tv Reliable Sources CNN November 10, 2019 8:00am-9:00am PST
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with esri location technology, you can see what others can't. ♪ welcome to a special edition of reliable sources. a viewer's guide to the impeachment inquiry. this hour bill moiiers is here with a challenge for pbs. anthony scaramucci will be here with a new prediction about president trump to share. we'll go behind the scenes with three congressional reporters, including mu knew raju. plus we'll go way back to the beginning of the ukraine scandal and see how sean hannity was involved from the beginning. first, the big show begins
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on wednesday. public hearings in the runup to a house vote on impeachment. on one level it's a television show. on another it's a test for democracy and a test for the american press. let me start with three things we know right now. and three things we don't. first, we know that we should tune in for the hearings and tune out the spin. some people are going to insult your intelligence in the days ahead. they're going to say the ukraine scandal is complicated and there's too many players. some of them are already saying that. >> it's not a sexy scandal. this is about a transcript of a phone call with a country no one cares about. no one can find ukraine on a map. >> come on, man. if you don't think your viewers can find ukraine on a map, then pull up a map. help them find it. that's the next thing we know. the owness is on reporters, not pundits like jess si waters but reporters to help people navigate through the story. media shapes the public's
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understanding of issues for better or worse. these words media encompasses everything. it's incumbent to seek out high sources of information. some people are going to tell you it's a bust no matter what. they're cooking up talking points for after the hearings. don't buy into the predictable prebaked narratives. the third thing we know through all of this trump is going to keep repeating some dumb lies like his claim he has 95% among republicans. he says this over and over again. he said it again yesterday. the message is everyone is standing by him. no republican dare defect. in reality, trump's approval rating among republicans is from 74 % to 90% depending on the recent poll. i bring this up because some of the distortions do matter. and ultimately, this impeachment process is about trust and abuse of power.
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through force trump is going to try to convince you that this is just about a single phone call. and his fox friends are going to try to help him try. journalists will have to fight for a well informed public. hen he says it's about a phone call, fact checkers have to say it's about a month's long attempt to pressure a foreign leader to help trump's elections. we no this. here are throw things we don't know. how low will the deception go? how deep will the deceit go? he's constantly contradicting himself saying slogans again. one minute he says read the transcript of the call, the next he says adam schiff is going to doctor the transcripts. he says it should be public and then objects to televised hearings. the number two thing we don't know is from a tv standpoint, will people tune in?
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will people tune in? this is at least on one level a television show that's about to unfold. will the democrats put on a powerful first episode? will they convince people to keep watching? i noticed this in lauren fox's story this weekend. a democratic house leadership aide telling lauren the first hour of the hearing and the first hearing has got to be a block buster. it's true from a political standpoint, the first episode matters a lot. in the same way in hollywood the first episode of a show hooks you or doesn't. will the dems deliver? that's an unknown. and number three, most importantly, forget the tv part. from a democracy standpoint, will americans care? will any of this matter? sometimes it seems like nothing matters anymore in the trump age. don't buy that. it matters if we believe it does. here to does is someone really special. bill moyers was a white house press secretary during linden
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johnson and headed to major networks. you probably know him as a long time host on pbs. he's with me in new york for a special one on one interview. thank you for joining me. >> my pleasure. >> you have been around a little longer than me. you covered water gate and the clinton impeachment. on the eve of another impeachment inquiry hearings this weekend, do you fear for the country? >> for the first time in my long life, and i was born in the depression, lived through world war ii, have been a part of politics and government for all these years yes, for the first time because i -- a society, a democracy can die of too many lies. and we're getting close to that terminal moment unless we reverse the obsession with lies that are being fed around the country. >> will people care this week? will democracy hold up through this process? >> some people will always care. we have to remember that we need
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to serve those people who will get up in the morning and watch the hearings, come home at night and watch the hearings because they really want to be confused. they want to be -- they want to understand. they want to cut through. >> cut through the confusion. >> yeah. the lies. we have to be concerned with them. then we have to think about how do we reach the people who don't care? do facts matter anymore? i think they do. i think they mattered in the water gate hearings, the clinton hearings and i think they'll matter this time. i listened this morning to donald trump's rally in louisiana. it was astonishing. he shouted at his audience, and they responded. they believed everything he said. i'm hoping only 10% of those people come and watch the hearings in toto. they'll see it's not a witch hunt, and they'll begin to doubt their master. and they will begin to break off and maybe become a citizen again instead of a partisan. >> so when he says coupe and hoax, even if many of his
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supporters believe that, it just takes 10% perhaps, you're saying? >> i think in a close election, as you know, he's strong in many states even though he's not popular. i think his chances of winning like most people are pretty good. so that's -- we have to keep that in mind. it might be only a slight shift in the swing states. but of people who begin to doubt the lies and begin to live by something else. >> you mentioned a challenge to pbs, your former long time home saying pbs should rebroadcast the hearings in prime time. for folks who are out and about at work or at school at noon or 1 p.m., they should be able to watch in prime time. how important is this? why did you decide to issue this challenge? >> these are my friends and colleagues for many years, as you say. i'm so old i can look back and see how the trends have changed. they don't remember the water gate hearings. but i remember in 1973 when pbs
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was under fierce attack from richard nixon and his cronies, pbs did a very brave thing. they forecast the hearings not only during the day, but at night. so that people who are working and can't watch it during the day can come home if they want to, if they're part of that 10% who really care, and watch the whole drama unfold. brian, right next to where i live, seven or eight construction workers are putting a new roof on the church next door to us. they work hard all day. they're very -- they're expert in what they do. it's a hard and dangerous job. when they go home at night, if only one of those seven or eight want to watch the hearings as they occurred during the day, it's hard to find them. pbs is going to put them on a small sub digital -- a digital sub channel. >> the world channel? i have to be honest, i'd never heard of it before. the sub channel where they're
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going to show the -- they're going to show the hearings at night, but you're saying that's no replacement for showing them on the main channel. >> the world has some fine programs on it, but here in new york as you indicated, the channel is channel 1728, i think. hard to find. and world across the country reaches only half. the workman, if he's a citizen as well as a contractor, if he wants to see it and make up his own mind about what he's seeing, there's very little chance except on c-span for them to do that. i think even though the universe of our business has changed in these last 40-something years, that pbs has a public service obligation almost a duty to carry it for people who don't -- can't be at home and watch it during the day. >> its a makes me think about the responsibility that other networks, other news rooms have at this moment in time to try to help people be as well informed as possible. you wrote in your column
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recently that ep sodic coverage of the news is not enough. i wonder if you could expand on what you mean. >> my colleague, long-time colleague, we met during the water gate hearings, michael winship, and i wrote the two columns on common dreams at our job is to slice and dice the events of the day as they occur or the day after, but you don't get the whole story there. if you want to get the whole story with the frame of the narrative of water gate, you needed to watch the whole hearings. if you want to get the whole story of trumpgate, you need to watch the whole hearing. not just the episodes that occur every day which you and others will handle in a professional way. but connecting the dots, telling the story, putting the whole picture up there. it's a puzzle. this is a complex puzzle. but it's also a momentous moment in america's life. only two presidents have ever been impeached.
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the third, richard nixon, would have been impeached had he not resigned. this is a moment in american history where the arc of justice will either be bent forward or it will be bent back ward. so everyone who wants to see it should have the chance to see the whole story. you don't -- it's like watching a football game and on the bottom of the screen, they put up the scores of other games. you know who is ahead and who is behind, but you don't know how the game is being played. if you watch these hearings coming up, and you should have a chance to watch them in prime time, and don't just leave it to the pundits and analysts. that's good as far as it goes. you will see the game being played. the game of politics at its most dangerous and as i said, momentum point. >> i wondered if there's something to be said for language at this momentous point as well. a letter in the new york times says from 33 writers words matter. please stop saying quid pro quo.
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and then there's a column in the atlantic as well getting to the same point saying it's not about a quid pro quo. bribery is at the heart of the ukraine allegations. if the rough transcript of trump's call is accurate and if the testimonies are accurate, trump was soliciting a bribe. we've got to choose our words carefully. >> i think it's a shakedown like many other people do. >> a shakedown. >> and i think you'll see that. let me say one final thing which is you never know what's going to happen in the hearing. during the nixon hearings, people did not know about the tapes until it was said there is a tape. he did not know about the tape that was the incriminating hammer that drove nixon out of office until the hearing brought it out. i've been wondering if there isn't a tape recording of the conversation with the president with the president of ukraine. i wonder if there isn't something that might come out in the hearings and blow it open as the tape of nixon telling the cia, telling the fbi to -- the
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cia to stop the fbi from investigating water gate. could be. but other than that, you have a group of informed people who were inside, civil servants who are putting the story together piece by piece. that's very important. >> but we don't know what we don't know. we don't know how this is going to end. that's the point. bill, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. thank you. quick break here. and then behind the scenes on capitol hill. three reporters in washington who have been trying to get lawmakers to talk. they'll join us for their behind the scenes stories next.
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when the impeachment hearings begin on wednesday, you're going to see special coverage everywhere. on abc, nbc, cbs. you'll sea the hearings on facebook and see team coverage here on cnn. and yes, fox news will show the hearings live. local stations will have the option of airing the hearings or not. it's up to individual stations. let's be honest, most people will not watch every minute live. this is an internet impeachment. think about your own media habits these days. you probably soak up information like a sponge from lots of sources and feeds. so these hearings will be clipped and digested, condensed and remixed, distorted, mocked and so on. it will be reality tv. but on the front line in the room will be capitol hill reporters like manu raw jaju,
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capturing this historic moment as it happens. joining me now is manu in washington along the melanie zanona, and addie baird. is this a sleepless days and nights stake out situation for capitol hill reporters? >> that's what it's been like here on capitol hill. the depositions have taken place behind closed doors. they've been going ten hours. the members don't have their cell phones. we're trying to get information that's why sometimes you're not getting the details until days later. the other thing is it's really a historic moment on capitol hill. impeachment, in fact, has become a tourist attraction. staffers have been taking tour groups past the depositions and people have been trying to take pictures with us and ask us questions about what's going on. we also saw people that came for the impeachment resolution vote. a lot of history buffs, civic nerds, curious citizens.
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i expect we'll see the same thing during the impeachment hearings. >> manu, what is this like compared to a normal time on capitol hill? is there is such a thing? does it feel different? >> it's exhausting, but also this is for me, i've been covering washington for almost two decades now. this is probably the most if not the hardest assignment i've had to cover because of the stakes that are involved because of the media environment that we're in and because as melanie said, there's so much information that is significant information that's happening behind closed doors that's happening for hours and hours at a time. and being able to pry loose individual pieces of information is hard. and also important to do, because there's such an insatiable demand for information about exactly what lawmakers are learning to build the case for impeachment. so you add that up with the intense competition, with the stakes that are at play, the media environment and how
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challenging it is to cover the room where these depositions are taking place behind closed door. there are multiple entrances and exits that we in the press have to cover for members who are coming in and out, and, of course, all of us are looking at all the different answers to try to get the people who can provide the information. this is all added up to a challenging environment, and this is only phase one. this has been six weeks behind closed doors. it feels like six years behind closed doors, but six weeks. when we get to the public phase, the intensity only increases. in the closed door sessions you came up by name, manu. fiona hill was asked about you. there was a leak during her testimony. someone was trying to figure out if she was the leaker? what happened? >> that's right. in the testimony there are questions from a republican council who asked her how i got information during her deposition. and she contended she didn't talk to me, didn't know me. and she said that the only time she left their view was when she went to the bathroom.
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she insisted i was not in the bathroom talking to her. she said she did not have her phone. i can attest. i did not talk to her while she was in the bathroom. it does she you it's so hard to get information because the rules are so strict act what information can be shared. and information is leaked, there's a witch hunt to find out who is the leaker. that makes it harder for the press to do our jobs to understand what's going on. every time there's a witch hunt, more and more sources clam up. >> addi yerks we', we've been g transcripts from depositions. there's been this obsession among republicans trying to name the whistleblower, to find out the identity and name the whistleblower. some of this is in the depositions as well. the identity remains a secret. to reporters like you, do people at buzz feed know the name of the whistleblower? >> we don't know the name of the whistleblower.
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we know the name is that is circulating in right wing eviden media. we don't know for sure who it is, and legally the whistleblower is entitled to be anonymous. >> so is there a point where you think you would name the person if you figured it out? >> we had an interesting conversation about this in our news room recently. and where we have sort of come down is it's not in the public interest, actually. and someone said reporters put the name of people who want to be private out in public all the time. but i think that this is an interesting situation. where the whistleblower, again, is legally entitled to be anonymous. but the other really important thing, you know, i would argue it's not necessarily in the public interest to release the whistleblower's name. because we have so many other people who are testifying behind these closed doors who will be testifying in public. we know their names and who they are. and they're corroborating what
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the whistleblower said. i think that it would be very unlikely for outlets to ever publish the name. >> facebook and youtube are taking action. we can put facebook's statement on screen. they say they're removing the content that names the potential whistleblower because it violates facebook standards. twitter not removing the content. melanie, where do you come down? >> i agree. i think at this point the whistleblower's identity is irrelevant. so many other witnesses have corroborated the complaint, the core of the complaint. we are going to see the claims made in public in front of the american people and they can vet those people and the american people can decide. and the other component of this, of course, is the safety concerns with outing this person's identity. that's another reason why this person is entitled to the protections under law. that's why you haven't heard many say the name outloud. it's interesting you haven't heard a single republican say the name of this person. >> let me get one line from each
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of you about how you're preparing for the televised hearings. manu, you first, how are you preparing for televised reading week? >> we had the reading of the testimony released so far. we have a good sense on what these three witnesses in particular are going to be talking about. my question for me is how the republicans and democrats who are going to be questioning their line of questioning, what they are trying to prove to the american public, how republicans will try to undermine the credibility of the witnesses. how the democrats try to push out, pry out the narrative that we've been hearing time and time again. that's going to be a big question for me. ultimately, what the questions are going to be, how they are able to get that information out from these witnesses. that's going to be behind the scenes work we deal with. >> melanie, one line, one sentence in prep? >> rereading depositions, packing snacks and bringing a flat pair of shoes. >> how about you, addi sne. >> a lot of coffee. >> all right.
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thank you all very much. great to see you. wednesday morning is when it starts. coming up here, trump's deputy vice president sean hannity, how he's been tangled up in the impeachment probe. we have all the details in just a moment. companies, in a multitude of countries, where we get to know the people that drive a company's growth and gain new perspectives. that's why we go beyond the numbers. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. some farms grow food. this one grows fuel. ♪ exxonmobil is growing algae for biofuels. that could one day power planes, propel ships, and fuel trucks...
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all of the newly released testimony reveals a lot about right wing media planting the seeds for what has become this massive ukraine scandal and pilot inquiry. the testimony highlights how figures like sean hannity have played this role as shadow foreign policy advisers for trump. working with rudy giuliani, all these guys were starting this conspiracy theory and among other things they helped force out the former ambassador, former u.s. ambassador to the ukraine. here is what ya van vich said. when asked if they had the desire to get her fired, she said yes, it appears to be the case. when asked if it worked she replied, yes. and this is just one of many glimpses we get of how right
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wing media has stoked conspiracy fires about ukraine. let's talk about it with our panel in new york. jess mcintosh, also max boot, and tarad aldel. a former contestant of the apprentice. you talk about deny and deflect. do you have any reason to think anything is going to change throughout the process? are we going to continue to live onto alternative universes? >> the only thing that will change is i think the right wing media will ramp up and be more aggressive. right now what they're doing is giving us a glimpse of the strategy moving forward. that strategy is going to be more robust and comprehensive. sean hannity is functioning as a de facto adviser. he's also a chief spokesperson for the trump administration.
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any time trump has an issue with something, hannity goes on the attack. he went so far on his own radio show, this is widely reported, it bears repeating. he attacked fox news's only polling about president trump on his radio show. questioned the validity of the polling of his own employer. >> that is where we are. it's a strange situation. max, you've written about the roots of the scandal and how hannity keeps coming up in the transcripts. he's named more than a dozen names in just one of them. what's the significance of the idea that this was going on on fox news and on the hill's website six months ago? >> well, there's no question, brian, he's the de facto -- the way he and others like tucker carlson operate has erased all the lanes between what's the media and what's the government? because they are both in the government and in the media. and they are a very powerful
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megaphone. they're spreading lies, conspiracy theories, crazy stuff. and listening to you talk to bill earlier, made me wonder what would have happened with fox news would have been around for water gate to push a crazy theory with nixon being the victim of the democrats, maybe he would have survived. it's a powerful tool right now for mobilizing the trump base which is about 35% of the public, the hard core base. they live in an alternative reality where they're not seeing the evidence. they're seeing the crazy conspiracy theories and they believe them. >> wonder will impeachment hearings live on television change any minds? you know, these are going to be on fox like every other channel. let's put on the screen, james comey's hours of testimony. about 30 million people watching. how many people are watching on tv over six hours.
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mueller was the least well rated of any of the big tv events. i suspect this week will be a higher rated event. it will be all over the place, but i do wonder if it will change any minds or if everyone is going to dig in deeper. >> i think you'll see a lot of digging in deeper. i think there are plenty of americans who have not had the time to devote the energy to the story that maybe we in the media have. we're seeing really disturbing things coming out of the transcripts released over the last week. the most disturbing i thought aside from the open extortion of a foreign government was the fact that the secretary of state had to call sean hannity to find out how the president was feeling about an ambassador. that was so shocking, and it just threw into really high relief that hannity and rudy giuliani have been operating as unelected, unappointed foreign policy executors for our country which is deeply disturbing. the entire hillary clinton email
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scandal boiled down to doing government work through proper channels and whether or not that happened. here we are talking about a man who butt dials reporters, took his iphone into a genius bar. apparently texted his pass word to another reporter. >> you're saying rudy giuliani is not the next text savvy guy? >> he might not be the one i want in charge of my national security secrets? >> some people who are not paying attention. news junkies have heard it all but maybe most haven't? >> i agree. most people are not paying attention. it's not their job to pay attention in the way that it is people in the media. so i think people are raising their children, they're working multiple jobs. they're engaging in activities around their lives. things that are sort of critical path items for the average american family. so no, they're not paying attention. i think the whole point of impeachment will be to focus people on all of these abuses in
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one setting. and then when you have -- whether they can watch it live on tv as you stated before, they will reverberate anything that happens during the hearings, the live hearings will reverberate through the media. people will start to get this information in a much more focussed manner, and a more comprehensive manner on social media beyond. i think that's why this is important, because it allows people to hear all of these abuses in a very focussed way. >> in a focussed way. >> yeah. from the people. a lot of these people are people that trump hand picked. these are the people making the allegations. >> reminders about that on the graphic on the bottom of the screen. waters said this is not a sexy scandal. do you think it is? >> i think it's a major league scandal, brian. i don't know if it's sexy or not. i don't know what the definition of a sexy scandal is. >> you're right. we should leave that for another time. >> this is the worst wrong doing we've seen by a president of the united states in our history. he tried to extort a foreign
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country using appropriated military aid in order to help his political campaign. this is worse than anything that nixon did. i don't care if fox anchors tiefind this sexy or not, this is serious. this is our constitution at state. >> whatever happens with the president, the daily beast says he's talking about making a tv show in the future. do you buy it? >> i absolutely buy that. >> trump denies that. >> of course. >> he denies a lot of thing thes. >> he denies everything. he likes the adulation. having a show after this where he can go back to where h -- his claim to name was the apprentice. that's where he got all the attention, the global platform. to go back to that where people liked him, i think is where he wants to be. he's been booed twice. he wants to go back to the adulation. >> he was cheered yesterday at
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the football game. >> people were told they would lose their seats if they didn't. >> a quick break on reliable sources. after the break, someone who has been a frequent fox news guest, a former fox news employee. i want to talk about the changing dynamics of the network. anthony scaramucci joins me after the break. ♪when you pine for the sunshine of a friendly gaze.♪ ♪for the holidays you can't beat home sweet home.♪ the united states postal service goes the extra mile to bring your holidays home.
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>> good morning. >> wasn't that brief, by the way? 11 days in the white house, but it was about nine months in the campaign and transition. >> that's true. you were working at fox as a commentator and host and you had to sever that relationship to go over to the transition team. >> yeah. i was hosting wall treat week. when i was announced on the transition team, i had to pull the hosting job. >> how much has fox news changed in the trump era? >> i think there are certain commentators who have made a decision they're in the tank for the president. whatever he's doing they have the fox news kaleidoscope. a way that makes the president n look well. a couple decided to do that. what are you going to do? shepard smith left the channel. judge napalatono, more objective. but i think there's elements of a business model there, brian, where they're galvanizing a lot
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of viewers. your last panel described it. the president has always felt like an outsider. when you're on outsider, they're susceptible to conspiracy theories. it's one of the reasons he brought someone in like mayor giuliani to run that shadow system. he always felt like he was outside of the system. i think that's where a lot of the problems have come in for the president. >> when you say trump supporters belong to a cult, and maybe the fox commentators do, what's your evidence? why say a word like that? >> if you go to my twitter feed, i put out the ten things that you could look at to see if you yourself are in a cult. and what are those one things? someone is lying and you're accepting the lies as truth. number two, they're suggesting they're the only person that is telling the truth. everyone else, brian stelter is an example, all of cnn, msnbc are telling the lies. the cult leader is telling the truth. third thing, you're disafacted.
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the president capitalized on. i wrote in my book that there was a vacuum of advocacy for white blue collar workers over the last three decades. that was malpractice by both establishment republicans and establishment democrats. he exploited that. even though his policies have failed the people, he still represents an avatar for their anger. they're going to stick with him until the spell breaks. >> you have predicted the president is not going to last much longer. he's going to resign? >> yeah. there's an overwhelming cascade of the evidence. this is the starting of the water fall. it's one thing when things are behind closed doors. it's another thing when it's open theater and you can see the lack of constitutionality and the process with the president. i think it's not just a ukrainian call. there will be other elements of the story that unfold where people say wait a minute,
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there's a combination of incompetence and a combination of a destruction of the executive branch of the united states. in addition to the lawlessness. and traitor-like behavior. there's no question. if you're -- >> strong word. >> what word would you use? you're on the phone with the president of the ukraine, and you're strong arming him to have him go after your political opponent? that is -- you have become a traitor of the constitution and the laws of the united states. do you want to pretend it's not a traitor-like behavior. you can continue to gas like. one of the problems is we have such respect for the american presidency and the institution of the presidency. the man in that office right now is the successor to abraham lincoln, george washington. we normalize something that is abnormal.
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we have to call him into account for what is going on. this is full blown traitor activity. once it's exposed, it's up to the american people. what i'm shocked by as we sit here today, a couple days after election day, i'm shocked that republican leadership have not disavowed this person. i'm shocked they would put their partisan interests and their self-preservation to stay in power over the law. and the system of the united states that has led to such prosperity and such freedom for so many people. >> you're talking about mcconnell. >> gop leaders. you're going to have a person above the law now. this would be the first time in 243 years where there's a group of politicians inside saying you know what? we're going to allow this one person to be above the law. every other person has been entoord gnat to the law for the last 243 law which has led to a great system of liberty and a great system of prosperity. but in order for us to stay in
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power, somebody has clearly broken the law and doing dishonest thing. very un-american things, i might add. forget about the bullying and style points. i'm talking about the illegality, if they're going to allow that to take place, it's dangerous for the country. >> let's take a break. i'm going to ask you about george conway's idea. much more on "reliable sources". we see patterns. relationships. when you use location technology, you can see where things happen, before they happen. with esri location technology, you can see what others can't. ♪ it also has the highest growth in manufacturing jobs in the us. it's a competition for the talent. employees need more than just a paycheck.
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lets the immune system attack, attack, attack cancer. pd-l1 transformed, revolutionized, immunotherapy. pd-l1 saved my life. saved my life. saved my life. what we do here at dana-faber, changes lives everywhere. everywhere. everywhere. everywhere. everywhere. we are back on "reliable sources" with anthony scaramucci. i was struck by this week's political news nontrump related.
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it's michael bloomberg thinking about getting into the race. there was a tweet by kellyanne conway's husband george. conway said that would be the greatest thing he could do for the country, the idea being if you change the content on fox news, moved it away from it's pro trump bent it would change politics in the country. >> it's a cute idea. i don't see the mayor doing that. i applaud him coming into the race. he's a very established guy. he's a very practical guy. he'll add a voice that's needed in the race. as it relates to fox news, their business model will shift after the 2020 election. it's not clear to me they'll stay at the enterprise they are. if they're sold, that wouldn't come as a surprise either. i think the current business model, the pundits at night is in the process of shifting. >> why would fox be sold after the election?
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>> i think when you listen to their interviews, it may or may not be part of their long-term strategy. i get the sense it may not. this is speculation of me as a money manager looking at their core assets. i think the system that was set up by roger ailes and the way fox news is produced in prime time, i think the expiration date of that is coming. my prediction is after the 2020 election you'll see different levels there. >> you were in the white house. now stephanie gris ham is press secretary. let's put the number of times she's held press briefings versus the number of times she's been on fox news. >> i'm 1-0.
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>> you had one time at the podium. >> i understand what's going on there unfortunately for her. i like stephanie. i know her a long time. he's the sun king in many ways. there's only one spotlight in the trump administration and that's on the president. there can be no co-stars. there can be no disruption of that activity. all press relates back to him. one of the biggest problems is america has is he's searching his name trump as opposed to u.s.a. >> quick break. that's why we're offering 50% off family lines for military, veterans and first responders. so they can stay connected, on our newest, most powerful signal ever. and now, we are also offering half off our top samsung phones for military, veterans and first responders. our service is just one way we say thank you... for theirs.
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♪ tothe problem is corporationsfix anything.owing. and the people who run and own them have purchased our democracy. here's the difference between me and the other candidates. i don't think we can fix our democracy from the inside. i don't believe washington politicians and big corporations will let that happen. the only way we can make change happen is from the outside. for me, this comes down to whether you trust the politicians or the people. and if you say you trust the people, are you willing to stand up to the insiders and the big corporations, and give the people the tools they need to fix our democracy. a national referendum. term limits. eliminating corporate money in politics. making it easy to vote. i trust the people. and as president, i will give you tools we need to fix our democracy. i'm tom steyer, and i approve this message.
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