tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN January 13, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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>> manley is 15 now and after thinking for a while he wanted to become a doctor, he recently changed his mind and now wants to become an engineer. he obviously also likes soccer. monley is strong and so is his country. haiti survives. the quakes, the mud slides, the cholera, the mismanagement, the inequality, the unfairness, haiti endures. there was a phrase we often heard haitians say to one another in the days after the quake when they were picking each other up, when they were living together under tarps. swabrav, they would say, be brave. brave is what they were ten years ago tonight and it's what they are, still, tonight. we who are lucky enough to be there, who were privileged enough to be there and reporting on it, we remember and we will never forget it. in just a moment, don't miss our edition of "full circle," where i'll talk to actor and activist sean penn about his efforts in the past decade over haiti and what stands out for him. he established a relief organization on the ground and
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has been trying to help haiti ever since. he's still working there as well as other places. that's in a few minutes on or watch it there anytime on demand. the news continues. i want to hand it over to chris for "cuomo prime time." >> that was a perfect example like with katrina, like you've dean with shootings, like you and the whole team did during the wars. that's when we bring people interconnected. i remember being there with you and seeing your coverage. that's when we're at our best and people need us most. anderson, thank you for helping people remember what happened there. appreciate it. i am chris cuomo. welcome to prime-time. we have new developments on this wild blow-up between elizabeth warren and bernie sanders. we knew they were ouccupying sae lane. we knew they would have to stop being buddies. but like this? he's accusing her people of lying. she's now sticking by the inflammatory allegations that he once told her, a woman can't win the presidency. the timing, no coincidence either. tomorrow is the big cnn debate. we have democratic insiders digging in and what does this
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mean about the state of their party and the play in this election? and trump co. can believe whatever they want, but they've told us again why we can't believe this president with his four embassies fail. a challenge ahead for a president and an endless war with the truth. what do you say? let's get after it. all right. here's the latest. elizabeth warren now commenting on allegations from four sources about what bernie sanders supposedly told her in a private meeting in 2018. here's the quote. bernie and i met for more than two hours in december 2018. among the topics that came up was what would happen if democrats nominated a female candidate. i thought a woman could win. he disagreed. i have no interest in discussing this private meeting any further, because bernie and i have far more in common than our differences. note to self. if you don't want to talk about
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it, then you should have never put out the statement. if bernie sanders doesn't want to talk about it, he should have never denied it. now you've got competing allegation. somebody's not telling the truth. all right, here's bernie sanders' side of it. quote, it is ludicrous to believe that at the same meeting where elizabeth warren told me she was going to run for president i would tell her that a woman couldn't win. staff who weren't in the room are lying about what happened. but now, you have elizabeth sanders -- elizabeth sanders? that would be funny. you have elizabeth warren saying it's what happened. so this is the state of play. this has been simmering. again, like i said at the top, they're in the same lane. they couldn't be buddies forever. but is this the way that they want to draw, you know, comparisons to each other? once again, the field is going to get smaller and it did today. senator cory booker of new jersey, how far tout of the rac. what does that mean? let's bring in our prime-time
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politico. ana kasparian and howard dean. good to have you both. >> thanks. >> thank. >> good to have you both. howard, answer the question for me. look, we knew they were in the same lane. they have to stop being friends. but this kind of fight, the day before a debate. who wins? >> well, nobody wins a fight like this. but this is the kind of stuff that happens all the time. i know everybody wrings their hands and oh, my lord and oh, this. this is just standard. we have 21 days to go before the primary. the first caucus in the country and there are six people in the race. so people are going to get bumped around and this is part of that deal. >> ana, in a party that is so into identity politics, putting out something that's better, diversity, you know, there's such big arguments within the party right now. this is not a garden variety shot. you've said a woman can't win. that's a heavy blow. >> this entire situation is so incredibly disappointing and
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also incredibly stupid. because in shutting down the conversation and saying that she refuses to talk about it any further, there are questions that need to be asked. what was the context of the discussion? was he talking about it in the context of where the country is right now? and also, i would love to see anyone in the media hold joe biden accountable for literally saying the exact same thing publicly. no criticism, no backlash, none. and we also need to mention that bernie sanders encouraged elizabeth warren to run become in 2016. and there are multiple videos of bernie sanders dating back to the 1980s where he publicly spoke about how he believes a woman can win. and so all of this contextual information is incredibly important to the conversation and unfortunately, it's being left out to paint a particular candidate as some sort of sexist, when the facts just don't bear that out. >> well, edonwe don't know what
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facts are, because elizabeth warren says -- >> we do, though. we do. we have evidence of -- >> no, she says it. i don't know anything. i'm saying, elizabeth warren says that he said it. so, now, we've got something here. right, if you and i have a conversation, and you said, ana said it. and ana said, i would never say anything like that, and you said, well, she said it to me. now we have a problem. and you're saying it's out of character, it's out of keeping, this isn't who he is. >> right. >> fine. but howard, to your point, now, this is who he is. and this is who elizabeth warren is defining him as the night before a debate. >> well, they're defining each other. and i don't think it helps to call each other liars or whatever. nobody has used that word yet, but clearly, there's one version of this that is less accurate than another. obviously, i have no idea which is the accurate version. this is not a good argument to be in. my actual prediction is they clean it up before tomorrow night. >> how? >> the news -- well, because,thal back off, they'll say nice things about each
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other. look, i got in trouble this way in iowa 16 years ago getting into fights with dick gephardt and john kerry. and in a multiple-candidate field, when two people are fighting, they both go down, no matter who thinks who's right. and somebody else is going to benefit from that. so my guess is both of these are pros. they've been out there for a long time. they like each other, i think, personally. my guess is they make this go away before the debate starts tomorrow night. >> it would be smart -- it would be tough, because you're going to get 15 million questions between now and then. >> that's right. >> ana, to the bigger picture here. you have at the top of the ticket, you have bernie sanders, you have senator warren, you have former vice president biden. you have buttigieg, and really, you have klobuchar is hanging around. they all represent very different things. is this proof of a party that does not one or both of two
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things. one, who do we really want? two, who can really beat this president? >> well, i think it's important to look at how the polls have changed, depending on how the candidates have positioned themselves on the policies. so if you can note, elizabeth warren was doing fabulously well in the polling when she was, you know, positioning herself as a strong progressive. as a fighter for medicare for all. >> she made a run. she made a run and took some of bernie's support during that time. but now there's been attrition. she's lost them back and bernie got some and buttigieg got some. >> there has. so let me just finish my point. >> go ahead. >> i think the reason why she noticed a dip in the polls, and if you just go back to the timing of all of this, it was after she put out her transition plan for medicare for all. that transition plan made it abundantly clear that she was not actually going to push for medicare for all. she was really going to push for a public option, then you see this dip in the poll, right? my problem with elizabeth warren is that rather than acknowledging the flaw in her tactic there, and changing
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course, she has decided to bring up a conversation that she had with bernie sanders in december of 2018 when he notices a significant rise in the polls. like, the american people aren't stupid. they notice what's going on. they note that she's bringing this up a at a time when her campaign is really struggling. i think it's a bad move on her part. i think she should focus on policy. >> i hear you. i don't -- well, i disagree with you about that. because if you see what the president did today, not that policy doesn't matter, but you guys are too granular on it, you have too many purity tests and a president who tweeted today, oh, fight, fight, fight, fight, look what they're doing. you have a president that you're running against who says, i'll give you my health care plan, after the election. and you guys are arguing on a granular level. i don't know. i know you have sympathies for bernie, and that's okay. >> i do. >> but my point remains this, at the top of the ticket, howard, you have a man who is a self-described socialist. don't yell at me, ana. that's what he calls himself, all right? and you're in a capitalist country that loves the idea of
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free enterprise, does not like the idea of being called socialist. he keeps moving in and out of a lead with, you know, elizabeth warren, who is trying to take that lane, and as ana rightly se says, kind of went back and forth, and as joe biden says they're both crazy to want to propose these kind of things. how are all of these people swapping the lead within margin of error. what does that say about where your party is? >> where, the highest ranking person is at 20%. i think a fifth of our party would like to see substantial change in what's going on in america. in fact, i think it's a lot higher than a fifth. so, this is a big tent party. all of these points of view are going to be represented. the thing that i really care deeply about is whoever we nominate, whether it's buttigieg or klobuchar or bernie or biden or elizabeth warren, that we all get behind them. because any one of these candidates is a hell of a lot better than the psychopath that we've got in the presidency right now. >> well, look, it's easy to call names, that's part of politics.
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he is going to be difficult to beat. ana, you know it. howard, you know it. >> that's right. >> the polls show it in the states you have to win, the democrats are going to have to be every bit on their game and together. and i haven't seen those two things in this last cycle. ana, thank you for making the arguments. appreciate it. howard dean, as always, a plus. >> thank you. >> thank you. all right, so, bernie sanders, where are they on this? we were supposed to have danny da vito on tonight. there was some kind of confusion. we'll try to find our way through with the timing of this new statement with elizabeth warren. now we have a senior adviser to the campaign here for senator sanders. what is going on, what does this mean, what is is this state of play between warren and sanders. we appreciate the campaign for stepping in. thank you. real paris. excellent coverage with no weigh down. a breathable formula for fresh skin hour after hour. defies transfer, no excess. infallible up to 24hr fresh wear. by l'oreal paris.
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all right. look, both campaigns tried to play it off like it was nothing. now it's something. senator elizabeth warren, it's now her word against senator bernie sanders. because bernie sanders said, look, i don't know who's saying what, but they weren't in this meeting, and i would never say a woman couldn't win for president. elizabeth was telling me that she was going to run. why would i say that? now elizabeth warren says, you said it. let's get some insight from jeff weaver, senior adviser to the sanders' campaign. thank you very much for joining me on short notice. i know you're standing outside. i'll try to warm you up with some questions. >> all right, chris, always happy to be here. thanks for having me.
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>> danny devito was supposed to be on tonight. word came out that senator warren said, yeah, bernie said it, but i would like to move on. can't move on now. you're calling him a liar and devito's gone. how upset is the campaign that this story is getting away from him? >> look, this is a story that was obviously put out by warren's folks. bernie was invited to senator warren's house. she told him she was running for president. apparently, you know wif, i was at the meeting. only the two of them were at the meeting. but bernie sanders has been a friend of elizabeth warren's for a long time. truth of the fact, look at his book for 2015, he deferred to her if 2015, for her to run. for anyone to say that a woman can't win doesn't make sense. hillary clinton won 3 million more votes than donald trump did in the last election. there's some wires crossed here, but clearly bernie sanders did not say that a woman can't win. there's great video footage floating around with bernie talking to young students about how women should run for office
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and how we should have a woman president. some wires got crossed here, but i've got to tell you, that's clearly not what he said. and the truth of the matter is, look, you and i are talking here, theater one of us knows what it's like to be a woman running in the era of trump. very difficult. trump will weaponize gender, race, whatever he can. the truth of the matter is any of those democrats on that stage is better than trump and any can beat them. >> i get that. i don't know that i agree with it. i think you have more than your hands full beating this president. we'll save that for another day once you figure out who you want in your party. let's flip your analysis for a second. you're right, you guys are running against someone where your high ground is supposed to be, he's a liar, we don't lie the way he does. we may have our wires crossed. i don't know. i wasn't in the room. you weren't in the room. elizabeth warren was. >> correct. >> and she's saying he said it. >> for sure. >> so you're in a box now. whether either you're saying, she's lying, or you got to own it and give a context argument.
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which is it? >> well, look, chris. i think there were some wires crossed. >> what does that mean, wires crossed? >> they went there, they had lasagna and so -- so what you're saying is that she said, hey, bernie, glad to see you. i'm running for president bernie, oh, a woman can't win. i don't think so. >> you weren't there. she says she said, i want to run, he disagreed with the idea that a woman could win. why would she lie about it. what does that say about her? >> i think their wires are crossed. i think there was a discussion about trump, misogyny, sexism in politics, and the difficulty of running in the era of trump for women, the special challenges that women face in the era of trump. but those conversations can sometimes get misconstrued, chris. >> i get you. tha maybe that's what it is, but they've got to clear it up. i know if you take a step sideways and say, what do you care about this for? we have much bigger issues. yes and no.
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the biggest issue that you face, i face, we all face right now in this circus of what has become of our political dialogue is the truth. the truth has to matter on every level, if you want to lead us. that's why this story matters. i don't care if bernie sanders thinks a woman can run, win, not run, not win. as long as he makes the case. that's fine. we're still allowed to our opinions in this democracy. and obviously, he knows women can be formidable. one beat him by 4 million votes and he beat this standing president by 2.8 million votes. but the truth matters, jeff. that's why i'm asking you and that's why i don't like that danny devito got pulled. >> the truth does matter, chris. there's no doubt about that. brrndernie sanders, as you knows a well-earned reputation for being authentic, about talking about what's on his mind and not sugar coating things. voters understand that and that's why they like bernie sande sanders. a lot of voters are like, i don't agree with bernie on everything, but he's honest, he doesn't sugar coat it, he's not
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calculating. and i think folks have to weigh that. the truth of the matter is they had a one-on-one meeting and as i said, i think it's fairly likely, based on what i know that the wires got crossed. it was unfortunate that a year after the meeting, frankly, that this was sort of leaked out, dumped out by folks who weren't at the meeting. you know, you've got to ask some questions about that, given that it's three weeks before the iowa caucus. bernie sanders, as you know, because you follow these things very closely is on top of the polls in iowa, on topmost of the polls in new hampshire. tide in nevada and on top of the polls in california and so you do have to wonder about the timing of this, not on the part of senator warren, but some of the people around her. >> she's weighing in on it. and you all are all knotted up and it's a state of con fugitive about what they think beats this sitting president and what they really want. let's go to tomorrow night. >> i will say this. on that point, chris, only when sf it's bernie sanders ahead by three that does cnn run a banner
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that says, it's unclear who's winning. >> don't do that to me. >> it's true, chris. >> it's not true. and just to be clear, you're within the margin of error, that's my point about the whole top of the ticket. but let's just be clear here. let's put our cards on the table. you know me well, brother. i was on "new day" talking to bernie sanders before he was even in the race saying, hey, you're still big on these ideas, they're such big ideas, why don't you run if you want your voice. and he said, nobody wants to hear from bernie sanders about these things. so i have been someone who is a fan -- >> you do -- >> -- voice for a long time. >> agreed. agreed. but the graphics of cnn, somebody else -- >> if it happens on my show, i own it. and you're not seeing it on my show. >> far enouir enough. fair enough. >> tomorrow night, bernie sanders will be there, elizabeth warren will be there. this will be asked about. he's going to say, i didn't say it. she's going to say, you may not
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remember, but you said it. now what? >> that'll be between two senators. thal be on stage and i'm sure it will be asked about given how much coverage it's gotten today. i'm sure they'll talk about it tomorrow and i'll let them talk about it, between two friends on a stage in front of million of peoples. >> what's he going to say? i'm not going to proeview it. >> are they still friends after that? >> of course they're still friends. they've been friends for a long, long time. let's be clear. 21 days before iowa, you throw a story like this, that he's an anti-woman candidate and you're still friends? >> absolutely still friends. absolutely. yes. yes. they have great respect for one another. they're fighting for a lot of the same goals. there's some wires crossed apparently about this story and we have great respect. the truth of the matter is, if you polled our campaign, i would say most of the people on the campaign are second choice warren people. so, you know, we're not going to get into this tit for tat. it's unfortunate that three weeks before the caucus with the polls the way they are, that some folks over there decided to play a little bit of dirty
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politics. i get it, we're big boys and girls, we know how this works, but look, when this is all over, they'll be friends, the party will be united. we'll go out there and beat trump, whoever the nominee is, that's the way it's going to be. >> it's not dirty politics to them and it's not going to be dirty politics to the women listening tomorrow night. they'll want to know what senator sanders has to say about it. and let's be clear, the senator is welcome on this show to discuss policy. i'll give him more time than anybody else and i'll go after policy more than anybody else. he is always welcome here. we miss him, jeff. and i appreciate you being with us. thank you. >> anytime, chris. >> i'll see you in iowa tomorrow. thank you for jumping out in the cold. it's short notice and i appreciate it. >> i'm from vermont. this is not cold. we're good. >> i'm from queens and i'm always freezing. you never know. thank you, jeff weaver. now, had to bring up a little bit -- it's weird when half an hour before your show they pull a guest like danny devito because all of this is going on. obviously, it marrittered. obviously, they're worried about message. they have to be, because tomorrow is a really big night.
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in fact, arguably, the last big night before the votes in 21 days. the cnn democratic presidential debate from iowa begins tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m., eastern. all right? this story is going to matter. why? truth matters, especially now. and on that note, a message to the administration. what you believe is not necessarily fact. when you have facts to back things up, you present them. and then it makes sense that you believe it. if four embassies were about to come under attack or are about to come under attack, why wouldn't you warn the people who protect those embassies? that's one hole in a big, fat swiss cheese of a story. facts first, next. still fresh... ♪ unstopables in-wash scent booster ♪
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story about why the united states took out an iranian general. and this comes from the president's two biggest defenders. president trump and those of us in his national security team are reestablishing deterrence. real deterrence, against the islamic republic. >> it reestablished deterrence. it responded to attacks that had been already committed. >> so, it was about deterrence, meaning, i'm going to stop you so you don't do something i don't want you to. they're not even saying the word "imminent" anymore. and if it is about deterrence and likely was, if you want to believe them this time, fine! there's no problem being about deterrence, except it requires congressional authorization. that's what matters. remember the concept. not good guy/bad guy, should you take him out, should you not? you don't want a president, any president, let alone trump, playing politics with our
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military without congressional buy-in, like the founders demanded. now, we have new reporting. they never even told the people in charge of protecting our embassies in iraq of any specific threat. and yet the president told you this. >> i can reveal that i believe it would have been four embassies. >> "he believes." he is not about the facts. and that is our reality. more proof of that. now the secretary of state and the attorney general -- remember them, not just defenders of trump, they're the heads of two of the most important parts of vital institutions. and they're doing duck and cover for the donald. why yet another shift? because we can't find anyone who has seen the intel that would justify the most provocative move of this presidency. who hasn't backed it up? the secretary of defense? >> i didn't see one, with regard
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to four embassies. >> so he didn't see it. not members of his own party. >> i don't recall being told, look, there were four embassies. >> now, let's be clear. embassies in the middle east often are targets. it's an ugly world, especially over there. so much so there are protocols in place for when one's about to be attacked. the state department would issue an explicit warning to those in danger and that makes sense, so they could take follow-up steps to limit their movements and enhanced security. and emergency action committee would be set up at the post to coordinate with d.c. and security staff. and there would be at least a plan to evacuate the staff of the potential target. now, we can't get anyone to say that any of that happened. the state department did send out a security warning, but don't accept that as a substitute here. it wasn't sent to four specific embassies. it wasn't even sent to just embassies in iraq. that warning went to embassies
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around the globe. it is not about imminency, okay? the strike on soleimani wasn't a sure thing. u.s. forces missed another iranian commander in yemen the same night. was that imminent, too? they missed that second target and yet never even mentioned it to you. why not, if this was all so imminent. just some context on this canard. you know who used to demand we get our people out of danger when there's a specific and imminent threat, like there was in benghazi? answer, the man who's now running trump's state department. reminder. >> you choose to put political expediency and politics ahead of the men and women on the ground, for that you'll have to answer to yourself. i find it morally reprehensible. >> morally reprehensible. it was just last week when we all felt exactly how close we are to war. missiles in the air, we all waited. the world waited. and you know what? there was a blessing in this. thank god nobody was hurt.
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but also, for just those moments, we all remembered that we're in it together. and together, you all deserve an answer to a simple question. why did you do what you did? now, the president is hyping up the iran terror threat. there actually was an act of terror on our soil confirmed by the attorney general today. it's leading to the expulsion of nearly two dozen people. why is the president so quiet about it? here's the answer. guess where those people are from? i'll tell you next. a lot of folks ask me why their dishwasher doesn't get everything clean. i tell them, it may be your detergent... that's why more dishwasher brands recommend cascade platinum... ...with the soaking, scrubbing and rinsing built right in. for sparkling-clean dishes, the first time. cascade platinum. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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the president loud on iran. and rightly so. but silent on saudi arabia. why? even as his own administration is expelling 21 saudis who were training on u.s. bases. and once you look in to what the reporting is on what these 21 people were up to, what they were looking at online, the move comes as the attack on the pensacola naval air station,
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remember, for u.s. sailors, shot and killed. they are now officially ruling it terrorism, all right? and that was done by one of these saudi students. a couple of great minds to help us with this one. peter bergen's book is trump and his generals, the cost of chaos. and robert bob baer knows the threat from his time at the cia. gentlemen, thank you for joining me tonight. now, peter, one of the first surprises is how nobody is talking about this. you know, what is it like, fatigue, because we already heard about the shooting in pensacola? the idea that the saudis have almost two dozen guys here and i'm sure you've seen what i've seen, which is the background on how many of them were looking at jihadist information online and that this guy, the shooter was, and no talk from the government. why? >> well, do the thought experiment, chris, where if this was a syrian refugee, president trump would be taking a very different kind of tact. and of course, go back to the travel ban.
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of course, saudi arabia was not subject to the travel ban. a lot of other countries in the middle east, mostly muslim majority countries were. so it just doesn't fit with trump's view of the world, which is the saudis are great. we're selling all of these arms to them and we have a very close relationship with them and he kind of gives them a pass. it thought it was fascinating chris, that it took until now, many weeks later, for it to be termed an act of terrorism by the government, officially, when clearly it was. we had mark esper, the defense secretary, last month saying it wasn't ruled an act of terrorism, when it was blindingly obvious within 24 hours based on what this guy was looking at on social media that this clearly was an act of terrorism. >> proof of performance of what peter's putting out there. listen to the president talking about saudi arabia recently. >> we have a very good relationship with saudi arabia. i said, listen, you're a very rich country. you want more troops, i'm going to send them to you, but you've got to pay us. they're paying us. they've already deposited $1 billion in the bank. >> they got a lot of money, bob.
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nobody cea nobody's disputing that. the question is, would they really send bad guys here to have? would they expect this kind of -- they play dumb about this. we didn't know, we didn't know. are they really not going to know if one of the guys they send over here has jihadist sympathies that is evidenced in his footprint on social media? >> clearly, they are the ones that have to check these guys out, vet them. because we can't do it alone. and without their help, they're going to show up here and they're going to commit murder. the saudis have never gotten a grip on the jihadist threat. that whole society is, it's like swiss cheese with crazy jihadists who are ready to murder. and in the military, in the intelligence services, in the ministries, they're everywhere. they have not been able to get rid of these people, and they won't be able to for generations. but as you said, chris, it's money. look, the president's in business with the saudis and has
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been for decades. triple six fifth avenue. who bailed that out? was that the saudis? we don't know. and they spread money all over washington and the people there will not talk about the saudis. on the other hand, the iranians don't spend money here and they pay for it. >> right, but the iranians -- i don't have to tell you two. you're the experts i lean on. but signaling out iran as a bad actor in the region is a safe bet. the quds force, as you have taught me over the years is a terrorist organization and that's why the u.s. designates them as such. peter, i think what people will be confused about here is the same thing that's vexing me. are the saudis our friends? and if the answer is "yes," does that mean they're just not good enough to root out 21 guys who they sent over here who may have feelings of america being the great satan? >> there's always been a question, chris, about, is saudi arabia the arsonist or the firefighter when it comes to militant islam. and to his credit, mohammad bin
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salman, the crowned prince who really runs the country has made a big effort to put the religious police back in the barracks, he's allowed women to drive, he's liberalizing the society. at the same time, he's also an authoritarian who's invaded yemen and presided over the murder of jamal khashoggi and the blockade of kqatar and othe things. >> but you don't think he would send 21 terrorists here? >> he certainly wouldn't do it intentionally. he himself is actually trying to secularize and put this genie back in the bottle. but it does go to what bob was saying. the society has quite a number of saudis volunteered to fight for isis. so you do have this kind of jihadist kind of mentality, that continues to cy s ts to exist t. and it's shocking to me that people who are vetted, who are military recruits were able to come here, in that number. that is pretty shocking. >> you know, and bob, to your point, let's leave iran out of it. because i think that, you know, it's an easy case to make that
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they're a bad actor in the region. i can't think of any other country, other than saudi arabia, where the -- maybe israel. but they would never do anything like this. they would vet -- they would never allow -- i don't believe israel would ever allow these kinds of people into our country. but what other country can you think of, where the president would have facts like this, 21 of your guys have to go because they have the wrong kinds of thoughts about the united states of america? what other country would get away with that? >> well, it's never happened. the closest is pakistan, but in general, we just give them a pass. look, we gave them a pass on 9/11. we still don't have the answers, how 15 saudis showed up in those airplanes. there was no indictments, no one was named, there was no clarity on this. they have not cooperated with this investigation. so there we have it. >> let me get your brain on something else while i have you. peter, the idea of, hey, it was imminent. if we didn't take out soleimani right when we did, bad things
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were going to happen. my experience with u.s. government officials is that if you have a good threat, you offer it up, you don't have to reveal cis, you don't have to reveal sensitive information to give me the flavor of what you just put down as a threat. they couldn't do that here. now they're saying it's about deterrence. we've had another first, where the president says, i believe it was four embassies. the secretary of defense says i never saw anything that pointed to any specific threat to four embassies. what's going on here in your point of view? >> well, they're tying themselves in a pretzel. but i think what they should have done is said, look, president obama authorized the drone killing of an american citizen called anwar al al lack lackey because he was leading al qaeda in yemen. he made that decision on the fact that this guy was continuously plotting against the united states and that was the standard of imminence that was used in that case. the trump administration would be smart to be talking about that and not being hung up on what particular target it was. obviously this guy was continually plotting, but maybe
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they don't want to credit the obama administration for this kind of thinking. but that would have been a smarter approach. >> except al qaieda is a terrorist organization, not a sovereign. they aren't part of a standing army and military reach, and al qaeda was a party to that 2002 aumf that would have given them more cover. but peter bergen, i appreciate your argument, as always, and your insight. bob baer, thank you so much. appreciate you both. >> thank you. all right. i got a challenge for the president of the united states. and he's still trying to sell us the idea that iran and this general were an imminent threat now that his secretary of state, his attorney general, and his secretary of defense are not. i have a bet for him and an argument. you'll want to hear this, next. . as your broker, i've solved it. that's great, carl. but we need something better. that's easily adjustable has no penalties or advisory fee. and we can monitor to see that we're on track. like schwab intelligent income. schwab!
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was a terrorist. why imminent? crickets. no proof. period. then, the president denies that fact. and says it was about the embassy that they hit in the past and four more. something his inner circle can't back up. >> he didn't site a specific piece of evidence. he probably believed. >> i didn't see one with regard to four embassies. >> embarrassing. then comes where we are now. defy. who cares about the rules in congress and the constitution. look at this. fake news media and the democrat partners. who cares if it was imminent or not. it matters. when clinton talked about whether it was a protest or planned hit in libya. trump folks went nuts. now you say the president says
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there were american lives hanging in the balance. and the choice had to be done. no respect for the legal standard for use of force and that matters. we hear nothing from his defenders. this toxic triple that he does matters to him most of all why his demagogue demands he sew division at all times. he needs to do this so much i bet this president can't go 21 days. how long we have until the iowa caucus. without lying, denying the obvious, about a mistake by him. or defying a norm for his own game. want a bet? iran will be almost impossible to talk about. and win the way he has to. he can't do it there. healthcare will come back into focus with bloomberg.
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he's working it hard. and trump better do better than size jokes with bloomberg. you want to talk real size he can buy and sell trump with ease. always trumped him in new york city in terms of respect and popularity. can trump win if he doesn't keep lying to you about preexisting conditions? 81% of you say what should be obvious. healthcare extremely or very important. of course it is. it's the biggest in our lives other than mortgage. he sent out this whopper. i saved preexisting conditions in your healthcare. i will always protect your preexisting conditions the dems will not. poppycock. he saved it the way you save me from drowning by holding my head under water. how did he save it when he wanted to get rid of it? here's the truth.
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>> obamacare is a disgrace to our nation. >> i have no problem with him holding that position. don't like it, fine. it has flaws. be straight. right at this moment the administration is fighting in federal court to strike down obamacare including protections for people with preexisting conditions. google it. and the defiance. don't fight this in the open. the gop filed a brief last week asking the court not to take up the case. until after the election. how convenience. same time tump tells you he'll reveal the health care plan. after you vote. to my argument slash wager. why does he attack preexisting conditions when so many of you in his own party like it? 58% of you in the party want protection for preexisting conditions. of course you do.
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he needs to do it this way. lie, deny, defy. allowing him to keep people mad and frustrated. he can't win without it. he's not liked enough. he doesn't sell himself well enough to people open minded. example three. sanders volunteers warren. everybody knows her campaign is dead. do i see a feud brewing? this is the equal of a schoolyard punk shouting fight! he needs you to be angry at someone. for you to think he is the only way to beat them. he needs people at each others throats. he needs you at your worst your most suspicious. so you're easy to convince. and easy to satisfy. that's why this is a bet this president would never take.
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it's a wager that even if i win and i would we all lose. that's the problem. my job is point it out. that's the argument. my proof of the president's sewing division illustrated by his new and i argue disgraceful retweets. i'll show it. bolo next. fast. only thermacare ultra pain relieving cream has 4 active ingredients to fight pain 4 different ways. get powerful relief today, with thermacare. car vending machines and buying a car 100% online.vented now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our techno-wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. that's it.
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be on the lookout. lie, deny, defy. latest proof. our president posting this doctored image. dressed in traditional muslim clothing. so in this context that must mean they're terrorist. remember he told you islam hates us. asked about this move on state tv, white house press secretary said this. >> i think the president is making clear that the democrats
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are iranian talking points and taking the side of terrorists and those out to kill the americans. >> really? you can't prove there's imminent si and show the proof. it's on them. be on the lookout the president will do whatever he can to play on prejudice. weakness. because he can't win without it. this wasn't just antimuslim it was antiamerican. again. >> there was so much here. we know the racest whatever. can you call her a press secretary? or a spoke person. >> they give her the title. yes, you can call her that. she may not be acting in one does in that position. >> i would say spokesperson. i'll talk about the tweet and i
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