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tv   Tricky Dick  CNN  December 21, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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one more year! >> it exhausts people. >> it's lying. don't do it. >> exhausting but necessary. >> president trump i think fairly deliberately missed the point there. ♪ ♪ every inauguration has its special grandeur. i suppose the special grandeur of this one is the game that was played with president nixon. eight years ago he was defeated for president of the united states. something few politicians recover from. six years ago he was defeated for the governorship of california and quit politics, something no politician has ever recovered from and he's back today the winner to be sworn in as the 37th president of the united states.
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>> the greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker. [ crowd chanting "end the war in vietnam" ] >> this honor now beckons america. this is our summons to greatness and i believe the american people are ready to answer this call. >> as the presidential motorcade moved west on pennsylvania avenue, the president passed a group of peace demonstrators. >> people are throwing things into the street now. >> let's go. let's go. let's go. >> as we move toward the end of this inaugural day, the title president nixon yearns for most is that of peacemaker. so we wish our new president well and all the luck in the world. he'll need it.
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>> when i walked into the office, january of 1969, i inherited a problem. the war in vietnam had been going on for a period of 12 years. casualty, 200 to 300 a week. i didn't send 550,000 men to vietnam. nevertheless, this was the responsibility that i knew was mine. ♪
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>> good evening, my fellow americans. since i took office four months ago, nothing has taken so much of my time and energy as the search for a way to bring lasting peace to vietnam. i want to end this war. the american people want to end this war. but we want to end it permanently, and therefore, we have ruled out a one-sided withdrawal from vietnam or the acceptance in terms that it would amount to a disguised american defeat. when we assume the burden of helping defend south vietnam, millions of south vietnamese men, women, and children, place their trust in us. to abandon them now would risk a massacre. that would shock and dismay everyone in the world who values human life. let me be quite blunt.
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our fighting men are not going to be worn down. our mediators are not going to be talked down. and our allies are not going to be let down. thank you, and good night. >> the speech this evening was a culmination of more than a month of background speculation, and i'd like to know if, indeed, there is anything new in the speech tonight. >> roger, i think the immediate visceral reaction is same old stuff. the president did not announce any limited u.s. troop withdrawals. he announced no u.s. troop withdrawals at all. there just isn't a great deal in this speech that the american people will immediately recognize as new. >> you think there will be a way to peace after listening to president nixon's speech? >> maybe the next three, four years, but no way soon.
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>> for nine days american and south vietnamese troops have been trying to take a mountain near the laos mountain. the casualties have gone so high that the mountain has become known as hamburger hill. >> they were sending us up there. we weren't getting anywhere. they were slaughtering us like a turkey shoot and we're the turkey. >> hamburger hill captured only last week apparently is going to be abandoned. the battle for hamburger hill and resulting casualties set off quite a controversy this week and senator edward kennedy was in the center of it. >> certainly anyone, anyone that witnessed cruelty and savagery of this past week, only had been immoral if they remained silent, silent about this war. >> responding to that criticism, the spokesman said mr. nixon does not second guess his field
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commander. >> teddy kennedy is far and away the democratic front-runner for president in 1972. >> 1972, the great many stories about muskie/kennedy ticket, kennedy/muskie ticket. i want to just say tonight right now, there is absolutely no truth to those stories. ed muskie hasn't picked a vice president yet. let me say, neither have i. >> for democrats the young massachusetts senator, last of the kennedy brothers, speaks out strongly on the major issue where conflict arises with president nixon and republicans generally. >> all of the so-called intellectual elite, the so-called better people, were against what we were doing in vietnam. they thought we should get out. whatever the cost might be. well, if they wanted to end the war, they should have supported
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what we were trying to do. rather than to sabotage our efforts to end it. >> the president asks for time to end the war, but these people think he's had enough, and they hope the american public will give him that same message in a big way on october 15th. >> mr. president, what is your view, sir, concerning the student moratorium being planned against the vietnam war? >> as far as this kind of activity is concerned, we expect it, however, under no circumstances will i be affected whatever by it. >> that brief categorical statement has backfired and become a rallying point for the anti-war movement. [ crowd chanting "peace now" ]
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>> the day we unite from one coast to another to seek, to request, to implore. >> hundreds and hundreds of thousands in cities from new york, to dubois, wyoming, seek to impress upon the president their opposition to the war. >> more than 40,000 of our men have given their lives as sacrificial lambs to a godless cause. when will it cease? when does the moratorium on death to our sons begin by the united states government? >> it just seems to all of us who observe politics that something has changed since richard nixon has come in. what caused that? >> well, i think one must say
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that the disillusionment index begins to represent middle america, not just the left wing. >> what we've seen today, president nixon will have to take account of it because if it appears to him to be essential to the success of his own administration, he must do it. >> we can do further than that, ed, and you can say that president nixon, himself, started this. president nixon ran on a platform of ending the war and winning the peace. so ending the war is now dogma in american politics and it becomes a matter of when and then it becomes inevitably a matter of hurry up. (smoke alarm)
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♪ (vo) in every trip, there's room for more than just the business you came for.
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with twice the fresh-scent power. tackle tough odors with irresistible freshness. la la la la la i was particularly concerned about this protest we had on october the 15th and another was planned. so under the circumstances, i knew it was necessary to address the nation. >> after a lot of the demonstrations, he seemed frustrated and he seemed beleaguered. so i saw the toll it's taken on him, but his first reaction was to fight back. >> in a few moments, the president will address the nation in a major policy speech on the situation in vietnam. >> the president undertakes his most important selling job since he moved into the white house, and how well he does it may influence the making or breaking of his presidency.
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>> good evening, my fellow americans. i believe that one of the reasons for the deep division about vietnam is that many americans have lost confidence in what their government has told them about our policy. tonight, therefore, i would like to answer some of the questions that i know are on the minds of many of you listening to me. we have adopted a plan for the complete withdrawal of all u.s. combat ground forces and their replacement by south vietnamese forces on an orderly schedule timetable. i have not and do not intend to announce the timetables. i recognize some of my fellow citizens disagree with the plan for peace i've chosen. in san francisco a few weeks ago, i saw demonstrators carrying signs reading, "lose in vietnam," "bring the boys home." but as president of the united states, i would be untrue to my
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oath of office if i allowed the policy of this nation to be dictated by the minority who hold that point of view and who try to impose it on the nation by mounting demonstrations in the street. and so tonight, to you, the great silent majority, i ask for your support. i pledged in my campaign for the presidency to end the war. the more support i can have, the sooner that pledge can be redeemed. let us be united for peace. thank you. good night. >> whatever reaction to the president's vietnam speech you want, you could find here in washington the day after. the president, himself, received lots of it and twice invited reporters in to see it stacks on the desk where the buck stops. >> most of the response was favorable, but not all was spontaneous.
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>> before the president's speech, republican party officials directed to generate as much favorable reaction as possible. >> how many of the telegrams and letters part of the carefully orchestrated republican party publicity campaign? it is too early to say. >> do you believe there's something such as the silent majority? >> yes, i do. the minority have been very active and very loud. the silent majority are the people that are i think a little bit more in agreement with what is happening and, therefore, they're not as loud. >> i hope that the minority group does join the majority group because he's doing a great job. >> i agree with him 100%. ♪ >> our approval rating went up to 68%. despite the fact that the media was overwhelmingly against the war, despite the fact that he had demonstrations, thousands of them, that that was not the
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voice of america. the voice of america was a silent majority. >> i believe that we can see that the vietnam war will come to a conclusion. ♪ >> the time has come for action. >> if when the chips are down, the world's most powerful nation, the united states of america, acts like a pitiful, helpless giant, the forces totalitarianism and anarchy will threaten free nations throughout the world. >> richard nixon argues that enemy activity across the border in cambodia has been provocative
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and that to ignore it would hurt the president's ability to continue withdrawing u.s. troops. >> they went ahead telling no one in congress and almost no one in the state or defense departments. >> this is certainly going to be a decision that will provoke great controversy. >> we're protesting richard nixon's stupid action of expanding the war in southeast asia. >> president nixon doesn't want peace. you're not going to tell me that somebody escalates war that wants peace. he's just lying to the american people. >> you know, you see these bums, you know, blowing up the campuses. >> listen. the boys that are on the college campuses today are the luckiest people in the world. and here they are burning up the books. i mean, storming around about this issue. i mean, you name it. get rid of the war, there'll be another one. >> you can't have the president of the united states alienating
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students, refer to students as bums. >> the statement, itself, really was an affront to students emotionally. >> leave immediately. >> after two days of rioting over cambodia, the university banned rallies and the guard stood by to enforce the ban. ♪
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>> being called a bum because she disagreed with someone else's opinion. she felt the war in cambodia was wrong. have we come to such a state in this country that a young girl has to be shot because she disagrees deeply with the actions of her government? >> i must say it was certainly the most emotionally wrenching experience i had during the entire period of the presidency because you see a girl like that shot and killed at kent state
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and her father made a statement to the effect, "my daughter was not a bum." i thought of my own daughters. but let's understand that this was not just a case of a group of hard-nosed military people shooting down innocent students. kent state had been virtually a battleground. they threw rocks at the guard and threw tear gas canisters. i particularly was disturbed by those that had brought it on, in my opinion, by the kind of actions that they were inspiring. >> the white house tonight issued the following statement. "this should remind us all that when dissent turns to violence, it invites tragedy. it is my hope that this tragic and unfortunate incident will strengthen the determination to stand firmly against the resort
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to violence as a means of such expression." >> i believe the nixon administration is really not trying to bring us together but is engaged in a polarization process. >> in new york, the students have been demonstrating against the war and the killings at kent state. >> what do we want? >> peace! >> when do we want it? >> now! >> these kids, so-called peaceful, and they can get away with all the garbage that goes on here in the city. well, enough said. >> hundreds of hard-hatted workers from nearby construction jobs charged through police line casing the protesters from the steps, beating those who did not move fast enough and the few who tried to slug it out. >> president nixon tonight will attempt to dispel the atmosphere of growing crisis. >> the words he uses tonight
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are, perhaps, the most important of his political life. >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states. , sausage and pancakes. all for just $5.99. the $5.99 super slam™ is back! see you at denny's! (smoke alarm) ♪ most people think as a reliable phone company. but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us.
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(woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready. i've slain your dreaded dragon. for saving the kingdom what doth thou desire? my lord? hey good knight. where are you going? ♪ ♪ climbing up on solsbury hill ♪ grab your things, salutations. coffee that is a cup above is always worth the quest. nespresso. tis all i desire. did thou bring enough for the whole kingdom? george: nespresso, what else? up here at the dewar's distillery, all our whiskies are aged, blended and aged again. it's the reason our whisky is so extraordinarily smooth. dewar's. double aged for extra smoothness.
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be seated. >> mr. president, have you been surprised by the intensity of
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the protests against your decision to send troops into cambodia? >> no, i have not been surprised by the intensity of the protests. those who are protesting believe that this decision will expand the war. i know how deeply they feel, but i know that what i have done will accomplish the goals that they want. >> do you believe that you can open up the meaningful communications with this college-aged generation and how? >> i'd like to try as best i can to do that. it's not easy. sometimes they, as you know, talk so loudly that it is difficult to be heard. when the action is hot, keep the rhetoric cool. >> mr. president, do you believe that the use of the word, "bums" to categorize those engaged in dissent, keeping with the rhetoric should be kept cool?
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>> all the members of the press club know i have for years defended the right of dissent. i've always opposed the use of violence. and when students on university campuses burn buildings, when they engage in violence, then i think bums, perhaps, is too kind a word to apply to that kind of person. >> public opinion polls has indicated lately the president was slipping in the matter of trust. there was a vague feeling that perhaps president nixon did not have quite as strong a grip on things that might have appeared during his first year. he's on the spot. he knows it. >> campaign '70, election preview. >> perhaps the most striking feature this campaign has been the unprecedented personal effort by president nixon. ♪ >> in the last year or so, the united states senate has served
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as a focus for the opposition to the vietnam war, and so this year, mr. nixon is hoping to change the complexion of the senate. >> ladies and gentlemen, i'm proud to present to you the president of the united states. let's welcome him. >> there are those who say, how do we answer those who engage in violence? how do we answer those who try to shout down a speaker? and my answer is, don't answer in kind. it's time for the great silent majority just to stand up and be counted.
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>> there have been reports, sir, that those who shout obscenities to the president are his secret weapon. >> i don't think there's any question about it. i think the president said the other day that one obscenity was worth 10,000 votes. >> what did you think of the disruptions? >> the disruptions? oh, i'm always sorry for young people that have no values. >> president of the united states should not be heckled and yelled obscenities at. they just ought to throw them out and shoot them or hang them or something like that. >> we will get a direct answer tonight on how successful mr. nixon was in helping his handpicked candidates for the senate. >> did you get the whole family together, sir?
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>> no. >> now at the election headquarters in new york, howard k. smith and frank reynolds. >> howard, what do you make of the effect so far, so far as we can tell, of the last-minute blitz by the president? >> the blitz did not have the expected results. >> president nixon's law and order campaign failed to touch off the republican stampede he hoped for. >> democrats have retained control of the senate. the house remains in democratic hands. and in the balloting for 35 governorships, the republicans have come out behind. >> the message of the campaign seems to be the republicans are doing something that's not right. they'd better find out what it is that's wrong before 1972. >> here we are at an all-time low. the polls are low. the credibility rating's low. the magazines are saying nixon's in trouble. everything is bad. and we needed to do something about that.
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8:33 pm
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8:35 pm
dana-farber cancer institute discovered the pd-l1 pathway. pd-l1. they changed how the world fights cancer. blocking the pd-l1 protein, lets the immune system attack, attack, attack cancer. pd-l1 transformed, revolutionized, immunotherapy. pd-l1 saved my life. saved my life. saved my life. what we do here at dana-faber, changes lives everywhere. everywhere. everywhere. everywhere. everywhere. ♪
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>> the preparations are in full swing at the white house for tomorrow's wedding of the president's daughter, tricia, to edward finch cox. ♪ >> hello. >> hi, mr. president. >> hey, that wedding was just great. i thought the press coverage was excellent. >> all three networks did it. just really couldn't have done better incidentally, i don't know whether you -- i didn't read the piece, but that piece in the "times" is, of course, a massive security leak from the pentagon, you know.
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♪ >> in 1967, secretary of defense mcnamara assigned his officials to write a top-secret history of how we got into vietnam. >> composed over two years, it was 7,000 pages in length full of secret documents. well, one copy has been leaked to "the new york times" which yesterday began publishing a digest of it. >> unconscionable damn thing for them to do. unconscionable on the part of the people who leaked it. my point is, are any of the people there who participated in leaking it? this is treasonable action on the part of the bastards who put it out. >> it's a conspiracy. >> what do you think? >> absolutely. >> was nixon paranoid?
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yes. and he took on this self-survival cloak and that led to other things happening. >> there was a mood of panic and despair. nixon wanted to bring in a group of people who would do security. these kind of jobs and told me to do whatever it took. that really led to the creation of the plumbers.
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any occasion the perfect coffee occasion. family brunch! just add ground coffee for a carafe, or pop in a pod for a freshly brewed cup. good strong coffee. our french roast.
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it was a decaf for you, yes? in your favorite mug. there we go. if your glasses aren't so will we. no we won't. don't forget to use your vision benefits before they're gone. now in-network with vsp. visionworks. see the difference. ( ♪ )
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from the oval office of the
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white house a conversation with richard nixon with white house correspondent dan rather. >> thank you, mr. president. happy new year to you. since this is a new year, may we assume you're a candidate for re-election? >> that's not an unexpected question. >> i cannot announce it on this program, but most assume that a man who has served in the office of president will be a candidate for re-election. everything seems to be pointing in the direction of climaxing this year, trips to peking and moscow. is this all coincidental, or as some of your friends say, politically motivated? >> those of us who make decisions in offices like this, certainly, we think politically. but the country comes first. ♪ >> the government of the
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people's republic of china and the government of the united states must see that we can have differences without being enemies in war. >> many world leaders say they felt the visit might be a key to ultimate peace in southeast asia. >> mr. president. >> hello, henry. >> have you checked in to see how they played the chinese thing today? >> oh, yeah, it was tremendous. it's been the lead item on every television screen. >> rather than vietnam for a change. >> for whatever reason, we've got to have a diversion from vietnam in this country. >> that's the point, isn't it? yeah. >> certainly from here on, the attention, the publicity, the news reporting, will be centered on mr. nixon's journey to china. ♪ >> my hope is that many, many americans, particularly the young americans who like to travel so much, will have an opportunity to see this wall, to know the chinese people, know
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them better. >> the president's china visit is politically convenient. the other candidates in the new hampshire and florida primaries aren't getting any attention. mr. nixon is on the other side of the world and he's getting all of the attention but then he is the president and he is in china. ♪
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>> the north vietnamese have launched a major military offensive. >> south vietnamese forces are evacuating the positions in south vietnam and the civilians are going with them. the first real test of south vietnamese military forces has been failed. andrew pearson. >> the enemy touched off alarm
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bells throughout the white house. the president was personally coordinating much of the battlefield strategy, himself. >> it is a misty, rainy night in washington. the president requested nationwide broadcast time after a series of meetings with his chief aides. the white house would say only
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the president will discuss southeast asia, it is important. >> today there was no effort to conceal the grave atmosphere which precedes a military decision of the highest importance. >> good evening. the communist armies of north vietnam launched a massive invasion of south vietnam. invasion of south vietnam. the north vietnamese arrogantly refused to negotiate anything. their answer to every peace offer we have made has been to escalate the war. and the communist offensive has now reached the point that it gravely threatens the lives of 60,000 american troops who are still in vietnam. there's only one way to stop the killing. i've ordered the following measures, which are being implemented as i'm speaking to you. all entrances to north vietnamese ports will be mined.
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rail and all other communications will be cut off to the maximum extent possible. >> 30 seconds. >> naval strikes against military targets in north vietnam will continue. i know how much you want to end this war. i know how much you want to bring our men home. and i think you know from all that i have said and done these past 3 1/2 years how much i too want to end the war. to bring our men home. with god's help, with your support, we will accomplish that great goal.
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esses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready. (vo) in every trip, there's room for more than just the business you came for. ♪ this wave is rolling, let's get going ♪
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♪ we got places to be ♪ hey-ey-ey (vo) whether that's taking in every moment... ♪ ...or capturing a moment worth bringing back. that's room for possibility. ♪ let's see how far we can go, oh oh ♪ ♪ oh oh oh indulgent, delicious, irresistible., night; fancy feast makes delighting your cat delightfully easy. every recipe, every last detail. another fancy way to show your love. fancy feast. introducing savory centers. paté with a center of gravy! up here at the dewar's distillery, all our whiskies are aged, blended and aged again. it's the reason our whisky is so extraordinarily smooth. dewar's. double aged for extra smoothness. skip to the good part with alka-seltzer plus. now with 25% more concentrated power. nothing works faster for powerful cold relief.
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oh, what a relief it is! so fast!
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today u.s. bomber pilots reported destroying an important railroad bridge, cutting one of two rail lines to china. >> the north vietnamese say american planes bombed a dike on the outskirts of hanoi and other populated areas. >> the hanoi government claimed the targets were not just military installations. hospitals, schools, factories and storehouses were damaged. >> the president pledged in 1968 a plan to end the war. now we're moving into the year of his re-election with the war escalating to a level it has heretofore not achieved. >> i am now convinced there's no way to end this war except to take richard nixon out of
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office. >> hello. >> what's your opinion? >> i think it's great. i'm backing him 100%. >> going to blast the whole damn place off the map and forget it. >> i approve thoroughly. >> would you approve stronger military action? >> yes, i would. >> bomb them and then get out. i think that's the best way.
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>> good evening. we have a mystery story out of washington. five people have been arrested and charged with breaking into the headquarters of the democratic national committee in the middle of the night. >> the watergate apartment hotel office complex in washington is noted for its security. but the burglars penetrated that security through a fire well door. material from files there was found in their possession, as well as expensive photographic and electronic eavesdropping gear. >> the prospects are saying nothing. the democrats say they have no idea who would want to spy on them. >> the season's first hurricane was born today in the caribbean. it's moving through the yucatan channel in a course that could bring her ashore somewhere along the west coast of florida. >> an extremely dangerous storm is now shifting westward. >> a white house consultant was implicated today in that apparent attempt to bug or burglarize the offices of the democratic national committee.
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>> all residents of the low-lying areas are advised to evacuate by noon today. >> the white house denied and continues to deny involvement in any wrongdoing. >> tides are running six to eight feet above normal. and it's going to get higher. mr. nixon has made it clear that he does not intend to obey the law of the land. >> any suggestion that this president's ever going to slow
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down or is ever going to leave this office until he finishes the job he was elected to do -- >> the president has engaged in a series of actions designed to thwart the lawful investigation by government prosecutors. >> that, that's just plain poppycock. it all started in the early morning hours of june 17th when on the sixth floor of the building behind me, five men with electronic gear were caught in the offices of the democratic national committee. the building is called the watergate. >> arrested at gunpoint, the five suspect had with them bugs and microphones. just who wanted to listen in to the chitchat of the democratic


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