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tv   Cuomo Prime Time  CNN  August 27, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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heard in the public arena. i'm being heard loud and clear. but the fact that people don't want to speak out because it's not good for their state, i don't buy that. i think it's more self interest. >> i appreciate you being with me and i appreciate your honesty. i'll hand it over to chris for "cuomo prime time." >> i appreciate you being with me and i appreciate your honesty. i'm chris cuomo. welcome to "prime time." the earth's lungs won't be saved until the president of brazil gets an apology. are you kidding me? he feels insulted by the head of france. we have bill nye with what punishment the pride is forcing on this world. one of the president's biggest allies in congress is leaving. sean duffy is here with us tonight. we've been at odds many times on this show.
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but tonight, let's remember what connects us and what he's going to tell you really, really matters. and guess who is suspicious of this chicken sandwich shortage. me. guess who doesn't like what i think. d. lemon. what do you say? let's get after it. all right. he called me a liar. he should withdraw the insults he made against me. these are the words of the president of brazil who's now putting his personal spat with the president of france over putting out these fires that are raging in the amazon rain forest. $20 million was pledged by countries in france to save the lungs of our planet. it ain't enough. you have to start somewhere and
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you have to encourage people to be part of this president. but the president of brazil says i'm not going to take it and he has the backing of another president. let's bring in bill nye the science guy. it's good to have you on the show, sir. what do you make of this general sense of opposition from the president of brazil? do you think it will flag quickly? >> yeah, i think it will -- pun intended, blow over. the g-7 is offering $20 million, which is not nothing, and so letting the fires burn has become so unpopular that, he's going to reverse course. my understanding is, he's turning the other cheek, he's looked away, rather and let farmers clear rain forest at an astonishing rate so they can pursue agriculture in both in meat ranching and soybeans and
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other crops. and, you know, the subsidies between the -- for u.s. farmers and brazilian farmers, this controversy goes back a long way and the strange thing is, by subsidizing both farms in brazil and farms in the u.s., you end up hurting farmers in africa. it's one world nowadays, everybody. >> to the instant circumstance, the theory of the case against this president is, you allowed the clear cutting, it got out of control, it compounded the seasonal risks of dryness and the arid nature of the air and quick sparking a fire and it kind of creates a dynamic where you've given an opportunity for what happens every year to happen much, much worse. how much of that do you invest in and how big of a deal is it to stop it? >> i don't know how a big of a deal it is to stop it.
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but 20 million goes a lot farther in an area like brazil than it does in the fully developed countries. because the people involved, the people who are resisting this are indigenous. they're tribes people who have lived there for centuries and they're not -- >> that's not what's going on. the idea this is clear cutting to make room, that's not true anymore. they've burned way past what they've intended. >> apparently. it's gotten out of hand because of the seasons unusually dry and unthing has led to another. but this would have been fought. back in 2004, the deforestation had slowed down because of international efforts. and so this is the kind of thing, you know, people like to say it's the lungs of the world. it's not clear it's the lungs of
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the world. but this is for sure, when you decrease biodiversity it's not as resilient. when you go to more single type of crops, you're going to have difficulty in restoring the rain forest if human kind changes our mind in the future. this is a very, very serious problem. >> i'm telling you, people have said to me, many times, everybody cares about the amazon, if they're sensitive, whether they're the lungs or what percentage they are of the oxygen we use. they say, we got wildfires here. they happen everywhere. i don't understand why everybody is so nervous about this. the amazon is huge. what do you say to them? >> well, it's because the amazon is huge that it's a huge problem. and fires in california and montana, those are big problems. just because they're not as big doesn't mean they're not
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important. people say to me, bill nye, what can i do about climate change, and i generally go on about, hey, you know, recycling bottles is a fine thing, but we need huge ideas. but in this case, there is something perhaps each and every one of us could do. there's an -- and i'm not a member of this as such. the earth alliance. >> leo's thing? >> perhaps, yes. you can donate to that organization and their claim is they're going to spend all of the money to help put out these fires. they've pledged $5 million. $5 million isn't that much when it comes to running a giant broadcast organization such as this one. but compared to what the g-7, the recent meeting in france agreed to give, it's a quarter as much. it's 5 million. >> the money matters.
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let me ask you something, in terms of the big owners, we're a little shy on that because i don't know anything about the organization yet. if it were like the red cross or something like that, it's a little quicker, it's a desperate situation -- >> you brought up leo. his heart has been in the right place for a long time. >> i'm saying in terms of what it is so people understand it. what about the big movers here? the united states government? the g-7. they throw a lot more in terms of resources at things that don't have the kind of long-range affect that this does. are you surprised -- there's been some reporting that the u.s. is using some of its equipment that people are going down there with certain types of planes to help. are you surprised there isn't more being done or isn't more that can be done? >> well, to those of us on the science education side of all of this, more is being done is
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astonishing every minute of every day. everybody, the world is -- this is a metaphor for our problem. the amazon is on fire. it is as though the world is on fire. climate change is the most serious problem human kind has ever faced. we got to get her done. what i like to emphasize to everybody, were these fires in the amazon, point out that humans really we have to start looking at the world -- at the earth as our house, as our dwelling. we have to take -- in my opinion, we have to take a top-down approach. we have to agree that we're all in this together. that we can't have these fires in the amazon, we can't have fires anywhere. we can't have unchecked agriculture but we need agriculture if we're going to feed 9, 10, 11 billion people in the coming decades.
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we need clean water and access to the internet for everybody on earth. >> how long -- >> as strange -- >> how long do we have before these fires -- i'm not talking about climate change. i'm saying the fires. how long until if -- if they're still burning, is it weeks, months? >> that's a great question. but i can tell you this, every minute they burn is bad right now. these are -- you're going to get in fistfights in the global modeling bar about this. but the brazilian space research institute has done studies using space assets and this is a very, very serious problem. and the administer of the space research institute has gotten into head butting with the president. so this is all bad. and just that we have a lack of leadership here in the united states is not only troubling for
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everybody on earth, it's troubling for me as a guy who grew up in the u.s. and expected the u.s. to be world leaders, especially in technology and innovation and understanding the environment through science and so on. the sooner we turn this around, the better. so -- >> i appreciate it. >> i will also say you can't -- it's not sustainable to lie about everything. to lie to yourself about everything. and we've all known people like this. people that lie all the time and then they lie when they don't need to lie -- >> anyone in particular you're talking about? >> it's just -- >> we like pointed criticism on this show. if you got something to say about the president, say it. >> it's a deep concern. and the other thing that is really unusual about the current administration, i didn't know -- i didn't know there were so many b-team players out there. i didn't know there were so many people who would go along with the fossil fuel industry despite
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the evidence of climate change caused by people. >> well -- >> it's really surprising, just as a voter and taxpayer. how did he find -- how did we find all of these people that are just in this -- >> every president, every administration finds plenty of people who are willing to cotton the power and get on the same page. i got to leave it there. >> keep in mind, this is about science. these are about provable things. thanks for having me on. let's change the world. >> i hear you. one day at a time. he's making a pitch to you. that's what this election is going to be about, what we're about, what we're not. how do we get to that point? you got to look through the lens of what this election is shaping up to be. how about iowa? okay. let's bring in the wizard of odds here because iowa could be a metaphor. we know it matters because it's first. no, no, no, it's about how it's
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changing. it's a key state for new reasons. we're going to take you through it with the wisdom, next. his luxurious fur calms my nerves when i'm worried about moving into our new apartment. why don't we just ask geico for help with renters insurance? i didn't know geico helps with renters insurance. yeah, and we could save a bunch too. antonio! fetch computer! antonio? i'll get it. get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. ♪ ♪ applebee's handcrafted burgers now starting at $7.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood
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now starting at $7.99. ♪ are we supposed to dance? ♪ boy boy bands without dancing are just ok. get a better than just ok unlimited plan with spotify premium included on america's best network. only from at&t. more for your thing. that's our thing.
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[ text notification now that you have] new dr. scholl's massaging gel advanced insoles with softer, bouncier gel waves, you'll move over 10% more than before. dr. scholl's. born to move. a new message tonight from the iowa corn grower association to this president. you put us in one hell of a bad situation. they say the trade war with china is hurting them. why is this so important? because our farmers count and
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unneeded pain is not good politics. but iowa, farming, critical, 2020. let's bring in the wizard of odds here to break down the numbers. good to see you. iowa always important. but there's something about it in that caucus structure. now it is instrucktive of an emerging demographic. how so? >> one of the key things i want to point out is take a look at this, this is the iowa general election results. take a look at this trend we saw in 2016. the trump won the state by 9 percentage points. democrats were able to flip that advantage from trump plus nine to democrats winning the vote. >> his people say he wasn't on the ballot. >> his name was on the ballot. if you look at the correlation of the house results and the presidential vote in 2016, it was the highest correlation i've ever seen since all of the
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elections i've studied. >> proof that it will stick in 2020? >> proof it might stick. why did iowa move so far to the right? it was because of white college voters. take a look at this. trump won them nationally by 20 points. take a look at the aggregate in our last four polls, trump's approval rating just plus one net percentage point. this is a huge trend of noncollege white women moving away from the republican brand from 2016 to 2018 and right now, he's barely above water with this group. >> one point of context. during the election, was he polling well with noncollege white women? >> he was polling very well with them. that was the number one sign. there are more noncollege white folks in the electorate than you might think. he was looking at these poll numbers which suggested that group is good for him.
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>> what's your finishing point? >> i think the thing i would point out is we've seen something like this before. there was a farm crisis that occurred in the midwest in those farm states back in 1988. if you look nationally, reagan in 84 to bush in 88, look at this trend in iowa, reagan won that state by 7 in 1984. the crisis helped dthe other candidate. the farm crisis could be a very big deal for trump come 2020. >> and we saw that trump tried to make some leverage with farmers by cutting a deal with abe in japan. but that takes them to net neutral. they're still hurting because of what he's done. thank you very much. appreciate it, my brother. how can the president ease concerns there? how can he make these people who are supposed to be part of his base there? remember, it can't be just about the talk. it has to be about the walk and
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stocks closed lower today. there is no resolution in sight on the trump/china trade war. it seems this administration misread its leverage. recession warnings aren't fading. if american farmers keep bearing the brunt of the hits, will it cost this president in 2020? all of these problems are of his own making. that's the start of the great debate with my guests. how big a deal do you think this is for the president's re-election efforts? >> i think the president is in a world of trouble. now, his polls are down 40%, down to 36% according to associated press. he's doing miserably in all of the states, including iowa. the farmers have turned on him. there's almost no one left. and wait until you get to the crash. after the market crashes he's going to have no support at all.
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i'll predict right here for you, chris, i think donald trump will leave office before his term is up. he'll be humiliated and he's not going to want to lose and he's -- >> you got that bet all day long. one, i hope there is no market crash. i want a strong economy for this country, for me and my family, and no way he's leaving. but, to the point of order, the economy is everything for this president. he has to overcome divisive talk and rhetoric that i don't see as getting a ground swell of majority support for him. he needs the economy. how tenuous is the circumstance? >> well, there's no question that the president would like a booming economy as opposed to folk like others who are rooting for a recession which could cause all of us pain, not just republicans, but democrats, independents, what the president needs to do, and i said this the last time i was on the show, he
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needs to rally the american people and target farmers and say, look, we are in a battle to regain the balance that we have lost for 30 years allowing china to grow unfairly using unfair trade practices from currency manipulation, from stealing our intelligence property and the like. there are some democrats who support his new trade policy and the fact that he's doing it now. it is now or never moment. if we're not successful at rebalancing our situation with china in this administration, then i fear we never will. >> yeah, so, listen, i'm tired of having to correct conservatives on this. nobody is -- at least certainly no one is rooting for a recession. i run a small business, 85 people working there. we don't want a recession. that's why we warned you not to
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elect donald trump because he is a nincompoop. he couldn't handle an economy if his life demanded on it. now in iowa, you got farmers going bankruptcy, bankruptcies are up 13%. maybe trump thinks that's good business. it's terrible business. so i don't want the crash. but unfortunately i think it's going to come because, come on, you know this isn't good business. you know that doing tariffs is a terrible idea. look, in iowa, overall in the country, actually, agriculture exports, we used to have $24 billion that we would export to china in 2014. now we're down to 9 billion. people are going out of business because it's a terrible idea. and donald trump doesn't know how to handle the economy. he doesn't know how to handle any finances. >> we could battle on the numbers all day, i don't see it
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as the fundamental proposition. the fundamental proposition for you is whether or not this president has the ability to rally anyone. he has about division. he's playing on fault lines and fears. now, you think he's going to be able to say, america, let's all come together and see our mutual course forward? he's never said anything like that. >> to use that particular talking point of a fault line, the fault line he can create is between us and an unfair trading partner or former trading partner of china. the other thing he can do, he can push the democrats in congress to ratify the deal, the new nafta deal, which would bring hundreds of millions of dollars of relief to dairy farmers in battleground states such as michigan, pennsylvania, minnesota and i believe iowa as well. >> the problem with the nafta deal, i don't believe in the politics of opposition. i think it was a mistake when mcconnell did it. i don't think you should see the
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democrats do it either. however, nafta, the deal that he may make with abe right now, if he's taking you back to basically neutral, i would argue that the new deal with canada, mexico and the u.s. is better for the u.s. in some ways than the old one was, but it's a close call. and it took a lot of time and a lot of political pain to get something that might be better. with abe in japan, he took those farmers back to net neutral where they were with ttp. he thought there was political gain for him in blowing something up. what he put back together wasn't that great. how does he make his case to the people that he can be better? >> what i will agree with you ais we need not have trade struggles with our allies. now is the time to rally our allies from canada -- >> this is your opening. i take your point.
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this is your opening. this is exactly what reasonable people -- forget about you guys right and left. you can't bash our allies all the time. you're going to need them. now he's saying he's got to rally the allies. he happens to be right. the opportunity for you is, how is this president going to do that when he's been embarrassing his allies for the last two years. >> it's amazing. he's constantly attacking our allies. him canceling that ben madenmar because they hurt his feelings, it's astounding. but he says we got to help our enemies like russia and put them back in the g-7. i got to help kim jong-un even though he's building nukes and firing missiles. there's something fundamentally off about him. he's mentally unstable. do i hope that he works with our allies, gets rid of the tariffs and improves the economy, of course i do. but i don't think he's capable of any of those things. the reason i bring up the six bankruptcies is you have to
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understand, he's not capable of managing anything. his dad gave him over $4 million and all he did was bundle it. and he's doing that with the american economy. >> you're neglecting one thing. you're underestimating his ability to sell. he sold himself to a slice of this country. he shares nothing with expect a proxy for an animus that they have, but he doesn't. he can sell. never sell him short on his ability to sell. let's leave it there. thank you very much. now, some news tonight that i really wish i didn't have to support. i don't care about how you feel politically, i really don't. the president's about to lose one of his chief defenders in congress. his name is republican sean duffy. he's resigning over something so
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much more important than politics. stay with us and hear why he has to make this move. the congressman is next. are we supposed to dance? ♪ boy boy bands without dancing are just ok. get a better than just ok unlimited plan with spotify premium included on america's best network. only from at&t. more for your thing. that's our thing. those darn seatbelts got me all crumpled up. that's ok! hey, guys! hi mrs. patterson... wrinkles send the wrong message. sorry. help prevent them before they start with new downy wrinkleguard.
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a long time republican congressman the making the most important decision of his life. and, yes, his political career. he's going to leave d.c. why? not about politics. it's about family.
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he's got a daughter coming. she's due in october and there's a challenge they didn't expect. i want to bring in sean duffy. we go toe to toe on this show. i spoke to him moments ago about the choice of why he has to put his family first. congressman, thank you for joining us on "prime time." >> it's good to be with you, chris. thanks for having me on. >> i appreciate it. i've always appreciated what you've done for the show. the openness, the decency, it doesn't have to be about agreement. disagreement is a beautiful thing, but you make the argument it is right way. and i'll let the audience in on what i was saying before. i don't like anything about this conversation, brother, i don't like that you're leaving public service and i really feel for you and your wife on the news that the little one in her belly, that will be number nine, you have a -- >> number nine, brother.
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>> you got a full baseball as any irishman would like. this kid has got challenges and what do you want people to know about that? >> i want to say thanks for having me on tonight. whether it's going back to new day or here, we spar. but you're always fair with me and as a republican who gets a lot of tweets, thank you. we're having a baby that's going to have a heart condition. two to six months after she's going to be born we're going to have to have open heart surgery to make sure we can fix these couple of holes that she has in the heart. for me, i love being in congress, and i love -- maxine waters chairs my committee, but she's a good person. and you see the humanity of the people with which we serve though we might come on tv and fight all of the time. good people are there. and i'm going to miss leaving. but we always look for signs
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from god about what's right in our lives. if we don't get families right, i think we get it wrong. this is a time for me to take a step back and take a moment and support my family and who knows what my future holds. it might be a small break and maybe i'll be able to come back into public service. but now is a time for rachel and our other eight kids for dealing with this condition we have with a little one coming in a little over a month. >> how is rachel doing? >> she's doing really well. she -- she's a pro at having kids. she's had nine and she does it really well. anyone gets news like this, i know some who might have had this situation happen and have had the experience, that's one thing, but when you hear your child has a heart condition, it's shocking. and it was shocking to her and you don't understand it. what are the probabilities of success in dealing with those problems? and so we're starting to figure this stuff out right now.
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yesterday, as my announcement was going out, we were going in for a three-hour meeting with the pediatric cardiologist talking about what does this mean? she's doing really well. she's a great woman and a person of faith. and god is good. we might not always be what you expect, but we accept it and love it. >> how old is your oldest? >> she's 19. she goes to the university of chicago. she's going to be a sophomore this year. >> you're going to hav extended support now. these are real people. 19, 17, even 16, they're going to understand what this is about and they're going to help love up the other kids and help people understand whatever challenges the little girl faces, right? >> absolutely. and my youngest one right now is three years old. and to have little kids come into this and kind of explain to them, chris, what's going on,
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it's hard for them to comprehend. but they have a little sister coming and we're a big family. and big families are crazy and they get to be a little rambunctious, and it's not always easy. and they're excited to meet her and see her even though we're going to be dealing with this little problem we're going to have. i'm grateful to have a strong extended family and a great wife and kids who don't turn their backs but look to the little one who love her and support her. >> was rachel 100% with you wanting to leave congress? >> you know, what, yes and no. we had a little bit of a conversation. but in the end, she supports the idea that -- if i step away, it's going to make our family stronger. if i -- i don't know what i'm going to do, chris. if you don't get that right, you don't have that much of a future. and so i'm working on getting this right. when i knew that this was right for me to be home, take a step
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back from rachel, our members of congress who slam one another, people who serve in the congress, they're giving their lives and they're working not just in washington, but they come back to the districts and they give a lot of time. for this situation for us, we knew that i couldn't give that much time. i had to give it back to the family. i couldn't have something that was taking up six of my days. i had to try to truncate that and be able to navigate our family situation that's going to be a little more hectic. >> the future in front of you. you're right about family first. in terms of making money, you're young, you're talented, you're part of the future of that party, and for good and bad reason, but i think you're going to have opportunities in front of you. if there's anything i can do to help, you know, you got a friend in me.
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and i appreciate how you conduct yourself. i appreciate your priorities. i don't give a damn about your politics. certainly not anymore. i'm here. i wish you well going forward. we have a name yet for this little girl? >> not yet. but, listen, i love you, brother, i appreciate our debates. and you know what, you can disagree and debate but you don't have to hate each other and i think you and i have done that really well together. and i appreciate your support for me and your friends at cnn and your viewers. thanks for having me on and letting me tell a little bit of my story. i'm going to miss the congress, but, you know, i'm going to take care of my family. >> got a feel for him. it's not about right and left. exs about reasonable and the reality for the big things in life. and sometimes we get caught too much in the small things. i'll be in touch. i'll let you know what sean and his wife want you to know about
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their journey forward. remember where's the beef? now it's where's the chicken sandwich. d. lemon very invested in this story. i'm going to discuss next. his luxurious fur calms my nerves when i'm worried about moving into our new apartment. why don't we just ask geico for help with renters insurance? i didn't know geico helps with renters insurance. yeah, and we could save a bunch too. antonio! fetch computer! antonio? i'll get it. get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. ♪ ♪ ♪ applebee's handcrafted burgers now starting at $7.99 now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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all right. so i'm old enough to remember the cabbage patch doll, and remember with the weird signature of whoever made it on the butt cheek. last year it was the instant pot. but have you tried getting your hands on a popeyes chicken sandwich. it's a pr bonanza. p popeyes announced it has sold out of the sandwiches. people are trying to sell them on ebay. this one is going for 10 grand this afternoon. nobody even saw jesus or mary on it. meanwhile in charlotte, a teenager went up to people waiting in line and offered to help sign them up to vote.
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savvy, the lines are 20, 30, 40 cars long. d. lemon, i know you're a fan of it? >> i love it. >> i smell a rat. >> why are you always like that? >> i hate myself, but i sell a rat. this is too good for popeyes. who runs out of chicken? >> come on. in certain neighborhood -- in certain places, the people want this chicken sandwiches. all over. >> the sandwich is good. i'm saying all of a sudden it disappears? >> you've had the sandwich. >> i've had a chicken sandwich at popeyes. >> wendy's has a great chicken sandwich. i've never gone to popeyes for their sandwich. >> i like the south in your mouth. i'm with it.
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all of a sudden, they're out of this sandwich. >> can i tell you my experience? people were talking about this chicken sandwich, last night i get off of work at midnight, i'm in the car and i'm like, can you please stop. i stopped at one in harlem. there's the sign. that's my sign. no chicken. this morning i'm on my way to the u.s. open. i stop at popeyes. no chicken sandwich. i'm on my way back to popeyes. no chicken sandwich. >> i get it. we were making phone calls. i get it. >> you think they're using the old scarcity trick, that it draws people to -- it makes people want it more. >> now you're using that head as more than a hat rack. all of a sudden they're out of chicken? they're out of chicken? it's not like we have to mix more special sauce. it's not like this one pep
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theory we fou -- pepper we found in the corner of the world. it's a chicken sandwich. >> my story, again, i'm in the car, i'm with tim and he says, is anybody registering people to vote? >> he's so -- >> he's smart. and so i put it on social media -- >> you did put it on social media. >> and my mom said to me, don, i was coming home the other day. it was 40 cars down back to the interstate in the line. i said that's a good idea. and we found -- people started -- >> they're going to start having these chicken sandwiches. all of a sudden they're going to have a crazy supply and they're going to cash in. that's good business. but i think that's what it's about. don't fall for the fraud. >> can i talk now? this sounds like our conversations when we're not on tv. people starting tweeting me and saying, there's a guy, he's in north carolina and he has been registering people to vote.
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i reached out to him. he's going to be on the show tonight. >> does he have a sandwich? >> you got to stay tuned and you got to watch. >> if he has one of those sandwiches, then i know i'm right. >> you have to try my chicken sandwich. listen, he's a brights young man. i also have you know stacy abrams. ran for governor in go. she has a an initiative out against jerry mand erlg and people purged from the voter roll. >> by the way. i tried to get us to do a taste test of the chicken sandwiches. we couldn't get the darn sandwich. >> they're out of chicken. >> another argument. pop eyes should be thanking black twitter for this.
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it started as a joke. i know your thing about black twitter. >> i don't have a thing. i think that somebody -- i got to go. this sandwich isn't going to show up. you'll see the trump administration -- this election i don't know that we clearly see it if what it will be. it's all about fundamental of identity. who we are and what we're about. this administration just made a move the likes of which i couldn't even believe it was true. i spent more time vetting this to make sure it's happening than anything else. it is a metaphor for what they want this country to be about. even if it means -- you'll see what it is. watch this closing. next. more paris. all-day matte. bare-lip sensation. rouge signature sunset.
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another profound example of what this election is really about. this sa contest for the soul of our country. this president represents a new harshness. >> they're bringing drugs. crime. they're rapists. >> in many criminals in that caravan. >> because you look at what's marching up that's an invasion. that's an invasion. >> they got a lot of rough people in the caravans. they are not angels. they are not. >> it was wrong on the facts. and he knew it. this administration was forced to admit it's mostly kids in the caravans. family and kids. not the terrorists and thugs the president wanted you to see every time you saw a feis like this. he's more than wrong inspect head. he's really wrong in the heart. america has always represented respect for law. but not at the cost of our humanity. not by doing what trump wants to do to the needy.
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like this kid 16 year-old john sanchez. >> if they deny the program that i never go back to my country. and i would probably die. because in my country there's no treatment for cf. doctors don't even know what the disease. who can help me are here in the united states. >> we are better than this. this kid is from hon durs. he came to boston in 2016 to be treated at the children hospital. one of the best in the world. his family made the move after his older sister died of the same disease. in honduras. they are not here illegally. they were granted medical deferred action. allows families to stay and work and receive medicaid. why do they get this?
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that's what america is in this world. we help. we are the visible symbol of aspiration and faith. eb white was inspired by who america is at her best. this president wants to change that. the sanchezs and others got letters last week from u.s. citizen ship and immigration services. the letter said no more renewal. they're not authorized to stay here. 33 days to kbget out or become undocumented. when attacks trump administration pushed back saying ice is looking at each case now individually. if that's true, why wasn't that on the letter the families got? boston globe reports in just its city the decision could effect 20 families. kids fighting cancer and hiv. more. only like 1,000 families have
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applied for this medical deferral in the last few years. that's my art to you. this isn't about scale. you don't have millions. you won't make a dent in the number. it's a huge blow to who we are. remember these words my brothers and sisters shs it's not just a poem. give me your tired your poor your huddled masses. longing to breathe free. send these the homeless, to me. i lift my lamp beside the golden door. we were built by those who were cast off and ran away. those with nowhere else to go and often no one wanted them. it is personal to me. it should be to you as well. these are not just words they're a promise. listen to what this administration wants that promise to be. >> statue of liberty is a symbol of american lib ter by lighting the world.
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the poem you're referring to was added later is not a part of original statue of liberty. >> what is he talking about? she wrote the poem to raise money for the pedestal. it happened three years before the statue went up. nobody is accusing them of having a great grasp of the facts. the big problem with the policy is it's proof they don't know where the heart of the country lies. and that is the question for this election. what do you want your country to be about? the decision is yours. thank you for watching. "cnn tonight" with don lemon the chicken king starts now. >> my flend just called me. my oldest friend from i have known her since nursery school. it's great it's crispy chicken, the bun is too die for. it's something your grandmother cooked and sit in the backyard and eat. i can't way. >> she said don't believe the hype. it's a


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