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tv   Smerconish  CNN  October 5, 2019 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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[ snoring ] [ loud squawking and siren blaring ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ i'm michael smerconish in san francisco today. it's just not possible for me to summarize all that occurred in the week now ending. every day brought new revelations regarding the impeachment inquiry. it's hard for me to keep up, and i'm paid to pay attention. i can only imagine the challenge for those with real jobs. which makes me wonder if it's all too complicated to change the course of american history. i raised that issue with a constitutional scholar on my
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sirius xm radio show this week. i challenged larry kramer, the former dean of the stanford law school, to present the is case that is alleged against the president in a simplified soundbite, recognizing there hasn't yet been any real fact-finding. he was easily able to do it. >> the president extorted the leader of a foreign country to jin up evidence against a political opponent. >> okay, so it can be condensed for easy comprehension. but will it ultimately matter? as additional facts have come to light, this is looking to me much less like a factual dispute, much more like a matter of legal and constitutional interpretation. initially it seemed like the case might hinge on the credibility of the whistle-blower but that original complaint is now largely irrelevant. it was a catalyst to what has since been discovered, the transcript of the call, the text messages capturing the real time negotiations, all of which
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provide firstand hand evidence of quid pro quo, something for something. and that's been complicated by the president's see you, raise you, asking the chinese to conduct their own investigation to the bidens. in other words, he's owning it. so this is no longer a dispute about what occurred. the constitution, article 2, section 4 says this -- the president and vice president and all civil officers of the united states shall be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors. this doesn't look like treason or bribery. is it necessary it be a definable high crime or misdemeanor? arguably not. in federalist 65, one of those essays which were written by our founding statesmen to eradicate advancement of the constitution, alexander hamilton wrote this about impeachment, the subject of its jurisdictions are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or in other words, from the abuse or
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violation of some public trust. that language is designed to capture abuse of office, not just clear-cut crimes. now the real question is what price do republican officeholders put on their job security? does that price include the de facto decriminalization of foreign meddling in our elections? what precedent will be set if the request made of ukraine, and now china, goes unpunished? joining me now is congressman matt gaetz of florida. he's a republican member of the judiciary committee. hey, congressman, you will be interested to know that social media, you've not yet said a word, is already blowing up. barbara by way of illustration is upset i would have you on so you can quote/unquote lie again as you always do. and then there's freedom and freedom says, why, matt,ing are you going on this television program that promotes dnc talking points? why, matt, why?
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anyway, i'm glad you're here. >> i will put barbara down as a maybe. i'm glad to be hiere too. that you provide a platform for these questions facing our country. >> you heard my commentary. what kind of precedent would we be sitting for future elections if the president's request for foreign assistance in our elections are normalized? >> i have to reject the premise of the question. i think the president's context for these discussions isn't forward leaning into the next election. he's attempting to slisz it ukraine's support to find out what happened in the last election. it's a perspective as relates to ukraine and when you look at zelensky praising trump for creating a populist rhetoric for rooting out corruption. i think you see two men on the same page to leverage against europe to get europe to do more for the ukraine. >> you say that but you look at the text messages.
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we were leveraging, our diplomats and rudy giuliani, leveraging these meetings for the president, leveraging these moneys. it seems like we were force-feeding him to do what the president wanted to do relative to the bidens or he wasn't going to get what he was looking for, including the aid. >> let's just remember when evaluating this aid that president obama withhold the aid indefinitely. so this notion like to withhold the aid is a uniquely impeachable offense i think would be counter to the experience we had under the priesh president. i also think when you look at the text messages you just mentioned, there's additional context. ambassador sumlin, who will be testifying before some members of the house in the coming days, providing analysis that this wasn't a quid pro quo. distinctly the president wasn't interested in a this for that arrangement regarding this military aid and i think that directly answers back the taylor text message -- remember, taylor was citing a politico article.
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there's a tactic here we saw in the russian investigation. you saw fusion gps leak stories to yahoo! news and then you saw them go back and cite those stories through the government -- the government cited the stories trying to validate the fusion gps product. so you have mr. taylor citing a story that was very well leaked by a person trying to make this look like a quid pro quo, while there are legitimate to withhold aid. if you don't think there are issues to withhold aid, your issues are with president obama, not president trump. >> president obama never said i'm going to withhold aid unless you look at mitt romney. >> neither did president trump, michael. where did president trump say that? >> president trump through the text, whistle-blower complaint which i think the complainant didn't even have benefit of listening to the phone call or see the memo that recast it. >> you said that in your opening. >> but it's irrelevant because so much corroboration has now
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been put forth. let me ask the question this way, if the president -- i will qualify it as a question, if the president were leveraging american tax dollars for the benefit of first getting dirt on a political opponent, you'd agree that would be crossing a line, right? >> yes, if a president engaged in a quid pro quo where they said you have to give me dirt on your opponent or i'm not going to give you aid, that would be an abuse of power. >> so you don't think that happened here? >> no, i think russia -- clearly it didn't happen here. what you have is the president and attorney general barr working around the world to try to figure out why there was a corrupt russia investigation that tore our country apart for two years that didn't result in any evidence of a criminal conspiracy. this is an open and obvious thing bill barr even said he would do during his confirmation hearings, so it shouldn't surprise people. >> the president's defense is to say hey, i'm all about ridding the world of corruption, if there were one other instance
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where the president withheld or threatened to withheld funding because he first wanted a crackdown on corruption, i think his hand would be strengthened. >> he's done that, michael. check out the northern triangle, check out honduras, guatemala, el salvador. there's aid the president sort of put in jeopardy there because he wanted to see those governments stop acting in common cause with human traffickers and instead enhance border security and national presence and being a good partner with us. this is a pretty frequent tool the president uses to say look, america is not going to be the patsy for the world if you don't clean up yourability and especially in eastern europe. i've had meetings with leaders in earstern europe. it's about officials trying to explain if they do not fix corruption issues, there will not be foreign investments. question look like hypocrites that hunter biden makes $50,000
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a month for reasons i don't understand. do you think he would make that if his father wasn't vice president? >> i believe hunter biden put his father in an awkward position in terms of appearances but that's the same thing as leveraging american tax dollars and saying someone who desperately needs our aid as a foreign leader, you're not getting it unless this investigation takes place. >> zelensky said the investigation is going to take place. >> why then he -- but -- >> in the transcript, zelensky says it's already my plan to look into this. it's already my plan to look in this with hunter biden. he says that to trump not as a consequence of prodding or pressure but that's what zelensky ran on, anti-corruption populist and told president trump he used some of the pages out of the political book that said drain the swamp in the uk. >> i read all of the texts. the texts made it clear we would not give the guy a meeting unless he was first prepared to investigate the bidens.
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>> that's why ambassador volker's testimony will be important to get out. when you read the transcript, you will hear someone say someone said in his text there's no quid pro quo which is what everybody believed on the team. >> look at the text. >> there's no quid pro quo. >> why is there any justification to take it offline, if you show the next screen, katherine, put that back up and show the next screen where the guy says essentially, let's take it offline now and not continue with this dialogue back and forth. what's to be hidden? why go offline unless you have something you don't want in the public domain. >> some conversations are more productive when you have them on the phone rather than text. >> it wasn't productivity. >> you don't know it wasn't. >> be the first to answer my survey question of the day. put it up on the screen. this is what i want to know, the president's defense, is his main be ottive in the w objective ins
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defending himself to provide a defense or is he really seeking to finish off joe biden because he wants to run against elizabeth warren? which of the two is it? >> yeah, i think it's the former, not the latter. i've talked with the president about which adversary would be the one that he would rather face, and in a lot of circumstances you look at joe biden failing to remember things, failing to energize crowds. i feel like sometimes you got to get smelling salts to a joe biden crowd to wake them up. i think he sees biden as the weaker adversary. i think this is about a defense that shows there was no pressure, no quid pro quo. zelensky says that and we believe the context, text messages, spr messages volker transcript and testimony coming up will all bear that out. >> i will let barbara and freedom know they can turn their televisions back on because the segment is coming to a
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conclusion. >> back on! >> thank you, congressman. what are your thoughts? go to my facebook page. i will read responses throughout the course of the program. we have impeachment daily train wreck in slow motion. daily train wreck for him, d. lewis place? daily train wreck because all of the evidence coming together are telling a story of a quid pro quo or in the end you think the house will past particles of impeachment and senate will never convict and therefore he will be emboldened. that's what remains to be seen. up next, the headline in new york city is banning the term illegal ail yep. is that the full story? not exactly, i'll explain. later, forget the pupd indi and pollsters. what can gambling odds tell us about the likelihood of impeachment and the 2020 cycle? we will follow the money.
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after multiple news outlets ran headlines new york city banned the term illegal alien. what's the full story? true the city issued new legal guidance determining the frayed illegal alien is unlawful when
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used with the intent to sze mean, humiliate or harass a person and banning threats to call i.c.e. on someone based on, quote, discriminatory motive. but it's important to note this guidance does not affect all kinds of speech. the anti-discrimination law covers workplace harassment, tenants' right and public intimidation. merely calling someone an alien on the street, about the i don't know why you would, is not illegal. and demanding a store customer only speak english, that would be a violation. the place where this discrimination occurs can be fined up to $250,000. these guidelines have already been put in practice. last month a new york judge recommended a landlord play $1,700 in fines and damages for threatening to call immigration authorities on an undocumented immigrant whose rent was delinquent. with me now the city's human
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rights commissioner. thank you for being here. when reading in on this subject in your data, i saw a stunning statistic. 37% of new york city's population was born outside of the united states. so this really could have significant impact in new york city. >> absolutely, michael. in fact 60% of all new yorkers have someone who's and immigrant living in their households. and i'm no exception. we put out this guidance last week to make sure everyone in new york city regardless of where they came from, the leanings they speak, how they look, everyone knows they're protected by our human rights laws. >> commissioner , there was an interesting comment from a critic at the heritage foundation. i will put it on the screen and read it aloud. it's bizarre they can punish somebody for using the word illegal alien when that is the correct terminology used in federal statutes and court
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decisions,ing including by the u.s. supreme court. is that accurate? >> it isn't, michael. unfortunately, not enough people are actually reading the exact guidance. the guidance makes clear for there to be a violation, first of all, as you captured, we would have to be looking at a defined relationship. in the workplace, in housing, in places of public accommodation and we would also have to be looking at situations in which the employer, housing provider or place of public accommodation was using those terms with the intent to demean or harass or humiliate. this is not new. it is not new conceptually when you're looking at anti-discrimination. which for years coexisted very nicely with the first amendment and those protections. >> but do those words illegal alien, do they still have legal significance in statutes and laws across the country? i think that was the point of the critic. >> of course, we recognize that terminology -- and in fact we mention in the guidance, that terminology is used in statutes.
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so there's reason why people would use that. somebody would have to be using it again in the context of one of the defined areas of jurisdiction for the commission with the intent to humiliate or harass or denigrate someone, similar to how in the area of race or gender or disability, people can use other terms, again, with the intent to harass or discriminate against someone and that would also be a violation of the law. >> here are some examples. i will put these on the screen. in a hiring context, for example, an employer p who may not ask someone who has an accent whether they have work authorization if the employer does not ask the same question of someone who does not have an accent. in an employment context, a hotel prohibits housekeepers from speaking spanish while cleaning because it would offend hotel guests or make them uncomfortable. in either of those scenarios, the fine could be $250,000, correct? >> something to make clear here is that in the entire history of the commission on human rights,
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only one stating back to the 1940s has there ever been a penalty of $250,000 that high reached. that is the jurisdictional limit that we were able to levy for a discriminatory act. in fact in most situations, whether or not there's even a decision to levy a penalty is made by looking at the circumstances of each individual case, including, of course, the size of the entity, the circumstances underlying, sophistication. in many instances fines are not even levied. >> housing and public accommodation, other areas that would be covered. what's not covered so we're providing good information and people understand that we're -- where it applies and doesn't apply. what scenarios wouldn't be dealt with in this? >> sure. so in most situations involving interactions between private citizens, again, unless it's part of one of the jurisdictional contexts that we have at the agency, knows situations wouldn't apply.
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listen, i'm a human rights lawyer. my background is as a civil rights attorney. the first amendment is the bedrock upon which a lot of our rights emanate. we want to make sure people understand, of course, you still have your first amendment rights but in the context that are well understood where law discrimination laws apply, we should be making sure in the workplace, in housing and places of public accommodation people have the ability to go about their lives with dignity and respect. >> how much final questions -- final question, how many cases are currently pending? >> there's about 150 cases that are currently pending with our law enforcement bureau involving some sort of discrimination based on national origin or actual or perceived immigration status. >> commissioner, thank you for being here. >> thank you very much for having me, michael. let's see what you're saying on twitter and facebook pages. i'm not supportive of the word and thought police-type laws. i believe new york has a law.
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lewis, i think this will be litigated. i'm not sure where it ends up but i think there was a lot of confusion where we shed light on where it applies or doesn't apply. up ahead, we'll all deluged by polls in this business but also it's impossible for the pollsters to keep up for the fasting news cycle. what if i told you the better real time indicator for the election and impeachment issues were gambling odds? we're about to follow the money. . and the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums, and possibly... tooth loss. help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. leave bleeding gums behind. parodontax.
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who knows more about impeachment in the 2020 election, pollsters or gamblers?, a new zealand-based website is a real money prediction market where traders can buy and sell forecasts about elections, legislation, supreme court cases, foreign affairs and other political events. it claims that the odds' betters generated in real time provide more accurate insights in political uncertainties than pollsters can. it dictates what you need to ante up based on certain bets. you bet sense on a dollar. so the higher the number, the chance the margaret says that person will win. joining me now is flip p usf urdo, 2016 analyst and congressional candidate in new york and hosts a podcast on political corruption in new york
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state. flip, let's do impeachment first. impeachment by the house during this term, put it up on the screen. so 71 cents, what does that mean, by the way, 71 cents? >> this suggests traders think there's about a 71% chance trump will be impeached in the house. in other words, the house will pass at least one article of impeachment against him by the end of this term. if you buy a share for 71 cents you would win one dollar. s this the implied odd they think this will happen. >> said differently there's a 67% likelihood he will be impeached for his first term by the house. will he be convicted by the senate? put that up on the screen, in comparison to 71 cents, it's a lot less es. it's 17 cents. >> this is the too surprising given the senate is republican controlled and house is democrat controlled. but you're actually seeing this market slip a little bit. in the last couple of days with some of the new revelations
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about new whistle-blowers and new conversations, this impeachment number is going higher from high 60s to low 70s and yet the senate conviction number is coming down from 21% to 17%. take from that what you will, but it's suggesting that pelosi and the house are more likely to act and yet removal from office may be becoming less likely. >> the market things he will be impeached by the house. it's unlikely he this be convicted by the senate. the democratic nomination, i'm fascinated with this, because joe biden widely regarded as the front-runner but your wagering market says differently. explain to me the top two there, elizabeth warren and joe biden. >> this is fairly remarkable. you see warren not only leading but actually better than 50% outright to win the nomination. so we've had warren in this market leading the pack for a little over a month but it's really within the last couple of weeks that some of the polling has caught up to that as biden's gotten wrapped up in the ukraine scandal and, of course, sanders suffered from additional health
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troubles, that you have seen warren consolidate this support and she's now not quite prohibitive but the really dominant front-runner. >> your market thinks her ascension to democratic nominee is twice as likely as joe biden's. >> correct. >> let me go to the trump re-election. also fascinating and bit of a disconnect. so a 40 cent bid to win a dollar, donald trump is the leader but he's an incumbent. 40 cents, you would expect it to be higher, right? >> you would. in fact he's only about 75, 80 cents to get the republican nomination, which for an incumbent should be nearly 100%. he's the favorite here in terms of the candidate most likely to win but he is under 50%, well under 50%, which is not where you want to be as an incumbent. >> and then there's another wager where it's a generic republican versus democratic. put that on the screen. 57 cents that the democrats win
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the 2020 presidential election. square those two. because i don't understand. >> well, see you have trump trading about 40 cents to win but the you have the generic republican candidate at 45 cents to inwith. you will see the numbers total to a little over 100 cents. you need to normalize them and take them down a cent or two a piece. but this is including some odds a non-trump republican can win. whether that's pence, he could be the candidate by 2020 or another candidate who could sweep in and take the nomination. so much has been thrown into disarray with the impeachment proceedings now getting under way, there's so much uncertainty and it's markets like these that can give you a sense, quantifiable sense, of what's most likely to happen and when and how. >> i have to get one more in, put it on the screen. hillary clinton, why are we talking about hillary clinton? why are people wagering about hillary clinton? >> she keeps saying she's not going to run but she's saying she's not going to run on a
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highly publicized book tour and she keeps explaining why she was a better candidate, why she lost, why trump is the devil, and why she would do better. people i think have learned not to take hillary's denials or any prominent politician's denials about their intentions to run at face value. so still say not likely to, 17, 18 cents but winning the nomination, should she win, traders think she's a force to be reckoned with, 30 cents, 40 cents, if she's in. >> well done. bet with your head, not over it, isn't that what they say? >> absolutely. put your partisan leanings at the door. and this is a unique real time, maybe not unbiased but less bias indicator of what the broader public and these traders think is going to happen. >> thank you, flip. >> thank you. let's check in on tweets and facebook comments. what do we have if from twitter, with bernie's health a
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legitimate concern, biden's loophole, my money is on elizabeth warren. we wish godspeed to bernie sanders. that has flipped in terms of the heart attack and stents and so forth. i hope he's healthy and able to compete. i want to remiev you of the survey question, president trump's main be ottivbjective, way he's responding to impeachment, is he seeking to defend himself, pure and simple. oar is he using this to finish off biden as to elevate more? 12i8 to come, details about a research experiment conducted by the m.i.t. election lab. fascinating insight into how independents are reacting to the leftward tilt of the democratic presidential candidates. and juul under scrutiny for marketing to teens. they seems to have literally taken a page from big tobacco. a look at how juul's creators,
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both graduates of stanford, used my guest's studies to hawk their product to young people.
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white house? that's a theory advanced by many observe of the candidate debates. now a study by the m.i.t. election lab may provide an answer. more than half of the participants were given a news snippet that portrayed a more progressive ideology that emerged at the debates so far, including policies as decriminalizing border crossings, expanding undocumented immigrants' access to benefit services, replacing the health system with a government-run system and establishing free college education for all children from working class families. the other half of the participants read about unrelated topics. all of the participants then recorded how they plan to vote in 2020. and what they found doesn't bode well for the progressive shift of the 2020 field. as the research associate points out, quote, when deciding between mr. trump and democratic
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nominee, voters in the middle versus independents who can tilt things in mr. trump's favor became six percentage points less likely to vote democratic after reading about the leftward turn compared with the independents who read the innocuous content. the study also showed no evidence reading the clippings made democrats more motivated to vote for a candidate. the results suggest a double-edged swoefrd but a clearly sharper side of the potential of producing republican gains among a key swing group. so are democrats giving republicans a head start in making themselves a target? this study suggests the answer is yes. still to come -- the boom in e-cigarettes is now being nipped in the bud with new worries about vaping health crises and criticism of marketing to teens. did the leading manufacturer juul labs literally copy ads out of big tobacco's playbook?
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my next guest says yes. ♪ things you can do with schwab: you can earn more when you invest your cash. ♪ you can get a satisfaction guarantee. ♪ you can also wonder why our competitors don't offer that. schwab, a modern approach to wealth management.
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like a healthier alternative to real cigarettes but now vaping is under intense scrutiny as its own kind much danger with reports of lung injury and deaths across the country attributed to vaping. worse, it's on an exponential rides with young people. the centers for disease control found 27.5% of high school students used an e-cigarette in the past 30 days. and there are strong indications this is thanks in part to specific targeting of teens by the vaping industry like big tobacco before it. at an hearing in july, dr. robert jackler, an investment in product advertising testified the vape giant juul hocked adds to young people. the cofounder james unsy and bowen were students in product design at stanford and their masters product was about, quote, disrupting the tobacco industry through innovation. jackler said when he met muncy last year he accused juul of
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ripping off the colors of american spirit cigarette ads for the vapor campaign and muncy did not disagree. >> he thanked us for the database we have for traditional 50,000 tobacco ads on line and they say helped juul design their ads. we know after studying advertising, juul's marketing faithfully uses the cigarette ads to rg tat young people. >> testifying the next day, muncy denied the allegations. >> i did not make that statement to dr. jackler. i think dr. jackler may have misheard my commentary. the resource he compiled was an useful resource and at that point we were interested in using the resource to understand what bad actions the tobacco companies have taken to familiarize ourselves with how
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not to run a business. >> dr. robert jackler joins me now. besides being a surgeon, researcher and professor at stanford, he and his wife founded a group called the stanford researchers into the collection of tobacco advertising, which are a collection of ads at the smithsonian. dr. jackler, what went on hereby? they were graduate students working on this project. they came to you because you're an enormous poztory of how big tobac tobacco advertised. >> good morning, michael. i think these guys were very smart. the tobacco industry is perhaps unique in the most effective advertising. creating a product in the 20th century that was essential for all parts of life, from the time you woke up in the morning to the time you went to bed at night. if you're trying to create i tobacco product and want to advertise it, why reinvent the
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wheel? i think it's clear from looking at the advertising techniques juul used they were very inspired for brands such as marlboro and newport and american spirit and they said let's use those techniques because we know they work exceptionally well. >>ing 0, what changed since the rise of big tobacco is the advent of the internet and social media. where in social he media have you seen this rip-off or these trends continue? >> yes, you know, if you're trying to do what juul professed it should be doing, that is to say trying to improve the lives of a billion smokers, you would be aware most smokers in america are aged 30 to 60. would you have mature adults. you would have the kind of things that appealed to adult smokers. but instead they did advertising that had very strong appeal to young people and importantly, the innovation of juul was they exploited social media. if you wanted to reach adults,
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you would not be on instagram. it skews very heavily towards young people. and what juul did is it created an enormous up-welling of useful interest through its social media presence, which eventually became a viral fad where teens all over america felt juul egg was the thing to do. >> dr. jackler, i'm asking you to generalize but paint for me the picture of today's american youth who vams, what does he or she look like? >> you know it's interesting, if you think about the typical demographic of a smoking teenager, it tends to be blue colo collar working class demographic, the students who smoke are normally the marginalized kids, not necessarily superstars or in academics or sports. but vaping is different. it tends to be the affluent kids in the suburbs because it's expensive. if you get hooked on juul and
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using a juul pods, which is about $4, if people use one every day it requires some $1,300 a year or $1,400 a year so you have to have discretionary income to become hooked on vaping. >> i look at discretionary terms and think this is an issue for 2020. if someone addresses and owns, how do we unhook from an addiction so many american kids? take my final word and respond to that. >> this is not a red or blue issue. there are few issues that motivate voters more than the well being of their parents. i think this is going to be a litmus test in congressional districts. you're going to have parents saying what are you going to do to protect our kids from being nicotine addicted? and it's a true epidemic, not red or blue. i think the family of these
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teenagers getting hooked on nicotine will be passionate and politically active this year. i agree, i think it's going to be an important issue in the upcoming still to come, your best and worst tweets and facebook comments. and we'll give you the final results of the survey question at if you haven't voted, would you go do so now. president trump's main objective in his response thus far to the impeachment inquiry, is it to defend himself or is he really seeking to finish off joe biden and elevate elizabeth warren? lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive. yet some say it isn't real milk. i guess those cows must actually be big dogs. sit! i said sit! ♪ think you need to pay prestige prices for better skin results? try olay regenerist. the rich, hydrating cream is formulated with vitamin b3 and peptides to plump skin cells, brighten, and visibly smooth wrinkles.
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time to see how you responded to the survey question at here it is. political question. president trump's main objective in his response to the impeachment inquiry thus far, is it to defend himself or is he really seeking to finish off joe biden, whom he fears, and elevate elizabeth warren? survey says -- 57%, interesting, 8,279 votes cast. 57 -- nearly a 60/40 vote. you know what he's really trying to do here? he doesn't want to face biden, he wants warren. that's why he's making the impeachment defense about biden, biden, biden. i'll leave the survey question up and you can vote throughout the course of the day. what else came in during the course of the program? i don't agree with your survey
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today. i wouldn't pick either choice. trump has no strategy. i think he acts on gut instinct all the way. love the show. patricia, i've said in the past i think he gives good ear. i think he has a very a10 waited ear. he knows what strikes a chord that comes from his background as a reality television star. he's sampling different approaches and when he thinks he's struck a chord, then he sticks with it. what else has come in? why can't it be both? he's defending himself by deflection and trying to eliminate someone he sees as a big political threat. teresa, i think you're probably right. between the two, i think it's probably more of a political calculus and it seems to be working if you believe those odds makers. one more i've got time for real quick. if trump ever does shoot someone on fifth avenue, representative ma matt gaetz would reason that as president, he has the right to
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do that. sandy, half the people are saying why are you putting him on? and half the people are saying to gaetz why are you going on that show? and so it ends. thanks for watching. i'll see you next week. the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. humira can help stop the clock. prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection.
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laso you can enjoy it even ifst you're sensitive. se. and it relieves my symptoms fast yet some say it isn't real milk. i guess those cows must actually be big dogs. sit! i said sit!
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7:00 am
good morning to you on this saturday. it is 10:00, october 5th. i'm christi paul. >> and i'm boris sanchez in for victor blackwell. you are in the cnn newsroom. plenty of news to get to today. >> that's an understatement. we're glad to have you here. >> thanks for watching. >> several new threads on the impeachment inquiry into president trump this morning. first of all, secretary of state mike pompeo defending the state department for ignoring the subpoena deadline to give congress documents related to ukraine. today in athens, greece, he said the department will, quote, obviously do all the things we're required to do by law. also, the white house has been subpoenaed by congress to