tv Inside Politics CNN January 9, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PST
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ymca. usmca, no one could remember it. i said, think of ymca. if you add the two words middle east at the end of it, because that's a big source of problems. nato-me. obviously he's not getting it. he's not smiling. he used to smile. before i ran, he was smiling. now he's not smiling. you know what i'm talking about. >> is there nato personnel in the region? >> as opposed to us, to be honest with you, because this is an international problem. we can come home or largely come home and use nato. this is an international problem. we caught isis, we did europe a big favor. we got 100% of the caliphate. we have thousands and thousands of isis fighters are killed and thousands and thousands, tens of thousands, are in prison right now. and europe doesn't want them.
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it's not right. they want to go to france. they want to go to germany, they want to go to u.k., they want to go to these countries they come from. they want to go home. the u.s. is not home. it's not fair that we're holding these people and other countries aren't taking, because we're bearing the cost. i think nato should be expanded and we should include the middle east. absolutely. we pay for a big percentage of nato. by the way, if you look at and speak to secretary general saltenburg, who is doing a terrific job, by the way, he will tell you i raised $130 billion more than they were getting. it was going down from past administrations every single year. it was down to a very low number. i came in, i said, got to pay, folks, got to pay. we're working with you, we're protecting you, we have to pay. we don't want to be the fools like we have been for so many years. we raised 130 billion almost
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immediately. we had a meeting with all the countries. i said, you got to pay. we're protecting, you got to pay. we got 130 billion more. not 130 billion, 130 billion more. my favorite person in the whole world is general saltenburg. he can't believe it. 130 billion more we got under my watch and now we're in great shape with that situation. nato should be helping us now with the middle east. having an international flavor there is good. plus you had a deal signed with many of these countries that are in nato. so the economic deal with iran. i have actually said that i think the scope of nato should be increased, and they should be looking for isis. we'll help. but right now the burden is on us and that hasn't been fair. when i came in three years ago,
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isis was all over the place. it was a disaster. and now isis is the caliphate. 100% of the caliphate is gone. 100%. we have tens of thousands of prisoners, bit we haut we have prison. they should be taken and europe should be helping with that burdenment burden. i like the idea of nato expanding their views. >> since the environment is something that is on the table here today, what is your position on global warming? do you think it's a hoax? >> no, not at all. nothing is a hoax about that. it's a very serious subject. i want clean air, i want clean water. i want the cleanest air, the cleanest water. the environment is very important to me. somebody wrote a book that's an environmentalist that actually called, the environmentalist before i did this. they wrote a book. i'll bring it to my next news conference, perhaps. i'm sure you'll be thrilled to see it. i'm sure you'll report all about it. but i'm a big believer in that
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word, the environment. i'm a big believer. but i want clean air, i want clean water, and i also want jobs. i don't want to close up our industry because somebody said, you know, you have to go with wind or you have to go with something else that's not going to be able to have the capacity to do what we have to do. we have the best employment numbers we've ever had. we have the best unemployment numbers we've ever had, so that's very important. one more. >> how much of your own money are you prepared to spend on your reelection campaign? >> i literally haven't thought about it. i spent a lot on the first one, and i did the primaries, and obviously that came out to be very successful. and i have not thought about it. i will say this, because of the impeachment hoax, we're taking in numbers that nobody ever expected. you saw the kind of numbers we're reporting. we're blowing everybody away. nobody has ever taken in the money we're taking in from the public, and it's good because it's an investment they're making.
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they're making that investment. it's better than the big donors. we're taking in numbers that nobody has ever seen before, frankly, and it's a great thing. >> in 2016 you said you wouldn't take donor money. >> i don't know, i put in a lot. do you know the number i put in for the primaries and the first election? do you know that number? it's a big number. and to this day, i say i wonder if it mattered, because i never noticed myself get any credit for that. i did, i spent a lot of my own money. you know, tens of millions of dollars times a lot. i spent a lot of my own money. i always asked the question, i wonder if it was necessary. because i don't think anybody even knew that i was spending it. i would mention it every once in a while. for instance, i would give up my salary. it's approximately 450,000 presidential salary. i give it up. it goes to -- usually i give it to drugs, i give someone to
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elaine sometimes for transportation, but every quarter, i think it's paid odd a quarterly basis, i give up 100% of my salary. i don't think anyone has written that kind of a story. you guys don't want to write that story but that's okay with me. look, i'm going to ohio. i want to congratulate all of you because i think this will make a tremendous difference in your unions and for your workers and for your investments and for everything. this is going to be a fantastic thing. we'll bring numbers down -- >> you've been listening to the president of the united states at the white house about environmental policy rollbacks. a lot of news in that event. the president talking about the showdown with iran, the president talking about the impeachment debate on capitol hill. first some dramatic breaking news just in to cnn on that ukranian airlines flight that crashed killing 106 people. let's get straight to the pentagon and barbara starr.
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barbara, what do we know? >> reporter: well, john, several agencies across the nation are telling cnn that the working theory now is that iran mistakenly did shoot down that iranian boeing 737 -- pardon me, the ukranian 737 civilian airliner that was flying through iranian air space, that it was mistakenly shot down, most likely by an iranian missile. mistakenly. no evidence that iran deliberately did this. in the president's appearance just now in the white house, he was asked about this very question, and it was most telling what he said. he said that it could have been a mistake by someone in iran. he said he did not believe there was another scenario, that he very much believed it was a mistake and did not believe -- he said it wasn't a question to him of being a mechanical error. why is this scenario of a
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mistake and shootdown by an iranian missile of this ukranian airliner, what could be behind this? the u.s. military over that area, especially as events were unfolding on the attack by the iranian missiles in the hours before that were collecting satellite data, radar data, and they went back certainly and looked and scrubbed every piece of that data for any evidence of a so-called external event, something that would have been flying through the air that could have hit the civilian airliner of ukraine or could have exploded so close to the airliner that it proved to be catastrophic. apparently they have found some data indicating this. it could be very possible, cnn is told, that this is a fog of war incident, that the iranian missile unit, the troops on the
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ground in iran at that point perhaps saw something on their own radar returned, possibly thought they were under attack and fired. this is why i think the international aviation community is so anxious to see the black boxes from that airliner, to get as much data as they can. but at least for today right now, iranian civilization authorities are not willing to share those black boxes with the international aviation safety community, so at the moment what it appears to be is what nelgs agencies can derive from looking at the data. we should add that we now know, of course, that the u.s. intelligence community in close cooperation with canadian intelligence services, because they, of course, had a number of their own citizens on board that commercial airliner. john? >> very important breaking news from our barbara starr at the pentagon. barbara, thank you very much. come back to us if more comes in. let's go straight now to tehran
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and cnn's fred pleitgen. as you know from the reporting there, the iranian government says we have the black box. we will not turn it over. is this likely to add pressure if to not give it to boeing to give it at least to some international authority? >> reporter: you're absolutely right, john. it certainly is going to add some pressure on the iranians with the u.s. now coming out with this. we were actually able to get in touch with the head of the iranian civil aviation organization. i have to add, this was before this news broke, and we specifically asked him about what's going to happen with the black boxes. now, he says that ukranian officials have arrived here in iran. they're working with them, apparently. he said he said the iranians have one of these black boxes and one of the black boxes are damaged and may have been lost. he also claimed the ukranian investigators are going to be able to download the information from those black boxes tomorrow,
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he put it, and he says that anything on those black boxes would then be available to the world, as he said. now, again, i have to add this conversation we had with him came before the news broke, so we have to get back in touch with him. there are several news outlets and officials that have dismissed the theory that the plane was shot down by an iranian missile, saying it was a distraction and that was not the case. another official saying there was no debris of a missile found at the crash site. unclear whether or not that is the case. we do know, john, that there are ukranian investigators on the ground here in tehran. it's unclear whether they have been able to go to the crash site itself. but we do know that the ukranians have said there are several things that they are looking at to see whether or not or how this plane was taken down, that they cannot rule out a missile strike.
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one of the things they have been talking about is a tour missile system, which is a russian-built missile system which is short-range low altitude, obviously used for planes flying at a very low altitude. it's built by the russians, but from what i've seen in the past, it's also in use by the iranian military as well. again, so far these are only indications. the iranians are saying they're conducting this investigation, but we have to wait and see what they come up with in the next couple days, john. >> fred pleitgen on the ground. good to have you there at this important time. marion siavo joining us from south carolina. officials are telling cnn this is an operating theory. they don't have evidence yet, but they have proof that it's possible that an anti-aircraft missile could have been responsible for this. help me with your expertise. would the black boxes prove or disprove that?
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the black box would not capture a missile striking, it would just show that the planes stopped functioning correctly, that it stopped transmitting data. the pilots might have had time to say a few words, but an external strike of a missile on the flight data recorder would not be captured in any way to say this is a missile. however, from the mh-17 shootdown, we know it's readily available to test the pieces from the explosives of a missile, and that signal is different from an explosion of aviation fuel. same thing they did with tfw in 1996, they tested explosions.
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>> iran is a major power, it is a major economy, it is major air traffic. when the iranians say, we got this. the ukranians are here, we've got this, we'll give them the information. is it an aviation administration, absent the last couple days and weeks, that can be trusted in a situation like this? >> you know, the trust will have to come in how they conduct the investigation, but we are all signatories to the united nations treaties, and one of those treaties is annex 13 as to how to conduct an air crash investigation. i've read the iran preliminary report, actually, they put it out very quickly, usually it's 30 days. they have given notice to all nations. united states wasn't mentioned as united states, they only referenced the u.s. as ntsb, national transportation safety board. they invited in ukraine as a co-lead or co-participant in the investigation, and their preliminary report does follow the treaty that the u.s. has
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signed and others have signed as to how to conduct. so at this point, other treaties and laws are allowed to have the investigation. canada is completely up to speed and up to date on the 737 playing a major role in the 737 max 8 grounding. this is not a max 8 but they studied the plane. and transport canada and the ntsb are very capable. so my hope would be if the u.s. can't play a role that canada would quickly step into one of the lead roles. they will do a great job. >> important insights, mary scavo. it is quite possible, not confirmed, not definitive, but quite possible an anti-aircraft missile could be responsible for the downing of that ukrainian airliner jet that took off from tehran. 170 people dead.
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on car insurance. we got gristle pot pies! president trump pushing back today against a war powers resolution about to be brought to the floor of the house. members set to vote on a rule for that resolution at the end th of this hour. it directs president trump to halt action against iran unless and until he comes to congress first. the president said today he can act against iran at any time without congressional approval. >> it would all depend on the circumstance. i don't have to and you shouldn't have to be able to because you have to make split second decisions. >> kaitlan collins from the white house. kaitlan, the president pushing back and pushing back pretty hard there, but also insisting he has to keep the intelligence people are pretty mad about close to the vest. >> that will not please people
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like rand paul and mike lee, mike lee saying it was one of the worst briefings he's had in the nine years he's been in the senate, pretty much saying it was inefficient and what the president was asked about there, saying he would have to go to congress before a strike in the future, and he said sometimes you have to make split second decisions. that's what mike lee said, they gave a hypothetical question to the president, asking if he made the decision to strike iran's leader, would they have to come to congress on that, and they were saying they did not get good answers on that. the president said he knows mike lee, he's never seen him like that, talking about the outburst coming from mike lee yesterday, clearly unsatisfied with how the briefing went down, though the president didn't get into exactly what he thinks about the
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war powers vote, though he tweeted earlier he doesn't think any of those house republicans should vote with the democrats on that measure, though we'll find out soon if they will. that wasn't the only thing the president talked about speaking with reporters. the impeachment came up. he said he still wants to see some of those witnesses in the past. the president has come to an agreement, it seems, with some of his white house counsel and team of lawyers about not having white house witnesses at the trial whenever they have it. the president said he would still like to see some of those democrats. when he was asked what about if john bolton were to testify, and the president said he would not stop john bolton, but he wants to protect presidential privilege. aka, that's a way of the president saying he wants john bolton to testify, but the lawyers said he couldn't. that's a big hypothetical about whether or not that could even happen. >> a hypothetical at a minimum.
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kaitlan collins at the white house, appreciate that. in the studio, chambers. he said presidents don't often get the time, they have to make split second decisions. the house speaker this morning making clear she disagrees. >> this is with real teeth. this is a statement of the congress of the united states, and i will not have that statement be diminished by whether the president will veto it or not. the cavalier attitude of this administrati administration, it's stunning. i don't spend a whole lot of time telling him anything because i don't know what the basis of their judgment is to receive information. >> you can see from that, this is your wheelhouse. part of this is a constitutional assertion by congress saying, we're tired of getting steamrolled by presidents of
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both parties saying, this is their power, they don't have to consult with us. some of it clearly is nancy pelosi and the house democrats just have such disdain for this president. >> i don't know, we've seen for years the legislature has been sort of unable to step up and reassert its authority over making war, over declaring war, and we've seen this in the obama administration and under the trump administration, and this sort of idea that the congress needs to step up and actually have a vote to reauthorize a new authorization for the use of military force to introduce a war powers resolution that would constrain the president, that's something they haven't been able to do and tried multiple times under multiple administrations and have failed to do. the other thing i think i would say about the house measure versus the senate measure in particular is the house measure does not have the force of law. it's not -- it doesn't actually have the teeth that the senate one does, so even if they go on and pass this, even if by some strange miracle the senate also
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takes it up and passes it, what does that do? >> it wouldn't be by a margin that would survive a veto, which is what the speaker alluded to there. you have the speaker who has long-time experience in intelligence matters, scoffing at the administration. she's also referenced the republicans that have changed. among them, mike lee. let's be clear, mike lee and rand paul have intelligence, they believe in the constitution and congress should be consulted on these things, but it is still rare in the moment of a big global crises to have usually loyal republican senators come out and look at the administration. listen to mike lee saying, stop treating me like a child. >> they're appearing before a coordinate branch of government, a coordinate branch of government responsible for their funding, for their confirmation, for any approval of any military action they might undertake, and they had to leave after 75 minutes while they're in the process of telling us that we need to be good little boys and girls and run along and not debate this in public.
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i find that absolutely insane. >> how real is it in the context of if the resolution doesn't pass the house, it has huge teeth. if you have rand paul and mike lee. there is a possible, she's not there yet. essentially what came out of the meeting is pompeo, esper, came out and said, just trust us. go away. >> it was even tougher than that. i was standing next to rand paul. mike lee and rand paul walked up and waited for several minutes as democrats were finishing up. they waited and waited. they wanted to get out. mike lee's face was bright red by the end of that. it wasn't that they were just saying trust us. the briefers were saying debate would be division, and that would be helping iraq. and that really set mike lee
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off. it was like just having the debate on the senate floor -- i wrote them all down. he said the briefers were unamerican, unconstitutional, insulting and completely unacceptable. >> that is stunning, because if you take the flip side, now you hear from the administration that it's unamerican or unpatriotic to question them at this moment. this is not quite in those words, but listen to the vice president this morning. >> i know mike and senator rand paul opposed the self-defense actions that we've taken in yemen, and we'll continue to discuss those honest differences of opinion with them. to protect sources and methods, we're simply not able to share with every member of the house and senate the intelligence that supported the president's decision to take out qassem soleimani. >> people with a lot more experience than i have in these matters say, you don't have to give them the sources and methods, you can distill it in a way that doesn't disclose those
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sources and methods. we went through this with the bush administration and the iraq war. you had democrats and republicans saying, sorry. mike pence on television essentially saying this is a slam-dunk is not good enough. we need to see it. >> that is what is so eerie about all this discussion. it is so reminiscent in some respects to everything that was happening in 9/11 and the year before the iraq invasion. of course, the circumstances were different. but i was standing next to senator mike lee as well. if i was struck by his visible anger. you're right, he wanted to get this out. of course he'll have questions about the substance. it's how the administration was conveying this. but the question here is credibility. we always said there is going to be a moment where we'll look to the white house for accurate and credible information, and now even some senators from their own party aren't believing them. there's not going to be a groundswell of other people following him because they're still afraid of this white house. but the fact they spoke so fr g
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frankly about this is telling. >> that says in a sense the president is absolutely right, sometimes he has to make a snap decision and act in the security interest. but the trust is gone by all parties across the board. >> and the white house feels really strongly, sources were telling me today, that they should have the ability to be able to do that. they are going to oppose anything that would restrict their ability to do that. but it comes back around to what you said in the very beginning about this separation of powers. the white house believes that it is within the president's power to make those decisions and there are people in congress, people who believe it is their decision to be able to pass the war powers act, and he should have to come to them. what you're seeing this break happening right now are the senators on the right often allies of the president saying, this is where we draw the line. >> the white house saying it's a sign of weakness to debate this right now. other people saying it's a strength to have a public debate about this in the democracy. the debate will play out in the house today. next up, new pressure on the house speaker to send those
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i'll send them over what i'm ready. and that will probably be soon. i think we should move smartly and strategically. >> there is a bit of grumbling, but pelosi still has a tight grip on her house democratic members. but that control does not carry over to the senate where more and more democrats are saying pelosi's strategy has outlived its usefulness. diane feinstein said last night, if it's serious and urgent, send them over. if it isn't, don't send them over. fellow californian, san franc franciscan, how significant is it that you have more and more democrats saying, come on, let's go. >> it's more pressure on nancy pelosi to send them over sooner rather than later. but rather than saying that's what she's going to do, she says she doesn't answer to mcconnell and that she wants to hold them
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ask see more details, citing that mcconnell went to the white house yesterday and talked to the president about the impeachment proceedings, and yet the house still hasn't seen those details. privately a number of house democrats will grumble and say to us that they are frustrated, they want this to get a move on, but you don't see them stepping out of line. today we saw the armed services chairman step out of line and he walked it back a few hours later. >> let's go through that because it's instructive. we often talk about how republicans are afraid of the president, even though they say things damning about the president, damning about the white house, damning about the policy, they don't say it publicly. adam schiff, you mentioned, he's the chairman of the armed services committee. he was on this morning and he was pretty clear. >> is it time, chairman? >> i think it is. i think it was perfectly advisable for the speaker to leverage that and get a better deal. at this point it doesn't look
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like that's going to happen skr, and yes, i think it's time to send the articles of impeachment and let it be a trial. >> he said, i miss sotomayor this morning, i do believe we should do everything we can to force the senate to have a fair trial. if the speaker believes that holding onto the articles for a longer time will help force a fair trial in the snan, then i who wholeheartedly support the decision. >> adam smith doesn't have a grip on the whole caucus. diane feinstein, angus king, joe mansion, all the corners are saying, i think it's time to do this. and chuck schumer can't tamp them down as nancy pelosi can in her caucus.
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>> there's not been a republican speaker who has been able to control his members at all over the last several speakers that we've covered. but speaker pelosi without question is -- yes, they trust her. she said it's coming soon. what i noticed over and over on capitol hill is they're looking at the date february 4th. that is the date the president is coming over to give the state of the union. nancy pelosi has reportedly told people she would like the trial to be underway so he is not cleared of this at the time he's in the house of representatives. that's about three weeks or so away. it's hard to control exactly the timing of this, but that's one thing mentioned to me several times. who knows. we know it's happening soon. she can't wait forever and she said that. she controls the cards ask no one knows but her. >> no one knows but her. she did say soon.
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it depends on the definition of soon, i guess. we don't know who the house managers will be. she said she's waiting to know the senate rules. does one get to talk, does two get to talk, does three get to talk. fair enough. there are a lot of questions. pat cipollone, the white house counsel, will be his lead attorney. this from the white house. the house gop in recent weeks have advocated for trump's most aggressive defenders, republican representatives jim jordan, john ratcliffe and douglas a. collins, to cross the rotunda and help white house counsel pat a. cipollone rebut the two charges that the president a used his power and obstructed congress. >> he said he needs someone to argue the case in addition to pat cipollone who is not seen as a partisan, because you have to remember chief justice john roberts of the supreme court will be up there, and just generally senators. they don't want to hear it from
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them. they don't want this to turn into a partisan exercise. graham advised him to pick someone who is not seen as political but has argued before the supreme court before. my sources are telling me they've not heard about nyany o these house members being on the team and right now it's pat cipollone running the show. >> maybe they know the rules nancy pelosi doesn't. maybe they told them how many get to speak. we'll have fresh action from iran about that ukranian airl e airliner now believed to be shot down by accident. we'll be back. it up. you'll get there. whoa-hoa-hoa! 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. ensure max protein. yeah. only pay for what you need with liberty mutual. only pay for what you need with liberty mutual. con liberty mutual solo pagas lo que necesitas. only pay for what you need...
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airliner. fred pleitgen is there with information from officials. fred, what are you learning? >> reporter: hi, john. i told you we would try to reach out to the iranian civil authority and confront them directly with these allegations that were put forward by u.s. intelligence services, and he did not flat out deny that a missile strike could have taken place, however, he did say he strongly questions whether one took place. he said that the plane took off and was flying for several minutes, but then something happened and the plane tried to return to the airport. he said if the plane would have been hit by a missile, it would have immediately gone into a freefall. he then says how can a plane be hit by a rocket or missile and then the pilot tried to turn back to the airport? ahead of the civil aviation authority of iran, which is in charge of the investigation, is not flat out denying some sort of incident could have taken place, some accidental shootdown could have taken place, but they do strongly question that. now, there are other iranian
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media outlets and an investig e investigator on the ground who claimed the iranians did not find any missile debris at the crash site. it's impossible for us to independently verify that, but the iranians continue to say they're going to conduct what they call a transparent investigation. they have said that ukranian investigators are on the ground here, and they also say they are capable of reading the information that's on the black boxes. they say one of the black boxes has been damaged but they also say they're giving the information on the black boxes to the ukranian investigator, john. >> we're greateful to have you there to take the lead. coming up, a snapshot from a close race in the democratic primary.
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25 days until iowa casts the first ballots in the 2020 election. new hampshire comes a little more than a week later in 33 days from now. at this hour, the democratic primary is a jump ball. take a look at some numbers. pete buttigieg on top, if you want to call it that, 20%. joe biden at 19%, bernie sanders at 18%, elizabeth warren at 15%. a top tier that is packed close tight in this race. amy klobuchar, tulsa gab hard, tom steyer and andrew yang round out the top 1% of the vote. back in december, pete buttigieg was only at 10% in the monmouth poll. a big jump for him. joe biden down a bit, bernie sanders up a bit. sanders is going up at the moment.
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elizabeth warren dropping significantly in the state. both bernie sanders and elizabeth warren are neighbors. what do we make of this? here we go. >> on the sanders front, i think he's routinely underestimated. he's been very resilient throughout this race, coming back after a heart attack. but also the impact that the impeachment trial will have on potentially those numbers especially for people like sanders and warren. it will not help them that they cannot be in iowa in the days leading up to the caucus. >> it is still very strong news for pete buttigieg without question. we believe he is as strong in iowa as well. he has been. we'll find out if our new poll friday evening will be released on that. i think the real question is elizabeth warren. she able to, in the next three weeks or so, able to regain her argument, regain her steam? she's changed pretty dramatically in terms of going on television much more, in terms of engaging more, but that's why that debate next week here on cnn will be so
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important. you have bernie sanders going after joe biden directly in a way he hasn't, but without question, elizabeth warren is looking for some oxygen here. time is running out for that. >> it's interesting to watch because she was sluggish early in the campaign and she owned the summer. elizabeth warren owned the summer and swept up. now she's trying to do the everything strategy. she is on the sunday shows, which is rare, she's doing oertel vision. here is a little piece where she's making socially for millennials. >> he needs to go silent. let him go. he is not the one for you. we are crushing an entire generation. forget about yourself. think about the person that's taking the selfie with you and how much fun they're having or what it is that's behind you or the funny thing you want to show off. stop thinking about yourself. >> this is where i need help. when i started doing this for a living, people would say, you can't do that in running for
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president. we live in a whole new world now. is that the way to do it? >> you have to do what you got to do, but bernie sanders beat hillary clinton on that state by 22 points. it was more than 50,000 votes. even if not all of those go to him, let's say elizabeth warren gets some of those voters. they're definitely two people you want to keep watching in new hampshire, especially after those debates, as you noted. >> even if he breaks out or stays in a close pack, he has support everywhere and he has proven he can raise the money and keep it going. >> you also covered the campaign where bill clinton brought out the saxophone in the town hall. there are different ways to communicate. if you're going to be stuck on the senate floor -- >> as long as it's authentic. was that authentic or not? we'll see what the voters say. up next a crash course in nancy pelosi's iron grip on her caucus. asy to use, free to sign up and it's in over 3,000 stores.
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on it...with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. we want to see what they're willing to do and the manner in which they will do it. but we will not let them say, oh, this is just like clinton, fair is fair. it's not. documentation, witnesses, facts, truth. that's what they're afraid of. >> the house speaker nancy pelosi earlier today continuing her standoff with her republican counterpart of the senate, majority leader mitch mcconnell.
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she says they will get the articles of impeachment soon, but she won't say how soon. it's a gamble, a great piece by molly ball, a great piece about the speaker's gamble here. the question is, when does the clock run out on this gamble of hers, and will she get what she's looking for? >> the answer is no. mitch mcconnell just isn't going to budge. when he gets in a process fight, the thing he loves best is when he can grab a democratic precedent, so he's calling it the clinton precedent. this is how the clinton trial unfolded so we're going to do that. he did this with merrick garland and scalia on the supreme court and he just said we're going by the biden way. >> he does not give any indication he's going to get any democrats on board for the vote. >> and they also say they may change the clinton rules a little bit, not that they'll be going with them 100%. that's why pelosi is saying, what are those changes going to
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be, how is this going to look? even though she may not get what she wants, pelosi very much has the backing of her caucus and she enjoys getting in these fights with mcconnell. >> mcconnell has the backing of his, as you said. the clinton rule. he has everyone locked up. >> the white house as well. the white house is also pushing that same line. they're in lockstep with mitch mcconnell on this, and to the point of nancy pelosi saying, we're going to see what we can get from mitch mcconnell, mitch mcconnell and the white house making it clear, you're not going to get anything else. >> i think that's probably all she's going to get. >> her point is they have some questions about the fairness. john bolton has raised his hand. will that happen as we go forward. it's interesting, it's about the president. should he be impeached and removed from office is the question. you have pelosi and mcconnell, probably two of the most disciplined politicians in washington. >> the question about john bolton is whether or not they could vote for witnesses
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beforehand or if it's after they decide the rules and procedures and then take a look at potential witnesses. >> the clinton vote came after the testimony. we shall see. see you back here this time tomorrow. don't go anywhere. busy day. brianna keilar starts right now. have a good afternoon. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. hi there, i'm brianna keilar live from cnn's washington headquarters. we start with breaking news out of iran right now where u.s. officials say they increasingly believe a ukranian airliner was brought down by mistake by iran, killing 176 people on board. the crash came after they launched missiles at u.s. air bases that were housing u.s. soldiers in retaliation for president trump ordering the killing of general qassem soleimani. here was president trump just moments ago. >> some people say
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