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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  January 26, 2020 5:00am-6:01am PST

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the president on trial. >> this is trump first. not america first and the result has and will continue to be grave harm to our nation. >> they have the burden of proof and they have not come close to meeting it. plus the debate over new witnesses. >> you can't have somebody who's a national security, if you think about it, he knows some of my thoughts. >> and one week before the first
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2020 votes, new polls in iowa and new hampshire send a clear message. >> when we stand together by the millions, there is nothing that can stop us. >> "inside politics," the biggest stories sourced by the best reporters now. welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. to our viewers in the united states and around the world, thank you for sharing your sunday. the trump impeachment trial resumes monday and it could be over by week's end. trump's time can take up to two more days. and their argument is that trump did nothing wrong and that the democrats were in such a rush, they denied him a fair process and took short cuts that called their work and motives into question. >> the entire quid pro quo theory is based on nothing more than the initial speculation of
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one person. the ambassador sondland. >> they think you can read minds. i think you look at the words. >> the speaker had already said that articles of impeachment would be drafted an when there were no plans to hear from my fact witnesses. that's not due process. >> they're here to perpetrate the most massive interference in an election in american history and we can't allow that to happen. >> the house democrats prosecuting the president say no that it's the white house that has no choice but to distort and distract over three days the democrats painted a damning picture of corruption. withholding a white house meeting and military aid from ukraine. then defiantly refusing to provide congress with any witnesses and documents. >> president trump tried to cover it all up and hide it from the american people.
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and obstruct congress. that's an extraordinary attack on our character. america's a great nation. we can handle adversity better than any other country in the world. but what are we going to do about our character? >> part of the democrats' challenges is arguing their case is rock solid, yet not complete. >> there's a written record of this. there's a written record of what president trump told ambassador sondland right after that call. would you like to see it? it's called mr. morris' notes. it's right there for the asking. would you like to see them? i'll tell you in any courtroom in america you'd get to see them. this should be no different. >> with us this hour to share their reporting and the insights, maggie makerman,
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michael sheriff. where are we this sunday? one of the questions is will they take the next two days and they began yesterday i think the best way to say it is to give the republicans a safe place to stick with the president. >> i think that's right. i think they were trying to send the public a message which i think they did pretty effectively. which is this is taking away an election, this is taking away a vote from you. i think that as long as they can stick to that argument it helps them. i would be very surprised if they use up all of the time they have. they have 24 hours. they have telegraphed pretty clearly that's not going to happen. i think we'll see the most interesting aspects which is likely ken starr and definitely alan dershowitz. they're not part of the white house firmament and they have been involved in the daily meetings so it will be interesting to see how they present it. >> and do you think the president will -- he has -- he could do this over two more days
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but does he give up a day of tv time? you think he's winning and lock it in on monday? >> mcconnell has convinced him, it's taking him some time, back and forth. the president had to be allowed to believe his idea or he wasn't being led along but he's generally done what mcconnell wanted. he wants this over quick. >> and to that point, one of the things that mcconnell said was please minimize attacks on the bidens and minimize going way out into conspiracy spear -- theory land. just because the democrats disagree with how the president did this doesn't make it impeachable. >> let me be clear. disagreeing with the president's decision on foreign policy matters or who's advice he's going to take is in no way an
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impeachable offense. >> now, jay sekulow we're waiting for starr and alan dershowitz and mr. ray, more names more known, mr. sekulow can mix it up. he has gone after biden quite a bit but on the floor of the senate he decided not to at least on day one. >> i was really struck by the tone. i mean, i think we all given what as you say what jay sekulow had done, you know, at the microphones, very heated, lots of sort of fire and brimstone. you saw the preparations for the kind of presentation that the president expects to see on television. and the tone was very dramatically kind of softer than i think we all expected. know we don't know what tomorrow is going to bring. it may be they take a turn and go in that direction. certainly the chief justice's admonition at the beginning of the trial, for everyone to remember where you are may have
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helped but it also just may be that they sort of recognize as you say and to maggie's point they're winning. they don't need to go there so to speak and that let's get this done quickly. >> and an appeal to some of the republicans who maybe were not watching as closely but who have been uncomfortable by the president's conduct. i'm thinking of portman and toomey of pennsylvania. clearly, they will most likely vote to acquit but they have said before they do find this behavior not appropriate. they were not comfortable with it. whether it's impeachable they don't believe that was the case. >> and adam schiff tried to play to that. they know that the republicans say things privately they won't say publicly. they know an overwhelming vie
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what rudy giuliani was up to. and adam schiff is trying to play the president's team is going to tell you this was fine, he doesn't trust the intelligence services, so he'll use rudy giuliani, give me a break. >> they're going to the president's personal lawyer. does that sound like an official policy to try to fight corruption? why would you go outside the normal channel to do that. you wouldn't. no, you go to your personal attorney, who's on a personal mission that he admits is not foreign policy. when your objective has nothing to do with policy. when your objective is a corrupt one. >> a strong argument and a strong case. the question is did he change the minds that need to be changed? >> i don't know that he changed any minds but when shift and the democrats are presenting on that argument the national security argument, the anti-russia, we'll take on putin and trump isn't,
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when you're in the room when we're in the chamber up above in the gallery, you can see the republicans' side tense up. because they're not comfortable with it. the pat toomeys and rob portmans they're uncomfortable with that argument because deep down they agree up, you know, hating the soviet union and wanting to challenge them and that puts the democrats in the strongest -- they argue about the gao says this part of the law made it illegal. that doesn't do -- score points with republicans. that argument on national security does. >> and so to that point, so they see mr. schiff they gave him credit. yeah he presented a pretty compelling case. so one of the challenges for the president's team is to make this about politics. as much as they can. so adam schiff did in a hearing a couple of months ago through the parody of the president that did not literally represent what the president said on that july 25th call. one of the president's attorneys
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is saying this proofs -- should prove to all of you they're not serious. >> that's fake. that's not the real call. that's not the evidence here. that's not the transcript that mr. cipollone just referenced. and we can shrug it off and say we were making light or a joke. but that was in a hearing in the united states house of representatives discussing the removal of the president of the united states from office. >> that is not a weighty factual or weighty legal argument but to the idea that the democrats wanted to impeach the president, i think they need to stay loyal. >> i think that's the white house's most effective argument. they have been laying that out over the last several weeks that this dates back to and they point to a story in "the washington post" about how the democrats were already preparing for the president's impeachment before he had been sworn in or right after he was sworn in.
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that this was essentially the goal of the mueller report according to them and now that the democrats have stumbled on to something they can use. i think this -- i think mike pompeo telling the npr reporter about whether or not the americans care about ukraine is unwise. but most americans are not deep into the foreign policy aspects of this and they kind of catch a glimpse of this and that's really all they hear. so the more they're making the political argument they're reaching the votes. >> the quicker they can get to the conclusion, especially when the democrats do. but if the democrats lay out the facts of this it's pretty damning. so we'll have more on the case throughout the hour. if you're right, the president's team wraps up on monday here's the -- >> they might. >> they might. >> or the full -- or wrap up early tuesday. you had monday and tuesday, the trump defense team and then 16
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hours to ask questions especially if the president's team doesn't take all of the time and we get to the senators we start the senators some time on tuesday. this could -- unless the republicans lose votes, unless some math change happens over by the end of the week, correct? >> correct. that's the scenario that mitch mcconnell and most of the leadership had envisioned for a time. there was some waffling how long they wanted it to go but they said about two weeks. give the appearance that this is a fulsom trial we're giving both sides enough time to get their arguments. if there's a majority of witnesses then all bets are off. we don't know how long this is going to go. we don't know if the white house exerts privilege, whether this get into the big legal fight and it gets very messy which mitch mcconnell clearly want to avoid. we're looking at that state of the union this coming -- or a week from thursday when if the president is acquitted by then that does give him a very big microphone to be able to talk
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about, you know, being acquitted by the senate and then going on to talk about the other policy agendas and other policy matters for the election year. >> the collision of the calendar part is still -- you look at it. we'll continue the conversation. up next the president is a star witness at his own trial. "inside politics" is brought to you by -- whatever happens out there today, remember,
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wouldn't that be great? i would love to sit in the front row and stare in their corrupt faces. it love to do it. >> oh, one of the president's lawyers was very quick to label the idea of the president actually coming to the senate trial a bad idea. but while the president is not attending the trial, he is very much a part of the proceedings. >> russia, if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. i have president putin, he just
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said it's not russia. i will say this. i don't see any reason why it would be, but i do want to see the server. >> you want that kind of interference in our elections? >> it's not an interference. if they have information i'd take it. china started an investigation into the bidens. president zelensky, if it were me i'd start an investigation into the bidens. >> we talked a bit about this, but the democrats get the math and those comments from the president. especially him standing next to putin and repeating the russian propaganda makes the republicans stare at the ground but will it change the votes? >> the more that the arguments are being laid out by democrats, republicans -- it's not just the trump defense team giving then space but they're trying to give
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their own. schiff has been reading a cbs news story about threatening them which i don't think that the white house is doing. that became an affront because there was the phrase put heads on the pike, i think that was the reason they were i think ary. i think the republicans are looking for any reason to say see, this is silly, i'm with the president. one of the things that the president has been incredibly successful with over the last three or four years is turning everything into the up and down referendum on himself and making people choose. >> to your point he's doing it this morning. the impeachment hoax is the likes of which has never been seen before. in two years to do nothing democrats have seen the phony case absolutely shredded and he goes on to criticize adam schiff. 330 retweets in the last few days. look, you know, some those again would flunk the fact check test but he understands the goal here.
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keep republicans on team trump and this is over by friday or saturday. >> yes. and that they have latched on to the idea and he -- in his tweet, massive election interference. he is accusing the democrats of what they are accusing him of doing. that's always like a safe place for mitch mcconnell. he loves to be able to find the democratic precedent to justify his own version of things. and that's going to be ultimately for those lamar alexander and pat toomeys, if they say to the voters back home there's a jury. it's you the voters you'll decide in november. >> and so one of the president's attorneys yesterday was making his case. democrats jumped on it to see that helps us makes our call for witnesses. let's see. >> not a single witness testified that the president himself said that there was any connection between any
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investigations and security assistance, a presidential meeting or anything else. >> they kept saying there were no eyewitness accounts but there are people with eyewitness accounts. the very four witnesses and the very four sets of documents we have asked for. >> quick response from senator schumer. again, my question is i know i'm a broken record, pretty power case. you say there's no firsthand questions. he's have mick mulvaney, john bolton, let's have their emails but -- >> but there has been an inherent tension in the democratic sort of mission here from the very beginning which is they come into the senate wanting to say this is a rock solid case. you know, we have mountains of evidence. information, there was an amazing little visual moment yesterday morning when the house managers had four senate pages wheeling big carts filled with boxes and binders sort of as a show into the senate to sort of suggest look, this is how powerful our case is.
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look at how much evidence we have. at the same time, they're arguing we don't have enough witnesses because we need more documents and that has been there from the beginning. the white house did own the door a little bit by suggesting you know there are things we need know more about. but that's sort of the back drop in which the political considerations are made about the witnesses. >> and in that tension, michael is right. it's been there for some time. but it's interesting to see which republican senators have picked up on the talking point and it's lisa murkowski herself. she said if the house felt these witnesses and felt this evidence was so compelling why didn't they fight this out earlier? so while we're reading the tea leaves i thought it was a significant statement. because susan collins and mitt romney have boxed themselves in voting at the end of the day. romney keeps saying he wants to hear from bolton, but i thought
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murkowski and where she's going is interesting and constructive. >> this is cory gardner up for re-election in colorado. a state who is likely to be blue, very hard if you're a red republican senator to win in a presidential year. so you think he's looking to show his independence, but -- >> we'll have a continued trial of witnesses after we hear from the house and it will continue this week. >> hoping to hear from mick mulvaney? >> as the door closes. the house had their chance, we have enough. >> i think your point is as the doors closed. gardner has not been a witness really who the white house is concerned. i think that's important. there was speculation that he was early on. lamar alexander is where their focus is and has been and they're feeling encouraged by what they're saying. but the fact that the house
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didn't subpoena these folks was always going to be something that republicans were going to be able to point to and say why should we do this for you and to lay it out as to why pelosi and others wanted to do this quickly. but those are political concerns. if the argument is going to be, you know, we need to know the truth and get at the truth voters can ask a legitimate question of why these witnesses were not subpoenaed. >> you make a key point about lamar alexander former -- you know, aid to howard baker way back in days. he knows where his instinct is would be. he doesn't like the way that the president conducts himself so will he disrupt the republican vote? coming up, what should john bolton do? cologuard:
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one of the house democratic managers zoe lofgren this is impeachment number three. she was a staffer when the house judiciary committee built the case against nixon and a member of the committee in the bill clinton impeachment and now helping to make the case against president trump. >> even president nixon who famously attempted to defy a subpoena for tape recordings, he let the most senior staff testify before congress. now compare to president trump. he publicly attacked the house's impeachment inquiry and he ordered every single person working in the executive branch to defy the house impeachment inquiry. >> cnn legal analyst ross garber and michael garr gerhart and
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maggie makerman is still with us. it was almost trumpian, everything this president does is bigger and better and zoe lofgren is trying to make the case that we have never seen defiance of the constitutional order like this. is she right? >> yeah. i'm not aware of such a blanket refusal to produce information. that is true. you know, but i think what he -- what the president would probably say is unlike nixon he actually did produce the tapes here. he produced the call record. i'm concerned though about this article of impeachment. thing article is -- the article about obstruction of congress is particularly weak. president's going back to washington have asserted privileges and immunities and objections. and president obama's attorney general was cited for civil and civil contempt of congress and i would say that's dangerous to say that's a basis for impeachment. >> one of the questions can the
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democrats get witnesses and the white house has sent clear including these words from the president that even if you have the votes to get john bolton we i'll try to gum up the works. >> i would rather interview bolton, a lot of people. the problem with john is that it's a national security problem, you know? you can't have somebody who's a national security and if you think about it, john, he knows some of my thoughts. >> if and it's big if the democrats can find four votes and get a subpoena for john bolton and the chief justice of the united states signed the subpoena, can he gum it up for weeks or settle it in the senate? >> they'll try to gum it up in the counters so that's been part of the difficulty. nobody expects the president and the team to simply comply with the subpoena.
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as ross himself just said and i agree, never before in american history has a president refused any part of the congressional branch to comply with the inquiry. the second thing to understand about that, impeachment is in the constitution as a check against presidential misconduct but the president has undermined it by ordering people like bolton and others not to show up. so what we're seeing is if the president's strategy and obstruction to some extent continues to work, impeachment becomes a novelty. no way to hold him accountable through the one process which is meant to hold him accountable. >> one of the interesting things here is new information. whether it says that the president broke the law, that happened with withholding the aid that happened after and now the impeachment vote and now you have the tape recordings brought forward by rudy giuliani's partner, lev parnas and igor
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fruman. president trump says he doesn't know them. >> i think if you take -- the biggest problem there where we need to start is we have to get rid of the ambassador. she's still left over from the clinton administration. >> the ambassador of ukraine? >> yeah, she is walking around and telling everybody, wait, he'll get impeach. >> really? >> it's incredible. >> get rid of her. get her out tomorrow. i don't care. take her out okay? do it? >> maggie, you know the president well. get her out. that language might be offensive to some people, but he says i have the right to name my ambassadors. my point is what the democrats have tried to shame this republican senator -- you know books will be written. you know more information will come out. things like this. is it an effective part of their argument or was nancy pelosi right at the beginning and maybe they should have not have
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impeached and as the new things come out they can hold them up. >> i think you can make a case in either direction. lev parnas is indicted and i've said this in the last couple of days for the last two years of the presidency, voices who were oppositional to trump got a lot of credibility that they shouldn't have had. i think it's important to look at this and parnas produced this tape and he has the right to fire the ambassador. but then they claim he didn't do this. i don't think that that from lev parnas is going to be compelling to republicans to say you know what, there might be more. i think it would have to take other information related to other sources. but i just think coming from them won't move the dial. >> ross and michael, jump in on that as you will. we'll have at least one more day or two more days of the president's argument. we saw the overview yesterday. just help our viewers understand what you're looking for and
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whether you think they have been effective so far. >> we'll be seeing a lot of debate about witnesses before the senate and one point worth emphasizing that the senate has subpoena authority but the house has subpoena authority. the house has the same level of subpoena authority as the senate. there's nothing stopping the house from issuing subpoenas to witnesses at all. but, you know, in terms of the president's presentation, i'll be looking to see if it's as tight as they have been so far and how far they go with the bidens. >> michael? >> well, two quick thoughts, the house did issue subpoenas and secondly the house tried to negotiate with bolton among others to testify. so the house did try but bolton was ordered by the president not to cooperate. he's not on the one. the president ordered not to cooperate. the second thing as we watch the white house lawyers and even ken starr and alan dershowitz i
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can't help but think of legal ethics. the lawyers have to be ethical and truthful in the tribunal and i'm anxious to see to what extent the lawyers continue to misrepresent and correct -- and state incorrect facts and that puts them in danger of losing the license. >> thank you. next, we shift to 2020 politics. bernie sanders pulls ahead in the first two states on the calendar. i wanted my hepatitis c gone.
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we have some new new hampshire poll numbers to unveil this sunday and they're more proof that bernie sanders is the candidate with more momentum. iowa votes first a week from tomorrow. "the new york times" college poll puts the vermont senator on top. new hampshire eight days after iowa. our new poll released right now, well, it shows bernie sanders leading there as well.
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let's take a look. among democrats likely to vote in the primary in new hampshire, 25% for bernie sanders. joe biden at 16%. buttigieg at 15% and warren down to 12%. bernie sanders is up, senator warren has dropped. sanders on top work etold you in iowa. new hampshire next and bernie sanders is leading the pack. why is this happening? sanders is a favorite of progressives. 39% of self-described liberals are for sanders. 21 for warren. buttigieg, up 13 points since october. bernie sanders among the liberal and progressive voters. this change is the biggest factor in bernie sanders getting momentum in the race. also, top choice among women in the race. let me bring this up as well here. women who are going to vote in the new hampshire democratic primary, sanders at 27, warren down at 14. lost seven points and sanders has gained eight.
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he's leading here in new hampshire. we told you he's leading in iowa. bernie sanders, happy. >> all across the country, let me tell you, that the big money interests are getting very nervous. they're looking at recent polls in new hampshire and in iowa. and they're saying, oh, my god, sanders can win. >> cnn's abby phillips and lisa lair join the conversation. sanders can win. that is a sentence that was of not spoken all that often in 2016 even though he ran a strong campaign against hillary clinton. in 2020 as we get ready for the first votes sanders can win. >> yeah. i think there was a feeling for a long time that the democratic party that bernie sanders wasn't that much of a threat because it
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wasn't possible for him to actually capture the nomination. that sentiment is definitely changing and along with it fears that the primary can extend far into the spring. if not the convention and that's a situation the can hurt the party. you're hearing those kind of anxieties being discuss more and more among the democrats. but we see bernie sanders consolidate as the moderate side of the party as they try to figure out who the standard-bearer will be. the party is split, whether they want to come out of the process with a nominee who is more liberal or more moderate an i think that's what we will see these races test. that's what we'll come out with an answer to. >> the first votes eight days away and in new hampshire, it's getting chippy out. there i expect it will get sharp chippy. the democrats when you ask what
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is most important, beating trump they say. and look at the numbers. in the new hampshire poll who has the best chance to win in november? democratic voters still think joe biden by a big margin over bernie sanders. but yet, when you say who is strongest against donald trump, then what is it? why are democrats looking at this race differently? >> i think bernie sanders is benefiting from democrats being on the moderate side being split about joe biden. there are a lot of moderates who believe that biden is the strongest but they want to entertain someone else. they have a couple of over options, they have pete buttigieg and amy klobuchar but at the same time, i like to describe the voters as being kind of pundits in some ways. i do think that what -- for bernie sanders the reason he benefits at this stage from these voters is because they
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look back on 2016 and they remember the narrative that he did well with the same types of white working class voters that donald trump did. and they think that that's important. so they give him credit for being legible in that way. i think that's why he's benefiting and joe biden is -- >> we played you alexandria ocasio-cortez and michael moore saying take a risk on bernie. you see a biden campaign ad, listen. >> every day he's president, trump poses a threat to america and to the world. this is no time to take a risk. we need our strongest candidate. so let's elect the one that trump fears the most, biden.
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>> should biden have an obama ad, a health care ad up now as we head into the democratic contest? >> look, electability has been the primary issue and particularly older voters who tend to turn out in higher numbers typically want someone that they feel can beat donald trump. that's a core part of biden's argument. it's also an unsolvable puzzle. it is impossible to know who is the most electable until you're in the general election. but that's part of why i think we can see a big shift in the race once we have candidates actually winning contests. what makes you look more electable than winning something so once we have someone coming out of iowa or new hampshire we could see a sense of momentum more than in the primary season that overtakes the race. >> senator sanders is strong in
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iowa. if bernie sanders wins iowa, joe biden wins in south carolina, none of the liberals can win and that's why you need me. but elizabeth warren she owned this summer. she was the rising star, she has struggled in the fall as we head into the contests early in the winter season. she's trying to convince her supporters and she does have a good organization in the states she's saying come back to me. >> is this is no time -- this is no time to think small. this is no time to look back. this is no time for a vague campaign that nibbles around the edges of big problems. this is no time to look sideways away from bigotry and racism. this is no time to think small. >> it's interesting, no time to think small on the front and the
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back of that piece of sound right now. that's a play to progressives. let's do big, bold ideas and then in the middle don't in a vague campaign, let's not nibble around the edges. this is a big test for her. she owned the campaign for a stretch. not now. >> she continues to critique the moderates and the polling seems to suggest it's really sanders who has kind of gobbled up some of her voters. i consider some of the people that sanders has brought back into his fold people who might have supporter him in 2016 who flirted with warren over the summer who thought she might be able to carry some of his sort of his ideas and have left her largely for land -- sanders. she has to get the people back. it's an interesting choice to focus on joe biden and pete buttigieg by and large and to some extent amy klobuchar. but the problem for elizabeth warren at this particular moment she has to get her left flank
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back into the fold. >> sit tight. up next for us, we'll flip to the side. the president is on the ballot in new hampshire and it shows some evidence of the tight grip on the republican party. your move-in-day feast, your bold canine caper, your dinner in the dark, your mammoth masterpiece, (whispering) your 3:47am snack, and whatever happened here. oscar mayer is found in more fridges than anyone else, because it's the taste you count on. make every sandwich count. but one blows them all out of the water. hydro boost with hyaluronic acid to plump skin cells so it bounces back... neutrogena® and for body... hydro boost body gel cream. so it bounces back... little things can be a big deal. psoriasis, that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream.
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with the impeachment trial beginning this week, we have a new poll that primary voters are backing trump for the gop nomination, 9 in 10. statewide, the approval rating is up 6% from october and including a boost from republicans and independents and remember that hillary clinton w won new hampshire in 2016, but barely. and many said that they would vote to re-elect the president, and 46% said they would vote
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against him. and now, ahead of the first caucus and the first primary, and in the latest campaign ad aimed for keeping those loyal. >> and nancy pelosi and those on the far left are trying to overturn his election with a sham impeachment, and trying to silence the american people. >> and now, when it comes to the electoral college, these are two states that the president will want to play in and looking at the strong republican numbers and if you are one of the senators looking at voting against the president, he has the grip of the party. >> yes, they continue to unify around him and he has delivered something for all of them, the fiscal conservatives with the tax break and conservatives with abortion and moves in foreign policy to satisfy the hawkish
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part of the party and he has done a number of things to keep the base unified behind him. that is a core part of the re-election strategy is to get the base to turn out, and the question is whether the democrats will get their base to turn out in higher numbers and get lower propensity voters, younger voters, and voters of color the come out in large numbers, and that is going to defend in part on who is going to capture the nomination. >> without a doubt. should the president be removed in new hampshire, 40% say yes, and 53% say no. stay tuned for jake tapper and "state of the union" and his guest is one of the impeachment managers zoe lofgren and also robert ray. en yjoy your sunday. as mayor, mike bloomberg slashed carbon emissions
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6:00 am
union. trump's turn. the president's lawyers get their shot to try to save his presidency, deciding the best defense is a good offense. >> they are asking you to tear up all of the ballots across this country. >> what can we expect next? republican senator james lankford is going to join me in minutes. and plus, the prosecution rests. the democrats wrap up the case against president trump with a plea for senators to want to hear more. >> give america a try, she is worth it. >> and a call to have more witnesses, and did they convince key senators? >> the orders were cl


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