tv CNN Special Report CNN October 26, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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of colorado. friends and family tonight. that's it for me. up next, fareed zakaria "on the brink" when a president faces impeachment airs right now. have you got an extra cam in case the lights go out? >> this is what impeachment looks like. >> ollie? only the cbs crew now is to be in this room during this. only the crew. no, no there will be no picture. no. after the broadcast. you have taken your picture. >> facing certain removal, richard nixon is moments away from resigning as president. >> enough, okay? all secret service. is there any secret service in
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the room? >> yes. >> out. >> there can be no greater fall from no greater height. ♪ ♪ ♪ i used to rule the world ♪ now in the morning i sleep alone ♪ ♪ sweep the streets i used to own ♪ >> democratic national head quarters here in washington. >> the white water controversy. >> i have nothing the say about it. >> he's thinking, what am i going to do? >> andrew johnson's impeachment was over policy. he did not deserve to be president of the united states. >> one thing leads to another. >> a gray grave and profound
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crisis. ♪ one minute i held the key ♪ i just stood with my castle stand ♪ ♪ pillars of sand >> you're not office of the president of the united states. how can you talk about blackmailing, keeping witnesses silent? >> william jefferson clinton. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman. >> the impeachment effort against him failed by a single vote in the senate. >> president nixon. >> aye. >> aye. >> the ayes have it. >> impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. >> i have impeached myself ♪ that was when i ruled the world ♪ >> impeachment is no longer just history. good evening. i'm fareed zakaria. it is happening now. the house is conducting an
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impeachment inquiry into president donald trump. we don't yet know how this will end, but we do know we need history more than we ever have. it's the only guide to how and why and even if this president should be impeached. remember, the founding fathers who wrote the impeachment clause had just fought a revolution to escape the tyranny of kings. that goal was to keep the president from becoming a elected monarch, unrestrained in his exercise of power. together they carefully weighed what the grounds for impeachment should be. they agreed on treason and bribery. also proposed was maladministration. james madison objected. he said that was too vague. impeachment was a remedy for a bad president. but what if a president, madison asked, were to cook up a scheme
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of speculation? in other words, what if the president were a crook? so george mason of virginia came up with a broader phrase -- high crimes and misdemeanors,s that article 2 section 4 of the american constitution. there was a moment in our history when it saved american democracy. but at other times it's been turned into a cheap political trick, hurled at opponents as a weapon. so which is it right now? >> if ever there were a time too impeef it's now. >> he's got to go. >> almost three years into the trump presidency, call for his impeachment come every day. sometimes every hour. >> i think impeachment. >> impeachment. >> but this was just one day after donald trump was elected president. >> hey hey, ho ho!
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>> from the first moment, donald trump has been the most polarizing president in an already bitterly divided america. >> we will impeach him. we will impeach him. the people said, but he hasn't done anything wrong? oh, that doesn't matter. we will impeach the president. >> we have been through periods of polarization before. the difference now, i think, is that we don't have a common baseline effect. we disagree on reality. >> that dangerous state of affairs. we disagree on the facts on reality itself is reflected in ow americans feel about impeachment. in a new cnn poll, exactly half of americans say they support the impeachment and removal of donald trump. but is the case strong enough?
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about a year ago at the height of the mueller investigation, i put that question to one of the country's premier constitutional scholars. >> i'm not calling for the impeachment of donald trump. i think it would be very unwise to pursue impeachment unless there were a high probability of removing a president from office. that was then. this is now. >> here you have the president of the united states abusing his power openly. >> noah feldman is talking about trump's apparent quid pro quo to ukraine -- investigate the bidens or we won't give you the aid money. >> it's extremely clear that it is a quid pro quo. it's laughable to think that the president was not trying to gain personally in investigating the joe biden. >> this constitutional scholar is worried about the very survival of america's defining document. >> absolutely essential to the entire constitutional structure if the president abuses his
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power, congress has to check the president's actions. it's the only branch with that authority and responsibly, and that's what the impeachment process is fundamentally for. and the constitution will fail. >> in order, for feldman, democracy may depend on impeaching the president. for others it is congress that is overreaching. >> this is un-american. >> to understand today's crisis we need to go back to the last time america debated these issues. we now think of watergate as a time when america came together, forced a crooked president out of office. but to richard nixon and the republican party, the watergate scandal was a partisan war. >> it was a five-front war with a fifth column. i had a partisan senate committee staff. special prosecutor staff.
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media. we had a partisan judiciary committee staff. in the fifth column, i gave them the sword, and they stuck it in, and they twisted it with relish. >> the real story of the war nixon describes is one that few americans know. it's a story of a small group of men who turned impeachment into an act of patriotism. it all begins on june 17, 1972. >> five men were arrested early saturday while trying to install eves dropping equipment at the democratic national committee. >> which was someone breaking into the democrats' campaign offices? >> i again proudly accept that nomination for president of the united states. >> well, richard nixon won the presidency in 1968 by promising to get america out of vietnam. ♪ all we are saying
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♪ are you listening, nixon ♪ is give peace a chance >> but as the war dragged on, the anti-war movement exploded. as nixon campaigned for a second term, he feared vietnam might give his enemies the ammunition to defeat him. and so his men planned a series of dirty tricks -- >> i suppose -- up the wall. >> to cripple the democrats. one of them was the watergate break-in. in 1972, nixon won re-election by a historic landslide. >> i richard nick nixon do solemnly swear -- >> but the watergate story was still growing. so just weeks after the election
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inside the oval office, richard nixon declared war on the press. >> the press is the enemy. the press is the enemy. the press is the enemy. >> nixon hated the press. because it was digging into the very story he was desperate to hide. that the white house was deeply involved in the watergate coverup. his campaign seemed to work. only in his second term, nixon's approval ratings soared. but then came the first crack in the white house defense. in the summer of 1973 -- all of america was riveted by the senate watergate hearings. >> what did the president know? and when did he know it? >> as the country watched, white house counsel john dean turned on his president. >> i began by telling the president that there was a cancer growing on the
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presidency. >> dean testified that the watergate burglars were blackmailing white house aides. >> the white house was being directly subject to blackmail and i didn't know how the handle it. >> i told him i could only make an estimate that it might be as high as $1 million or more. he told me that that was no problem. >> it was john dean's word against the president of the united states. >> richard nixon's presidency may ride on whether the public believes john dean or not. >> most republicans continue to stand by their president. >> raise your right hand. >> but then, from a little known white house aide, a dramatic twist. >> my name is alexander porter butterfield. >> butterfield, are you aware of the installation of any listening devices in the oval office of the president?
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>> i was aware of listening devices. yes, sir. >> it was a bombshell. >> the pressure is on the president to produce those tapes. >> if not for those tapes nixon would have completed a second term. >> instead nixon would have spent the rest of his presidency from trying to hear them. he fought subpoena after subpoena. >> i have never heard of seen such outrageous vicious disturbing reporting. >> even as they tried to convince the american people that watergate was a press creation. >> what is it about the television coverage of you in these past weeks and months that has so aroused your anger? >> don't get the impression thaw arouse my anger. one can only be angry with those he respects. >> mr. president. >> mr. president. >> finally, a drastic step. >> nothing like this has ever happened before. >> our offices have been sealed
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by the fbi. >> a mass firing of the men pursuing the case. the saturday night massacre. >> the news caused a sen communication and sent the press reporters scrambling to their telephones. >> a grave and profound crisis, which the president said against himself and the attorney general. >> does it have to do with the resignation of attorney general? >> it might. >> by the time it was over the attorney general, deputy attorney general, and the special prosecutor were all out. >> the bipartisan american outbreak changes the politics of the situation for richard nixon. >> tens of thousands of telegrams flooded washington. >> western union. most of them demanding impeaching richard nixon. >>ics innen was forced to appoint a new special prosecutor. as if months went on, bit by bit, he was forced to turn tover
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tapes. they were as damning as he had feared. white house counsel john dean's testimony turned out to be entirely accurate. >> how much money to you need? >> i would say these people are going cost $1 million over the next two years. >> it was clear -- nixon's defenses were beginning to crumble. >> would you consider the crimes to be impeachable if they did apply to you? >> well, i've also quit beating my wife. >> the meeting will come to order. >> in july of 1974 in a packed hearing room, the house judiciary committee began to debate removing the president. >> make no mistake about it --
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this is a turning point. whatever we decide. >> committee chairman peter rodino was a democratic machine liberal from newark, new jersey. he was new to the job. some doubted whether he could handle it. >> highly partisan prosecution if ever there was one. many nixon loyalists were angry and still immoveable. for republicans, impeaching their president was tantamount to political suicide so they kept holding out for more evidence. >> the weight of evidence must be clear, it must be convincing. and let's stick to those two words you can't substitute them for anything else -- clear and convincing! but you cannot and should not under any circumstance attempt to remove the highest office in the world for anything less than clear and convincing.
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>> but as emotions began to run high, the facts were calmly recited and documented. and something surprising happened -- >> there's an obstruction of justice going on. someone's trying to buy the silence of a witness. >> nixon republican larry holman, the father of maryland's current governor, was moved by the evidence. >> the thing that's so appalling to me is that the president, when this whole idea was suggested to him, didn't in righteous indignation say get out of here, you're in the office of the president of the united states. how can you talk about blackmail and bribery and keeping witnesses silent? this is the presidency of the united states! >> one by one, conservatives who revered the president put conscious over party. >> i cannot condone what i have heard. i cannot excuse it and i cannot and will not standstill for it. >> i wish the president could do
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something to about solve himself. >> perhaps the most conservative southerner was walter flowers. he served as george wallace's chain chairman. >> i wake up nights at least the nights i have been able the go to sleep wondering if this couldn't be some sort of dream. impeach the president of the united states. >> but he did vote to impeach even though walter flower said it gave him an ulcer. even the conservatives who stuck with the president reached across the aisle to say thank you. >> i must admit in all candidness that it has been very fair. >> this impeachment inquiry has been historic and honorable. >> republicans understood that they were not going to carry their base if they voted for impeachment. and some of them did it any way. >> all those in favor signify by
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saying aye. all those opposed, no. >> mr. don hue. >> aye. >> mr. brooks. >> aye. >> aye. >> the committee approved three articles of impeachment. obstruction of justice, contempt of the congress, abuse of power. >> mr. hutchens. >> no. >> no. >> no. >> no. >> ayo. >> no. >> no. >> mr. rodino. >> aye. >> chairman rodino left the room and cried. official impeachment would come later with a full house vote, but it never happened. nixon's wall of republican defenders had crumbled. >> there's a countdown of sorts on the night, the countdown for the expected end of the nixon presidency. >> tonight at 9:00 eastern daylight time the president of the united states will address the nation. >> it was over.
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>> i have never been a quitter. to leave office before my term is completed abhorrent to every instinct in my body, but as president, i must put the interest of america first. therefore, i shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow. >> the impeachment the framers had imagined, it worked. democracy worked. >> there is the president waving good-bye. >> but the scandal itself triggered a loss of faith in government and in politicians. it would be 25 years before impeachment would come up again. >> your testimony is subject to the penalty of perjury. do you understand that, sir? >> i do. >> this time it was a completely different story. l. get the perfectly grilled flavors of an outdoor grill indoors,
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. in all my life i wanted to be involved in people. in 1978, a bright eyed 32-year-old bill clinton was running for governor of arkansas. >> i've tried to bring out the best in people through politics and i've really been very happy doing it. >> he and his wife hillary were also investing in real estate.
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a nice little patch of land in the ozarks. a two-bit real estate deal that end up losing money would change the course of history. >> miss clink did they read you your rights. >> decades later. >> white waters controversy. >> political turbulence over white water. >> what it water became a massive spiraling investigation. that led prosecutors to a sex scandal. >> the ayes have it. >> there it is. william jefferson clinton is impeached. >> that became the second presidential impeachment in american history. how on earth did that little corner of arkansas -- >> i hereby deliver the articles of impeachment. >> explode into a constitutional showdown? >> it was a two-bit real estate deal and yet somehow one thing
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leads to another and we were on the floor debating whether or not the president should be removed from office. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky. >> when we think of the clinton impeachment we think of a certain white house intern buck before there was monica there were the mcdougalls, jim and susan. clinton might have never been impeached if it wasn't for them. it was jim mcdougall who convinced the clintons to invest in white water and they had other financial ties as well. when jim and susan landed in legal trouble for fraud -- >> the white water development is not going to go away. there are too many questions. >> the clintons came under fire too. >> questions have been raised about the clintons' personal and financial involvement with mcdougall. >> in the end nothing came of it but it planted a seed for something much bigger that would
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lead to the ultimate constitutional -- >> there was a growing drum beat for an independent counsel to investigate white water. >> we did nothing improper and i have nothing to say about it. >> thank you. >> whole story. >> clinton had a fateful choice make -- lock a special counsel and take a beating in the press -- >> it appear to be a case of the president's past coming back to haunt him. >> or give in, leaving himself open to a potentially limitless investigation. the president gave in. >> i don't want to be distracted by this anymore. let them look into it. i just want to go back to work. >> years later he would call that decision one of the biggest miscalculations of his presidency. >> once you have an independent counsel appointed with no budget and no limits the prosecutors will keep looking for the crime until they can find it. >> the first special prosecutor, robert fisk -- >> he's quick, thorough, positive. >> vowed to wrap up his investigation quickly. >> could you guys get down?
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>> but he was replaced and his successor ken starr was far more aggressive. >> our job is to gather facts and get at the truth. >> expanding the inquiry way beyond white water. >> how is this white water? >> the investigation leads in all different directions. >> this is truly and a wildly historic night. >> no one could have been happier with starr's aggressive approach than newt gingrich and the republicans. >> there's been a sea change in politics. >> we are winning. >> they swept the congress in 1994. >> this is an earthquake. >> preaching a new gospel of orth box kovism. >> newt gingrich reshapes the conservative party we do this. we don't compromise with the democrats. >> president clinton became the democrat the republicans despiced the most. he was morally corrupt they
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said. >> i experimented with marijuana. didn't inhale. >> i was bill clinton's lover for ten years. >> and a womanizer. >> these tabloid accusations are false. >> they viewed him as an imposter as president. >> the law is the law. the law is sacred. >> meanwhile, ken starr had been digging into the clintons for more than two years to no avail. his investigation was winding down. >> i'm not going to be making any statements. >> then out of the blue, some explosive tape recordings came his way. >> i never expected to feel this way about him. >> conversations with monica lewinsky. >> we fooled around. >> that were secretly recorded by her coworker linda tripp. >> if you get to orgasm that's having sex. >> no it's not. >> yes, it is. >> no, it's not. >> starr expanded his investigation further to look into lewinsky.
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>> my reaction was that's nuts. i couldn't believe starr was going down this road. >> do you understand, sir, that your answers to my questions today are testimony that is being given under oath? >> yes. >> starr learned the president was testifying about lewinsky in another matter. >> it's just humiliating what he did to me. >> a sexual harassment lawsuit brought by paula jones. >> your testimony is subject to the penalty of perjury. do you understand that, sir? >> i do. >> in his testimony, clinton was not truthful about lewinsky. >> i have never had sexual relations with monica lewinsky. i never had an affair with her. starr now had a case for perjury. >> there's new allegations of perjury for president clinton. >> over the next months all hell broke loose. >> charges of sex, lies and audio tapes. >> clinton kept denying the affair. >> there's no improper relationship. the allegations i have read are
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not true. >> but starr was able to get monica lewinsky's dress that had clinton's deny on it. the president was forced to tell the truth. >> indeed i did have a relationship with miss lewinsky that was not appropriate. in fact, it was wrong. >> this goes into considerable details. >> there was semen on that dress. >> many viewers might find it offensive. >> brihe released -- living 11 possible grounlds for impeachment, including lying under oath and obstruction of justice. it's easy to forget in hindsight, but bill clinton was in real danger of being pushed out of office. many of his fellow democrats were furious with him. >> let justice be done though the heavens fall. >> they came to the white house like the republicans did with nixon in 1974 and said, your time's up, that would have been it. but clinton, the ultimate comeback kid. >> i never should have misled
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the country. >> was able to rally the party and the country back to his side. >> i will continue to do all i can to reclaim the trust of the american people and serve them well. >> his may have been reprehensible but he was farley the target impeachment was designed for. the american public agreed. the democrats score a shocking upset, gaining seats in the house. >> the lewinsky issue didn't carry any weight. >> newt gingrich who predict add a big republican victory lost his job as speaker. >> shoulders the blame for a disappointing election. >> smeechimpeachment is a two-e sword. you may intend to use it against your executive enemy, but it could hurt you even more politically. >> president clinton was thrilled, thinking he was in the clear. >> on capitol hill tom delay is
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known as the hammer. >> but hard core conservatives led by house majority whip tom delay were hell bent on impeaching him any way. >> we have witnessed history. >> the house impeached bill clinton almost entirely on party lines. >> on this article of impeachment -- >> in the senate he was easily acquitted. >> william jefferson clinton is not guilty. >> in retrospect, the 1998-99 effort to impeach clinton is viewed as a partisan endeavor because the american people spoke in the midterms in '98 and said, we don't want to impeach this president. >> after the trial, congress took the law that created ken starr's job and let it die. >> new york i'm not going to comment. >> a bipartisan acknowledgement that things had gone too far. >> women may be silent no more! >> but today, in the me too era,
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clinton's impeachment is being seriously reconsidered. his affair with a young intern seen by many as an abuse of power. >> my greatest mentor, hillary clinton. >> democrat kirsten gillibrand who holds hillary clinton's old senate seat -- >> women's voices matter -- >> said in 2017 that bill clinton should have retine signed. >> the kind of behavior that was tolerated long ago would never be tolerated today and we can't allow it to be tolerated today. this is hal. this is hal's heart. it's been broken. and put back together. this is also hal's heart. and this is hal's relief, knowing he's covered.
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president trump refusing to cooperate with the impeachment inquiry. >> the house impeachment inquiry is turning into a battle royale. >> donald trump is refusing to comply with the impeachment inquiry in the house of representatives. >> nancy pelosi, she hands out subpoenas like they're cookies. you want a subpoena? here you go, take them. like they're cookies. >> the president is keeping congress from getting the facts we need. >> how do you impeach somebody that's going a great job? >> noah feldman says the president's defiance plunged the country into a constitutional crisis. >> when congress is trying to investigate it must have cooperation from the othering branches of government. we are in a crisis. >> despite white house orders not to testify, a string of current and former high level official haves come forward, some with damning evidence of donald trump. >> they know they can't win the
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2020 election sock they're pursuing the insane impeachment witch-hunt. >> trump likes to paint impeachment as a partisan war and the strategy is work inning. that's because in the last few decades impeachment has often been used as a political weapon. >> the impeachment went from being something that you use only in moment of crisis. >> impeach obama! >> to something you use every day. that is a horrible development for the american people. >> the country supported president bush as he took to united states into battle to destroy saddam hussein's weapon of mass destruction, but there were none and the a, pacing of iraq was a tragic mess. >> bush killed my son!
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>> an anti-war movement moved quickly and used impeachment as a weapon. >> bring down the war criminals like bush. he needs to be impeached. >> but the leader of the democrats, nancy pelosi, wanted none of it. >> impeachment is off the table. >> disagreements over policy were not intended by the founders to be the basis for a serious attempt at impeachment. >> it's not a crime or a misdemeanor under the constitution to make a mistake. >> after bush's mistake, the country was totally polarized in its view of the president and the partisan gap was the widest ever recorded. >> the president of the united states and the vice president -- [ crowd booing ] >> impeachment fever would only get worse under the next president. >> change has come to america. >> in 2008, barack obama was
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elected on a promise to help heal the country's extreme partisan divide. >> yes we can! >> but the candidate who had campaigned on yes we can ran into a wall of republican opposition. >> hell no, you can't! >> the tea party formed around an almost fanatical opposition to barack obama. in 2010 it propelled a wave of new republicans to congress. >> what does it feel like? >> it feels bad. >> this new hyperpartisan congress presided over a growing impeachment movement. >> when you promise you're out to impeach the president you can make a name for yourself. you can raise money. you can rally the base. >> impeach her. >> yeah. >> hey, really? >> impeachment is not supposed to be used as a rallying cry. both sides plaid around it. >> impeachment campaign against
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president bush and obama never gained legitimacy or legislative support so one could argue, who cares? it's only talk. >> few play around with impeachment that way, over time the american people are going to misunderstand it's constitutional power and it's a necessity. >> when barack obama left office, he was more popular than george bush. but the gap between the people who loved him and who hated him was even larger than it had been with president bush. the deep polarization of the last few years is the worst in american history, with one exception -- the period around the civil war. on april 15, 1865, president abraham lincoln was assassinated. the country was still deeply divided by civil war. enter andrew johnson.
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johnson was a southern democrat whoem whom lincoln picked to create a national unity incompetent the. there's few things historians agreed upon, but this is one -- johnson was one of the america's worst presidents. >> he was a racist neoconfederate who was dead set against congress's prom of rekruks the south. republicans in congress despiced andrew johnson. >> he stood for the oppression of african-americans whom a war had just been fought to liberate. >> president johnson vetoed nearly all the measures to give civil liberties and representation to blacks. the republican congress decided to wage a political war. >> they set an impeachment trap for him. that trap was dualed tcalled th of office trap. >> they set a law that said he could not fire his own cabinet members. >> when they fired edward
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stanton, the house approved 11 articles of impeachment against him one which accused the president of bringing congress into ridicule and disgrace. >> their entire approach was partisan and ideology calm however bad a president andrew johnson was, there were no grounds to remove him. >> the country was one vote away from removing president andrew johnson from office, essentially because congress did not like him or his policies. >> johnson basically agreed to cease all of the behavior that had been problematic, to go along with the congressional reconstruction program. >> historians today call it -- johnson's impeachment would serve as a warning of the consequences of a partisan impeachment in a sharply divided country. >> it raises blood pressures and in some perverse ways it makes impeachment harder to use when
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on this crucial issue, i know that many people have quickly taken up firm and unalterable positions. i have not. i think that impeachment is a nuclear option to be undertaken in the most extreme circumstances. the best mechanism to remove bad leaders in a democracy is through elections. >> impeach donald trump! >> in today's already deeply polarized climate -- >> why are you doing this? >> an impeachment will only make
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the rules worse and the healing more difficult. but, as i have written in "the washington post" the events of the past few months have led me to support an impeachment inquiry. let me explain why now and not before. >> russia, if you're listening -- >> i believe that donald trump's campaign did some shady things in dealing with the russians. and he seemed too eggager covert up but i thought that robert mueller was right to paint a somewhat ambiguous picture. and that wasn't enough for me to call for impeachment. >> integrity and accountability. >> but trump's efforts to pressure the ukrainian government are different. if pears that acting as the president using the machinery of the united states he threatened to withhold taxpayer funds for his personal political gain.
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that is the definition of abuse of power. even many of trump's defenders argue that what he did was undoubtedly bad but claim that it does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense. what has been far more troubling is trump's refusal to cooperate with the impeachment inquiry. >> they're pursuing an illegal, invalid, and unconstitutional bull [ bleep ] impeachment. [ cheers and applause ] >> other presidents have contested a specific subpoena or request for documents. donald trump is effectively rejecting congress's ability to hold him accountable at all. the rule of law has been built over centuries in the western world, but it remains fragile. because it's based on a bluff. the bluff is that at the highest level everyone will respect the rules, even though it might not always be possible to enforce
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complian compliance. the rule at the heart of the u.s. system is the separation of powers. the founders' greatest fear was that too much power in the hands of government would mean the end of liberty. so they ensured the power was shared and that each branch would act as a check on the other. the crucial feature for james madison, the chief architect of the constitution, was giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments of the others. as he explained in federalist 51, "ambition must be made to counteract ambition." but the system only works if all sides respect it. congress doesn't have an army or police force at its disposal. nor does the supreme court. tese branches rely on the president to accept their authority and enforce their laws and rulings. when the supreme court held unanimously that richard m. nixon could not use executive privilege to withhold the
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watergate tapes, president nixon immediately agreed to comply, even though he knew it would mean the end of his presidency. >> there is the president waving good-bye. >> all modern u.s. presidents, both republican and democratic, have expanded their powers, and that expansion has been excessive in the past few decades. but donald trump is on a different planet. >> i alone can fix it. [ cheers and applause ] >> he has refused to comply with wholly constitutional legislative requests for documents, information, and testimony. were his position to prevail, the u.s. president would become an elected dictator. democrats, meanwhile, are on firm constitutional ground but are being politically unwise. they should ensure that this impeachment inquiry looks and is fair. >> in this committee the staff was non-partisan.
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and i must give credit where credit is due for a fair presentation. >> they should follow the precedents laid down during the last two such investigations. >> the yeas are 228. the nays are 206. article 1 is adopted. >> impeachment is a political process, which means public support is vital. >> do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you give today shall be the truth -- >> the inquiry should be undertaken as a great act of public education. about the specifics of this case but also the american system of checks and balances. a democracy can turn into a tyranny. not all at once with a bang but over time. officials, even elected, even popular, can simply weaken and then dispense with constitutional constraints or legislative checks. liberty is eroded slowly but irreversib irreversibly. germany's weimar republic was a well-functioning liberal
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democracy, and within a few short years using mostly legal processes it became a totalitarian dictatorship. >> [ speaking foreign language ]. >> in the long history of the world liberal democracy has been a brief fragile experiment. if we look away now as it is being undermined, unwilling to deal with the discomfort or disruption, we might all live to regret it. those are my thoughts. but you should make up your own mind about this issue, which really is central to america's democracy and its future. i'm fareed zakaria. thanks for watching. bout vacuumg for months. the roomba i7+ with clean base automatic dirt disposal and allergenlock™ bags that trap 99% of allergens, so they don't escape back into the air. if it's not from irobot, it's not a roomba™
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my first announcement is one i think you've all been waiting for. >> politicians have been lying and bull [ bleep ] and flip-flopping since the beginning of time. >> i'm the best. only i need to understand. >> i'm mostly pissed off that not enough people are pissed off. >> politicians are very visible and they tend to be liars, which is great, so you can really go after them. i [ bleep ] hate those [ bleep ]. >> it's making me angry and i feel like screaming. but i'm unsure about how far my neck veins can safely bulge out of my neck. >> political humor now that it's
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