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tv   Cuomo Prime Time  CNN  August 26, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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very clearly, this is down to deforestation. this is because so much land has been cleared, so much license has been given to forests to create agricultural land that, in fact, that's dried the ground out, kept less moisture in it, and made it more susceptible to fires if they occur. and others say, too, fires are the first step in deforestation, burn the land, clear it, put cattle on it, make your money and your sell your beef. there's a process happening that could permanently damage the ecosystem of the amazon. we all depend on it for our oxygen. is it reaching a tipping point where the damage caused becomes irrevocable and causes a self-fulfilling cycle of fires every year. >> thank you so much for being there and showing us what's going on. the news continues now so i'll hand it over to chris for
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"cuomo prime time". >> my man, thank you. i am chris cuomo. welcome to "cuomo prime time." one of the most trusted brands in america is being held liable for its role in the opioid crisis. we have never had a judicial decision. we have had settlements, but never something like this. a judge saying, yes, you broke the law with how you sell your drugs. we have the man behind the fight in oklahoma and the member of the office who argued the case. couldn't have better guests. let's talk about the basis and what this means for the rest of the country. also, a 2020 eye popper. one new poll shows a three-way tie for a lead in the democratic race. how? we just had the cnn poll. what happened to joe biden? let's get inside this new set of numbers. and a major head scratcher. the president says he only does what is right, quote, nothing for politics. so why didn't he show up at one of the most important meetings at the g-7 today?
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and why did the press secretary mislead us about it? one of america's most influential conservative leaders is here to assess the state of play. one week until we all celebrate our hard work. what do you say? let's get after it. you know, i was surprised to hear people in the media playing down this decision because the state didn't get the money they wanted. they wanted $17 billion over 30 years to help deal with the epidemic of opioid addiction. they got $572 million from johnson & johnson, from a judge. it wasn't a jury trial, it was a bench trial, it was a judge. and it makes history in oklahoma. and in fact, in this country. it could have major implications all over america for other drug makers. think about it. if other people get addicted, it's on you if you sell it the wrong way.
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this is the first case of its kind, we've never had anything like it before. there are 2,000 similar cases pending nationwide. so let's bring in the men at the center of this, okay? we have the oklahoma attorney general, mike hunter, and the lead counsel who successfully argued the case for the state, brad beckworth. gentlemen, thank you for being with us on prime-time. >> good to be with you, chris. >> thank you. >> so ag, let's talk policy and then counsel beckworth, we'll get into what changed. because i've got to tell you, as a lawyer, the nuisance law kind of threw me. but when we look at this from a policy perspective, ag, why did this case matter and what is the statement it makes to america? >> the statement it makes to america is, if you can put a team together that's talented, that's committed, that's courageous, that's willing to spend two years plowing through the records of this monstrous company, i think their market cap is over $300 billion, and
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you're willing to go to court, you're willing to face off with the legal team that they put together, and i guarantee you, they spent millions of dollars on their legal team, you can win. so i'm very proud of my team. we proved to the judge, chris, that johnson & johnson was the cause of the epidemic. they were behind the stream of commerce from the start to the finish. their poppy farm in tasmania furnished 60% of the active pharmaceutical ingredient for the rest of the industry. they misrepresented their products. they misrepresented the industry's products. they mismarketed their products and the judge has held them responsible. we're going to be able to put almost $1 billion to this problem in oklahoma with the other two settlements. so we're happy with the verdict. obviously, we would have liked more, but we're very happy with the judge, again, finding that johnson & johnson was culpable for what's happened in oklahoma. >> ag, two big terms that came out of this. and then we'll get to the
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strategy in court. what they call the defendants' pseudo addiction, and it is really just such a wicked dynamic that you guys outlined in court, convincing doctors that patients who exhibits signs of addiction, like asking for higher doses of opioids or came back early and used up the prescription before they were supposed to, they weren't actually suffering from addiction, but from the undertreatment of pain and they should give them more. and they told doctors, don't fall into the addiction ditch. avoid negatives like using the word "addiction" and emphasize the positive of supposed efficacy. what do you see behind those terms and what was really going on here? >> well, i'll give you a couple of terms, chris, devious and diabolical. what happened here is they made a decision that there was an opportunity for them to make billions of dollars off of misrepresenting these drugs,
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brainwashing physicians, using pseudo science and trumped up studies, and then they go even further to push back against doctors who were seeing addiction, calling it pseudo addiction, and telling them to prescribe more. they knew damned good and well what they were doing to americans and oklahomans. they just couldn't afford to stop. >> right. and you didn't argue in the case, very interesting and important to note this, brad beckworth, counselor, thank you for being with us as well. hey, we don't need opioids. opioids don't work, there's no such thing as pain. it's all real and we need pain treatment and different medicines, but it's about how often they're used and what they are told to doctors from these companies. now, you used a very interesting legal theory here. nuisance. when people think nuisance law, you know, for the uninitiated, non-lawyers here. they're thinking, your dog is too law. you know, what you did with your fence. how you play your music. you know, you're bothering my peaceful enjoyment of my
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property. how does this involve nuisance? >> well, thanks, chris. we appreciate all your work. look, we can answer that with two things. one, oklahoma law just doesn't require the use of property when you're talking about nuisance. some states do that, but oklahoma very clearly doesn't. one of the elements of a nuisance in oklahoma is conduct that offends decency. and, you know, we've prosecuted tobacco companies, you name it, we've done it. sexual molesters in the clergy, all kinds of conduct. i've never seen conduct that rises to the level of what j&j did here. every time a sales rep came into the state of oklahoma and talked to doctors, 150,000 times they denied their drugs were addictive. but at trial, we forced johnson & johnson to admit that they never did a study to show how addictive their drugs are. they didn't know whether it was 0% or 100%. one of their witnesses said it's 100%. one of their experts, we found a
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videotape of him saying it was as high as 25%. so, chris, if you or your family went to talk to your doctor and said, look, i have chronic back pain and i want to take an opioid, what's my chance of getting addicted? what you want your doctor to say is, chris, this is a tough decision, we don't know, the science is still out there, maybe you'll get addicted, maybe you won't, but it's as high as 25 to 100%. but that's not what happened here. they lied and said it was zero. and on the pseudo addiction thing, one of the things that j&j funded was a book that came out in oklahoma. they led doctors to believe that if someone came in and said, look, my kid is stealing my prescription drugs and what do i do? if the kid said he was still in pain, they called that pseudo addiction. they told doctors and policy leaders that when you got to things like sex trafficking and prostitution to get your opioids, that might be addiction.
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>> it really -- >> that offends decency. >> it reminds me of the day when we used to be talking about antidepressants and they said, don't say side effects, say unintended consequences. and a lot of this can be very deceptive. now, they feel confident, j&j, because they believe that nuisance law is such an unusual application that they may be able to beat it. but underlying facts and what this judge says he believed tells a story that goes far beyond what is just clear in the nuisance statute. ag, counsel beckworth, thank you both for being with us. michael hunter, brad beckworth, we will follow this, because the implications are huge. thank you, gentlemen. good luck going forward. >> thanks, chris. >> thank you very much. all right. months hanging out solo at the top, the former vp joe biden's got some company if you're listening to the monmouth poll. this new poll has a three-way tie. i don't get it. so you know what that means? time for a better brain. the professor is here. professor brownstein will help us understand what happened, next.
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...barb! you left me hangin' on the high harmony there. if you ride, you get it. geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. all right. you have to follow the race to the end, because you never know i6r7b when things can change. we've got evidence of that. new polling from monmouth university. that three-way race at the top. obviously, sanders, warren, and biden. now, what is the real big anomalous factor in this particular poll? biden. the other two numbers sides up with what we just saw in the cnn poll. not biden's. let's get some insight from the professor. ron brownstein. so, help me understand. is this about methodology or is this about a change in the
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actual mechanics of the election? >> i think it's probably some of both. monmouth is a good pollster, one poll, a relatively small sample, 300. and as you note, not only the cnn poll, but a fox poll and a pew poll roughly the same period of mid-august, had a similar result with biden somewhere around 30. warren usually in second and bernie sanders just behind her. i would say that the magnitude of this may be somewhat questionable. that they're all even at this point. but the direction is probably right, right? >> wait, but hold on a second. let's take it one step sideways. this is the one part i don't get. i hear you. it's a smaller sample, it's all about who they ask and maybe they've got a different concentration of who people want. except, the numbers for warren and sanders are kind of what we've been seeing in all the other polls. only biden is different.
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how do you explain that? >> right. the example's a little younger, among other things. probably a few older voters and that's where biden's strength is when compared to the 2016 actual primary electorate. but the idea that any single poll, you know, is the reality and is -- >> they're just snapshots, but it's just weird a week later. >> exactly. it's weird a week later. i think you can say, pretty clearly, looking at the crowds over the weekend and everything else, elizabeth warren is gaining ground. bernie sanders has an audience, he seems to be holding it, maybe building on it a little bit. joe biden is drifting down after his initial start. whether he's really down to 19%, i don't know. but i think it is reasonable that the trajectory that this poll identifies is, you know, is happening. i'm not sure about the magnitude. >> what do you think about this,
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as always, feel free to bat it aside, but, look, obviously, if you're in biden's camp, you don't want to see his numbers go down, but his story doesn't change. he's about electability and stability and a return to normal. i don't get how warren and sanders stay being so nice to each other. and i'm not advocating for animus in politics. we have enough of that. but only one of these two people can fill that lane. warren is starting to get more and more crowd size. bernie is starting to attack us. which is the better indicator? >> look, i think that there are some differences in their support, but you're right that essentially, what we're -- for warren, what we are seeing is that she is a candidate right now who is strongest with
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college-educated white liberals. and that is a role that has been filled by a long line of candidates going back to gene mccarthy in '68, to gary hart in '94, howard dean in 2004. none of them have won the nomination. all of them have kind of fallen short because they were unable to reach out beyond that starbucks ghetto if you want to call it that. and appeal to some of the other constituencies in the democratic party, in particular to african-american voters. and that is still a big challenge for her. biden is best among older and moderate whites and african-americans, at the moment. that has been more of what i have called in the past the beer track candidate. warren is more of the classic wine track candidate. and biden's problem is that in those first two states, iowa and new hampshire, heavily white, a lot of college-educated liberals. they don't play to his strengths. he's stronger as you go along into march and you get to some of those diverse states, particularly in the south. so we could see a very familiar kind of divide, and i think it is ultimately the onus remains on warren to show that for all of her strength, any place where there are a lot of white college liberals like seattle, where she drew 15,000 people over the weekend, she is going to be very strong. but traditionally, that has not been tough to win. >> so you've got the wine track, the beer track for professor brownstein. thank you very much, ron, always. i want to open it up for debate. if a progressive, whatever that means these days, right? we'll have to play with the labels, also. but if warren wins the democratic party, what does that mean for the party in going
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head-to-head with trump? what do you think? is electability still what joe biden wants it to be? look at this lineup for the great debate. let's get after it. jimmy john's only delivers within 5 minutes of their stores to maximize freshness. hey... which is great, unless you don't live within 5 minutes of a jimmy john's. that's why jimmy john's is buying someone a house, a really real house in a jimmy john's delivery zone. for real. tell us why it should be you at because sandwich. dna results fromt you with yourd be you at i was able to discover one cousin, reached out to him, visited ireland, met another 20 cousins. they took me to the cliffs of moher, the ancestral home, the family bar. it really gives you a sense of connection to something that's bigger than yourself. new features.
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let's get after it. pitch in two cents so everybody else gets a chance to make it in this country. two cents! two cents. [ chanting: two cents ] two cents. >> all right. that was the rallying cry at elizabeth warren's latest campaign event to date, according to her team. a stark contrast to the smaller,
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arguably more intimate events being held by the former vp, joe biden. his biggest selling point has been electability. now, polls are just a snapshot of a moment, just a suggestion. but this monmouth, maybe it does skew younger. maybe the smaller sample size does make a difference. but if you have all three of these people knotted up at the top. biden, warren, sanders, what does it mean for this party? that's the start of tonight's great debate with ana casperian and ana navarro. it's great to have you both. >> that's a lot of anas in your life. >> i'll take it. more ana, more better. let's not play with methodology and all of that, i just did that with ron brownstein. let's deal with the fundamentals of what this means inside the party. ana navarro, if it's about electability, biden has been showing pretty solid strength but warren has been growing, bernie sanders is always there. is electability still pointing to joe biden and why? >> look, practically every poll i've seen about electability
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shows that any of the democrats on the top can beat donald trump. and so that does not help joe biden. what joe biden has going for him is that he appeals to people like me. to disenfranchised republicans, to centrists, to independents, to right-leaning independents. that is his ace in the hole right now. that is his big card to play. but i will also tell you. i think elizabeth warren is growing on people. she has shown a work ethic during this campaign that is impressive. >> and she knuckles up. >> i can talk to you about -- >> a lot of democrats -- as you know, every time we're on location, the democrats are in fight mode. they always say, who's our fighter? she knuckles up. and that's something we're seeing. we'll see what happens on the debate stage. >> and she hustles. >> she hustles. she's working hard.
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>> that woman hustles. >> she's showing energy, all of that stuff that we put labels on, but it can matter to people. so ana, the other ana, casperian, i call you by your last name as a term of endearment. >> i like it. >> i do that a lot. everyone calls me cuomo. it works. so the idea that they're catching up to him, you still have a problem. because you have a bifurcated race in that other lane. you have warren and sanders. and again, i'm not looking for animus. we have enough of it. but i don't know how they can both stay so friendly. yes, their bases are a little different, warren and sanders, but not that different. >> actually, i do think that they differ in various policies. bernie sanders has a track record of leftist policies throughout his entire career -- >> do you say leftist as good thing or a bad thing? >> i think it's a good thing. so i'll give you some specific examples. when it comes to the student loan debt issue, bernie sanders is saying, let's not get too overwhelmed with details and complications. we need to cancel student debt. whereas elizabeth warren has certain caveats, certain
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thresholds that individuals would have to meet in order to get their debt canceled. and i think the most important thing to look at is not necessarily the polling among the candidates, but importantly, the polling when it comes to specific policy proposals. and poll after poll indicates that the democratic base wants to cancel student loan debt. the democratic base wants a single-payer health care system. i know there have been a bunch of tricky polls in terms of methodology when it comes to polling medicare for all, but if you are specific and say that individuals would not lose access to their doctors, in poll after poll, it indicates that the base is in favor of it. i think that's what's important. >> all right. so let's change the lens here a little bit. which is, you're talking policies. and i think that's good, but you also have to prepare for the fight you're going to have. and once you get into the general, ana, you may never hear the president talk about health care, except to say, your plan stinks, my plan will be the best ever. and by the way, you're a bunch
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of socialists who want no more ideas of gender or any kind of moral propriety in this country anymore and you're for open borders. that's the kind of fight you're going to have. who gives you the best chance of winning that fight, ana navarro? >> if you ask me, i think it's joe biden. i think that is no doubt -- >> you think he can go toe-to-toe with trump, when trump's calling him sleepy joe, and you know, what do you know? that's the kind of fighter he is. >> i actually do think he can go toe-to-toe with trump, because listen, the guy who's calling joe biden sleep joey is frankly sleepy donald, who likes to sit in his bedroom, eat hamburgers and watch fox news all day and doesn't do much other than executive time. doesn't like to go to meetings and go to briefings. doesn't know the difference between the kurds and the quds. you talk about joe biden making gaffes? how about the gaffe that donald trump makes on a daily basis? >> i'll tell you what the difference is -- i'll tell you what the difference is. he calls the prince of wales with an "h". >> he says melania is good
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friends with kim jong-un and she's never met him. but his base doesn't care. he's not going to lose a point. you guys eat each other for sport. >> my hope is that the lesson that comes out of 2016 for democrats and for people who want to beat trump, like i do, is that everybody -- once this primary on the democratic side is over, everybody has got to coalesce and it has got to be all hands on deck, and it's got to be all about beating donald trump. >> but will that happen? will kasparian get behind -- joe biden? >> get over and >> i will fight for -- >> will you get behind a joe biden? >> i want trump out. so i do agree that it's important to support -- >> look how you're backloading it. look how you're backloading it. >> no, no, no, i'm not backloading. i did not like hillary clinton
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as a democratic candidate, but when push came to shove, the right thing to do was to vote for her, and that's what i did, even as someone who lives in california who could have very easily casted a protest vote. but let's cross that bridge when we get there. >> we're a long way from it. long way. >> we are a long way from it. but i just want to quickly talk about or answer the question about who would be the best challenger to donald trump. i mean, look. biden's got to figure out which state he's in first before he talks about fighting donald trump. i mean, he's campaigning in new hampshire, he thinks he's in vermont. he's had one gaffe after the next after the next. and biden has this habit, and i think you see this with a lot of establishment democrats, where he thinks he can work with the right wing and compromise with the right wing. i think that establishment democrats are really missing the point. we don't want someone who's going to concede to the right wing. we want a fighter, we want someone who's going to make the republican party bend to our will. because we've been conceding to their side for far too long, far
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too often, and that has created the type of political climate and the political situation we're dealing with today. >> i hear you both. and i appreciate it very much. it really is a tale of two different wants in that party right now and it will be very interesting to see how it develops. ladies, thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> wait, wait, wait, chris. do you know it's national -- >> oh, boy, oh, boy. >> it's national dog. >> kasparian, never bring a dog on this show. >> and happy national dog day to alabama -- >> what is on its head? what's on her head? >> a bow that matches my shirt. what's wrong with you? are you color blind? >> obviously, my fashion sense isn't what it should be. but it's always nice to know she has a dog on her lap the whole time. >> now i've got to give charlie a shout-out. that's my first love. >> listen, that's what donald trump has turned me into. now i need an emotional support rodent. >> and cha cha is ana. i have these two dopey rescue
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labs at my house, alabama and tennessee, that's where they come from and my brother has a wolf. so if dogs tell you who somebody is, you can see that i got some work to do. very much thanks -- so the president is now home, all right? and look, he made noise at the g-7. he did what he does best. he was disruptive. was it for the better or for the worse? we had this problem with this environment meeting that he skipped. why? why did he skip an important climate crisis today? why did they kind of mislead us? no, they kind of lied. they definitely misled us. let's talk about the state of play. one of his staunchest supporters, one of the biggest conservative voices in the country, brother matt schlapp is here. let's get after this next.
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america first. russia second? this weekend, the president of the united states made time to campaign to have russia readmitted into the g-7. by the way, russia was launching missiles right near the nato border during the g-7. now, just as interesting as what this president didn't have time for, a crucial meeting on the climate crisis. let's bring in brother matt schlapp to talk about this.
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always good to have you on prime time. thank you, sir. >> good to be here, chris. >> this isn't about whether or not there is global warming. you know i accept the science on that. what i don't understand is the methodology of the president's decision here. you don't want to go because you don't believe in it or you don't want to go for whatever reason, be straight. why does the press secretary say that he had meetings scheduled with two world leaders who were at the meeting? >> i don't know why they said what they said, chris. i wasn't on the trip. i'm happy he didn't go to the meeting. i don't want european leaders telling me i have to pay more to fill my truck up with gas or that the middle class in america have to pay higher home beating bills to heat their homes in the winter. i think their solutions are the wrong solutions. the solutions that they talk about won't have any impact on the temperature around the globe. and i actually think a lot of americans were just fine with the fact that he said, you know what, i don't agree with what you guys are talking about. >> let's focus on that part. >> sure. >> just for the sake of the record, i do not agree with your
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analysis that making those kinds of changes that would deal with carbon emissions wouldn't make a difference, because that is what's causing the problem. but put the science aside -- >> well, why don't they tell us how much the temperature will be impacted by the solutions they propose? you notice they never do that. >> on the back of a bottle of aspirin, it doesn't tell you how much your fever will come down if you take it, because your fever will come down you take it. >> in most cases, your fever does come down. in this case, with everything we have seen with the cap and trade, and the al gore btu tax all it is in the end is making middle class and poor people pay more for energy and more america to shed manufacturing jobs. it's not good for america. and we don't have to listen to european capitals to tell us what to do. >> that's not true and we could very easily invest in new energy that we should have. and we don't know if it works to help global warming because we haven't tried it. >> let me respond to that. i'm for any alternative energy that's economic. i'm for it. and i think we've seen that with ethanol, there's a role for ethanol to play. there is a role for wind to play. there is a role for solar to play.
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we need everything. but we also need coal and we also need fossil fuels. >> you want to eventually move somewhat that -- i don't want to talk about bernie sanders. let me stick with this for a second. this is a fundamental problem i have. and i think it's a fundamental problem that you and guys on your side of the line have, which is, you want to talk about policies and all of this, you want to be taken seriously, integrity, credibility. you wouldn't say something like what he just said, what the press secretary said. so you can't just slide over it. they lied to us about why he didn't go to the meeting. why? >> i don't know -- >> i'm not asking you why they lied. >> i can't look inside -- >> i'm asking you to condemn them for lying, because they shouldn't lie to the american people. >> i'm not going to condemn them for lying. >> why? >> i don't have any idea why he didn't go to that meeting. i have no idea. >> yeah, but you know that they lied about the reason that they didn't go. >> why do i get to be the person that determines whether someone else who speaks is lying or not? >> an excellent question. here's why. >> that's not why i came on. >> because you're a leader -- >> my judgment. >> of course, it is. you judge people all the time. you're a leader of conservative thought in this country. and part of the building block of your conservative philosophy,
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you tell me all the time, is integrity, credibility, and character. >> right, and if i thought -- >> and they just lied about why he didn't go to the meeting. >> if i thought they were lying about something -- >> how could they not be lying? they said he was at a meeting with two other people that were at the meeting that he skipped. >> i don't know. maybe he was at another meeting. most of the work -- so the listeners understand, most of the work at these summits does not happen around the official table. >> ehh -- >> most of the concrete successes happen unofficially. for instance -- >> matt, come on, come on. they had a meeting -- >> -- a bilateral trade agreement with japan. shinzo abe and the president are getting along great. boris johnson and the president get along great. there's a spin out of this meeting that somehow it's all a disaster with these world leaders and it's not accurate. >> i'm just saying, don't lie! don't say you had meetings with merkel and modi so you couldn't go and then merkel and modi are the meeting! just don't lie! >> i feel like people shouldn't lie. i also feel like --
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>> they shouldn't lie! not people. the president and the press secretary. >> no one should lie unless you're doing it to like save someone's feelings or something or it's national security. i don't know why he didn't go to this meeting. >> why won't you say, he shouldn't have lied, we're better than this? >> don't put words in my mouth. >> i'm doing you a favor. >> how about the fact that i think that the coverage of this summit should be more responsible. i'm not calling the coverage lying, but i'm saying it should be more responsible. there were plenty of good things that came out of it. >> i'm not saying nothing good came out of it, i'm saying i don't like the white house lying to the american people. it makes it very hard to talk about policy and to be straight. >> chris, i don't like it when andrew mccabe lied either. >> he's not my president! >> what'd you say? >> he's not my president! >> he was the deputy director of the fbi! >> and he was punished for lying! >> he's getting rewarded, too. >> oh, why, because he works at cnn? >> i'm just saying, you shouldn't get on your high horse about who's lying and not lying. i don't know. i don't have some kind of
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magical machine to know when someone's lying or not lying. >> if i said, i can't have you on the show, it turns out "x" or "b" is available and neither were on the show, you would call me and be like, what the heck? why'd you lie? but you won't say it about him. and i think it's a big problem for you guys. there are people who would take you seriously -- >> you're calling the press secretary a liar and i'm not going to do that. >> i know, why? >> because they could have just been confused. it skrould been a simple mistake. it could have been a miscommunication -- >> like melania is really good friends with kim jong-un and they've never met? come on, man. he's just lying to people for effect. i don't see how it helps the conservative cause to embrace it or ignore and therefore empower it. >> chris, all i will tell you is that you guys will stay here all day long about all the things that you think the president says that you find to be what you use the word "lie." i think what's important out of this summit to understand is that the american president said to these european capitals and these european leaders, we're going to do what's best for america. and i think most people in america think that's the right thing to do. >> he can argue what he wants. but he also said to them that russia should be let back into
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the g-7, at the same time, making it the g-8, obviously, at the same time they were bombing right near nato. they still have crimea, that's why they were kicked out. not that president obama kicked them out. you know that that's not accurate. they interfered in our election and he wants to reward this guy. >> i don't think he wants to reward this guy, but i think what president trump believes is that with our adversaries around the globe, just like with kim jong-un and with the premiere in china -- >> xi. >> he wants to deal with them. he wants to sit down and talk them. it's controversial. a lot of republicans don't like that approach. they think there should be world leaders that we just kind of give an arm's length treatment to. he has a different view. look, and his re-election is going to come down to these big bets. did he do the right thing vis-a-vis china and taking them on or didn't he. the american voters are going to decide that. did he do the right thing in putting a hand out to go meet literally in north korea with kim? are these the right decisions? are these the wrong decisions? the american people are going to make that decision -- >> the lying is going to come up
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also, by the way. it's going to be a character contest, as well. it's going to be an identity politics election and who he is is going to be a big part of it. >> i think the key thing that you miss with that kind of coverage is look at the words and look at his policies. >> you're right. you must look at both. >> -- you're trying every foible and what you're going to forget is that the american people will make a judgment on donald trump not to his accuracy level, they're going to make a judgment on donald trump as to whether or not they like his policies. >> you're right, we should not pick out every foible. in the closing tonight, i was trying to remember some things, and the kind of horrible things that he says that i've already forgotten makes it how the sheer volume of it makes it impossible to track. matt schlapp, you are always welcome their make the arguments to my audience and i approach you taking the questions. >> thanks for having me on. >> be well. all right. the nfl regular season doesn't start until next week, but there's already a huge story about who won't be on the field. did you hear about andrew luck? beautiful quarterback, maybe even a more beautiful person. d. lemon and i discuss why, next.
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back up. [ crowd reacting ] >> the colts' owner says that luck is likely walking away from nearly $500 million, he's probably already made $100 million, but it is why he is walking away that i want to discuss with d. lemon. let's bring him in. here is what i find so impressive, for a man who's a man's man, he's walking away because the opposite of you, he's -- pain, injury, and then rehab to get over it. and the cycle, it's too much. and i am so proud of him for standing up and saying things that men aren't supposed to say. it hurts too much. i keep getting hurt. the pain is unbearable. the rehab cycle. i don't want to live this way. i dig it. >> well, i wish we had a point of disagreement, but we don't. i feel the same way. and listen, you and i talk about this all the time, especially in this environment, how much more do you need?
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how much more money does he need? he's already done very well. you know, who needs -- why do people need such big homes? why do you need a bigger house? why do you need more money? at a certain point, enough is enough. and the man has had enough. and he has realized, with the lifestyle he wants to live, for the amount of time and energy he wants to give to his family and himself, that it is -- >> it's best the move for him. he should have done it at the end of the season instead of the beginning of the season, because he kind of puts the team in a bad position. >> but i'm not going to fault him for that. maybe this is just the moment that he needed and maybe he thought, maybe i can get through this and get through the season. >> and i can't even imagine. because i only played like
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little boy ball. and getting hit by a refrigerator -- you know, toyotas. these guys are hundreds of pounds and running at 20 miles an hour. i want to ask you about we don't say addiction. addiction is actually it needs more of the drug. >> yeah. >> they proved they were saying that stuff. these companies have to be held responsible. this is disgusting. >> that is beyond false advertisement. that is beyond deceptive marketing. >> fraud. >> that -- yes. and i saw the two attorneys on your show and they made, you know, really good arguments, obviously. they went up against some very, very powerful folks. and wealthy people. and, you know, they proved their argument. now, listen, it went down, what, i think it was 14 billion -- >> 17 billion, they got 570 million. that's about the award from the judge. i'm talking about legal liability, responsibility. that can make all the difference if companies have to think about
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legally for being on the hook about what they do. >> i'm going to talk about that. dr. sanjay gupta's going to talk about it and we're going to get the legal part of it from jennifer rogers. you know her. she knows her stuff. i'm going to talk to john kasich about everything that's going on. do you know what i'm really looking forward to? i have a farmer and a manufacturer on and they're going to talk to us about what the tariffs are doing to them. it is a story you need to hear and i think the president probably doesn't want you to hear. >> well, it's important for the audience. good job, my friend. all right. let's take a quick break. closing argument. why i am a fighting about what the press secretary did? it all has to start with trust and what you're being sold by your leaders. this president is making a very specific pitch to you that i think he never lives up to. that's the argument. next. l'oréal paris introduces rouge signature sunset matte lip stain eight new, warm shades. less texture, more colors. more paris. all-day matte. bare-lip sensation.
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it's rukmini here from the new york times . hey, you see this?
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my point with matt schlapp is that it all has to start with trust. you don't want to go to the meeting, don't go. don't give an excuse that you were meeting with two people who were at the meeting and you said you couldn't go because you were with them. it's lying. don't do it.
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this president is regularly selling himself as something that he is not. all right? which is an honest to goodness expert. listen to this today. >> i think i know more about the environment than most people. >> really? it is a true deluge of delusions. >> i know more about isis than the generals do. believe me. i know more about courts than any human being. nobody knows more about trade than me. i know more about steel workers than anybody that's ever run for office. >> nobody knows more about construction than i do. >> i know more about drones than anybody. >> if it just bragging, a wink, hyperbole, okay. this president acts on his per verse notions in ways that could hurt this country. arguably, that's what this election will be about. like what? all right. let's start small. his genius tells him it's okay to make money off the presidency. he wants to hold the next g7
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summit at one of his golf clubs. seriously? his genius led him to stay that global warning is a home that china created and then to reportedly suggest nuking hurricanes. think about this, this president thought it was a good idea to set off nuclear bombs to combat extreme weather. is that genius? then he says he is a legal genius. also suspect. "the washington post" counted. federal judges have ruled against this white house more than 60 times in just the past two years on everything from the environment to immigration. he's made deregulation part of his sell to the american people. he only won 6% of the cases. involving agency regulations. other presidents, they won about 70% of the time. more genius, bring russia back into the g7 or the g8 if they're involved. putin fires rockets. that's what you're seeing on the screen right now. this was during the g7 summit. he fires them near the nato
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border. okay? that's who he is. that's what he's about. but our president praises putin. said he's better than obama. and then botches how russia got ousted in the first place from the g7. annexing crimea is what got them kicked out by a majority. president obama didn't do it. by the way, russia still holds crimea today and, oh, yeah, is still trying to infiltrate our democracy. this president praises him? that's genius? he released iran from tonight controls the world had on them? he said the first lady has gotten to know this guy well? they never even met. he started a trade war with china that now has ceos reportedly dumping their own stocks as market fears grow. farmers are feeling the pain? he says it's all part of how he negotiates. please remember, he went bankrupt. a lot. and most often was negotiating with creditors in busted businesses.
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you would know where his money comes from if he would show you his taxes, but that type of hiding is apparently part of his genius. and where is the genius in saying things that make the hateful happy? his people swear we got him wrong about saying both sides in charlottesville. he condemns white supremacists. do you know who else doesn't get it? these guys. this is from a kkk rally in north carolina. they're carrying a banner that says "help make america great again." you don't see any obama signs there, do you? you don't see any "let's get after it" signs, do you? why are they using his slogan and writing in support of him online? bottom line, telling someone you're a genius doesn't make you a genius. in fact, it probably suggests the opposite. but would a genius lie in such easily discoverable ways? would genius convince you that america is best unified by
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pushing the poison of division, emboldening those who want to see the world in terms of us and them, exclusion over inclusion, who is less than and there is nothing more righteous than indignation. but there is a bad fact against him this president has been exhibited as what might be near genius by pulling off an amazing feat of politics. he sold himself to legitimately disaffected voters, many of them were white, middle class, angry at the moneyed class and their perverse plays for power, and i have never seen someone who is guilty of exactly what outrages the same people winds up accepted as a champion for them. and yet in this context, as a leader, i don't think that's genius. i think true genius would be to define as


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