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tv   Cuomo Prime Time  CNN  August 20, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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so, just, michigan never named the president man of the year. there's no such award. he did speak at a dinner in michigan. the log cabin republicans never gave him an award. and "the apprentice" never won an emmy. maybe someday president trump will be given a real prize. he's president of the united states, most people would consider that pretty cool. maybe not as cool as all the colors on his rainbow. i want to hand it over to chris. i'm chris cuomo. welcome to "prime time." if voters are going to the polls because they want us to be safer from gun violence, then this president's chances just took a hit. the nra background checks are off the table. we have reaction from a senator and a deep red state who's been personally lobbying the president to help him pass
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life-saving gun legislation, senator joe manchin is here. the president's election fate will depend on how you feel about the economy, so how good is it? how well has this president done and what is he doing now to stave off a recession? we will test the realities of this economy with mr. stephen moore. yes, the same, the man the president picked for the fed before withdrawing him over a storm of controversy. and if joe biden is going to go big on his new electability argument, do new poll numbers give him good reason? we got the data. we have the wizard of odds, what do you say? let's get after it. >> the president said there was great appetite for universal background checks. now he's saying he will starve that appetite. the atlantic reports tonight the president told the nra chief,
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invited on this show often, does not accept the invitation, just hours ago, he must have been very relieved to hear the president say we won't pursue background checks. remember, this president has been telling you something different for days. >> we have very, very strong background checks right now. but we have sort of missing areas and areas that don't complete the whole circle. we're looking at mental institutions which we used to have, like as an example where i come from in new york, they closed up all of their mental institutions, or many of them, and those people just went onto the street. >> senator joe manchin, a democrat in the red state of west virginia had been working with the president on the phone, with his colleagues, he thought he was getting somewhere and the
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president was giving him reason to believe. but not now. and he joins us on "prime time." how surprised are you, senator? >> it's always good to be with you. and, i'm surprised to hear that -- we have not heard from the president or from his legislative team. we've been -- my staff has been working with him along with susan collins, pat toomey, chris coons. the president has reached out to everybody and was trying to find a pathway for it. i said this, mr. president, if you want to start making america sfe again, you have got to have the building blocks of a background check and especially our bill that i wrote back in 2013. it started with the premise that a law-abiding gun owner is not going to sell their gun to someone with a criminal
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background. we're not taught that way. don't you think we should take any commercial transaction must have a background check, any internet sell, anything commercially where you don't know somebody, that's the building block. if he can't do that, we're not going to take us serious about anything. >> let's get to the next level of this. why he would back off. what can they tell him in a phone call that would make him push back on the pressure. >> i don't know. i haven't talked to him in a week or so. last time i talked to the president, i said, mr. president, i'm a life member of the nra, a lifetime member. when i joined and the purpose of the nra was to teach the safety of guns to make sure the culture was preserved and protected. that's what we were all about. they've gone a complete different direction. the bump stocks, we knew that automatic weapons are illegal. if you have a device that makes
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a semiautomatic fully automatic, and the massacre that we saw in las vegas, don't you think that ought to be illegal. the nra wasn't even in favor of that. and most every member of the nra says that makes sense. the president did it anyway. >> this has happened before, senator, where the president has said he wanted to move on background checks, and then he talked to the nra and he came out singing a very different tune. we thought this time would be different after what he said, after el paso. how big a deal is this in the election or is this about people talking about what they want but not voting on what they want? >> i would think, there is so much concern on both sides. democrats and republicans, i said, mr. president, you can't blast -- take a dynamite to your base, they're not leaving. they're not going to leave you on common sense background checks to stop commercial transactions. that's the building blocks.
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and there's democrats and republicans -- >> republicans aren't really working on it, right? isn't it true -- i think you got up to 85 as a head count that all of the republican report was completely dependent on the president moving on the issue. so they're not really -- >> this is all about the president, chris. this is really about -- if the president doesn't step forward and give cover to the republicans in the senate, they're not going to vote, period. and that's a shame. we should go on the record and say, reason listen, we want common gun sense and you start with a background check that says if you don't know the person at a gun show, every gun show should have a background check. you shouldn't be able to go into the parking lot and have transactions when you don't know people. this is common gun sense that we from gun culture states agree with and understand. and he's not going to be harmed by it. >> isn't the nra not even what they were anymore? >> they're not getting the better of me. >> i've never bought into the
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idea that they buy their way to superiority. it's about their ability to organize. but they keep taking hits in house. even recently the organization has become weaker. how do they have this pull over someone like the president of the united states? >> i really don't know. i can't speak for that. i've had the support over many, many years with nra and when i did what i thought and i still believe and i have not wavered a bit, i believe that background checks is a building block, commercial transactions, i don't know the person, i'm not going to sell them my gun, and nor should anyone else be allowed to. >> why not pick up the phone and say i'm a lifetime member, what are you telling the president? why won't you work with me on this? your group is dying? >> i truly believe that they are own lock, stock and barrel by the manufacturers, not by the membership. that's the problem, chris.
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>> senator manchin, i hope at some point in the future -- i hope somebody is wrong. i don't want the atlantic to be wrong. but hopefully the president understands that this matters to america and it's going to matter to him in the election. this could hurt him if people follow through on their intentions. >> chris, if he's talking about universal background checks saying that it prevents families and all different transactions from law-abiding gun owners. i'm okay. if we can't get the building block of where we can stop a commercial transaction where you and i don't know that person -- >> nobody is talking about family transfers. they're talking about gun safety, know how to store your weapons and have a penalty if you let people get access when they shouldn't have it. we all know what we're talking about. the only mystery is why something doesn't happen. i appreciate you coming on the show. it's going to matter in your race. >> i'm not going to change.
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i am who i am, chris. common sense to me is common sense in west virginia. gun sense is gun sense in west virginia and i hope around the country. >> be well. >> i'll call you, chris. it's got to factor in to the election. everything does at this point now. so if you move from guns, the big ticket item for this president is going to be, what, the economy. a possible recession is a reality. it's not a given. but certainly he's worried about it. and we're starting to see on the democratic side, front-runners are gaining more ground around this issue. joe biden is telling voters i'm the one who can beat trump. i can do it on the economy. here's the question, go from the right to the left. what is the math on that side of the ball? what do the new polls tell us? guess who's here? the wizard of odds is going to take a deep dive into the new numbers. what is the state of play in
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this race. we'll find out next. are we supposed to dance? ♪ boy boy bands without dancing are just ok. get a better than just ok unlimited plan with spotify premium included on america's best network. only from at&t. more for your thing. that's our thing. "fine. no one leaves the table "fine! we'll sleep here."." "it's the easiest, because it's the cheesiest" kraft. for the win win.
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he borrowed billions donald trump failed as a businessman. and left a trail of bankruptcy and broken promises. he hasn't changed. i started a tiny investment business, and over 27 years, grew it successfully to 36 billion dollars. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. i'm running for president because unlike other candidates, i can go head to head with donald trump on the economy, and expose him fo what he is: a fraud and a failure.
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motor? nope. not motor? it's pronounced "motaur." for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. all right, a new cnn poll gives us new perspective. former vp joe biden regains a double digit lead, but why. age. let's bring in the wizard of odds to break down the numbers. this is what we've been waiting for. you see a real two-tier system here. if you want to go electability, it's biden.
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if you want to go ideology, you have warren and sanders as the two-headed animal on that side. >> you're hitting on what are the key parts of this poll. basically, i broke our results down. those voters, democrats under 50, those democrats 50 and older. among those under 50, look at this, you basically have a tie for first place between biden at 21%. sanders is slightly ahead at 22%. age 50 and older, biden blowing out the field. sanders all the way back at 7% of the vote. >> this is a little bit of light on my thinking. it's a by fchoice. you see, that together they're going to beat them with younger voters. that makes sense because the younger voter is a little more ambitious. when you get older and move down the spectrum of very liberal, to conservative, he wins more and
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more. why? >> i think just to point out, you're inclination was right. among those under the age of 50, shares your position on the issues, that's the majority's decision. look at this blowout, 67% versus 24%. >> it's got to be explained at the polls. biden hasn't been killing them in the debate. he hasn't had big moments and yet he stays up and grows. >> and that's exactly it. if you were to break down our poll where we said, if you believe that it's more important to beat donald trump, look at this, joe biden crushing it, again, 35%, sanders and warren basically tied 14 and 15%. if it was about sharing your positions on the issue, you have a tie for first place. joe biden at 22%, 18% for sanders and that is the key issue and that is why you saw the first ad from joe biden in the state of iowa saying look, i'm the guy who can beat donald
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trump. that's the same message that joe biden put out earlier today in new hampshire was basically, look, you may not love my husband on the issues, but we got to beat donald trump and that is the reason that joe biden is leading in the democratic primary. >> two things, biden is getting the attention from this poll and it makes sense. however, these guys can't be friends anymore. that's got to end. you keep seeing it time and time again, they're splitting the pie. there can only be one survivor. >> that was an interesting thing in the last debate. it was when sanders and warren were on the same stage, they were very friendly, they were the liberals and the moderates and conservatives went after them. if you're going to beat joe biden, you're going to have to coalesce that liberal lane. >> and we're going to be giving you a tease, we're going to do a
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deep dive tomorrow on the part of the poll that you're not hearing about. what happened to kamala harris? who goes from 14 to 5 -- >> 17 to 5. >> without some event that shakes everybody's core and understanding. what does it mean about those who are stuck in the bottom. you're seeing viability in a whole new way. we'll take you through it. always a pleasure. >> my pleasure. >> nice shirt. >> thank you. >> did the president really just insult america's jewish voters as dumb or disloyal. we get that he's doing us versus them, but is there any group that's immune from being put in a silo. and not going to denmark because they won't sell you greenland. what is up? debate it. it's going ok? we planned. great. now i'm spending more time with the kids. i'm introducing them to crab. crab!? they love it. so, you mentioned that that money we set aside.
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a message to my jewish brothers and sisters, directly from the president. >> where's the democratic party gone? where have they gone where
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they're defending these two people over the state of israel? and i think any jewish who vote for a democrat, i think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty. >> is no group immune from being put into a box by this president let alone insulted with an election looming. is this a helpful loom. the start of tonight's great debate. my brother, help me understand the wisdom of this, of saying, you jews are either ignorant or disloyal? >> i think the president is asking the questions that many others have asked, will divisions in the democratic party about bds, sanctioning israel and support for representative omar who's called hamas a terrorist group with the boston tea party who's equated, israel with nazi germany.
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i think the president is trying to highlight there's a difference in the party. i think he's trying to highlight it and it's a question that's been fairly asked. >> are the jews dumb or disloyal? >> i don't agree with the framing of it. >> doesn't the framing have to matter at some point? >> chris, are you saying he's anti-semitic? >> no. i'm going to ask you to comment on how he put it. of course it is. you're trying to make him a victim of his own words. it doesn't work like that. >> no, it does, sure it does, chris. >> it does? >> have you never said things you regret. >> i say it all the time. but you know what i do, dave, listen to what i do, i own it and i apologize and i say, i shouldn't have said it that way. i shouldn't have put jews in a bucket. >> i don't agree with it.
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chris, come on, don't go there. >> you said the framing. you go there, you buy the t-shirt, now it's not nice. >> chris, come on. you should apologize for going there. >> i'm not calling you anything ugly. i'm saying call him out when he says stuff that you don't agree with. >> i did. i'm not giving him cover. i'm not giving him cover, for you to insinuate that this president is somehow anti-semitic because he -- >> i'm not insinuating it. and it's an unfair assertion. let me bring in finney. on this show, you deal with me and this ugly face. let other shows take care of themselves. here's the point, every group gets put in an us and them. every group gets defined by its weaknesses. the jews now, of all the groups, now they're either dumb or
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disloyal if they vote democrat. winning strategy? how do you feel about that? is that going to take you down? >> no and i'll tell you something chris. that comment had nothing to do with him communicating with the jewish jewicommunity. 75% of american jews voted for democrats in 2018. 73% of american jews feel unsafe with him as president. they understand the danger of other -- >> see how they're being hunted by the white supremacist. and bejust hwe just had two inc that is were thwarted. white nationalists, and that movement, was part of creating that methodology about jews controlling everything and they also -- it's anti-semitic. you heard him in
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charlottesville. white nationalists are anti-semitic, david. do you agree with me on that? david, you talked for a long time. let me finish. my point is, i think trumps comments were more geared towards evangelicals in this country, not towards jewish jewi americans. in fact, they've called on him to be more vocal, more full-throated in calling out white nationalists and i think they would like to see the same kind of energy that he has put into attacking these four women into calling out white nationalism and anti-semitism which he has not done. >> he believes antifa, why pick one group or the other. it shows ownership of what you're defending. by the way, just so everybody is
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clear about something, you know, dave, i love you. i love having you on the show. i would never ascribe any animus to you. but this is about divisiveness. even this denmark thing. what a stupid situation. you're not going to go to denmark because they're not going to sell you greenland. what is going on with this? >> let's go back to the point where karen is talking about imagine all of this stuff. imagine democratic party where you have members, right, members of the congress who call for sanctioning israel and liken it to nazi germany. that's what this president is trying to point it out here. >> the truth is, one of the things about ilhan omar, she made some comments that a lot of people disagreed with. people talked to her about it. she apologized publicly. he's talked to a range of jewish groups to better understand something that she didn't understand, like the benjamins
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comment, why that was such a trope. you never heard this president apologize for one single evil thing he has said and, by the way, chris, to answer your question, i think greenland, he expected, i suspect, greenland to bow down to his wishes the same way that bibi did last week with the tweets. >> chris, the story that started this whole thing is written by "the wall street journal." it said sources inside the white house said the president jokingly talked about buying greenland. go back and read the article. >> david, why did he just tweet, hey, thanks for clearing it up denmark that i don't hayou're no sell me denmark. >> i can't answer that one, chris. i don't know. >> welcome to my world, brother. welcome to my world. i always appreciate the argues
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on both sides. i mean it. listen, this is the world. let's unpack it together. the president likes to divide. he's doing that with jewish voters. he's trying to get them to carve off from the democrats. so what is his biggest election play? it's got to be the economy. all right? now the idea that it could be fragile. that he may have to juice it and we may be running out of tools to do so. what is his best case to you that this economy should carry him home for four more years. his former fed pick mr. stephen moore is here to make the case, next. this is how it made me feel. it was like that feeling when you pull your green sock out of the dryer and then the very next sock is the other green one. and then you pull out two blue ones. and you keep going till you've matched every single sock in perfect order.
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look, every big election is about the economy when you don't have a foreign war or something going on. certainly we have to believe that the economy will loom large especially for this president. let's talk about the state of play. we're far from a recession he says. that's not what a lot of economists say. and also, let's look at what he's doing. if we are far from a recession, if we're on fire as an economy, why bang on the fed to lower rates. i'm not saying he's wrong, but why bang on them as a fix if you're on fire. why talk about cutting payroll taxes? why, if you're on fire?
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the best economy ever he says. is that the reality? some facts. let's look at it in context, okay. "the washington post" laid it out pretty well, you can google it. when it comes to job growth, it hadn't topped the number of jobs added bu the number of jobs added during the obama era. it's a continuing trend. gdp, gross domestic product, good indicator of how you're doing in house. he says it's the strongest economy in history. and i know what i'm going to hear from brother moore in a second that that's just hyperbole, but your words matter around election time. if you look at those bar graphs, look where he is. you could say, he hasn't finished yet. these could be the solid days
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for him on the economy. he's going to be loving these numbers three years from now. let's bring in the president's one-time fed pickmoore. just to help me understand, you know the president's head. where is this step forward? we were joking about greenland before we started the segment. i don't understand the fight on it. and i know that you don't do foreign policy. but you know him and you know how he thinks. i want to buy greenland, denmark never offered him greenland. now he's supposed to visit with denmark. he says, i'm not going, and he tweets, if you're not selling me greenland, i'm not coming. >> i think he felt a little bit discussed by the denmark government. we do joke about it. but i think it was an interesting idea. it's very resource rich area of the world and people did laugh when we bought alaska.
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that turned out to be a great deal for the united states. >> there was an offer on alaska. he's making all of this up. it seems like he's manufacturing a fight. why? >> i don't know. he doesn't -- he's a new yorker like you. he's a counter puncher. >> you can't blame new york bag the way he is. most of them are much better than both of us. i think it feeds into the economy discussion. it's about fights and false expectations. there was no greenland deal. there's no greatest economy ever. you know these things, you're an economist. he's doing well. he's not doing better than we've ever seen before and you guys got the benefits of juicing the economy with this tax cut. fair point? >> let me say this, i think it's a pretty darn good economy. i'll cite a few statistics. it's a pretty darn good one. we have the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. that's a -- and for blacks and
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hispanics and women. >> as part of a continuing trend. >> we have the lowest interest rates in 50 years, lowest inflation rate in 50 years. i'll cite one statistic that i think encapsulate what trump that has done. 7.5 million. that's the number of surplus jobs we have in america today. wea we've never had anything like that. >> it means you're not training up your labor. you're not working -- >> we need to get the workers ready for those job. >> but you guys aren't doing that. and what i'm saying is you promised all of these people who have real fears of being forsaken, you were going to be their savior. that's what he promised them. he's not bringing back coal. manufacturing is waning -- >> i got to take you on on this. since donald trump was elected, we have created 1.35 million
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manufacturing, mining and construction jobs. 1.35 million. we were losing jobs. >> and the growth rate has dropped since then. >> manufacturing has dropped off. construction, i spent two or three days a week on the road in this country, and even here in manhattan, all you see is construction towers. we're building things again in america. i got to tell you, every single employer i talk to from the west coast to the east coast, i asked what's your biggest problem, you know what it is, finding workers. that's a good problem for a country to have when you have more jobs than people. why do you think all of the people are lined up at the border -- >> which way do you want to have it? are they the brown menace that you need to chase away. he said they're rapists and murders. >> what i'm saying is, it tells you a lot about how strong this economy is. that you have thousands and
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thousands of people every night trying to get into this country. i don't like demonizing, but they have to come in legally. that's the consensus -- >> he's not trying to come up with a program. >> yes, he is, i helped write an economic -- >> the whole migrant families all together. he just announced it. >> he has a proposal that i worked with jared kushner on that would allow more people to come into the country. they would have skills, talents, they would fill the jobs that are necessary. >> high-skill workers. that's not the worker surplus that you're dealing with. they don't stand on their own two feet. >> anybody who wants to come into this country and work, i'm all for it. >> if you can't pay your way in, we don't want you. >> you're talking about with respect to getting welfare benefits. >> what cuccinelli was talking
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about. >> i want people to come into this country because they want a job and not a welfare check. what's wrong with that? >> you wind up catching the same people who need opportunity. they're coming here to get the money. that's what america always was. >> people have come into this country and they didn't have welfare programs, they didn't go on food stamps. this idea that people can come in and get welfare, i'm totally against that, and i'm totally pro immigration. >> you're not pro immigration -- >> i want them to come and work and share our freedoms. >> then don't call them rapist and murders. >> i don't like that statement. >> if the economy is doing well, why are you wasting the tools you have in the bag just for the purposes of the election? the tax cut juiced the economy. you didn't pay for it. it was fiscally not conservative behavior, you got a ballooning deficit. now you want a payroll text. it's going to take money away
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from medicare and medicaid, but it's going to be juicing an economy. i'm not saying you're wrong about powell and the fed and about how they cut rates. >> i've been saying that too. >> that's about monetary policy. but if you're killing it, why do you care? and most importantly, if you keep cutting rates, if you have another tax cut, you have no tools in the bag for when a recession comes and it will happen. why do it? >> number one on the fed, the fed has been way too tight -- >> you don't need it right now. >> we do need it. the economy is doing well -- let me be very clear, we were growing at 3 1/2% last year, the fed started raising rates. why is that happening? the fed is too tight, the other is the china trade war. i support what trump is doing on china. i think we're standing up to a menace. i think china is a bad actor. i think the communists have taken over there. but it's causing pain, there's
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no question about it. >> it's not on the economy. and now you want to play with one of the tools in the economy. >> you want to back down to china? >> no. but that's what diplomacy is. i don't want him to lay it off on farmers who are crying themselves to sleep. >> i think people are behind trump on china. people realize they're cheating, stealing. >> they have so many more tools. they have a -- >> who does? >> they have a state-managed economy, china. >> how is that an advantage? >> they can do whatever they want. >> i believe trump is going to get a trade deal with china. >> you better hope so. >> here's what i'll tell you, if we get a trade deal, and i think it's going to happen in the next three, four, five months, you're going to see the dow go to 30,000, trump is going to get re-elected. >> and he doesn't need a tax cut -- >> what's wrong with giving
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middle class people tax cuts? >> nothing. you should have done it the last time. >> they could hire more workers and wages go up. >> and they didn't. they paid a record sum to buyback their own stock and you know it. >> "the wall street journal" two weeks ago said wages were up -- >> what did they do with most of the tax revenue, did they pass it onto workers or buy back stock? >> why do you think wages are up? what is driving the economy now, chris? because they have fatter wallets. they have more -- >> true or false, big businesses bought back more stock than they did pass it onto labor? >> what's wrong with that. it helps shareholders, businesses, a lot -- >> it helps shareholders, it helps bottom line. i know they redefined what a corporation is right now.
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do you own stocks? it's good -- >> i worry about the other half. >> if it's a middle class tax cut, that would be great. >> last word. >> last word. if the economy stays as strong as it is today over the next year and a half, trump is going to win a big re-election. if the economy goes south on him, he's got big problems. he's staked his presidency on this economy. and so he's got to get this trade deal done. he's got to continue to juice the economy so -- >> if an economy is strong, you don't juice it, you save -- >> can always grow faster. >> stephen moore, appreciate the arguments. thank you very much. how about a d. lemon discussion. i think this denmark trip matters. i don't care about whether he's going to buy greenland or not. why do you start fights for no good reason as the leader of the free world? what does d. lemon have to say about that? find out next.
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talking about selling him greenland which he somehow seems to say is her backing off an earlier offer which she never made. can't make it up. let's bring in d. lemon. >> we could make it up, but we don't have to. it writes itself. >> the ambassador to denmark had just said, we're all ready for the trip. and then he calls it off and tries to start another fight. >> i think it's -- as everyone as figured out, you can see right through it. it's a distraction. truman talked about it. nothing ever seriously happened. one would have to ask, all you have to ask is why at this moment? why would anyone at this moment, you know, a president of the united states even consider or have that be a news topic? there's no other reason than it being a distraction. i think the insulting part is they're a nato ally and i don't think you should use a nato ally
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as a distraction for the american people to distract people from the economy. >> it was interesting to hear stephen moore say i think he felt dissed. he's doing the dissing. >> >> it is the first question that i asked to senator and presidential candidate cory booker. >> intriguing. >> and you know what else i'm going to delve into "the new york times" did a thing on the candidates play list. it's amazing. you've got to watch that. it tells you a lot about a person what they have on their play list which i learned even more this weekend after lstening to your play list over and over and over. arrested development, have you ever heard that term? >> i like any band where the guys wear their clothes backwards. i'll talk to you later. >> they'll make you jump, jump. >> well-done. here's a question for you.
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do you ever wonder what keeps this president up at night? he gave us an answer today and i believe his answer is as true as anything he's told you, and it means something special. next. and last longer with fewer pills. so why am i still thinking about this? i'll take aleve. aleve. proven better on pain. who got an awful skin condition.
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i argue this, the president told us a very important truth today. listen. >> is that something that keeps you up at a night? >> well, nothing keeps me up at night. >> he was answering a question about china's military strength. but that answer is comprehensive. just for contrast. >> what is your biggest fear? >> well, there are a lot of things that keep me up at night. >> you already hear the trump folks saying obama was weak, a strong man sleeps easy. but that defies reason and history. military and political leaders have written many atome about
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coping with the obvious and extant pressures that inhabit if not haunt nightly slumber for a leader because a leader feels the pain of those they lead, it is a burden they shoulder. it is that empathy, that feeling that others are feeling that motivates their response. literature abounds with references to the same most notably, quote, uneasy lies ahead that wears a crown, shakespeare, right? and this president who often postures as a demagogue caugautt if not a king, this president however seems not to worry at night as henry did. and the point is presidents should have a lot of heavy burdens that weigh on them, and yes, keep them up at night. waiting for that 3:00 a.m. call, the theneed that they can't satisfy, the pain they must work
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tire lassly to address. look at presidents when they come in and when they leave. i mean, come on, look at clinton's hair. the white george w. bush looks like he got a beat down, look this is very hard job because of the stress they carry with them. now let's look at this president. it's been almost three years since trump won the presidency. looks exactly the same. his hair is, i don't know what's going on with that. but he may do things presidents in the past haven't done to augment their physical reality, but it may also be he doesn't care the way others have. he seems content to vent and foment problems. look at den mark, look at the situation he's making up out of nowhere, discord for no reason. he has no rael deals going with congress right now. think about that with all the problems we have. he certainly doesn't sweat
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building -- the farmers who toss a turn wondering when these tariffs will end. those cast into the bucket of others, dethemes worrying about their place at night and their futures. now while i wish poor sleep on no man maybe this president could use a sleepless night or two, less executive time, fewer hours in front of the tv and on the golf course. maybe he should focus on fixing things, carrying that burden. because that's the job, and it should get hard, messing with iran, they talk about china, that'sedesy. getting a deal, not so easy. and if policy doesn't haunt his sleep, certainly the problems for people should, no? imagine sleeping at night or sleeping easily, nothing keeping you up. people are dying when they
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shouldn't. concerts, movies, churches, synagogues, malls, high schools. hundreds of innocents murdered in mass shootings on your watch. i'm not arguing he's to blame. the murderers, the murderers bear that burden. but imagine being him and having the power to do something about it and doing nothing. how would you sleep? kids in cages at your command, calling for raids that leaves families crying in the streets. could you imagine dealing with that and sleeping easy? if not them then surely someone like private first class brandon and specialist malcolm nance, paratroopers dying in combat in afghanistan les than a month ago. this president has only visited once, but shouldn't that visit his sleep every night? shouldn't he process that pain and lose sleep? isn't that what the job is about? doesn't he see their faces? can you imagine all of this on your shoulders and not needing a
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bottle of ambien to just take a nap. how about this, care more. mr. president, you may sleep but the rest of this country may rest easier. "cnn tonight" with d. lemon starts right now. >> you make a pretty good point. you ever think of running for president, and i say no way in -- seriously no way in hell. >> people ask you about running for office? >> they absolutely do. they said i should run and i should make you my vp. >> what? nobody has ever said that to you ever. >> they said make chris lemon your vp. >> that keeps me up at night. that cabdriver turning around in detroit and saying you're chris lemon. >> you should never, ever have told me that. i'm going to get a license plate
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