tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN August 25, 2019 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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expert. also, eatle lesles less meat if humanity to survive but how do we convince those with a tenderness for t-bones or lamb or pork or chicken or goat to stop? amanda little has the answer. but first, here is my take. today's crisis of conservatism produced surprisingly few books that try to analyze what happened to this creed. for decades, conservatism was a dominant ideology in the western world championed by matcher and ronald reagan and now it's quietly collapsed. president trump's populism has taken over the republican party, brexit fever consumed britain's conservative leaders into this middle comes george f wills the
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sense bltt. i admire will and deeply book will try to explain the basic features of his creed. american conservatism will announces has almost nothing to do with european conservatism which descended from tainted by thrown and alter, blood and soil th rationality and triabbalism. the united states was made by philosophy. american conserve 'tatism defen the original philosophy of the founding fathers. classical liberal list m, the counter point to this tradition will argues is progressive is m and to flourish.
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this tradition for george will has eroded the ideals of the american founding, invited the spirit of america and created a country less free, less self-rely and posed. the problem is after the new deal came the astonishing american boom of the 1950s and 60s and after the great society was the revolution which the united states dominated more than any nation. the fact remains in 2019, the united states is one of the most free dynamic and innovative countries on the planet. if that is the result of a sen
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cu -- century of policies maybe we need more. conservatism is unsure whether america today is a fallen republic or astonishing story. this might help explain the rise of donald trump ever since the 1930s conservatives are promising the rollback of the progressive agenda. yet, despite the regan revolution, the gingrich revolution, the tea party revolution, the american state is bigger than ever. should we chalk this up to incompetence? no, more likely conservatives know that the public actually wants the welfare state and a modern country could not function under the experiment. in any case, the result is that conservative leaders have left their base pearmanently feeling
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betrayed and distrustful of any campaign promises. in recent years, as the fever grew voters began desperate for someone that had not played this game of switch with them. into this rage against elites walked donald trump who easily toppled the conservative establishment and rode the frustration with elites all the way to the white house. >> you're elite. >> george will wrote a fascinating book but at its heart is the same saga of a lost american yutopia. will describes himself as a low voltage atheist and knows there never really was a garden of eden. for more go to and read my washington post column and let's get started.
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>> we'll go to jim schutto. >> good morning, fareed. we have this breaking news in france. this is the annual gathering of presidents and prime ministers of the largest e vance est adva economies. a plane carrying the foreign minister mohammed e h mohammed . pamela, do we know what the function of this visit is then by the iranian foreign minister and is there the possibility of talks with u.s. officials sometime in the future? >> well, that's certainly what the u.s. wants. in fact, steve mnuchin spoke
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with reporters and said the u.s. is open to speaking with iranians but the iranians are statement from the spokesman for the foreign minute tristry says negotiations and the spokesman says the iranian foreign minister will continue consultations and discussions on recent initiatives between the presidents of iran and france. the president was asked about this and simply said no comment in response to the unexpected arrival of the iranian foreign minister. steve mnuchin went further and did add that again the u.s. is open to a dialogue with the iranians but the iranians have made their stance clear they are not open to dialogue with the united states. of course, here at the g 7, iran is a central focus, many of the country's here want to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of iran but how to go about doing so, they differ.
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of course, president trump as you know pulled out of the iran nuclear deal and just in recent months tensions have been rising between the u.s. and iran as you'll recall recently iranians shot down a u.s. drone and the u.s. was prepared to send a limited missile strike over and so this is certainly an interesting dynamic that the iranian foreign minister mohamm mohamm mohammed zarif landed. >> we're joined by david sanger. national security correspondent and author of a book. david, you make the point that this is president trump's third g 7 and in that time he has not moved america's closest allies one iota closer to his position to lead the iran nuclear deal. do we know this function and is it possible that maybe the
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iranians and americans are surprised by meeting face-to-face on the ground there? >> well, imagine it's possible but mr. zarif himself, jim, who was sanctioned by the trump administration just a few weeks ago, and basically they went after whatever assets he had in the united states. he said he didn't have any, and essentially barred him from travel to the u.s. except perhaps visits to the u.n. at the same time, he's the on one they can really talk to. there is not going to be a meeting at least any time that we can imagine between the president and the supreme leader in iran that usually does not meet american or european counter parts. he has met prime minister abe of japan. so zarif probably was the best for the negotiations, first in secret, then in public with the
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obama administration. interesting question here is the europeans were there and unified in a set f efforts to counter the american sanctions and under cut the u.s. sanctions on iran because they say they want to perceive the iran deal. president trump has been completely on the other side of that and there is no indication right now that earth side is giving on that issue. >> okay. let's talk about the china trade war. of course, the president some 48 hours ago royaled international markets by announcing new sanctions retall toiation on ch but the president back and forth in the last 24 hours has to whether he was having second thoughts on the inposition or having second thoughts he did not go tough enough, do we have any sense of what the actual white house position is on this?
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>> i think the white house is struggling to come up with a position on this. i mean, was just on friday, jim, that you saw the president descri describe the president of china as an enemy. the same paragraph he used that phrase for jay powell, the head of the federal reserve. today he said our relationship with china is actually quite good. people are accustomed to the fact the president swerved many ways but in the china negotiations, i think the bigger fear is it's not clear to anybody what our objectives are. is it simply the removal of trade barriers in china? is it the theft of american technology? is it the requirement that american companies turnover their technology if they want to manufacture in china? is it the chinese telecom manufacturer who president trump is trying -- has banned from the u.s. and trying to get the europeans to do the same?
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so we don't understand the priorities here in any way, and i think that that's what has the markets royaled, that and the president's claim on friday which he does appear to be backing away from that american companies should get out of china. in fact, he seemed to suggestion he could order that. he did by tweet. it's not at all clear he has that authority. so i think what's royaling the markets and allies here is the fact there is so much inconsistency in the american position and because the chinese have clearly not folded as president trump believed that they would. >> they have not and in fact, there are some reads from inside china that china senses political weakness in this president and willing to apply greater pressure going forward. david sanger, great to have your analysis there as the g 7 talks continue in france. we'll continue to follow the headlines from france as the u.s. meets with its closest
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allies there. coming up next, fareed will be back and we'll pivot from the south of france to asia. how is this part of the world fairing in the era of trump? please stay with "gps." do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging? prevagen is the number one pharmacist-recommended memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong.
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part of the world is fairing in the trump era. the most populist continent by far and the world will gain a billion new middle class consumers in asia alone. so how is the so-called asian century going? has it been derail ordinaed or strengthened by president trump. a cnn global contributor and the author of the new book, "the future is asian." what does the tension between the united states and china over trade suggest to you? >> they see that the u.s. and china are on the way to decoupling. the u.s. is trading more with canada and mexico than china. so asians are looking to potentially ratify this year the regional comprehensive partnership, the rcep. that's 16 countries that will
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constitute one of the largest free trader r eras in the worldd it will increase or expand the exports to each other. that's basically where this trade war is taking asia, towards greater regional and more integration or compliments to each other andles less depen danon the u.s. >> what do you make of the free trade deals the europeans are signing with european countries? >> it's a great point. glad you brought it up. it's important to also make clear this pattern you're describing began before the trade war broke out. the european union countries trade more with china and with is asia as a whole than the united states and trade more with asia than the united states. the transatlantic economic relationship was the bed rook of
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the systrelationship for decade. and indeed, the e.u. in the only has a free trade agreement that it signed earlier this year with japan, it wants to have a similar agreement with the asian countries of southeast asia and one with india and companies are getting into the chinese market more heavily to substitute for american rivals like boeing. so the situation that will unfold is that the european asian trade relationship is really going to strengthen. it's $1.6 trillion today that could easily grow to $2 trillion, $2.5 trillion per year while america's trade with europe and america's trade with asia will stagnate or decline. >> so what you're describing is a world in asia that is moving forward and the united states to a certain extent is being left behind. i mean, the most visible symbol of this is probably the u.s. opting out of the chance pacitr
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partnership. >> we can do a before and after comparison. the united states is clearly no longer heading security order in asia such as we knew during the cold war. so we have to really look at the individual relationships that asian countries have with the u.s. one by one. japan of course remains an american ally but look at south corey, korea, they are moving forward with belton road initiative, collaboration with china to enhance the industrial exports. australia has just announced it does not want to see american missiles stationed at darwin. so we really have to look one by one to see where american geopolitical leverage or points of influence will remain in the years ahead. >> and do they worry? do asian countries worry about the rise of china or are they
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accommodating themselves to this new reality? >> absolutely. look, asian countries have been more fearful of china than anyone else and felt that long before trump was e lektselected office and launched this trade war and activities. every country in the region has an outstanding border dispute with china or legacy sort of tension with them or even very recent instances of an altercation in the maritime domain. all of china's neighbors are quite suspicious of it, but they share this geography, they share this asian mega region. they want to find ways to accommodate their largest trading partner and what is interesting and i don't think it's reported enough so i'm glad we're able to talk about it now, china is learning to accommodate them. it's not just that they get bullied and step back and accept
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what china wants. you can see china learning it has to accommodate neighbors if it wants to succeed. i think that the asia we're heading towards is not one unilaterally dominated by china but one in which a, the united states should still be there playing a very important role as a security guarantee but also one that really restores what asian history has been, fareed, multipol multipolar. you have deep, rich civilizations that are confident the way india is becoming, the way japan still is, even the southeast asian countries rising up and speaking for themselves and that will be a stable asia in the long run. >> fascinating view from asia. always a pleasure. >> thank you so much, fareed. next on "gps" tensions are rising between the u.s. and china in another way when we come back, find out why the u.s. and china are facing off over science. the first survivor of alzheimer's disease
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year since 2000 reaching $408 billion, second to the united states. according to a reason op ed in the "wall street journal", china opened 1,800 universities between 2001 and 2014. china has nearly 5 million recently graduated scientists as of 2016, almost nine times the number in the united states. last year china sure papassed t united states and china once more for years it has been recruiting foreign scientists through the lucrative thousand talents placement program. if this transformation sounds familiar, that's for a reason something very similar happened in the united states after world war ii and changed the world as the economists jonathan wrote in a book, jump starting america, government funding for reserve and development in america
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increased by a factor of 20 from 1940 to 1964. during that era, the federal government contributed funding for basic research that led at the development of microwaves, mris, satellites, we wouldn't have gps or mobile internet without them. the government was pouring money into american universities. college doubled between 1940 and 1960 and the u.s. has an influx of foreign scientists fleeing nazis and communism but much changed in america and the world it used to be in country spent a bigger proportion of national income on public research and development on the united states. has they note, nine countries do and china spend and the u.s. that figure was 4%. and spending on research and
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development ooze mment has stea declined over the years. at stake is winning the race to be first on best from everything from green energy to self-driving cars but that's more important is the very nature of science itself. ideally, scientific inquiries should be untampered by authoritarians or state interference. little in china is free from either but increasingly the american government has shown a willingness to interfere, as wel well. it's cracking down on scientists and influence at american reserve institutions. this led to the departure of three scientists and raised fears of racial profiling from asian american scientists all over the country. the department of energy issued a memo banning scientists from
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recruitment and sensitive countries, the "wall street journal" reported. foreign collaboration is the bedrock of strength in science. 39% of noble prizes and science were won by the foreign born. a china scholar at the university of pennsylvania says while there may be costs to open this in science, we gain more than we lose in an open exchange of ideas. rather than trying to stop china from innovating a much better strategy would be for the united states to massively increase funding for basic research and technology and welcome talented immigrants with open arms. the strategy in other words, that made america number one in the first place. next on "gps" how do you feed almost 10 billion people on a planet much hotter than it is today? there are no easy answers but we have some answers for you when we come back.
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at t-mobile, what can you get when you a buy a samsung galaxy note 10? a netflix subscription on us. and for a limited time. buy any samsung galaxy note 10 and get one samsung galaxy note 10 for free. he borrowed billions donald trump failed as a businessman. and left a trail of bankruptcy and broken promises. he hasn't changed. i started a tiny investment business,
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and over 27 years, grew it successfully to 36 billion dollars. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. i'm running for president because unlike other candidates, i can go head to head with donald trump on the economy, and expose him fo what he is: a fraud and a failure. the first survivor of alzis out there.ase and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. join the fight with the alzheimer's association. the u.n. projects by 2050 this planet will have nearly 10 billion people on it. that's an additional 2 billion people on top of us here and 2050 may sound way in the future but i hope to be around. it's only 30 years off. we know the earth in 2050 will
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be hotter. we just don't know how much hotter, but one of the biggest puzzles that policy makers and scientists will have to deal with between now and then is how do we feed an extra 2 billion people on a hotter planet? amanda little is a journalist who digs into these very issues, her latest book is called "the fate of food what we'll eat in a bigger, hotter, smarter world." welcome. >> thank you. >> so you talk about this miss match between the increase in population and potential decrease in the supply of food. explain why? >> so the international panel on climate change has predicted that we could see a two to 6% decline in global crop yields. every decade going forward and -- >> that's because more land is becoming essentially desert. >> that's right. it many factors. it's heat. it's storm events.
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it's shifting seasons which are confusing crops. it's drought. it's invasive species and insects. it's many different factors that climate change is placing on food production. what is interesting in the language and the report it says that the world may reach a threshold by mid century beyond which current agricultural practices can no longer support large human civilizations. that's the language in the report, and the key term, though, is current agricultural practices, right? the narrative of we're running out of food is thousands of years old. humanity is asking how we'll feed ourselves for really the beginning of civilization. the stakes are higher now. the risks are greater, but, you know, the question is can we adapt? >> one other trend that you point out that seems to be very crucial here is the rising meat
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consumption. basically as people, as countries grow richer, they eat more protein and particularly eat more animal protein and beef and the problem is beef takes up an enormous amount of land. >> it stunned me to realize in the last 50 years we've seen a doubling of human population and trippi tripping of meat consumption. not just the challenge of adding more humans to the planet, it's shifting diets toward more protein rich and meat rich eating habits. >> how many animals do we kill every year to feed the world? you have that number. >> it's tens of billions and there is actually sort of shifting data but we slaughter tens and tens of billions of animals a year for human consumption and it's, you know, one of the most interesting areas of sort of adaptation and invasion. we heard a lot about plant-based meat alternatives and cell based
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meats or cultured meating as ar getting a lot of focus. >> i want to ask you a question about that. there is this debate about the impossible burger and beyond meat and i've tried them and they are tasty but they are super processed food. a lot of what you're eating in those things is like canola oil. is that a good solution? >> well, it depends on the product and the case of beyond meat you certainly, i think, have less processing in terms of, you know, what potentially is damaging to human health in that product than you have in many conventional meats you eat and the processing that goes on in the products into which that meat goes. so, you know, when you compare them, i think that there are probably huge benefits to human health with some of these plant-based alternatives. you have to read the labels closely. that's one of the reasons why
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there is a lot of interest in cell-based meats because you're essentially growing the muscle tissues and connective tissues and fat tissues we eat in animal based meats and you can control how much fat and what kind of fat goes into the products. >> that's essentially labor made, you don't need a live animal to get to the beef. you get through it in a lab. >> that's exactly right. i tasted a duck breast freshly harvested from a bio reactor from a laboratory in california, and certainly there was, you know, a little concern when i signed the waiver that said this is an experimental 3rproduct an death may occur, it was a formality but it tasted very much like the duck meat i've eaten. a little chew wier and it's an early-stage product but billions and billions of dollars are flowing into this research. >> you come out of this
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optimistic or pessimistic? >> the most important thing i want to convey is climate change is something we can taste. right now in france for example, we're seeing major impacts on corn production, wine production, bordeaux just recently hit 106 degrees fahrenheit. i reported on impacts on avocado, citrus, peaches, apples, any high nutrient, high flavor crop. i am optimistic. i think we can do this and do it right but it will require good judgment. it will require a real coming to terms with how serious the problems are at hand. we're going to really change and broaden how we think about food and food solutions. >> terrific. the first thing we got to do is read your book. up next, pop quiz. what time is it in new guinea?
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if you don't know, you're not alone. make time standard across the planet. at global noontime, people will just be getting up in new york, having lunch in london and getting ready to go to bed in beijing but it would be the same time. why? find out in a moment. the first survivor of alzheimer's disease is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. join the fight with the alzheimer's association.
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if it's midnight in los angeles, it's 3:00 a.m. in new york, 8:00 in london, 12:30 in the afternoon in deli, 5:00 p.m. in sydney and 5:45 in new zealand. got it? confused? well that's just the way time zones work right now and roughly the way they have worked for almost 150 years, but my next guest want to disrupt all of that and make it well, simpler. i'll let them explain how and why. richard is a professor of physics and astronomy where steve hankie is a professor of applied economics. so just help people understand what you're proposing is a single time zone for the entire world. >> absolutely correct. and as things stand now for example, in china, they have time zones a single time zone covering a big chunk of china
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with big differences in hours. we're going for the entire world on the same time, but of course, it doesn't mean that you'll go to bed in the middle of the day. it means that you will follow the sun as far as your behavior is concerned but when you're catching an airplane, the time will be exactly the same. >> what is the advantage to this? is the problem with our current system? >> well, the current system is one in which you get confused about meeting times, scheduling things and as a result of this universal time is really what dick and i are talking about, this is spontaneously something that's been evolving and taking a hold because it works and you need it. for example, airline pilots, in 1972 they all went on universal time because of the safety consideration. >> worldwide.
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>> airline pilots, always one time and it's always -- >> everyone's watch is set exactly on the same hour. that's all this means really. your watch, every place in the world if you're in mumbai, the watch is going to read the same thing as it is here in new york. >> so just to help people understand, because you know, i think it does confuse people. >> of course. >> wait a minute, so, you know, when i get up and i'm thinking it's morning and i'm about to go to work and it's 7:00 in the morning and i look and say no, it's going to say it's 3:00 in the afternoon. >> that's correct. you will know by that time that's normal for you. let me give you an example. a decade or more ago, i got a phone call from my mother in canada and she said oh, richard, it was hot today, 30 degrees. she had transitioned, an old
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lady to celsius. we would transition to this new system in a year at max. >> we just realized that, you know, when we got up, when we went to bed, this was all determined by the sun but when we were looking at our watch, we were looking at a time that -- >> the time. >> the time that was the same for every human being everywhere in the world. >> precisely. >> how it would work for example in new york if we were on universal time, the stores would open, let's say they are opening at 9:00 and close at 5:00. what would that be? it would be 9:00 a.m. on universal time 1400 or 2:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. is 10:00 p.m. or 2200. >> you always know what time it is. there is zulu time. everyone has it. >> universal time would be granish time. >> the brits are lucky.
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>> they wouldn't have to change anything. but the time zone thing for people to get an idea of the history of this thing, we had 300 time zones in the united states. we were on sun time then we had the telegraph and the rail ways coming in and the latter part of the 19th century and we went to 75 time zones now. and at that point in time, we had six time zones in st. louis, we had five time zones in kansas city and we had three time zones in chicago and finally at the end of the day in 1883, the rail way said we've had it with this. this is very dangerous, very confusing, people are missing trains, trains are colliding with one another. we're going to four time zones and that's how we got to four. so this was in the latter part of the 19th secentury. >> if the president puts out an
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executive order, he does not require congressional approval to change the time or calendar. >> that's my understanding. >> once the united states does it, you think the rest of the world will follow? >> if the federal government of the united states does it, believe you me the states will fall in line. even new york and california, of course, they will recognize the v v virtues of it. >> we managed to get the met tri -- metric system accepted. i don't know. >> about 190 countries use the metric system. >> a joke i love, there is two kinds of countries in the world, there are those that use the metric system and those who put a man on the moon. >> if you call it trump time, you might have a deal. >> that's the idea. >> thank you both. fascinating idea. >> lots of fun. >> and we will be back.
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for people with parkinson's, some neurons change their tune, causing uncontrollable tremors. now, abbott technology can target those exact neurons. restoring control and harmony, once thought to belost forever. the most personal technology is technology with the power to change your life. fixing the u.s. health care
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system is already a major issue in the 2020 presidential c campaign. it makes sense. americans pay more for their health care and die sooner than host in developing countries. in which of the following countries of a child born in 2020 have a higher life expe expectancy than america? stay tuned and we'll tell you the correct answer. my book of the week is "the line of beauty" a beautifully written prize-winning novel set in london's upper classes during the thatcher years. he writes about politics, money and sex with ease and skill. the answer to my gps challenge this week is actually all of them. the united states ranks 52nd in life expectancy at birth according to the world population prospects. it's out ranked by wealthy and
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less wealthy nations. some like cuba prioritized at a national level and others have a universal health insurance plan like the medicare for all plan that's been debated in the democratic proor marimary. the centers firefighter diseas prevention point to two rules for life expectancy, drug overdoses and suicides. these two creaisis account for recent drop off. for the big picture, you have to look at american inequality. look at this map. the red highlights low life expectancy, it's an alarmingly close match with this senseless map of poverty rates throughout the country particularly across the southwest and southeast. i would suggest all american politicians, democrat and republicans keep these connections in mind between poverty and health and seek to overhaul health care entirely. thanks to all of you for being
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