tv Declassified CNN September 22, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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anything. there there will be a lot of blood. america shall again become white and christian. >> i never encounter a group with a goal to eliminate jews from the phase of the earth and ultimately overthrow the united states until we discovered the terrorist organization called the order. >> i had oversight of all 16 of our nations intelligence agencies. my name is mike robins. people who risk everything for the united states and our families. you don't know their faces or their names. you don't know the real stories who live in fear or pressure until now.
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>> i first went under cover in the fbi about 1967. i specialized in the fbi in domestic terrorist cases, organized crime and under cover and in 1984, i was working with the mafia when an opportunity came up. it was one man's office. the agent that had been in coeur o' lene left. i drew my head in the ring and i
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was fortunate enough i got selected. i headed out and i found my office and got the key to open the doors. i was a little late. nobody had been there in months. i just can't look at it. what did i get myself into here? it is not what i expected. i was in a beautiful place. i think perhaps the reason that i was selected or one of the reasons because i had domestic terrorism experience, a lot of it. i worked in chicago and the k ku klux clan in alabama. they were the political armed of the church of jesus christ christian. a religious organization believes that the jews were the biblical enemy.
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>> the plague is poisoning our people to death. >> the agent that has been here before i got there suspected but didn't know that this organization might be involved in permanent activities. there are rumors may be involved in terrorist-type activity as well. we had nothing to go on. i commence my investigation on a some what full-time bases in about march of 1984. that was just me. nobody else in the office, nobody else worked in the case. one of the first things i did was i met with larry gardman. he had been conducting a one-man investigation of activities out
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of the area. so i sat down with larry, show me all the criminal activities that we may have some that may be related to this group. i did about five or six different crimes and probably 30 or 40 different people. that was sort of the beginning of the play room. after he left, i was convinced that there was more than just smoke. there was a real fire here. but, i didn't know much. i really didn't know anything about what ultimately we are going to cover. that was the fact that there was a different organization than the area nations that committed those crimes. later we would learn there was a religious end, political terrorist organization called the order. led by our man named robert matthews. bob matthews was very
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charismatic. he's a young man. he had been in involved in the right wing movement, the national alliance for years. >> he leabelieved that the jews were subverting the american cross and the jews control the finance and the government. bob matthews thought i can't let it happen. i got to do something. he wanted to eliminate jews from the government power within the united states and ultimately overthrow the united states government. he wanted a purer aryan nation. he begins to recruit aryan warriors. he finds about seven people
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within the aryan nation within the organization. he drafts those people and he reaches out and sort of the name of the lord and the national alliance and he pull some of them in and we went to the ku klux clan and he got them in. people like richard scutari and gary yarbrough and david lane. now, he has the order. these were the people that bob matthews were going to depend onto carry the war against the jews in charge of the united states government. [ gunshots ] >> in september of 1983, the order taken their first efforts to finance themselves as aryan warriors and initially they tried counterfeiting. >> they did a terrible job and managed to get one of their primary leaders bruce carol
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pearce caught in their first effort to pass the counterfeit money. >> after counterfeiting failed. bob matthew felt as a leader in this group. he had to do something to show others they were not a failure and they're going to continue. he robbed a bank in december. it was a suggested robbery and he gave them a tremendous amount of confidence. he was able to tell the others look, you know, i did this. we can do this. >> following right on the heels of that, yarbrough and pearce decided well, bob did that. for the next month they robbed a bank and they're successful. they look at the take pe of the money which is about $40,000. they're thinking we are on the right track. we need to plan big ones.
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the first car robbery they did four people and the second one he got seven people in seattle then they got away with about $200,000. >> these were certainly not ordinary bank robbers. they robbed the car and enable them to fund their battle, not to put in their pocket or buy drugs. they're stealing for the cause. more money the order had, the bigger they were. as a result of armed and car robberies they were able to go out and purchase firearms and they were becoming very, very strong army. >> by this time bob has become inspirational. people are drawn to him. he made them believe that they will be successful. >> at that point they were well ahead of me. look, i am playing catch-up all these things that are happening
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and i don't know how it all ties together. i am still trying to put together a report that i can send to the department of justice that will show enough probable cause that they'll allow me to do a full scale investigation otherwise i am limited. i need a team of agents. i want to get this thing moving so i got information on what's happening but i am not allowed to do that until the attorney general says okay. i sent my report off in june and while i wait for the justice department to say okay, robert matthews, decides it is time to strike out against, an enemy of their race. we are talking about the killing of jews, that would be the first of many. (woman) it would be great if human beings
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were great at being human. and if all of mankind were made up of kind women and kind men. it would be spectacular if the golden rule was golden to every man. and the good things that we ever did was everything that we can. (announcer) treating others like we'd like to be treated has always been our guiding principle. yeah, i've had some prettyeer. prestigious jobs over the years. news producer, executive transport manager,
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and a beverage distribution supervisor. now i'm a director at a security software firm. wow, you've been at it a long time. thing is, i like working. what if my retirement plan is i don't want to retire? then let's not create a retirement plan. let's create a plan for what's next. i like that. get a plan that's right for you. td ameritrade. ♪ (paul) wireless network claims america's most reliable network. the nation's largest and most reliable network. the best network is even better? best, fastest, best. enough. sprint's doing things differently. they're offering a new 100% total satisfaction guarantee. i mean i think sprint's network and savings are great, but don't just take my word for it. try it out and decide for yourself. switch to sprint and get both an unlimited plan and one of the newest phones included for just $35 a month. for people with hearing loss, visit [ song: johnny cash, "th♪sthese are my people ♪ ♪ these are the ones ♪ ♪ who will reach for the stars ♪
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♪ these are my people ♪ by the light of the earth, ♪ ♪ you can tell they are ours ♪ ♪ a new step to take ♪ and a new day will break ♪ yes, these are my people ♪ we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. even a- (ernie) lost rubber duckie? (burke) you mean this one? (ernie) rubber duckie! (cookie) what about a broken cookie jar? (burke) again, cookie? (cookie) yeah. me bad. (grover) yoooooow! oh! what about monsters having accidents? i am okay by the way! (burke) depends. did you cause the accident, grover? (grover) cause an accident? maybe... (bert) how do you know all this stuff? (burke) just comes with experience. (all muppets) yup. ♪ we are farmers. ♪ bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum
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i was chasing the order. the action led by a man named robert matthews. if you look at the activities of this group, some counterfeiting and bank robberies and a couple of car robberies, it was so obvious over a short period of time, they had grown so much. i am playing catch-up. i'm siting here trying to put all this together and robert matthews decides it is time to strike out against the jews. they come together and they say who are our greatest jewish
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influence enemies? they came up with norman leader, a prominent producer, comedy shows and morris d. and then they looked at man named alan burke. he was a very prominent personality in denver, colorado, and becoming a very prominent personality kind of throughout the country because he had his own radio show that was widely broadca broadcast. he was a jew and he was a very, very obnoxious individual. >> stop. i am fed up with you. get out of here! >> alan burke got on the radio and called white supremacists on this show and continually talk down to them and insulted them and laughing at their believes
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and every time a person get ready to answer, burke cut them off and said something insulting to them. >> hey, yes. both of you hang up, cowards. >> one of the guys who was also ahead of the clan is as guy named david lane. david lane called in and burke ate him up. he went after him. >> i think the jews are stick. burke insulted him. so they decide we are going to take him out. >> in june of 1984. bob matthews made the decision solve alan burke assassinated. they pulled together as teams. it is going to be the trigger
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man. richard scutari and david lane and bruce pierce. they set up at his residence and wait for him. burke opened the door, he opened that flame like a fully automate iwaku burke was hit multiple times and he died at the spot. they were willing to do anything to achieve their goals. >> these were dangerous people and they were becoming more dangerous as time progress. if you look at the timeline after they did the first two armed robbery car armed car robberies, they bombed
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the jewish synagogue. that was an act of terrorism. there is no money to be had. there was no criminal gain. it was punishment. they felt embolden and things escalated rapidly in july of 1984. we learned that the car robbery in california. >> it was on the last day of the democratic convention that was held in san francisco, 1984. we are all sitting in a post and waiting for the convention over. a phone call came. we had no idea of the order and all the players and people involved at the time. that was a separate criminal case. so i get to the scene and figure out what will happen and it started growing from there. we started to discover, the ones that's most vulnerable.
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and so they bought cars and pickup trucks. they threw them out on the road and the army trucks started to get black tires. they actually shot at the truck and the shotgun went through the glass. it hits people inside. the truck came to a halt and they all surrounded and got out of their cars and someone in one of the pickup trucks held up a sign that says "get out or die." while they were doing to robbery, one of the guys calling the time mark. eight minutes gone, nine minutes gone. let's finish. they were given out ten minutes. they got $3.5 million. >> the it was one of the greatest armed robbery of all
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times. for everybody else was a bad thing but for me it was a breakthrough. bob matthews make huge ms huge mistakes. bob matthews left that gun on the front seat of our truck. when we recover the gun, it took us about a week to trace it. ultimately we trace him to an address in idaho. we went inside that resident and we found a lot of information. >> they found automatic weapons and receipts and ids and other information that tied him into the in order. the milk carton had some personal items and down at the bottom is an article.
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he had something to do wit. at this point, i feel like we got enough to expand our case. i got to wait for the justice to say okay. i sent my report off injun a jud now we are in july and i sat and waited until they finally came back and said yes, it is a go. now the case was about to greatly to expand once we had the authority to do the full scope domestic security investigation. the fbi is going to pour into this investigation. we did. at the time i was at the station. i got a call from the office, i was the reporter the following day and it arrived. >> i have never worked up to
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that point of my career. i am reading everything on the receiving end was a very sophisticated and they were very dangerous people. >> initially when we arrived there, we realized we were in rest ga investigating things and had been doing by the order. the first thing i did was called the fbi and said send me 20 agents. these people are doing bad things and they're getting bigger and spreading all over the united states. >> the ball game had changed. we were now in the game. ♪ spending time together, sometimes means doing nothing at all. holiday inn. we're there. so you can be too. mom you've got to [ get yourself a new car.g ] i wish i could save faster.
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finally in july, i got the authorization to do a full scale investigation of the terrorist organization called the arc. i was ready to expand this. now, the fbi began to saturate the area and gather intelligence. >> all of the investigative stuff is logical. where were these people staying and where did these trucks come from in the guy says i met a guy
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and he started selling me a truck. they all stayed in the santa rosa area at hotels. the fellas in santa rosa went out and pulled out all the phone numbers surrounding these hotels and put them in a database and started correlating. we started calling from numbers. >> that was amazing intelligence. and so when i got a call telling me that call for me to jerry. we took a surveillance position and after a few hours, a guy comes walking out of a residence. i looked through the binocular and i says that's not a jerry abu, that's gary yarbrough. that's the same guy of the
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photographs that is we acquired of individuals that belong to the order. we immediately directed two teams of agents, specifically observation of yarbrough. what we had to do at this point is pay she watiently wait. we gathered a great deal of intelligence information. i still was not interested. we had certain members of the group of certain activities. we felt that we can go to a grand jury and indict. we are looking for a break to get through that jam. the break was robert matthews being arrested for counterfe counterfeiting. >> matthews at the time was in the process of recruiting
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additional members. one of those members was an individual from the national alliance by the name martinez. he was living in the dfw area. he was instructed to take those bills and pass it. when he did he got caught. he was paid secret by the secret service and arrested. >> after they had their interview with mark martinez, they recognized there is something bigger than this counterfeit that had been passed so they called the fbi. >> so i got a guy who's here in philadelphia arrested for counterfeiting for this guy bob matthew and they said you want to talk to this guy? damn right we want to talk to this guy and charge him of everything so when we got there, we'll be the good guy and hey, we got a deal for you. once he decided to cooperate.
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he opens the door and supplies more of the puzzle we are trying to put together. >> he was responsible fors the car robbery in seattle. he participated in the robbery. all of these questions could be answered by tom martinez. mr. martinez basically introduced us to the book "the turner diary." it is a fictional book of a group of people that managed to overthrow the united states government. 1991. after all these years of talking and nothing but talking, we finally taken our first action. we are at war with the system and it is no longer a war.
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they're not talking about the government, they're overthrowing. >> bob matthews took this book as his bible. he followed it. so in the turner diaries, the characters of counterfeiting and executions and that's what the order did. >> martinez was a wealth of information. you may say we had a lot of pieces and he seemed to move it around for us. once we had the agreement made with tom martinez that he would help us, we knew we had to be patient. we had to wait for bob matthews and instruct martinez. in the meantime we had not met. we were moving at lightning speed. we greatly increase our surveillance of yarbrough. we led a couple of agent to
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yarbrough's house. they see yarbrough and he fired three shots at us. by shooting at those two people he committed a crime called assault on a federal officer. that gave us the ability to get an arrest warrant for gary for shooting at the two ancients and a search war rerant in a day. we went to gary's house and arrest him. he saw us coming. gary escaped but with the as stou stounding amount of evidence we got upon searching gary y yarbrou yarbrough's house was unbelievable. the code names and identifiables. now we got the whole story and we can see everything. >> we saw guns and ammunition
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and both me and my partner saw a machine gun which had been the type of weapon that u's used to kill burke. we both sidaid you don't think he's stupid enough to keep the weapon. the next morning we got a call from the examiner that says that's the gun that killed alan burke. they kept the gun that killed alan burke. >> here we are now chasing one crime after another and finally we are caught up. we thought we had enough information to bring forth criminal charges and receive a conviction. we were right on their heels and they were running from us now.
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now we felt we had enough information to successfully bring forward a criminal charges. we were right on their heels. i want to put them all down as soon as possible. they were growing numbers with a goal of overthrowing the united states government and eliminating jews from the face of the earth. >> they were fast. they were following "the turner diaries" like a map. there were only one way to stop them and that's to put as much pressure as we could prove the crimes they committed and take them down. >> we knew tom martinez was our link to matthews and his followers. in about october 1984, we got a
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phone call came into martinez with instructions of where to go to meet bob. that's what we were waiting for. the real purpose in having martinez to meet with matthews is that we'll have a lot of the numbers there to make a significant arrest. we are going to arrest whomever he meets with. the day before thanksgiving in 1984. martinez flew the forth worth. we had agents inside the airport that were doing the surveillance. martinez sees him and martinez basically follows matthews out. our guys, there was a guy hanging around and kind of back watching martinez and matthew. he went outside and this guy gets in the car.
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that guy was gary yarbrough. martinez says, meet at such and such holiday inn and matthew says don't worry about that, we already made reservations at the place we were staying. >> that scared tom. that was the plan and he's thinking to himself oh man they're going to take me some place where the fbi won't know where i am at. we tracked him to the hotel and we managed to get a call to him to let him know. martinez was told to stay in his room and not to leave for any reason. >> daylight comes. we are ready to make the arrest. as it happens matthews walked in just before the raid takes
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place. i don't know what he saw but something spooked in. he jumped and ran. >> matthews ran down the stair way and takes off and he runs across the parking lot. the meantime i can hear noise coming from the back. i ran back and i looked out. there is yarbrough. as soon as he got the ground, he got him from different angle. one thing i noted that a hand grenade sitting at the night stand. the agent went into the room with me, he seen matthews ran out. one o f the guys ran out the street, let's go. so we started chasing after. two other agenerals wets were i
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seat oand chasing him. he spotted matthew and he ran and slide like you did in baseball. matthews open s up on 45. the next pursuing agent was a shotgun fired back at matthews and only hit his hand. matthews' hand looked like a cartoon thing where you hold your hand up and you see through it. >> it was mangled. >> i started cracking. at that point i am thinking he's not going anywhere else. we got him there. he goes in the vegetated area and i am following him. i have no idea where he went. >> we got gary yarbrough and
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matthews escaped because we had no idea where he would go next. >> it was a scary thought because somebody like matthews he may be hiding out and wait until he could get his army tomorrow. so we need to locate him and take him down fast. (vo) at pro plan, we believe nutrition is full of possibilities to improve your pet's life. we're redefining what nutrition can do. because the possibility of a longer life and a healthy life is the greatest possibility of all. purina pro plan. nutrition that performs. ♪ (announcer) treating others like we'd like to be treated...
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has always been our guiding principle. [ song: johnny cash, "th♪sthese are my people ♪ ♪ these are the ones ♪ ♪ who will reach for the stars ♪ ♪ these are my people ♪ by the light of the earth, ♪ ♪ you can tell they are ours ♪ ♪ a new step to take ♪ and a new day will break ♪ yes, these are my people ♪ what do you look for i want free access to research. yep, td ameritrade's got that. free access to every platform. yeah, that too. i don't want any trade minimums. yeah, i totally agree, they don't have any of those.
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i want to know what i'm paying upfront. yes, absolutely. do you just say yes to everything? hm. well i say no to kale. mm. yeah, they say if you blanch it it's better, but that seems like a lot of work. no hidden fees. no platform fees. no trade minimums. and yes, it's all at one low price. td ameritrade. ♪ [trumpet plays] [gust of wind] [sounds of items hitting phone] [trumpet plays] [thud] [spray of sprinklers] ♪ [trumpet plays] we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ even a- (ernie) lost rubber duckie? (burke) you mean this one? (ernie) rubber duckie! (cookie) what about a broken cookie jar? (burke) again, cookie?
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(cookie) yeah. me bad. (grover) yoooooow! oh! what about monsters having accidents? i am okay by the way! (burke) depends. did you cause the accident, grover? (grover) cause an accident? maybe... (bert) how do you know all this stuff? (burke) just comes with experience. (all muppets) yup. ♪ we are farmers. ♪ bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum
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in the fall, 1984, after the shootout if portland. i had no idea where matthews went. >> matthew escape threw us because we had no idea where he would go next. >> somebody may be hiding up and get his army together so we had to locate him and take him down fast. fortunately within a matter of few days, there were some informants developed. we were able to locate the whereabouts of matthews and six members of the order in washington. when i got to the island, december 27th, 1984.
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and, i didn't know this but on november 25th, bob matthews got all of his people together and their hide out, he drafted a letter to the united states congress and it was a declaration of war. so, bob matthews was committed to fight until the end but so were we. >> we were staying at two different houses. the houses were approached. we approached matthews' house. he was given an opportunity to surrender and refused to do so. we did everything we could to get him out of there. when we decided that bob would not come out. we made a plan to go in and get him. >> dozens of fbi armed in automatic weapons and dressed in
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combat suits. >> he had multiple weapons. we used sound grenades and blew the grass out. i heard gunfire. he began to shoot through the building. i remember i was standing in the window with a weapon and somebody yelling from the wood line, look out, he's in the window bofr yabove me. i realized the bullets went over my head and hit the ground next to me. we could not get a view of him. we pulled back and waited until that night. we put a flare in the bottom of the house so we could light at the bottom so they could not see to get out. trying to get him to surrender but he responded with gunfire and helicopter came in all over
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the house and he shot at the house caught fire. the fire was from the flare that was in the bottom of the house. the shooting continued all night. rounds being fired by bob. and then rounds just going off indiscriminantly. it was a war zone. at daylight i walked up to the cabin and i found bob's body lying in the rubble. the entire house was destroyed. whatever evidence was there was no longer there. >> he cait came to a fiery end like in "the turner diaries." he was exalted, you know. he was a martyr.
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>> like an isis martyr. that's exactly the kind of situation we had in the order. that dedication and that kind of a fervor makes those people he recruited say to themselves, i'm going to be like bob matthews. >> bob deliberately sacrificed his life knowing that the blood of martyrs stirs the people. >> after bob died, it was a general belief amongst the followers of the order that they would only take a spark to reignite the whole thing. so we immediately began a very intensified manhunt to locate the others. if we didn't do it right and didn't do it fast, a lot of good people were going to be hurt, a lot of people were going to be affected by the actions of this group. america's most reliable n. the nation's largest and most reliable network. the best network is even better? best, fastest, best. enough.
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sprint's doing things differently. they're offering a new 100% total satisfaction guarantee. i mean i think sprint's network and savings are great, but don't just take my word for it. try it out and decide for yourself. switch to sprint and get both an unlimited plan and one of the newest phones included for just $35 a month. for people with hearing loss, visit (honk!) i hear you sister. that's why i'm partnering with cigna to remind you to go in for your annual check-up, and be open with your doctor about anything you feel - physically and emotionally.
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following the shootout in widdy island, matthews was dead and six members of the order were in custody. and we immediately began very intensified manhunt to locate the others. >> federal officials are announcing they are cracking down on a neo-nazi ring they say is operating in several western states. >> everybody fled in 100 directions. they scattered like cockroaches,
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and we had hundreds of agents working 24 hours a day seven days a week. >> they couldn't even plan to do a criminal act. they were just planning to get out of our grasp. we were just right behind them. >> when matthews burned up, they were looking for a leader. bob was dead and he was the absolute iron-fisted leader. he made the decisions. he was gone. >> they lost their operational leader. nobody was giving them direction. they just became a group of fugitives scattered across the country and they had to fend for themselves until we ran them all down. >> as we started making arrests we'd interview these people. some would talk, some wouldn't, but everybody that would talk, we'd get more and more information. and we were successful in locating everybody. >> we really broke the back of the order at that point with matthews dead and some already indicating they were going to testify against their friends if it meant they would get a
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smaller, shorter criminal sentence. >> in seattle, ten people all members of a white supremacist group called the order are on trial these days. the charges included murder, arson, robbery, counterfeiting and dealing in stolen property. >> prosecutor gene wilson decided i'm going to make this a rico case. a rico case is a federal law that says if an organized group of individuals get together to commit criminal activities for an agreed-upon reason regardless of when they joined or what they did was guilty of all of the crimes. of course, it ended up being a laundry list. bank robberies. armored car robberies. murder. bombings. the trial lasted about two months and slowly but surely different order members who had turned against the group came in
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to the courtroom and testified for three, four, five days and would sit there and point out each one of them. >> in seattle today, ten members of a neo-nazi group known as the order were convicted on racketeering charges. >> they were all convicted quite quickly. i mean, literally within a day. their sentences varied, but everybody got pretty substantial time. >> prosecutors are delighted with the verdict which they believe breaks the back of the order once and for all. >> the outcome was rewarding. taking down some of america's worst. i participated in the arrest of
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the unabomber. he didn't come close to the potential of these guys. this was probably the largest criminal spree by any gang in history for many, many years. and after it had all come to an end, there was a general belief amongst the followers of the order that the spirit of the movement represented by matthews and his followers was still very much alive. >> in time, we could have been successful. we will be successful. the change will take place. >> and then lo and behold, it wasn't long before timothy mcveigh came along with the oklahoma city bombing. and he had read the turn"the tu diaries" and picked up where he saw bob matthews and his group had stopped. so we are able to say with confidence today that those people no longer are a threat to our country.
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we're not able to say with confidence that the belief system and that philosophy is gone forever because it's not. it's still here. it's still with us. ten bombs exploded during the morning rush hour. >> an attack like this, all you can do is run. >> terrorism is an extension threat around the world. >> deadly terror attack in london on a bridge and at parliament. >> and terrorism needs money to be effective. that money is coming from drugs. heroin trafficking is funding 37% of all the world's terrorist organizations. so a heroin user in the united states when he is putting heroin
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