ancestors spent in the sun. >> there are differences in color between different peoples. but those do not go along with inner characteristics of intelligence or self-control or anything like that. there are no racial qualities that some people have and other people don't have. >> in other words, racial hierarchy is a social construction. and who is considered white at the top of the heap has always been determined by those in power. the case of thin. >> the thin case shows the absurdity of racial
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classifications. >> he was an immigrant from india who had served in the u.s. army in world war i and later married an american woman. >> at that time he was not allowed to become an american citizen because he was non-white. >> well, question. who is white? >> he argued he was white because his people from the state of punjab in indian were descended from arian from finding its origins in asia referring to the people from central asia, believed to have later migranted to india. and caucasian refers to those from the caucus mounts. >> what kind of concept is that? >> the judges made the case that
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the purity of the arian blood in india has been destroyed when arians intermarried with the local population there. implying that thind was not pure arian. ironically nazi racial policies were based on similar ideas, that the germans were the only pure arians because the originals in asia had intermarried. america's racial distinctions were closely studied by nazis. >> and that learning leaves its imprints in part onin hitler's laws. >> remember jarrett taylor. >> you believe that whites are superior in terms of intelligence? >> oh, the evidence seems to
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suggest that the smartest people in the world are ashkenazi jews east asians, and hispanics are a hert jeanous. and blacks come up from the bottom. >> while genetic variations among populations exist, human beings are in fact 99.9% identical in genetic makeup. >> we sequenced the first again oem in history. >> no less an expert that than one of the experts who mapped the human genome put it simply. no basis in scientific fact or the human code for the notion that skin color will be predictive of intelligence. nevertheless, efforts to categoryize people into a racial hierarchy go back hundreds of years. >> whether it's five races,
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three races, africans and mongol oids as they are called as and caucasian as whites were called. there is this pseudo racial science which tries to give a supposedly objective grounding to what is ultimately a system of prejudice. >> the case of plessy versus ferguson in 1996 show how ash traesh dechgss ofs race can be in america. >> a man white by any definition, whommer plessy but considered black because one black ancestor. >> plessy intentionally boarded a whites only train car in louisiana. challenging the separate but equal laws. >> the conductor came and said get out of this car. you're not white. >> when plessy refused to leave he was arrested. in what became known as the separate but equal decision, the sprurt ruled against plessy
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in the city of christchurch, new zealand a man entered a mosque and started shooting. >> i don't understand why someone would hurt us like this. why would you treat us like that? >> 51 people murdered during friday evening prayers by a white supremacist. >> you may have chosen us. but we utterly reject and condemn you. >> the killer weapons were inscribed with names, racist messages and nazi symbols. one of the names was ebba, abcerland, a young swedish girl killed in a terror attack in april 2017. the new zealand terrorist mentioned her many times in her manifesto, to take revenge for ebba abcerland. the firps for his attack came from another white supremacist,
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anders committed the worst massacre in the the negretelelands murdering 77 people at a summer youth camp run by the labor party. brief iks manifesto was a bangor about muslim colinization and multiculturalism. a call to arms for other white supremacists like the new zealand terrorists echos many of the same themes in his own online rant. he called it the great replacement. >> you will not replace us. >> remember that was one of the chants from the charlottesville rally. it was also in part the inspiration for the horrific shootings in el paso. >> they're shooting. he is shooting. i just took off running because i didn't want to get hit.
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>> the gunman who killed 22 people at a wal-mart talked about the great replacement in his own manifesto. the belief held by so many white supremacists that they are being replaced by immigrants. in fact, the idea doesn't come from america. it comes from a french group of intellectuals called the novel ob or the you'ren new right that emerged in the 1960s that emerge at the loss of algeria. >> opposing me moderate settlement. >> the new right did not want muslim colinists or any foreigners living in france but by the' 70s most publicly rejected that talk. >> the decolinization movement made europeans wary about using the language of white supremacy or cultural supremacy as people
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understood where the ideas led. >> it was seen as a shameful chapter in europe history in which europeans treated their foreign subjects brutally. at the end of the 19th century belgians massacres millions in the territory of the congo. and in the 1950s, the british tortured and killed in detention camps in kenya. the backlash to the colonial guilt, the new right remained on the edge for decades. soon the ideas turned to action. called i de identitiarians, giving the ability to bltd an interconnected movement. including racist groups across the world. >> our movement is growing. >> nationalism. >> population replacement. >> the great replacement.
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>> they tweet and repost-one another's comments and statements. they wind chill one another's videos. part of the same culture now. >> then in 2015 the movement found its moment, the migrant crisis. >> every day every hour ships packed with illegal immigrants are coming to the board invasion is taking place. >> generally large numbers of people began arriving in europe in dramatic ways. >> i feel heavy, heavy. >> as europe argued over who would take the migrants, sweden set an example and welcomed them in. ? my europe said the swedish prime minister we don't build walls we help each other out. but instead 2015 became the year walls appear borders were back on the global agenda. >> hungary declared a state of
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emergency and closing the borders to anyone. >> the law. the law. >> it was also theier of a series of deadly terrorist attacks that began to hit the heart of europe. it was ten days after the attack at the theater in paris that sweden suddenly reversed course. it was painful for the leaders to announce the country was restricting its borders. but sweden had quickly become overwhelmed. percentagewise it had taken in more than any other country in europe. meanwhile, white supremacy groups seized on an exaggerated swedens's problems. >> new level of criminality. >> the far right deliberately made sweden into a symbol of of chaos and instruction of western culture. >> even america's president jumped on the band wagon. >> sweden. who would believe this?
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sweden. >> when they hear donald trump using language that they know comes from in re ideology. >> they are having problems like they never thought possible. >> they feel energized. and they feel they have succeeded. >> it's wonderful that he is tracing this. he is bringing this to the attention of the people, you know. >> in fact, sweden has had a in the most recent parliament election. including sweden, overall didn't perform as well as predicted. now there are signs that the political terrain is shifting. [ cheers ] >> liberals across the continent saw an as ttonishing support. >> that happens after this. tens of thousands took to the street across europe with an
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if there is a great american model. it is "the great gatsby." one of the characters, tom buchanan talks about the rise of the empire. >> everybody ought to read it. >> the idea that tom explains that if we don't look out, the white race will be utterly submerged. >> the dominance race. >> it is all scientific stuff. it has been true he says. fitzgerald may not have been endorsing these sentiments. tom buchanan represents a certain kind of rich man.
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and yet in 1921, just a few years before he wrote "the great gatsby," fitzgerald wrote a letter explaining his own views. raised the bar of immigration and permits only scandinavianst. he persisted his view of racial hierarchy. we are as far above the modern french men as he is above. the reason i begin with this is to remind us all how deeply embedded of the idea of racial hierarchy in western civilization. in some ways it is not the dna of the modern west because from
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the 16th and 17th centuries as europe grew stronger, it began to assume the material success must be a result of superiority. this view built on centuries of western success. it has taken deep roots and not just among whites. people across asia and africa prefers light skin to dark. >> and spent billions of dollars on cream to promise to make them whiter. and the black community in the united states, there is a distinct preference for lighter skin. ironically this despite the fact we are living in an age of the fastest growing economy in the world are asians, china, south korea and india are demonstrating powerfully they can be materially successful at
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the whitest and most nordic people. the fact these views are deep seeded, part of the modern ph phsyche. >> they have attack more often and greater brutality. the targets always seemed to be surprised and unprepared and not internalized the nature of this ideology and violent ambition. it is important to understand cultural and multi-racial. the backlash will grow. white supremacists want to do more than just protest. they make this clear internal communications. they are planning for it everyday. let's hope we can all recognize this danger before they succeed.
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