tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN October 18, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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it's hard to know when you're in a tizzy and when you are not. >> i've started pushing my emotions deep down inside. >> i have no emotions. >> i long to be you. >> i am chris cuomo. welcome to "prime time." breaking news, new evidence of the depths of the efforts of this president to go after the bidens. a cnn exclusive and key players making the case and trying to defend on the show tonight. where do you stand? let's get after it. all right. so here is the latest. the president's personal lawyer pushed the state department and the white house to get a visa for the ousted ukrainian prosecutor who promised dirt on the bidens. this comes in an cnn exclusive from four sources citing the testimony of deputy assistant
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secretary of state george kent this week to congress. they tell us that in january 2019 rudy giuliani tried to secure a u.s. visa for ukrainian victor shokin. you've heard that name a lot now. he was forced to resign in 2016 with the help of the united states for failing to root out corruption. as if the plot were not already painfully clear, president trump's acting chief of staff admitted to a quid pro quo and then potus and company had him deny it. so we know what happened. the question is what does it mean, where do things stand? let's ask a possible future juror and top democrat senate judiciary member richard blumenthal from connecticut. always good to see you, senator. thank you for joining us especially on a friday night. so we know what happened. it is inarguably wrong for a number of reasons. you can argue it is abuse of power. but do you believe you have reached a point with all that you have seen to this point that this is worthy of articles of impeachment and removal?
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>> it is unquestionably worthy of moving forward with impeachment proceedings as the house is doing. it is unquestionably an abuse of power by the president of the united states, a betrayal of his oath of office. let's remember the commander in chief on that july 25th phone call is pressuring, indeed extorting a foreign leader to interfere in our elections, to try to sway our democratic process and compromise our democracy. for the commander in chief to undertake that roll and then to engage his personal lawyer, rudy giuliani, in the shokin efforts, in other efforts abroad, as well as other members of his administration is absolutely an abuse of power. >> so a reasonable republican is sitting next to you in the
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senate and they say, senator, i hear you, it was bad, he shouldn't have done it. it's wrong, i don't like they denied it and i don't like a lot of things about it but to nullify an election, the founding fathers wanted this to be such an overwhelming and flagrant wrong that two out of three of us saw it the same way and i don't think it's worth nullifying an election with an election right around the corner. it was bad but ukraine's okay, we didn't compromise their efforts versus russia, in fact we gave them arms we hadn't given them in the last administration and they got the aid and we exposed this for what it is, that's enough for me map what do you say? >> i say it's not nullifies an election, it's removing from power someone who has abused that power and violated the constitution. that's the reason the founders had the impeachment process. they wanted to protect our republic. remember benjamin franklin's admonition, it's a democracy, republic, if you can keep it.
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the only way for us to discharge our obligation as senators is to protect our democracy against that kind of abuse of power. again, it's the president's own words, chris, in that july 25th conversation, "do us a favor." he wasn't talking about a quid pro quo to benefit the united states of america, it was to benefit him personally, his political position and what we're seeing more and more of course is that he wants favors from foreign leaders to benefit his personal financial situation. >> so now we're at the end of the week, that's the state of play with the president. with his attorney, what do you think the likelihood is that rudy giuliani gets indicted? >> well, there is mounting evidence. i'm obviously not in the prosecutor line of work, which i was once. i did these kinds of cases, not exactly prosecuting a president's personal lawyer because what we're seeing here is potential conspiracy to solicit and pressure a foreign leader to provide political campaign help. that's a violation of federal
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law. lying to the federal government, tax or bank fraud violations. >> are you worried about the money coming in and out from these two who were indicted and the other names that are getting listed? >> exactly right. the associates, they are giuliani associates who have been indicted and charged. certainly could be involved in a conspiracy involving giuliani and others in the trump administration. remember, in watergate nixon was pardoned, but the president's men went to jail. and my guess is that we're going to be seeing cracks in that wall, so far inpenetrable wall. >> what would you do if the president came out tomorrow and said i don't like the way this is going, i pardon rudy giuliani right now for anything that he did in connection to what i did in ukraine, anything to do with turkey, even the bird, even around thanksgiving, you cannot go after rudy giuliani for anything. there's a chance that could happen. >> it would spark an uproar, an outrage. and i believe talking about sitting next to a reasonable
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republican, that my colleagues on the republican side at some point are going to have to look to history. they will be haunted by this era if they fail to do the right thing and clearly the right thing would be to stop a pardon. president has very broad power but congress has some power to override it and certainly the president has no power to pardon for a state crime, which then there could be a prosecution to do. and finally, i would say that kind of pardon itself might be an impeachable offense. my republican colleagues are going to have to regard this time in history as one that will follow them throughout their lives and through history beyond it. >> one simple problem i haven't heard sussed yet is that mr. giuliani says he represents the president pro bono. if that's the true and we have no reason to believe that it isn't, i haven't seen any other proof otherwise, is a president
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or any official allowed to accept that kind of dollar value in pro bono service work from an attorney? i've been looking through the law and you guys have all these rules in congress about it having to be for a committee and a specific purpose and specific amount. unless you accept the argue mr. giuliani's legal advice is worth zero, this is hundreds of thousands of things worth of value. shouldn't that have been recorded? >> some might question whether rudy giuliani's legal advice is worth what others might regard, but the point is that those services, if they are a gift or if they are an exchange for something could well be a violation of law. >> you want to add using doral for the g-7 to your emoluments suit. the president's proxy said he's not going to make any money off it. >> our emoluments office said
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the president has repeatedly accepted payments and benefits from foreign governments in violation of the premier anti-corruption clause in the united states constitution. the reason for that clause, as you know, is that one of the founding fathers greatest fears was in fact that the president or some other member of the executive branch would be beholden, would take favors from a foreign government and here is a classic textbook example of the violation of that emoluments clause, so we are definitely going to add it in our brief to be submitted this coming week, but even if there's no profit, there's clearly a payment or benefit because at that time of year, as you heard earlier during anderson cooper's show, the doral is going to be probably largely desserted. the profits or financial situation of that hotel have declined sharply as "the
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washington post" recently reported by 70% and even if there is no payment and there will be payment, there is benefit in terms of the promotion of the property, and that is of inestimatable value. think about the impact of having that brand shown all over the world literally, all over the world and, in effect, an advertisement unpaid for by any trump entity but of tremendous benefit to the trump organization, which this president still owns. he's never divested a single cent of that property. >> some heady efforts to come. thank you so much for joining us. always a pleasure to have you on the show. have a good weekend, sir. we're not crying there was no quid pro quo. trump defenders make a couple of arguments to defend the situation and i argue this, let's lay out what they say and what the facts tell us. right after this.
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all right. so trump defenders keep saying two things. it was about corruption, not the bidens and this is really just about one phone call. we can prove both of those false. the cnn exclusive, giuliani was pushing the white house to get a visa for the former ukrainian prosecutor whom the u.s. helped get ousted. why? because he was offering dirt on biden. now, they didn't give him the visa but this is proof that his shadow diplomacy, mr. giuliani's was unwanted in the state department. and that this president was not
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only interested thin dnc and the quid pro quo for dirt is wrong, by the way, but most importantly we can show what we know. a tape, a call, transcript, text and testimony. wasn't just about corruption. it was about the bidens and dnc. it wasn't just one call. rudy giuliani admitted on this show show wanted the biden. he told the the "new york times" he was after dirt on biden. some could say it's improper. not enough are saying it's improper frankly. the president himself said this right to you. >> i would recommend they start an investigation into the bidens. >> it came out of his mouth more than once. it's the american president who brings up biden. the text messages show trump's guys, taylor, sondland, volker, they all thought that burisma,
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where biden was on the board, was as much or more in the mix as any 2016 fancy. then there's the congressional testimony where trump's own eu ambassador, sondland, his friend, a major donor, says the deliverable mentioned in the text, trump and giuliani were looking for including something they could use against biden. so point one is done. now this idea about it just being about one phone call. the aid money was held up for longer than anybody seems able to explain. months before the call and over a month after, way longer than allowable without going back to congress to explain. so it wasn't just about the call. it was about what happened before and after. a face-to-face potus visit with the ukrainians was dangled for months to get what they wanted. so many were involved. u.s. diplomats personally involved and drafting a statement to make sure it did as
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much as possible to benefit one person, donald j. trump, the v.p., white house staff, his lawyer, all to make this happen, a group effort, many acts over a long time, many months, not one call. when you follow the facts, this is clear, hurting biden central to a sustained enterprise that spent untold taxpayer dollars and reached the highest levels of our government. the only remaining question is whether or not what we know happened is worthy of removing a president from office. now that is a matter for congress. but seeing what was done here, that's just a matter of common sense. now, despite all the evidence, people are really digging in that this was not wrong, it's not bad. okay. so let's bring in congressman randy weber, republican, texas, to make the case. let's get after it.
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you can add republican john kasich to the list of those calling for president trump's impeachment. now, impeachment, removal, i still do not see that as an easy call, but condemning what the president did here should be obvious at this point. look at all of stuff the whistle-blower said that has been confirmed. i show you this because they say the whistle-blower's all hearsay. it's just not true. trump pressured ukraine. we get that from trump's public comments and the white house
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transcript of the call. trumps asking about the bidens. we get it from public comments, that call, from rudy giuliani on the show talking to the "the new york times". volker, sondland giving advice to ukrainians on how to navigate trump's demands. volker admitted that in his text. locking down records of the call. the white house acknowledged it. omb, orders to freeze u.s. aid. mulvaney says we do that all the time. trump said it was about corruption. and then spending. there's a whole list of them. why do i bring this up? whether or not to impeach, that is an open question. it's a tough argument. but that this was wrong, i don't see it the same way. let's see how congressman randy weber of texas sees it. welcome to the show. it's good to have you on "prime time." >> thank you, chris. >> congressman, i know you don't
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like the process and i'm happy to talk to you about what you think is at play. in terms of what we know about the situation at this point, can you really say that this president did nothing wrong in his dealings with ukraine? >> chris, have you read the transcript? >> yes. >> you recognize that in that transcript that president zelensky says to president trump he did a great job of draining the swamp over here, he could use president trump's help, he could learn from the president. did you read that? >> yup. >> here is the president of ukraine who has said to our great president, look, you've done a great job of draining your swamp, we've got corruption over here, i could use some help and i could learn from you. the president says there are a couple of examples, uses the crowd strike, through the russian collusion -- >> i know the conspiracy theory. >> so crowd strike, a wealthy ukrainian owned that is right of
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that company, they got to look at the dnc's server as you mentioned earlier. they never would have let the fbi look at it by the way. >> that's not how it happened. they were brought in as a third-party analyst. the fbi accepted that has they have in other cases and they said the conspiracy theory about crowd strike is nonsense. >> it was never gotten to the bottom of so the president is saying to president zelensky of ukraine, you want me to clean up your corruption, let me give you a couple of examples. here's one, get to it bottom of what happened in that instance. here's two, you've got a company that by all outward appearances had joe biden's son, hunter biden, a pay-for-play job, if you want to call it that. it's not the president's fault that joe biden's son was there. it's not the president's fault that it was a ukrainian involved --
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>> no, but it's the president's choice, congressman, to pick out two things that would benefit him politically in the next election and ask ukraine to look at them in an exchange of help. >> chris, he's talking about the -- the president of ukraine is talking about cleaning up corruption in his country. our great president who has been draining the swamp over here is telling that president, you want to start with corruption in your country, we know of at least a couple. it's unfortunate that hunter biden was caught up in that, unfortunate it was part of the -- >> you're making it sound like this is a coincidence. he picked what would help him politically. we both know this president doesn't know anything about about what burisma is except what rudy giuliani told hill. they targeted things that he thought would help him politically and that's okay but you can't leverage foreign aid. >> chris -- >> yes, sir. >> presidents deal with other countries all the time as mick mulvaney said -- i've talked to him about the missiles that went into syria.
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he makes calculated decisions. >> give me another example of a president asking a country to do something to help them in an election in exchange for aid. >> well, i'll tell you this, chris, this president has been doing exactly what he told america he would do and that's what they elected him to do. he is very thoughtful and the democrats hate him because of that. >> i don't know who hates him and i don't even like the word, congressman, i don't believe in hate as a concept. there's no -- >> you hate to hear that word, do you? i got it. >> i don't like to hear it because i think it shouldn't be part of our politics, that kind of animus. >> this is all i'm saying. i get that you don't like the process, i get you don't think it worthy of impeachment or removal, i get it. but the idea that you don't think it was wrong for a
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president to talk to the head of another country and ask for dirt on two political opponent target and that's -- >> that's not what he did, chris. >> how else do you explain it? >> he made a suggestion to the president of ukraine who has asked him help -- >> so you talk to him about ukraine corruption but you only talk about americans? and then volker, taylor, sondland all tell stories about believing it was an inappropriate ask to have ukraine help in an american election. so they all got it wrong? >> chris, that was not about the election. that was about helping the ukrainians. it's not the president's fault that the bidens are democrats. >> i'm not playing it on the president. i'm blaming what he did on the president. >> hunter biden what most people think was a pay to play. >> most people think. it was looked at by ukraine and here in the united states. you guys were in power at this time and you were investigating all kinds of nonsense and you didn't look at this. but now it's a no-brainer. >> listen, this president has been doing what he set out to
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do. the democrats have been set out to impeach him since day one. they have a r.o.i., return on investment, this meant resist, obstruct -- >> i know there's ugly politics on both sides but you can only deal with the facts in front of you. and the facts in front of you are what he did. you know what he did was wrong and if a democrat did it, you'd be all over them. >> that is not the case. al green filed an people resolution before the mueller report was in it, been voted on three times -- >> so vote against impeachment but why do you have to say this isn't wrong? it impugns your own integrity to ignore something like this when in the past you stood against much less. during benghazi what bothered you about that situation were issues that didn't rise to this
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level. you went after obama for not dealing with subpoenas and congressional process, much less than this president. >> you look at the transcript, you can try to stretch the truth and make you say what you think it ought to say but this president -- we ought to be working on infrastructure for this country, on health care, on trade. why won't they put usmca on the floor? if you look at nancy pelosi and the house, they ought to be focused on the american people's business and not -- >> we just came out of a an administration where the head of the senate minority said i am here to stop obama as a one-term president and we had a republican majority in the house that did nothing but obstruct, try to kill his health care plan and investigate. and now you're in high dudgeon when you're actually faced with facts of a president abusing his power. >> did they try to impeach obama?
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of course we didn't do that. >> you didn't have any facts like this. if you had him asking a foreign power to help him out with his next opponent in exchange for aid, you would have been all over it. >> chris, you're going to have to wake up to the fact that that's not what he did. he offered to help president zelensky with corruption in his own country. >> and the corruption he wanted to help him with was the dnc and the bidens. that's the big problem of corruption in ukraine. >> chris, it's unfortunate that the bidens got caught in it. >> so you're bothered by the bidens. let me ask you a quick question. are you bothered by ivanka trump working for the american people and negotiating intellectual property with china at the same time she's visiting on a state visit? does that bother you? >> does she get paid? chris, this whole family has sacrificed their fortune, their incomes, but them on hold to -- >> they're making money hand over fist. they made like $80 something million last year in office. they got finance deals for their buildings. they got intellectual property from china while they're working for the government. >> they don't have to stop being
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in business. he doesn't take a salary. this president knows what business is all about. >> you do have to stop doing your private business when you work for the public sector. you're upset that biden leveraged his dad who was the vp as a private citizen, but you're not upset about ivanka trump levi leveraging her position in the united states government with trump. that doesn't bother you. do you see why people would shake their head in disgust? >> this country has put their finances on hold. >> that's why the g-7 is at doral? >> we're watching the whole country -- >> i'd skip that, too, if i were you. the economy can be good and you can act with integrity, too, congressman. that's what i'm saying. it not either/or. it's both. i love a great economy. i love integrity in office. >> let me tell you something, he's got integrity with other countries. that's the reason --
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>> really? >> -- president zelensky asked him to help clean up that corruption. >> he didn't ask him -- zelensky didn't ask him for anything other than a visit, some javelins and aid. he was not asking him, donald trump, as some kind of corrupt fixer. he's ignored the corruption in his own administration, his own family and his own actions. he won't even show his taxes. the idea that someone is going to seek him out as corruption counsel is a little bit of a stretch. >> democrats have been after him since absolute day one. al green said they had to impeach him because -- >> what does that have to do with the facts at hand, congressman? you can acknowledge that this is wrong but not think it impeachable. >> chris, what it means, you ask me a question, i'm going to answer it. >> please. >> they had an impeachment charge ready and searching and hoping they could hang their hat on something. russian collusion, mueller investigation didn't get it. now they come out with this transcript and this phone call they're assuming things that aren't there. i've read it.
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>> it's not about the transcript. it's the transcript, it's the texts, it's the testimony, it's the interviews, it's what he said on camera. i mean, there's a lot there, congressman. i understand your argument. i appreciate you making it. i just hope you can live with it. congressman randy weber, thank you very much for being on the show. you're always welcome. be well. have a good weekend. there's some republicans though unlike congressman weber who have had enough, like anthony scaramucci. he's still wired into the party, even though he's not wired into trump anymore. what does he know about the state of play in that party and about these men who were arrested as associates of rudy giuliani? we got a picture of scaramucci with these guys. how deep into the party did they get? anthony is here. let's talk to him next. the new $3 little john from jimmy john's is just like our original sandwiches...only we bought a little ad...on lil jon. little johns, yeah!
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can't imagine doing it any other way. this is caitlin dickerson from the new york times. this isn't the only case. very little documentation. lo que yo quiero estar con mi hijo. i know that's not true. and the shelters really don't know what to do with them. i just got another person at d.h.s. to confirm this. i have this number. we're going to publish the story. aleve it. with aleve pm. i havepain happens. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid. and the 12-hour pain relieving strength of aleve. so...magic mornings happen. there's a better choice. aleve pm. (kickstart my heart by motley crue)) (truck honks) (wheels screeching) (clapping)
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scrutiny over mr. giuliani's activities in ukraine is growing by the day. despite the white house downplaying mr. mulvaney's now clarified quid pro quo remarks, the damage is done. when will it be enough for republicans to start asking their own questions or at least to acknowledge what is obvious? let's bring in anthony scaramucci. anthony, first of all, god bless your father. i hope he's doing well. i know you went home to visit him and i'm thinking of the whole family. >> i appreciate that and i
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appreciate your help. >> of course, of course. that's about us. we talk about all the time what's worthy of impeachment, what's worthy of removal, open questions to me even now. but what he did, you heard that texas congressman, he's welcome on the show, i want him to make the case, i'll treat him with respect but ukraine wanted him because he's done so well with the swamp here? how much of your party will buy into that? >> listen, i have sympathy for the argument because there was a big rally in texas. he's very worried about the president's ability to intimidate and bully people. if he comes on your show and says, hey, look, this stuff really doesn't look right, i know the constitution. i get what's going on, chris.
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i've been spending time traveling in the swing states. this past week i was in michigan, east lansing yesterday and in columbus, ohio today. i met with over a thousand people in those places. i'm meeting with wealthy donors and meeting with community members and political leaders -- >> what are they saying? >> the same thing that normal americans are saying outside of the trump bubble, that there's something severely wrong with the president and the president has actually broken the law and now the big question is are we going to allow lawless activity to happen at the presidential level? i know the president's personal, he's big footing the media with doral. that is a distraction, a red herring. let me throw that out there, we'll spend more time on doral than we will the quid pro quo. and all of the illicit activity that's going on. the hunter biden thing is don't focus on what's going on with me or people around me, focus on
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hunter biden. so i understand the methodology of what he's doing and i'm puzzled by it because i would have thought by this point we would have broken into people like the texas congressman that you just had on the air -- >> he just said when you get into public service, you're not supposed to put your life on hold. that's absurd. that's exactly what you do with public life. who knows better than you with your company. when you go into public service, you got to stop making money on the outside. >> that's the abnormalcy and malignancy of what the president is doing. and it's a real shame. he could have dropped all this stuff and it would have been a lot better. we're here now. that's the malignancy of what he's doing. so for me, it's turning, okay? and i'm spending time on this and energy. i'm going to announce the pac in the beginning of november, we'll go up on the air with some ads and you'll be very happy -- not
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you personally but some people woo want to see this go down in the right way and in a fair way for america will be very happy with the team i put together and the partners i brought into the pac. we have to stop this and help the republican party rebuild and heal itself from this. i understand what happened. i understand the bullying. hey, chris, you've never felt more alive than when the president is calling you an unstable nut job on twitter. what are you going to do? i understand the bullying. i understand the fear for these guys -- >> what i don't understand is just the collective unconscious here, anthony. even these two guys, fruman and parnas. one was connected to trump's father back in the day but these guys are shady. it just makes me wonder, were there whispers about why is rudy around these guys, why is he using guys like this? these guys of shady. it bad enough they made the mistake with manafort.
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was anybody trying to say to him watch out for these guys? >> yes, actually. i didn't know these guys. you showed a picture of me -- >> i haven't showed it yet. but they're putting it around the internet to try to smear you, that you were in israel touching the whaling wall with these guys. >> actually, i was inside the tomb of abraham and his wife. yeah, he was standing next to me, totally fine. there were 20 people on the trip with me. governor huckabee was on the trip as well. i obviously didn't control the guest list or anything like that. >> how did they get in? >> well, that's the question. you'd have to ask the guys that organized the trip. but you have to understand they're people very close to rudy. lev was name dropping rudy like a machine gun. but there were people inside the mayor's circle, not me, because i didn't know these people that told him to knock it off with these people and i don't know why the mayor decided not to do that.
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that's up to the mayor. you know i love the mayor, you love the mayor, i pray for the mayor every single day. i want to remember him as the guy that helped save new york and heal new york after 9/11. i don't like what's going on now and i hope he gets out of this okay. but here's the thing, they did infiltrate the republican party and it should also -- you should ask people a question, how much money does it actually take to buy elements of influence if you're an outsider? and the answer is it's not a lot, chris. that should scare everybody. >> it's also weird that the money -- russia keeps popping up in all these things. giving erdogan this pass. who does he meet with last week? putin. these guys have all this money flowing through their accounts in russia almost in similar amounts to what they give rudy. it looks so terrible. the president says i don't know them. one of them used to work for his
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dad. there are pictures with them. >> there are a lot of investigative facts that the president knows them way more than he says he knows them. and then the president will come up with another idea to big foot the media away from that. maybe he'll announce another summit somewhere in trump tower or something like that. but the truth of the matter it is cracking. governor kasich, thank god, a great american speaking out. admiral mcraven, a republcan from texas speaking out. there's a lot of people that are speaking out now and feel the bravery. when i spoke out in august and said this is absolutely crazy and we're in a trump meltdown, i was a lone person and somebody told me this is like a kamikaze raid. but there's a full battalion of of people now, and i predict this will end well for the united states but not well for the president. >> we'll see. this is some ugly stuff. anthony secure muchy, thank you
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for joining me on a friday night. the best to your father and family. >> have a great weekend. >> be well, anthony. >> where are we right now? i have an argument to make to you. i'm looking a the my social media feed -- what do you mean he shouldn't be removed? they have to make the case, and that's their opinion. it's not a legal process. but what is objective is what we see in front of us that i will argue to you too many republicans are choosing to ignore. so let me lay it out for you, you decide next. good afternoon board members. we have some great new ideas that we want to present to you today. [son]: who are you talking to? [son]: that guy's scary. the first item on the list is selecting a chairman for the... for the advisory board what's this? as well as use the remaining... child care options run out. lifetime retirement income from tiaa doesn't. guaranteed monthly income for life.
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more javelins, the missiles for defense purposes. the president, i would like you to do us a favor though. dirt on biden and the dnc. that is not cleaning up ukraine corruption. that is taking out an opponent. it is wrong to ask a foreign power to do that period. and there is so much corroboration of the wrongdoing. they all parrot the same talking point and fall short. heard from the white house, assuming president z convinces trump he will investigate and get to the bottom of what happened in 2016. we will nail down date for visit to washington. that was the give and the get. or this one. bill taylor. are we now saying security assistants and white house meeting are conditioned on investigation. call me. and the diplomats on capitol hill expressing their concerns
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giuliani was a shadow secretary of state with shady connections to shady people. the dnc and the bidens. in case that is not enough, you have this. >> he also mentioned to me the corruption related to the dnc server, absolutely. but that's it. that is why we held up the money. get over it. there will be political influence in foreign policy. >> the acting chief of staff walked it back. no he didn't. he got told by trump to go out, lie, deny and cry. the media made me do it. in other words learn from the master. >> it was never a quid pro quo. >> there is no quid pro quo. >> saying it a lot does not make it true. he is the master. he held up the money over corruption concerns? please. you have never heard this president address corruption by
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anyone around him. his cabinet, campaign manager, other key advisor, his kids or himself. it wasn't just one call. month of multiple players, diplomats, cabinet secretary and the v.p. the paper in ukraine, look at all of the shady thing and the people that made it happen and the picture of the u.s. president is on the cover. when will it be enough for republicans to call it out as wrong. i am not saying you have to impeach or remove. they sure have guts to call things out when it's benghazi. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman. >> that was enough. they didn't need a crime. they said it again and again. it's about ethics and setting the standards and cleansing the office and sending messages to
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future president busy what's acceptable. but what it is about is playing to an advantage. the democrats hated it then. they are indulging in it now. the two sides swapped arguments. it is ugly and obvious. the democrats have the facts on their side in this one putting the gop in the position to pretend the facts are not there. with mueller, it's show the collusion. show working with a foreign agent to impact an election. it's so important. i warned i didn't see that stuff in the mueller investigation and told people to manage their expectations or set yourself up for disappointment. here the requirements are met, big time. collusion all over the place. clear working with a foreign power to impact an election. it is clear. they know it. but the same mouths that saw things so clearly when attacking the democrats, now they say this. >> we stand behind the president like the american people do and that this investigation as i just said earlier is unfair and
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partisan and the american people see it -- >> mulvaney's comments didn't open that up? >> i didn't see that at all. >> that is why he won't come on the show anymore. it is okay to say i don't think it should be justified to be removed but to say it is not wrong. no abuse. that makes you as bad and all of the patsies that go along with him. you are abusing your power. from the presidents mouth to your ears. be on the look out for a massive foreign disinformation campaign next. ♪
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escape and trump repeated it, no proof. echoes putin's sentiments. russia hates isis as much as we do. 90% of russia air strikes targeted rebels propping up the regime. these are the things to look out for. we will be doing it. you call that a bolo? >> be on the look out. >> i am messing with you. saying you need to be on the lookout for trump not telling the truth or spinning or lying something. it's right here. you don't have to look for it. >> parroting these foreign leaders. >> that is crazy. >> not just not telling the truth. it is parroting their points. >> i think it took 15 to 20 seconds to read that. >> yeah. at the most. >> he said the
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